Second Baptist Church belong
A Common Life APRIL 12, 2015
Welcome Guests If you are a first-time guest, please complete a guest card from a pew pocket or Friendship Register and drop it in the offering plate so that we may acknowledge your visit and get acquainted with you. We are glad you have joined us for worship today. ________________________ Meditation
“Will not the very moment of great disillusionment with my brother or sister be incomparably wholesome for me because it so thoroughly teaches me that both of us can never live by our own words and deeds, but only by that one Word and deed that really binds us together, the forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ? The bright day of Christian community dawns wherever the early morning mists of dreamy visions are lifting.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
_________________________________ Note: + Indicates stand if you are able. | Please see an usher for a listening aid. Childcare available on Level 2. | Children’s worship bags available at the entrances. Give your tithe online now at Online givers may participate in the worship offering by using the card in the pew rack.
The Worship of God The Second Sunday of Easter
April 12, 2015
8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Karen Trischler
Trinity Chime Candlelighting
James Huffman
Prelude “Thine Is the Glory” arr. Cynthia Dobrinski Sanctuary Handbells, Don Brown, director Invitation to Worship
Jeremy Huffman
+Hymn of Praise 198 “Jesus Christ is Risen Today”
(Children are invited to join our Children’s Pastor on the platform on the last verse of the hymn)
Children’s Moment
Gwen Phillips
Choral Worship “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” Joanne LeDoux Music Makers Choir, Julie Williams, Director The New Testament Lesson
1 John 1:1-2:2 Angie Fuller (8:30) Debbie Blanton (11:00)
(Pew Bible, page 187, New Testament)
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God! Practicing the Presence of God +Hymn 197
“We Welcome Glad Easter”
Prayers of the People
Jennifer Huffman
The New Testament Lesson
Acts 2:42-47
David Fuller (8:30) Wes Blanton (11:00)
(Pew Bible, page 91, New Testament)
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God! Worship in Music (8:30) Choral Worship
“Meditation” Emmy Gregory, violin
“Come With Joyful Singing” The Sanctuary Choir
A Common Life
+Hymn of Response 202 “Jesus, Prince and Savior”
Joseph Martin
Jason Edwards BRITTANY
The worship of the living God invites our response. Those who wish to profess faith in Christ and/or to unite with the church are invited to come forward and share your decision with the pastor.
+Offertory Prayer Offertory
David Fuller (8:30) Sanford Beckett (11:00)
arr. Arnold B. Sherman “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” Sanctuary Handbells, Lisa Long, director
+Presentation of Offerings 208 “He is Lord” He is Lord, He is Lord! He is risen from the dead and He is Lord! Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Music and Refrain arr. © 1986 Word Music, Inc. UBP
+A Time of Greeting Commissioning
Jason Edwards Heifer International Trip
+Congregational Blessing
Jason Edwards
+The Sending Forth 423 “This is the Threefold Truth”
This is the three-fold truth on which our faith depends, and with this joyful cry worship begins and ends: Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again! Words and Music © 1980 Hope Music Publishing Company
“Christ is Arisen”
John Behnke
All Songs UBP CCLI #1091036
All Video UBP #502497070
Organ: Ann Posey Media: John Hilton
Piano: Wanda O’Dell (8:30), ; Jacque Stouffer (11:00) Sanctuary Sound: Dave Heston, Gary Pennington
OUR CARE MINISTRY CARDS There is a Care Ministry card located in the pew racks that describes our ministry and provides an option to request prayer or care on the opposite side of the card. We would like to encourage you to use the card to express a need. Simply fill out the information and place it in the offering plate during worship, or give the card to one of the pastoral staff members.
GETTING TO KNOW ONE ANOTHER Sanford Beckett retired as associate director of NorthStar Church Network, an association of 170 Baptist congregations in Northern Virginia, having previously served churches in Missouri, Mississippi, and South Carolina. He and his wife, Diane, moved to the Liberty area two years ago to be near their son and daughter and their families. Debbie Blanton is a graduate of William Jewell College where she met her husband, Wes. Through the years at Second, she has served as a deacon and a member of Committee on Committees. She enjoys spending time with family (especially grandchildren) and traveling. Wes Blanton is the Director of Commercial Banking for Citizens Bank and Trust. He and Debbie have been members of Second since 1988. They have three children and five grandchildren. Over the years Wes has served as Deacon Chair and Chairman of the Church Council. Angie Fuller came to Second in 1997. She serves in the Music and Children’s Ministries and on the Arts and Environment Team. She also teaches at Second Friends Preschool. Angie and David are parents to Naomi and Adam. David Fuller joined Second after graduating from William Jewell College. He is a deacon serving on the Ordinance Team. Davis is an Operations Research Analyst for the Department of the Army at Ft. Leavenworth. James Huffman is the son of Jeremy and Jennifer Huffman. He is a first grader at Franklin Elementary. Jennifer Huffman is mother to Caroline, James and John Thomas. She writes books for children and takes amazing photographs! Jeremy Huffman is a senior business development manager for Alliant Teksystems.
PRAYER CONCERNS CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Christian sympathy is extended to Mark and Linda Davis and family in the death of Mark’s uncle, Rev. Merle Davis, in Topeka, KS, on April 7.
ST. LUKE’S ON THE PLAZA Sarah McNally, Joanna Burchett’s granddaughter-in-law HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL Loreta Moore Larry Jones OTHER PRAYER CONCERNS Carole Tanner, health Laura Carder, health
Our Ministry Team Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor Allan Aunspaugh, Minister of Music | Ann Posey, Organist Mike Lassiter, Associate Pastor | Connie McNeill, Associate Pastor Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor | Linda Jones, Church Administrator Ashton Wells & Jordan Groves, Interim Student Co-Pastors
Getting Connected Each Sunday in the Welcome Center (just inside the Kansas Street entrance on Level 1), our Connections Team is waiting to help you get “connected.” You’ll This may include finding a Bible study class, showing you where children and student ministries meet, or sharing the days’ activities and schedule. You may also choose simply to enjoy a cup of coffee at the Welcome Center’s coffee bar and get to know others at Second.
Our Website: WiFi: 2BC-Guest Password: 2bcguest#01
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300 E. Kansas | Liberty, Missouri 64068 816.781.2824 |