> Lent 2014 & Holy Week
> Students/Children/Sr. Adults
> NEW Website Launch
> SEND Opportunities
Welcome Center and Coffee Bar
Kansas Street Entrance (South)
8:30 a.m. Worship Tutt Chapel
Leonard Street Entrance (West)
9:45–10:45 a.m. Bible Study for All Ages 11:00 a.m. Worship Sanctuary
Franklin Street Entrance (North)
How many foolish things have we done in response to these three little words? I – Dare – You. What follows them is almost always a risk. Attempt that trick, taste that food, engage in that mischief, call that girl…try your hand at something that may result in danger, amusement, growth, suffering, simple success or an unexpected fortune.
Faith Community Newsletter
MARCH | April | may
Second Baptist Church ..................................................................................
Sunday Mornings with Us . . .
The outcome of the risk could be silly or seismic, but whatever the outcome might be, there’s something about those three little words that tempt most of us, for better or for worse, to give something a try. I’m hoping that is something that may hold true for many of us during this Lenten season. We often think of Lent as a season of repentance, penitence, and preparation. It is. The practice of giving something up for Lent is one of the ways we prepare ourselves for the possibility of Easter transformation. But it’s not the only way. In fact, I believe the practice of giving things up can be greatly bolstered by the practice of taking things up. This Lent I want to lay before you several practices that just might change your life. Of course, you won’t hear about all of them in time to make them your 40-day
Lenten commitment. Perhaps you’ll consider looking ahead and choosing to test one of these habits as part of your Lenten journey. Or perhaps as you hear about them, you’ll consider looking beyond Lent and using one of these habits to nurture an Easter way of life. Either way, I’m laying down the gauntlet. These practices won’t be easy. Most them will grate against your very way of life. Because they represent a different way of life. A difficult way of life–that just might lead to a dynamically abundant way of life. At least that’s my hope. So go ahead, take a look at the list of topics, consider the possibilities, and for Christ’s sake, choose to take up a least one of them this year. Come on. I triple-dog-dare-you. Jason | Senior Pastor
LENT March 9 | Create Space March 16 | Cultivate Awareness March 23 | Be Neighborly March 30 | Let It Go April 6 | Nurture Gratitude (Disciple Now Weekend)
all-church events HOLY WEEK Palm Sunday | SUNDAY, April 13
Message: Practice Submission | Ephesians 5: 21–33
Lenten Lunch | Wednesday, April 16 12:00 p.m. Guest: Carmen Lile-Henley Chaplan, Liberty Hospital
Maundy Thursday | Thursday, April 17 7:30 p.m. Communion & Drama
Good Friday | Friday, April 18
7:30 p.m. Message: Live Honestly | Hebrews 4:14–16; 5:7–9
Easter Egg Hunt & BREAKFAST Saturday, April 19 9:00 a.m. (Social Room) Breakfast is for everyone! Hunt is for children through fifth grade.
Easter | Sunday, April 20
7:30 p.m. Message: Seek Christ | Colossians 3: 1–4
Second Baptist Church
Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 19 Easter Egg Hunt Candy Donations Needed! The annual Easter Egg Hunt is approaching and that means we need candy! Lots of candy! We will fill and distribute over 2400 eggs for this annual event, so we need your help. All candy donations must be individually wrapped and able to fit in an Easter egg. Suggestions: Starbursts, mini Tootsie Rolls, chocolate eggs, Smarties, Sweet Tarts, etc. Candy containing peanut products cannot be used due to peanut allergies. Please bring your donations to the Welcome Center and place them in the crate labeled for the Egg Hunt. Donations are needed by April 10. Questions? Call or email Debbie Lane (781-9281 or dlane@kc.rr.com) 2
Beneath the Cross of Jesus evensong
Assembly Room 6:30–7:15 PM (starts March 12)
A home within the wilderness, a rest upon the way. An exhibition of crosses at Second Baptist Church
Sunday, April 6–Good Friday, April 18 The Oak Room
The cross means many things to many people. For some, it is a piece of jewelry worn around the neck or on the lapel; for others, it is a visual in the Sanctuary; and for others, it is a deeply meaningful symbol of the Savior’s love for all people. This year, during the last days of Lent and during Holy Week, we would like the congregation to share their crosses with each other in an exhibition in the Oak Room. We would like to invite you to bring your cross to display. We hope that there will be a variety of sizes, styles, shapes, and materials, including jewelry (all jewelry shared will be shown in a locked display case). Please bring your cross(es) to Allan Aunspaugh by Sunday, March 30. Include the following information:
Your Name How you obtained the cross What the cross is made of What significance the cross has for you
For questions please contact Allan at the church or by email: aaunspaugh@2bcliberty.org
On Wednesday nights during Lent, we traditionally have a small, contemplative worship service we call evensong. During this time we think, pray, feel, listen, and worship together as we allow God to speak to us. This year we will be focusing on the raw honesty that we find in the Psalms. We all live in a constant state of denial. Culture tells us all problems are solvable, or at least manageable; we simply need to try (or buy) the right solution. Our self-help, pop-a-pill culture is prone to masking symptoms and calling that mask a cure. But as long as we deny our pain, we lose the danger of the Gospel–the part where we truly lament, cry out, and feel-and in doing so, we lose the depths of its goodness. During the Wednesday nights of Lent, we will be exploring Psalms as scripts for lament-guides for how to express feelings honestly, in ways normally not permitted or expected within Christian community. In the midst of these four weeks, discover the fullness of our humanity that lies beyond our pain. March 12
Psalm 88 | Sherry McGlaughlin
March 19 No Wednesday Night Activities (Spring Break) March 26
Psalm 74 | Sanford Beckett
April 2
Psalm 137 | Kristin Wooldridge
April 9
Psalm 126 | Tyler Tankersley
all-church event Children’s Musical
Coffee with the Pastor
6:30 p.m. Social Room
9:45 a.m.
Wednesday, April 30
God of This City Imagine you are given a challenge to find a way to make a difference in your city. What would you do? What difference could you make? After all, you're only a child! Through this musical, be challenged, inspired and encouraged by the decisions made by the characters Meg, Tim, Lily, Matt and Zach, as they make waves to save a homeless shelter slated to be shut down by the city. With God's help, and through their desperate quest to keep the shelter open, these children realize they can make a difference right where they live. HE is God of This City!
Come join the children as they share what they have learned this spring in choir!
wmu Women’s Spring Fling Saturday, May 3
9:30–11:30 a.m. Cost: FREE Northgate Baptist Church For women and girls. Join us on Saturday, May 3, for our annual Spring Fling brunch for women and girls. This year we’ll join the WMU Northland group at Northgate Baptist Church. Our guest speakers will feature representatives for the Shepherd Center and the Ronald McDonald House. Watch for more information about reservations coming soon.
Sunday, April 6
Oak Room (Room 301) Join us on Sunday, April 6, for an informal coffee with Pastor Jason Edwards and a few members of Second Baptist Church. Ask questions and chat about Second Baptist, how things work, and just anything you might want to know as you get more familiar with the faith family at Second. Please RSVP to Maggie Henderson at mhenderson@2bcliberty.org or call the church office at 816.781.2824.
2BC Church Picnic
& annual birthday party
Sunday, May 26
4:00 p.m.– dark Bennett Park (at the Shelter by the Ball Field) 4:00 p.m. Softball, volleyball, playground, ultimate Frisbee, hanging out 5:30 p.m. Hot dogs and hamburgers, baked beans, chips, beverages 6:30 p.m. Birthday recognition. Special guests are those with a zero in their age this year. Birthday cake for all! Join us when you can. Stay as long as you want! Directions: Bennett Park is located on Clayview Drive in Liberty between Nashua Road and 152 Highway.
Hope you’ll mark your calendars and plan to join us! 4
all-church event Second Baptist Church
Life Together 2014 Church-wide Adult Retreat June 6–8 at Second Baptist Church
$20.00 | Child-care available (Registration begins April 1)
Join us for this exciting weekend with our special guest Diana Butler Bass. Diana will lead us in an exploration of the role a community of faith has in a diverse, pluralistic culture that is continually shifting and changing. ABOUT DIANA Diana Butler Bass is an author, speaker, and independent scholar specializing in American religion and culture. She holds a Ph.D. in religious studies from Duke University and is the author of eight books, including Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening (HarperOne, 2012). Her other books include A People’s History of Christianity: The Other Side of the Story (HarperOne, 2009), nominated for a Library of Virginia literary award, and the best-selling Christianity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighborhood Church is Transforming the Faith (2006) which was named as one of the best religion books of the year by Publishers Weekly and was featured in a cover story in USA TODAY. Diana regularly consults with religious organizations, leads conferences for religious leaders, and teaches and preaches in a variety of venues. She blogs at The Huffington Post and Patheos and regularly comments on religion, politics, and culture in the media including USA TODAY, Time, Newsweek, The Washington Post, CBS, CNN, FOX, PBS, and NPR.
Special Guest: Diana Butler Bass
From 2002 to 2006, she was the Project Director of a national Lilly Endowment-funded study of mainline Protestant vitality—a project featured in Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times. She and her family live in Alexandria, Virginia.
2bcliberty.org/lifetogether (Registration Opens April 1)
students lent Photo-a-day Lent is a season in which we focus on our relationship with God and what needs to change in our lives. This year our Student Ministiry is going to do an Instagram photo-a-day for Lent. We want you to use your creativity to capture the spirit of the words we provide each day. Find the list of words on our Facebook page (Second Baptist Student Ministry) or pick up a printed card from Tyler to hang as a reminder in your room or locker. Use the hashtag #2BCLent14 and tag @2bcliberty. If you don’t have Instagram, feel free to post it to Facebook.
graduate recognition sunday May 18
GRADUATE RECOGNITION IN WORSHIP Sunday, May 18, is Graduate Recognition Day at Second Baptist Church where we recognize our high school graduates in the 11:00 a.m. worship. We will also recognize college or technical school graduates (from December through this summer) in the worship guide and newsletter on Sunday, May 11 (the last Sunday our Jewell students will be with us). To be included in the worship guide for either of these dates, please contact Maggie Henderson at mhenderson@2bcliberty.org or 781-2824 with your name, school, and degree/program by Sunday, May 4.
STudent Ministry dates to remember Student Sunday
May 4
Sporting KC Game
May 27
Student Mission Trip
June 16–20, 2014
Bridger, South Dakota
– TAG 2BC – @2bcliberty #2BCLent14
Middle School Mission Trip
June 26–29, 2014 St. Louis, Missouri
Student Summer Camp
July 21–26, 2014 Danville, Virginia
DISCIPLE NOW : Live Thanks April 4–6
Cost: $50 6–12 Grades Second Baptist Church
Jess and I are currently trying to teach Henry to be more polite. It’s not that he’s a jerk, but we are trying to help him understand when he needs to say “please” or “thank you.” What is interesting to me is that this does not come naturally to him. Being verbally thankful is something that we have to be taught. And I don’t think I am any different than Henry. I still struggle with being thankful. I have been given so much in my life. I grew up in a great family. I have wonderful friends. I have a beautiful wife and an amazing son. I am healthy and able. I can see. I can hear. There is so much for which I ought to feel grateful. However, if I am not careful, I can get so bogged down in my own pity party that I can quickly forget all of the great things God has given to me. How do we stay thankful? How do we recognize that what we have is a gift? And where does God fit in all of this? That’s what we’ll be talking about at this year’s Disciple Now. We’ll be joined by Meredith Holladay from First Baptist Church in Lawrence, KS. She’ll be leading us in thinking about thankfulness. But that’s not all! We’ll also be playing games, acting stupid, eating junk food, and participating together in a service project in our community. Disciple Now is one of my absolute favorite events of the year. Please, please, please, invite your friends!
You can register at 2bcliberty.org/disciplenow.
Once you’re registered you’ll receive more info in the mail in the coming weeks.
Meredith Holladay is Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation at First Baptist Church, Lawrence, Kansas. Meredith came to Lawrence from Waco, Texas, but considers Louisville, Kentucky, home sweet home and is glad to be a bit farther north. After studying English and Religion at Georgetown College, she continued to collect degrees, earning her M.Div. at Princeton Theological Seminary and Ph.D. in Religion, Politics and Society at Baylor University. Her dissertation focused on theology and popular music, and she’ll gladly swap music recommendations. Her favorite season is Fall, and when not at church, she enjoys finding the best cup of coffee, reading, and running (but not all at the same time!).
Parents’ Day Out
friends gardening together
Are you interested in gardening? If so, consider reserving a plot at Harvest Hill Community Garden, now in its fourth season and located in the northeast corner of the William Jewell Campus. Garden plots are available to work midMarch through mid-November for a small yearly water fee of $10 per small plot (9 X 20) and $20 per large plot (18 X 20).
In 2010 Harvest Hill Community Garden was started as a project of a 2BC Community Group and now provides space for our church members, WJC faculty and staff, and any interested northland residents to garden together. Applications and more information are available online at harvesthill.ning.com. Applications can also be picked up at the Second Baptist Church Welcome Desk. Garden plots will be assigned starting March 17—be sure to submit your application early! Hope to see you in the garden this season. If you are interested in helping with this partnership ministry, please contact the garden organizer, Sara Langford, (816) 522-2136 or email harvesthillgarden@gmail.com.
Tuesdays this Summer June 17, 24 July 1, 8, 22, 29 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Cost: $15.00 each day Ages 3 – PreK (must be toilet trained) Registration begins May 1. Forms will be available in the Welcome Center or register online.
Camp Connect 2014 June 11–13
FIESTA! Where kids are fired up about Jesus Windermere Conference Center, Camdenton, MO For children who have completed third through fifth grades. Camp Connect provides a quality church camp experience with a missions emphasis for children. The camp is a 3-day, 2-night experience which involves Bible study, worship and missions. Highlights of the camp this year will be Wednesday Night Olimpico with wet and wild Olympic-type games and Thursday afternoon canoe races in Windermere Cove. Children must be registered by May 15. Look for more details about registration in the coming month. 8
save the dates SONTREASURE ISLAND Where kids discover God’s love (I Corinthians 13)
Second Baptist Church
Vacation Bible School 2014
July 14–18 Who wouldn’t want to explore a tropical island, with its glittering turquoise waters, warm white sands, and cool ocean breezes? Visitors to SonTreasure Island are welcomed by the scent of exotic flowers, the taste of tropical fruits, and the captivating sound of island music. But this is no ordinary tropical escape! There is treasure to be found here. More precious than gold, more lasting than diamonds, it is the greatest treasure of all—God’s love! At SonTreasure Island, your treasure seekers will play island games, create colorful crafts and enjoy tropical snacks. But more importantly, they will discover the rich treasure of God’s love through the life of Jesus. VBS at Second Baptist Church is for ages four through fifth grade. There is childcare available for younger kiddos for any VBS worker. Join the team of adults and youth who will transform our church building into a paradise of treasures as we seek to help children discover God’s love! We’re looking for volunteers! If you would like to help with VBS in any way, contact Gwen at gphillips@2bcliberty.org.
Children’s Registr Opens Ma ation y 1!
SEND Initiative Mission opportunities Baptist will be joining a small group July 25-August 4 focusing work in Vazec, a small community in north central Slovakia. This is a lead group working with the new Samuel Project-acquiring a house in Vazec and transforming it into a community center and working in the mornings with children in a VBStype format. SEND is offering $500 toward the trip if Slovakia is a new mission opportunity for you. CBF Heartland is also planning a trip to Slovakia and a trip to Bucharest to help teach quilting for women to begin a micro-enterprise in 2015.
Thailand (2014 TRIP FULL) June 9-21
Information about upcoming opportunities for mission involvement this spring and summer includes:
Heifer Ranch (Heifer International) April 4–5
This overnight will introduce you to the thinking behind this long-time ministry of micro enterprise through animal husbandry, clean water projects, empowering women, and promoting sustainable and environmentally healthy farming and gardening. The ranch is located near Perryville, AR. This mission mini-retreat begins with lunch, Saturday, April 4, and concludes with lunch, Sunday, April 5. A church vehicle has been reserved if the there is sufficient need. Anyone is welcome to sign up for this trip, and children of any age are welcome. We will be staying in accommodations at the ranch and there is no cost for this trip. To sign up, see Mike Lassiter or visit us at 2bcliberty.org/send
Slovakia (2014 TRIP FULL) July 25-August 4
Although this trip with Cooperative Baptist Fellowship-Heartland is full, three from Second
This trip working alongside the hill tribe people through the Upland Holistic Development Project is already full. Ten people from Second Baptist Church will be going.
Bridger, South Dakota
on the Cheyenne River Reservation July 26-31 This will be the 11th summer for our church-wide trip to Bridger. The cost of the trip is $80/person and through SEND, it is free for someone going for the first time. We do one and two-day projects, but the main emphasis of the trip revolves around building relationships with the Lakota people through tutoring, meals together, playing together, and hosting a rummage sale. Also, this summer we will be engaged in construction of the Bunk House at the church in Bridger. For more information, contact Mike Lassiter. Sign up by June 29 by going to 2bcliberty.org/send.
Immacolata Manor
This not-for-profit ministry in Liberty provides life-changing habilitation services for persons with developmental disabilities. We will spend a Saturday helping with some projects in the newly opened “My Day” program located on Mill Street. This will be for individuals or families. The Saturday date and how to sign up will be announced. 10
second baptist church
Making space for God’s transforming presence.
• Mowing on zero turn radius lawnmowers, weed eating, deadheading flowers and trimming plants and shrubs.
An adult opportunity for June 16–20 is assisting at Windermere Conference Center in Roach, MO. This large conference center on the Lake of the Ozarks serves up to 1800 people a week in the summer and uses a large number of volunteers in a variety of ways to help the staff.
• Maintenance such as small painting projects, or using your specific skills.
NEW SEND Opportunity for the summer!
Your lodging and meals are provided for you and guests or family can join you for meals at a modest charge. Spouses are included even if not volunteering. A typical workday is 6 hours providing time for relaxing during the day and free evenings. They are currently in need of the following for the weeks of June 16-20 or July 22-26: • Dining Hall needs are servers, wiping tables, sorting silverware and other jobs so 1800 people can eat in 3½ hours. You will have an opportunity to interact with those attending a camp.
• Marina help is needed to check watercraft such as paddleboats, kayaks, etc. in and out. Windermere also provides a small medical incident reimbursement program for volunteers. If you want more information about Windermere, go to their website, windermereusa.org. The Second Baptist SEND Initiative will provide funds for your travel to and from Windermere. Optimal group size for the week is 8-10 people but any size group can be used. If you are interested, contact Mike Lassiter, mlassiter@2bcliberty.org or sign up on the Second Baptist website at 2bcliberty. org. Don’t delay, we need to know of your interest by March 23.
New Website LAUNCHES MARCH 14! We are excited to announce our new 2BC website will go live on Friday, March 14. Here is an overview of our new website and the resources and information you’ll find online at
2bcliberty.org. We encourage you to explore our site and all the new resources we’ve included. Our site is organized into three easy-to-navigate sections:
I’m NEW This is a great place to start. Designed for folks who don’t know us, here you can learn about our mission, vision and values here. Check out our Ministry Team and get to know our church staff. Also, there is a brief overview of “what to expect” on Sunday morning, directions and location information so folks know how to find us are included. Connect
This is where you will find an overview of our entire ministry. There is an overview of programs and opportunities for each age group. Also highlighted are details about our Music Ministry. You can check out our LOOP newsletter and preview the coming week’s Worship Guides. You can explore a variety of ways to connect at Second, and while you’re there, check out the Events and Calendar to find the latest information on what’s happening at Second.
SERMONS & MEDIA Jesus sent his followers into the world so that His ministry might continue through them. In this section you’ll find a media archive of sermons and worship services from Second Baptist. Sermon audio and video files are available as well as a link to our Live Stream of 11:00 a.m. worship services on Sunday morning and On Demand videos of past worship services.
Additionally, there is a SERVE section that offers an overview of our missions opportunities, philosophy and links to get involved with local, national and international serving opportunities. There is a list with links to our key missions partners, those we have aligned with to be the presence of Christ in our world-organizations such as CBF Heartland, Hillcrest, InAsMuch and Love, INC to name a few. GIVE Our Give section offers an easy online giving solution as well as an overview of giving options. It offers an overview of our Catalyst Plan—the ministries budget and spending plan for 2013–14. There is also a link to LIVING ZOE, our online e-commerce/giving site that supports our missions efforts and several other non-profit entities at no-cost to the buyer. Take a look! ONLINE COMMUNITY & HUB3 Quick Link There is a direct link to our HUB3 system, (top right corner of our home page!) that takes you directly to the login page of our system. The HUB3 is where you can find 2BC friends, connect with your small group, become a member of a minstry team, and find new ways to connect your passions with service in the ministry. For those new to 2BC, there is an overview of our HUB3 system with user guides and instructions available for download. Additionally you’ll find direct links to: • Make reservations and RSVP for events • Make a Prayer Request • Sign up for Flowers for Worship • Register a Guest in Worship • Register a preschooler for 2BCKids . . . and much more.
From our home page . . . Sign-up for updates and subscribe to our e-news offering, including our “LOOP” E-News for weekly and special announcements and urgent faith family information. Also on our home page is an improved SEARCH site function. Type in any key word, and the site will show you the pages most likely to contain the information you are looking for.
Our Calendar of Events Our website features a both a detailed Calendar and a list of Coming Events that lets you jump right into what’s happening at Second Baptist. From our CONNECT menu, the full Calendar or the Events listing is your best portal into the activities at Second Baptist Church. You can choose to subscribe to the full calendar via the iCal subscription link (bottom of the page) and the church events will populate your calendar right on your desktop for easy reference. From the Calendar, select an event and save it to your own calendar, or from Events, invite a friends with a simple e-vite link with all the details and information.
Connect via Social Media
COMING IN APRIL 2BC MOBILE APP FOR iPHONE and ANDROID Soon you’ll be able to look up member contact information, check event dates and start times, get the latest news from the church, watch sermon videos, quickly visit our website’s mobile view, and much more.
the inside scoop church conference recap Church Conference met Sunday, January 26, 2014, following lunch in the Social Room. Minutes and the membership report were approved and reports from committees, teams and staff were heard. Greg Duncan, chair of the Leadership Development Committee, presented the list of 2014 Committee Leaders (a copy is available in the office) and they were approved. He also presented a proposal from the Leadership Development Committee and the Church Council that the Stewardship Committee and the Finance Committee be combined into one committee known as the Financial Stewardship Committee. The proposal will change the Church By-Laws to reflect the change as well as the Church Operations Manual. The proposal was voted on by the attendees of the Church Conference and was approved unanimously. Rich Groves will chair the Financial Stewardship Committee, and it will be made up of members from both teams who did not rotate off this year. The following reports were made: Larry Gregory presented a summary slide show of the property items completed in 2013. Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor, announced the launch of the 2BCKids Check-In system for the preschool ministry. She also acknowledged the memorial gift of the check-in desk and equipment made by Harvey and Susi Seely in honor of Harvey’s father. Terri Soper, Ministry Assistant for Communications, presented an update on the online community (HUB3), the new website re-design, new 2BC mobile app, and the new 2BC stories magazine called The Bridge that will all be launching in March and April. The next Church Conference will be held April 27, 2014, at noon in the Social Room.
Partnership with Liberty Public Schools Because of some of the changes occurring with improving education such as the EPiC school concept and adding space to many schools, a new location for social workers and school counselors to store occasionally-needed items for children and families was necessitated. These personal care items are now located at Second Baptist Church in room 503 We are happy to have a space that is usable for this need and continue to explore ways to partner with Liberty Public Schools. In addition, the Missions Committee is looking for a team of up to four individuals to continue to develop the partnership with Liberty Public Schools. Contact Mike Lassiter if you are interested in serving on this team (mlassiter@2bcliberty.org/ 816.781.2824).
2BC Annex – AKA The Meyers Building at 10 N. Leonard Street
You may want to know what has happened with the building since the church acquired it in December. The previous tenants, a small engine repair business, had been granted use of the building until March 1, when they move to a new location. A property use team, led by Allan Aunspaugh, is being assembled to assess the current condition of the building, secure the property for the safety of the church and community, and determine possible short-and long-term uses of the building. Our hope is that you will see a gradual transition into a safe and secure property as we re-brand the building in the coming months. For questions please contact Allan Aunspaugh at the church, 781-2824 or aaunspaugh@2bcliberty. org 14
the inside scoop Chili Cook-Off Winners
Men’s Breakfast (Monthly)
Second Baptist Church Men’s Ministry
Spring Dates: APRIL 5, MAY 3, & JUNE 7 8:30 a.m. in the Social Room Join us each month on the first Saturday morning for fun, fellowship and our traditional good eats! Men of all ages are invited!
“Had some of the best chili I have ever eaten,” and comments like this were heard through the night. We were all winners at the chili cook-off because of the delicious chili furnished by 14 people. However, we did judge some of the chili and below are the Chili masters. 1st: Fred and Shari Poindexter…”Race Day Chili” 2nd: Sara Walton…”Chili Bop” 3rd: Carol Kingery…”Chocolate Chili”
Breakfast is always a tasty treat with plenty of orange juice and coffee to go around. We’ll discuss projects and summer outing opportunities and move forward on plans. Men of all ages are welcome. RSVP to Phil Posey: poseyannphil2@sbcglobal.net 781-1132 or 507-2575
Special thanks to Bob and Beth Dusin, Emma and Delores Forman, and Erin Lankford for their help and to those who brought desserts and appetizers to help make a great evening.
Are you good at simple data entry and have some time to spare. Then we need you. We have several simple data entry tasks that need to be completed on our new HUB3 system and need helpers who can learn the few simple steps on entering and checking the data.
We are in need of extra helpers in the Babies Room (everyone wants to hold babies, right????) and Toddler Room during Extended Session. Ideally, we are looking for at least 8–10 people who can work once every 8 weeks during the 11:00 service.
This is work you can do from the comfort of your own home, or in the church office and at your own pace. If you can help, please contact Terri Soper, (tsoper@2bcliberty.org | 816-781-2824 ) or call the church office and let us know.
Contact Gwen Phillips if you would like to serve in this way! (gphillips@2bcliberty.org | 816.781.2824)
march 12 Cheese Ravioli meat pasta sauce meatless pasta sauce green salad Italian bread spumoni and cookie There will be gluten free, msg free, and vegetarian options available. Reservations are appreciated by Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. each week. Contact the church office at 781-2824 or mhenderson@2bcliberty.org to make a reservation.
Join us on @2bcliberty
this week
Sunday, March 9
CENTERPOINT HOSPITAL Dorothy Jones, Mary Gilliland’s mother
First Sunday in Lent 8:30 Worship (Tutt Chapel) 8:45 Student Handbell Choir Rehearsal 9:00 Children’s Choir Rehearsals 9:45 Bible Study for all ages 11:00 Worship (Sanctuary) 4:00 Yum | Yuks Small Group 5:00 Stephen Ministry Meeting 5:30 Student Choirs Rehearsal 6:30 Student InnerMission
MONDAY, march 10
11:30 Music Ministry Peer Group
Betty Ferguson (Dr. Milton Ferguson’s wife)
wednesday, march 12 5:45 Wednesday Cafe
6:00 Beginning Handbells (Room 502) 6:15 Sanctuary Handbells 6:30 evensong (Assembly Room) 6:30 Mission Friends (Pre K and K) 6:30 Boys in Action (1st–5th grades) 6:30 Girls in Action (1st–5th grades) 6:30 Formation (6th–8th grades) 6:30 Watershed (9th–12th grades) 7:20 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
thursday, march 13
7:00 HandsON 2.0 Group
Friday, march 14
9:30 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Meeting
Sunday, march 16 Second Sunday in Lent
6:30 Church Council Meeting
(The events listed here are in addition to our regular Sunday schedule.)
facebook.com/2bcliberty twitter.com/2bcliberty
.................................................... 2bcliberty.org 816-781-2824 300 E. Kansas Liberty, MO 64068
Second Baptist Church is committed to fostering: > Meaningful, Christ-centered community
................................................................................................................ > Whole-life faith
................................................................................................................ Subscribe on our website to receive our Weekly E-Blast and other communications! 2bcliberty.org/subscribe
> A transforming missional presence