LOOP February Newsletter 020115

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We because He first loved


1 John 4:19

Second Baptist Church belong | believe | become FEBRUARY 2015

Spiritual growth and change happen when we’re in relationships with people who know us well. Connecting with others at Second Baptist is a way to build community and be transformed in your faith. The best way to connect is to jump in. The 2BC Monthly LOOP is a broader edition of our 2BC Weekly LOOP, designed to give you a bit more detail about the the month ahead in our ministry. You’ll find information about upcoming events, classes, and serving opportunities to get you connected to 2BC. Keep this as a reference all month long so you can jump in often! Additionally, be sure to get a copy of our 2BC Quarterly Loop, published in Aug|Dec|Mar|June. This edition offers a longer range planning view of our ministries and faith community in action. It provides a seasonal view of the key ministries within our church, ministry plans, and target dates for special initiatives, events and opportunities. All our LOOP publications are available in printed version in our Welcome Center or online at 2bcliberty.org/newsletters. Jason Edwards Senior Pastor

FEBRUARY Table of Contents Page 3 New Adult Bible Study Offerings Pages 4-5 LENT Preview | Schedule for Lent & Holy Week Pages 6-7 All Church Events | Students | Senior Adults Pages 8 become: Equipping Pages 9-11 Send 2.0 Opportunities Heifer | Windermere


Mid-Week Retreat @ 2BC

A Lenten service of worship, prayer and song. Join us Wednesday evenings during Lent for Evensong

February 25–March 25 | 6:30-7:15 p.m. 2

2BC in the loop FEBRUARY Keeping You


The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family



Over 100 Practical and Tested Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Kids | 8-Week Series

Leader: Jacque Stouffer | February 1 - March 22 | 9:45-10:45 a.m. | Social Room - West Books may be purchased for $11 through 2BC or as an ebook for the kindle for $8

STICKY FAITH Nearly half of all young people raised in Christian families walk away from their faith after high school graduation. The good news is, parents are one of the primary influences on their child’s faith. Starting February 1, this class will spend eight weeks reading and discussing The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family—an easy-to-read and user-friendly book that equips parents with insights and ideas (more than 100!) for nurturing long-term faith in children and young people. No matter how old your child is, there’s an idea in this book for you. Open to everyone. We hope you’ll join us for this series.

LEADING TO EASTER: Searching the Soul | 7-Week Lenten Series

Leader: Jeff Langford | February 22 - April 5 | 9:45-10:45 a.m. Social Room - East

The events leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection were vitally important in the scope of human history, but they were also profoundly impacting for the human beings who experienced them. People like the disciples, Pontius Pilate, Mary, the soldiers guarding the tomb, and many more. Those events can still impact us today—if we let them. So join us for a time of searching the soul this Easter season.


LENT 2015

Jason Senio Edwards r Pas tor

Every now and then I see something in the mirror that surprises me. A facial scratch, inflicted by one-year-old fingernails. A blemish that reminds me that I am steadily approaching an older age. Tired eyes. A new wrinkle. A new gray hair. A new ear hair. You never know what a little selfexamination will reveal. And reveal is the right word, don’t you know. Self-examination doesn’t create anything other than awareness. It reveals what is already there. Then it begs the question, can anything be done about this? The answer is always “yes.” Sometimes “yes” is an affirmation of needed adjustments (more sleep for the eyes or a face-mask when holding Norah). Other 4

times “yes” affirms acknowledgment and seeks acceptance (like the welcoming of older age). When we become intentional about seeing ourselves, we create the opportunity for awareness, acceptance, and perhaps, adjustment. The Lenten season is an opportunity for this kind of intentionality. It is meant to be a period of self-examination and reflection. It is meant to help us become aware of ourselves (a much deeper level than our bathroom mirrors offer), so that we acknowledge and hopefully act in the areas where we need to make personal adjustments. It is a time in our year when we are invited to name sin, confess sin, and repent of sin as we prepare to reembrace the resurrection life of Jesus on Easter Sunday and beyond. As we make our Lenten journey together this year, I hope you’ll make it with selfexamining intention. I want to be as supportive as I can in this endeavor, which is why our Lenten series will be focused on studying the seven letters to the seven churches in Revelation. Jesus loved every soul in these churches, but the words in these letters are a bit harsh. Sometimes love requires hard words. Words that raise awareness. Words that prompt adjustment, so that we may know and reflect the life of Christ more fully than ever before. May all of us and each of us strive to know and reflect the life of Christ this year more fully than ever before… Jason


Second Baptist Church

LENT 2015


The letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation

HOLY WEEK LENT 2015 February 18 | Ash Wednesday The Seven Revelation 1:4–20

February 22 | First Sunday in Lent To the Church in Ephesus

Revelation 2:1–7 | Psalm 25:1–10

March 1 | Second Sunday in Lent To the Church in Smyrna

Revelation 2:8–11 | Psalm 22:23–31

March 8 | Third Sunday in Lent To the Churches in Pergamum and Thyatira Revelation 2:12–29 | Psalm 19

March 15 | Fourth Sunday in Lent

Wednesday, April 1 Lenten Lunch | Guest TBA 12:00 p.m.

April 2 | Maundy Thursday Communion & Drama John 13:1–17, 31b–35

April 3 | Good Friday Drama Message

in collaboration with music ministry

Saturday, April 4 Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast

9:00 a.m. (Social Room) | Breakfast is for everyone! Hunt is for children through fifth grade.

April 5 | Easter Sunday Worthy is the Lamb!

Revelation 5:1–14 | John 20:1–18

To the Church in Sardis

Revelation 3:1–6 | Psalm 107:1–3; 17–22

March 22 | Fifth Sunday in Lent To the Church in Philadelphia

Revelation 3:7–13 | Psalm 119:9–16

March 29 | Palm/Passion Sunday To the Church in Laodicea

Revelation 3:14–22 | Psalm 118:1–2, 19–29

Learn more at 2bcliberty.org/lent


2BC in the loop Keeping You


Deacon Retreat 2014 | Friday & Saturday, February 6–7 | Second Baptist Church Deacons, mark your calendar for the 2015 Deacon’s Retreat. The retreat will be held February 6–7 at Second Baptist Church. Dinner will be served the evening of Friday, February 6, to kick off the weekend. (Please RSVP for the banquet meal to Cathy Baker at cathybaker@att.net.) The retreat will continue Saturday morning, February 7, with a breakfast and session. The deacon body and pastoral team will discuss how our deacon body can more intentionally offer congregational care. We’ll conclude the day by traveling to visit those from our congregation who are home-bound to share communion and prayer.

Stay Connected

2BCLIBERTY.ORG Game Night @ 2BC | Feb. 27 | 7:00 p.m. | Social Room

If you have a great board game, bring it! We will also have other games available that all ages can enjoy. Join us in the Social Room any time between 7:00–9:00 p.m., and come and go as you need! Childcare for birth–age 3 is available.

GaP EVENT Second Sessions : GaP 5.0 Featuring Stephen Ministry Feb. 11 | 6:30 p.m. The holidays are over, and the new year has begun. The decorations are put away for another year, and the gifts are tucked away on the shelves or exchanged. Many of us feel uneasiness this time of the year for a million different reasons. If you want for someone to walk with you, Stephen Ministers may be able to help.

Come to church on Wednesday, February 11, at 6:30 p.m. to learn about Stephen Ministry and how it may be helpful to you or someone you know. Or, you may find that Stephen Ministry is a place where you could use your God-given gifts. Whether seeking help or wanting to serve, come to share the fellowship, good food, and good time with your church family and Stephen Ministry.

We hope to see you there!

Students Student Disciple Now Feb. 20-22 Second Baptist Church Begins at 6:00 p.m. Friday, Feb. 20. Ends at 12:00 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 22

Register Today!

DISCIPLE NOW February 20-22

Cost: $50.00


REGISTER TODAY at: 2bcliberty.org/ disciplenow2015


Disciple Now is an in-home, local discipleship retreat for students in grades 6-12. The students will spend an entire weekend with their friends and small group leader(s) hosted overnight by 2BC member families. The weekend is filled with good food, fellowship and formation designed to shape discipleship in Christ. For all middle school and high school students. Welcoming Guest Leader Abby Pratt

senior adults Coffee & Conversation | Social Room Our Senior Adult Ministry hosts a twice-monthly Coffee & Conversation open to all. No reservations needed, just bring a friend and your coffee mug! The first Monday of each month features donuts (bring a dollar if you’d like some); the third Monday, homemade treats are shared.

Monday, Feb. 2 | 10:00 a.m. Monday, Feb. 16 | 1:00 p.m.

Second Baptist Church, Liberty, Mo., is seeking a full time Student Pastor to oversee and expand its ministry with middle and high school-aged students. The successful candidate must have strong interpersonal, organizational, and outreach skills, as well as having completed or be in process of completing a seminary degree. Previous youth ministry experience is preferred. This pastor will coordinate youth ministry leaders and volunteers. Founded in 1843, Second Baptist Church is affiliated with Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and has a deep commitment to missions. The Student Pastor will serve on a pastoral team of seven and a congregation of 600. Visit us at 2bcliberty.org/studentpastor for a full job description and to learn more. Resumes due by March 1, 2015 and should be sent attn.: Student Pastor Search Committee via ljones@2bcliberty.org or Student Pastor Search Committee Second Baptist Church c/o Linda Jones 300 East Kansas Liberty, MO 64068 7

be·come | [bĭ-kŭm] | (v.) > To come to be; grow to be.

(Funk & Wagnalls, 1985)

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work (Ephesians 4:15–16 NIV). Over the past few weeks, the ministry team at Second Baptist Church has had many conversations about the equipping ministry and how it will shape the life of our church in the months and years to come. Several of the conversations have centered around one important question—why? The answer, in its simplest form, is to become. Become the disciples that Christ would have us to be. Become part of God’s mission in the world. Become a vessel of God’s love by using the unique gifts God has entrusted to each of us. Together, what will we become? Kim Halfhill

2BC Volunteer Director of Equipping khalfhill@2bcliberty.org





Making space for God’s transforming presence.

2015 SEND OPPORTUNITIES For 2015, 2BC has once again identified the following opportunities for our SEND Initiative. We hope you’ll review the opportunities and contact the people listed for more information and to explore how you might serve. Remember, if you engage in any of these opportunities for the first time, SEND will provide you with a supplemental amount of funding. If you would like more information on a trip such as cost, scheduling, and more, it can be found at 2bcliberty.org/send (Visit our homepage, click on the Serve drop down tab and then click SEND) or contact Mike Lassiter, Associate Pastor, at mlassiter@2bcliberty.org | 816.781.2824 ext. 307.

Heifer International Ranch April 18–19, 2015

Heifer International is a mission organization making a difference by teaching and encouraging sustainable practices for families to move beyond the immediate needs of poverty. Every area of our world provides some type of garden and animal husbandry opportunities, and Heifer helps families tap into the possibilities. The weekend of April 18–19, 2015 we will travel to this educational farm in Perryville, Arkansas. This is especially good for families with young children, but all ages enjoyed the trip in 2014. The 1,200-acre Heifer Ranch is filled with gardens and livestock, including water buffalo, camels, goats, pigs, llamas

and more. Come meet the animals and take part in our hands-on interactive programs and activities promoting sustainable solutions to global hunger, poverty and environmental degradation. We will learn good practices from Heifer International regarding community development and sharing the Good News. Last year we milked goats and fed chickens. We heard from international staff and we even saw the weight of the food we didn’t eat that was thrown away after each meal—it was eye opening for everyone. The deadline to sign up is Monday, April 6, and we have a limited number of places. If interested, contact Mike Lassiter, mlassiter@2bcliberty.org for more information or to sign up. Learn more about Heifer International at www.heifer.org.


SE ND SERVING @ WINDERMERE Windermere Conference Center June 22–26, 2015 Second Baptist continues to enjoy a good relationship with Windermere Conference Center, located at Lake of the Ozarks. On June 22–26, we will travel to Windermere to help in various areas as the conference center serves a variety of ministries from around the state and country. College students, recently retired, those with the summer “off”, senior adults or families are all


invited to consider joining us in this service opportunity. Lodging and meals are provided by Windermere, and those who attend will be asked to work in various areas about six hours each day (see list of options on adjacent page) while also enjoying free time. In addition to the free time, in the evening we will have the opportunity to join in worship with any of the groups Windermere is hosting for the week. We will also have our own short group time to close each day.


Would you consider serving? Here is a list provided by Windermere of areas that we might assist the permanent and summer staff: • Dining Hall: serve on one of the food lines or help with a drink station or the salad bar. • Lake Side Grill: ice cream dipping , table and deck clean-up. • Gift Shop: restocking, cash register work, organizing. • Ground Jobs: power washing, mulching, sweeping, trimming, flower bed work, watering. • Maintenance: door and window painting, window repair, window washing. • Housekeeping: common and lobby area cleanup, towel folding, vacuuming, dusting. • The Marina: help with kayaks, paddleboats and other waterfront items. • Office Help: filing, filing packets for groups. There are other ways to serve depending on expertise or experience. The pace is easy, and there is time for fellowship with others. You can drive and meet us Monday morning or ride in a 2BC vehicle. Please indicate the desire to ride when you sign up. Visit the 2BC website, and under missions, look for the Windermere sign up. (There is also a RV park if you prefer to stay in your own RV or camping trailer.) Contact Mike Lassiter if you need more information or want to be a part of this SEND opportunity. Mike Lassiter mlassiter@2bcliberty.org 816.781.2824 | ext 307


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Second Baptist Church info@2bcliberty.org

300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068


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