Reflejos 06/19/2020

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Se mantendrá la protección de 650,000 receptores de DACA. Lee los diferentes comunicados en la página 10 GLORIA







VOL. 31, No. 250



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From father to son to son...


Father’s day and better yet nearly every day can be important for a Father/Son relationship I am not sure how my late dad developed his love of baseball but he was playing as a teenager in his tiny hometown in central Mexico in the 40’s. Villa Juarez, San Luis Potosi, with a population of about 3,000 is a quiet town where you can disappear and forget that the world is as big as it is. He also played for a team that included workers at the nearby mina of Guaxcama, an operation that mined sulfur for a German company. As a little boy, my dad used to joke with me and say that he had the potential to play in the major leagues if only my grandpa would have allowed him to play more instead of working! I often heard stories of my dad’s prowess on the baseball field from various men in Villa Juarez when we visited during Christmas. Even as my dad settled his family in Blue Island in the 60’s, he created and managed a men’s baseball team of mostly Mexican-Americans that had played high school and even college baseball. The late Blue Island Sun Standard sportswriter Don Rizzs, once described my then 42 year old dad playing second base as “the Diamantes’ manager can handle himself at second base like the master that he is”. Aptly named the Diamantes, the team won the Joliet Latin-American Senior Baseball league in the early 70’s and created some nice friendships and news in the community as well as increasing baseball interest. As a 5 year old, I would never be able to appreciate his frequent visits to the Howie Minas sports shop in Midlothian to talk baseball for over an hour with Howie himself! It is important to note that Mr. Minas was a baseball icon in that south suburb. Minas put together a town baseball team during the 60’s that eventually turned into a National Baseball Congress champion in Wichita, Kansas in 1992. I wish I could go back in time and listen to these two baseball fanatics talk about their baseball ideas and the stories they must have shared (even with my dad’s limited knowledge of English)? In 1974, when all this was happening, I was an impatient 5 year old that just wanted to go home and read his comic books, play with my friends and watch television. It is not until my teen years and in my early twenties after I graduated from U of I that I really appreciated baseball for what it gave me and my relationship with my Dad. While my relationship with my Dad was great, I remember fondly how we used to head over to a neighborhood fine gravel lot and play pepper. In baseball terms, playing pepper involves one player hitting crisp groundballs and line drives to another player standing about 20 to 30 feet away. My Dad and I made it a bit more challenging for ourselves by having me stand about 60 feet away and throwing the baseball right at him! It helped that my arm was strong enough and accurate enough to zing fastballs toward my Dad’s strike zone for almost an hour! To this day, seeing my dad handle his prized baseball bat at the age of 64 like a lumber jack swinging a small axe was amazing. Even when I accidentally threw an off balance fastball toward his chest, he deftly moved his feet & arms as well as his bat and managed to smash a groundball toward me! If his skill level was this good at the age of 64 - how good must he have been in his 20’s? This was a bit of a workout, but we also managed to talk about our family, my job and life in general. I would cherish memories of this “workout” for years to come and to this day, especially on Father’s Day. Some of these thoughts and feelings even came together in 1997 in Mexico, four years after my Dad passed away of cancer in 1993. My uncle, cousin and I were walking through the streets of Villa Juarez when an older gentleman that knew my uncle saw us and wished us “Feliz Navidad”. I introduced myself as the son of Tomas Izaguirre, since he probably did not know me and that started a heartfelt story about my Dad from this gentleman. The memories of my dad my


TOMAS IZAGUIRRE prepares for a game as a player/ coach at the age of 56 for the Tigres de Joliet in 1985

HENRY AND Miguel Izaguirre enjoy a pregame moment at a White Sox game

introduction stirred within him nearly made us both cry. He told me he really cared about my Dad and that many people in the town were very saddened by has passing. For extra emphasis at the end of the conversation, he grabbed my arm and emphasized that he admired the way he played baseball and the passion he had for the game and his support for his teammates. My son may already have grown tired about some of my stories about his Abuelito by the time he reached grammar school. Miguel was born in 2006, 13 years after his Abuelito’s passing. Everyone in my family has managed to make sure we rekindle our MIGUEL IZAGUIRRE - ready fond memories of my to play for the Oak Brook Dad and we have man- Outlaws travel team aged to maintain a loving connection with him even after his physical presence had disappeared. I believe strongly in the power of storytelling especially if those stories create a stronger bond amongst family. This was proven to me when my son, at the age 6, told

me that someone came to visit his maternal grandma that day and knew his Abuelito Tomas. He had played baseball against him in a Chicago senior men’s league in the late 70’s and admired how well he played and the sportsmanship he showed against his team. As we drove home, Miguel was excited to tell me about the stories this man from his mom’s side of the family shared with him. We had a good laugh about the probability that Abuelito was indeed a good baseball player if an opponent noticed that and even better family man. Family time with my son is very important to me. Miguel loves shopping and looking at any new baseball equipment for himself and his travel baseball team (kind of like his Abuelito). Now, I find myself joking with him that if his Abuelito Tomas was still with us, he would be taking him to the area sports and baseball stores to buy him whatever baseball or basketball equipment he wanted. At times, I see the symmetry in how my Dad and I bonded and spent time with each other and how my son and I enjoy our time together with baseball in the middle. I still love how Miguel managed to convince a Louisville Bats AAA minor league baseball player to play catch with him last summer. We were the only two fans allowed in the ballpark during pre-game batting practice that beautiful day in Kentucky and it almost seemed magical. It was one of the many great memories we have from our annual Father/Son road trip. We have been fortunate enough that my baseball skills are still good enough to keep a 13 year old from being “bored” with his Dad and we make it a point to talk about anything we want while we are doing our own workouts. If my dad were still with us, he would probably be telling Miguel to move his feet at third base and make accurate throws as a third baseman or pitcher. I told my son recently I expect to be playing baseball with my grandkids somewhere, someday with my dad looking down upon us. Henry Izaguirre


La voz suburbana de los Hispanos GERENTE DE VENTAS Y OPERACIONES Linda Siete (847) 806-1411 VENTAS Raul Ortiz (847) 427-4634 CLASIFICADOS (847) 427-4770 CIRCULACION (847) 806-1111 COORDINACIÓN DE ANUNCIOS Ana Maria Hinkhouse Reflejos Publications, LLC

95 W Algonquin Rd Suite 300 Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Reflejos es una publicación que sirve a los latinos de los suburbios de Chicago en los condados de Cook, DuPage, Kane, KendallLake, McHenry y Will. Reflejos orgullosamente forma parte de la Familia Paddock y es publicacion hermana del Daily Herald. Fundado en 1990.

In alliance with


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Shape our future: Déle forma a Participate nuestro futuro: inthe Participe hoy en el 2020 Census Censo 2020 El Censo del 2020 siempre ha sido crítico para Illinois, pero ahora, con la pandemia y su alto costo económico para nuestras comunidades, es más importante que nunca. Durante la próxima década, el gobierno usará los datos del Censo para distribuir millones de dólares para programas de vivienda, desarrollar mejores escuelas, atención médica, y servicios sociales cruciales. Por cada persona que no llene el Censo, Illinois pierde hasta $1,800 (multiplicado por diez años, eso significa $18,000 en fondos perdidos). Hasta el momento, se calcula que solamente 6 de 10 personas que viven en Illinois han llenado el Censo. Por suerte, todavía hay tiempo. Puede responder el cuestionario en línea en (donde encuentra un formato digital en español), por teléfono (llame al 844-468-2020 para español o 844-3302020 para inglés), o mediante llenar un formulario que ha recibo por correo. El Censo de 2020 no pregunta si usted o cualquier otra persona en su hogar es ciudadano o ciudadana de los EE UU. Su información no puede ser compartida con inmigración ni con la policía y no afectará a sus beneficios del gobierno. Necesitamos que cada persona que lea este mensaje llene el Censo. Necesitamos preguntar a nuestra familia y a nuestros vecinos si han llenado el Censo. Hay muy pocas oportunidades de lograr un cambio tan grande en nuestra comunidad y de afectar a tantas vidas. Llene el Censo. Sea parte del conteo.

The 2020 Census has always been critical for Illinois, but now, with the COVID-19 crisis taking a high economic toll on our communities, it’s more important than ever. During the next decade, the government will use census data to allocate millions of dollars for housing programs, schools, healthcare, and critical social services. For each person who doesn’t fill out the census, Illinois loses up to $1,800 (multiplied by ten years, that comes to $18,00 in lost funding). At the moment, it is estimated that only 6 out of 10 persons living in Illinois have filled out the census. Fortunately, there’s still time. You can reply online at 2020census. gov (a digital form is available in Spanish), by phone (call 844-4682020 for Spanish or 844-330-2020 for English), or by filling out a questionnaire you received in the mail. The 2020 Census does not ask if you or anyone in your household is a citizen of the U.S. Your information cannot be shared with immigration or the police and does not affect your government benefits. We need every person reading this message to fill out the census. We need to ask our familyand neighbors if they have filled out the census. There are few opportunities to create such a large change in our community and affect so many lives. Fill out the census. Be part of the count.


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Todos merecen ser contados: así Illinois obtendrá su parte justa.




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Invest Aurora y las cámaras de comercio con sede en Aurora anuncian la creación del programa Restore Aurora Business Relief Invest Aurora and Aurora-based Chambers of Commerce to Announce Restore Aurora Business Relief Program

AURORA, IL - June 8, 2020 – Invest Aurora, la oficina de desarrollo económico sin fines de lucro de la Ciudad de Aurora, junto con la Cámara de Comercio Regional de Aurora, la Cámara de Comercio Hispana Regional de Aurora y la Cámara de Comercio Afroamericana del Condado de Quad están estableciendo el programa Restore Aurora Business Relief para ayudar a las empresas a limpiar y reconstruir los daños ocurridos durante los disturbios civiles en la región el domingo 31 de mayo y el lunes 1 de junio de 2020. El fondo comenzó a aceptar donaciones financieras el martes 9 de junio de 2020 y está aceptando solicitudes de las empresas desde el miércoles 10 de junio de 2020. El programa Restore Aurora Business Relief proporcionará subvenciones para ayudar a las empresas a recuperarse de los daños físicos en sus locales. Las subvenciones están destinadas a compensar los costos no cubiertos por las pólizas de seguro de las empresas. Las empresas, tanto en la ciudad de Aurora como en la villa de North Aurora serán elegibles para presentar una solicitud. Las empresas afectadas encontrarán la solicitud en, así como a través de las tres cámaras de comercio. “El resurgimiento del desarrollo empresarial después de los recientes disturbios civiles debe ser enfrentado por la comunidad empresarial conjunta de Aurora utilizando un esfuerzo coordinado y para hacer que “Aurora Strong” (“Una Aurora Fuerte”) sea una realidad y no solo un eslogan”, dijo Sherman Jenkins, presidente de la Cámara de Comercio Afroamericana del Condado de Quad. La recaudación de fondos se administrará a través del Fondo Invest Aurora de la Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley (CFFRV). Se alienta a los miembros de la comunidad y a otras empresas a hacer donaciones al fondo en línea. Todas las donaciones serán deducibles de impuestos por ser consideradas como contribuciones caritativas. Los primeros $ 5,000 recaudados serán igualados por una contribución idéntica de Invest Aurora. Otras empresas que deseen igualar los montos de contribuciones de la comunidad, deben comunicarse con Invest Aurora a través de “Hemos escuchado durante la última semana sobre los desafíos que están enfrentando muchas empresas y miembros de la comunidad”, dijo Bryan Gay, presidente / CEO de Invest Aurora. “Invest Aurora y las tres cámaras de comercio con sede en Aurora han trabajado arduamente para crear un programa que ayude a la comunidad a unirse en su esfuerzo”. Jessica Linder Gallo, presidenta / directora ejecutiva de la Cámara de Comercio Regional de Aurora agregó: “Nos esforzamos por apoyar a las empresas y la comunidad como Una Aurora unida”. La emergencia en el estado de Illinois llega en un momento en que las empresas de toda la región ya están sufriendo como resultado de la pandemia de COVID-19. Las empresas locales no solo

KARINA GARCÍA, presidenta / CEO de la Cámara de Comercio Hispana Regional de Aurora.

han tenido que lidiar con los desafíos de cerrar y reabrir, sino que ahora están lidiando con daños físicos. El programa Restore Aurora Business Relief ayudará con el proceso de recuperación. “Entendemos la dificultad que enfrentan las empresas, por eso es tan importante que hagamos que el proceso de solicitud sea lo más simple posible para los dueños de los negocios”, dijo Karina García, presidenta / CEO de la Cámara de Comercio Hispana Regional de Aurora. “Nuestro objetivo es distribuir las subvenciones a las empresas dañadas de la manera más eficiente posible para ayudarlas a superar este momento difícil”.


Invest Aurora es una asociación de desarrollo económico pública/privada 501c3 dedicada a ampliar las oportunidades económicas en Aurora, Illinois. La organización se enfoca en la atracción, retención y promoción de negocios dentro de la Ciudad de Aurora, y proporciona subsidios y préstamos para pequeñas empresas a través de sus programas Finish Line Grant y John C Dunham Revolving Loan. Para más información, póngase en contacto con: Bryan Gay, de Invest Aurora, al 630-2563161 o a través de

JESSICA LINDER Gallo, presidenta / directora ejecutiva de la Cámara de Comercio Regional de Aurora

AURORA, IL - June 8, 2020 – Invest Aurora, the City of Aurora’s non-profit economic development office, along with the Aurora Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Aurora Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the Quad County African American Chamber of Commerce are establishing the Restore Aurora Business Relief Program to help businesses clean up and rebuild following the civil unrest that occurred in the region on Sunday, May 31 and Monday, June 1, 2020. The fund started accepting financial donations on Tuesday, June 9, 2020, and it is accepting applications from businesses since Wednesday, June 10, 2020. The Restore Aurora Business Relief Program will provide grants to help those businesses recovering from physical damages to their locations. The grants are intended to offset costs not covered by the businesses’ insurance policies. Businesses in both the City of Aurora and the Village of North Aurora will be eligible to apply. Affected businesses will find the application at as well as through the

three chambers of commerce. “Business development resurgence after the recent civil unrest must be met by Aurora’s joint business community using a concerted, coordinated effort to make Aurora Strong a reality and not just a slogan,” said Sherman Jenkins, Chairman of the Quad County African American Chamber of Commerce. Fundraising will be administered through the Invest Aurora Fund at the Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley (CFFRV). Community members and other businesses are encouraged to make donations to the fund online. All donations will be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. The first $5,000 raised will be matched by Invest Aurora. Other companies wishing to match community contributions, should contact Invest Aurora at “We’ve heard from many businesses and community members over the last week about the challenges they are facing,” said Bryan Gay, president/CEO of Invest Aurora. “Invest Aurora and the three Aurora-based Chambers of Commerce have been hard at work creating a program to facilitate the community’s eagerness to come together.” Jessica Linder Gallo, president/CEO of the Aurora Regional Chamber of Commerce added, “We strive to stand with the businesses and the community as One Aurora.” The emergency in the state of Illinois comes at a time when businesses throughout the region are already suffering as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only have local businesses had to deal with the challenges of closing and reopening, they are now dealing with physical damage. The Restore Aurora Business Relief Program will help aid the recovery process. “We understand the difficulty businesses are facing, which is why it is so important that we make the application process as simple as possible for business owners,” said Karina Garcia, president/CEO of the Aurora Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. “Our goal is to distribute grants to damaged businesses as efficiently as possible to help get them through this difficult time.”


Invest Aurora is a 501c3 public/private economic development partnership dedicated to expanding economic opportunities in Aurora, Illinois. The organization is focused on the attraction, retention and promotion of businesses within the City of Aurora, and provides small-business grants and loans through its Finish Line Grant and John C Dunham Revolving Loan programs. For more information, contact Bryan Gay, Invest Aurora, at 630-256-3161 or


Servicios de calidad para el bienestar familiar

Quality Family Healthcare services P. ¿Qué servicios proporciona el Centro de Salud Planned Parenthood of Illinois de Waukegan? R. Brindamos una amplia gama de servicios los que incluyen varias opciones de anticonceptivos, exámenes de detección de cáncer de cuello uterino y de seno, pruebas de detección de infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS), pruebas y prevención del VIH (incluidas PrEP y nPEP) y terapia hormonal reafirmante de género. También brindamos servicios de aborto y asesoramiento y anticoncepción de emergencia.

Q. What services does Planned Parenthood of Illinois Waukegan Health Center provide? A. We provide a wide range of services including a variety of birth control options, cervical and breast cancer screenings, testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), HIV testing and prevention (including PrEP and nPEP), and Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy. We also provide abortion services and counseling and emergency contraception.

P. ¿Planned Parenthood ofrece servicios de telesalud? R. ¡Sí! Nos enorgullece ofrecer la atención médica asequible y de alta calidad de PPIL a través de una plataforma de videoconferencia privada y segura. Los pacientes pueden usar los servicios de telesalud para servicios anticonceptivos, tratamiento de ITS, prevención del VIH y más. PPIL también ofrece PPDirect, una aplicación que permite a los pacientes reordenar los métodos del control de la natalidad y acceder a los diagnósticos y el tratamiento de la infección del tracto urinario (UTI) desde su teléfono.

Q. Does Planned Parenthood offer Telehealth services? A. Yes! We are proud to offer PPIL’s high-quality, affordable health care through a private and secure video conferencing platform. Patients can use telehealth services for contraceptive services, STI treatment, HIV prevention, and more. PPIL also offers PPDirect, an app that lets patients reorder birth control and access urinary tract infection (UTI) diagnoses and treatment from your phone.

P. ¿Cuál ha sido la respuesta de PPIL a la pandemia COVID-19? R. PPIL se toma muy en serio su responsabilidad con la seguridad del paciente y del personal durante esta pandemia en curso. Las precauciones de seguridad de PPIL incluyen: distanciamiento social en salas de espera, mejores prácticas de desinfección y limpieza, procedimientos para registrarse remotamente, políticas de enmascaramiento universales y mejores opciones de telesalud. PPIL continúa monitoreando y respondiendo a las pautas y mejores prácticas de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de EEUU y el Departamento de Salud de Illinois.

Q. What has PPIL’s response been to the COVID-19 Pandemic? A. PPIL takes its responsibility to patient and staff safety seriously during this ongoing pandemic. PPIL’s safety precautions include: social distancing in waiting rooms, enhanced disinfecting and cleaning practices, remote check-in procedures, universal masking policies, and enhanced telehealth options. PPIL continues to monitor and respond to guidelines and best practices from both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Illinois Department of Health.

Q. Can men use Planned ParentP. ¿Pueden los hombres usar los servicios hood’s services? A. Yes! PPIL provides services for men de Planned Parenthood? R. ¡Sí! PPIL brinda servicios para hom- including STI testing and treatment, vasecbres, incluyendo pruebas y tratamiento de ITS, tomies, HIV testing, and well visits. vasectomías, pruebas para detección de VIH y visitas de rutina.

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Los cambios en la regla de carga pública, que ha regido durante más de cien años para las personas que reciben ayuda federal, no se aplicarán en Illinois, dando un golpe a los intereses de la Administración del Presidente Donald Trump, indicó la corte federal de Apelaciones del Séptimo Circuito, en Chicago.


Janine Trainor Fronteras de la Notiica - EFE Los cambios en la regla de carga pública, que ha regido durante más de cien años para las personas que reciben ayuda federal, no se aplicarán en Illinois, dando un golpe a los intereses de la Administración del Presidente Donald Trump, indicó la corte federal de Apelaciones del Séptimo Circuito, en Chicago. Según documentos judiciales a los que tuvo acceso Efe el jueves 11 de junio , un panel de jueces mantuvo por 2-1 un amparo que bloquea el cumplimiento en este estado de las barreras impuestas el año pasado por el presidente Donald Trump a los inmigrantes que se postulan para la residencia permanente en los Estados Unidos. A aquellos que reciben bene#cios públicos, cupones de alimentos, atención médica gratuita, subsidios y ayuda en efectivo se les niega la llamada "tarjeta verde" de residente, porque son considerados una "carga pública", bajo la Ley de Inmigración y Nacionalidad de 1965. El condado de Cook, de Illinois, y la Coalición de Illinois para los Derechos de Inmigrantes y Refugiados demandaron al Departamento de Seguridad Nacional en septiembre de 2019 por considerar que la medida era discriminatoria. Según la demanda, la primera reacción de los inmigrantes con hijos ciudadanos fue


renunciar a los bene#cios casi en masa, por miedo a ser deportados. Esto puso en riesgo la atención médica y la alimentación de esos niños que, en su mayoría, viven por debajo de la línea de pobreza y necesitan ayuda. El juez de la corte de distrito Gary Feinerman otorgó un amparo preliminar y suspendió la aplicación de la medida en el estado el 14 de octubre, un día antes de su entrada en efecto a nivel nacional. El Gobierno apeló, pero la suspensión se mantuvo hasta el dictamen del panel de apelaciones, que el pasado miércoles concluyó que el Condado de Cook había establecido su derecho a realizar la demanda, y que la corte de distrito no abusó de su discreción al aprobar el amparo. Según los jueces, la aplicación de las nuevas disposiciones sobre carga pública tiene "numerosas fallas serias", incluyendo "consecuencias colaterales predecibles" para los gobiernos estatales y locales.

La regla hace que los inmigrantes, incluyendo a los que no son cubiertos por la regla, se den de baja "o eviten inscribirse" en los programas de cobertura de salud, tanto federales como estatales, señala el fallo. "Esto ha provocado una reducción de las tasas de cobertura de medicina preventiva y hace que los inmigrantes busquen atención de emergencia en el sistema de hospitales del Condado de Cook, que ha debido enfrentar aumentos signi#cativos en sus costos", agrega. El fallo del Séptimo Circuito se aplica solamente a Illinois, aunque la medida impulsada por Trump ha sido impugnada y bloqueada por otros jueces en el país. La mayoría de los usuarios de cupones de alimentos son ciudadanos estadounidenses, en su mayoría niños y ancianos. Unos 9 millones de usuarios son inmigrantes legales o niños ciudadanos con padres nacidos fuera del país.



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Supreme Court rules against Trump Administration, keeps protection of 650,000 DACA recipients in place Castro relieved with SCOTUS’s decision on DACA

ACLU Statement on the Supreme Court’s Decision to Uphold DACA

Foster Statement on Supreme Court DACA Ruling

ELGIN (June 18, 2020) – The Supreme Court of the United States struck down the Trump administration’s attempt to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy. This effectively ends the push to give the federal government the legal authority to deport immigrants who came to the country illegally as children, also referred to as “Dreamers.” State Senator Cristina Castro (D-Elgin) was relieved to hear the decision. “Many Dreamers have established lives in this country, with jobs and families, and a deportation would risk completely uprooting that,” Castro said. “They are undocumented through no fault of their own, and the purpose of DACA is to protect them. I’m so relieved that the decision made by the Supreme Court today is going to ensure their protection lasts.” The policy was implemented in 2012 under former President Barack Obama. It allows some individuals who are in the United States unlawfully after arriving as children to receive a renewable two year period of deportation deferment. It also gives the ability to obtain a U.S. work permit. In order to be eligible, Dreamers cannot have serious felonies or misdemeanors on their criminal records. The program was expanded in 2014, and attempts to prevent the expansion were blocked by an evenly split Supreme Court, which had one vacancy due to the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Scalia has since been replaced by conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch, causing many experts to believe the decision would fall the opposite way. “I’m grateful the majority on the Supreme Court put politics aside and opted to do what is best for the Dreamers, their families and the country,” Castro said. The 5-4 majority ruling was written by Chief Justice John Roberts.

WASHINGTON (June 18, 2020) — In a 5-4 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the Trump administration’s attempt to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and jeopardize the lives of 700,000 DACA recipients. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has fought the Trump administration’s termination of DACA since it was first announced and filed an amicus brief in Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California. In a separate case, the ACLU and the ACLU of Southern California won a nationwide preliminary injunction on behalf of a class of young immigrants challenging the Trump administration’s unlawful revocations of their DACA status. The ACLU has also been active in the fight for a clean Dream Act. Andrea Flores, deputy director of immigration policy, said: “The Supreme Court rightly ruled in favor of over 700,000 citizens in waiting, their families, and our country’s future. The courts and the American people agree: It’s time for President Trump and Stephen Miller to end their crusade against Dreamers and immigrants writ large. This decision allows DACA recipients to live and work without the daily fear of deportation, and confirms what we have always known: America is their home. “Today, we celebrate but know that the fight is not over. For nearly three years, DACA recipients have lived in a legal limbo brought on by the Trump administration. The House of Representatives has already passed H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act, and it is incumbent upon the Senate to do the same to permanently protect Dreamers. We won’t rest until Dreamers can.”

WASHINGTON, DC (June 18, 2020) – Today, Congressman Bill Foster (D-IL) issued the following statement after the Supreme Court ruled against the Trump administration’s challenge to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program: “Today is a victory for hundreds of thousands of Dreamers across the country, including many in Joliet, Aurora, Bolingbrook, and Naperville who make our communities better and have known no other home but the United States. The Trump administration’s cruel attempt to target these patriotic young people was beneath the values of our nation, and the Supreme Court rightly rejected it. “This ruling doesn’t replace the need for Congressional action that permanently protects Dreamers. Voting for the Dream Act in 2010 and the Dream and Promise Act in 2019 are two of my proudest votes as a Member of Congress, and it remains one of my top legislative priorities to see permanent protections for Dreamers signed into law, and for Congress to take up comprehensive immigration reform. “We have always been a nation of immigrants, and we are a stronger nation when we embrace our diversity. I’m proud to represent a district where vibrant immigrant communities are welcomed, valued, and celebrated, and I will continue to stand up for them.”


Powerful perspective Sox VP Kenny Williams opens up on race, racism

Before the 2001 baseball season, Kenny Williams became the first African-American general manager in Chicago professional sports history. Taking over the White Sox, he was just the third African-American GM in major-league history, behind Bill Lucas and Bob Watson. It didn’t take long for the mail to start coming in. “That mail that (Sox chairman) Jerry Reinsdorf and I used to get when I was first hired,” Williams said in a video released by the White Sox on Monday. “Some we laughed about, and some we needed security for. He was called (bleep) lover ... “I don’t even want to dignify these people by saying the things they said about him when he hired me and the things they said about me. This has brought back some things that I had buried.” Race and racism have been international topics since Memorial Day, when George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis. Williams, now the White Sox’s executive vice president, has seen everything unfold. “We watched a murder, right in front of our eyes,”hesaid.“We’veseenitbefore.Idon’tknow that we’ve seen it that casual before, with total disregard to humanity before. When I hear ‘I can’t breathe,’ I don’t just hear it, I felt that. It’s been difficult to breathe for a long time.” Racism in America has been on Williams’ mind for almost 50 years, dating back to his boyhood days in Northern California. “I’ve kind of been struggling as to how to start this whole conversation out,” Williams before expressing his feelings with a personal, powerful perspective for almost 35 minutes. “I was 9 years old, I may have felt it. I think I felt it before then because that was my godfather, John Carlos, who raised his fist in the 1968 Olympics. But I was only 5 years old at that time. I knew enough to know that in the subsequent years ... there was a lot of political discussion in my household. A lot of anxiety.” Williams was in junior high school in 1977, the year Carlos’ ex-wife Kim committed suicide. “It was because of the pressure and the intensity in which they spewed their hatred toward (Carlos),” Williams said. Before that, the anxiety came from Williams’ late father, Jerry, having to sue the city of San Jose in his quest to work as a fireman. “For the right to risk his life, really,” Williams said. “We got death threats, things thrown at our front door, knocks at our door at various times of the night. When I was 9 years old my father, on a fishing trip, gave me a .22 and taught me how to shoot a gun because there would be times he wasn’t home and he was fearful someone may come in. “He had to explain that to a 9-year-old at the time, and I learned how to shoot. I had a responsibility to protect the household if something happened. That was the first time I felt that the color of my skin made me different somehow.”


WHITE SOX vice president Kenny Williams had plenty to say about race and racism in the wake of the Memorial Day murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Starting as a player, Williams has been a part of major-league baseball for 39 years. “I recognize I’m now in a position of good fortune,” he said. “A certain amount of wealth, a certain amount of comfort.” Yet, when a white friend recently asked him what it’s like being black, Williams didn’t have to think about an answer. “It’s exhausting,” said the man who built the White Sox’s 2005 World Series championship team. “If it’s this exhausting for me, what’s it like for people who are struggling day to day? I’m 56 years old and I still have to worry about what I’m wearing when I get up in the morning, depending on where I’m going. I still have to get on an elevator, and if I don’t have on my executive clothes, a suit and tie, I still have to see a woman who sees me and backs off the elevator, in 2020?” Williams has seen and heard some terrible things in his life, but he does take some solace in the protests that have been taking place around the world since Floyd’s death. “I had given up hope,” Williams said. “I’m telling you, I had given up hope that in my lifetime I would see substantial gains in this area. Black people alone cannot erase racism, no more than black people could have solved slavery on our own. We need white people to do that and it appears to me, maybe I’m overly optimistic, that people have seen enough. “Once it happened that the positive voices in the protests took that shape, I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know what to say because I had never seen people come together like that for a black cause. Not in my lifetime. I just hope it also leads to some of these marches heading down to the voter’s registration booth and people showing up to vote. “I hope some of these marches lead to people being just as angry about crime within the community. Not police crime, but black-onblack crime. I don’t know what the numbers were the night of the first riots, but there were 18 to 20 some odd people that also lost their lives that night. We should be just as outraged about them as we are about Mr. Floyd.”

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Cada sala de examen se desinfecta rigurosamente entre la atención de un paciente y otro, utilizando productos aprobados para protegerse contra el COVID-19.

Restricciones a los visitantes

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Proceso para registrarse

A su llegada, cada paciente es examinado para detectar si tiene síntomas de COVID-19 y cualquier problema respiratorio. Los pacientes con COVID-19 son tratados en una área separada.

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Carolina Pikakacho Fronteras de la Noticia - EFESalud La situación vivida a raíz de la pandemia COVID-19 ha instaurado la conciencia de que la posibilidad de infección es real. La conducta de permanecer en casa el máximo tiempo posible obedecía, de hecho, a esta cuestión. Por tanto, estas emociones son adaptativas a la situación que estamos viviendo. En este sentido, el miedo es una emoción que nos avisa de un posible peligro (contagio por COVID-19) y nos lleva a movilizar los recursos para hacerle frente (seguir las recomendaciones y precauciones dadas por las autoridades sanitarias). En niveles medios de intensidad, el miedo es completamente bene%cioso, pero se convierte en disfuncional cuando esta emoción se produce por defecto o por exceso, pudiendo llevar al bloqueo e impidiendo un desempeño normal de nuestras actividades diarias (por ejemplo, salir de casa). La tristeza, es otra emoción prevalente en la noria emocional que se puede experimentar como consecuencia de esta situación y que está motivada principalmente por las pérdidas sufridas tanto en el aspecto personal, de situación, económico. Para %nalizar con el vaivén emocional causado por la pandemia, las emociones de ira, culpa y frustración, pueden seguir manifestándose en muchas personas como re$ejo de impotencia, cambio de expectativas y falta de control ante la nueva situación. La re$exión y el trabajo subjetivo son importantes para estas personas, facilitando la escucha activa y la expresión Entre los problemas surgidos de esta situación y en el marco de los problemas familiares, pueden darse también: con$ictos de pareja, que se han visto acentuadas por tantas horas de convivencia continuada. Ahora que la situación vuelve a cambiar, vuelve a exigirse un nuevo ajuste en la pareja que puede estar ya debilitada. Estas situaciones novedosas, explica, pueden ser un “estresor” que haga que a$oren o se acent'en determinados síntomas. Por ello se considera que pedir ayuda, si fuera necesario, resulta fundamental. Existen, por otro lado, profesiones que, dada la situación excepcional a la que se han enfrentado, pueden verse afectadas en mayor grado tras la pandemia; profesionales del ámbito sanitario, de residencias, trabajadores de la limpieza, supermercados, Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado… En este caso los psicólogos consideran que es importante conocer las posibles consecuencias psicológicas que pueden manifestarse, así como normalizar la posibilidad de solicitar una intervención psicológica para su gestión; reduciendo la estigmatización asociada al hecho de acudir a terapia.

| Español



Como combatir las emociones

• Tener en cuenta las recomendaciones de las autoridades sanitarias, siendo responsables socialmente • Entender y aceptar que la situación actual no es la misma situación que teníamos antes del con%namiento. • Ajustar las expectativas a la situación actual: Es normal establecer comparaciones con la forma de vida anterior, pero las circunstancias han cambiado. • Ser $exibles para adoptar nuevas formas de ver las cosas, actuar y relacionarnos. • Implantar nuevos hábitos adaptados a la nueva situación. • Fomentar nuestra creatividad, ser innovadores, pues esto nos puede facilitar el proceso de adaptación. • Plantearse la nueva situación como un reto, algo motivador que nos va a permitir desplegar nuestras capacidades y fortalezas para alcanzar nuevos objetivos. • Focalizarnos en los aspectos positivos que puede ofrecernos esta nueva situación. • Adoptar un afrontamiento activo ante las consecuencias que se han podido derivar de esta pandemia en el marco social, laboral… • Ser pacientes con la vuelta a la “normalidad”; es un proceso que se llevará a cabo de forma gradual y progresiva.

– Comunicación y desahogo con personas que nos hagan sentir tranquilas y seguras. – Estrategias de reducción de la activación (técnicas de respiración, relajación…). – Centrándonos en el aquí y ahora tratando de ejercer control 'nicamente sobre aquello que podemos controlar (pensamientos, emociones, medidas de protección). – Distracción y detención del pensamiento frente a aquellas preocupaciones que aparecen de manera intrusiva y reiterada y aumentan los niveles de ansiedad. – Re-evaluación del peligro (ej.: peligro de contagio) de forma objetiva (datos a favor y en contra). – Control de aquellos estímulos que generan malestar: seguimiento continuado de noticias sobre coronavirus, no apagar el móvil di%cultando la desconexión emocional… – Establecimiento (si no lo hubiera) y mantenimiento de las rutinas desarrolladas en las 'ltimas semanas (ej.: ejercicio). – Fijación de pequeños objetivos a conseguir. – Autorrefuerzo por el esfuerzo realizado y/o el logro alcanzado.

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Consagrada como una de las actrices más talentosas en México y recordada por su brillante interpretación de “Elena Tejero” en Aventurera

A UN AÑO DE LA MUERTE DE EDITH GONZÁLEZ: LA “AVENTURERA” QUE DEJÓ UNA HUELLA IMBORRABLE Carolina Pikacho, Fronteras de la Noticia - EFE El 13 de junio del 2019 el mundo de espectáculo sufrió un duro golpe. La mañana de aquel jueves, la actriz Edith González falleció a los 54 años después de una larga lucha contra el cáncer de ovario que le fue diagnosticado en 2016. Consagrada como una de las actrices más talentosas en México y recordada por su brillante interpretación de “Elena Tejero” en Aventurera, Edith tomó con entereza y valor la noticia de su enfermedad, la cual decidió enfrentar desde el primer día. “Me dijo (el doctor): ‘Tienes un carcinoma seroso papilar, así se llama el cáncer que padeces’; y le dije: ‘Ok, párale, ya está, ya entendí, tengo cáncer. ¿Qué vamos a hacer?’ Yo dije: ‘Si mi papá pudo, yo también’. Los doctores se me quedaban viendo. Y mi doctor, que es Enrique, decía que estaba en etapa de negación. Pero yo dije ‘esto es un equipo, vamos todos a atacarlo’”, así contó la actriz que recibió el diagnóstico que con el tiempo le resultó fatal. Su tratamiento la obligó a cancelar varios proyectos y refugiarse en su familia. Con el tiempo, la actriz comenzó a perder el cabello y ella, como un gesto de aceptación, decidió raparse porque para ella la vanidad era irrelevante en el proceso que vivía. La artista en todo momento abrazó la vida, por lo que durante su tratamiento decidió

recorrer el mundo. Sus viajes quedaron plasmados en sus redes sociales, pues ella nunca perdió el contacto con sus seguidores, quienes siempre se mostraron preocupados y pendientes de su estado de salud. Un año después obtuvo una luz de esperanza. En entrevista con la revista ¡Hola! anunció que le había ganado a la enfermedad: “Tengo el papel que dice ‘remisión’, y eso signi%ca que mi cuerpo ha respondido al tratamiento. Yo no estoy luchando, estoy viviendo. No soy una guerrera, soy una amante de la vida”. Poco a poco la vida de Edith González volvió a la normalidad, aunque la amenaza del cáncer continuó latente. La carrera artística de la actriz también retomó su camino e incursionó en la puesta en escena Un día particular y después con Entre mujeres; en televisión participó en la telenovela 3 familias y en el reality show Este es mi estilo. Tras concluir este último proyecto las alarmas volvieron a encenderse. Un tuit de la actriz levantó las sospechas de que las cosas no marchaban bien con su salud: “Querido pasado, gracias por tus enseñanzas. Querido futuro, estoy preparada. Dios mío, gracias por una nueva oportunidad”. Los momentos críticos comenzaron a inicios del 2019 y poco a poco su salud se deterioró, pero ni en estos duros instantes González perdió la sonrisa e incluso en sus últimos instantes de vida fueron emotivos y alejados de las lágrimas.

“Se quedó dormida. Se fue con la tranquilidad. Sus hijas, porque incluyo a mi hija, le cantaron una canción. Le tocaron la guitarra. Ambas le cantaron y ella fue plácidamente (durmiéndose). A mí me parece que venció el sufrimiento de una manera extraordinaria”, declaró el hermano de Edith al programa matutino de Tv Azteca. Sus últimos días los vivió con una enorme sonrisa y rodeados de su familia más cercana, según su hermano: “Estuvimos su hija, mi hija, Lorenzo y yo. Mi mamá estuvo a ratos porque la protegimos por su edad y que tiene diabetes algunas cosas no las vivió, pero si llegó, pudo platicar con Edith. Hubo un padrísimo, estupendo y maravilloso intercambio de mensajes entre ella y nosotros”. “Ella (estaba) con una entereza que es indescriptible, no dejó la sonrisa de la cara”, puntualizó Víctor Manuel González, hermano de Edith. A un año de su partida, Lorenzo Lazo organizó una misa por su eterno descanso en la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe a las 09:00 horas, evento que sólo podrá ser presenciado a través de la página web y el canal de YouTube del sitio mariano debido a las restricciones por la pandemia. “Las familias Lazo Margáin y González Fuentes agradecemos sus oraciones, así como todas las muestras de aprecio que han expresado en su memoria”, informó el viudo de Edith en un comunicado.


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Cuando Hay Amor GLORIA ESTEFAN Carlos Morales Fronteras de la Noticia - Sony Music Latin La superestrella global e ícono de la música pop Gloria Estefan lanza “Cuando Hay Amor”, el primer sencillo que se desprende de su muy anticipado álbum de estudio Brazil305, el cual se editará a nivel mundial el 13 de agosto. Su primera producción discográ$ca en siete a&os, este álbum nos deleitará con nuevas versiones de sus éxitos más queridos fusionados con ritmos brasile&os. “Cuando Hay Amor” es de la autoría del productor 19 veces ganador del GRAMMY® Emilio Estefan, junto a Nicolás Tovar y Andrea López. Esta canción es una de las cuatro composiciones inéditas que formarán parte del álbum Brazil305, el cual fue grabado en São Paulo, Brasil, y Miami.

A lo largo de su legendaria trayectoria, Gloria Estefan ha vendido más de 100 millones de discos a nivel mundial, y 38 de sus canciones se han situado en el puesto #1 de las listas de Billboard. Se ha hecho acreedora a siete premios GRAMMY® y ha destacado como actriz, compositora, $lántropa, humanitaria, y autora de dos libros infantiles que han $gurado entre los más vendidos en la lista de New York Times. Ella es considerada una de las intérpretes más reconocidas y queridas, al igual que una de las artistas crossover más exitosas de la historia de la música latina. Emilio & Gloria Estefan fueron la primera pareja en recibir la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad, y Gloria fue la primera cantautora cubano-americana en obtener el Kennedy Center Honor. La pareja también fue premiada con el prestigioso Premio Gershwin de la Canción Popular otorgado por la Bibiloteca del Congreso. Ademas, la exitosa obra musical de Broadway ON YOUR FEET! obtuvo una nominación al premio TONY® con una trama basada en sus vidas y su música.

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AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to construct a 38-foot overall height pole telecommunications structure at 4031 N. Sheridan Road, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois (N41° 57’ 23.8”; W87° 39’ 16.3”). AT&T Mobility, LLC invites comments from any interested party on the impact the proposed undertaking may have on any districts, sites, buildings, structures, or objects significant in American history, archaeology, engineering, or culture that are listed or determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under National Historic Preservation Act Section 106. Comments may be sent to Environmental Corporation of America, ATTN: Megan Gomez, 1375 Union Hill Industrial Court, Suite A, Alpharetta, GA 30004 or via email to Ms. Gomez can be reached at (770) 667-2040 x 405 during normal business hours. Comments must be received within 30 days of the date of this notice. W1974/KLD Published in Daily Herald June 19, 2020 (4546595)

EXHIBIT B NOTICE OF DETERMINATION NOTICE IS GIVEN by the Board of Commissioners of the York Center Park District, DuPage County, Illinois that by Ordinance adopted the 16th day of June , 2020, the Board of Commissioners has made a determination of the Prevailing Rate of Wages as required by 820 ILCS 130 Section 0.01 et seq. Julie May, Secretary Board of Commissioners York Center Park District Published in Daily Herald June 19, 2020 (4546679)

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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF LAKE BARRINGTON BEFORE THE CORPORATE AUTHORITIES OF THE VILLAGE OF LAKE BARRINGTON, ILLINOIS Notice is hereby given that the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Lake Barrington have called for a public hearing to be held at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, at the Municipal Center of Lake Barrington, 23860 N. Old Barrington Road, Village of Lake Barrington, Illinois, 60010 for the purpose of considering the proposed annual appropriation ordinance (the budget) of the Village of Lake Barrington for the fiscal year commencing May 1, 2019 and ending April 30, 2020. Copies of the proposed annual appropriation ordinance of the Village of Lake Barrington shall be available for public inspection at the Village Municipal Center, 23860 N. Old Barrington Road, Lake Barrington, Illinois beginning on the date of publication of this notice, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and shall remain so available until 3:00 p.m. on the date of said public hearing. All residents of the Village of Lake Barrington and other interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and shall have the right to submit oral or written comments and suggestions at that time. The Village of Lake Barrington is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the Village's facilities, are requested to contact the Village's ADA Coordinator at (847) 381-6010 promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. /s/ Lisa C. Pena Tlapa Village Clerk Village of Lake Barrington Published in Daily Herald June 19, 2020 (4546613)

LEGAL NOTICE VILLAGE OF LONG GROVE, ILLINOIS NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF VARIATIONS OF THE FRONT AND SIDE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 3378 RFD AND ZONED UNDER THE R-1 ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF LONG GROVE, ILLINOIS PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., a public hearing will be held at the regular meeting of the Plan Commission & Zoning Board Appeals of the Village of Long Grove, at the Long Grove Village Hall, 3110 RFD, Long Grove, Illinois 60047, Lake County, Illinois, (unless otherwise posted) in connection with a petition for variations of the required front yard setback requirement of one hundred (100’) feet down to six (6’) feet and the east side yard set-back requirement from fifty (50’) feet down to twenty (20’) feet within the R-1 Zoning District, for the construction of a 50’ x 36’detached accessory structure (garage) on the property. No reclassification of the subject property is requested. The subject property is legally described as follows: The North 500 ft. of the South 714.5 ft. (except the West 388 ft. thereof and except the East 560 ft. thereof) of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter Section of Section 24, Township 43 North., Range 10 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Lake County Illinois together with easements for ingress and egress and utilities over the North 40 ft. of the property immediately thereto on the East and West. Commonly known as: 3378 RFD, Long Grove, Illinois, 60047. PIN: 14-24-200-027 Due to the statewide disaster declaration relating to the COVID-19 pandemic declared by Governor J.B. Pritzker (the“Gubernatorial Declaration”), the public hearing may be conducted by virtual means. Members of the public may attend the hearing either by web access or telephone using the information below: Join Zoom Meeting HVNVmdQTm0rSkVtVU9LUT09 Meeting ID: 882 7475 2626 Password: 117395 One tap mobile +13126266799,,88274752626#,,1#,117395# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) If the Governor extends or re-declares the Gubernatorial Declaration then the Long Grove Village Hall will not be open to the public during the hearing, and the hearing will be conducted solely by virtual means as specified above. Alternatively, if the Governor does not extend or re-declare the Gubernatorial Declaration then members of the public may attend the hearing by virtual means as specified above or in person at the Long Grove Village Hall, 3110 Old McHenry Road, Long Grove, Illinois 60047. Information regarding the closure of Village Hall and access to the hearing will be posted on the Village of Long Grove website: Additionally, the meeting agenda and other written materials relating to the public hearing will be posted on the Village of Long Grove website at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. All persons who attend the hearing by web access or telephone (or in-person if Village Hall is open to the public) shall have the opportunity to make oral comments and ask questions concerning the proposed variations. Additionally, any person may submit written comments regarding the proposed variations by email sent to: Written comments should include the full name and address of the author. All written comments received prior to or during the public hearing will be included in the official hearing record. The Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals reserves the rights to continue the hearing to a later date and time and place should that become necessary. James M. Hogue Village Planner Village of Long Grove Published in Daily Herald June 19, 2020 (4546619)

NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF AUDIT REPORT OF MEDINAH PARK DISTRICT Medinah Park District hereby provides public notice that an audit of its funds for the period January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 has been made by Sikich, LLP and that a report of such audit, dated and approved May 20, 2020 has been filed with the County Clerk of DuPage County, in accordance with 30 ILCS 15/01 et seq. The full report of the audit is available for public inspection at 22W130 Thorndale Avenue, Medinah, IL during regular business hours 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Monday through Friday except for holidays. //SS// Bruce E. Baum Executive Director/Secretary Published in Daily Herald June 19, 2020 (4546648) STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF DUPAGE ) VILLAGE OF BLOOMINGDALE ) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TAKE NOTICE that on the 7th day of July, 2020, at the hour of 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Village of Bloomingdale will conduct a public hearing at the Village of Bloomingdale Village Hall, 201 South Bloomingdale Road, Bloomingdale, Illinois, upon the application for a petition submitted by FBG Corporation, owners of the property legally described herein, for the purpose of establishing a Planned Development at 485 W. Army Trail Road in Bloomingdale, IL for the approval of certain requests associated with the construction of a new funeral home, with a crematorium, as well as a surface parking lot on the subject property. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Applicant requests approval of the following: 1. Amend or Repeal Ordinance No. 04-23, which granted final site plan approval for the construction of a bank; 2. Rezoning from B-3, General Business District, to B-4, Automotive Business District; 3. A special use permit for a Final Planned Development, to allow for a funeral home, with a crematorium; 4. Final Site Plan Approval; 5. Final Subdivision Approval; 6. Exceptions from the Zoning Ordinance related, but not limited to: a.Reductions in minimum required pavement setbacks; b.Reductions in the required perimeter landscaping and landscaping setbacks; c.Tree preservation, removal and replacement d.Landscaping and screening; e.Signage; f.Exterior lighting as it relates to fixture color/finish, set backs from property lines, lighting levels and pole heights; g.Reduction of building setbacks. 7. Such other zoning permission or relief related to said application as identified during the public hearing process. The subject property, which is currently zoned B-3/SP, General Business District, is located within the corporate limits of the Village of Bloomingdale and is legally described as follows: OUTLOT B IN COVINGTON CORPORATE CENTER, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PARTS OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17 AND NORTH HALF OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 40 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED OCTOBER 7, 1988 AS DOCUMENT NO. R-88-114630, IN DUPAGE COUNTY ILLINOIS. Common Address: 485 W. Army Trail Road, Bloomingdale, IL 60108 Property Index Number: 02-20-101-003 A copy of the application for Final Planned Unit Development is on file with the Village Clerk of the Village of Bloomingdale and is available for public inspection at the Bloomingdale Village Hall during normal business hours. Member of the public are invited to attend the public hearing, at which time an opportunity will be given to address the members of the Planning and Zoning Commission. This Notice is given pursuant to the Village of Bloomingdale Zoning Ordinance. Please be advised that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Village of Bloomingdale is exercising due care by following the recommended social distancing guidelines. During this extraordinary time please be aware that while we intend to hold the hearing at the Village Hall, it may have to be held electronically, based on where we are in the Governor’s Restore Illinois Plan. All interested parties should check the Village’s website regularly or contact the number below, for updates. Should the meeting be held remotely, residents and individuals that wish to participate in the hearing process will be provided with the choice of sending in your comments/concerns to be read into the record, or by utilizing remote access. If you are interested in participating in the hearing process remotely you must contact the Director of Community and Economic Development no later than five (5) days prior to the hearing. Please feel free to contact the Director of Community and Economic Development at 630671-5694 or by emailing, you will be provided with the necessary login information. If the hearing is held remotely and you are not interested in participating in the hearing, either electronically or through emailing correspondence, but simply have questions or would like to view the file, please feel free to use the same contact information and arrangements can be made to accommodate this. Persons requiring auxiliary aids and services should contact the Director of Community and Economic Development, 201 South Bloomingdale Road, Bloomingdale, Illinois 60108, or call 630-671-5694, five (5) days prior to the meeting in inform of their anticipated attendance. Text telephone (TDD) users may call 630-893-7175. By order of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Bloomingdale. Dated: June 15, 2020 /s/ Leonard Jaster Chairman, Bloomingdale Planning and Zoning Commission Published on June 19, 2020 in Daily Herald (4546661)

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ANNEXATION AGREEMENT AND THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY BY THE ELK GROVE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ELK GROVE VILLAGE, ILLINOIS Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 6:45 p.m., the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Elk Grove Village, in the Council Chambers of the Charles J. Zettek Municipal Building, 901 Wellington Avenue, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, will hold a public hearing pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/11-15.1-3, to consider an annexation agreement between McDonald’s Corporation (and/or other property owners) and the Village of Elk Grove Village, and to consider the passage of an ordinance authorizing the annexation to the Village of Elk Grove Village, Illinois, of certain territory contiguous to the Village of Elk Grove Village and wholly bounded by the Village of Elk Grove Village, legally described as follows: 1910-1912 E. Higgins Road, PIN #08-26-101-007-0000, 08-26-101-011-0000, 08-26-101-015-0000 THAT PART OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE CENTER LINE OF HIGGINS ROAD AS IMPROVED AND OCCUPIED, 615.14 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26 AFORESAID; THENCE NORTH 48°12’12” EAST (ASSUMED) AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE SAID CENTER LINE 50.00 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID HIGGINS ROAD AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 48°12’12” EAST 222.28 FEET; THENCE NORTH 37°24’04” WEST 33.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 48°16’51” EAST 25 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO A LINE 82.50 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY THE ILLINOIS STATE TOLL HIGHWAY COMMISSION BY DEED DATED OCTOBER 31, 1956 AND RECORDED NOVEMBER 9, 1956 AS DOCUMENT 16750861, BEING ALSO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE PROPERTY CONVEYED TO THE NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY BY DEED DATED NOVEMBER 10, 1958 AND RECORDED DECEMBER 18, 1958 AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 17408538; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE 102.80 FEET, SAID PARALLEL LINE BEING THE ARC OF A CIRCLE, CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 3072.29 FEET AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS NORTH 45°57'33" WEST 102.80 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE NORTH 39°02'46" WEST 161.97 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF OAKTON STREET PER DOCUMENT #9967969 RECORDED MARCH 27, 1928; THENCE SOUTH 88°38'48" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 121.59 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE DRAWN PERPENDICULAR TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 26, THROUGH A POINT 310.00 FEET EAST OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE CENTER LINE OF HIGGINS ROAD AFORESAID; THENCE SOUTH 01°21'12" EAST ALONG SAID PERPENDICULAR LINE 58.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 21°52'39" WEST 64.43 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE DRAWN PERPENDICULAR TO THE CENTER LINE OF HIGGINS ROAD THROUGH A POINT 312.00 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26 AFORESAID; THENCE SOUTH 48°12'12" WEST ALONG SAID PERPENDICULAR LINE 58.00 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF HIGGINS ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 41°47'48" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE 303.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. CONTAINING 78,579 SQUARE FEET OR 1.80 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Per state statute 65 ILCS 5/7-1-1, the annexed boundary shall extend to the far side of any adjacent highway and shall include all or every highway within the area annexed, and these highway shall be considered annexed though they are not included in the legal description. Pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Elk Grove Village, the above-described property shall be zoned B-3 Business District (Automotive) upon annexation. An accurate map of the subject property proposed to be annexed to the Village and a copy of the proposed annexation agreement and ordinance are on file with the Village Clerk. All persons appearing at said public hearing will be given an opportunity to be heard. Such public hearing may be continued from time to time by the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Elk Grove Village without further notice, except as may be required by the Illinois Open Meetings Act. By order of the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Elk Grove Village, Cook and DuPage Counties, Illinois. /s/ Loretta M. Murphy, VILLAGE CLERK Published in Daily Herald June 19, 2020 (4546664)


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¡Fantástico! Tome el autobús Pace Express en el nuevo carril flexible del I-90

FROM TRAFFIC TO TERIFFIC, Take the Pace Express bus in the new I-90 Flex Lane

Cuando tienes un carril propio, hay menos paradas y más idas. El autobús Pace Express I-90 viaja en un carril exclusivo, sin trafico conectando comunidades sobre el corredor I-90. Con conexión Wi-Fi gratuita, puertos de carga USB integrados, y estacionamiento gratis en las estaciones Pace park-n-ride a lo largo del camino. Para obtener información completa sobre el horario y ubicación, llame al, 847-228-3575 o visite

When you’ve got a lane of your own, there’s less stop and more go.The Pace I-90 Express bus travels in a dedicated, traffic-free lane connecting communities along the I-90 corridor. With free Wi-Fi, on-board USB charging ports, and free parking at Pace park-n-ride locations along the way. For complete schedule and location information, call 847-364-PACE or visit

©2017 Pace

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