WEEKLY Edition November 23, 2014
Hope of
A word of hope to begin the holiday season.
service of hope | TODAY | 4:00 p.m. | Chapel
Times of grief, illness, crisis and life transitions are realities to us all. Dealing with those in our daily lives can be trying and especially difficult during the holiday season. The Service of Hope is a worship service for people whose personal loss, illness, struggles with grief or loneliness make the holiday season a challenge. Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor of Second Baptist Church, will share a message of hope and healing as together we worship the God of all hope and comfort. Fellowship will follow after the service in the Welcome Center. All are welcome. The Service of Hope is an outreach of the 2BC Stephen Ministry.
Visit our website: Church office: 816-781-2824
coming up @ 2bc Church-Wide Join us as we start the season of Advent together at Come to Christmas (formerly called Hanging of the Green) in the Sanctuary. We’ll sing songs of the season, hear the prophecies of the coming Christ, and listen to our children’s choirs sing. Then we’ll move to the Social Room for fellowship with warm treats, fun songs, a special musical treat from the Student Choir, and for a limited engagement— a world-renowned choir making ground-breaking history in its Liberty debut.
Advent 2014 Preview Beginning next Sunday, we enter a sacred time of waiting and preparation...Advent. You won’t want to miss a Sunday as we prepare our hearts and minds for the coming Christmas celebration. Members of 2BC have contributed writings to our Advent Devotional book, which will be available to pick up next Sunday and also posted each day on the 2BC Facebook page ( and in your email inbox if you receive our email newsletter. November 30 | O Come, Thou Wisdom | Isaiah 11:1–9 December 7 | O Come, Our Dayspring | Isaiah 58:1–11 December 14 | O Come, Desire of Nations | Isaiah 9:1–7 December 21 | O Come, Emmanuel | Isaiah 7:1–17 December 24 | Decoding Advent | Luke 2
NEW Advent Flower Opportunity This year, on each Sunday of Advent, large fresh flower arrangements will be provided to honor/ remember our loved ones at this special time of year. If you wish to help us fill the sanctuary with flowers, you can contribute and have your loved one’s name added to the dedication in the worship guide by filling out a request form and donating at least $10 toward the flowers. A member of the Arts and Environment Committee will be in the Welcome Center today to take donations/submissions. Deadline for requests is Sunday, Nov. 30. If you have questions, please contact Patsy Triplett at
Annual Parents’ Night Out | Dec. 5 | 6:30-9:00 p.m. | It’s Free!
Parents’ Night Out
It’s time to celebrate the season for children and parents! Our annual Parents Night Out is a free gift, ready for you to accept! Children birth through 5th grade can join us for a Christmas party with games, crafts, and snacks while their parents enjoy a night to themselves to shop, have a date, sit in the tub, or vegetate! You must register your children by Dec. 3 so we can plan for workers and supplies. Register online or pick up a form in the Welcome Center give to Maggie. Please let us know on the form if there are ANY allergies we need to know about as we plan snacks.
Turning Christmas Upside Down
Why are we turning Christmas Upside Down?
To remind everyone that, with a few tweaks to your thinking about how you celebrate Christmas, you can promote just and fair practices in your gift giving, support small, entrepreneurial businesses, advocate for those who are marginalized or vulnerable, and support in a healthier and more dignified way those who might be struggling this year to provide Christmas for their families. Have a family discussion to see if any of these tweaks would work for you this Christmas.
The three tweaks are: Level Playing Field Commerce | We believe
in supporting small farmers or co-ops, good and humane labor practices around the world, and areas where the people are using their own abilities and resources to move from poverty and vulnerability. Action step: Purchase items at 2BC Fair Trade Shop through Dec. 21.
Using E-Commerce | When you make purchases
online through the 2BC Living Zoe portal (2bcliberty. org/livingzoe), a percentage of items purchased online supports ministries engaged directly with abandoned children, those being rescued from sex trafficking, or escaping from being forced child soldiers. In addition, the Second Baptist Christmas Store receives part of the percentage to purchase gifts. Action step: Navigate to your favorite shopping website by first visiting the 2BC Living Zoe page: and clicking “Shop For Our Cause.� There’s no additional cost!
The Christmas Store Dec. 12-13 | Like last year, we will again
provide referred families a way to shop, purchase and wrap gifts for their children as an alternative to having an organization hand them gifts. We received many thank yous from parents for allowing them to provide Christmas and not have to rely on outside organizations or ministries. Action step: Donate new, unwrapped toys to stock the Christmas Store.
300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068
Please note that Wednesday evening activities will be suspended Nov. 26, for Thanksgiving holiday week. We will resume activities Wednesday, Dec. 3.
this week
Sunday, November 23 | Service of Hope | Fair Trade Shop Open 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:45 11:00 4:00 5:30 6:45
Worship (Tutt Chapel) Student Handbells Children’s Choirs Bible Study for all ages Worship (Sanctuary) Service of Hope : Sanctuary Student Choir Student Innermission : Student Room (309)
Wednesday, November 26 Church Office Closed at Noon for Thanksgiving No Wednesday Night Activities
For the rest of the story and some pictures from the dinner, visit the 2BC Blog @
Much To Be Thankful For A warm and cheery crowd from our 2BC family gathered Wednesday night at Heritage Hall for a celebration of Thanksgiving and all that we have to be thankful for...
November 20, 2014
on the blog...
Thursday, November 27 | Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving! Church Office Closed
Friday, November 28 Church Office Closed
Sunday, November 30 | First Sunday of Advent | Fair Trade Shop Open 6:00
Come to Christmas : Sanctuary
(The events listed here are in addition to our regular Sunday schedule.)
Christmas Carols for Christmas Eve Gathering Children and students taking music lessons are invited to begin now preparing Christmas carols appropriate for worship to play during our Christmas Eve Worship. All instruments are welcome, in addition to piano. Contact Ann Posey at if you are interested in playing.
Follow us @2bcliberty Questions? Contact us by phone or email, or visit us online: