Second Baptist Church belong
Renovatio: Chosen! July 5, 2015 | Jerry Cain
Welcome Guests If you are a first-time guest, please complete a guest card from a pew pocket or Friendship Register and drop it in the offering plate so that we may acknowledge your visit and get acquainted with you. We are glad you have joined us for worship today. ________________________ Meditation: 1 Samuel 16:6-13 New Revised Standard Version When they came, he looked on Eliab and thought, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is now before the Lord.” 7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 8 Then Jesse called Abinadab, and made him pass before Samuel. He said, “Neither has the Lord chosen this one.” 9 Then Jesse made Shammah pass by. And he said, “Neither has the Lord chosen this one.” 10 Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel, and Samuel said to Jesse, “The Lord has not chosen any of these.” Samuel said to Jesse, “Are all your sons here?” And he said, “There remains yet the youngest, but he is keeping the sheep.” And Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and bring him; for we will not sit down until he comes here.” 12 He sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and had beautiful eyes, and was handsome. The Lord said, “Rise and anoint him; for this is the one.” 11
Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the presence of his brothers; and the spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward. Samuel then set out and went to Ramah. 13
_________________________________ WE LOVE OUR CHILDREN! Your entire family is welcome here! Children’s worship bags filled with books and activities are available at the Sanctuary entrances. If you’d like an alternative for your children, childcare for birth through Pre-K is available on Level 2 at any point in the service. Our Welcome Center is also available for those with restless infants, and you can view the service on a monitor there. __________________________________ Note: + Indicates stand if you are able. | Please see an usher for a listening aid. Give your tithe online now at Online givers may participate in the worship offering by using the card in the pew rack.
The Worship of God July 5, 2015
8:30 & 11:00 a.m.
Milton Horne
Invitation to Worship
Allan Aunspaugh
Candlelighting Prelude
Kaylee Halfhill “The Majesty and Glory of Your Name”
+Hymns of Praise 325 326
“Great is the Lord”
Tom Fettke
“How Majestic is Your Name”
The Gospel Lesson John 15:15–16 Nick Bartlow (8:30) (Pew Bible, page 84, New Testament) Brad Peck (11:00) Leader: The Good News of Our Lord. People: Praise be to our Lord, Jesus Christ. Practicing the Presence of God Worship in Music (8:30) Choral Worship
David Fulk
“In My Father’s House” The Sanctuary Choir
Craig Courtney
Prayers of the People +Hymn 473
Linda Cain
“Will you Come and Follow Me”
Old Testament Lesson
Deuteronomy 7:6–8
Carrie Bartlow (8:30) Michele Peck (11:00)
(Pew Bible, page 128, Old Testament)
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God! Sermon
“Renovatio: Chosen!” Jerry Cain
+Hymn of Response 255 “We Are God’s People”
The worship of the living God invites our response. Those who wish to profess faith in Christ and/or to unite with the church are invited to come forward and share your decision with the pastor.
+Generosity Moment and Offertory Prayer Offertory
“Simple Gifts”
+Presentation of Offerings 601 “O How I Love Jesus” Refrain
Elliott Yoakum Sandy Wilkinson O HOW I LOVE JESUS
O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, because He first loved me! +A Time of Greeting
Connie McNeill
+Congregational Blessing
Connie McNeill
+The Sending Forth 514 “Christians, Let Us Go and Serve Him”
Christians, let us go and serve Him, serve the One who gives us life. Let us serve in love and power, in the name of Jesus Christ. Serve in love and serve in wisdom, reaching all we know and see. Christians, let us go and serve Him, now and through eternity. Words © 2002 Broadman Press (Lifeway) UBP
All Songs UBP CCLI #1091036
“Psalm 144:15”
Douglas Wagner
All Video UBP #502497070
Organ: Ann Posey Piano: Milton Horne (8:30), Julie Williams (11:00) Sanctuary Sound: Dave Heston, Gary Pennington Media: John Hilton
Welcome to the Pulpit: Jerry Cain We welcome Jerry Cain to bring the message this morning. Jerry and Linda Cain have been members of 2BC since 2013. They were previously members of Second when Jerry served as Collegiate Vice President and Chaplain to the College at William Jewell. He most recently served as President and Chancellor of Judson University, Elgin, Illinois before his retirement. Jerry has academic degrees from Eastern New Mexico University and Baylor University. The Cains now make their home in Kearney. Jerry and Linda have two sons and two grandchildren. They share hobbies, which include cooking, reading, spectator sports, traveling and gardening.
ď ł OUR CARE MINISTRY CARDS There is a Care Ministry card located in the pew racks that describes our ministry and provides an option to request prayer or care on the opposite side. We would like to encourage you to use the card to express a need. Simply fill out the information and place it in the offering plate during worship, or give the card to one of the pastoral staff members.
ď ł
PRAYER CONCERNS Christian sympathy is extended to Curt and Gerry Walther and family in the death of Curt’s brother, Neil Walther, on June 28. LIBERTY HOSPITAL Bernice Benningfield NORTHEAST REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, Kirksville, MO Jon Peck, Brad Peck’s brother OTHER PRAYER CONCERNS Senior Pastor Jason Edwards on Sabbatical (June 1–August 23) with wife, Christy, and their children Jackson, Luke, and Norah
Carrie Bartlow has been attending Second since 2006. She is a senior Account Manager at Kemper & Company in Kansas City. Carrie and Nick have three children, Wakefield, Ramsey, and Deacon. Nick Bartlow has been a member of Second since 2000. He currently serves on the Leadership Development Committee and enjoys cooking for Wednesday night meals. Nick works at Barkley helping companies to achieve their goals and objectives. Linda Cain and her husband, Jerry, returned to Second Baptist in 2013 following Jerry’s retirement from Judson University in Elgin, IL.They live in Kearney, enjoying their grandchildren, renewed relationships and new ministry opportunities within our church and the community. Kaylee Halfhill is a first grader at Westview Elementary in Excelsior Springs. She is the daughter of Kim and Patrick Halfhill. Brad Peck is a teacher at Park Hill South High School. He is the facilitator for the 2BC Safety & Security Team. Michele Peck is a teacher in the Liberty School District. She and Brad are the parents of two daughters, Ally and Hope. Michele served as the chair for the recent Student Pastor Search Committee. Elliott Yoakum is the son of Rolland and Barbara Yoakum. He will be a senior at Liberty North High School in the fall.
Our Ministry Team Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor Allan Aunspaugh, Minister of Music | Ann Posey, Organist Mike Lassiter, Associate Pastor | Connie McNeill, Associate Pastor Charles Smith, Associate Pastor | Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor Linda Jones, Church Administrator | Tony McBroom, Summer Intern
Getting Connected Each Sunday in the Welcome Center (just inside the Kansas Street entrance on Level 1), our Connections Team is waiting to help you get “connected.” This may include finding a Bible study class, showing you where children and student ministries meet, or sharing the days’ activities and schedule. You may also choose simply to enjoy a cup of coffee at the Welcome Center’s coffee bar and get to know others at Second.
Our Website: WiFi: 2BC-Guest Password: 2bcguest#01
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300 E. Kansas | Liberty, Missouri 64068 816.781.2824 |