LOOP Monthly: August 2014

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Second Baptist Church August | 2014

belong | believe | become

Spiritual growth and change happen when we’re in relationships with people who know us well. Connecting with others at Second Baptist is a way to build community and be transformed in your faith. The best way to connect is to jump in. The 2BC Monthly LOOP is the same Loop you’ve come to count on, just newly formatted to keep you clearly informed of the opportunities available at 2BC for the coming month. You’ll find information about upcoming events, classes, and serving opportunities to get you connected to 2BC. Keep this as a reference all month long so you can jump in often! The 2BC Monthly LOOP, as well as it’s smaller counterpart, the Weekly LOOP, will be handed out along with your Sunday morning Worship guide. With the Monthly version appearing on the last Sunday of every month. If you miss the Sunday we handed out the full monthly edition, you can still pick up a copy all month long in the Welcome Center or online at 2bcliberty.org/newsletters.

Jason Edwards Senior Pastor



Annual Hymn Sing | August 10 | page 3 Mike Lassiter’s Recognition | August 10 | page 5 Promotion Sunday Details | CHILDREN | page 5 SERVE 2BC | Fuller Center for Housing Workday | page 8 Promotion Sunday Details | STUDENTS | page 9 Wednesday Activities Resume | August 20 | page 10 Food Truck Sunday | Promotion Sunday, Aug. 17 | page 11

Table of Contents Page 3 Annual Hymn Sing Page 4 All-Church Events Page 5 Children / College Students / Senior Adults Pages 6-7 CHURCH-WIDE CALENDAR Page 8 Service Opportunities at 2BC Page 9 Students / Music Page 10 Wednesday Night Activities Page 11 Food Truck Feast

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2BC in the loop Keeping You

all-church MEN’S BREAKFAST | Saturday, Aug. 2 | 8:30 a.m. Social Room Join us for fun, fellowship and our traditional good eats! Men of all ages are invited! Breakfast is always a tasty treat with plenty of orange juice and coffee to go around. We’ll discuss projects and summer outing opportunities and move forward on plans. Men of all ages are welcome. RSVP to Phil Posey: 781-1132 or 507-2575; poseyannphil2@sbcglobal.net Annual Hymn Sing at Grand River Chapel | Sunday, August 10 | 4:00 p.m. Join us in Grand River Chapel on the Campus of William Jewell College for our annual hymn sing. We will spend an hour singing our favorites, both old and new. If you have a favorite hymn that is not in our current worship hymnal, please let Allan Aunspaugh know so that we can bring a copy of it. For information or request a hymn, contact Allan Aunspaugh at 781-2824 or aaunspaugh@2bcliberty.org. 4

FOOD SHARE SUNDAY | Sunday, Aug. 3 What is Food Share Sunday? One of the tangible ways we participate in ministry in our community is by collecting for the Link Food Pantry of In As Much Ministry. Collection baskets are placed inside all entrance doors to Second Baptist the first Sunday of each month. A list of high demand items is posted below, but any food item will help keep the pantry shelves stocked: Sugar, salt and pepper, pancake mix, jelly, syrup, chicken noodle soup, catsup, ramen noodles, toilet paper, detergent for laundry, dish soap, bar soap, shampoo, tooth paste and tooth brushes, cleaning supplies, etc. We hope you will consider participating in our FOOD SHARE SUNDAY each month. The food pantry serves 900+ families per quarter with many returning more than once. me2 Lunches | Tuesdays this summer | 12:00 p.m. Join our pastoral staff as they host lunches at various restaurants around the Liberty area. Think of these lunches as a chance to get to know the 2BC staff better, a chance to meet other people from the 2BC congregation, and a chance to simply enjoy some yummy food around the area! Questions? Contact Tyler at ttankersley@2bcliberty.org. July 29 Linda Jones / La Costa Mexican, Liberty August 5 Mike Lassiter / The Fish Market, Liberty August 12 Jason Edwards / Ginger Sue’s, Liberty

Mike Lassiter’s 25th Anniversary Recognition | Sunday, Aug. 10 | 11:00 a.m. service As announced earlier this spring, Mike Lassiter has completed 25 years of dedicated service to Second Baptist Church. Over the years Mike has served in many capacities within our church, including several years as Youth Pastor. In addition, he has overseen our Adult Bible Study and Missions Programs. Currently, he is Associate Pastor with responsibilities in Care, Missions, and Senior Adult Ministries. He recently returned from a sabbatical where he spent a month in Bridger, SD on Cheyenne River Reservation. As a congregation, we will recognize Mike and Debbie at the end of the 11:00 a.m. service on August 10. Please join us in this recognition.

children Welcoming New Pre-K–5th Grade | Promotion Sunday, August 17 | 10:15 a.m. | Chapel On Sunday, August 17, pre-K through fifth grade will be welcomed by their new leaders into their new classrooms. At 10:15 a.m., all will all meet in the chapel for a special time together, then all will end Bible Study time back in their respective rooms. The preschool classes will continue to meet the needs of our little ones as the kiddos move on through the different rooms as they grow and develop. For any questions about any of the programs for your child, contact Gwen Phillips at 781.2824 or gphillips@2bcliberty.org.

college students End of Summer Picnic | Saturday, Aug. 2 | 4:00 p.m. | Stocksdale Park Join us for one final hurrah to mark the end of summer. FireBowl | Tuesday, Aug. 5 | 4:30 p.m. Come hang out for the final FireBowl of the summer for good company and conversation. For all college students and high school graduates. Location TBA.

senior adults Coffee & Conversation Our Senior Adult Ministry hosts a twicemonthly Coffee & Conversation open to all. No reservations, needed just bring a friend and your coffee mug! The first Monday of each month features donuts (bring a dollar if you’d like some); the third Monday homemade treats are shared. Monday, Aug. 4 | 10:00 a.m. Monday, Aug. 18 | 1:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Out | Wednesdays | 5:00 p.m. Once again, the senior adult group will enjoy local restaurants and each others’ company as they eat out together on Wednesday nights at 5:00 p.m. this summer. The restaurants like to have an idea of how many to expect so please call the church office by Tuesday at noon for a reservation each week. Aug. 6 | Dickey’s BBQ Pit | Hwy. 291 in Liberty | 5:00 p.m. | Hosts TBA. Aug. 13 | Corner Cafe | Liberty | 5:00 p.m. | 5 Hosted by Bill and Cathy Stillfield.


calendar Saturday, August 2 Men’s Breakfast | 8:30 a.m. | Social Room College Students’ End of Summer Picnic | 4:00 p.m. | Stocksdale Park Sunday, August 3 Food Share Sunday | See page 4 for a list of items to donate Monday, August 4 Senior Adults : Coffee and Conversation | 10:00 a.m. | Social Room Tuesday, August 5 ME2 Lunch with Mike Lassiter | 12:00 p.m. | The Fish Market, Liberty Firebowl (college students) | 4:30 p.m. | Location TBA Wednesday, August 6 Senior Adults : Wednesday Nights Out | 5:00 p.m. | Dickey’s BBQ Pit, Liberty Sunday, August 10 Mike Lassiter’s 25th Anniversary Celebration | 12:00 p.m. | Social Room Annual Hymn Sing | 4:00 p.m. | Grand River Chapel, William Jewell campus Deacons Meeting | 6:30 p.m. | Assembly Room (room 302) Wednesday, August 12 ME2 Lunch with Jason Edwards | 12:00 p.m. | Ginger Sue’s, Liberty Wednesday, August 13 Senior Adults : Wednesday Nights Out | 5:00 p.m. | Corner Cafe, Liberty Saturday, August 16 Fuller Center for Housing Workday for 2BC | 8:00 a.m. | Meet at 2BC 6

AUGUST Sunday, August 17 | Promotion Sunday Food Truck Feast | 12:00 p.m. Church Council Meeting | 6:30 p.m. | Room 505 Monday, August 18 Senior Adults : Coffee and Conversation | 1:00 p.m. | Social Room Wednesday, August 20 Wednesday Cafe Resumes | 5:45–6:30 p.m. | Social Room Mid-week Formation Resumes | 7:15 p.m. | 2BC Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal Resumes | 6:30–7:15 p.m. | Sanctuary Saturday, August 23 Hillcrest Hope Benefit | 6:00 p.m. | Heritage Hall Sunday, August 24 Ministry Equipping Session | 3:00 p.m. | Social Room Stephen Ministry Meeting | 5:00 p.m. | Library (room 312) Monday, August 25 Ministry Equipping Session | 6:30 p.m. | Social Room

Wednesday, August 27 Wednesday Cafe | 5:45–6:30 p.m. | Social Room Mid-week Formation | 7:15 p.m. | 2BC Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal | 7:15 p.m.

Thursday, August 28 MOPS Steering Team Meeting | 9:30 a.m. | Assembly Room (room 302) 7

serve Fuller Center for Housing workday for 2BC Saturday, August 16 | 8:00 a.m. | Meet at 2BC

Second Baptist is one of the partners for the Fuller Center for Housing of Greater Kansas City. Other partnering churches are St Patrick Catholic, Park Hill Christian, Northland Cathedral, North Oak Christian, Parkville Presbyterian, and Harmony Vineyard and about 100 volunteers have been involved including the family. Saturday, August 16 is 2BC’s opportunity to help with the new home construction for the Rodriguez family. The home is located at 4700 NE 46th St. in Kansas City, MO. The walls and the roof on the new home have already gone up and 2BC will help as needed. If you can join us for the day, meet at the Second Baptist parking lot at 8:00 a.m. and we will carpool to the site. You can also meet us at the site. Work begins at 8:30 a.m. If you have questions or can join us contact Bob Dusin at bobdusin@att.net.

extended session We are in need of extra helpers in the Babies Room (everyone wants to hold babies, right?) and Toddler Room during Extended Session. Ideally, we are looking for at least 8–10 people who can work once every 8 weeks during the 11:00 a.m. service. Contact Gwen Phillips at gphillips@2bcliberty.org to serve.


gardening Please prayerfully consider giving of your time and talents to help keep our grounds looking lovely. The job requires weeding, mulching, some TLC, and the occasional plant selection, but you don’t have to do it alone! Consider making this a family offering or set a weekly date with a couple of friends! Contact Suzie Boggess at sgboggess@aol.com.

2BC in the loop Keeping You

students Introducing Ashton Wells and Jordan Groves Ashton and Jordan will be serving as co-interims for the youth ministry! Please feel free to contact them, information listed below. Ashton Wells Cell: 573-239-8852 Email: ashton.wells1@gmail.com Jordan Groves Cell: 816-786-4159 Email: jordanpgroves@gmail.com Welcoming new 6th graders | Promotion Sunday, August 17 | 9:45 a.m. | Youth Room (6th Floor) On Sunday, August 17, we invite all students going into 6th grade this fall to join us in the youth room (on the 6th floor) for Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. We will have breakfast food, sing songs, and then will split up into different grade levels for regular Sundaymorning discussion. Gary Pennington will be the discussion leader this special Sunday, and he’s excited to have you join him!

students (cont.) Innermission Kick-off | Promotion Sunday, August 17 | 6:30 p.m. | 2BC Sunday, August 17 the first Innermission of the new school year will be held! Come join us for a pizza party and scavenger hunt. Students traditionally meet at 6:45 p.m. on Sunday nights, but on August 17 all will meet at 6:30 p.m. We’re excited to kick off the year! More to Come... Parents, please watch your emails for more details of student ministry events to come. If you are on Facebook and are not a part of the Second Baptist Student Ministry Group, please request to join or let Ashton know by emailing ashton.wells1@gmail.com and she will add you to the group. The 2BC student ministry is also on Twitter: @Students2bc.

music Wednesday Sanctuary Choir Rehearsals The Sanctuary Choir will resume regular Wednesday night rehearsal on Wednesday, August 20 at 7:15 p.m. Please join us in the Choir room.

For more information:

2bcliberty.org 9

Wednesday Night Activities Resume Wednesday, August 20 WEDNESDAY CAFE | Welcome Center Entrance (Kansas Street) | 5:45 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Meals will once again be planned and prepared by four-member teams of cooks and chefs from our faith community. RESERVATION OPTIONS We simply request reservations so we can be sure to prepare enough food! Just contact us with the names of the people who will be joining us for the meal. ONLINE at 2bcliberty.org/wednesdaycafe

Social Hour | Dinner | Live Auction Dressy Casual

Heritage Hall 117 West Kansas | Liberty

EMAIL our church office at: mhenderson@2bcliberty.org.

$75 per ticket – $600 table of 8

CALL our church office: 816-781-2824

For event information and to purchase tickets please visit:

MEAL COST Ages 3 and under: FREE Ages 4–12: $3.00 Ages 13 and older: $5.00 A family maximum is $15.00 Mid-week Formation | Welcome Center Entrance (Kansas Street) | 6:30 p.m.–7:15 p.m. Discipleship sessions and worship opportunities offered. Details coming soon!

HillcrestHope.org or call

816-781-8988 Limited Seating. Please RSVP by August 9.

Second Baptist Church’s




Second Baptist Sunday, August 17 @Church 12:00 p.m.’s


on Sunday, August 17. Children and students will be promoted into their new 2014-13 classes, we’ll worship together, and follow with a Food Truck Feast for lunch!

We’ve invited several of Kansas City’s best food truck vendors to park

Sunday, August 17 @ 12:00 p.m. WATCH FOR MORE DETAILS IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS! on Sunday, August 17. Children and students will be promoted into their new 2014-13 classes, we’ll worship together, and follow with a Food Truck Feast for lunch!



We’ve invited several of Kansas City’s best food truck vendors to park

WATCH FOR DETAILS IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS! Look for Children andMORE Student Promotion Details on pages 5 and 9.



Second Baptist Church / 300 E. Kansas St. Liberty, MO 64068 / 816.781.2824 / 2bcliberty.org

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2bcliberty.org or on our

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> FOR ANDROID USERS: Through the Google Play Store: Apps – type in Second Baptist Church Liberty. Follow the instructions to download. Look up member contact information, check event dates and start times, get the latest news from the church, watch sermon videos, quickly visit our website’s mobile view, and much more.

Stay Plugged in via the HUB 2BC ONLINE COMMUNITY Key Features: Empowered Serving Communicating Needs Personal Page for Everyone Reminder Notifications Easily Connect with New Friends and Old

Connect via Social Media Follow @2bcliberty


THE LOOP Look for a condensed version of the LOOP tucked inside your Worship guide on Sunday morning!


Second Baptist Church info@2bcliberty.org

300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068


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