Worship Guide Jan. 17, 2016

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For the Common Good

January 17, 2016

Second Baptist Church belong



Welcome Guests

If you are a first-time guest, please complete a guest card from a pew pocket or Friendship Register and drop it in the offering plate so that we may acknowledge your visit and get acquainted with you. We are glad you have joined us for worship today. Note: “+” before a worship element indicates to stand if you are able. Please see an usher if you’d like a listening aid. WE LOVE CHILDREN! Your entire family is welcome here! Children’s worship bags filled with books and activities are available at the Sanctuary entrances. If you’d like an alternative for your children, childcare for birth through Pre-K is available on Level 2 at any point in the service. Our Welcome Center is also available for those with restless infants, and you can view the service on a monitor there. ONLINE/SMARTPHONE GIVING In addition to placing your offering in the offering plate, you can give online at 2bcliberty.org/giving or via your smartphone by scanning this QR code. Those who give electronically can participate in the offering using one of the cards in the pew rack.


Take a few moments to prepare your heart and mind for today’s service...

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is “what are you doing for others?” — Martin Luther King Jr.

The Worship of God January 17, 2016

8:30 & 11:00 a.m.


Bill Stilfield

Invitation to Worship

Jason Edwards

Gratitude Moment

John and Karri George


Abigail Hilke


James & Stan Pethel “Christmas Has Its Cradle”

+Hymn of Praise 638 “Lift Every Voice and Sing” The Old Testament Lesson

Psalm 36:5-10


Angie Fuller (8:30) Carol Kingery (11:00)

(Pew Bible, page 396, New Testament)

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God! Practicing the Presence of God +Hymn

“Your Love, O Lord” See music on next page

Third Day

Prayers of the People Choral Worship

Kim Halfhill “Look at the World” The Sanctuary Choir

The New Testament Lesson

John Rutter David Fuller (8:30) Drew Kingery (11:00)

1 Corinthians 12:1-11 (Pew Bible, page 133, New Testament)

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God!

Sermon For the Common Good

Jason Edwards

Communion Passing the Peace Leader: The Peace of the Lord be always with you. Congregation: And also with you. At this time you’ll be asked to share signs of God’s peace. Greet each other by saying, “Peace of Christ be with you.” Respond, “And also with you.”

+Hymn of Response 269 “We All Are One in Mission”


The worship of the living God invites our response. Those who wish to profess faith in Christ and/or to unite with the church are invited to come forward and share your decision with the pastor.

+Offertory Prayer Offertory

David Fuller (8:30) Jim Noel (11:00) “God So Loved The World”


+Presentation of Offerings STUTTGART “Honor, Glory, Might, and Blessing” Honor, glory, might, and blessing to the Father and the Son, with the everlasting Spirit while unending ages run. Latin ca. 6th Century

+A Time of Greeting

Jason Edwards

+Congregational Blessing

Jason Edwards

+The Sending Forth 692 AURELIA “Let Truth and Mercy Find Here” So now let peace and justice be never far apart, but flowing like a river for every thirsty heart. These two shall be united, a mighty moving stream, upon whose banks we gather to work and pray and dream. Words: Ken Medema, © 2003 Ken Medema Music/Brier Patch Music


Adolphus Hailstork “Everytime I Feel the Spirit“

 All Songs UBP CCLI #1091036

All Video UBP #502497070

Organ: Ann Posey Media: John Hilton, Bob Dusin

Piano: Leslie Bunch (8:30) Debbie Lassiter (11:00) Sanctuary Sound: Dave Heston, Gary Pennington

Your Love, Oh Lord  YOUR LOVE, OH LORD

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love, Oh Lord,

&  œ œœœ






stretch-es to the

# œ œ œ



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œ . œj  œ



And I will find my



Oh Lord,

Œ œ .. œ .





œ . œj 

Your faith - ful-ness

œ . œj œ œ œ œ

Your right - eous - ness

Your jus - tice flows

And I will lift my

Œ œ


 Œ œ

Œ œ

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œ . œj 

reaches to the heav - ens.

moun - tain.

# ‰

 œ œ œ œ œ . œj   Œ œ

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faith - ful-ness



is like the might-y

œ œ œ œ

like the


o- cean's tides.

œ œ œ œ

wor - ship You,




in the shad - ow of Your


œ œ

œ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œ



reaches to the heav

œ œ œ œ

stretches to the



j œ 



PRAYER CONCERNS CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Christian sympathy is extended to Ed and Mary Gilliland and family in the death of Ed’s sister in Iowa on Jan. 10. Services were Jan. 14. Christian sympathy is extended to the Truex family in the death of Doris Truex on Jan. 9. Services will be Saturday, Jan. 16, in Tutt Chapel; visitation at 10 a.m., services at 11 a.m. Christian sympathy is extended to Drew and Carol Kingery and family in the death of Drew’s brother in law, Bob Whitacre, on Jan. 9. Services will be private. OTHER PRAYER CONCERNS Mary Root, Karri George’s mother; health Karen North; health Pat Hornaday; rehab in Florida

 WORSHIP LEADERS TODAY Kim Halfhill serves as the Volunteer Director of Equipping at Second. She works as a consultant for nonprofit organizations. Kim and her husband, Patrick, and their daughter, Kaylee, became part of the Second family after moving from Florida in 2014. Abigail Hilke is a fifth grader at Warren Hills School. She is the daughter of Jill and Pat Hilke.

Angie Fuller came to Second in 1997. She serves in the Music and Children’s Ministries and on the Arts and Environment Team. She also teaches at Second Friends Preschool. Angie and David are parents to Naomi and Adam. David Fuller joined Second after graduating from William Jewell College. He serves as a deacon and is on the Financial Stewardship Committee. David is Chief of Programs and Administrative Services for the Training and Doctrine Command Analysis Center at Ft. Leavenworth. Carol Kingery is the Referrals Coordinator for 2BC’s Stephen Ministry Program. Drew Kingery is the Deacon Chair and the leader of the Ordinance Team. He recently retired from the US Postal Service after more than 25 years of service. Jim Noel has worked in the ministry of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes for nearly 40 years and has served in the church in various capacities since he joined in 1978. He and his wife, Cindy (a lifelong member of the church), have two children, Jason and Jenny, and 5 grandchildren.

 CARE MINISTRY CARDS There is a Care Ministry card located in the pew racks that describes our ministry and provides an option to request prayer or care on the opposite side. We would like to encourage you to use the card to express a need. Simply fill out the information and place it in the offering plate during worship, or give the card to one of the pastoral staff members.

Our Ministry Team Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor Allan Aunspaugh, Minister of Music | Ann Posey, Organist Mike Lassiter, Associate Pastor | Connie McNeill, Associate Pastor Charles Smith, Associate Pastor | Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor Linda Jones, Church Administrator

Getting Connected Each Sunday in the Welcome Center (just inside the Kansas Street entrance on Level 1), our Connections Team is waiting to help you get “connected.” This may include finding a Bible study class, showing you where children and student ministries meet, or sharing the days’ activities and schedule. You may also choose simply to enjoy a cup of coffee at the Welcome Center’s coffee bar and get to know others at Second.

Our Website:

2bcliberty.org WiFi: 2BC-Guest Password: 2bcguest#01

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Vimeo Join us on social media @ 2bcliberty

300 E. Kansas | Liberty, Missouri 64068 816.781.2824 | 2bcliberty.org

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