LENT 2015
The letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation
To the Church in Sardis March 15, 2015
Welcome Guests If you are a first-time guest, please complete a guest card from a pew pocket or Friendship Register and drop it in the offering plate so that we may acknowledge your visit and get acquainted with you. We are glad you have joined us for worship today. ________________________ Meditations Your reputation is who people think you are, your character is who you really are. – John Wooden When you work on your character, you’re working on the stuff that happens when nobody is looking. This is infinitely more difficult than misleading and deceiving people. But it’s the stuff that really sets you apart. It’s the stuff God rewards. What would your life look like if you stopped working on your reputation and started working on your character? – Donald Miller _________________________________
COMMUNION at SECOND BAPTIST Communion at Second Baptist Church is open to all who profess Jesus Christ as Savior. Our Communion Bread is always gluten-free. This morning we will celebrate communion by intinction. During the service, you will be invited to exit your pew to the right, walk to the front of the sanctuary, take a piece of bread, dip it into the cup, and then return to the left. _________________________________ Note: + Indicates stand if you are able. | Please see an usher for a listening aid. Childcare available on Level 2. | Children’s worship bags available at the entrances. Give your tithe online now at 2bcliberty.org/giving. Online givers may participate in the worship offering by using the card in the pew rack.
The Worship of God Fourth Sunday in Lent
March 15, 2015
8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Julie Williams
Trinity Chime Candlelighting Prelude
Addie Hilton
“Fantasy on ‘Kingsfold’” arr. H. Dean Wagner Student Handbell Choir. Christie White, director (please see hymn 168)
Invitation to Worship
Greg Duncan
+Hymn of Praise 158 “Jesus Shall Reign” DUKE STREET Worship in Song arr. Heather Sorenson “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” The Student Choir The Psalm
Psalm 107:1–3; 17–22
Steve Ritter (8:30) Craig Dempsey (11:00)
(Pew Bible, page 434, Old Testament)
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God! Extinguishing the Lenten Candle
Allan Aunspaugh
We extinguish one candle each Sunday of Lent, symbolizing our journey to the darkness of Good Friday.
Unison Confession Everlasting God, fountain of all life and the true home of every heart: our hearts are restless until they rest in you. Yet we confess that our hearts have been enslaved by selfish passion and base desire. We have sought after many things and have neglected the one thing needful. We have not loved you with our whole hearts; help us to turn to you and find forgiveness. Lead us home, that we may again find in you our life and joy and peace.
My Worth Practicing the Presence of Godis
Not in What I Own Getty/Kendrick
Response of the People “My Worth is Not in What I Own”
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I will not boast in wealth or might,
&œ œ œ œ œ œ I
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will boast in know - ing
œ œ œ
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my soul
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sa - tis - fied
re- joice in my re -
œ. œ œ œ œ œ
of my soul.
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at the cross.
deem - er; Great -est trea - sure, Well-spring 14
or hu - man wis - dom's fleet - ing light.
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will trust in Him, no
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Words and Music by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty and Graham Kendrick © 2014 Getty Music Publishing and Makeway Music (musicservices.org) UBP
Prayers of the People Steve Hemphill +Hymn 382 “Our Father God, Who Art in Heaven” MORNING SONG
Worship in Music (8:30) Choral Worship
Audra Simcoe
“Surely He Hath Born Our Griefs” George F. Handel The Sanctuary Choir
Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him. Isaiah 53:4–5 New Testament Lesson
Revelation 3:1–6
Teresa Anderson (8:30) Rebecca Dempsey (11:00)
(Pew Bible, page 194, New Testament)
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God! Sermon
Jason Edwards
Communion Passing the Peace Leader: The Peace of the Lord be always with you. Congregation: And also with you. At this time you’ll be asked to share signs of God’s peace. Greet each other by saying, “Peace of Christ be with you.” Respond, “And also with you.”
+Hymn of Response 488 “Come, All Christians, Be Committed”
The worship of the living God invites our response. Those who wish to profess faith in Christ and/or to unite with the church are invited to come forward and share your decision with the pastor.
+Offertory Prayer Offertory
Curt Walther (8:30) Marilyn Buhlig (11:00) “Lift High the Cross”
Michael Burkhardt
+Presentation of Offerings 473 “Will You Come and Follow Me” Stanza 4
Will you love the ‘you’ you hide if I but call your name? Will you quell the fear inside and never be the same? Will you use the faith you’ve found to reshape the world around, Through my sight and touch and sound in you and you in me? Words by John L. Bell and Graham A. Maule © 1987 Wild Goose Resource Group, Iona Community, Scotland, GIA Publications, Inc. UBP
+A Time of Greeting
Jason Edwards
+Congregational Blessing
Jason Edwards
+The Sending Forth 512
“We Go in Peace”
We go in peace, we go in love, we go with grace and mercy from the Lord above to tell the world this very thing: that Jesus Christ is Lord and King, Jesus Christ is Lord and King! Words and Music by Keith Christopher © 2010 Celebrating Grace, Inc. UBP
“By the Waters of Babylon” (Psalm 137)
David Cherwien
All Songs UBP CCLI #1091036
All Video UBP #502497070
Organ: Ann Posey Sanctuary Sound: Dave Heston, Gary Pennington
Piano: Leslie Bunch Media: John Hilton
The flowers in worship are provided by the Hill family in memory of Wilbur Hill.
OUR CARE MINISTRY CARDS There is a Care Ministry card located in the pew racks that describes our ministry and provides an option to request prayer or care on the opposite side. We would like to encourage you to use the card to express a need. Simply fill out the information and place it in the offering plate during worship, or give the card to one of the pastoral staff members.
PRAYER CONCERNS CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Christian sympathy is extended to Drew and Carol Kingery and family in the death of Drew’s father, Pete Kingery on March 5. Christian sympathy is extended to the Hill family and friends on the death of Dr. Wilbur Hill on March 7. LIBERTY HOSPITAL Doris Truex NEW MARK CENTER CENTER Margaret Thomson HOSPITAL IN GRAND JUNCTION, CO Andrew Baker, Angela Bush & Anne Aunspaugh’s brother OTHER PRAYER CONCERNS Una Grubbs, Ellen Gregory’s mom, health REMEMBER THOSE ON MISSION Tyler Tankersley and CBTS CREATE students on mission in Myanmar
Our Ministry Team Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor Allan Aunspaugh, Minister of Music | Ann Posey, Organist Mike Lassiter, Associate Pastor | Connie McNeill, Associate Pastor Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor | Linda Jones, Church Administrator Ashton Wells & Jordan Groves, Interim Student Co-Pastors
Getting Connected Each Sunday in the Welcome Center (just inside the Kansas Street entrance on Level 1), our Connections Team is waiting to help you get “connected.” This may include finding a Bible study class, showing you where children and student ministries meet, or sharing the days’ activities and schedule. You may also choose simply to enjoy a cup of coffee at the Welcome Center’s coffee bar and get to know others at Second.
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2bcliberty.org WiFi: 2BC-Guest Password: 2bcguest#01
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300 E. Kansas | Liberty, Missouri 64068 816.781.2824 | 2bcliberty.org