Worship Guide 020815

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Second Baptist Church belong | believe | become

Inside, Outside, Upside Down February 8, 2015

Welcome Guests If you are a first-time guest, please complete a guest card from a pew pocket or Friendship Register and drop it in the offering plate so that we may acknowledge your visit and get acquainted with you. We are glad you have joined us for worship today. ________________________

Meditations Everyone is in a process of spiritual formation. We are being shaped into either the wholeness of the image of Christ or a horribly destructive caricature of that image—-destructive not only to ourselves but also to others, for we inflict our brokenness upon them . . . The direction of our spiritual growth infuses all we do with intimations of either Life or Death. – M. Robert Mulholland Jr.

Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual Formation Your desire for more of God than you have right now, your longing for love, your need for deeper levels of spiritual transformation than you have experienced so far is the truest thing about you. You might think that your woundedness or your sinfulness is the truest thing about you or that your giftedness or your personality type or your job title or your identity as husband or wife, mother or father, somehow defines you. But, in reality, it is your desire for God and your capacity to reach for more of God than you have right now that is the deepest essence of who you are. – Ruth Haley Barton

Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation _________________________________ Note: + Indicates stand if you are able. | Please see an usher for a listening aid. Childcare available on Level 2. | Children’s worship bags available at the entrances. Give your tithe online now at 2bcliberty.org/giving. Online givers may participate in the worship offering by using the card in the pew rack.

The Worship of God February 8, 2015

8:30 and 11:00 a.m.


Wanda O’Dell

Trinity Chime Candlelighting Prelude

Emily Fostich

“Festival Piece on Nicaea” arr. B. Harlan Sanctuary Handbells Dustin Williams, trumpet; Aaron Long, tympani; Ann Posey, organ; Don Brown, conductor

Invitation to Worship

Allan Aunspaugh

+Hymn of Praise 337 “Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven”


(Children are invited to join our Children’s Pastor at the front on the last verse of the hymn)

Children’s Moment

Gwen Phillips

Congregational Response 51 “On Eagle’s Wings” Refrain


And He will raise you up on eagle’s wings, bear you on the breath of dawn, make you to shine like the sun and hold you in the palm of His hand. Words and Music © 1979 Oregon Catholic Press, UBP

The Old Testament Lesson

Isaiah 40:28–31

Judy Boring (8:30) Cathy Baker (11:00)

(Pew Bible, page 518, Old Testament)

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God!

Practicing the Presence of God Worshipers are invited to prayerfully reflect on the scripture passage.

+Hymn 280 Prayers of the People

“Speak, O Lord”

Worship in Music (8:30)

“Lord, Here Am I” Allan Aunspaugh

John Ness Beck

Choral Worship

“Psalm IX” The Sanctuary Choir

Donna Jo Butler

The Gospel Lesson


Laura Rodgers

Mark 1:29–39

Judy Boring (8:30) Blane Baker (11:00)

(Pew Bible, page 27, New Testament)

Leader: The Good News of Our Lord. People: Praise be to our Lord, Jesus Christ. Sermon

“Inside, Outside, Upside Down”

+Hymn of Response 290 “Lord, Make Us Servants of Your Peace”

Jason Edwards O WALY, WALY

The worship of the living God invites our response. Those who wish to profess faith in Christ and/or to unite with the church are invited to come forward and share your decision with the pastor.

+Offertory Prayer Offertory

“When the Church of Jesus” (Hymn 287)

Nick Bartlow (8:30) Amy Duncan (11:00) John Ferguson

We Give You But Your Own +Presentation of Offerings q = 72 “We Give You but Your Own”

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William How, 1864

A Time of Greeting

Jason Edwards

Student Pastor Search Committee Report

Michele Peck

Commissioning of Haiti Trip

Mike Lassiter

+The Sending Forth 156 “Shine, Jesus, Shine” Refrain


Shine, Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory; blaze, Spirit, blaze, set our hearts on fire. Flow, river, flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy; send forth Your Word, Lord, and let there be light. ©1987 Make Way Music (Admi. by Music Services) UBP


“In Thee is Gladness”

J. S. Bach

 ©

All Songs UBP CCLI #1091036

All Video UBP #502497070

Organ: Ann Posey Piano: Wanda O’Dell (8:30); Leslie Bunch (11:00) Sanctuary Sound: Dave Heston, Gary Pennington Media: John Hilton

OUR CARE MINISTRY CARDS There is a Care Ministry card located in the pew racks that describes our ministry and provides an option to request prayer or care on the opposite side. We would like to encourage you to use the card to express a need. Simply fill out the information and place it in the offering plate during worship, or give the card to one of the pastoral staff members.

 PRAYER CONCERNS CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Christian sympathy is extended to Jim and Carole Tanner and family on the death of Jim’s brother, Rodney, on February 2. in Oklahoma City, OK HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL Marian Reineke OTHER CONCERNS Lloyd Shockley, Kathy Benavidez’ father, health


Blane Baker is an active deacon, serves on the Stewardship Committee, and teaches the Tanner Class bible study group. He holds the Wallace A. Hilton chair in Physics at William Jewell College. Cathy Baker and Blane became members of Second Baptist in 2000. Cathy is the Chair of Deacons and coordinator for the 2BC Equipping Ministry. Nick Bartlow has been a member of Second since 2000. He currently serves on the Leadership Development Committee and enjoys cooking for Wednesday night meals. He is the Senior Director of Insights and Analytics for Smithfield Farmland. Judy Boring has been attending Second since she was Judy Coffman, age five. She loves the people, the fellowship, and the opportunities to learn, grow, and serve. She is married to Dean Boring. Amy Duncan has been a member of Second Baptist Church since 1975. She is currently involved in Bible study, the sanctuary and handbell choirs, and the deacon ministry at Second Baptist. She is married to Greg and they have two children, Stewart and Emily. Emily Fostich is a second grader and the daughter of Megan and Michael Fostich. Laura Rodgers joined 2BC in 1986. She and Gary were married here in 2005. They are parents to Sara, 5, and Emma, 3.

Our Ministry Team Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor Allan Aunspaugh, Minister of Music | Ann Posey, Organist Mike Lassiter, Associate Pastor | Connie McNeill, Associate Pastor Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor | Linda Jones, Church Administrator Ashton Wells & Jordan Groves, Interim Student Co-Pastors

Getting Connected Each Sunday in the Welcome Center (just inside the Kansas Street entrance on Level 1), our Connections Team is waiting to help you get “connected.” This may include finding a Bible study class, showing you where children and student ministries meet, or sharing the days’ activities and schedule. You may also choose simply to enjoy a cup of coffee at the Welcome Center’s coffee bar and get to know others at Second.

Our Website:

2bcliberty.org WiFi: 2BC-Guest Password: 2bcguest#01

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Vimeo Join us on social media @ 2bcliberty

300 E. Kansas | Liberty, Missouri 64068 816.781.2824 | 2bcliberty.org

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