Reflejos 01/24/2020

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Ayuda a cambiar Guido debuta lavictoria historia deBetis; un niño. Aprende juega cómo en la Lainez banca página 3 DEPORTES

Demi Lovato cantará el himno de E.U. en el Super Bowl

VOL. 31, No. 4




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Ayúdenos a llegar a cada niño. Los niños en cuidado de crianza que tienen un voluntario de CASA/GAL tienen más probabilidades de encontrar un hogar seguro y permanente más pronto. Ayude a romper el ciclo de abuso infantil para la próxima generación. Participe y cambie la historia de un niño.

Los niños víctimas de abuso no pueden esperar Change a Child’s Story™

Todo niño merece un adulto solidario y atento que vele por sus mejores intereses. Para muchos niños que viven en hogares de crianza, esto es lo que especialmente les hace falta. USTED PUEDE AYUDAR DE LAS SIGUIENTES MANERAS:

LOS VOLUNTARIOS DE CASA/GAL (Defensor especial nombrado por la corte/Guardian Ad Item) tienen:

SEA VOLUNTARIO • Conviértase en un voluntario de CASA/GAL • Apoye un evento u otro servicio

• Un gran interés por mejorar la vida del niño a través de los procesos de la corte

HAGA UNA DONACIÓN • Asista a un evento • Dé mensualmente para fortalecer nuestro apoyo para que ningún niño caiga por las grietas del sistema de bienestar infantil CONÉCTESE CON NOSOTROS • Inscríbase a nuestros boletines • Asista a una de nuestras reuniones y Cambie la historia de un niño™.

• Tiempo, energía y enfoque • Apoyo de larga duración: él/ella permanece en el caso de principio a fin • Un punto de vista objetivo y una perspectiva independiente • El compromiso de proteger a los niños representados en el condado de Kane

Contáctenos HOY en o llame al 630-232-4484. Un niño le está esperando.




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Will 2020 Census miss reality of Latino numbers, identity?

La voz suburbana de los Hispanos GERENTE DE VENTAS Y OPERACIONES Linda Siete (847) 806-1411 VENTAS Raul Ortiz (847) 427-4634 CLASIFICADOS (847) 427-4770 CIRCULACION (847) 806-1111 COORDINACIÓN DE ANUNCIOS Ana Maria Hinkhouse Reflejos Publications, LLC

95 W Algonquin Rd Suite 300 Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Reflejos es una publicación que sirve a los latinos de los suburbios de Chicago en los condados de Cook, DuPage, Kane, KendallLake, McHenry y Will. Reflejos orgullosamente forma parte de la Familia Paddock y es publicacion hermana del Daily Herald. Fundado en 1990.

In alliance with

Current Census categories, say several experts, are too rigid to reflect how many Latinos see themselves — as well as how they’re seen. BY ARTURO CONDE

As Latino and other groups debate whether a planned citizenship question will dampen participation in the upcoming 2020 U.S. Census, several scholars argue the way the Census looks at race and ethnicity does not accurately reflect the way many Americans see themselves or others. The latest Census projections say that America will shift to a majority-minority society in 2045, when the total number of whites falls below 50 percent. But experts like Richard Alba, a sociologist and professor at the City University of New York (CUNY), think this is a result of the way the Census divides America into two groups — white vs. nonwhite or majority vs. minority. “A sizable and growing number of young people come from families with one white and one minority parent, as more adults form families across racial and ethnic lines. By far the largest group among them have Hispanic and white European ancestry,” wrote Alba in a Washington Post analysis last February. “But you wouldn’t know that from the 2000 or 2010 Census results.” The children of mixed families, who have one white parent and one non-white, are counted as “not white” or a minority — meaning “Hispanic” or “Asian,” for example — even though one of their parents is white, according to Alba. A more accurate picture of U.S. demographics should reflect not just whites or nonwhites, but a growing number of people who see themselves — or are seen by others — as living between both groups, experts argue. “I think the way they (Census) projected the population exaggerates the degree of ethno-racial change because it fails to take into account the blending that’s ongoing for some parts of the Latino and Asian populations,” Alba told NBC News. Are Census classifications too fixed in time? According to experts, people tend to think about race as a primary group which shares a set of inherited physical and cultural traits. University of Florida sociologist Nicholas Vargas, an expert on Latino racial identity, says that though it may not be reflective of a large shift, there are subsets of immigrants who can move between racial boundaries and are seen by others as white. But Vargas explains that if experts want to figure out whether racial dynamics are changing in the U.S., or whether the boundaries of whiteness are expanding to include other minorities, it is not only important to figure out how people self-identify but how they are seen by others. In 2015, Vargas studied Latinos who identified as white. Interestingly, while 42 percent of Hispanic participants identified as white, only 6 percent reported being perceived as white by other Americans. The way people see each other impacts how they identify racially. And experts say that the factor of belonging, and not belonging, to a group influences how they respond to the Census. This was the case for 19 million Latinos who identified as “some other race” in the 2010 Census after being asked about their “origin and descent”. The Bureau currently collects data about ethnici-

ty (Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin), but does not identify those ethnicities as a race like white, black, Asian, American Indian and Pacific Islander. For Latino respondents who did not identify with any of these groups, “some other race” became the only option. Pew Research Center reported last year that identifying as Hispanic or Latino diminishes over generations so that only about 77 percent of the third generation — U.S. born children of U.S. born parents and immigrant grandparents — identifies as Hispanic or Latino. By the fourth generation, it’s under half. The share of Latinos who say they have a non-Latino parent or grandparent also increases over generations. About 18 percent of Latino immigrants do. By the third generation, the share rises to 65 percent, according to Pew. Experts also say that the way people see themselves as belonging or not belonging to a racial group has impacted the way some Americans see themselves and their family generations later. New York University professor James Fernández, an expert on Spanish immigration to the U.S., Cuba, and Puerto Rico, said that in the case of immigrant families from Spain, the stories told about them by later generations sometimes obscure the fact that they lived side by side with Cubans, Puerto Ricans and other Spanish speakers in the early 20th century. “I get the sense, after interviewing some of the children and grandchildren of Spanish (from Spain) immigrants, that there is an anxiety to distinguish themselves from other Spanish speakers who are considered nonwhite,” said Fernández. In the case of the first Mexican-Americans, even when the U.S. federal government considered them legally white — approximately 115,000 became naturalized U.S. citizens after the Mexican-American War in 1846-1848 — they were largely excluded from voting in eight southwestern states because mainstream Americans treated them as nonwhites. For Laura E. Gómez, UCLA law professor and author of Manifest Destinies — a book that traces the origins of Mexican-Americans — this group’s identity is deeply connected with the history of the United States and reflects the racial attitudes of the country as it expanded borders and settled annexed territories.

Today, Gómez said, Mexican-Americans are in a similar situation — how they see themselves is largely at odds with how some white Americans see them. This tension between inner and outer perspectives is polarized even further by the two-question format on ethnicity and race — which was used in the 2010 Census and Latinos are expected to answer in the 2020 Census. Under this format, the first question is, “Are you of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin?” and then the second question is “What is your race?” More than any other group, U.S. Hispanics answered: “some other race” in the 2010 Census. Now, as the government gears up for the 2020 Census, the national survey has to look beyond racial categories of being white and nonwhite — which reflects more the historic attitudes imposed by society on different groups than the mixed reality of modern-day America — and make it more inclusive to encourage greater participation and accuracy, Gómez said. Experts said to achieve that, the 2020 Census should: • Count both citizens and non-citizens for the sake of enumeration • Take a wider perspective on the social and cultural experiences that shape individual identity • Change the categories of race to recognize groups like Latinos • Allow multiple choices to reflect mixed identities where respondents could pick being white for some purposes and nonwhite for others. Despite a decade of research and testing of a new Latino identity question for the 2020 Census, the Trump administration announced in January it was sticking with the two-part 2010 question for Hispanics. It won’t have a “Hispanic origin” category as one of the race options, which would have allowed people to also mark a second ethno-racial category like “white” and thus reflect more accurately how some Hispanics see themselves. For scholars like Alba and Gómez, the 2020 Census won’t paint a realistic picture of our demographics. “The Census matters because it is the process that says who we are as a nation,” said Gómez. “Democracy is only as good as our numbers.”


| Español

Tus respuestas al censo están protegidas. Tu información personal, también.

El censo cuenta a todos sin importar su lugar de origen o estatus migratorio, incluyendo a familiares y amigos que viven bajo un mismo techo. Participar en el censo nos da la oportunidad de un mejor futuro para todos. El censo es seguro y por ley tu información personal está protegida. ¡El censo ya viene!

Aprende más en:

2020CENSUS.GOV/es Pagado por la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.



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PRP Therapy








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¿Cómo funciona la terapia PRP? Para preparar el Plasma Rico en Paletas o PRP, se toma una pequeña cantidad de sangre del paciente, luego se coloca la sangre en una centrífuga. La centrífuga gira y produce automáticamente el PRP. Todo el proceso lleva menos de 15 minutos y aumenta la concentración de plaquetas y factores de crecimiento hasta en un 500%. Cuando se inyecta PRP en el área dañada, estimula el tendón o el ligamento para activar la cascada de curación. Como resultado, comienza a formarse nuevo colágeno en el tejido lesionado. A medida que este colágeno madura, se vuelve más fuerte y más tenso, y eventualmente permite que el tendón o ligamento resista el estrés de las actividades diarias y las relacionadas con el deporte. ¿Cuáles son los beneficios potenciales? Los pacientes pueden ver una mejora significativa en los síntomas. Esto puede eliminar la necesidad de tratamientos más agresivos, como medicamentos a largo plazo o cirugía, así como un notable retorno de la función. Además, se ha informado que el plasma PRP acelera la curación de tejidos hasta en un 50%. He oído hablar de inyecciones de cortisona. ¿Es esto lo mismo? Los estudios han demostrado que las inyecciones de cortisona en realidad pueden debilitar el tejido. Las inyecciones de cortisona pueden proporcionar un alivio temporal del dolor y detener la inflamación, pero no proporcionan una curación a largo plazo. La terapia PRP cura y fortalece estos tendones y ligamentos, fortaleciendo y engrosando el tejido hasta en un 40% en algunos casos. ¿En qué casos se puede usar este tratamiento? Las inyecciones de PRP se pueden usar en tendones y ligamentos de todo el cuerpo. Pueden tratarse eficazmente con PRP las lesiones deportivas y las causadas por uso excesivo, en cualquier lesión apropiada del tendón que su médico considere que se beneficiaría con el PRP, incluyendo el dolor de espalda y cuello, el dolor de la rodilla, el desgarramiento del menisco, las roturas del manguito de los rotadores y la fascitis plantar. Además, se ha informado que el PRP tiene una respuesta antiinflamatoria cuando se usa para la osteoartritis. ¿Cuántos tratamientos son necesarios y con qué frecuencia se administra esta terapia? Si bien la respuesta al tratamiento varía, la mayoría de las personas experimentará una mejora significativa en los síntomas después de solo una inyección. En casos severos, puede ser necesaria una segunda inyección. Raramente se recomendarán tres o más inyecciones. Cada sesión de tratamiento está separada aproximadamente por 6 a 12 semanas. No hay límite para la cantidad de tratamientos que puede recibir; los riesgos y los efectos secundarios no cambian con el número de inyecciones. ¿El PRP es adecuado para mí? Si tiene una lesión en un tejido blando o artritis y los métodos tradicionales no le han proporcionado alivio, y quiere evitar inyecciones de esteroides, entonces la terapia PRP puede ser la solución. El procedimiento es menos agresivo y menos costoso que la cirugía. El tejido sanará con cicatrices mínimas o sin cicatrices y evitará una mayor degeneración de los tejidos. Pregúntele a uno de nuestros médicos en Andrews Sports Medicine si la terapia PRP es adecuada para usted. ¿Hay algunas instrucciones especiales? Se le restringe el uso de medicamentos antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINEs) una semana antes del procedimiento y durante el transcurso de los tratamientos. Inicialmente, el procedimiento puede causar dolor e incomodidad localizados en el área afectada. La mayoría de los pacientes solo requieren un poco de Tylenol extra fuerte para combatir el dolor. Se puede aplicar hielo y calor al área según sea necesario. Después de la primera semana después del procedimiento, los pacientes generalmente comenzarán un programa de rehabilitación con fisioterapia. Sin embargo, se debe evitar la actividad física agresiva. ¿Qué tan pronto puedo volver a las actividades físicas regulares? La terapia PRP ayuda a regenerar tendones y ligamentos, pero no es una solución rápida. Esta terapia estimula el crecimiento y la reparación de tendones y ligamentos, y requiere tiempo y rehabilitación. A través de visitas regulares, su médico determinará cuándo puede reanudar sus actividades físicas regulares. En promedio, los pacientes vuelven a practicar deportes entre 8 y 12 semanas después de la inyección de PRP. ¿Paga el seguro médico la terapia PRP? La mayoría de las compañías de seguros médicos no cubren la inyección de PRP. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los pacientes pueden usar su cuenta de gastos flexibles de atención médica para pagar el procedimiento.

How does PRP therapy work? To prepare PRP, a small amount of blood is taken from the patient. The blood is then placed in a centrifuge. The centrifuge spins and automatically produces the PRP. The entire process takes less than 15 minutes and increases the concentration of platelets and growth factors up to 500%. When PRP is injected into the damaged area, it stimulates the tendon or ligament to activate the healing cascade. As a result new collagen begins to form in the injured tissue. As this collagen matures, it becomes stronger and tighter, and eventually allows the tendon or ligament to withstand the stress of daily and sports related activities. What are the potential benefits? Patients can see a significant improvement in symptoms. This may eliminate the need for more aggressive treatments such as long term medication or surgery, as well as a remarkable return of function. In addition, PRP has been reported to accelerate tissue healing by as much as 50%. I’ve heard of cortisone shots. Is this the same? Studies have shown that cortisone injections may actually weaken tissue. Cortisone shots may provide temporary pain relief and stop inflammation, but they do not provide long term healing. PRP therapy heals and strengthens these tendons and ligaments, strengthening and thickening the tissue up to 40% in some cases. What can be treated? PRP injections can be performed in tendons and ligaments all over the body. Sports injuries, any appropriate tendon injury that your physician feels would benefit from PRP can be treated, including tennis elbow, ACL tears, rotator cuff tears, plantar fasciitis and iliotibial band syndrome may all be effectively treated with PRP. In addition, PRP has been reported to have an anti-inflammatory response when used for osteoarthritis. How many treatments are necessary and how often is this therapy administered? While response to treatment vary, most people will experience significant improvement in symptoms after only 1 injection. In severe cases, a second injection may be needed. Seldomly will three or more injection be recommended. Each set of treatment is spaced approximately 6 to 12 weeks apart. There is no limit to the number of treatments you can have; the risks and side effects do not change with the number of injections. Is PRP right for me? If you have a tendon or ligament injury and traditional methods have not provided relief, then PRP therapy may be the solution. The procedure is less aggressive and less expensive than surgery. It will heal tissue with minimal or no scarring and prevent further degeneration of the tissues. Ask one of our doctors at Andrews Sports Medicine if PRP therapy is right for you. Are there any special instructions? You are restricted from the use of non-steroid anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) one week prior to the procedure and throughout the course of treatments. Initially, the procedure may cause some localized soreness and discomfort. Most patients only require some extra-strength Tylenol to help with the pain. Ice and heat may be applied to the area as needed. After the first week after the procedure, patients will typically start a rehabilitation program with physical therapy. However, aggressive physical activity is discouraged. How soon can I go back to regular physical activities? PRP therapy helps regenerate tendons and ligaments but it is not a quick fix. This therapy stimulates the growth and repair of tendons and ligaments, and requires time and rehabilitation. Through regular visits, your doctor will determine when you are able to resume regular physical activities. On average, patients return to sports between 8 to 12 weeks after the PRP injection. Does insurance pay for PRP? Most insurance companies do not cover the PRP injection. However, most patients can use their healthcare flexible spending account to pay for the procedure.


Toreo estilo libre llega a Chicago por primera vez PCB Presentará ‘Toreo Estilo Libre’ en el World Tour Finale 2020 POR SINHUE MENDOZA

Professional Championship Bull Rider’s presentará por primera vez a Chicago Campeonato de “Toreo Estilo Libre” a la multitud de su ciudad natal el 31 de enero y el 1 de febrero en el Sears Center Arena en Hoffman Estates. Toreo Estilo Libre es el deporte extremo más emocionante en el deporte de rodeo hoy. La competencia única involucra a un “torero” que se enfrenta uno a uno con un toro durante 70 segundos en un ruedo de toros. El vaquero es calificado por su disposición a arriesgarse y ser agresivo con el toro. El objetivo es torear al bovino todo lo que pueda a través del baile. El deporte ha crecido rápidamente gracias a las notables maniobras de los toreros, como saltar sobre un toro de carga. El famoso torero Andrés “Sasquatch” González más bien

conocido como ‘El guardián de los Jinetes’ estará en Chicago en su primero regreso de su grave lesión que sufrió en la competencia nacional en diciembre que terminó con un brazo roto, 21 grapas y nueve puntadas. “Las corridas de toros estilo libre son el futuro del deporte extremo en estado unidos y ha crecido enormemente en la comunidad de monta de toros”, dijo Bob Sauber, CEO de PCB. World Tour Finale de PCB comienza el viernes 31 de enero a las 7:30 p.m. y concluye el sábado 1 de febrero a las 7:30 p.m. Las entradas para el evento de dos días comienzan en $10 y los primeros 300 niños reciben un sombrero vaquero gratis por cortesía de los socios de PCB. Los boletos están disponibles en la taquilla del Sears Centre Arena, o en Alcala’s Western Wear y Taquerías Atotonilco.

Professional championship bull fighting crashes into Chicago PCB Presents ‘Freestyle Bull Fighting’ at World Tour Finale 2020 BY SINHUE MENDOZA

Professional Championship Bull Rider’s (PCB) will present Professional Championship Bull Fighting to their hometown crowd at their World Tour Finale scheduled for Friday, January 31 and Saturday, February 1 at the Sears Centre Arena in Hoffman Estates. Freestyle bull fighting is the most exciting extreme sport in American sports today. The unique competition involves a ‘bull fighter’ going one-on-one with a bull for 70 seconds in a bull ring. The cowboy is judged on their readiness to risk and be aggressive with the bull in the ring. The goal is to engage with the bovine for as much as you can through the affair. The sport has quickly grown thanks to bull fighter’s remarkable maneuvers, like jumping over a charging bull. PCB is excited to present it at its two-day World Tour Fina-

le in Chicago. Bull fighting extraordinaire Andrés “Sasquatch” Gonzalez has been confirmed as the renowned bull fighter returns to the dirt from his serious injury, he suffered at nationals in December that ended in a broken arm, 21 staples and nine stitches. “Freestyle bull fighting is the future of American extreme sports and it’s grown enormously in the bull riding and rodeo community,” said Bob Sauber, CEO of PCB. The PCB’s World Tour Finale begins Friday, January 31 at 7:30 p.m. and concludes Saturday, February 1 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for the two-day event start at $10 and the first 300 kids get a free cowboy hat courtesy of PCB’s partners. Tickets are available at the Sears Centre Box Office, or at Alcala’s Western Wear.

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Perceptions matter in education

Professor says colleges should look at implicit biases against men of color PHOTOS: RICK WEST


STUDENTS AND faculty members from several higher education institutions, including Triton College, Waubonsee Community College and Elgin Community College, listen to keynote speaker J. Luke Wood talk about equity in education and the experiences of men of color at community colleges during a recent summit at ECC.

For Reflejos

Words of encouragement from a teacher or a smile of acknowledgment when passing a student in the hallway might seem trivial. But they would have made 12 years of public schooling a lot more welcoming for Kaydon Donald, 18, of Elgin. Instead, it’s the “microaggressions” that stick out in Donald’s mind. The subtle slights. The times when teachers perceived black students like him as stupid or lazy for not asking questions or let out exasperated sighs when they did. Donald, a Larkin High School graduate pursuing an associate degree at Elgin Community College, felt teachers prejudged him based on his skin color, “not knowing that I was an articulate dude.” “I got help different than other students that weren’t of my color, so I had to actually work harder than others,” he said. Stories of such experiences are widespread among men of color — especially blacks and Latinos — influencing educational outcomes that persist throughout their college and professional careers, says J. Luke Wood, co-director of the Community College Equity Assessment Lab, a national research center collecting data from and training more than 150 schools, colleges and universities nationwide on equity. “What happens in preschool and kindergarten shapes, oftentimes, experiences that we see in a lot of levels of education,” said Wood, giving a keynote address recently at Elgin Community College’s first Men of Color Summit. “If we want our students to not only go to college but to persist, to achieve, to complete their degree, to transfer and to go into the labor market, we need them to have an experience that affirms them and their very presence in the institution.” Wood is a professor of education and chief diversity officer for San Diego State

ELGIN COMMUNITY College President David Sam addresses the importance of equity in education during a recent Men of Color summit at the Elgin college

University. His research focuses on factors affecting the success of boys and men of color in education. He discussed the challenges and opportunities for men of color on community college campuses and strategies to retain them. Wood said how teachers engage with a student affects their relationship, how they teach and ultimately whether the student is successful. Yet, most colleges miss the part about training faculty and staff members on perceptions and implicit biases. According to the center’s research, 52% of black and 58% of Latino males graduate from high school in four years. After graduation, roughly one-third of black and Latino men pursue postsecondary education, while about 34% of blacks and 46% of Latinos are unemployed, 21% of blacks and nearly 14% of Latinos are employed, and nearly 10% of blacks and 5% of Latinos are incarcerated, data shows. A majority of black and Latino men attending community colleges nationwide are

first-generation collegegoers and come from low-income families. Nearly 44% require remedial classes and about 50% attend college part time, data shows. Wood said the focus must shift from blaming students to placing the onus on schools and colleges to provide intensive interventions to remediate disparities in the results of disproportionately affected groups, such as students of color, former foster youths, and students with disabilities, food and housing insecurities, and former incarceration. “We do not want to focus on student deficit,” Wood said. “It’s changing that mindset. We have to critically reflect upon our own role in perpetuating these disparities ... and then hold one another accountable for changing it.” Typical interventions include guided pathway programs, online learning, basic needs assistance, early alert systems to flag when students are failing, promise programs, and student success planning and

mentoring. Ultimately, equity must be at the center of all interventions, Wood said. For instance, he said, without technology, students cannot access online learning opportunities. And early alert systems notifying students halfway through a semester that they are failing often lead to more dropouts because students feel hopeless. This fall, Elgin Community College has launched a minority student mentoring program, TRIUMPH — or Transforming and Impacting Undergraduate Men Pursuing Higher Education, which has been successful at Waubonsee Community and Triton colleges. It focuses on increasing the number of men of color graduating college. This year, 13 students are part of the program. “We’re building them up with soft skills ... those intangible skills that help them be successful,” said Erik Enders, ECC student life coordinator for targeted populations and TRIUMPH adviser. Students learn time and emotion management, conflict resolution, financial literacy, and how to schedule, set goals, dress properly and communicate with professors. They also learn where to get help for a college paper, tutoring or just to talk about an issue, Enders said. “Hopefully, in the time of need or challenge ... they will be willing to then take advantage of what’s available to them,” Enders said.


Find out how to help at MCC’s People in Need Forum

The 19th annual People in Need Forum is set to take place from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25, at McHenry County College, 8900 Route 14 in Crystal Lake. More than 100 exhibitors will be on-site to showcase important community resources available to help those in need. Topics to be addressed in panel discussions and workshops include early childhood resources, immigration, senior issues, caregiver resources, LGBTQ, substance abuse and addictions, and homelessness. The forum is an excellent resource for human service agencies, faith-based organizations, civic group members, law enforcement, elected officials, school personnel, individuals interested in volunteer opportunities or those seeking assistance. “This event is a great way to match resources with needs in the community,” said Jessica Rizza, development coordinator for the Friends of MCC Foundation. “More than 600 people attend the forum each year to make valuable, face-to-face connections with the organizations in our area that provide help to those in need.” Attendees will receive a handout and flash drive with a newly expanded community resource directory, which is the only one of its kind in the Chicago area. The event is free. Advance registration is encouraged and can be done by visitingwww.


| Español

Registration and light refreshments will begin at 8 a.m. in the MCC Commons in Building B at the college. For more information about this event, visit, or contact Jessica Rizza at (815) 455-8556 or

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VOLUNTEER CINDAY Holladay helps to make a minor repair in the home of a care receiver through the Crystal Lake-based Senior Care Volunteer Network. Learn about this organization and other volunteer opportunities and community resources at the 19th annual People in Need Forum Jan. 25 at McHenry County College.

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*Con crédito aprobado. En ciertos modelos 2019. En lugar de reembolsos del fabricante e incentivos del fabricante. **MSRP puede no ser el precio al que el vehiculo sea vendido en el area de canje. ^Los precios de los automóviles nuevos incluyen incentivos aplicables y descuentos del fabricante. Más impuestos, título, licencia y $ 179.81 tarifa de doc. En lugar de financiamiento especial. +En modelos selectos. En lugar de financiamiento especial~ Más impuestos, título, licencia y $179.81 por tarifa de documentación. Los arrendamientos permiten 10,000 millas por año, 15 centavos por milla adicional. El arrendatario es responsable del mantenimiento, reparaciones / responsabilidad en caso de finalización anticipada del arrendamiento. Con crédito aprobado. Se puede imponer un cargo adicional al final del arrendamiento entre el valor residual de la propiedad arrendada y el valor actual al final del plazo del arrendamiento. Consulte al distribuidor para más detalles. El distribuidor no respetará ningún error de precio en este anuncio. Los precios son válidos hasta el 02/03/2020. Las imágenes son sólo para fines ilustrativos.


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Janine Trainor Fronteras de la Notiica - USCIS El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció en el Registro Federal (Federal Register) del día 17 de enero del 2020 la lista de países que son elegibles para las visas H-2A y H-2B para los próximos 12 meses. El programa de visas H-2A permite a empleadores estadounidenses traer a extranjeros a los Estados Unidos para empleos agrícolas temporales. El programa H-2B permite traer a extranjeros para empleos temporales no relacionados con la agricultura. Efectivo el 19 de enero de 2020, los nacionales de los siguientes países son elegibles para recibir visas H-2A y H-2B: Alemania, África del Sur, Andorra, Argentina Australia, Austria, Barbados, Bélgica, Brasil Brunéi, Bulgaria, Canadá, Chile, Colombia Corea del Sur, Costa Rica, Croacia ,Dinamarca, Ecuador, El Salvador, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, España, Estonia, Fiyi, Finlandia, Francia Grecia, Granada, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungría, Irlanda, Islas Salomón, Islandia, Israel, Italia, Jamaica, Japón, Kiribati, Letonia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Macedonia Madagascar, Malta, Moldavia, México, Mónaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Nauru, Nicaragua, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Países Bajos, Panamá, Papúa Nueva Guinea, Paraguay, Perú, Polonia, Portugal, Reino Unido, República Checa, República Dominicana, Rumanía, Samoa, San Marino, San Vincente y las Granadines, Serbia, Singapur, Suecia, Suiza, Taiwán, Tailandia, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Turquía, Tuvalu, Ucrania, Uruguay, Vanuatu.

Empleadores o agentes de trabajadores bajo el programa de visas H-2A y H-2B Solamente empleadores o agentes de Estados Unidos que cumplan los requisitos necesarios pueden presentar solicitudes para trabajadores extranjeros bajo el programa de visas H-2A y H-2B. El proceso de solicitar una de estas visas es complicado y las visas se agotan rápidamente. Empleos temporales bajo el programa de visas H-2A y H-2B Solamente cierta clase de empleos son elegibles bajo el programa de visas H-2A y H-2B. Algunos ejemplos de trabajos disponibles bajo estos programas incluyen trabajador de frutales, trabajador de horticultura, trabajador agrícola, pastor de animales, jardinero, procesador de mariscos, trabajador de construcción, cocinero y lava platos. El propósito de esta columna es brindar información general. No se puede garantizar ni predecir cual será el resultado de la información presentada por el Dr. Nelson A. Castillo. La información no se debe tomar como un consejo legal para algún individuo, caso o situación.

‘ El propósito de esta columna es brindar información general. No se puede garantizar ni predecir cual será el resultado de la información presentada por el Dr. Nelson A. Castillo. La información no se debe tomar como un consejo legal para algún individuo, caso o situación.


Primera latina presidenta de la Asociación de Periódicos del Norte de Illinois Margarita Mendoza marcó un hito al convertirse en la primera latina presidenta de la Asociación de Periódicos del Norte de Illinois (NINA, por sus siglas en inglés). La nueva líder de dicha organización es editora del periódico El Observador, la publicación oficial en español de la Diócesis de Rockford. Margarita recibió el cargo de manos de Jim Fuller, periodista del Daily Herald, durante la reunión de la junta directiva en el mes de diciembre. La organización NINA promueve el periodismo impreso y digital en el norte de Illinois a través de la educación y la capacitación. Al asumir la nueva posición, la comunicadora de origen colombiano manifestó que “es un honor al igual que una gran responsabilidad ser la primera latina que preside NINA. Uno de mis objetivos es que tengamos un óptimo uso de la tecnología y las nuevas plataformas para continuar mejorando nuestra educación y sirviendo a nuestras audiencias. Espero que nuestros miembros puedan recibir una mayor capacitación a través de interesantes seminarios virtuales. También busco expandir nuestros contactos con organizaciones de colegas para facilitar el crecimiento profesional de todos”. Margarita Mendoza es una experimentada comunicadora social, periodista, traductora y relacionista pública. Además de ser intérprete de la Diócesis Católica de Rockford, entre sus logros cuenta el haber llevado al periódico El Observador a ser galardonado internacionalmente; hace 9 años lanzó y dirige el Festival de Cine Latino en Elgin, el cual se ha expandido a Aurora y busca llevarlo a otras ciudades y suburbios. Es autora en la serie internacional de libros Today’s Inspired Latina, volumen IV, fundada por Jackie Camacho-Ruiz y edita Panamericano Hoy, un medio enfocado en noticias positivas. A la nueva presidenta la acompañan en la junta ejecutiva: Dan Campana, como primer vicepresidente,; como segunda vicepresidenta, Pat Szpekowski, de PR Strategies & Communications; como tesorero Jim Slonoff, de The Hinsdalean; el secretario ejecutivo es Jason Akst, del Departamento de Comunicación de la Universidad del Norte de Illinois (NIU); y James Fuller, del periódico Daily Herald. El comité está compuesto por profesionales con experiencia en periodismo y medios de comunicación y representan diversos periódicos: Joe Biesk, del Chicago Tribune; Jay Dickerson, del Galena Gazette; John Etheridge, del Kendall County Record Newspapers; la asesora Shelley Hendricks, del periódico Northern Star, de Northern Illinois


| Español

I 11

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University; Rick Nagle, de Kane County Connects; Eric Olson, del Daily Chronicle, en DeKalb; Tom Parisi, de la división de Marketing y Comunicaciones de Northern Illinois University; Roger Ruthhart, editor jubilado; Tammie Sloup, de The Times, Ottawa; y Penny Wiegert, de The Observer, de la Diócesis de Rockford.

Acerca de NINA

Fundada en 1962 para promover los periódicos del norte de Illinois, NINA desarrolla programas y talleres para mejorar la profesión y reconoce los logros periodísticos a través de su prestigioso concurso anual. Los lazos de NINA con la Universidad del Norte de Illinois se extienden a sus inicios cuando fue fundada por el doctor Donald Grubb, presidente del Departamento de periodismo de la universidad. NINA continúa afiliada al Departamento de Comunicación, que ahora alberga los programas de periodismo de NIU. Los miembros incluyen comunicadores y periódicos de todo el norte de Illinois; publicaciones que van desde semanarios independientes con circulación de menos de 2.000 ejemplares impresos hasta grandes cadenas con circulación de más de 200.000 copias. Para obtener información sobre cómo hacerse miembro, comuníquese con Shelley Hendricks en

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Preckwinkle urges businesses to help fight ‘cost of segregation’ In a speech at the Schaumburg Corporate Center, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle said that businesses, communities and minorities all pay a “cost of segregation” that businesses, as well as government, can help reduce. “In fact, the Metropolitan Planning Council put out a report in 2018 which calculated that Chicago loses $4.4 billion dollars annually in lost income due to segregation,” Preckwinkle told a gathering sponsored by Bisnow, a digital media platform concentrating on commercial real estate. She touted the robust economy of the Chicago region in general, but said a significant portion of the community suffers because of a lack of “equity.” To address this, she urged businesses to concentrate on three areas: hiring policies, prioritized investments and innovation. Here is the full text of her address: Good morning. Thank you for inviting me today. I appreciate opportunities to connect with the business community and talk about how we can all work together to make Cook County thrive and prosper. Today I want to talk about racial equity, why it matters to me -- and why it should matter to all of us. I’ve talked before about racial equity several times over the past year, and I usually begin with a stark fact. Chicago has the biggest life expectancy gap of the 50 largest cities in the US. For an example, in Englewood on the south side of Chicago, it’s 60 years, and in Streeterville -- downtown -- it’s 90. A difference of 30 years. Health is just one of the inequities that Cook County residents face. It deeply troubles me. But another inequity that more closely relates to the economy is the racial wealth gap. For example: the median household income for a white household in Cook County is $71,000 dollars. For a Latinx household, it is $49,000 dollars. For a black household, it is $36,000. That means a black household earns 50 cents on the dollar compared to a white household. Another statistic that affects all of us -white or black -- is the cost of segregation. You might not think of what segregation has cost you, especially if you live and work in the parts of the Chicago region that seem to have benefited from segregation. It is important to understand that even if you live or work in an affluent neighborhood or suburb, we all pay the cost. And it’s billions of dollars per year in lost income, lost profits, and lost opportunities. When it comes to lost income, this “cost of segregation” is paid by people of color who don’t have access to jobs because they can only afford to live in neighborhoods where few jobs are available, and public transit is


scarce. This means that, while Cook County has a low unemployment rate of only 4%, that rate is much higher for people of color -- in fact, it is more than three times that for black people: 15%. When it comes to lost profits, the “cost of segregation” is paid by businesses and homeowners who have lower property values, less access to capital, and fewer customers. Homeowners lose value on their homes due to segregation. According to another investigation by the Brookings Institute, a home in a black neighborhood is worth an average of $23,000 less than a home in a predominantly white neighborhood. And when it comes to lost opportunities, the “cost of segregation” is paid by the region as a whole -- especially as we suffer a dramatic population loss. The cost is one reason why we are seeing the opposite of a Great Migration. We see a black exodus, because it’s just too hard for families and businesses to afford live and work here. In fact, the Metropolitan Planning Council put out a report in 2018 which calculated that Chicago loses $4.4 billion dollars annually in lost income due to segregation. $4.4 billion. Ultimately, whether you live in a black neighborhood or not, this segregation burdens all of us. Our studies of regional economic growth show that regions with the least inequality are the most vibrant. We all have a stake in advancing racial equity. Before I go any further, I’d like to talk about the difference between equality and equity, and how that difference can result in unintended outcomes. I’m going to speak on this from my own lens in government, but it truly applies to all of you as well, especially as industry leaders and entrepreneurs. You wield a lot of power. When it comes to distributing resources

or crafting policies, equality and equity have vastly different consequences. Government has been operating under the assumption that everyone deserves fairness, and that an equal distribution of resources will lead to equal outcomes. On paper, that makes sense. But let’s talk about reality. In reality, equal distribution of resources, and policies that seem fair on the surface, do not lead to equal outcomes. Why? Because the playing field is not level. In America, the playing field has never -ever -- been -- level. If you are a woman, if you are black, if you are Latinx, if you have a disability, if you speak another language, if you were born in another country -- in other words, if you are most of the people of Cook County -- the playing field has never been level. So instead of using the principle of equality, government must instead focus on equity. Equity ensures that the playing field is made level, by providing resources according to need, by finding root causes of unequal outcomes, and by carefully examining and understanding, that seemingly sensible policies and operations, oftentimes have unintended consequences. Though equity should permeate all our institutions, I focus on what government can do because it’s where I can make an impact and, frankly, we must acknowledge that government has been responsible for much of the inequity we see today. We know about the history of redlining in Chicago, and the racist loan practices that made black homeownership all but an impossibility. Redlining has especially shaped your industry, as I am sure you know, although you may know it mostly by absence, because those neighborhoods that suffered from redlining are not neighborhoods where com-

mercial properties are being built. Those are not neighborhoods where commercial property values have risen, as they have downtown, in the West Loop, and on the near North Side. Racist government policies led to the segregation, disinvestment, hyper-policing and lack of economic opportunity we see today in communities across Cook County. The result of these decades of racist policies is that in health, wealth, education and life expectancy, black and Latinx communities have far worse outcomes than white communities. That is why you can drive through large swaths of Cook County and see nothing but empty storefronts. As an elected official, I believe we have a moral and fiscal responsibility to change that narrative, and close the opportunity gap, the wealth gap, the health gap -- and we start by calling it what it really is: the race gap. For too long we have seen neighborhoods on the South and West sides of our county stall while areas to the north and in the heart of the city have thrived. We are grateful for the neighborhoods that do well. We want them to continue to grow and prosper. But we are one county, and the whole region suffers when communities don’t have the opportunity to thrive. As the late Minnesota Sen. Paul Wellstone famously said, “We all do better when we all do better.” In my administration, we are working hard to close these gaps by using an equity lens in all our policies and practices. We examine who will benefit and who will be burdened by what we do. Doing this will benefit not just black and brown people, but all of us. We do this with our transportation investments, the way we distribute grants, increasing access to health care -- it permeates everything we do. So, here’s the real question: what can YOU do to close this gap, and make all of Cook County thrive? I’m going to focus on three things that you can do that would make a huge impact: hiring policies, prioritized investments and innovation. Attracting and nurturing a diverse workforce is crucial. And much like the benefit of lowering inequality, hiring diverse employees only serves to benefit your company. Research has consistently shown that more diverse teams outperform less diverse teams -- and that’s everywhere from Google to a nonprofit of six employees, to a department within my own government. Diversity is not just a buzzword -- increasing the diversity of your workforce will make your company perform better. In my own administration, I’ve practiced this, because I know it works, and that includes leadership positions. Five of my six bureau chiefs are women or people of color. My senior staff is incredibly diverse, and their unique perspectives and backgrounds

VIERNES, 24 DE ENERO DE 2020 bring innovative new ideas, process improvements, and connections to the table. You just can’t achieve that when everyone in the room comes from the same background. It doesn’t work. And this doesn’t just relate to government. John Rogers, the Chairman and CEO of Ariel Investments, is one of my most trusted advisers. He leads my Council of Economic Advisers, and has been addressing the need for diversity in all sectors, including finance, where he works. John doesn’t just talk the talk -- he hires diverse candidates and embraces diversity at Ariel. He will be the first to tell you how successful that has made his company. So, my recommendation to you is to think about diversity, not as a buzzword, but as a chance to outperform and make your firm even more competitive. Hire diverse candidates, mentor those candidates and promote them into leadership positions. By creating and feeding that pipeline, the entire commercial real estate industry will profit. The second thing I would like to discuss is how we prioritize investments. As I mentioned before, we can all applaud that Chicago is thriving. Downtown is booming, and there are outstanding commercial opportunities, especially on the north side of Chicago and in the Northwest suburbs. But there are still plenty of missed opportunities, and I think you can capitalize on those opportunities, especially in the South Suburbs. If you’ve heard me speak before, you may already know that I’ve made economic development in the South Suburbs a priority. When I was elected, Cook County government didn’t even have a Bureau of Economic Development. So, we created one, and have targeted the South Suburbs for several reasons. Chicago’s Southland is a rich subregion. It has many assets, including a skilled workforce, rail and highway infrastructure, and a great deal of existing commercial and industrial properties. The South Suburbs suffered during our last several economic recessions and the decline in manufacturing, but the region still has much to offer. As a commercial broker, I urge you to give the South Suburbs a serious look: invest in commercial properties there, explore the market, and know that my Bureau of Economic Development is willing to partner with you to make the South Suburbs thrive again. My Bureau Chief of Economic Development, Xochitl Flores, is with me today. Xochitl, please stand. In fact, this past November we launched an exciting new initiative to help spur investment: the Southland Development Authority. We launched this Authority to maximize investments, catalyze growth, and increase opportunities for development in the Southland. I encourage you to explore partnership opportunities with the Southland Development Authority as it begins work in 2020. The last point I’d like to make today is that innovation is critical, and that we can’t be satisfied with the status quo. In my own administration, we’ve innovated in many ways to make Cook County government more efficient, more effective, and a better steward of taxpayer dollars. We’ve presented balanced budgets every single year


| Español of my administration, and in this past year, we had the lowest budget gap yet -- only $19 million dollars, out of a $6.2 billion dollar budget. Additionally, we’ve made huge strides to deal with our pensions. Cook County regularly pays more than the statutory pension contribution to ensure that we don’t pass this burden on to our children. We’ve reached huge milestones reforming the criminal justice system and safely lowering the Cook County Jail population by more than 40% since 2011 -- a reduction that has saved lives, and is poised to save millions of taxpayer dollars. It costs more to detain an inmate in the jail than a year of college tuition at most private universities --$59,000 dollars. It’s important to emphasize that, while our jail population has been reduced by almost half, this has been achieved safely, and crime has continued to steadily decrease. When I started this work, the jail was a modern-day poorhouse, full of black and brown people -- but we are working hard to change that. Cutting the jail population almost in half could not have been achieved without innovating, and rethinking the way we envision justice. It wouldn’t have happened without working together to end the cash bail system -which has had the greatest impact. It also required investing in community-based providers, presenting alternatives to incarceration, and providing access to mental health and substance abuse treatment. We’ve made the Cook County Health and Hospitals System a provider of choice, as well as expanding health care access to more than 300,000 residents through CountyCare, our Medicaid managed care plan. We achieved this by innovating -- we saw a huge opportunity with the Affordable Care Act to become more than a system of hospitals and clinics. We became a comprehensive health care provider, and now residents can go to a Cook County Health location to receive preventive care, dental care, and behavioral health treatment. That wouldn’t have happened if we didn’t think big. Instead, we were ambitious. We innovated. And I am proud to say that each of these initiatives, from responsible financial stewardship to expanded health care, reduces inequities in Cook County. We all benefit from that. We couldn’t have made these innovations without the diverse and incredible staff who brought these ideas to the table. My staff reflects the rich diversity of the County. We couldn’t have made these innovations without collaborating. And we couldn’t have succeeded at any of this without prioritizing our investments where they can make the most impact. Embracing and empowering a diverse workforce, prioritizing investments, and innovating will only make your industry stronger, and doing so with an equity lens will only make Cook County an even greater place to live and work, for all of us. I hope you will consider Cook County a willing and enthusiastic partner in making this economy grow and thrive. As we look forward, we have amazing opportunities ahead of us, and I hope that together we can capitalize on that exciting possibility. Thank you.

I 13

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Carlos Morales Fronteras de la Noticia - Sony Music Lo que sé del olvido lo aprendí de la luna, lo que sé del pecado lo tuve que buscar. En 1996, Joaquín Sabina hacía volar estas palabras en su canción ‘Tan joven y tan viejo‘, título que da nombre a este homenaje que reivindica cómo la grandeza trasciende más allá del tiempo, teniendo en cuenta, eso sí, todas las experiencias. Es uno de los cantautores por excelencia de la música española, sus composiciones son un referente para muchos, como los más de 30 artistas que han unido sus voces en un trabajo único. Sabina es uno de esos artistas que han cambiado el mundo a golpe de palabras y música. Muchas generaciones hemos aprendido de él que no importa ser viejo o joven, acústico o eléctrico, de rumbas o de rock’n’roll; porque el talento es lo que perdura siempre. Este doble CD cuenta con 25 clásicos del maestro y la participación de 38 artistas -cantautores, músicos y poetas- que han reinterpretado y aportado sus emociones personales a las nuevas versiones, en solitario y a dúo, de esta pequeña selección de los in$nitos éxitos del homenajeado.. El CD1 es el disco de los duetos en el que, además, destacan grandes nombres como Alejandro Sanz, Serrat y Manolo García. En él, tienen un importante papel jóvenes revelaciones del mundo de la música como Travis Birds y Guitarricadelafuente. También la poesía pone su granito de arena de la mano de Benjamín Prado. La primera parte del Tributo es, a su vez, un homenaje a los exitosos grupos de rock de hace unos años –Los Ronaldos, Héroes del Silencio, Pereza, El &ltimo de la $la, Extremoduro-; sin olvidar algunos de los responsables de las mejores letras que ha dado la música en español ni los nuevos talentos emergentes.

| Español



I 15

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| Español


Bioserie de Gloria Trevi

La productora considera que ya le toca hablar a la cantautora

Carolina Pikacho, Fronteras de la Noticia - La Botana La bioserie inspirada en la cantante mexicana Gloria Trevi no tendrá censura, aseguró la productora Carla Estrada, aunque todavía no tiene fecha de(nida para iniciar el pro0ecto' "Es un proceso que lleva un poquito de tiempo, pero sí hemos platicado' +os 2untaremos a platicar, a grabar 0 a ver a qui%n vamos a entrevistar' $-n no tenemos una fecha concreta", indicó quien 0a llevó a la pantalla chica las biografías de !ilvia #inal 0 .oan !ebastian' $sí como se cuentan in(nidad de %xitos de la regiomontana Gloria Trevi a nivel musical, tambi%n existen los pasa2es oscuros en su vida, como cuando estuvo presa por más de cuatro años acusada de rapto, corrupción,

abuso 0 violación de menores en agravio de ,arina *apor' "+o creo que ha0a censura, será lo que Gloria nos diga 0 la gente que podamos entrevistar' Tanto han hablado de ella, tanta gente, que de repente dices1 &#ues te toca)' !ería interesante escuchar otro punto de vista", apuntó' Carla Estrada, quien ha realizado historias de %xito como "uinceañera 0 El privilegio de amar, consideró que la bioserie será mu0 controversial debido a la fama que rodea a la int%rprete de "El favor de la soledad" 0 "El recuento de los daños"' "/abrá quien est% en favor 0 otros en contra, pero así es la vida, así son los medios' Lo -nico que puedo decir es que, de mi parte, esto0 acostumbrada a dar el cien más uno", conclu0ó'


| Español


I 17

Demi Lovato cantará el himno de Estados Unidos en el Super Bowl Carolina Pikacho, Fronteras de la Noticia - EFE La artista estadounidense Demi Lovato anunció que será la encargada de entonar el himno nacional de Estados Unidos en el Super Bo%l, la #nal de la temporada de futbol americano que se celebrará el 2 de febrero en Miami. Con la inclusión de la cantante y actriz de origen mexicano, los organizadores del evento deportivo completan un triángulo de artistas latinas en los números musicales más importantes del partido. Jennifer López y Shakira serán las encargadas del medio tiempo. Lovato, quien no actúa en vivo desde su grave crisis de salud provocada por una sobredosis en julio de 2018, regresará a los escenarios. "Les dije que la próxima vez que me vieran sería cantando”, escribió la artista en sus redes sociales. En julio de 2018, la cantante ingresó de urgencia por una sobredosis supuestamente de fentanilo -un opiáceo- que llevó a que pasara un tiempo de rehabilitación en un centro de California. El año pasado fue nominada a los Grammy con Christina Aguilera por su colaboración pop en "Fall In Line." La interpretación de "The Star Spangled Banner", el título del himno de Estados Unidos, es uno de los momentos más emblemáticos del evento, y es considerado un honor para el artista escogido.


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Tires & Brakes, Moonroof, All Original. Non-Smk, Garage Kept, 1 Owner. Must See & Drive to Appreciate $2650 Roselle Call 630-363-1994 no texts/calls only

LINCOLN ‘03 TOWNCAR, Collectors Series Cartier, lthr, full pwr, gold pkg, coach top, remote start, lombar seats, cruise, tilt, CD, rust free, very nice car! Runs & Looks Excellent! Garage Kept. $2,950. Glendale Heights Call 630-336-8754 no texts/calls only


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Northwest Suburban Municipal Joint Action Water Agency will hold a Public Hearing on each of the following: FY 2021 BUDGET & APPROPRIATION The hearings will be held on Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 6:00 PM at the Elk Grove Village Hall (Room B), 901 Wellington Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL. The tentative documents are available for public inspection during the hours of 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Agency office, 901 WellingCHEVY ‘04 CAVALIER 2dr, ton Avenue, Elk Grove Vil26/35 mpg, 2.2 L, DOHC, Tilt, lage, IL 60007. 5 pass, AT w/ OD, AC, CC, The Agency is scheduled to ED, CD, Bodyman Special, Some rust, Runs A1. $1250 take final action on its FY 2021 Budget & Appropria847-524-2723 tion at a meeting scheduled immediately following the close of the Public Hearing on February 26, 2020. Published in Daily Herald January 24, 2020 (4539343)





NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of Keeneyville NO TITLE School District 20, County of NO PROBLEM A FAMILY SEEKS SUV, DuPage, Illinois, that its CAR, VAN, RV OR ANY Tentative Amended Budget SAME DAY PICKUP RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE for the 2019 – 2020 school IN GOOD RUNNING CALL 630-817-3577 year is available for public CONDITION. inspection during normal YEAR 2002-2017 business hours at the KeeMUST BE REASONABLY neyville School District 20 A FAMILY SEEKS SUV, PRICED Administration Center loCAR, VAN, RV OR ANY CALL OR TEXT cated at 5540 Arlington RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE 630-631-7075 Drive East, Hanover Park, IN GOOD RUNNING IL 60133. CONDITION. NOTICE IS FURTHER YEAR 2002-2017 MUST BE REASONABLY HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing on the tentaPRICED tive budget hearing will be CALL OR TEXT held on February 27, 2020 at 630-631-7075 7:00 p.m. at the Spring Wood Middle School Library, 5540 A FAMILY SEEKS SUV, Arlington Drive East, HanCAR, VAN, RV OR ANY over Park, IL 60133. RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE By order of the President of IN GOOD RUNNING the Board of Education. CONDITION. Andrea Schnorr YEAR 2002-2017 Secretary, MUST BE REASONABLY Board of Education PRICED Published in Daily Herald CALL OR TEXT January 24, 2020 (4539453) 630-631-7075

• Necesita poder cargar por lo menos 50 lbs. • Trabajar afuera BUICK ‘05 RANIER, AWD, • No tenerle miedo a las V6, Lthr, Well Maint. w/ alturas Records, New Michilin • Fuertes habilidades de Tires, New Brakes, 1 Owner, comunicacion verbal y 130K Hwy mi, No Rust, Like en escritura New. $4900/obo. 630-433-7276 • Licensia de manejar valida para viajes CHEVY ‘05 Cavalier, 4 Cyl, locales Auto, New Tires, Brakes, • Pasar una verification de 107K mi, Exc. Cond, antecedents y deteccion $975 / obo. 630-433-7276 de alcohol y drogas antes de empleo. FORD ‘03 ESCAPE SUV • Salario/Pago por hora LX, V6 4x4, 4dr, Auto, Full depende en cuanta Power, Cruise, CD, New experiencia tenga. Beneficios incluidos:

Public Hearings & Notices

Multi-Profession Job Fair Everyone is Welcome!




Meet Face-toFace With Many of the Areas Top Employers

Employers at this event regularly recruit for the following positions: Management • Retail • Customer Service • Call Center • Sales • IT • Marketing • Finance • Accounting • Human Resources • Administrative • General Business • Operations • Collections • Hospitality • Food Services And More! Look for a full exhibitor listing and information on the job fair in the paper on Sunday, February 2nd.

Pre-Register for this event online at: Embassy Suites by Hilton Chicago Schaumburg Woodfield Tuesday, February 4th, 2020 11am to 2pm 1939 North Meacham Road Schaumburg, IL 60173

Contact Jeff Naugle for exhibitor package details:


PRODUCED by Catalyst Career Group Company List Coming Soon Presented by the


| Español



¡Fantástico! Tome el autobús Pace Express en el nuevo carril flexible del I-90

FROM TRAFFIC TO TERIFFIC, Take the Pace Express bus in the new I-90 Flex Lane

Cuando tienes un carril propio, hay menos paradas y más idas. El autobús Pace Express I-90 viaja en un carril exclusivo, sin trafico conectando comunidades sobre el corredor I-90. Con conexión Wi-Fi gratuita, puertos de carga USB integrados, y estacionamiento gratis en las estaciones Pace park-n-ride a lo largo del camino. Para obtener información completa sobre el horario y ubicación, llame al, 847-228-3575 o visite

When you’ve got a lane of your own, there’s less stop and more go.The Pace I-90 Express bus travels in a dedicated, traffic-free lane connecting communities along the I-90 corridor. With free Wi-Fi, on-board USB charging ports, and free parking at Pace park-n-ride locations along the way. For complete schedule and location information, call 847-364-PACE or visit

©2017 Pace

I 19



| Español



WELCOME AND SPRING KICK-OFF For high school seniors and their families FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 6–8:30 p.m. Harper College 1200 West Algonquin Rd, Palatine Building E Lobby Park in Lot 9 Pozole with friends and much more: You and your family are invited to join us for a hearty bowl of pozole as you meet with Spanish-speaking employees and learn how to make the most of your child’s college education. Brought to you by PASO: Project Achievement – Surpassing Obstacles. RSVP: Questions? CALL: 847-925-6672 EMAIL: Individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation or who have questions about physical access may email or call 847.925.6266 at least two weeks in advance of the event date.

BIENVENIDA Y LANZAMIENTO DEL SEMESTRE DE PRIMAVERA Para estudiantes del último año de la secundaria y sus familias VIERNES, 21 DE FEBRERO 6–8:30 p.m. Harper College 1200 West Algonquin Rd, Palatine Vestíbulo del Edificio E Estacionamiento en el lote 9 Pozole con amigos y mucho más: Usted y su familia están invitados a unirse a nosotros para disfrutar un buen plato de pozole mientras se reúne con empleados de habla hispana y aprende sobre cómo puede su estudiante aprovechar al máximo la educación universitaria. Presentado por PASO: Proyecto para alcanzar logros – Superando obstáculos. Confirme su asistencia en: ¿Preguntas? Llame al 847-925-6672 Correo electrónico: Las personas con discapacidades que deseen solicitar una adaptación o si tienen preguntas sobre el acceso físico pueden enviar un correo electrónico a o llamar al 847.925.6266 al menos dos semanas antes de la fecha del evento. Harper College is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status or sexual orientation. 25856 AB 1/20

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