Reflejos 07/15/2022

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Career & College Guide

Evaluate your options: Information you need to start down the right career path

VOL. 33, No. 28


Career & College Guide


Just a reminder, you have what it takes.

Un recordatorio, tú tienes lo que se necesita. Classes begin August 22.

Las clases comienzan el 22 de agosto. Register today. Registrese hoy.



Career & College Guide

DR. INDOCUMENTADO, ‘DREAMER’ HISPANO GRADUADO DE MEDICINA EN UNA UNIVERSIDAD DE EE.UU. Carlos Morales Fronteras de la Noticia - Óscar Adrián Hernández se convirtió en doctor indocumentado de origen hispano que egresa de una es-cuela de medicina en la Universidad de California en Irvine (UCI). Estados Unidos. El ahora “Dr. Indocumentado” es uno de los miles de jóvenes inmigrantes llamados ‘dreamers’ que fueron favorecidos por la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA) que en 2012 decretó el entonces presidente Barack Obama, un bene$cio migratorio. Óscar, quien además egresó de UCI con una maestría en administración de empresas, se mudará al estado de Ohio para iniciar su programa de residencia o entrenamiento como cirujano general en la prestigiosa Clínica Cleveland.

Este joven inmigrante de 31 años, a quien sus amigos y familiares suelen llamar cariñosamente “Pony”, llegó a Estados Unidos cuando todavía no cumplía los dos años de edad. A pesar de provenir de una familia humilde y de haber crecido en una comunidad de escasos recursos en San Diego, California, logró sobresalir en sus estudios con las más altas cali$caciones de su clase, además de destacar como futbolista para llevar al equipo de su escuela a los campeonatos. Su primera experiencia en el campo de la medicina fue en una de las casas que su mamá limpiaba para mantener a la familia cuando en una ocasión el dueño de la vivienda, quien era médico, le enseñó a usar el estetoscopio en un T-Rex que Óscar tenía como juguete a la edad de 5 años.

Cuenta que en ese momento supo lo que quería ser de grande: curar a las personas. Pero el camino para convertirse a todo un “Señor Doctor” no ha sido fácil para Óscar ante las carencias económicas y debido a que como bene$ciario de DACA no es elegible para becas del gobierno federal o préstamos estudiantiles, por lo que para poder costear sus estudios superiores trabajó como cajero en una taquería, encargado de una lavandería, muchacho de limpieza y representante de servicio al cliente.

Lo más impresionante para sus familiares y conocidos, es que para este joven de raíces mexicanas la falta de un estatus migratorio legal en el país no fue un problema para lograr sus objetivos.


Career & College Guide


Earn an associate degree in criminal justice at no cost, and in just one year La voz suburbana de los Hispanos GERENTE DE VENTAS Y OPERACIONES Linda Siete (847) 806-1411 VENTAS Raul Ortiz (847) 427-4634 CLASIFICADOS (847) 427-4770 CIRCULACION (847) 806-1111 COORDINACIÓN DE ANUNCIOS Ana Maria Hinkhouse Reflejos Publications, LLC

95 W Algonquin Rd Suite 300 Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Reflejos es una publicación que sirve a los latinos de los suburbios de Chicago en los condados de Cook, DuPage, Kane, KendallLake, McHenry y Will. Reflejos orgullosamente forma parte de la Familia Paddock y es publicacion hermana del Daily Herald. Fundado en 1990.

In alliance with

CHICAGO — The “1 Year and Out” City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) Criminal Justice program offers Chicago residents the opportunity to earn an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in criminal justice at no cost and in as little as 12 months. “We are incredibly grateful to offer this high value degree in criminal justice to Chicagoans,” said City Colleges of Chicago Chancellor Juan Salgado. “We hope this no cost pathway will encourage many people to pursue their career goals in this growing profession. This degree is sure to open many doors that lead to great job opportunities.” The Criminal Justice degree program is offered at Olive-Harvey College this fall (2022). It is a 60-credit hour program that places a high emphasis on ethics, diversity, inclusion,

critical thinking and the historical significance of all people groups. Classes will be a mix of in-person and online. All classes will be three credit hours and each term will be eight weeks. Students can earn 48 credit hours over four, eight-week periods and 12 credit hours in the summer. Student must test into English 101 for admission into pathway. Olive-Harvey College will offer additional support with: • Laptops and book vouchers • Assistance on police exams and power tests “This is a great career pathway and I am thrilled that Olive-Harvey can offer this and with excellence, and at no cost to our community,” said Dr. Kimberly Hollingsworth, Presi-

dent of Olive-Harvey College. “Olive-Harvey has much to offer and prepares all of its students to meet the needs of growing industry, but more important, to meet the goals of our students,” she said. The list of possible jobs you can attain with a criminal justice degree include air marshal, forensic science technician, fraud investigator, state trooper, crime scene investigator, computer forensics specialists, U.S. postal inspector, victims advocate, police dispatcher and more. For more information and assistance, call 773-College, or email OHC-CrimJustice@ with questions. You can also stop by campus anytime to ask questions or start your application. Apply today at

A Florida State University project is teaching students to think critically and recognize misinformation BY GINA JORDAN


As misinformation has become the norm on social media, Florida State University’s Office of Critical Thinking Initiativeshas undergone a change. The time has ended for the five-year project, and the office has now morphed into a network of faculty teaching students how to think critically in their majors — and subsequently in the world. “(The office) was a seed project that was put in place as part of our Quality Enhancement Review that is necessary for the reaffirmation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges,” says FSU assistant provost Lynn Hogan. Hogan says faculty members are publishing and doing national presentations on their work. She directed the office and has overseen its recent transition. Here is an exerpt of a recent interview:

Also, theUniversity Libraries, who we partnered with for a couple of years to do the critical thinking symposium, they are now creating a two-part program that’s going to begin this year. In the fall, the idea is to concentrate on bias, and I believe in the spring the topic is going to be on privacy. So the office has succeeded in doing what we needed it to do.

Hogan: We did not develop a centralized definition or approach to how to teach critical thinking because we wanted it to flow from disciplinary practices. We know that faculty members across campus are continuing to infuse critical thinking within their particular disciplines. So, how the interior architecture and design student thinks about critical thinking may be different from how the nursing student thinks about it, (and) how the engineer thinks about it. Our hope in embedding it within the discipline is, one, it’s a framework that faculty could work in. They could draw upon the resources they know, but ultimately, it’s hopeful and nice to think that the skills you learn within a discipline begin to bleed over into your everyday life.

WFSU News: 44 faculty grants were handed out. Do you have any examples of how that funding was used? (Note: There were two grant programs, and the funding was used primarily to weave critical thinking concepts into existing courses.) Hogan:Yes, I do. Marlo Ransdell, who is in the Interior Architecture and Design department, she took the opportunity in the grant time to examine rubrics around the idea of creative design thinking, which is how her discipline characterized critical thinking. Her story is she spent about all summer with about 80 rubrics covering her back porch, and then she constructed a rubric that talked about the various parts of critical or design thinking. They shared that with the students … and it was not part of the grading process. It was more as a development opportunity for students to

reflect and to think. It became integrated into their conversation. So students in that program really had critical thinking infused from the time they hit their major until they graduated. Another example is Richard Morris, who’s in Communication Disorders. He created his own version of a critical thinking assessment test for his profession that he used with his students to help them understand where they might need to work to improve their critical thinking skills. They would take the assessment, and then they would discuss it and figure out how in curriculum they might need to make modifications … so that students would grow along the areas that he had identified for critical thinking within communication disorders. WFSU News: We’ve got so much misinformation out there. Some of the blame goes to social media. Some of it goes to just politics in general, but can we blame a lack of critical thinking skills for some of this misinformation that’s out there? Hogan: I don’t want to place the blame because there are so many things as you point out that are contributing to the misinformation. I think part of it is there’s just such a flood with social media — some of it’s good, some of it’s bad — and what our goal has been is to teach people how to look at information, look at the source of it, see if it’s quality, and make your own determination about how you will or you will not use it. Some of our faculty members worked to make sure that students heard different conversations and process those. We do know that exposing them to those different arguments may have an impact, and at least our goal was to help them develop the skills to analyze the information that they receive and to use it as appropriate.



Career & College Guide

U.S. News and World Report lists Top Jobs for 2022 Every year, the U.S. News and World Report puts together a list of some of the best, longlasting jobs to consider in the new year. To develop the list, analysts first had to define what makes a job a good one. So, let’s start by understanding how a career earns a spot on the list. A career must have a very strong employment outlook projected for the next 10 years as well as a high average salary (both according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Then it has to score well in some less tangible, but important, factors like stress levels, work-life balance and more. This year, the top 10 jobs of 2022 were reported as follows:

Information security analyst

What they do: Plan, implement, upgrade or monitor security measures for the protection of computer networks and information. Assess system vulnerabilities for security risks and propose and implement risk mitigation strategies. May respond to computer security breaches and viruses.

Nurse practitioner

What they do: Diagnose and treat acute, episodic or chronic illness, independently or as part of a health care team. May focus on health promotion and disease prevention. May order, perform or interpret diagnostic tests such as lab work and X-rays. May prescribe medication. Must be registered nurses

who have specialized graduate education.

Physician assistant

What they do: Provide health care services typically performed by a physician, under the supervision of a physician. Conduct physicals, provide treatment and counsel patients. May, in some cases, prescribe medication. Must graduate from an accredited educational program for physician assistants.

Medical and health services manager

What they do: Plan, direct or coordinate medical and health services in hospitals, clinics, managed care organizations, public health agencies or similar organizations.

Software developer

What they do: Research, design and develop computer and network software or specialized utility programs. Analyze user needs and develop software solutions, applying principles and techniques of computer science, engineering and mathematical analysis. Update software or enhance existing software capabilities. May work with computer hardware engineers to integrate hardware and software systems, and develop specifications and performance requirements. May maintain databases individually or as part of a team.

Data scientist

What they do: Develop and implement

a set of techniques or analytics applications to transform raw data into meaningful information using data-oriented programming languages and visualization software. Apply data mining, data modeling, natural language processing and machine learning to extract and analyze information from large structured and unstructured datasets.

Financial manager

What they do: Plan, direct or coordinate accounting, investing, banking, insurance, securities and other financial activities of a branch, office or department of an establishment.


What they do: Develop or apply mathematical or statistical theory and methods to collect, organize, interpret and summarize numerical data to provide usable information. May specialize in fields such as biostatistics, agricultural statistics, business statistics or economic statistics.


What they do: Represent clients in criminal and civil litigation and other legal proceedings, draw up legal documents or manage or advise clients on legal transactions. May specialize in a single area or may practice broadly in many areas of law.

Speech-Language pathologist

What they do: Assess and treat persons with speech, language, voice and fluency disorders. May select alternative communication systems and teach their use. May perform research related to speech and language problems.

Highlights from this year’s report:

Of the 100 top jobs, the majority are concentrated in four industries. Nearly 40 of the jobs are in health care; 17 are in social services, 15 are in business and 10 are in information technology. The list includes the 10 best jobs without a college degree; most require some training after a high school diploma, usually one year or less. Listed in order, they are: Patrol officer Home health aide Personal care aide Licensed practical or vocational nurse Wind turbine technician Recreation and fitness worker Massage therapist Landscaper and groundskeeper Medical assistant Computer support specialist Source:CareerOneStop


Career & College Guide

Estudiante de ECC persevera para transferirse con éxito a una universidad Cuando Diana Rodríguez comenzó su viaje en Elgin Community College, graduarse con un título se sentía como una meta imposible. Diana había abandonado la preparatoria a los 17 años y apenas recibió una educación después del primer año en la preparatoria. También luchó inmensamente con la ansiedad y la depresión y se sintió retenida por su condición de indocumentada, lo que sabía que significaba que no sería elegible para la ayuda financiera federal. “Tenía todas estas etiquetas que el mundo me había dado y asumido sobre mí misma, y sentí el peso de una montaña tratando de perseverar a través de todas ellas. No creía en mí misma, pero ECC sí”, dijo Diana. La inesperada muerte de su mejor amiga en 2017 sacudió a Diana y decidió que era hora de volver a la escuela y terminar su carrera. Comenzó a tomar clases mientras trabajaba y recibió ayuda financiera y becas a pesar de su condición de indocumentada. Durante su tiempo en ECC, Diana se conectó con profesores, asesores y profesionales del bienestar que la guiaron y alentaron.

“Estaba dispuesta a hacer lo que fuera necesario para cambiar mi vida, y ECC estaba dispuesta a hacer lo mismo por mí”, dijo Diana. Ahora Diana asiste a la Un i v e r s i d a d de Illinois en Chicago en la Facultad de DIANA RODRÍGUEZ Ingeniería, cursando un título en Ciencias de la Computación con una especialización en Matemática. Debido a su éxito, pudo transferirse a través de una asociación de camino garantizado entre la universidad y ECC, asegurando que Diana esté en camino a un futuro brillante. Para explorar cómo ECC puede ayudarlo a alcanzar sus objetivos, visite


ECC student perseveres to successfully transfer to a university

When Diana Rodriguez began her journey at Elgin Community College, graduating with a degree felt like an impossible goal. Diana had dropped out of high school at 17 and barely received an education past freshman year in high school. She also struggled immensely with anxiety and depression and felt held back by her undocumented status, which she knew meant she would not be eligible for federal financial aid.

“I had all of these labels that the world had given me and took on myself, and I felt the weight of a mountain trying to persevere through them all. I did not believe in myself, but ECC did,” Diana said. The unexpected death of her best friend in 2017 shook Diana and she decided it was time to return to school and finish her degree. She began taking classes while working and received financial help and scholarships despite her undocumented status. During her time at ECC, Diana connected with professors, advisers and wellness professionals who guided and encouraged her. “I was willing to do whatever it would take to change my life, and ECC was willing to do the same for me,” Diana said. Now Diana is attending the University of Illinois at Chicago in the College of Engineering, pursuing a degree in Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics. Because of her success, she was able to transfer through a guaranteed pathway partnership between the university and ECC, ensuring Diana is well on her way to a bright future. To explore how ECC can help you achieve your goals, visit

Your Starts Now Explore and discover your career path with more than 130 degree and certi�cate programs�

Learn more at



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McDonald’s Restaurants of Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana (MOCNI) seek to hire more than 2,000 workers this summer MOCNI launches video series featuring crew stories across Chicagoland “I work for McDonald’s because McDonald’s works with me”

CHICAGO – Local McDonald’s restaurants of Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana (MOCNI) are inviting more than 2,000 job seekers to find their perfect job combo this summer by applying to a local McDonald’s restaurant today. Whether it’s a part-time job to help save up for a major purchase, a full-time position with the flexibility to work around family commitments or a first-time job with the goal of gaining valuable work experience, McDonald’s has a position to meet any candidate’s needs and the foundation to help drive long-term success, whether that’s with McDonald’s or elsewhere. To coincide with summer hiring, MOCNI is thrilled to kick off a monthly video series highlighting local crew stories. This video series launches a look at Chicagoland McDonald’s crew members and their career stories, highlighting what our employees value the most about working with McDonald’s: the freedom to earn and learn; the freedom to work the hours that suit their schedules; and the freedom to be themselves. Each of the first three videos follows a dif-

MAX, A General Manager

ferent local McDonald’s crew member who brings the viewer into their life and how their job with McDonald’s has provided the flexibility, benefits and a sense of community. Like Max, a General Manager and father of three, who needed a job that allowed time off for his family. He found his career working at McDonald’s where he’s been for more than 12 years. We want everyone who visits us to experience an authentic, feel-good moment on every visit. That starts with people who are

empowered to serve our customers in the way they know best — people who are thriving in a safe and respectful workplace, like Caterina, who has been with her local McDonald’s since 2016. She needed a job close to home in her community, with an inclusive environment. Caterina has found a job that educates, empowers and encourages people of every age, background and culture — just like the customers who visit the restaurant every day. A job with McDonald’s offers restaurant employees a chance to learn transferable soft skills on the job, such as teamwork, customer service, accountability and communication. We look for people who are proactive and hospitality-focused to help us deliver great service to thousands of customers every day. McDonald’s offers our crew lots of opportunities to develop their skills, continue their education and earn at the same time, like Joseph, a recent college graduate and a People Recruitment Manager at his local McDonald’s. As well as offering opportunities to develop formal qualifications, restaurant workers

who join McDonald’s grow in confidence and develops valuable life skills like teamwork and decision-making in a fast-paced environment. At McDonald’s, no matter where you are in life, you can find a meaningful career with a side of whatever it is that makes you happy. Job seekers can visit to learn more and apply to a restaurant near them, or text ‘apply’ to 38000 to start an application via text. About MOCNI McDonald’s Owners of Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana (MOCNI) represent more than 100 Owner/Operators and nearly 500 restaurants throughout the greater Chicagoland region, including stores as far north as Gurnee, west as Marengo, South as Watseka and east to Northwest Indiana. MOCNI manages and facilitates all marketing, sports, community relations, educational and philanthropic programs throughout the Chicagoland region, and is responsible for implementing and maintaining consistency at every Chicagoland restaurant. Follow us on Instagram @mcdchicagoland.


Career & College Guide

La Líder Estudiantil de la Universidad de Oak Point Brenda S. se graduó en la primavera de 2022 de Oak Point University’s Saint Francis School of Radiography, donde fue presidenta de la Student Government Organization. En la ceremonia de graduación, dio la “Reflexión Estudiantil” en nombre de su clase, la primera en graduarse bajo la marca [o nombre] de Oak Point University. Brenda comentó sobre los desafíos de asistir a la escuela durante una pandemia, los rigores de obtener un título en atención médica, su orgullo de ver el crecimiento de sus compañeros de enfermería y radiografía, y su impacto en la vida de los pacientes. “No importa cuán estresante sea el turno que haya tenido, sepa que cada uno de ustedes sentados aquí hoy ha tenido un impacto positivo en sus pacientes y continuará teniendo el mismo impacto a medida que haga la transición de estudiante a profesional de la salud”. También destacó la importancia de los profesores e instructores clínicos: “Pero, ¿dónde estaríamos sin nuestros profesores e instructores clínicos? Desde el primer día, han dedicado gran parte de su tiempo y energía a convertirnos en las personas fuertes, seguras y compasivas que somos hoy. Desde el primer día de clínicas hasta este mismo momento, hemos crecido con ellos y estamos listos para dejar nuestro segundo hogar, nuestra segunda familia”. Brenda continúa su papel activo en Oak Point University como Simulation Center Assistant, además de su posición como tecnóloga radiológica en Advocate Lutheran General en Park Ridge. Obtenga más información sobre Oak Point University en “Your when is now.”


Oak Point University’s student leader

BRENDA S. (izquierda) en el Sim Lab, practicando en la venopunción. BRENDA S. (left) in the Sim Lab, getting hands-on practice in venipuncture.

Brenda S. is a spring 2022 graduate of Oak Point University’s Saint Francis School of Radiography, where she was president of the Student Government Organization. At the Commencement Ceremony, she gave the “Student Reflection” on behalf of her class, the first to graduate under the Oak Point University brand (or name). Brenda remarked on the challenges of attending school during a pandemic, the rigors of earning a health care degree, her pride in seeing her nursing and radiography classmates’ growth, and their impact on patients’ lives. “No matter how stressful of a shift you may have had, know that each one of you sitting here today has made a positive impact on your patients and will continue to make the same impact as you make the transition from student to healthcare professional,” she said. She also highlighted the importance of faculty and clinical instructors: “But where would we be without our professors and clinical instructors? From day one, they have dedicated so much of their time and energy to shaping us into the strong, confident and compassionate individuals we are today. From the first day of clinicals to this very moment, we have grown with them and are ready to leave our second home, our second family.” Brenda continues her active role at Oak Point University as a Simulation Center Assistant in addition to her position as a radiologic technologist at Advocate Lutheran General in Park Ridge. Learn more about Oak Point University at “Your when is now.”

Formerly Resurrection University

YOUR WHEN IS NOW W Undergraduate + Graduate Nursing Undergraduate Radiography


Brenda S., Class of 2022, Bachelor of Science in Imaging Technology


ComEd Energy Doctors ofrecen consejos para ayudar a los clientes a ahorrar dinero en las facturas de electricidad Los habitantes de Chicago no son ajenos a las olas de calor y los días de 90 grados en el verano y ComEd entiende que el uso de electricidad puede ser alto para las familias y las personas durante ese tiempo. Durante los períodos de temperaturas extremadamente altas, los Energy Doctors de ComEd recuerdan a los clientes que pueden administrar el uso de energía y ahorrar dinero en sus facturas de electricidad siguiendo algunos consejos simples, cortesía del Departamento de Energía de EE.U.U.: • Utilice sus ventanas para evitar que entre el calor. Mantenga las persianas de las ventanas cerradas, especialmente las que dan al sur, este y oeste. • Opere su termostato de manera eficiente. Durante la temporada que refresca, configure su termostato a la temperatura más alta posible mientras mantiene la comodidad personal. Si no está en casa durante más de 8 horas, puede subir el termostato de 7 a 10 grados. Durante la noche, también puede subir el termostato de 3 a 4 grados mientras duerme. • Use ventiladores y ventilación para enfriar su hogar. Si usa aire acondicionado para enfriar su hogar, un ventilador de techo


Career & College Guide

le permite aumentar la configuración del termostato aproximadamente 4 °F sin reducir la comodidad. Apague los ventiladores de techo cuando salga de la habitación. Recuerde que los ventiladores refrescan a las personas, no a las habitaciones, creando un efecto de sensación de viento fresco. En los meses de clima cálido, asegúrese de que su ventilador esté girando en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj para empujar el aire hacia el piso. Los Energy Doctors de ComEd son expertos en eficiencia energética comprometidos a ayudar a los clientes a ahorrar dinero en sus facturas de electricidad y son un recurso para los clientes que desean mantener bajos los costos de energía a medida que las temperaturas comienzan a subir. Para obtener más consejos e información sobre los programas de eficiencia energética de ComEd, visite

ComEd Energy Doctors offer tips to help customers save money on electric bills

Chicagoans are no strangers to heat waves and 90-degree days in the Summer and ComEd understands electricity use may be high for families and individuals during that time. During periods of extreme high temperatures ComEd’s Energy Doctors remind customers that they can manage energy use and save money on their electric bills by following a few simple tips, courtesy of the U.S.Department of Energy: • Use your windows to keep out heat.

Keep windows shades closed, especially south, east and west facing windows. • Operate your thermostat efficiently. During the cooling season, set your thermostat to as high a temperature as possible while still maintaining personal comfort. If you’re not home for more than 8 hours, you can turn up your thermostat 7 to 10 degrees. Overnight, you can also turn up your thermostat 3 to 4 degrees while sleeping. • Use fans and ventilation to cool your home. If you use air conditioning to cool your home, a ceiling fan allows you to raise the thermostat setting about 4°F with no reduction in comfort. Turn off ceiling fans when you leave the room. Remember that fans cool people, not rooms, by creating a wind chill effect. In warm-weather months, be sure your fan is spinning counter-clockwise to push air towards the floor. ComEd’s Energy Doctors are energy-efficiency experts committed to helping customers save money on their electric bills and are a resource for customers who want to keep energy costs low as temperatures start to rise. For more tips and information about ComEd’s Energy Efficiency Programs, visit

Eficiencia Energética

Bueno para tu presupuesto BUENO PARA EL PLANETA Los ahorros son estimados; los ahorros reales variarán según el uso de los clientes y las tarifas de energía. �l �rograma de ��ciencia �nerg�tica de �om�d es �nanciado en cum�limiento con la ley estatal.

Lo que es bueno para el medioambiente también puede ser bueno para tu hogar. Ahorra hoy mismo con una evaluación energética y descuentos en electrodomésticos con certi�cación ENERGY STAR® y productos para el hogar como conectores avanzados, deshumidi�cadores y mucho m�s. PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN VISITA:

� �ommon�ealth �dison �om�any� ����

10 I

Career & College Guide

Una historia de perseverancia

Los padres de Samuel López emigraron a los Estados Unidos en la década de 1950 desde Guanajuato, México. Se establecieron en Chicago y finalmente se mudaron a los suburbios del norte de Chicago, donde nació Sam. Los padres de Sam creían firmemente en la educación, la religión, trabajar duro y ayudar a su comunidad, creencias que se inculcaron en sus hijos a medida que crecían. Como resultado, Sam y sus tres hermanos se unieron y sirvieron en diferentes ramas del ejército de los EE. UU. Sam sirvió 10 años en la Guardia Nacional Aérea de Illinois y en la Reserva de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos. Fue enviado a Oriente Medio durante la Guerra del Golfo Pérsico de 1990-1991. A lo largo de su servicio militar, Sam trabajó como paramédico de ambulancia durante 12 años en el área de Chicago, así como también como oficial de policía e investigador de la escena del crimen para una agencia de policía suburbana del noroeste durante 22 años. Incluso después de retirarse del trabajo policial, Sam siguió teniendo pasión por servir tanto a su comunidad como a su país. Esta pasión lo llevó a trabajar con los Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos como oficial de servicios de inmigración en Chicago. A lo largo de su carrera, Sam trabajó para obtener varios títulos diferentes y obtuvo un título de asociado, una licenciatura y una maestría. Ha estado enseñando en el campus del Columbia College en Elgin, IL durante más de 10 años y ha impartido numerosos cursos a lo largo de los años, incluidos Terrorismo, Victimología, Diversidad Cultural, Seguridad Privada y Ética y Moralidad en la Justicia Penal.


A history of perseverance

MILITAR DE la Fuerza Aérea de EE. UU. U.S. AIR Force Serviceman

Oficial de policía Police Officer

Oficial de USCIS USCIS Officer

Instructor adjunto de la facultad Adjunct Faculty Instructor

Samuel Lopez’s parents immigrated to the United States in the 1950s from Guanajuato, Mexico. They settled in in Chicago, eventually moving to the north suburbs of Chicago where Sam was born. Sam’s parents strongly believed in education, religion, working hard and helping their community – beliefs that were instilled in their kids as they grew up. As a result, Sam and his three brothers all went on to join and serve in different branches of the U.S. military Sam served 10 years in the Illinois Air National Guard and the United States Air Force Reserve. He was deployed to the Middle East during the 1990-1991 Persian Gulf War. Throughout his military service, Sam worked as an ambulance paramedic for 12 years in the Chicagoland area, as well as a police officer and crime scene investigator for a northwest suburban police agency for 22 years. Even after retiring from police work, Sam continued to have a passion for serving both his community and country. This passion led him to working with the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services as an immigration services officer in Chicago. Throughout his career Sam worked towards various different degrees and obtained an associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree. He has been teaching at the Columbia College-Elgin, IL campus for over 10 years and has taught numerous courses over the years, including Terrorism, Victimology, Cultural Diversity, Private Security and Ethics and Morality in Criminal Justice.


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Waubonsee Community College Aurora Downtown Campus

18 S. River St. Friday, August 5 5 to 8 p.m.

Celebre el regreso a clases en el campus de Waubonsee del centro de Aurora Celebre el regreso a clases en el campus de Waubonsee del centro de Aurora durante el evento del Primer Viernes de Aurora, Viernes 5 de agosto de 5 a 8 p.m. ¡Pase por el campus del centro de Aurora de Waubonsee durante el evento del Primer Viernes de Aurora el viernes 5 de agosto para una divertida fiesta de regreso a clases! Este evento comunitario de fin de verano está repleto de actividades familiares, entretenimiento y golosinas GRATIS.

Durante el Back-to-School Bash, personas y niños de todas las edades están invitadas a empacar sus mochilas con útiles escolares gratuitos y obsequios divertidos. El amable personal de Waubonsee estará disponible para responder preguntas, ayudar con la selección de cursos, recursos financieros, ayuda financiera y planes de pago. ¡Las familias también disfrutarán de una hora especial de cuentos con la autora infantil bilingüe Beatriz Cantú!

Celebrate Back-to-School Bash at Waubonsee’s Aurora Downtown Campus

Celebrate back-to-school at Waubonsee’s Aurora Downtown Campus during Aurora’s First Friday Event from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 5, for a fun Back-to-School Bash! This end of summer community event is filled with free family activities, entertainment and treats. During the Back-to-School Bash, all ages

are invited to pack their backpacks with free school supplies and fun giveaways. Friendly Waubonsee staff will be available to answer questions, help with course selection, financial aid and payment plans. Families will also enjoy a special story time with bi-lingual children’s author Beatriz Cantu!

• Pack your backpack with FREE school supplies and treats!* • Enjoy story time with bilingual children's author Beatriz Cantu and our kid-friendly Imagination Station Ven con ia tu famil •

• Get registered for fall courses with help from our student services staff • Discover the ABCs of becoming a teacher! In conjunction with Aurora Downtown First Fridays, Rain or Shine


Waubonsee does not discriminate on the basis of any individual’s actual or perceived characteristic protected by law in its programs or activities. Inquiries regarding this policy may be directed to: Michele Needham, Title IX/ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, Route 47 at Waubonsee Drive, Sugar Grove, IL 60554,

12 I


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Why state parks will stop offering plastic flatware, cups BY JENNY WHIDDEN

make the change, applying to contracts that renew on or after Jan. 1, 2024. “Cutting down on plastics waste is compatible with IDNR’s mission to conserve and protect nature, and this law gives us an opportunity to educate the public about the harmful effects of single-use plastics on the environment,” department spokesperson Jayette Bolinski said in a statement. More than 90% of the plastic used in Illinois ends up in landfills for various, complexreasons— one of them is the sheer amount of plastic that is not recyclable. Single-use plastics like cutlery, cups and Styrofoam take-away containers are largely not recyclable and have contributed to littering issues at state parks and natural areas. Jacob Shurpit, the site superintendent at Moraine Hills State Park in McHenry County, said the park has one concession stand at the McHenry Dam, but it currently offers little to no single-use plastic. Rather, the main source of plastic litter at the park is large picnic groups who carry in plastic bottles and cutlery, Shurpit said. The park will continue to work on recycling education, but it has had little success in getting visitors to separate their waste properly. “It’s almost 50/50 on whether or not we can actually do a recycling program, simply because of the fact that we have so many people that don’t acknowledge the recycling process,” he said.

for Reflejos

Starting next year, you can still bring plastic spoons and cups into state parks — but they won’t be offered. The change is part of a bill Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed into law earlier this month. Starting Jan. 1, 2023, state agencies and departments will be prohibited from procuring single-use plastic disposable foodware at state parks and natural areas. Instead, vendors at these locations will have to offer either recyclable or compostable foodware. The legislation will affect Illinois’184state parks and natural areas, which collectively host millions of visitors each year, according to the state Department of Natural Resourceswebsite. “This is a modest attempt to begin to show that the state of Illinois, as a purchaser of products, is going to prefer compostable products,” said state Sen. Julie Morrison, a Lake Forest Democrat who sponsored the bill. “It’s really important that we get plastics out of our landfills and out of our whole use chain. We can do this.” The legislation will primarily affect state park vendors, such as concession stands. The Department of Natural Resources has food service contracts with 63 vendors at state parks including Starved Rock, Giant City and Moraine Hills. The law gives businesses some time to


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BEGINNING IN 2023, facilities at state parks and recreation areas, such as Starved Rock Lodge & Conference Center at Starved Rock State Park in Utica, will be prohibited from offering single-use plastic products.

session, Walling is anticipating plastic-related issues to be more prominent, with the introduction of bills including bans on Styrofoam and plastic bags, and an extended producer responsibility bill, or an EPR. EPRs put the responsibility for any materials on manufacturers, meaning producers would take on the operational responsibility to manage recycling programs or the financial responsibility to pay for existing programs.


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Shurpit also oversees Volo Bog State Natural Area, where his team has seen a sharp decrease in litter by implementing a “carry in, carry out” policy. The difference has been “day and night,” he said. “A large part of the problem with any of the state parks or state natural areas is even when people put stuff in the garbage cans, if we can’t get out there to empty those quickly enough, animals usually get into the cans and they scatter trash,” he said. “That stuff ends up blowing through the areas.” Shurpit and his team are considering implementing “carry in, carry out” at Moraine Hills, but with about a million visitors a year and frequent, large events, it would be much more difficult to implement. Jen Walling, executive director of the Illinois Environmental Council, said that though the new law is just one step forward, it’s an important one. “It’s definitely not enough. It’s not the end, but I think it’s a pilot in the most sensitive areas,” Walling said. “Our state parks are where we really don’t want plastic litter, where we’re seeing a lot of plastic litter, and so it’s the place where we most need to take action.” Walling added that she’s visited many parks that do need to cut down on single-use plastics, and she hopes park visitors will be inspired to minimize their own plastic waste. Looking ahead to Illinois’ next legislative


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La importancia de que sus niños aprendan a nadar En el año 2021, dieciocho niños de Illinois se ahogaron fatalmente. Además, según los informes de los medios, entre marzo de 2021 y marzo de 2022, cuatro cuidadores de Illinois se ahogaron fatalmente mientras rescataban a niños que luchaban en aguas abiertas. El DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) insta a los cuidadores de niños, incluidos los padres, hermanos mayores, abuelos, niñeras y líderes de campamentos, para tomar medidas para prevenir el ahogamiento de niños. La necesidad es urgente. Los niños pequeños menores de cinco años tienen más probabilidades de ahogarse fatalmente en las piscinas del patio trasero, mientras que los niños mayores y los adolescentes tienen más probabilidades de ahogarse en aguas abiertas, incluidos ríos, estanques y lagos. Los niños pequeños que no son nadadores siempre deben permanecer a menos de 1-3 pies de un adulto. A los niños se les debe enseñar a nunca nadar solos. Los pasos simples pueden reducir el riesgo de ahogamiento. El primer paso es enseñar a los niños a nadar y a auto rescatarse. Las lecciones para niños mayores de un año deben enfatizar las habilidades de compe-

tencia de supervivencia en el agua, incluida la forma de llegar a la superficie desde debajo del agua, cómo flotar y propulsarse hacia adelante, y cómo salir del agua. Se ofrecen lecciones solo para adultos, individuales, familiares, grupales, del mismo género y acomodadas, en las instalaciones de natación de toda la región. Varias organizaciones locales ofrecen becas para la instrucción de natación de auto rescate y clases de natación. A los niños mayores que han completado clases de natación se les debe recordar que naden con un amigo y que usen un dispositivo de flotación personal (PFD) cuando naden o naveguen en aguas abiertas. Los contribuyentes al ahogamiento en aguas abiertas incluyen fuertes corrientes, agua poco clara y cambios inesperados en la profundidad del agua. El segundo paso de seguridad en el agua es identificar y abordar los peligros del agua al aire libre, incluidas las piscinas portátiles y permanentes, bañeras de hidromasaje, estanques decorativos, cubos, y aguas abiertas. Para evitar el acceso no supervisado al agua fuera del hogar, se insta a los cuidadores a usar capas de protección que incluyan cerraduras de puertas y alarmas, sensores de

movimiento de piscinas, cercas de cuatro lados alrededor de piscinas y spas, y puertas autoblocantes con autobloqueo. Los peligros del agua en interiores incluyen bañeras, spas de hidromasaje y baños. Los niños menores de cinco años nunca deben quedarse solos durante la hora del baño. Si un bebé o niño pequeño está en la casa, se deben instalar cerraduras de la tapa del inodoro. Un siguiente paso crítico es que los cuidadores se mantengan enfocados en los nadadores. Se debe asignar a un adulto “observador del agua” que se concentre en los niños y evite distracciones como teléfonos, libros, comidas y tareas domésticas. Los observadores del agua también son útiles en las piscinas vigiladas y las playas para bañarse. Se alienta a todos los cuidadores adultos a aprender RCP y cómo usar el equipo de rescate que salva vidas. Por último, antes de nadar, asegúrese de que las piscinas y bañeras de hidromasaje que use tengan cubiertas de drenaje de salida de succión compatibles. Los nadadores deben mantener sus cuerpos, dedos de manos y pies, cabello y correas lejos de las salidas de succión para evitar el atrapamiento. Las cubiertas de drenaje faltantes, sueltas o dañadas deben informarse inmediatamente

al gerente de una instalación de natación o a un salvavidas. Los nadadores no deben usar la piscina o el spa hasta que se repare la cubierta del desagüe. A través de nuestro programa Protect Swimmers 10M, DCHD tiene como objetivo prevenir el ahogamiento infantil a través de la educación, la concientización y la capacitación profesional sobre la Ley de Seguridad de Piscinas y Spas de Virginia Graeme Baker. Juntos, podemos prevenir el ahogamiento infantil. Visite https://www.dupagehealth. org/231/Pool-Safely para obtener más información. Departamento de Servicios para Niños y Familias de Illinois. Comunicado de prensa del 10 de mayo de 2022 al que se accede desde: aboutus/newsandreports/news/Documents/ Childhood_Drowning_Prevention_Month_Press_Release_2022.pdf American Academy of Pediatrics “Clases de natación: cuándo comenzar y lo que los padres deben saber”. (Última actualización: 15/03/2019) consultado desde: / English/safety-prevention/at-play/Pages/ Swim-Lessons.aspx

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Encuentra más en MCC En McHenry County College (MCC), encontrarás mucho más que solo un aula. Experimentarás una capacitación práctica en la que tendrás la oportunidad de aplicar tus habilidades. Asistirás a eventos inspiradores, cursos atractivos y obtendrás conocimientos para ayudarte a lanzar una carrera exitosa. Y disfrutarás de una educación asequible y de alta calidad, todo cerca de casa. MCC tiene más de 90 programas profesionales y técnicos y más de 30 títulos asociados, así como acuerdos de transferencia con docenas de colegios y universidades de todo el país. Y sus clases flexibles te ayudan a adaptar tu educación a tus compromisos laborales y familiares existentes. El Colegio recientemente rediseñó su programa On-Track, que proporciona planes de curso convenientes y apoyo para estudiantes adultos ocupados. A través del programa, los estudiantes pueden completar sus títulos de Associate of Applied Science en Business Management y Marketing en solo dos años asistiendo a una clase nocturna en persona y dos clases en línea flexibles por semestre,

más una clase durante el período de verano. Si estás buscando una trayectoria profesional más práctica, puedes aprender tanto el lado comercial como el creciente de la agricultura en el nuevo programa de College’s Entrepreneurial Agriculture, o unirte a uno de los sectores manufactureros de más rápido crecimiento en la región obteniendo un certificado en Soldadura. Si una carrera en tecnología es más atractiva, el programa de College’s Mobile Design y Development puede enseñarte cómo desarrollar aplicaciones, optimizar los sitios web compatibles con dispositivos móviles y graduarte listo para obtener un trabajo bien remunerado y en demanda. Cuando estés listo para comenzar, el equipo de personal amigable y servicial de MCC puede ayudarte a crear un horario de clases personalizado, descubrir opciones de asistencia financiera y desarrollar un plan para llevarte a donde deseas ir. La inscripción para el semestre de otoño de 2022 ya está abierta. Visita www. para dar tu siguiente paso hoy.

Find More at MCC At McHenry County College (MCC), you’ll find so much more than just a classroom. You’ll experience hands-on training where you get a chance to apply your skills. You’ll attend inspiring events, engaging courses, and gain knowledge to help you launch a successful career. And you’ll enjoy an affordable, high-quality education all close to home. MCC has more than 90 career and technical programs and over 30 associate degrees, as well as transfer agreements with dozens of colleges and universities all over the country. And their flexible classes help you fit your education around your existing work and family commitments. The College recently redesigned its On-Track program, which provides convenient course plans and support for busy adult learners. Through the program, students can complete their Associate of Applied Science degrees in Business Management and Marketing in just two years by attending one in-person evening class and two flexible on-

line classes per semester, plus one class during the summer term. If you’re looking for a more handson career path, you can learn both the business and growing side of farming in the College’s new Entrepreneurial Agriculture program, or join one of the fastest-growing manufacturing sectors in the region by earning a certificate in Welding. If a career in technology is more appealing, the College’s Mobile Design and Development program can teach you how to develop apps, optimize mobile-friendly websites, and graduate ready to snag a high-paying, in-demand job. When you’re ready to get started, MCC’s team of friendly, supportive staff can help you create a customized class schedule, figure out financial assistance options, and develop a plan to get you where you want to go. Registration for the Fall 2022 semester is now open. Visit to take your next step today.

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Biden announces recipients of the Medal of Freedom WASHINGTON — President Joseph Biden recently named 17 recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the nation’s highest civilian honor, presented to individuals who have made exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public or private endeavors. Biden has long said America can be defined by one word: possibilities. These 17 Americans demonstrate the power of possibilities and embody the soul of the nation — hard work, perseverance and faith. They have overcome significant obstacles to achieve impressive accomplishments in the arts and sciences, dedicated their lives to advocating for the most vulnerable among us, and acted with bravery to drive change in their communities. The awards were presented at the White House on July 7. The following individuals were among those awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom: Dr. Julieta García is the former president of The University of Texas at Brownsville, where she was named one of Time magazine’s best college presidents. Raúl Yzaguirre is a civil rights advocate

who served as CEO and president of National Council of La Raza for 30 years. He also served as U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic under President Barack Obama. Diane Nash is a founding member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee who organized some of the most important civil rights campaigns of the 20thcentury. Also gymnast Simone Biles, Sister Simone Campbell of the Sisters of Social Service, former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords; Fred Gray, one of the first black members of the Alabama State legislature since the Reconstruction. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs (posthumous); Father Alexander Karloutsos, former vicar general of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America; Khizr Khan, a Gold Star father and founder of the Constitution Literacy and National Unity Center; Sandra Lindsay, a New York critical care nurse. Also John McCain (posthumous), Purple Heart winner and former U.S. senator; soccer player Megan Rapinoe, former U.S. Sen. Alan Simpson; Richard Trumka (posthumous), former president of the 12.5-million-member AFL-CIO; Brigadier General Wilma Vaught and actor Denzel Washington.


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Triton alumni accepting applications for Legacy scholarship RIVER GROVE — The Triton College Alumni Association Council is accepting applications for the Alumni Legacy Scholarship until Tuesday, Aug. 2. The scholarship amount ranges from $100 to $500 to help offset tuition costs and other educational fees. Those interested must be a direct relative of a Triton College graduate (child, grandchild, sibling or parent) be enrolled as a full-time or part-time student and have a grade-point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher. To apply, recipients should write an essay of no more than 500 words describing the impact Triton College has made on their immediate relative. They also must complete a service requirement in support of the Alumni Association and be enrolled for the fall or spring semester after the scholarship deadline. The Alumni Legacy Scholarship was established in 2014 by the inaugural members of the Triton Alumni Association Council. Their goal was to honor alumni and to support relatives of those who graduated from Triton College.

“The Alumni Legacy Scholarship strives to help relatives of Triton College alumni with their educational costs,” said Tina Lilly, director of Business Services. For more information, contact or call (708) 4560300, Ext. 3692. Triton College is a two-year college dedicated to helping members of the 25 Western Cook County communities in our district and beyond to achieve educational, professional and personal success. Located in River Grove, Triton offers more than 110 degree and certificate programs on its 110-acre campus, featuring a comfortable, friendly and diverse atmosphere. Triton holds classes at several satellite locations as well and offers online learning opportunities. Triton’s dedicated faculty and staff work to provide high quality, convenient and affordable educational opportunities to more than 12,000 students each year. Triton College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Learn more at

Dominican University welcomes new vice president for academic affairs River Forest — Dominican University is pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Laura Niesen de Abruña as the university’s next provost and vice president for academic affairs. She will begin her new position on July 25. Niesen de Abruña is currently the founding provost and vice president of academic affairs at York College of Pennsylvania, where she is also a professor of English. She previously served in these same roles at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut, and at Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island. Niesen de Abruña has also held the position of dean at Heidelberg University in Tiffin, Ohio, and at Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania. Since 2016, she has served as director and principal investigator for the Digital Fellows Project with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In her role at Dominican, Niesen de Abruña will be charged with leading and empowering university faculty while developing transformative programs and experiences for students. She will also serve as the university’s chief academic officer, acting as an advocate for the aca-

demic mission of Dominican University. She succeeds Jeff Carlson, who earlier this year announced his decision to step down from his role as provost to return to teaching. “Dr. Niesen de Abruña comes to Dominican with extensive leadership experience at private institutions of higher learning, and I am confident she will make an immediate, meaningful impact as our new provost,” said Dr. Glena Temple, university president. A search firm hired by the university built a candidate pool and a committee consisting of 10 Dominican faculty and staff members was formed to conduct first- and second-round interviews with selected candidates in April and May. The committee then provided feedback to the university’s president, who selected Niesen de Abruña as the university’s next provost. “Dr. Niesen de Abruña impressed all of us on the committee with her breadth of experience and her quick ability to analyze problems and come up with solutions,” said John Jenks, co-chair of the provost search committee. “We thought she would be a good fit for Dominican.” Because she comes to the university with prior experience as a provost at

private colleges and universities, Niesen de Abruña will arrive at Dominican prepared to step into the role, Jenks noted. Niesen de Abruña said she is looking forward to working with the academic and student affairs leadership teams to “provide the best possible education for our students.” “Dominican University offers a great opportunity for me to join the president’s senior team in a faith-based, comprehensive institution that is centered in the values of Catholicism, especially social justice, and in the power of the liberal arts to nurture broadly-educated students to become global and informed citizens,” she said. “To me, Dominican University is exactly the type of university that I want to join — one that has the rich tradition of the Sinsinawa Dominican sisters and that has extended the concept of human dignity to include its work as a sanctuary campus.” Niesen de Abruña received her Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in French from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts; a Master of Arts in English Language and Literature from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; a Master of Science in Education from the University of Penn-

sylvania; and a Doctor of Philosophy in English Language and Literature from the University of North Carolina. She has been a professor of English literature for many years and has received numerous awards, including two Fulbright Fellowships in Belgium and Luxembourg. In her leadership roles she has been involved in raising millions of dollars in grants, scholarships and endowments. Niesen de Abruña speaks Spanish and French, in addition to her knowledge of Latin, Anglo-Saxon, Dutch and some ancient Greek. Founded in 1901, Dominican University is a comprehensive, coeducational Catholic institution offering bachelor’s and master’s degrees through the Rosary College of Arts and Sciences, the Borra College of Health Sciences, the Brennan School of Business and the College of Applied Social Sciences. The university also offers a doctoral degree in information studies. U.S. News & World Report ranks Dominican University No. 10 of all Midwest regional master’s level universities, the best value in the Chicago area and No. 3 in Illinois for ensuring the social mobility of its graduates.

Career & College Guide


U.S. Department of Labor posts process for seeking its support for immigration-related prosecutorial discretion during labor disputes

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WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor posted a Frequently Asked Questions document to provide workers experiencing a worksite labor dispute with guidance on how to seek the department’s support for their requests to the Department of Homeland Security for immigration-related prosecutorial discretion. For the Department of Labor to carry out the laws its enforces, workers must feel free to participate in its investigations and proceedings without fear of retaliation or consequences related to their immigration status. The department has long supported DHS’ use of prosecutorial discretion — on a caseby-case basis — for certain workers subjected to abusive and exploitative labor practices. For decades, the department has memorialized this relationship through agreements with immigration officials. The most recent 2011 Memorandum of Understanding between the departments of Labor and Homeland Security set forth ways in which the departments will work together to ensure their respective civil worksite enforcement activities do not conflict, and ultimately advance each department’s mission. The MOU recognizes that effective enforcement of labor law is essential to ensure proper wages and working conditions for all

covered workers regardless of immigration status, and that effective enforcement of immigration law is essential to protect the employment rights of lawful U.S. workers. In 2016, the National Labor Relations Board, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission published an addendum to the MOU. Workers seeking the Department of Labor’s support to include as part of their request to DHS for prosecutorial discretion should send an email to statementrequests@ with the subject line: “Request for Statement of DOL Interest.” In the email, workers or their advocates or representatives are encouraged to provide enough information for the department to identify the worksite that is the subject of the labor dispute and any related investigations or cases. Requests will be considered on a case-bycase basis. For more information on what to provide in these inquiries and the factors that the department will consider when deciding whether to provide a Statement of Department of Labor Interest in a worksite’s labor dispute, review the FAQs at agencies/oasp/resources/prosecutorial-discretion.


Heartland Bank contrata a José García como Banquero Hipotecario de Reinversión Comunitaria para servir a los mercados locales CHICAGO, IL—Heartland Bank and Trust Company anuncia con orgullo la contratación de José García como Banquero Hipotecario de Reinversión Comunitaria para servir a clientes locales en el área de Chicago. En este rol, García se especializa en ayudar a los clientes a conocer y usar la asistencia para el pago inicial y los programas de subvenciones comunitarias para comprar su primera casa. García tiene más de nueve años de experiencia en servicios financieros, incluyendo roles anteriores como banquero de relaciones y prestamista comercial. García atiende a clientes en las comunidades del norte de Illinois del banco y tiene su sede en la oficina dedicada a préstamos ubicada en 1856 N LeClaire Avenue en Chicago. El es chicano de toda la vida El nació y creció en la ciudad de Chicago, y aún vive en la comunidad de Irving Park-West Walker con su esposa Susana. Apasionado por servir a la comunidad y construir relaciones,

García es miembro de la junta directiva del Carlson Community Center, que brinda servicios para conectar a los niños con programas que enriquecen las vidas a través de la educación, la cultura y el servicio. En el pasado, ha ofrecido voluntariamente su experiencia profesional y personal en la Hispanic American Construction Industry Association, Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Indo-American Center, Rolling Meadows Chamber of Commerce, Ensemble Español y Women’s Business Development Center. Heartland Bank and Trust Company es un banco comunitario con activos de aproximadamente $4.3 mil millones. Con sede en Bloomington, Illinois, el banco tiene oficinas en el centro y norte de Illinois y el este de Iowa. El banco ofrece una línea completa de servicios financieros a clientes comerciales y minoristas. Más información está disponible en el sitio web del banco en

Heartland Bank hires Jose Garcia as Community Reinvestment Mortgage Banker to serve local markets CHICAGO, IL—Heartland Bank and Trust Company proudly announces the hiring of Jose Garcia as Community Reinvestment Mortgage Banker to serve local customers in the Chicago area. In this role, Garcia specializes in helping customers learn about and use down payment assistance and community grant programs to buy their first home. He has over nine years of financial services experience, including previous roles as a relationship banker and business lender. Garcia serves customers in the bank’s northern Illinois communities and is based at the bank’s dedicated lending office located at 1856 N LeClaire Avenue in Chicago. He is a life-long Chicagoan, and lives in the Irving Park-West Walker community with wife Susana. Passionate about serving the community and building relationships, Garcia is a board member of the Carlson

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Community Center, which provides services to connect children with programs that enrich lives through education, culture, and service. In the past, he has volunteered his professional and personal experience to the Hispanic American Construction Industry Association, the Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Indo-American Center, the Rolling Meadows Chamber of Commerce, Ensemble Espanol, the Women’s Business Development Center, and the Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign. Heartland Bank and Trust Company is a community bank with assets of approximately $4.3 billion. Headquartered in Bloomington, Illinois, the bank has offices in central and northern Illinois and eastern Iowa. The bank offers a complete line of financial services to commercial and retail customers. More information is available on the bank’s website at

Quiere comprar una casa pero ¿Necesita apoyo?

Un especialista hipotecario local en el que puede confiar para servirle en Aurora Jose Garcia

Banquero Hipotecario de Reinversión Comunitaria NMLS# 1098707 José está aquí para atender sus necesidades de préstamo hipotecario. Él le ayudará a entender su puntaje de crédito, préstamo y opciones de programas de asistencia para el pago inicial. José también habla español con fluidez. Como un verdadero banco comunitario, Heartland Bank ofrece tasas competitivas, decisiones locales rápidas y prestamistas locales accesibles como José para responder preguntas durante todo el proceso.

Manteniendo la comunidad en la Banca Póngase en contacto con José para hacer una cita: Teléfono: 773-770-4583 Correo electrónico:

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Career & College Guide

Qué saber sobre los refuerzos de COVID-19 La vacunación sigue siendo la mejor manera de protegerse de los resultados graves debido al COVID-19. Sin embargo ¿Sabía que solo se le considera actualizado con la vacuna contra el COVID-19 si ha recibido todas las dosis de refuerzo cuando es elegible? Si bien el 76% de los habitantes de Chicago de 12 años en adelante han completado su serie primaria de vacunas COVID-19, solo el 42% también ha recibido el refuerzo de vacuna recomendado. El Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago recomienda encarecidamente a todos los residentes elegibles de Chicago que reciban su dosis de refuerzo ahora, sin importar el tipo de vacuna COVID-19 que recibieron originalmente. La elegibilidad para el refuerzo también se extendió a las personas de 5 a 11 años.

personas que recibieron la vacuna J&J deben recibir un refuerzo al menos dos meses después de su dosis inicial; para estas personas, los CDC prefieren cualquiera de las vacunas de ARNm. (Pfizer-BioNTech o Moderna) como dosis de refuerzo. Los adultos de 50 años o más, así como las personas inmunocomprometidas moderada o gravemente, deben recibir un segundo refuerzo de ARNm. Encuentre más información sobre los refuerzos en CDPH’s website.

Esto es lo que necesita saber cuando se trata de refuerzos de COVID-19.

Para obtener más información sobre los refuerzos y para encontrar su vacuna, visite Todas las vacunas y dosis de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 son gratuitas para todos, no se requiere seguro ni identificación gubernamental.

Cualquier persona de 5 años o más que haya recibido una vacuna de ARNm (Pfizer o Moderna) debe recibir una dosis de refuerzo cinco meses después de la segunda dosis de su serie de vacunas original. Las

Las vacunas COVID-19 y las dosis de refuerzo están disponibles en toda la ciudad: en hospitales, consultorios médicos, farmacias locales, a través de Protect Chicago At Home, clínicas emergentes organizadas por la Ciudad, y más.

What to know about COVID-19 boosters Vaccination remains the best way to protect yourself from severe outcomes due to COVID-19. However, did you know that you are only considered up-todate on COVID-19 vaccination if you have received all booster doses when eligible? While 76% of Chicagoans age 12 and up have completed their primary COVID-19 vaccine series, just 42% have also had the recommended vaccine booster. The Chicago Department of Public Health strongly encourages all eligible Chicagoans to get their booster dose now — no matter the type of COVID-19 vaccine they originally received. Booster eligibility was also just extended to those age 5-11.

Here’s what you need to know when it comes to COVID-19 boosters Anyone age 5 or older who received an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna) should get a booster dose five months after the second dose of their original vac-

cine series. People who received the J&J vaccine should receive a booster at least two months after their initial dose — for these individuals, the CDC prefers either of the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) as a booster dose. Adults 50 years and older, as well as moderately or severely immunocompromised individuals, should receive a second mRNA booster. Find more information about boosters onCDPH’s website. COVID-19 vaccines and booster doses are readily available across the city — in hospitals, physicians’ offices, local pharmacies, through Protect Chicago At Home, pop-up clinics hosted by the City, and more. For more information on boosters and to find your vaccine, visit Chicago. gov/COVIDvax. All COVID-19 vaccines and booster doses are free to everyone, no insurance or government ID required.




22 I


Career & College Guide

Waukegan to College celebrates 2022 graduates More than 150 people gathered on the grounds of the Waukegan to College headquarters on June 11 to celebrate the recent graduations of 33 outstanding students. All of them had been participants in the organization’s college readiness, access, and persistence programs. Twenty-one of the honorees had graduated from Waukegan area high schools. Twelve were new graduates of a variety of esteemed colleges and universities across the country. “Every year, Waukegan to College gathers to celebrate our high school and college graduates,” said Aaron Arnold, executive director of the nonprofit organization. “This year was extra meaningful, as it was the first time since the pandemic that we have been able to gather the Waukegan to College family in person around our scholars. It was so encouraging to our graduates and their families that volunteer mentors, tutors, board members, donors and community leaders showed up to recognize and honor their hard work and perseverance.” U.S. Rep. Brad Schneider, one of the community leaders who attended the event, addressed the gathering. “Nothing is more rewarding or inspiring than seeing our young people aspire to new heights,” he said. “Waukegan to College has changed the lives of hundreds of first-generation college students and their families. Two things are abundantly clear to me from


WAUKEGAN TO College celebrant Elysa Flores, left, a recent graduate of Denison College in Ohio, consulted with Krystina Briones, right, the organization’s College Persistence Manager during her years at Denison.

speaking to former students, program leaders, and parents. “First, all these students have made their families and community incredibly proud. Second, the community backing these students on their college journey is extraordinarily strong. These transformative programs that grow both the community and the economy are exactly the kind that I want to support.”

Arnold gave special advice to the graduates. “In order to find purpose and meaning, you need to live authentically. You are each unique and special. You have a diversity of talents, passions and experiences. As you enter your next phase of life, be it college, career or graduate school, don’t let others define who you are.” Elisa Flores, who just graduated from Denison University, spoke to the attendees about her college experience and thanked her Waukegan to College adviser, Krystina Briones, College Persistence Manager, for her support during those years away from home in Ohio. “Though her job was not to be there for emotional support, she proved to me countless times of her love and dedication for what she does and who she does it for. Her constant care, attention, and support has shown that she doesn’t just show up, she shows out ... a trait that I’ve realized every adviser in Waukegan to College possesses,” Flores said. The 2022 college graduates earned degrees from an array of institutions. Tamara Sanchez graduated from Northwestern University, Elisa Flores from Denison University, Jared Herrera-Sanchez and Jaime Blanco from Lake Forest College, Joselyne Lagunas-Ramirez from Bradley University, Angelica Linares from the University of Illinois-Springfield, Scarlet Mencia from

Cardinal Stritch University, Ezau Calderon from the University of Illinois-Chicago, Juan Carlos Flores from Lewis University, Rafael Aguilera from Santa Clara University, Adriana Amador from the University of Illinois-Urbana and Brandon Antonio from Northern Illinois University. The 2022 high school graduates will be attending a variety of colleges and universities nationwide. Aaliyah Decillo will study at Elmhurst College, Adrian Rojas and Kevin Rosiles at Boston University, Adriana Bahena at Davidson College, Alexi Garcia and Melanie Trujillo at College of Lake County, Amaya Collins at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Ana Alvarez and Isam Hussaini at Macalester College, Botnia Calzada University of Illinois-Urbana, Diane Romero at University of Illinois-Chicago, Eduardo Alfaro at Beloit College, Frank Sanchez at Hope College, Jasmine Chuc at Vanderbilt University, Lizbeth Castrejon at Illinois State University, Michelle Cazarez at New York University, Miguel Valdovinos at Brown University, Nohemi Agulilar at Butler University, Rosa Echeveria at Knox College, Stephanie Calderon at Northwestern University and Tania Campuzano at Lake Forest College. Waukegan to College is a nonprofit organization that helps Waukegan students maximize their academic potential and break barriers to higher education.

¿Quiere aprender inglés? ¿Quiere aprender Inglés?

LaElgin YWCAofrece Elgin ofrece de ingléscomo como segundo idioma en línea y en persona YWCA clasesclases de inglés segundo idioma en línea y en persona Localizada en 220 East Chicago Chicago Street, IL IL Ubicada en 220 East St.,Elgin, Elgin,


Se requiere cita• INGLÉS InglésCOMO como segundo idioma para adultos SE REQUIERE CITA SEGUNDO IDIOMA PARA ADULTOS Horario por la tarde Lunes y Miércoles 6:00 – 8:30 PM Horario por la tarde Martes y Jueves 6:00 – 8:30 PM

Inscripciones Registraciones Agosto 30 & 31 Septiembre 1 5:30 – 7:00 PM en línea & en persona

Inscripciones Horario por la mañana Registraciones Lunes a Jueves Septiembre 1,9-12 PM 9:00 –11:00 AM

en línea & en persona Septiembre 6, 9-12 PM Septiembre 7, 9-12 PM en persona

Inscripciones Inscripciones Registraciones Clases para adultos con niños Registraciones Agosto 29, 1-3 PM Agosto 30 & 31 Lunes a Viernes Agosto 30, 9-10:30 AM Septiembre 1 en línea & en persona 5:30 – 7:00 PM Septiembre 6, 9-12 PM en línea & en persona 9:00 – 11:00 AM en persona

Llame Alejandrina para su cita de registración (847) 742-7930 YWCA Elgin ESL Program is an equal opportunity educator and employer. For the purposes of compliance with Section 511 of P.L. 101-166 (the Stevens Amendment), approximately 40% of the funding for this program comes from federal sources. This project was made possible by a grant awarded by the Illinois State Library (ISL), a division of the Office of Secretary of State, using state funds designated for literacy. Additional thanks to The Kane County Riverboat Foundation and The United Way of Elgin for funding that makes this program possible.


Career & College Guide

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Career & College Guide

Illinois Department of Human Services

TALLER DE EMPLEO VIRTUAL Regístrese hoy en Eventbrite Julio 22 de 11 am a 12 pm August 22 de 11am a 12 pm July 16

8 p.m.

July 22

7 p.m.

July 23

8 p.m.

July 30

8 p.m.

July 31

8 p.m.

Aug. 11

8 p.m.

Aug. 20

8 p.m.

Infórmese acerca de los BENEFIOS y POSICIONES ACTUALES y del PROCESO DE APLICACIÓN EN LÍNEA que ofrece el IDHS. Presentado por la Oficina de Reclutamiento y Contratación -is-hiring-tickets-354762453047?utm-campaign=social%2Cemail&utm- content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-source=strongmail&utm- term=listing

CONTACTENOS AL July 15-17 Aug. 5-7 Oct. 14-16

The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) is an equal opportunity employer. It is the policy of IDHS to employ qualified personnel; to provide equal employment opportunities in the hiring and promoting of individuals; and to administer these activities in a manner that does not discriminate against any person. Employment decisions shall not discriminate against any individual because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, physical or mental disability, unfavorable discharge from military service, political affiliation or sexual orientation.

26 I

Career & College Guide


EEUU amplía 18 meses el estatuto de protección temporal para los venezolanos Janine Trainor Fronteras de la Notiica - EFE El secretario de Seguridad Nacional, Alejandro Mayorkas, anunció la extensión del Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) para los venezolanos por 18 meses, luego de que veintidós senadores demócratas pidiesen prorrogar el premiso migratorio. “Como una de mis primeras acciones como secretario, designé a Venezuela para el TPS”, expresó Mayor-kas. “Después de una cuidadosa consideración, y en consulta con el secretario de Estado, hoy estoy extendien-do esa designación. Esta acción es una de las muchas formas en que la administración Biden brinda apoyo humanitario a los venezolanos en el país y en el extranjero, junto con nuestros socios regionales. Conti-nuaremos trabajando con nuestros socios internacionales para abordar los desafíos de la migración regio-nal mientras garantizamos que nuestras fronteras permanezcan seguras”, señala el comunicado. La prolongación de 18 meses del TPS para los venezolanos en Estados Unidos entrará en vigor el 10 de sep-tiembre de este año y vencerá en 10 de marzo de 2024. Solo las personas beneficiarias bajo la designación existente, y que ya residían en Estados Unidos al 8 de marzo de 2021, podrán aspirar para registrarse nuevamente para el TPS bajo esta extensión. Los venezolanos que llegaron a Estados Unidos luego del 8 de marzo de 2021 no son elegibles para la pró-rroga del TPS. Al menos 343,000 venezolanos son elegibles para el TPS bajo la designación existente.

El Registro Federal dará las instrucciones respectivas para volver a registrarse para el TPS y pedir la reno-vación de un Documento de Autorización de Empleo (EAD). Los venezolanos que en la actualidad son elegibles para el TPS bajo la designación que ya existe y que to-davía no han presentado una solicitud con los Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos (USCIS) deberán presentar sus solicitudes antes de la fecha límite del 9 de septiembre de 2022, incluyendo a los venezolanos que están cubiertos bajo el 2021 concesión de Salida Forzosa Diferida (DED), que expira el 20 de julio de este año. El TPS fue creado por el Congreso de Estados Unidos en 1990 para proteger a los migrantes y refugiados que podrían ver en peligro su vida al ser obligados a ser devueltos al país de donde son originarios. Por su parte, el embajador de Venezuela en Estados Unidos del gobierno encargado de Juan Guaidó, Carlos Vecchio, agradeció a la Administración de Biden la extensión del TPS para los venezolanos residentes en el país en su cuenta de Twitter. “La protección y solidaridad hacia los refugiados es necesaria e importante”, expresó.

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Career & College Guide

Carlos Morales Fronteras de la Noticia - EFE En una entrevista con Efe, Pedro Alonso explica que la covid-19 no es un problema que se vaya a acabar de un día para otro, sino que “posiblemente vayamos a convivir con él toda nuestra vida”. Ante esta situación, la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE) hace un nuevo llamamiento a la prudencia para recordar que la pandemia todavía no ha terminado y que la responsabilidad individual es la herramienta fundamental para evitar contagios, al tiempo que destaca el hecho de que el número de fallecimientos atribuidos a la COVID-19 se mantiene todavía alrededor de 46 muertes diarias. Los expertos recuerdan que es importante no bajar la guardia y continuar respetando las medidas de prevención no farmacológicas. Y es que, recuerdan, la población general juega un papel clave en la protección de las personas de riesgo, por lo que instan a que se utilice la mascarilla cuando se produzcan encuentros con individuos que por sus condiciones puedan ser considerados vulnerables. En caso de que se trate de un caso probable o con%rmado, los epidemiólogos! as continúan recomendando el aislamiento y extremar las medidas de precaución con las personas convivientes, como no compartir espacios y utilizar mascarilla siempre que se coincida con otras personas. Además, deben avisar a sus contactos estrechos para que extremen las precauciones y estén atentos al desarrollo de posibles síntomas. Por último, animan a quienes todavía no se han vacunado por primera vez a hacerlo y a recibir la tercera dosis a aquellos que solo hayan recibido dos para ayudar a frenar el aumento de la Covid. Sobre la magnitud del problema y las consecuencias estimadas, los autores - Para mejorar la estrategia mundial contra la covid, el especialista anima a la comunidad internacional a “reforzar los sistemas de información para que se conviertan en tiempo real, acelerar los procesos de desarrollo de nuevas vacunas y garantizar el acceso equitativo”. - Un llamamiento que extienden también a las autoridades sanitarias, recordando su papel en la protección de la población y, especialmente, de los más vulnerables. - “La alarma social que rodea la viruela del mono seguramente se deba a un precedente tan cercano como la covid-19, no por la evidencia cient#%ca”, destaca Pedro "lonso, que es catedrático de !alud 'lobal en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Barcelona. señalan que uno de los principales retos sanitarios presentes y futuros es la identi%cación precoz de nuevos agentes virales emergentes con capacidad de infectar al ser humano. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) incluyó en el año 2018 en el listado de enfermedades infecciosas prioritarias a la “Enfermedad X”. La enfermedad X es una enfermedad teórica producida por un agente infeccioso desconocido con potencial pandémico. La emergencia de este patógeno tendría graves consecuencias sanitarias y económicas, con un impacto social incalculable. La estrecha relación entre el ser humano, el medioambiente y los animales hace que una perturbación directa o indirecta por parte del ser humano desencadene el paso de agentes virales de la fauna silvestre a animales domésticos o al ser humano.



El epidemiólogo y ex director del Programa Mundial de Malaria de la Organización Mundial de la !alud, Pedro "lonso, advierte de que “tendremos que convivir con la covid-19 para siempre”, mientras que sobre la viruela del mono, pese a crecer, cree que no tendrá un impacto “explosivo” en el número de contagios

Salpas: qué son y características

28 I

Career & College Guide


Carlos Morales, Fronteras de la Noticia Conocidos científicamente como Salpidae, las salpas son una familia de tunicados de la clase Thaliacea que se ha convertido en grandes protectores de los fondos marinos, al ser una de las pocas especies que se alimentan del enemigo de las praderas de posidonia oceánica, de gran valor en la dinámica sedimentaria y donde se calcula que habitan más de 1.400 especies entre vegetales y animales. De hecho, con esa apariencia anodina, las salpas marinas son la única especie del Mediterráneo capaz de alimentarse de la Caulerpa taxifolia, esa alga exótica y tóxica conocida como “alga asesina” que está co-lonizando los fondos. Por otra parte, a los peces que viven sobre esa tierra sumergida que son los fondos marinos, siendo los arenales uno de los más importantes, se les llama demórales. Entre nuestros peces de fondo se encuentran estas doradas salpas que nunca tuvieron valor comercial ya que su sabor es bastante malo al alimentarse de algas. Sin embargo, esto no ha sido inconveniente para que su valor siga en aumento. Las salpas, pertenecientes a la familia Salpidae, son animales tunicados marinos que tienen forma de barril y flotan libremente de forma solitaria o en extensas colonias en la zona pelágica, por casi todos los océa-nos del planeta. El término tunicados hace referencia a la túnica resistente de celulosa que cubre y protege a estos animales. También denominada salpa común, es la especie más frecuente de encontrar ya que posee distribución cosmopolita. Su cuerpo es asimétrico y generalmente presenta forma de barril o de huso y posee un nú-cleo color verde pálido. Se desplazan de forma vertical en la columna de agua y se acercan a la superficie durante la noche. Pertenecen al filo cordados, pero únicamente presentan sus características en estadio larvario y luego pierden la mayoría de ellas al sufrir metamorfosis. Por ejemplo, el cordón nervioso presente en las larvas queda reducido a un simple ganglio en los adultos. Confundidos con plásticos o medusas, estos pequeños seres vivos casi transparentes han plagado las cos-tas de Málaga, Almería y Granada, revolucionado a los bañistas que desconocían a estos pequeños inver-tebrados autóctonos. Llamados “zapaticos” por los lugareños del litoral granadino, el repentino aumento de las salpas que han aparecido a las orillas de nuestras playas se debe al incremento de la presencia de plancton. Translúcidas, algo brillantes y unidas formando largas líneas que se mueven arrastradas por las corrientes, las salpas son en realidad un animalito inofensivo. Ante la abundancia de fitoplancton, este invertebrado hermafrodita responde produciendo rápidos clones que crecen a un ritmo que se considera probablemente el más rápido entre los organismos multicelulares. Completamente inofensivos, estas largas hileras de organismos transparentes tienen una función vital: sus gigantescas colonias son capaces de absorber una gran cantidad de CO2 y filtrarlo en el mar, contribuyen-do al ciclo de carbono oceánico, lo que juega un papel importante ante el cambio climático. “No tienen ningún peligro, al contrario, hacen una estupenda función porque pueden absorber, estimada mente, unas 4000 toneladas de CO2 al día para sedimentarlo en los fondos marinos”, declara el experto. La distribución de las salpas marinas se produce en mares ecuatoriales, templados y fríos, y se cree que las mayores concentraciones se encuentran en el Antártico.


I 29

Career & College Guide

Carolina Pikacho Fronteras de la Noticia El bosque de Sagano Arashiyama es uno de los rincones verdes más espectaculares de Japón. Se trata de un impresionante y hermoso bosque de bambú situado a las afueras de la ciudad de Kyoto, a los pies del Monte Arashiyama. Un lugar casi mágico donde encontrar refugio del ruido, el estrés y la civilización entre bambúes mecidos por el viento y un silencio sobrecogedor. Más de cincuenta variedades de bambú crecen a lo largo y ancho de este bosque, con algunos ejemplares que pueden alcanzar incluso los veinte metros de altura. Son muchos los japoneses que se acercan a este lugar para perderse por los numerosos senderos que atraviesan la tupida cortina de cañas de bambú. Una belleza sutil y delicada, muy del gusto de los nipones. También los amantes de la fotografía encuentran aquí un paraíso para obtener sensacionales instantáneas, con la luz que cambia y ofrece diferentes efectos y colores según la hora del día, con juegos de luces y sombras casi mágicos. Incluso por la noche merece la pena visitar este lugar, con su paseo completamente iluminado. Este lugar estuvo reservado durante muchos años a la alta aristocracia japonesa. Sus senderos, misteriosos, románticos y silenciosos, eran uno de los lugares de esparcimiento favoritos de la familia real. Hoy por fortuna puede disfrutar de él todo el mundo y pasar un día agradable entre bambúes. También se pueden visitar aquí algunos templos Zen, como el Tenryuji, y pasar el tiempo en sus cafeterías y comercios. Los turistas, además del paseo y las fotos, no se van de Sagano sin comprar algún objeto de artesanía hecho de bambú. Como debe ser.

Bosque de Bambú, Japón


Chofer con Lic CDL or CLASE B Empresa de pavimento de ladrillos. Solicita Chofer confinable con CDL o Licencia clase B. También se busca ayudante, instaladores para patio, ladrillo y forman o labores con experiencia. Interesados llamar 773-640-6817 SKOKIE, IL

Dry Cleaning Presser; Planchadora por Tintoreria Looking for experienced presser for dry cleaning business in Lincoln Park Chicago (Clybourn and Diversey) Must have experience $15-20/hour + overtime, vacation pay, holiday pay and bonuses Se busca planchador con experiencia para tintoreria en Lincoln Park Chicago (Clybourn y Diversey). debe tener experiencia $15-20/hora + tiempo extraordinario, pago de vacaciones, pago de vacaciones y bonos Please call 847-877-8367 ask for Peter

Public Hearings & Notices Arrowhead Apts, Palatine, IL will reopen its Project Based Section 8 waiting list for 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apts. Names of interested persons will be taken on 7/20/2022 from 9AM to 11AM to complete 50 preapplicants for 1 BR units, 40 pre-applicants for 2 BR units & 15 pre-applicants for 3 BR units. MUST CALL (312) 291-5415 Names will only be taken on 7/20/2022 between hours designated. NO WALK INS

In Accordance with the Illinois School Student Records Act (105 ILCS 10), Antioch School District 34 will destroy Student Temporary Records on or after August 15, 2022 for those students who moved or graduated from 8th Grade in the year of 2016-2017. Permanent Record Cards will be destroyed for those that graduGana hasta $35 por hora ated in the school year of limpiando casas, solo 1961-1962. Any individual necesitas tener experiencia, who was a student in these materiales y transporte. categories and who wish to Llama o escríbeme al obtain his/her records must +1-612-540-4100 submit a written request to the Records Custodian at Antioch School District 34, Attn: Robin Nottingham, 964 Spafford St., Antioch, IL. 60002. Published in Daily Herald July 15, 2022 (4585540)

Trabajador de Produccion Responsabilidades laborales: Empaque de productos alimenticios

1er turno: $15.00/hr - 6:00 am a 2:30 pm 2do turno: $15.00/hr - 2:00 pm a 10:30 pm 3er turno: $15.50/hr - 10:00 pm a 6:30 am bono entre $1500- $3000 disponible (se requieren ciertos puestos y duración del trabajo) **Funciones de Operador de Máquina y Jefe de Línea ahora Disponibles a las $16.25-$16.50/hr DOE y Turno Trabajos estables a largo plazo Tiempo extra disponible Paga semanal Aplicar:

Elite Staffing en Hearthside

1100 Remington Blvd, Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Pregunta por: 1er turno: Yazmin Salgado 773-968-1419 o 630-771-7021 2do turno: Isabel Carranza 312-989-6167 o 630-771-7021 3er turno: Carmen Garza 773-986-5368 o 630-771-7021

Trabajos de Producción Disponibles Trabajos de producción disponibles 1er turno - 5am a 1:30pm 2do turno - 2pm a 10:30pm El pago es de $18 por hora Empacadora rápida de alimentos Los trabajos son de largo plazo Ambiente frio Verificación de antecedentes

Para aplicar vaya a:

Elite Staffing en Real Good Foods 525 W. Crossroads Parkway Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Pregunte por Jessica al 630-605-7341

Public Hearings & Notices

“ANNEX A” PUBLIC NOTICE The public is hereby notified regarding the above Ordinance determining to levy for FY 2022-2023 an additional tax of up to 0.02 Percent of equalized or assessed value of taxable property for particular building and equipment purposes in accordance with 75 Illinois Compiled Statutes, Section 16/35-5” that: 1. The specific number of voters required to sign a petition requesting that the question of adoption of the Ordinance be submitted to the electors of the District (Kane & DuPage Counties) is 3,994 voters. 2. The time in which the petition must be filed is from the date of publication of this Ordinance until 30 days hereof, being the 15th day of August, 2022. 3. The date of the prospective referendum, if one should be called pursuant to such petition, is the Consolidated Primary Election, held Tuesday the 28th day of February 2023. 4. The Secretary of the District shall provide a petition form to any individual requesting one. Dated this 13th day of July, 2022. Karen L. Kaluzsa, Secretary, Board of Trustees St. Charles Public Library District Kane and DuPage Counties, Illinois c/o The St. Charles Public Library One South Sixth Avenue, St. Charles IL 60174 Published in Daily Herald July 15, 2022 (4585603) LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS Winchester Condominium Association vs Nancy Swiderski, Deceased, et al defendants Case No 22 EV 1152. Notice is hereby given to you, Estate of Nancy Swiderski and All Unknown Occupants, that the above entitled action has been filed against you and other defendants in the Circuit Court of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit of DuPage County, Illinois for the recovery of the possession of real estate located at 2S767 Winchester Circle East, #3, Warrenville, IL 60555. You are hereby required to appear in person on August 10, 2022 at 10:00am in Courtroom 1004, Circuit Court of DuPage County, Located in the DuPage County Judicial Center, 505 N. County Farm Rd., Wheaton, IL, for return date of this cause. You are further required to file your written appearance by yourself or your attorney at the same place and time. Now unless you, the said above named defendants appear at the time and place fixed for return date, judgment by default will be entered against you for possession of the aforesaid premises and an order for possession will be issued out of said court by which you will be dispossessed of said premises. Published in Daily Herald July 8, 15, 22, 2022 (4585237)

Public Hearings & Notices

LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 16TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT KANE COUNTY, ILLINOIS TAX DEED NO. 2022-TX-000083 FILED 07/01/2022 TAKE NOTICE CERTIFICATE NO. 2019-00101 TO: COUNTY CLERK OF KANE COUNTY, Alma L. Armstrong; Marsha M. Baltes; Kenneth L. Hammond; Persons in occupancy or actual possession of said property, Unknown owners or parties interested in said land or lots. A petition for Tax Deed on premise described has been filed in the Circuit Court of Kane County, Illinois as Case No. 2022-TX-000083 The property is located at: 806 Mountain Street, Aurora, IL 60505 Legal Description or PIN: 1514-327-035 Said property was sold on 10/28/2019 for delinquent taxes for the year 2018. The period of redemption will expire on October 28, 2022. On December 6, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 150 the petitioner will make application to such court in said county for an Order for Deed, should the real estate not be redeemed. Diane Dewell Petitioner FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE COUNTY CLERK 719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg. B Geneva, IL 60134 (630)232-5964 Published in Daily Herald July 15, 16, 17, 2022 (4585522)

JOB FAIR July 21, 6-8:30 pm Fox Valley Orthopedics 1710 Randall Rd, Elgin We are looking for compassionate individuals to join our FVO team! Hiring for full & part time positions; bilingual welcome

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Public Hearings & Notices

Public Hearings & Notices

TAX DEED NO. 22TX000075 FILED 6/27/2022 TAKE NOTICE NOTICE TO: - McHenry County Clerk, 2200 N Seminary Ave, Woodstock, IL 60098 - Peter Parhas, 2 Tara Ct Lake Zurich, IL 60047 - Occupant, 2 Tara Ct Lake Zurich, IL 60047 - Persons in occupancy or actual possession of said property – unknown owners and parties interested in said land or lots County of McHenry Date Premises Sold October 28, 2019 Certificate No. 2018-00032 Sold for General Taxes of (year) 2018 Sold for Special Assessment of (Municipality) and special assessment number not applicable Warrant No. not applicable Inst. No. not applicable THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at 69 N Ayer St Harvard, IL 60033 Legal Description or Property Index No. 01-35-334-007 DOC 2018R0034802 LT 1,2 & 3 /EX DOC 1993R0057950/ BLK 41 ORIG PLAT CITY OF HARVARD This notice is to advise you that the above property has been sold for delinquent taxes and that the period of redemption from the sale will expire on October 28, 2022. The amount to redeem is subject to increase at 6 month intervals from the date of sale and may be further increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or his or her assignee pays any subsequently accruing taxes or special assessments to redeem the property from subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the county clerk as to the exact amount you owe before redeeming. This notice is also to advise you that a petition has been filed for a tax deed which will transfer title and the right to possession of this property if redemption is not made on or before October 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the Circuit Court of this county in Woodstock, Illinois on 11/9/2022 at 09:45 A.M. You may be present at this hearing but your right to redeem will already have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at any time on or before October 28, 2022 by applying to the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois at the Office of the County Clerk in McHenry, Illinois. For further information contact the County Clerk ADDRESS: 2200 N Seminary Ave, Woodstock, IL 60098 TELEPHONE: (815)-334-4242 Troy L Przekurat Purchaser or Assignee. Dated: June 27, 2022 Published in Daily Herald July 13, 14, 15, 2022 (4585452)

Public Hearings & Notices

Public Hearings & Notices

DuPage County Administrative Adjudication Program County of DuPage, Petitioner v. Virgil G Caylor, Respondent Richard Dorsch, Respondent Darlene Caylor, Respondent Hearing Number BZ-ADJ-22-000068 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO YOU, Virgil G Caylor, Richard Dorsch, Darlene Caylor, and any unknown or unregistered owners of 3N607 Kenwood Ave, West Chicago, in DuPage County, Illinois, that on February 8, 2022 the violation notice issued to you at 3N607 Kenwood Ave, West Chicago, Illinois shall come before the Honorable Michael R. Konewko, the Administrative Hearing Officer for the DuPage County Administrative Hearing Program in the Jack T. Knuepfer Administration Building, 421 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois 60187, Room 3500-A on August 11, 2022 at 1:00 pm or as soon thereafter as this case may be heard, for an adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the violations of the DuPage County Building and Zoning Codes. THE HEARING OFFICER HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS PROCEEDING TO ASSESS FINES of up to one thousand dollars ($1000.00), plus additional costs, per day, or per week, for each day a violation remains uncorrected, which fines and costs may be assessed in addition to other remedies at law including enjoining further violations and ordering you to cease, correct, repair, abate or otherwise remedy the offending condition. Be advised a hearing fee of $100 (one hundred dollars) is due on the date of your hearing. YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BOTH THE PAYMENT OF THE FINES AND FEES AND ANY REMEDIAL ACTION THE HEARING OFFICER MAY ORDER TO ABATE THE VIOLATIONS ON THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROPERTY. UNLESS YOU APPEAR, YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY FURTHER WRITTEN NOTICE OR PUBLICATION OF THE NOTICES OF THE PROCEEDINGS IN THIS CASE. TAKE NOTICE that you may present evidence and show cause a violation did not occur by attending the hearing at the time and place noted above. Failure to appear at the hearing on the date indicated may result in a determination of liability for the cited violation and the imposition of fines and costs as provided by the applicable County Ordinance. Upon a determination of liability and the exhaustion of or failure to exhaust procedure for judicial review, any unpaid fines or costs imposed will constitute a debt due and owed to DuPage County. UNLESS YOU APPEAR AT THE HEARING, THE HEARING OFFICER MAY HOLD YOU IN DEFAULT AND ASSESS ANY FINES OR PENALTIES PROVIDED FOR BY LAW, INCLUDING ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF JUDGMENT AGAINST YOU WHICH MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND ANY OTHER PROPERTY YOU MAY OWN IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Published in Daily Herald July 15, 22, 29, 2022 (4585559)

LEGAL NOTICE VILLAGE OF LONG GROVE, ILLINOIS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE VILLAGE OF LONG GROVE PLAN COMMISSION & ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on August 2, 2022, at the Ela Township Community Center, 380 Surryse Road, Lake Zurich, IL 60047, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., a public hearing will be held during the meeting of the Plan Commission & Zoning Board Appeals (PCZBA) of the Village of Long Grove, Lake County, Illinois (unless otherwise set forth in the agenda to be posted) in connection with an application for: (i) text amendments to the Village of Long Grove Zoning Code [which may include without limitation proposed amendments to Section 5-4-5(C)(4) (HR District Special Uses) and Section 5-12-13 (Definitions)]; (ii) amendments to existing planned unit development (PUD) approvals or the grant of new PUD or preliminary PUD approvals; (iii) amendments to existing special use permits (SUP) or approval of new SUPs; (iv) zoning variations; and/or (v) any other necessary or appropriate zoning relief relating to establishment of a proposed business involving retail sales of firearms and firearm accessories, indoor shooting ranges, and firearms-related classroom instruction on the property described below, all in accordance with the application on file with the Village of Long Grove. The property that is the subject of said application is an approximately 1.72-acre undeveloped lot generally located on the north side of Lake Cook Road approximately 800± feet east of the intersection of Lake Cook Road and Illinois Route 53, and is legally described as follows: LOT 5 OF THE FINAL PLAT OF MENARDS SUBDIVISION RECORDED ON MAY 31, 2007 IN THE OFFICE OF THE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS RECORDER OF DEEDS AS DOCUMENT NO. 6191684. P.I.N. 14-35-401-012 All persons who attend the hearing shall have the opportunity to make oral comments and ask questions concerning the proposed development and requested zoning relief described in this notice. Additionally, any person may submit written comments regarding the matters set forth herein by email sent to: prior to the public hearing or in-person at the public hearing. Written comments should include the full name and address of the author and include in the subject line “Re: Lot 5 of Menards Subdivision.” All written comments received prior to or during the public hearing will be included in the official hearing record, but no such public comment shall be treated as testimony with respect to the subject of this public hearing unless it includes the following statement: “The comments herein provided are true to my best knowledge and belief under penalty of perjury.” In addition, any person who also wishes to appear as an “interested party” with the right to cross-examine others at the hearing must file an appearance form with the Village of Long Grove no later than three business days prior to the public hearing. Appearance forms are available, and may be filed, at the Village Hall, 3110 Old McHenry Road, Long Grove, Illinois, or by making a request via e-mail to: The PCZBA may continue the hearing to a later date, time, and place should that become necessary without further public notice, other than notice entered upon the minutes of the public hearing. Dated at Long Grove, Illinois this 13th day of July 2022 Helen Wilson Chair, Village of Long Grove PCZBA Published in Daily Herald July 15, 2022 (4585575)


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