Oportunidades que pueden cambiar vidas



¡Vea lo que ofrecen las organizaciones locales!




Oportunidades que pueden cambiar vidas
¡Vea lo que ofrecen las organizaciones locales!
Para Reflejos
Unarectorayvicepresidenta de asuntos ejecutivos de Ball State Universitysedirigirá aAuroraesteverano paradirigir AuroraUniversity.
Susana Rivera-Mills ha sido seleccionada como la próxima presidenta de la universidad. Ella será la primeralatina en dirigir la universidad desde su fundación en 1893.
Rivera-Mills reemplazará alapresidenta saliente de la Universidad de Aurora, Becky Sherrick, quienrenunciará al finaldel año escolar2022-23 después de 22 añosalmando. Sherrick, la primeramujerendirigir la universidad, es la 13ª presidenta de la universidad.
Rivera-Mills, de 52 años, comenzará su presidencia el 1dejunio. Fueseleccionada después de una búsqueda nacional de seis meses que incluyó un comité compuesto por fideicomisarios, ex alumnos,profesores, personal yestudiantes.
“Ella es una líder dinámica yauténtica yuna oyente reflexivaque ha vivido la experiencia de muchos de nuestros estudiantes”, dijo John Ammons, presidente de la junta y presidente del comité de búsqueda presidencial. “Con su estilo de liderazgodeservicio y su pasión por llevarlaeducación auna amplia población, su visión yvalores junto con la misión inclusivaycentrada en el estudiante de la UA.Ella es la opción claraparapresidenta en este momento de la historia de la universidad”.
Originaria de El Salvador,Rivera-Mills llegó alos Estados Unidos alos 12 años después de que su familia huyeradeuna guerracivil. Al igual que otros niños inmigrantes, Rivera-Mills se convirtió en la “agente lingüística” de la familia después de que aprendió rápidamente el idioma inglés.
Unaelección de palabras simple pero profunda en una conversación con un profesor de español de preparatoria la ayudó a darse cuenta de que todo eraposible cuando el maestro simplemente decía “cuando vayas alauniversidad”enlugar de “si vasalauniversidad”.
Durante sus cinco años como rectoraen Ball State University, Rivera-Mills apoyó alos estudiantes universitarios de primerageneración, desempeñó un papel clave en el desarrollo eimplementación del plan estratégico de la universidad yayudó adirigir los departamentos académicos através de un nuevo modelo de presupuesto basado en incentivos.
También trabajó parafomentar la equidad ylainclusión en la contratación, promoción yretención de personal.
Rivera-Mills también se desempeñó como vicerrectoradeprogramas académicos einnovación en el aprendizaje, decana de estudios de pregrado, decana ejecutivaasociada de la universidad de artes liberales ypresiden-
chairman and chair of the presidentialsearch committee. “With her servant leadership style and passion for bringing education to abroad population, hervision and valuesalong with AU’s inclusive, student-centered mission. She is the clear choice for president at this timeinthe university’s history.”
Anative of El Salvador, Rivera-Mills came to the United States at age12after her family fled acivilwar.Likeother immigrantchildren,Rivera-Mills became the family’s “linguisticsbroker” after shequickly learned theEnglish language.
Asimple but profound word choice in aconversation with ahighschool Spanishteacher helped her realize anything waspossible when the teacher simply stated “when you go to college” insteadof“if you go to college.”
During her five yearsasprovost at Ball State University, Rivera-Mills supported first-generation collegestudents, played akey roleindeveloping andimplementing theuniversity’sstrategicplan andhelpedlead academic departmentsthroughanew incentive-based budget model
She also workedtoencourageequity andinclusion in hiring,promoting and retaining staff.
ta del departamento de idiomas modernos en la Universidad Estatal de Oregón de 2007 a2018. Antes de eso, se desempeñó como miembro de la facultad en la Universidad del NortedeArizona durante 13 años.
Centró gran parte de su carreraacadémica en las comunidades latinas, el idioma yla culturaespañola, ytemas de sociolingüística.
Su investigación actual se centraentemas que afectan la educación superior,incluido el liderazgo, el éxito estudiantil ylos modelos de retención ypresupuesto.
En un comunicado de prensa, Rivera-Mills dijo que se sentía honrada de ser seleccionada como la próxima presidenta y señaló que Sherrick ha puesto alauniversidad en el camino hacia un “futuro brillante” Durante el mandato de Sherrick, la Universidad de Auroralanzó su primer programa de doctorado yfue reconocida por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos como una institución al servicio de los Hispanos.
Sherrick tambiénayudó aconstruirel programadeatletismo de la universidady ayudó afortalecer la diversidad de la universidad.
BY ALICIA FABBRE For ReflejosABallState Universityprovostand vice president forexecutive affairs will headtoAurorathis summer to lead AuroraUniversity.
SusanaRivera-Millshas been selected as theuniversity’snextpresident. She will be the firstLatinatolead the university since it was founded in 1893.
Rivera-Mills willreplace outgoing Aurora UniversityPresident Becky Sherrick, who will be stepping down at theend of the2022-23school year after 22 yearsatthe helm. Sherrick, the firstwomantolead theuniversity, is the university’s13th president.
Rivera-Mills, 52, willbeginher presidencyonJune1.She was selected after asix-monthnationalsearch that includeda committee made up of trustees, alumni, faculty,staffand students.
“She is adynamic, authentic leader and athoughtful listener who has lived the experience of many of our students,”said John Ammons, board
Rivera-Millsalsoservedasvice provostofacademic programs and learning innovation,dean of undergraduate studies, executiveassociatedean of the liberal arts college and department chair of modern languages at Oregon StateUniversityfrom2007to2018. Before that, she served as afaculty memberatNorthern Arizona Universityfor 13 years.
She focusedmuch of her academic career on Latinocommunities,the Spanishlanguageand culture,and issues in sociolinguistics. Hercurrent researchisfocused on issuesthataffect higher education, includingleadership, studentsuccess and retentionand budgetmodels.
In anewsrelease,Rivera-Mills said shewas humbled to be selected as the next president and noted that Sherrick has put the universityonapathfor a “bright future.”
During Sherrick’stenure, Aurora Universitylaunched its firstdoctoral program and was recognized by the U.S. government as aHispanic-serving institution.
Sherrick also helped build up the university’sathleticsprogram and helped strengthen theuniversity’sdiversity.
LindaSiete lsiete@reflejos.com
Raul Ortiz rortiz@reflejos.com
AnaMaria Hinkhouse ahinkhouse@reflejos.com
Reflejos Publications,LLC
95 WAlgonquin Rd Suite300 ArlingtonHeights,IL60005
Reflejosesuna publicación quesirve alos latinosdelos suburbiosdeChicago en los condadosdeCook, DuPage, Kane,KendallLake, McHenryy Will.
Reflejosorgullosamente formaparte de la Familia Paddockyespublicacion hermanadel DailyHerald. Fundado en 1990.
RASHMANGetting into college and staying in school is often a heavy liftfor students. Thepathtocollegeischallenging, and the goal is oftenout of reach, with manyeducational, social, and economic factors at play
TheFederal2023 Omnibus Funding Bill,recently passed by Congress and signedintolaw by President Biden, maychange thatscenario. Thanks to the advocacyofCongressman Brad Schneider (IL-10), the bill allocates $315,000 to Waukegan to Collegetoenhance the education and growth of Waukegan students,liftingthem up toward brighter futures.
Waukegan to Collegeisa local nonprofit devoted to helping Waukegan students realize their potential and defy higher education barriers. Thenew funding will allow the organization to expand itsmultifaceted educational supportprograms and roll out anew initiative targeting middle school students.
At Waukegan to College, programs for students already startasearly as fifth grade and involve a family-based, wraparound model of support. The programs include individual tutoring and mentoring, SAT/ACTprep, collegeadvising and application assistance, student and family workshops, field trips and site visits, financial aid application assistance, and more.
Thenew funding will supportacollaborative program led by Waukegan to Collegeincooperation with Waukegan’s five public middle schools and school districtleadership. Theprogram will startwith apilot projectatone middle school. Theprojectisintended to superchargeWaukegan to College’sactivities for students at thatschool. Theeasily replicated model will then be rolled out incrementally to the four other middle schools, pending funding.
“Mostcollegereadiness and access programs focusonidentifying high-performing students,”Director of Development and CommunityEngagement Liz Fales said.
“AtWaukegan to College, we believe thatthe most equitable waywecan help students overcome obstacles to higher education is to provide an environment in which theycan demonstrateand develop their potential.
“The most logical place for thattohappen is in middle school,”Fales said. “Wewant to identifystudents who are slipping through the cracks of asystem thatissingularly focused on pastperformance. We proposed aphased,collaborativeapproach in partnership with the school districttoprovide cutting-edgeresources, advanced tools, and customized supportthatisnot available in anyother capacityin Waukegan without cost.”
Currently,WaukegantoCollegeserves 67 middle school students. At the beginning, the projectwill provide high-levelexposure,support and interaction for everystudentateach grade level at the pilot middle school, increasing middle school participationbyat least25percent. Over time,the organization expects to reach between 650 and 750students each year.
Thefunding for Waukegan to Collegewas the result of aselective communityprojectfunding initiative led by Rep. Schneider,who submitted15local projects for funding, all of which were approved in the final bill.
“Nothing is more rewarding or inspiring than seeing our young people aspire to newheights,” Schneider said. “Since 2009, Waukegan to College has changed the lives of hundreds of first-generation
collegestudents, their families and the whole Waukegan community. Funding their success is one of my proudestachievements during my time in Congress.”
“WaukegantoCollegeisawonderful resource for our students and theirfamilies as they begintothinkabout college,”John R. Lewis Middle SchoolPrincipalMolly Schaefer said.
“Having an organization likethis within our communityisinvaluable. Theeducational supportfor the students, teaching the parents about the whole process, building leadership skills, and justencouraging everyone to be braveonthis journeytocollegeare appreciated by families and the entire school community.”
Since its start14years ago, Waukegan to Collegehas grown to serve over 400 students in total and is supporting 210 students today. To date, there have been 78 Waukegan to Collegeprogram alumni who have graduated from colleges across the country.
This year,the organization will launch its 1,000 Dreams initiative, apush to assist1,000 students advance toward acollegeeducation by 2029. Thefunding will help ensure the success of thatinitiative.
Formore information about Waukegan to Collegeprograms, contactPricilla Uriostegui at pricilla.uriostegui@waukegantocollege.org or (224) 628-3067.
CollegePersistence Manager Krystina Brionesand MiddleSchool College ReadinessAdviser Destani Boyd,will help implement theWaukegan to College middle school program madepossible by recentfunding. ˜
‘Union Latina” Sábados 8am-12pm De
1220-AM WKRS
Esta edición de Reflejos es la primerade nuestraserie anual Guía de Universidades y Carreras yestállena de información valiosa, no solo paralos estudiantes que consideran los próximos pasos aseguir,sino paracualquieradenuestros lectores que puedan estar buscando un mejor empleo ouncambio de carrera.
Lasnecesidades de muchas empresas locales ylos cambios en la manufacturaque tienen lugar diariamente en nuestras comunidades, ahoraestán abriendo vías parael crecimiento yelcambio.
El espíritu empresarial está vivo y fuerte dentro de nuestracomunidad. Las oportunidades en STEM, medicina, educación, fabricación, ingeniería, construcción ... trabajos en estas áreas están pagando muy bien yabriendo puertas apersonas que nunca antes habían considerado estas carreras.
Nuestros colegios comunitarios se han volcado en ofrecer clases, capacitación y certificaciones paracualquieraque busque nuevasvías.
Losconductores de CDL están en demanda, Haynecesidad de cuidadores, ya que muchas más personas deciden quedar-
se en sus hogares amedida que envejecen y permanecer cerca de la familia, así como la creciente necesidad de hacer cumplir la ley.
Echaunvistazo anuestras ediciones del pasado 3y10demarzo -Latinas haciendo la diferencia.
Dentro de esta edición, ylas que vienen en julio yoctubre, le traemos contenido informativo que esperamos estimule su interés por investigar ytal vez repensar el camino aseguir parausted ytal vez paraalgún miembro de la familia.
Nuestrahistoria de la página 3esta semana -otraLatina dejando su marca -la 1raLatina en convertirse en presidenta de la Universidad de Aurora... ¡qué impacto está teniendo la comunidad latina en todas partes, anivel local ynacional!
Háganos saber en Facebook lo que piensa, yqué más le gustaría leer en nuestras ediciones.
Ymuy importante este 4deabril -¡Salga avotar! ¡Es su derecho ynuestros gobiernos locales necesitan escuchar cuáles son las necesidades de la comunidad ynosotros como ciudadanos, nos debemos anosotros mismos ayudar adar forma anuestras comunidades yalfuturo de nuestros hijos!
This edition of Reflejos is the first of our annual College&Career Guides. This one is full of valuable information, not justfor students considering next steps, but for anyofour readers who maywant to seek better employment or acareer change.
Thecurrent needs of local businesses and manufacturing changes taking place daily in our communities are opening avenues for growth and change.
Entrepreneurship is alive and well within our community. Theopportunities in STEM, medicine, education, manufacturing, engineering, construction …jobs in these areas are paying verywell, and opening doors to folks who maynever have considered these careers before.
Our communitycolleges have turned on adime to offer classes, training and certifications for anyone seeking new avenues.
CDL drivers are in demand. There’s aneed for caregivers, as so manymore folks are deciding to stay in their homes as theyage and stay close to family
There is also the return of theater and the arts, and agrowing need in law enforcement. Check out our March 3rd and March 10th editions Latinas making adifference.
Inside this edition, and the College &Career Guidescoming in July and October,webring you informative pieces thatwehope will stimulate your interesttoresearch and perhaps rethink the path forward for yourself and perhaps a family member.
Our page3storythis week another Latina making her mark features the firstLatina to become president of AuroraUniversity. Whatanimpactthe Latino communityishaving everywhere -locally and nationally!
Let us know on Facebook whatyou think, whatmore you would liketohave us present.
And, importantly,get out and vote on April 4! It is your right and our local governments need to hear what our communityneeds are. We as citizens owe it to ourselves to help shape our communities and our children’s futures!
Inscribirse alauniversidad puede ser intimidante. Encontrar un lugarenelcampus donde sientas que otrosentienden tus necesidadesúnicas puedeparecer imposible Estudiantes Latinos/as/xque participan en el programa de ¡ANDALE! de Oakton College obtienen el apoyo ycomunidad que necesitan paralograr sus metas.
“Yosoy alguienque se benefició del programa,”dice Gabriel Chacón Jr., un exalumno de Oakton yahora el coordinador de equidad de ¡ANDALE! “Noera el mejorestudiante en la preparatoria. Reprobé mi primer semestre en Oaktony fui puesto en probación académica. No fue hasta que entré a¡ANDALE! en mi segundo año que comencé a sobresalir en mi trayectoriaacadémica.”
Desde la aplicación hasta la graduación, ¡ANDALE!—Association to Nurture and Develop the Advancement of Latino/a/xin Education—apoya el desarrollo personal, emocional, social, académico yeldetucarrera profesional. El programa ofreceoportunidades de ir atalleres de liderazgo, aprender sobre becas, conocer profesionales Latinos/ as/x, participar en conferencias completamente financiadas, yconocer nuevos amigos con aspiraciones similares paraelfuturo.
Chacón le da mérito al apoyoque recibió en ¡ANDALE! por ayudarle aterminarsu diploma de asociado, transferirse auna universidad de cuatro años ygraduarse con una licenciatura.
“¡ANDALE! es más que ayudar aestudi-
DALE! Program getthe support and communitytheyneed to achieve their goals.
“I am someonewho benefitted from the program,”saysGabriel Chacón Jr., a former Oakton student and now equity coordinator for ¡ANDALE! “I was not the beststudentinhigh school.Ifailed my first semester at Oakton and was put on academic probation. It wasn’t until Ijoined ¡ANDALE! in my second semester thatI started to excelinmyacademic journey.”
From application to graduation, ¡ANDALE! —the Association to Nurture and Develop the Advancement of Latino/a/xin Education—supports personal,emotional, social, academic and career development. Theprogramoffers opportunities to attendleadership workshops, learn about scholarships, network with Latino/a/xprofessionals, participateinfully-funded conferencesand meetnew friends with similar aspirations for the future.
Chacón credits the support he received in ¡ANDALE! for helping him finish his associate degree, transfertoa four-year collegeand graduate with abachelor’s degree.
antes académicamente. Queremos construir una comunidad yasegurarnos que estudiantes Latinos/as/xsepan que hayunlugar paraellos en la educación universitaria,”dice Chacón.
Visitaoakton.edu/andale paraaprender más sobre ¡ANDALE!
Oakton’s¡ANDALE! Program encourages the success of Latino/a/xstudents.
Enrolling in collegecan be intimidating. Finding aplace on campus where you feel others understand your unique needs mayseem impossible. Latino/a/xstudents who participateinOakton College’s¡AN-
“¡ANDALE! is more than justhelping students academically.Wewanttobuild a community structure and ensure thatLatino/a/xstudents know there is aplace for them in higher education,”saysChacón. Visit oakton.edu/andale to learn more about ¡ANDALE!
“Mydream is to be the first in my family to earn acollege certificate.”
Gutierrez Accounting Technology Student
En el Día Nacional de la PrimeraGeneración, la Universidad de Judsonlanzó su Unión de EstudiantesdePrimeraGeneración paraapoyaralos estudiantes que son los primerosenasistir auncolegio ouniversidaddecuatroaños. Judson Universityes una institución cristiana privada totalmente acreditada ubicada en Elgin, IL., que ofrece 60 programas paraestudiantes tradicionales yadultos.
“Estoy emocionada de liderar la Unión de Estudiantes de PrimeraGeneración que apoya alos estudiantes de PrimeraGeneración”, afirmaAna Alicea, estudiante de psicología de Elgin, Ill. “El programa me ha permitido ser parte de una comunidad que comprende las barreras que puedo enfrentar.ycómo juntos podemos superar esas barreras”. Através de una generosa donación de un donante, la Universidad de Judsoncreóun Programa de Becariosque brindará alos académicos mentores, oportunidades de liderazgo, participación en los eventos del Foro Mundial de Líderes, capacitación en etiqueta de negocios yapoyo dedicado tanto parael estudiante como paralas familias amedida que avanzan. educación. El servicioestádiseñado paraayudaral39por ciento de la clase de primer año que ingresa aJudsonque son estudiantes de primerageneración si eligen
La Unión de Estudiantes de PrimeraGeneración sigue el modelode la Unión de Estudiantes Latinos (LSU) ylaUnión de Estudiantes de color de Judson, que representan yapoyan aestudiantes diversos. En 2021-22, los estudiantes diversosconformaron el 47 por ciento de la clase de primeraño entrante de Judson. LSU brinda una voz paralos estudiantesdelacomunidad latina ehispana, se asocia con varios departamentos en Judson ylacomunidad de Elgin yorganiza una variedad de eventos que están abiertos alacomunidad de Judson. En 2022, Judson fue designada una Institución al Servicio de los Hispanos.
Obtenga más informaciónsobre cómo unirse aestadiversa comunidad de estudiantes visitando JudsonU.edu yplanificando su visita al campus. Para obtener información sobre cómo Judsonhace que la universidad sea asequible, especialmente paralos estudiantes de Illinois, visite https://www.judsonu.edu/admissions-aid/affordablejudson/.
On National Firs t- Generation Day, Judson Universitylaunched its Firs t- Generation StudentUnionto supportstudents who are the firstto attendafour-year college or university Judson University is afullyaccredited, privateChristianinstitution located in Elgin,Ill., thatprovides 60 programs for traditional and adultstudents.
“I am excitedtoleadthe First-Generation StudentUnionsupporting First-Generation students,” states Ana Alicea, a psychologymajorfromElgin, Ill. “The program has allowed me to be partofacommunitythatunderstands the barriers Imay face and how we together can overcome those barriers.”
Through agenerous donation from a donor,JudsonUniversitycreated aScholars Program thatwill provide scholars with mentors, leadership opportunities,
participation in the World Leaders Forum events,business etiquettetraining, and dedicated support to both thestudent and the families as theynavigate higher education.
Theserviceisgeared to assist 39 percent Judson’s incoming freshman class who are first-generation students if theychoose to participate.
TheFirst-Generation Student Union is modeled after Judson’s Latino Student Union (LSU) and Black Student Union, which represent and supportdiverse students. In 2021-22,diversestudents made up 47 percent of Judson’sincoming freshman class.
LSUprovidesa voicefor students of the Latino and Hispanic community,partners with various departments at Judson and theElgincommunityand hosts an array of events thatare open to the Judson community. In 2022, Judson was designated a Hispanic Serving Institution.
Learn more about joining this diverse communityofstudents by visiting JudsonU edu andplanning your visit to campus.
Forinformation about howJudson is making collegeaffordable,especially for Illinoisstudents, visit https://www.judsonu edu/admissions-aid/affordablejudson/.
Muchas culturas son reconocidas por su comida única. Lasreuniones en torno auna variedad de delicias unen a familias, amigos eincluso extraños. Este sentidodecomunidad inspiró el amor por la cocinaenWilna Francois.
“Cuando haces una buena comida, haces feliz alagente”,dijoFrancois, quien estudia artes culinarias en Elgin CommunityCollege.“Siempre me gustó cocinarymegusta la comida”,dijo. “Siempre supeque quería convertirme en chefy estar aquí me ha introducido a nuevascomidas yculturas”.
Francois es la primeradesufamilia en asistir alauniversidad. Creció en un orfanato en Haití. Unadirectoraallí compartió su pasiónpor la cocina,junto con muchos consejos ytrucos. Francois comenzó aexplorar opciones parauna carreraculinaria debido al aumento de la violencia en Haití ylas limitadas oportunidadesdetrabajo.
Através del orfanato, una familia
de Elgin patrocinó aFrancois, ymás tarde la animó avivir con ellos yasistir aECC. Tomó cursos de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL) paramejorar su inglésantes de inscribirse en el programa de artes culinarias.
Francois es firme yoptimistasobre su deseoderegresar aHaití. “Cuando las cosas mejoren, volveré”,dijo. “Quiero ser dueño de un restaurante porque eso abriría empleos paraotras personas, ayudándolastambién”.
Losprogramas de estudiodeECC incluyen 25 campos principalespara la transferencia universitaria, más de 120 títulos ycertificadosocupacionales orientados alacarrera, educación corporativaycontinua, así como inglés como segundo idioma gratuito yclases de preparaciónparaelexamen del Diploma de Escuela Preparatoria del Estado de Illinois. Consulta más informaciónen elgin.edu/visitcampus.
Many cultures are recognized by their uniquefood. Gatherings around aspread of delicacies unite families, friends, and even strangers. This sense of communityinspired alove for cooking in Wilna Francois.
“When you makeagood meal, you makepeople happy,” said Francois, who studies culinaryartsatElgin CommunityCollege. “I always liked to cook, and Ilikefood,”she said. “I always knewI wanted to become achef and being here has introduced me to newfood andcultures.”
Francois is the firstinher family to attendcollege. She grewupinan orphanageinHaiti. Adirector there shared her passion for cooking, along with manytips andtricks. Francois began to explore options for acareer in culinarydue to the increaseinviolence in Haiti and limited opportunities for work.
Through the orphanage, afamily from Elginsponsored Francois,and later encouraged her to livewith them and attend ECC. She took English as aSecond Language(ESL) courses to improve her English before enrolling in theculinaryartsprogram.
Francois is steadfastand optimistic about her desire to return to Haiti.
“When things getbetter, Iwill go back,” she said. “I want to own arestaurant because thatwould openupjobs for other people, helping them, too.”
ECC’s programs of study include 25 major fields for university transfer, more than 120 career-oriented, occupationaldegrees and certificates, corporateand continuingeducation, as well as freeEnglishasaSecond Languageand prep classesfor the State of Illinois High School Diploma exam. Learn more at elgin.edu/visitcampus.
Conunfuturototalmenteeléctricoennuestrohorizonte, ComEdsabe que nuestra redeléctrica tendrá que ser más inteligente, resistenteyconfiableque nunca. Es por eso que hoy estamoshaciendo inversiones yactualizando nuestra tecnología para asegurar poder continuar brindando un servicioconfiable para usted ysufamilia, ylas generaciones que vienen. Así, cuando todo sea eléctrico, estaremos listos. Porque iluminar su vida ilumina nuestro día.
Confiabilidad que baterécords. PoweredbyComEd.
©Commonwealth Edison Company, 2023
Sábado, 15 de abril |1a3p.m.
Colegio Comunitario de Waubonsee |Sugar Grove Campus
Únete anosotros paranuestra Jornada de Puertas Abiertas del Campus de Sugar Grove y exploraprogramas académicosovías que coincidan con tus intereses yapoyen tus objetivos profesionales. La facultad yelpersonal estarán disponiblesparaofrecer orientación personalizada sobrecampos profesionales, programas, asistencia financiera, clubes de estudiantes, actividades, yatletismo.También habrá sorteos yrifashasta agotar existencias.
En Waubonsee,laUniversidad es Asequible y Lograr TusSueñosesPosible.
Todos en nuestra comunidad merecen acceso auna educación superior de altacalidad yes por eso que Waubonseeseenorgullece de ofrecer matrícula asequible, opciones de pagoflexibles, apoyotecnológicoyotrosapoyos académicos, colaboracionessparatransferencia, programasy planificación de carreras, ymucho más. Además, con MyChoice, los estudiantespueden elegir una entrelas cinco modalidadesdeaprendizaje para aprendercuándo,dónde ycómo prefieran.
Hazplanes paraasistir anuestra Jornada de Puertas Abiertas el 15 de abril; Obtén másinformación en waubonsee.edu/visit.
Nuestro Colegio de Empoderamiento hace que navegar porlauniversidad sea fácil paralos
estudiantesLatinos ysus familias
Estudiantes, no tienen queacercarse solos a la universidad. Si tú eresunestudiantedepreparatoria ounposible estudiante universitario yno estás seguro de lo que sigue,ahora es tu oportunidad de aprender aabogar por tí mismo yaumentarelconocimientoy participación de la familia en tu viaje educativo.
Padres,notienen que sentirsedesconectados de sus estudiantes si siguenuncamino diferente que ustedes. Concéntrate, involúcrateyenamórate del viajeeducativodetuhijoo hija.
Waubonsee CommunityCollegeestáaquí paraayudar alas familias acrecerjuntas. Queremos ver anuestra comunidad crecer,mejorar y alcanzarnuevos niveles de éxito. Nuestraserie del Colegio de Empoderamiento en nuestro campus del centro de Aurora, ubicado en 18 S. River St., ayuda alas familias anavegar porlauniversidad en un espacio culturalmente relevante
Te invitamosatiyatufamiliaaunirte anosotros el 25 de marzo o29deabril.
¡Adelante con el Colegio de Empoderiamento de Waubonsee! RSVP hoy en waubonsee.edu/Palante
Enfócate. Involúcrate. Enamóratedel proceso educativo de tushijos
Saturday,April15| 1to3p.m.
Waubonsee Community College |Sugar Grove Campus
Join us for our SugarGrove Campus
Open House and explore academic programs or pathways thatmatch your interests and supportyour career goals.Faculty and staffwill be availabletooffer personalized guidance around career fields, programs,financial assistance, student clubs, activities, and athletics. There will also be giveaways andraffles while supplies last.
At Waubonsee, College is Affordable, and Achieving Your Dreams is Possible.
Everyone in our community deserves access to high-qualityhigher education and that’swhy Waubonseeisproud to offer affordabletuition, flexible payment options, technological and other academic support, transfer partnerships, career programs and planning, and much more. Plus, with MyChoice, students can choose from one of five learning modalities to learn when, where, and how theyprefer.
Make planstoattend our Open House on April 15;learn moreat waubonsee.edu/visit.
Our ColegiodeEmpoderiamento
MakesNavigating CollegeEasy for Latinx Studentsand Their Families
Saturday, April 15 1to3p.m. (stopbyanytime!)
Prospective students and families —come and explore Waubonsee’s main campus!
Tour ourlearning and lounging spaces
Experience hands-on activities
Exploreacademicmajors and programs
Learnabout scholarships (Foundation deadline is May12)
Chat with our financialaid experts
Enjoylivemusic and treats
Another Step Toward Fall Courses
Submit your freeNew Student Application nowfor the fall semester
Fall registration opensMonday, May1 waubonsee.edu/fall
Students, you don’t have to approach collegealone.Ifyou are ahigh school student or aprospective collegestudentand are unsurewhat’snext, now’s your chance to learn how to self-advocate and increase family knowledge/ involvementinyour educational journey.
Parents, you don’t have to feel disconnected from your students if theypursue adifferent path than you. Get focused, involved, and fall in love with your son or daughter’s educational journey.
WaubonseeCommunityCollegeishere to help families grow together.Wewant to see our communitygrow,improve, and achieve newlevels of success. Our Colegio de Empoderiamento seriesatour Aurora Downtown Campus,located at 18 S. River St.,helpsfamilies navigate collegeina culturally relevant space. We invite you and your familytojoinusonMarch 25 or April 29.
Go forward with Waubonsee’sColegio de Empoderiamento! RSVP todayatwaubonsee.edu/Palante
Enfócate. Involúcrate. Enamóratedel proceso educativo de tus hijos.
Enamóratedel proceso educativodetus hijos. El propósitodel plan de estudiosdel Colegiode Empoderamiento es brindar oportunidadespara que lasfamilias ylos futuros estudiantesaprendan sobre la experiencia universitaria, aprendan anavegarlauniversidad para poder encontrar losrecursos necesariosque losayude aromperbarrerasy tener éxitoenlauniversidad.
Saturday,March 25
9a.m. -noon
Conociendo tu comunidad
Saturday,April 29 9a.m. -noon
FinancialAid Resources
Allsessionswill be bilingual in Spanish andEnglish and held at theAuroraDowntownCampus, 18 S. River St., Aurora in theLatinx Resource Center,Room250.
Waubonseedoes not discriminate on the basis of any individual’sactual or perceived race, color,creed, religion, gender, genderidentity, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry,veteran’sstatus, military status, unfavorable discharge from military service, marital status, order of protection status, pregnancy,disability,citizenshipstatusorany other characteristic protected by law in its programs or activities. Inquiries regarding thispolicy may be directed to:Michele Needham,
La historiaque leerán es sobre mi madre ylos sacrificios que hizo paraasegurarse de que su hijo pequeño ytambién mi hermana pequeñanoseconvirtieran en parte del sistema de servicios sociales
Cuando mi madre se casó, no sabía que mi padre estaba consumiendo drogas,estaba enamorada de su buena aparienciaysus maneras suaves de hablar.
A los pocos meses de casarse encontró con recipientes de heroínayagujas, estaba petrificada.
Alaedad de tres años,mipadre abandonó alafamilia yelúnicolegado que nos dejó fue un montón de facturas por pagar y un montón de botellas vacías de alcohol en el bote de basura.
Mi madretenía que trabajar dos, aveces tres trabajosparaasegurarse de que tuviéramos comida en la mesa yunlugar paradormir.Desafortunadamente, la pesadilla comenzó de nuevo cuando mi madre se volvió acasar con un hombre que eraunborracho malo yera físicamente abusivo.
Solía golpearme hasta que yo quedaba negro yazul yhabía momentos en que dejaba amimadreensangrentada ymaltratada.
Hice una promesa de que un día, cuando creciera, haría algoparaayudar acambiar la narrativasobre la intimidación, las pandillas, la violencia, las drogas, los suicidios yladeserciónescolar.Mucha gente no se da cuenta de que si juegas con el diablo te vasaquemar, mi verdadero padre murió en un barrio bajo sin hogar ymipadrastro ahoraestámuriendo como un anciano triste ysolitario.
Unadelas razones por las que me convertí en autor fue paraenseñar alos niños y hombres que no hayexcusa paralaviolencia yque especialmente nunca pones tus manos sobre una mujer.Verás, las mujeres no solo son hermosas einteligentes,sinoque las mujeres son los regalos más grandes que Dios ha creado en esta vida.
Ayúdame aponer los libros de Barrio en manos de tantas personas como sea posible paraque podamos intercambiar los libros por todas las armas, cuchillos, drogas, agujas, alcoholeincluso loscigarrillos.
Si desea que hable en susescuelasoconferencias, ¡comuníquese conmigopersonalmente!
3122-933-5619 www.fromthebarrio.com
Thestoryyou will be reading is about my motherand the sacrifices she made to make sure her little boy and alsomylittle sister did not become partofthe social services system.
When my mother gotmarried, she didn’t know thatmyfather wasdoingdrugs, she was in love with his good looks and smoothtalking ways.
Afew months into the marriageshe found viles of heroin and needles, she was petrified.
At the ageofthree my father abandoned the family and the onlylegacyheleftuswas apile of bills and abunch of emptybottles of booze in thetrash can.
My motherhad to work two, sometimes three jobs so thatshe could makesure we had food on the table and aplace to sleep. Unfortunately the nightmare started all over again when my motherremarried aman who was abad drunk and he wasphysically abusive.
He usedtobeatuponmeuntil Iwas black and blue and therewhere timesthathe left my mother bloodyand battered.
Imade apromisethatone daywhen I grewupthatIwould do somethingtohelp
changethe narrative around bullying, gangs, violence, drugs, suicides and school dropouts. Alot of people don’t realize thatifyou playwith the devil you’regoingtoget burned, my real father died on skid row homeless and my step father is now dying asad, lonely cantankerous oldman
One of the reasons thatIbecame an author was to teach boys and men thatthere is no excuse for violenceand thatyou especially never put your hands on awoman. Yousee, women are not justbeautiful and smartbut women are the greatestgifts thatGod ever created in this lifetime.
Help me to put the Barriobooks into the hands of as manypeople as possible so that we can exchangethe books for all the guns, knives, drugs, needles, booze and even the cigarettes.
If you would likemetospeakatyour schools or conferencesplease reach out to me personally!
En McHenryCountyCollege(MCC), encontrarás mucho más que un salón de clases.
Experimentarás una capacitación práctica en la que tendrás la oportunidad de aplicar tus habilidades. Asistirás aeventos inspiradores, cursos atractivos yobtendrás conocimientos paraayudarte ainiciar una carreraexitosa. Ydisfrutarás de una educación asequible ydealta calidad, todo cerca de casa.
La inscripción paralos cursos de verano en MCC ya está abierta. Estas clases convenientes son ideales paraaquellos que comienzan la universidad en el otoño o en casa paraelverano de una escuela de cuatro años. Losestudiantes pueden ahorrar tiempo ydinero completando algunos cursos de educación general, obtener una ventajaensus estudios osimplemente aprender una nueva habilidad. Muchas clases están disponibles en persona, en línea ocomo una combinación de ambas, y se ofrecen en varios momentos del día para adaptarse aotros planes de verano.
En el otoño, MCC está ofreciendo varias clases nuevasenproducción de video
ynuevos medios, así como un programa renovado de Justicia Criminal que incluye cuatro nuevos certificados apilables en informática forense, despachador de emergencias, policía yjusticia penal general, así como un AAS de Justicia Penal.
Otro programa popular es AgriculturaEmpresarial, donde los estudiantes aprenden tanto el lado comercial como el creciente de la agricultura.
Ysideseas unirte auno de los sectores de más rápido crecimiento en la región, los Programas de Soldadura, Gestión de Fabricación yTecnología de Ingeniería te preparan parauna carreragratificante en la fabricación.
Cuando estés listo paracomenzar,el equipo de personal amable ydeapoyo de MCC puede ayudarte acrear un horario de clases personalizado, determinar las opciones de asistencia financieraydesarrollar un plan parallevarteadonde desea ir.
La inscripción paraelsemestre de verano ya está abierta. La inscripción parael otoño de 2023 se abre el 17 de abril.
Visita www.mchenry.edu/startpara dar tu siguiente paso hoy.
At McHenryCountyCollege(MCC), you’ll find so much more than justaclassroom.
You’ll experience hands-on training where you getachance to apply your skills. You’ll attend inspiring events, engaging courses, and gain knowledgetohelp you launch asuccessful career.And you’ll enjoy an affordable, high-qualityeducation all close to home.
Registration for Summer courses at MCC is open now.These convenient classes are ideal for those starting collegeinthe fall or home for the summer from afouryear school. Students can save time and moneybycompleting afew general education courses, getahead startontheir studies, or simply learn anew skill. Many classes are available in-person, online, or as ablend of both, and are offered at various times of the daytofitaround other summer plans.
In the fall, MCC is offering several new classes in video production and newmedia, as well as arevamped Criminal Justice
program thatincludes four newstackable certificates in computer forensics, emergencydispatcher,policing, and general criminal justice as well as aCriminal Justice AAS.
Another popular program is Entrepreneurial Agriculture, where students learn both the business and growing side of farming. And if you want to join one of the fastest-growing sectors in the region, Welding, Manufacturing Management, and Engineering Technologyprograms prepare you for arewarding career in manufacturing.
When you’re ready to getstarted, MCC’s team of friendly,supportive staffcan help you create acustomized class schedule, figure out financial assistance options, and develop aplan to getyou where you want to go.
Registration for the Summer semester is open now.Fall 2023 registration opens April 17
Visit www.mchenry.edu/starttotake your next step today.
Lospadres de Samuel López emigraron alos Estados Unidos en la década de 1950 desde Guanajuato, México. Se establecieron en Chicagoyfinalmente se mudaron alos suburbios del norte de Chicago, donde nació Sam.
Lospadres de Sam creían firmemente en la educación, la religión, trabajar duro yayudar asucomunidad, creencias que se inculcaron en sus hijos amedida que crecían. Como resultado, Sam ysus tres hermanos se unieron ysirvieron en diferentes ramas del ejército de los EE. UU
Sam sirvió 10 años en la Guardia Nacional Aérea de Illinois yenlaReserva de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos. Fueenviado aOriente Medio durante la Guerradel Golfo Pérsico de 1990-1991. Alolargode su servicio militar,Sam trabajó como paramédico de ambulancia durante 12 años en el área de Chicago, así como también como oficial de policía einvestigador de la escena del crimen parauna agencia de policía suburbana del noroeste durante 22 años.
Incluso después de retirarse del trabajo policial, Sam siguió teniendo pasión por servir tanto asucomunidad como asupaís. Esta pasión lo llevó atrabajar con los Servicios de Ciudadanía eInmigración de los Estados Unidos como oficial de servicios de inmigración en Chicago.
Alolargodesucarrera, Sam trabajó paraobtener varios títulos diferentes yobtuvo un título de asociado, una licenciaturay una maestría. Ha estadoenseñando en el campus del Columbia CollegeenElgin, IL durante más de 10 años yhaimpartido numerosos cursos alo largodelos años, incluidos Terrorismo, Victimología, Diversidad Cultural, Seguridad Privada yÉtica yMoralidad en la Justicia Penal.
Samuel Lopez’sparents immigrated to the United States in the 1950s from Guanajuato, Mexico. They settled in in Chicago, eventually moving to the north suburbs of Chicagowhere Sam was born.
Sam’s parents strongly believed in education, religion, working hard and helping their community–beliefs thatwere instilled in their kids as theygrewup. As aresult, Sam and his three brothers all went on to join and serve in different branches of the U.S. military
Sam served 10 years in the Illinois Air National Guard and the United States Air Force Reserve. He was deployed to theMiddle Eastduring the 1990-1991 Persian Gulf War. Throughout his militaryservice, Sam worked as an ambulance paramedic for 12 years in the Chicagoland area, as well as apolice officer and crime scene investigator for anorthwestsuburban police agencyfor 22 years.
Even after retiring from police work, Sam continued to have apassion for serving both his communityand country. This passion led him to working with the U.S. Citizenship &Immigration Services as an immigration services officer in Chicago.
Throughout his career Sam worked towards various different degrees and obtained an associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree. He has been teaching at the Columbia College-Elgin, IL campus for over 10 years and has taught numerous courses over the years, including Terrorism, Victimology, Cultural Diversity, PrivateSecurityand Ethics and MoralityinCriminal Justice.
PRNewswire/ From electrical engineeringtocomputer science, Hispanic students are determinedtoapply their educational and professional goals to better the world. While each scholarhas their own unique story, one thread connects them all: perseverance.
Recognition of thatperseverance is the purpose of Toyota’sNuncaPares(Never Settle)Scholarship campaign. In partnership with the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), the campaign awarded three students with a$25,000 scholarship each. Thescholars were celebrated at aceremonyheld at Toyota’s NorthAmerican headquarters in Plano,Texas on February28:
Giana Aguilar-Valencia –junioratDePaul University, studying computer science
Ruben Bonett –junior at Texas A&M University, CollegeStation, studying electrical engineering
Maximiliano PomboHernández –junioratTexas A&M University,CollegeStation, studying computer science
With these scholarships, Toyota joins SHPE in the sharedmission of expanding science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) opportunitiesfor Hispanic students. Each student demonstrated unyield-
ing determination to making their dreams come true. “We recognize these students for their commitment to creating solutions for abettertomorrow,” said Tellis Bethel, group vice president, Social Innovation, Toyota Motor NorthAmerica. “Driving educational opportunities to Hispanic studentsisimportant to the development of future innovations for amore equitable and sustainable society We’re excited to see how far these studentsgoand to have the opportunitybea partoftheircontinued educational journey.”
Formorethan 20 years, Toyotahas engaged with SHPE on aregional and national
level, including participation in their national conference.Toyota’scollegeprograms with SHPE encompass recruitmentefforts, coops, internships and scholarships.
“We’reexcited to see this scholarship opportunitycome to life for our members thanks to Toyota,”statedMonique Herrera, chiefexternal relations officer, SHPE. “The ToyotaNunca ParesScholarship gives these students the opportunitytocontinue pursuing their higher education goals by providing much needed financial supportsotheycan achieve their dreams.”
KatyaEchazarretajoinedthe ceremony to share her inspiring story. As an electrical engineer and the firstMexican-born woman to travel to space, Katya’sjourney to becoming one of the youngestwomen in space exemplifies her resolve to be an example of success forothers pursuinga career in STEM.
Toyota’sNunca Pares brand campaign celebrates Latino’scollective spiritofpushing forward, to never give up on achieving their goals, regardless of the challenges.
Toyota (NYSE:TM) has been apartofthe culturalfabric in the U.S. for more than 65 years, and is committed to advancing sustainable, next-generation mobilitythrough our Toyota and Lexus brands, plus ournearly 1,500 dealerships.
Toyota directly employsmorethan 39,000 peopleinthe U.S. who have contributed to the design,engineering, and assembly of more than 33 million cars and trucks at our nine manufacturing plants. Toyota currently offers 20 electrified options, with more in showrooms later this year.Tohelp inspire the next generation for acareer in STEM-basedfields, including mobility,Toyota launched its virtual educationhub at www. TourToyota.comwith an immersive experience and chance to virtually visit manyofour U.S. manufacturingfacilities.The hubalso includes aseriesoffreeSTEM-based lessons and curriculum through Toyota USAFoundationpartners, virtual field tripsand more.
SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers)isa nonprofit organization serving and advancingHispanics in STEM. With more than 13,000 student and professional members, SHPE’smission is to changelives by empowering the Hispaniccommunityto realizeits fullestpotential and to impact the world through STEMawareness, access, support, and development. To accomplish this, SHPE providesavariety of programming, services, resources,and events, including hosting the largestHispanicSTEM convention in the nation.For more information, visit http://shpe.org.
KatyaEchazarreta, the firstMexican-bornwoman to travel to space, has been honored with something else that’s out of this world.
Just in time for International Women’s Day(March 8), Mattel announced thatthey have created aBarbie doll in Echazarreta’s likeness as partofits Barbie Dream Gap Project, aglobal initiative the companycreated in 2018 to “raise awareness around limiting factors thatprevent girls from reaching their full potential.”
“Barbie is dedicated to showcasing women who are rolemodels from all backgrounds, professions,and nationalities so thatgirls around the worldcan see themselves in careers thatmight not always seem as accessible,”Lisa McKnight, ExecutiveVice President and Global Head of Barbie &Dolls at Mattel said in astatement. “STEM is afield where women are severely underrepresented, and our hope is thathonoring these seven leaders in science and technologywill encourage girls to follow their passioninthis field.”
Echazarreta’sBarbie is dressed in anavy blue flight suit. The27-year-old electrical engineer,who was born in Guadalajara, Mexico, made historylastsummer when she was apassengerona Blue Originrocket thatlaunched more than 62 miles above the Earth’s surface.
“At7years old, whenI used to pretend my [Barbie] was an Astronaut traveling throughthe galaxy, Icould neverhave imagined Iwould one dayhavemyvery ownBarbie,”Echazarreta wrote on social media. “Itissuch an honor to be apartof theBarbie Role Models campaign. During this campaign, they wanted to honor impactful womenaround the world,and Iget thebeautiful opportunity to represent Latin America.”
Other women included in the 2023 campaign are YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, Space Scientistand Science Educator Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock, and MarineResearcher and MicrobiologistDr. AntjeBoetius, among others.
Congratulations KatyaEchazarreta and all the women partofthe Barbie DreamGap Project!
Con el MesdelaHistoria de la Mujer oficialmente en marcha, queríamospresentarles alaresidente de ChicagoLawnynativade Little Village, Ingrid Vargas, quien, después de perder un empleo alos 19 años, se asoció con Skills for Chicagoland’s Futureyahora está labrando su propio futuro con Bank of America.
Cuando Ingrid perdiósutrabajo alos 19 años, no estaba seguradeadónde acudir.Su madre, que trabajócon Association House of Chicago(socio de Skills for Chicagoland’s Future), sugirió que Ingrid se involucrara en ‘Bank Works’,unprograma intensivo de dos semanas que enseña los detallesdetrabajar en un banco através de capacitación práctica, viajes de campo, interacción con oradores dinámicos en la industria ymás.
Al terminar el programa, Ingrid se conectó con Skills for Chicagoland’s Future, que ayuda alos candidatos anavegar la última milla de su búsquedadeempleoatravésde coachingprofesional, preparación de entrevistas eintroducción aempleadores locales. Ingrid se entrevistó con varias instituciones financieras, yfinalmente eligió aceptar un puesto como cajeraenelcentro financiero local de Bank of America.
En los ocho años transcurridos desdesu contratación, Ingrid ha sidopromovida de cajeraabanqueraderelaciones en un centro financiero y, finalmente, auna posición en la que ahoratrabaja como gerente de proyectos con el equipo de tesorería en la sede de Bank of AmericaChicagoubicada en Chicag River.
“Unirme aBank of America fue una de las mejores decisionesque he tomado”,compartió Ingrid. “Nosolo he aprendido muchas habilidades importantes paralavida ylas finanzas, sino que tambiéntengoelpoder
de construir una carrera que se ajuste amis intereses ytalentos. Gracias a los grandes líderes que he conocido en el camino, comenzandocon el equipo de Bank Works and Skills for Chicagoland Future, yahora mis gerentes en Bank of America, he encontrado una carrerasatisfactoria paratoda la vida”.
Hijadeinmigrantes (queahora sonciudadanos)y nativadeLaVillita de Chicago, Ingrid ha aprovechado su experiencia bancaria paraenseñar aamigosyfamiliares más sobre educación financiera. Desde que se unió aBofA, Ingrid ha podido comprar ypagar su automóvil yactualmente está en camino de comprar una casa afinales de este año.
“Ingridesunejemplo increíble de lo que nos esforzamos por hacer todos los días en Skills for Chicagoland’s Future”, compartió PamTully,directoradeprogramas de la organizaciónsin fines de lucro.
With Women’s HistoryMonth officially underway, we wanted to introduce you to ChicagoLawn residentand Little Villagenative Ingrid Vargas who, following ajob loss at 19, partnered with Skills for Chicagoland’s Future and is now curating her own future with Bank of America. When Ingridlost her job at 19, she wasn’t sure where to turn.Her mom, who worked with Association HouseofChicago (a partner of Skills for Chicagoland’s Future), suggested Ingrid getinvolved in ‘Bank Works,’a twoweek intensiveprogram thatteaches the ins and outs of working in abank through hands-on training, field trips, interaction with dynamic speakers in the industry,and more.
ateller in the local Bank of America financial center
In theeight years since her hiring,Ingrid has been promoted from teller to relationshipbanker in afinancial center and eventually into aposition where she now works as aprojectmanagerwith the treasuryteam in the Bank of America Chicago Headquarters located on the ChicagoRiver “Joining Bank of America was one of the greatestdecisions I’ve ever made,”shared Ingrid. “Not only have Ilearned so many important life and financial skills, but also, Ihavethe power to build acareer thatfits my interests and talents. Thanks to great leaders I’ve metalong the way—starting with the team at Bank Works and Skills for Chicagoland Future, and now my managers at Bank of America—I have found a lifelong, fulfilling career.”
Thedaughter of immigrants (who are now citizens)and anativeofChicago’sLittle Village, Ingrid has leveraged her banking experience to teach friends and family more about financial literacy. Sincejoining BofA,Ingridhas been able to purchase and payoff her car and is currently on track to purchase ahome laterthis year
“Ingrid ya estaba motivada cuando la conocimos; simplemente ayudamosaconectarla con las personas adecuadas que reconoceríansuvaloryledarían los recursos que necesitaba paratener éxito. Esto es exactamente lo que se necesita paracrear caminos hacia la movilidadeconómica en las comunidades históricamente poco invertidasdeChicago”
As the programended, Ingrid connected with Skills for Chicagoland’s Future, which helps candidates navigate the last mile of their job search throughcareer coaching, interviewpreparation, and introductions to local employers. Ingrid interviewed with several financial institutions, ultimately choosing to accept aposition as
“Ingrid is an incredible exampleofwhat we strive to do everyday at Skills for Chicagoland’s Future,” shared PamTully,Chief Program Officer for the nonprofit.“Ingrid was already motivated when we mether; we justhelped connecther to the right people whowouldrecognize her value and give her the resources she needed to succeed. This is exactly whatisneeded to create pathways to economic mobilityinChicago’s historically underinvested communities.”
EAST ALTON –Illinois RiverWatch Network will hostseveral training sessions acrossthe stateinMarch and April.The sessions will teachcommunity members how to monitor the healthoftheir local streams.
RiverWatch, acommunity science program, is coordinated by the National Great RiversResearch and Education Center (NGRRECsm)atLewis and Clark CommunityCollege. Each spring,RiverWatch offers workshops where volunteers learn to collect and identifystream macroinvertebrates (water bugs) and describe the physical condition of thestream habitat.
Upon completing training and becoming certified, volunteers mayadopt astream site where theycan monitor water qualityand contributetoastate-wide datasetusing RiverWatch survey methods.
“Macroinvertebrates are in allofour streamsand manypeople don’t know they are there,”RiverWatch Volunteer Coordinator Hannah Griffis said. “The critters in our streams are impacted by changes in the healthofour streams, whether natural or causedbyhumans.Based on whatwefind
living in the stream,wecan getanideaofthe overall health of thestream.”
No previous knowledgeorexperience is required to attend RiverWatch workshops. Theworkshops will provide enough information for volunteers to monitorstreams, whether theyhavea biology degree or just want to better understand the stream in their own backyard.
Upcoming RiverWatch Training Workshops
•3/18 –Godfrey, Madison County
3/24 –Alton, Madison County
•3/25 –Monticello, Piatt County
•3/26 –Bloomington, McLean County
•4/1 –Joliet, Will County
•4/1 –Genoa, Dekalb County
•4/2 –Byron,Ogle County
•4/5 –Chicago, Cook County
•4/7 –LakeForest,LakeCounty
•4/29–Richmond, McHenryCounty
•4/30– NorthAurora, Kane County
•5/6 –Galena, Jo Daviess County
Continuing education credits are available for current Illinoiseducators.Those
interested should makeanote on their registration form, whichisavailableathttps:// conta.cc/3ltLaoI.
Theregistration fee is $50 for adults, whichincludes acopy of the RiverWatch manual as well as invertebrateidentification resources. Up to twochildren per registered adultmay attend at no cost
Formore information, visit www.ngrrec. org/RiverWatch or contactGriffis at hgriffis@lc.edu or (618)468-2781.
National GreatRivers Researchand Education Center(NGRREC)
Foundedin2002 as acollaborative partnership between the UniversityofIllinoisat Urbana-Champaign and Lewis and Clark CommunityCollege, NGRREC is dedicated to the study of greatriver systems and the communities thatuse them. Thecenter aspires to be aleader in scholarly research, education,and outreach related to the interconnectedness of large rivers,their floodplains, watersheds, and their associated communities. To learn moreabout NGRREC, visit www.ngrrec.org
Para más información sobrecómo participar en este Directorio llame al: (847) 427-4776
Countryside Funeral Homes and Crematory
1640 S. Greenmeadows Blvd. (atBarrington Road)
Streamwood, IL 60107
950 S. Bartlett Road (atStearns Road) Bartlett, IL 60103
333 S. Roselle Road
Roselle, IL 60172
95 S. Gilbert St (atState St.) South Elgin, IL 60177
Se Habla Español
Strang Funeral Chapel Crematorium Ltd 410 E. Belvidere Road Grayslake, IL 60030 847-223-8122
The Healy Chapel
332 W. Downer Place Aurora, IL 60506
370 Division Drive Sugar Grove, IL 60554 630-466-1330
Symonds-Madison Funeral Home 305 Park St. Elgin, IL 60120 847-741-1128
Veteran and Family Owned
Nuestros asesores expertos ycompasivos están disponibles para trabajar con usted uno auno einformarle sobre sus opciones de entierro ycremación ysobre el proceso de selección en cualquiera de nuestras 47 ubicaciones de cementerio.
Para comunicarse con un asesor directamente ysolicitar una consulta personal gratuita, visite nuestro sitio web en
www.CatholicCemeteriesChicago.org/advisors ollame al 708.236.5490 Inglés, 708.449.2340 Español.
Thompson Spring Grove Funeral Home
Para más información opara hacer una selección con uno de nuestros asesores de planificación previa, complete yenvíe por correo este formulario a: Catholic Cemeteries 1400 SWolf Rd,Hillside, IL 60162.
Kolssak Funeral Home
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Independently Owned and Operated for all your funeral needs.
Even before the pandemic curbedglobal travel, not all students had an opportunity to participate in astudy abroad program. To give more Elgin Community College students achance to experience an international education, the Global/International Studies Taskforce developed the Virtual ExchangeProgram.
ThefirstVirtualExchangeprogram, EDU Africa, started in the spring of 2022. EDU Africa aims to help students broaden their intellectualhorizons and grow personally, cross-culturally,professionally,and as global citizens. Theprogramexplores consumerism and how the consumer behaviorpatterns of the United Statesimpactthe social, political, economic, and environmental contexts of African countries, South Africa in particular, whereitisbased. Thestudents in the program come fromvarious African countries.
Ginger Alms, associate professor of English, and Lauren Nehlsen, associatedean of recruitment, outreach services, and global engagement, worked together to embed EDU Africa engagement into existing ECC courses,including English and sociology courses. Using Zoom or other communication tools, students in ECC classes talk to and work with students and experts on various topics.
“This program is important because we have diverse populations within our community,and the workforcestudents graduate into is increasinglyglobalized,”Alms
said. “Italso gives students alook intohow our actions locallyimpactpopulations globally, and theycan challengeeach otherbyengagingindiverse perspectives and practicing newwaysofthinking.”
Each semester explores adifferent theme.
During the firstsemester,Alms worked with aprogram director from South Africa to develop the theme of “CapitalistConsumer Patterns and Their GlobalImpact.” Students studied“Fast Fashion”or“Cobalt Mining and Electronics.”Theywrote narratives
demonstrating their connection to the topic and critically analyzed opinion pieceson their topic of choice.
“Together with students from SouthAfrica, our students are allowed to become co-investigators in the learning processthrough sustained discussions and shared activities,” Alms said. “Theyinteractwith guestspeakers and research, read, and writeabouttopics that involve real-worldissues.”
In thefall,students studied ideasof“Green Spaces and PersonalIdentity.” Ayoung South African graffitiartistnamedNjabulo“Dirty Native” Hlophe spoketoAlms’ students about his use of arttocreateconversation on space and class. This theme carries over to the current semester,asDirty Native returns to discuss the topicof“Personal Identity,”in additiontoErica De Greef, professoroffashion and textiles from the African FashionResearchInstitute in South Africa
“I thoughtthe experience with Dirty Native was great; he was incredibly passionate when he spoke,” said ECC studentDylan Stevens. “I come from Hampshire, so being able to learn about someonelikehim, an artist who loves fashion and music justthe same as me, was awesome. Ithink manypeople here haven’t been exposed to much outside of Illinois and social media, so EDU Africa allows us to talk face to face and gain insight into another lifeonamore humanlevel.”
Forinfo, contactLauren Nehlsen at lnehlsen@elgin.edu.
Service is an integral partofaWoodlands Academyofthe Sacred Hearteducation. Goal III of allSacredHeart schools is “toeducate to asocial awarenesswhich impels to action.”
With this in mind, the all-girls college-prep high school in Lake Forestheld its secondService Dayofthe school year on Feb. 23. Sophomores and seniorslent ahelping handatsome area service organizations. Meanwhile, freshmen and juniors—who helped in the communityduring November’s Service Day—participated in retreat activities.
“Wedothis twice each year with the hope thatthe girls gain agreater understanding of themselves and see the difference they can makeinthe lives of others,”Woodlands Academy’s Service Coordinator Deborah MacAyeal said
“I’m so veryproud of our sophomoresand seniors who did truly awesome work during this year’s final Service Day.”
Sophomores spent the dayvolunteering at Lake Bluff-based Bernie’s Book Bank and the Northern Illinois Food Bank’s NorthSuburban Distribution Center in Lake Forest.
Bernie’s Book Bank distributesquality children’s books throughout Chicagoland for
free to empower children to gain knowledge and strengthen reading skills through book ownership.
Northern Illinois Food Bank focuses on delivering food and healthyeating services as partofthe national Feeding America network. It provides some 250,000 meals daily to residents of 13 northeastern Illinois counties.
Woodlands Academy seniorsparticipated in Service Daybysorting and packaging donations at CradlestoCrayons in Chicago to be sent to needy children. Cradlesto Crayons provides essentialitems for free to children from birth through age12livingin homeless or low-incomesituations.These itemsinclude books, toys and children’s clothing.
Woodlands Academy’s service program seekstoraise students’ consciousness about the poor,the marginalized and the disadvantaged while encouraging them to promote social justice and social responsibility Woodlands students mustperform at least70hours of community service to graduate.
Formoreinformation about Woodlands Academy, visitwww.woodlandsacademy.org
•Tosubmit Your news, go to lsiete@reflejos.com
[March8,2023. Crystal Lake,IL] Deciding whattostudy in school or wondering how to takeyour next step?Learn more about the programs, certificates, and resources available at McHenryCountyCollege(MCC) at “MeetMCC”onWednesday,March 22 from 5:30 -7:30 p.m. at the College, 8900 US Highway14inCrystal Lake.The event takes the place of the College’sannual MCC Night, which was traditionallyheld each fall.
During this openhouse formatevent, parents and prospective students can chat with facultyand staffabout career paths and programs availableatMCC and meetwith representatives from Admissions, Financial Aid, Student Activities, Access and Disability Services, and more.
“Weknow thatmaking acollegedecision can be overwhelming,sowe’re available to walkstudents through the processstep-bystep and help them plan for their long-term goals,”said AmyCarzoli, director of enrollment services at MCC. “During this event, students will have the opportunitytomake important face-to-face connections and ask their individual questions. It’s also aperfect wayfor thoseunsure about their next steps to see all our available options and pathways
of study.”
Theevent is for all types of students,including returning adults and transfer students
“MCC has guaranteed transfer agreements with more than 20 colleges and universities,and alarge percentageofour students go on to transfer,” said Carzoli. “Our advisors can help you figure out how to start at MCC, then finish your bachelor’sdegree at the school of your choice.”
In addition to information about degrees, certificates,and resources, prospective students are also invited to attend an interactive tourofthe campus.
“It’sa greatopportunityfor students to getafeel for the campus and envision the skills they’ll be developing here,” Carzolisaid.
Information about study abroad, dual credit, veterans services, scholarships, studentlife,and athletics will alsobeavailable. Attendeeswill have the chance to receive prizes, giveaways, and view demonstrations.
Theevent is open to the publicand free to attend. All attendees will also receive awaiver code forafree MCCapplication.
To learn more, visit www.mchenry.edu/ meetmcc.
PROSPECTIVE MCC students are invited to meetwith facultyand tour the campus during the College’supcoming “Meet MCC” event Wednesday, March 22 from 5:30 –7:30 p.m.
Springfield- GovernorPritzker and the Illinois DepartmentofHuman Services (IDHS) todayannounced acritical transformation initiative thatwill reshape the way the State approaches care for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).
Thecomprehensive plan includes:
•Repurposing the Choate Mental Health andDevelopmentalCenter (“Choate”) over three yearsinpartnership with the SIU School of Medicine, and
•Implementing newsafety enhancements at Choate and across all State-Operated Developmental Centersincluding appointing aChiefResident Safety Officer,and
•Expanding supportfor families and individuals to pursue opportunities for community-based living while continuing to investinprovider capacity
«Individuals with mental illness, intellectual and developmental disabilities deserve respect, dignity, and the highestqualityofcare to assistthem in livinghealthy, fulfilling lives,” said Governor JB Pritzker.“This transformation initiative, spearheadedbyIDHS, will standardize and improve conditions across the system and prioritize community-based solutions to ensure vulnerable Illinoisansreceivecare in the bestpossiblesetting.”
In coordination with their families and guardians, and with supportfrom the SIU School of Medicine,mostcurrent I/DD residents at the Choate Center in Anna,Illinois will have the opportunitytotransitioninto community-based settings or other State centerswhere theywill receive comprehensive, personalized care
Thetransformation at Choate moves Illinois in closer alignment with nationwide, research-informed bestpractices, advances the State’s commitment to equityand the civil rights of people with disabilities. It also reflects the State’s legal dutytoensure residents with disabilities have afull opportunity to live in the leastrestrictive environment of their choosing.
During the next threeyears, portions of the Choate campus will be repurposed to meetpatient capacityand otherurgent State needs. Safe, gradual, carefully planned resident transitions will takeplace in close coordination with residentsthemselves, and their familiesand/or guardians. Resident well-being and dignitywill guide everystep of the process.
The229-acre Choate campus currently also includes apsychiatric hospital,anIDHS local public benefits office, and twocase processingcenters. Related improvements and upgrades will be madetoput the buildings and grounds to the bestpossible public uses
for manyyears to come.
“All people with I/DD deserve opportunitiestolive, work, and thrive in the least restrictive setting of their choosing. IDHS is grateful to all of our partners, including family and resident advocates, SIU School of Medicine, the Illinois Council for Developmental Disabilities, Equip for Equality, and the Arc of Illinois, for working with us in good faith to buildasystem thatbettersupports person-first, community-focused care for all people with disabilities,”said Grace B. Hou, Secretaryofthe Illinois Departmentof Human Services.
While this initiative will be carried out over several years,IDHS is taking additional, immediate action to protectresident safety, including hiringten newstafffor the Office of the Inspector General and appointing Ryan Thomas as IDHS’first-ever ChiefResident Safety Officer.Ryanbrings extensive patient safety and regulatorycompliance experience to the role, mostrecentlyserving as the IDHS Operations Program Manager, where she has led critical operational functions directly related to quality, safety,and healthcare.Prior, sheserved as the Director of Compliance and Risk Management at Erie Family Health Center.
IDHSisalso partnering with the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities (ICDD)and the Arc of Illinois to launcha Family Liaison Team to support families, guardians, and residentswith questions and concerns about the changetoprovidepeer support,resources, and friendship for those experiencingfear and/or uncertainty. This team will be meeting regularly over the next several yearstoensure thatall residenttransitionneeds, regardless of setting,are managed holistically.
“The safetyand well-being of the residentswecare for is the cornerstoneofour work. In the months and years ahead, we will do even moretoensure safe, dependable, and equitable care for those residing in IDHS’ 24/7 facilities,”said Ryan Thomas, ChiefResidentSafety Officer,Illinois Department of Human Services. Thetransformation of the system will bestposition our residents for comprehensive care moving forward. As ChiefResident Safety Officer,I am committed to developing and carrying out acomprehensive approach to high-qualityand safe care throughcontinuous improvement in safetypolicies, assessments, systems, and processes.”
Overthe lasttwo decades, Equip for Equality, the independent, federally mandated Protection and Advocacyorganization, the IDHS Inspector General, and the Illinois State Police have all been instrumental
in reviewingabuse and neglectallegations at the Choate Center and making constructive recommendations to the State aboutthe Center’s future.
“The IDHS OIG commends IDHS for recognizingthatthe status quo at Choate is not acceptable and for taking tangible steps to reduce abuse and neglectatthe facility. OIG will continue to be adedicated watchdog at Choate and throughout the stateto ensurethatthe vulnerable populations OIG serve receive the respectful caretheydeserve,”said Peter Neumer,Inspector General, IDHS Office of the Inspector General.
While resident transitions will initially focus on Choate, IDHS will work to expand its emphasis on community-based settings acrossthe developmental health system. With the investments included in Governor Pritzker’s FY24budget proposal, IDHSwill have increased funding to the Home and Community-BasedSystem by $800million. This brings total funding to $1.7billion, nearlydouble from whenthe Governortook office. In the years ahead, IDHS will workto further expand community-based capacity which will result in alowered resident headcount and improved staffing ratios at State developmentalcenters.
This transformation is anchored by a partnership with Southern Illinois UniversitySchoolofMedicine. LedbyDr. Kari M. Wolf,CEO of the Behavioral Health Workforce Center, partners from SIU will help shape the transformation, leading on crucial operationalcomponents, including whether specialized I/DD forensic,step-down, and dual diagnosis units should remain on the Choate campus or be located elsewhere. Leaders from SIU Carbondale and the Springfield-based School of Medicinewill provide ongoing expertise on the broader transformation.
“SIU School of Medicine’s mission is to optimize the health of the people of central and southernIllinois. We are confident that through the leadershipofthe Behavioral Health Workforce Center,our clinical excellence,and our focus on the mostvulnerable, we can serve the patients, families, and staff connected to the Choate Mental Healthand Developmental Center.Weare committed to amental health workforcetransformation acrossthe state. That work begins by objectivelyassessing the safety, patientcare, and workforceneeds of Choate,”said Kari M. Wolf,MD, CEO,Behavioral HealthWorkforce Center
Many qualityimprovement and safety precautions have already been implemented and are ongoing. This transformation will enable currentresidents to identify other
State-supported residential options, including in the communityand at other developmentalcenters.
“The transformation of Choate DevelopmentalCenter is the rightnextstep in the State’s processofimproving how services are delivered to individuals with significant needs.Asthe Chair of the Illinois Councilon Developmental DisabilitiesI am committed to ensuringanIllinois where all people have access to equal opportunityand freedom. We look forwardtopartnering with IDHS to meetthe needs of Choate’s residents, now,during transitions, and into the future through quality, person-centered services thatprioritize communityinclusion,”said Stephanie Brown,Chairpersonofthe Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities.
“Big changes are never easy –but Iappreciatehow Governor Pritzker’s team has approached this transformation effort. Some of our earlier concernshavebeen addressed and we are grateful thatour voices have been heard.I believe Southern Illinois will be stronger forthe improvements thatare being announcedtoday,”said State Representative Dr.Paul Jacobs,R-Pomona.
“I commend Governor Pritzker for taking strong, thoughtful, decisive action to improve Illinois’ system of care for people with developmental disabilities and serious mental illness. Together with residents, patients, families, guardians, and hardworking State government staffand healthcare providers, Iamconfident IDHS is beginning anew and positive chapter in the historyofthe Choate Center,” said State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria).
TheDivision of Developmental Disabilitiesatthe Illinois DepartmentofHuman Services operates seven State-operated developmental centersacross Illinois.These centers provide residential supportfor individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and avariety of treatmentprograms/ services, includingbut not limited to: educational, vocational, physical, and behavioral healthcare needs,and recreational. TheDivision operates three Home and Community-Based Services Medicaid Waiversserving over 24,000individualsvia adult community integrated living arrangements, child group homes,and child and adulthome-based programs in addition to dayprogramming and other ancillaryservices.
TheDivision of Mental Healthatthe Illinois Department of Human Servicesoperates eight State-Run psychiatric hospital facilities across Illinois, including asmaller facilityon the campus of Choate Developmental Center. These hospitalsprovide civiland forensic psychiatric hospitalization for individuals experiencing severe mental illness.
Theworld is evolving, and becoming ever more digital, but whatdoes thatmean for your education and career? In this article, we dive into14jobs settothrive in the future. So, whether you’re fresh out of school or university, or looking to switch careers, this article is for you.
Discover which newjobs will be around for decades to come. Withyour newfound knowledge,you’ll be better placed to plan youreducation and training in order to reap long-termbenefits. Here’s to the future!
Codingisfastbecoming one of the most sought-after skills for technologycompanies and between researcher groups. In asurvey of over 500 tech workers and employers by Remote,37% of respondents said thatsoftware developers will be the most important tech job in the future. That makes software developers the mosthighly-ranked job overall in the survey. Theincreasing importance of programming has caused some European countries to addcoding to theprimary school curriculum.Reskilling to make this career change can even increase your salary by 38%.
According to PwC’s Timefor trustreport, blockchain technologywill enhancemore than 40 million jobs globally by 2030, earning blockchain jobs our numbertwo spot. Thefuture of financeisdefinitely going to be heavily influenced by the rise of blockchain technology.
Most people not familiarwith blockchain technologywill have still heardabout it –usuallyits association with cryptocurrencies likeBitcoin. However,blockchains are not just used for cryptocurrency. They’re standalone technologies thatcan be useful across industries.
They are already been used in the automotive industrytorecord the historyofvehicles to prevent seller fraud. Nobody will be able to lie about the car’s mileage or maintenance when all this information is recorded on the blockchain and 100% secure.
If we had to choose an industrythat’sgoing to be boomingfor the next fewdecades, virtual realityfeels likeaprettygood bet. The lateststatistics show thatthe global market sizeofARand VR is forecasttoreach $296.9 billion in 2024, compared to the $30.7billionmarket size thatwas registeredin2021. That’s nearly atenfold increase.
With the 2021 announcement of the Metaverse, aseries of interconnected virtual worlds created by Meta (formerlyknown as Facebook), it’s increasingly clearthatVRand AR will be hugely impactful in the near and far future.
From marketing departmentstovideo gamedevelopers,virtual realityisgoingto be acornerstone moment for the job market and the whole of society.
Theworld of big data has flourished over the pastfew years, and that’snot about to stop. According to reports by Statista, the global big data analyticsmarket is likely to grow by 30 per cent by 2025, generating revenue of over $68billion.
Data analysts are going to become the newleaders in the niche of business development. And theyare alreadytaking over the department thanks to big data and the abilitytoanalyse hugeamounts of information for thebenefit of their employers.
There’s been ahugeand undeniable boom in content creators over the pastfew years. But whatexactly is acontent creator? This is arelatively broadterm thatcaptures anyone who creates content for digital channels. Still, the mostfamous kind of content creator is the social media influencer –you can read all aboutinfluencer marketing in our blog post.
With more content beingconsumed daily thanever before –after all, global online content consumptiondoubled in 2020 as a result of the pandemic –the demand for contentcreators is only settogrow in the future.
From fashion bloggers to true crimevloggers, the possibilities for this career path are prettymuch endless. You’ll needtobepretty social media savvy,socheck out our Digital Marketing Content Creation and our Instagram Marketing Essentials courses to get started. Youmight also want to brush up on yourcopywriting skills.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is much further along the process compared to virtual reality. With Elon Musk talkingofputting
chips in peoples’ heads to create superhumans, the possibilities of AI technologyreally do open your eyes.
But AI is not justabout creating anew generation of humans. It canbeabout making functional robotsand enhancing business processes. Thedevelopments in AI are almostlimitless,which means these types of jobs aren’t going anywherefast.
Youmay be thinking, if AI becomes better, smarter and morewidespread, won’t more human workers be out of ajob?However, PwC’s study on AI foundthat“anyjob losses from automation are likely to be broadly offsetinthe long run by newjobs created as aresult of the larger and wealthier economy made possible by these newtechnologies.”
Many people in society are working hard to reduce the stigma associated withmental health problems, opening the doorfor people to seek help and use professional mental health services.
But these mental health worker jobs won’t be going anywhere either.Justaspeople will always need doctors and nurses,wewillcontinue to need mentalhealth specialists to help us getthrough tough times. What’smore, skills gap studies have found thatmental health skills appeared in unique job postings 230% morein2021comparedto2016.
Therecent pandemic, recessions,environmental worries and even aboom in remote working could contributetofurther demand for psychologists and mental health organizations.
Theidea is simple. These data brokers will be responsible for facilitating business agreements between data companies and
those who wanttobuy chunks of data. They will makesure the buyer gets their data and thatthe selling company receives their money.All the while, ensuringthatthe data is not shared further,maintaining the integrityof the newdatamarket.
Theamount of data online is growing exponentially everyday –the current estimate of how much data is created per dayis1.145 trillionMB– so we’reprettyconfident that data brokers will have job security for many years to come.
Did you know thatthe infamous Pokémon Go game was an April Fool’s Day jokethatwentontomakeaninsane amount of money? We’retalking billions –asof 2022, the total revenue is over six billion US dollars.
Thereasonfor its successwas thatitwas entirely innovative for the mobile gaming world. Combining afranchise thatmillennials grewupwith and augmented realitywas amasterstroke. Augmentedreality changed the face of gamingand setanew bar,but it is provingeffective in otherindustrieslike fashion, where augmented realitywardrobes enable you to tryonclothesfrom home.
Dronesare becoming more useful and popular by the day. In fact, TheAssociation for UnmannedVehicle Systems International predicts thatbythe year 2025, at least 100,000 jobs will be created for dronepilots Drones can help us provide medical supplies safely,assess buildingstructures with ease,and revolutionisedeliveryservices. Drones are becoming partofsociety’s furniture and are only going to become more present over the next decade.
With thatinmind, drone experts will be needed to manufacture these machines, maintainthem, and arguably the mostfun job of all –flythem. If you wanttobecome adrone engineer or drone pilot, then we have good news for you. Expecttosee more of thesejobs becomewidely available across sectors in the not-so-distant future.
It is, however,important to be aware of the challenges and legal restrictions surrounding drone use, which is whyour courses on drone safety for managers and using drones for securitypurposes might be useful to you.
Don’t forget thatsociety is more entrepreneurial than ever before. Fuelledbythe internetand technological advancements, the everydayperson now has abetteropportunitytostarttheir own business or asmall empire. Withfurther tech milestones being met, likethose listed above, these opportunitiestostartyour own business are only going to getbigger.
If you have an idea or business dream, there has never been abetter time to learn the entrepreneurial ropes and give youridea achance to succeed.
“Una persona con padecimientos bucodentales (falta de dientes, por ejemplo terminará modi cando su dieta haciendo de lado proteínas difíciles de masticar yoptará por otros alimentos que lo satisfagan pero que no lo nutran, generalmente alimentos altamenteprocesados; en consecuencia,sunutrición será mala o nula”.
Por su parte, el profesor de la Escuela de Medicina Dental de la Universidad Estatal de Nueva York, Michael Glick, abundó que la denición de salud bucal tiene que entenderse como una concepción multifacética que incluye la capacidad de hablar,sonreír,oler,tener gusto, masticar,deglutir,eincluso besar yconcebir expre-siones orales con con anza, sin dolor,sin molestia y sin ninguna enfermedad que afecte el conjunto craneo-facial. Incluso, fue más allá al advertir que la salud oral es un concepto dinámicoque va cambiando con el tiempo.
Carolina Pikakacho
Fronteras de la Noticia -plenilunia.com
Jaime Edelson Tishman, presidente de la Fundación ADM, quien estuvo presente en la inauguración del foro ‘Nutrición, el eslabón perdido en la prevención de la caries’, organizado por la Fundación ADM IAP yla
Aso-ciación Dental
Hasta ahora el sector salud ha ignorado el combate al verdadero “archienemigo” de los dientes, del
cuerpo ydelasalud en general: el azúcar,denunció la Fundación
Describió que en términos prácticos la vida del ser humano se resume en nacer,consumir mucha azúcar, sufrir caries, desarrollar obesidad y padecerdiabetes. En este contexto, destacó la lucha de la Federación Dental Internacional por incidiren que los gobiernos incluyan alas enfermedades bucales en la lista de las
enfermedades no comunicables yen general aaquellas que giran alrededor del azúcar
“El consumo de azúcares ha repercutido no sólo en la salud bucal sino en su salud en general: el alto consu-mo de azúcar yuna inadecuada higiene dental es una combinación que termina afectando la nutrición de las personas” explicó la presidente de la Asociación Dental Laura
Díaz GuzFinalmente, el director de El Poder del Consumidor,Alejandro Calvillo Unna, recordó que el 70 por ciento del consumo de azúcarproviene de bebidas azucaradas, situación alarmante pues la Organización Mundial de la Salud recomiendan un consumo de cinco cucharadas de azúcar para preservar la salud de la cavidad bucal. En este contexto, lamentóCalvillo, no es de extrañar que el exceso de azúcarconsumida por un organismo comience amanifestarse con las caries ydeahí se derive aladiabetes, el edentulismo (pérdida de dientes y nalmente enfermedades cardiovasculares.
DaddyYankee será la voz del tema oficial de la quinta edición del Clásico
Mundial de Béisbol tras anunciarse que también fungirá como embajador del torneo
La trascendenciadel ClásicoMundial de Béisbol (WBC)estásiendo cadavez mayor, siendo quelaquintaedicióndel torneosehaencargado de romper barreras paraunir no solo el mejornivel dentrodel diamante, sino también lo que hayfuera de él conelimpactocultural queesteestáfabricando.
Este gran paso paraelWBC ha recaído en la batutadeuno de los artistas latinos de mayor alcanceenlahistoriadelamúsica,DaddyYankee, quien,araíz de su afición al béisbol, se encargará de “aprovecharlaoportunidad únicaque brinda el torneoparaayudaraexhibiry conectarculturas que aprecianeljuego”.
El considerado por muchos como el mayorexponente del génerourbano,oficializó su integración al campeonato como embajadorensunueva etapaprofesional fueradelamúsica durante una conferencia de prensa.
“Estoesloque voyaestar haciendo ahora queterminómietapaenlamúsica, ya tengomiequipodebéisbol en Puerto Rico ycadavez voyaestar másinvolucrado en lo quetiene que vercon el deporte”,confesó el boricuade46años.
Acompañado de la leyendadelos BostonRed SoxDavid Ortízyylos productores Playz-n-Skillz, DaddyYankee anuncióque su voz comandará el tema oficial delWBC con la canción “Chispas”, la cual se presentará en lasdiferentes plataformasdelaMLB ydel propiotorneo.
“Lacanciónforma partedelas que hicimos paraeldisco ‘LEGENDADDY’, peroquedóparalas que vamosairsacando como bonus (extras)”, manifestó el artista, quientambién fungiócomoproductor de esta pista musical.
La artista se robó el show en el programa de JimmyFallon, donde reconocióhaber tenido que soportar mucha "mierda" estos últimos meses.
Carolina Pikacho, Fronteras de la Noticia -es-us.vida-estilo.yahoo.com
Al borde de la medianoche, Shakira yBizarrap hacían la aparición másesperada del momento en The Tonight Show de Jimmy Fallon. Fue la primera puesta en escena de los artistas en un programa de televisión tras el estreno del tema del año. La cantante colombiana ysucompañero arrasaron. La puesta en escena de la artista le valió todos los halagos por el despliegue de pasión ysentimiento que derrochó su autora.
No se dejó nada en el tintero. Además de vivirlainterpretación con toda la fuerza posible, Shakira, una de las mujeres más poderosas de nuestra lista en People en Español, deslumbró con un sensual look que no pasó desapercibido. Cuero y transparencias fueron algunas de las propuestas en términos de imagen que eligió la intérprete de la sesión #53 de Bizarrap.
Ypor si esto fuera poco, la entrevista con el conductor del show tampoco se quedó atrás. La feliz mamá de Sasha yMilan habló claro ysin tapujos.
"He tenido un año muy duro después de mi separación yescribir la canción ha sido tan importante para mí, es una manera saludable de canalizar mis emociones. Después de lanzar esta canción sientoque no solo tengo fans, sino una hermandad de mujeres que hanpasado por lo mismo que yo, que piensan ysienten como yo, que ha tenido que soportar tantamierda como yo lo he hecho. Yaunque escribí la canción para mí, siento que estaba destinada amuchas mujeres que necesitaban un foro yuna voz que las representara", explicó en su entrevista con Jimmy Fallon.
"La gente conecta con la música cuando es genuina, cuando viene de un lugar real. Ylacosa con esta canción es que se ha convertido en un himno para tantas mujeres", aseguró.
La actuación en plató puso abailar ycantar alos allí presentes que conectaron de inmediato con el aluvión de energía que Shakira desprendió.
Aeste momento estrella de la televisión hay que sumarle el reciente anuncio de la organización Guinness World Records que afectadirectamente aShakira. La artista acaba de romper 14 récords Guinness con el tema junto al argentino que incluye, entre otras, las categorías: La canción más escuchada en Spotify en una semana, el video de música latina más visto en la historia de Youtube en sus primeras 24 horas ylaartista femenina con más números 1enelLatin Airplay de Billboard.
La semana termina redonda para la artista quien no pudo más que agradecer en sus redes por la increíble acogida desde que comenzara esta agridulceaventura.
Somos reconocidos como un recurso comprobadoparalas empresas localesal proporcionar programas yservicios relevantes,innovadoreseimpactantes que garantizan un clima de negocios saludable. Nuestras empresasdelaChamber apoyan nuestra economía,emplean anuestros residentes, ayudan acrear una mejorcalidad de vida y hacen de esta área un gran lugar paravivir, trabajar ycriar una familia.
Estamos ampliando nuestros recursos comercialescon la incorporación de Yesenia Sánchezque se une anuestro equipo como nuestraAsociadadeRelaciones con los Miembros. ¿Hablas español? ¡Yesenia lo hace! ¡Unprofesional dinámico, Yesenia trabaja parafacilitar el éxitodelas empresas de propiedadhispana ylatina en nuestracomunidad yestálista paraayudarlo austed y asunegocio!
La Elgin Area Chamber es un punto de
acceso paralainformación yconsulta de negocios. Todo el equipo de la Chamber está aquí paraayudara las empresas latinas con consultas, talleres, seminarios yasociaciones para ayudarlos adesarrollarse, crecer yflorecer en la comunidad.Con nuestros socios, podemos guiarlo através del procesodeiniciar un nuevo negocio yhacer crecer su negocio.
Eche un vistazoanuestrogalardonado sitioweb, www.ElginChamber.com, para encontrar empresaslocales en nuestro directorio. Encontrará restaurantes locales para una cena familiar,dónde recoger regalos de última hora, obtenerese cambio de aceite, encontrar un profesional que lo ayude con un proyecto en el hogar yprofesionales de la saludque lo ayuden.
Obtengamás información sobrelaElgin Area Chamberllamándonos (847) 741-5660, visitando nuestraoficina en 31 S. GroveAve., oyendo en líneaawww.ElginChamber.com.
We are recognized as aproven resource forlocal businesses by providing relevant, innovative, impactful programming and services thatensure ahealthy business climate. Our Chamber businesses support our economy,employ our residents,help to create a better qualityoflife,and makethis area agreatplace to live, work, andraise afamily.
We’reexpanding our business resources with the addition of Yesenia Sanchez joining our team as our Member Relations Associate. ¿Hablas español? Yesenia does! Adynamicprofessional, Yesenia works to facilitate the success of Hispanic and Latino-owned businesses in ourcommunity and is readytoassist you andyourbusiness!
TheElgin Area Chamberisanaccess point for business information and consultation.
Theentire Chamber team is heretohelp Latino businesses with consultation, workshops, seminars, and partnershipstohelp them develop,grow, and flourishinthe community. With ourpartners we are able to guideyou throughthe process of starting anew business and growing your business.
Check out our award-winning website, www.ElginChamber.com,tofind local businesses in our directory. Youwill find local restaurants forafamily dinner, where to pick up last-minute gifts, getthatoil change, find apro to help you with ahome project, and healthcare professionals to assistyou.
Learn more about the Elgin Area Chamber by calling us at (847) 741-5660,visiting our office at 31 S. Grove Ave.,orgoing online to www.ElginChamber.com.
GRADUATES OF the ElginArea Chamber of Commerce’s LeadershipAcademyClassof2022 recently completeda10-month program designed to build an understanding of communityleadership throughexposure,enrichment, and engagement.This award-winning premier program delivers a curriculum specificallydesigned to assist individuals in becoming active and engaged leaders in their community.
THE ELGIN Area Chamber celebrated with aribboncutting, completewith confetti, at the new Crumbl Cookies store at 315 S. Randall Road in South Elgin. Known for its rotatingmenu with over 170 varieties and growing quickly,flavors forthe following week areannounced on Sundays. These uniquelydelicious cookiesare inspired by popularflavors, foods,and desserts of all kinds -from pies to cakes to candies and more,and areofferedsingly and in 4-pack,6-pack, or 12-pack boxes. Catering options are available as well.Alsooffered aresix flavors of Crumbl Cream (ice cream).
En medio de un futuro incierto para la generación previadehéroes en el nuevo DCU, ¡Shazam! ¡La furia de los dioses! se aproxima alas salas de cines. Ylas proyecciones iniciales de taquilla no parece favorables, con debut estimado entre $35-41 millones de dólares en su primer fin de semana en Estados Unidos; lejos de las cifras que generó la aclamada primera entrega de 2019. Sin el respaldo de un evento multiversal ocameos estelares como los habrá en Flash, ¿conseguirán las primeras reacciones de la crítica cambiar la opinión del público respecto asi vale la pena ver Shazam 2?
La trama de la película sigue al adolescente Billy Batson, quien puede transformarse en un superhéroe adul-to llamado Shazam, al pronunciar la palabra "Shazam". ¡En Shazam! Fury of the Gods, Billy ysufamilia adoptiva enfrentan una nueva amenaza de las tres hijas del malvado dios Atlas, quienes buscan venganza contra el mundo moderno. El elenco de la película incluye aZachary Levi como Shazam/Billy Batson, Asher An-
gel como Billy
Freddy Freeman, Faithe Herman como Darla Dudley,Grace Fulton como Mary Bromfield, Ian Chen como Eugene Choi y Jovan Armand como Pedro Peña. Además, la película contará con la incorpora-ción de Helen Mirren yLucy Liu como las villanas. Las críticas negativas han sido sobre la dirección, la escritura ylaedición, así como sobre la forma en que las películas han abordado los personajes ysumitología. Además, el DCEU ha sido criticado por no tener una visión clara ycoherente para el universo, lo que ha llevado auna falta de continuidadentre las cintas.
En esta nueva aventura,laFamilia Shazam deberá permanecer unida para salvar al mundo de las Hijas de Atlas, quienes ciertamente no están felices de que un grupo de niños posea el inmenso poder de los dioses. Es súper divertida ydigna. No es una película de cómics que cambie el juego, pero te conquista con sus per-sonajes yenergía. Tiene algunas sorpresas reales yuna sensibilidad inteligente que se adapta bien, además de una acción de monstruos creativa yemocionante.
Caroilina Pickacho
Fronteras de la Noticia -Sony Music 2000 es el tercer álbum del colombiano Manuel Turizo, una colección de canciones con De 100 a0como primer avance. Manuel Turizo es imparable. Después de convertirse en un exponente del movimiento urbano, el cantante colombiano ha conquistado el mercado internacional con La bachata, un hit que viene del género que nació República Dominicana. “TeOlvido” es una balada que se convierte en un reggaetón lento que habla de ser engañado por la persona que creías que era tu pareja ypedirle que nunca regrese. La canción comienza con Manuel Turizo explicán-donos la historia de fondo de la situación antes de pasar al pre-coro, ynalmente soltando el bajo en el co-ro. “En darme una explicación no te molestes // Si cuando estes sola piensas en pedirme perdón // Yo no esperoque lo intentes // Sólo acuérdate de todo lo que yo aposté por ti, tú lo tiraste ala muerte // Nada te importó el valor que yo te di, en engaños terminó”, Manuel Turizocomienza cantando, retratando su desamor con mucho sentimiento que transmite su voz.
January 11, 2023 (Chicago, IL) –Aswestart the beginning of 2023, Casa Central is currently offering several openings in its agency for those seeking new career opportunities in the new year
From Home Care Aides for its Home Care Services program to Class CDrivers for transportation services as well as office staff positions, Casa Central is seeking candidates to support the organization’s mission to transform lives and strengthen communities. The agency is also searching for talent to support various functions ranging from fundraising efforts to marketing and communications including aDirector of Advancement, Grant Manager,Marketing and Communications Manager,and more.
Casa Central is looking for candidates that have apassion for inspiring positive change, providing quality service, and responsiveness towards others’ needs. The organization provides effective, evidence-based programs with a97% satisfaction rating by participants and 94% of them feel their life has improved.
Since 1954, Casa Central has been apivotal social services organization in the Midwest, serving the Latino community with programs that empower thousands of individuals to achieve a sustainable, higher quality of life in the Chicago Metropolitan area. The organization is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA), Guidestar Gold rated, 100 Point Charity Navigator rating, and has received numerous honors from prestigious organizations like the ExceleRate Illinois Awards of Excellence for its youth programming.
For those interested in working at Casa Central, candidates can apply online at www.casacentral.org/careers or contact us at HR@casacentral.org and 773-645-2328. Bilingual (Spanish/English) individuals are highly encouraged to apply.
MAY1,2023-APRIL 30, 2024
Police Officer BartlettPolice Department 228S.Main Street –Bartlett, IL 60103
Salary: $71,842 (Effective 05/01/2020)
The Village of Bartlett is accepting applications for Lateral &Entry-Level Police Officer For more information, please go to: www.joinbartlettpd.org
Applicationsare only available at IOSolutions at the links below until 2:00 PM on 03/31/2023
Entry Level: https://iosolutions.com/product/bartlett-ilpolice-officer-job-application-5/ Lateral: https://iosolutions.com/product/bartlett-ilcertified-eligible-lateral-police-officer-job-application-2/ A$35.00 non-refundable application processing fee is required.
TheVillage of Bartlett is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Lake County Zoning Notice #000857-2023
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City of Elgin Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct apublic hearing on the following zoning application: No. 07-23
By GalaxyElgin, LLC, as applicant, and Parkway Bank and Trust Co. TrustNo. 10907/Rick Heidner,asproperty owner, requesting aconditional usetoestablish atobacco store at the property commonly referred to as 20 S. State Street, more specifically identified by Kane County PropertyIndex Numbers 06-14-428-005, 06-14-428-006, and 06-14428-007. The current application for the above-described development is available forreview at the Community Development Department, 150 Dexter Court, Elgin, IL 60120 and online at: www.cityofelgin.org/publichearings
Said application andthe associated plans on file with the Community Development Department and online are subject to change during the administrative and city council review process.
The public hearing will be held on Monday,April 3, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Second Floor, North Tower,Elgin Municipal Building, 150 Dexter Court, Elgin, IL 60120. At that time, any interested persons may appear in person, by writing, by agent or by attorney and present any testimony they may have pertaining to the granting or denying of this petition.
Please direct all inquiries to the following person at the Community DevelopmentDepartment, City of Elgin:
Damir Latinovic at (847) 931-5943
The CityofElgin is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who havequestions regarding the accessibilityofthe meeting or the facilities, are requested to contact the ADA Coordinator at (847) 931-5620 {tdd (847) 931-5616} promptly to allow the City of Elgin to make reasonableaccommodations for those persons.
Published in DailyHerald March 17, 2023 (4597030)
Apublic hearing on the Village of Vernon Hills proposed FY 2024annual budget forthe fiscal year beginning May 1, 2023 and ending April 30, 2024 will be held by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Vernon Hills at 6:55 p.m. on Tuesday, April4,2023 in the Board Room at the Village Hall, 290 Evergreen Drive, Vernon Hills, Illinois Acopy of the proposed budget is available for public inspection on the Village’s website at www.vernonhills.org
Allinterested persons are invited to attend the hearingand be heard.
Dated at Vernon Hills, Illinois this 17th day of March, 2023 Kevin Timony,Village Manager \Village Clerk
PublishedinDaily Herald March 17, 2023 (4597046)
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City of Elgin Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct apublic hearing on the following zoning application: No. 08-23
By Chirag Patel, as applicant, and LGPRealtyHoldings
LP,aspropertyowner,requesting aconditional use to permitaccessory package liquor sales at the existing motor vehicle service station and convenience food store at the property commonly referred to as 500 S. McLean Boulevard,more specifically identified by the Kane County PropertyIndex Number 06-22-301-028.
The current application for the above-described development is available forreview at the Community Development Department, 150 Dexter Court, Elgin, IL 60120 and online at: www.cityofelgin.org/publichearings
Said application andthe associated plans on file with the Community Development Department and online are subject to change during the administrative and city council review process.
The public hearing will be held on Monday,April 3, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Second Floor, North Tower,Elgin Municipal Building, 150 Dexter Court, Elgin, IL 60120. At that time, any interested persons may appear in person,bywriting, by agent or by attorney and present any testimony they may have pertaining to the granting or denying of this petition.
Please direct all inquiries to the following person at the Community DevelopmentDepartment, City of Elgin: Damir Latinovic at (847) 931-5943
The CityofElgin is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who havequestions regarding the accessibilityofthe meeting or the facilities, are requested to contact the ADA Coordinator at (847) 931-5620 {tdd (847) 931-5616} promptly to allow the City of Elgin to make reasonableaccommodations for those persons. Published in DailyHerald March 17, 2023 (4597031)
Annual Town Meeting 2023
This meeting will be conducted by audio or video conferenceand may not have aphysically present quorum of the Ela Township Board because of adisaster declaration related to COVID-19 public health concerns affecting the Township. Pursuant to Section 7(e)(2) of the Open Meetings Act, the Supervisor hasdetermined that an in-person meeting at theTownship buildingwith all participants is not practical or prudent because of the disaster.Township officials, legal counsel, and the Township Manager will not be physically present at the Township Hall, if that is unfeasible due to the disaster.Since physical public attendance at the Township Hall may be limited or not feasible, alternativearrangements for public access to hear the meeting has been made available by contacting the Supervisor’s Office at (847)438-7823 forthe Zoom meeting link or the phone number to call into the meeting prior to 5:00 p.m.onApril 11, 2023. In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the meeting will also be audio or video recorded and made available to the public, as provided by law
To the legal voters of the Town of Ela,inthe County of Lake, and the State of Illinois;that the Annual Town Meeting of said Town will take place on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 beingthe second Tuesday of said month at the hour of 7:00 o’clockP.M. at The Ela Township Town Hall lower level board room located at 1155 E. Route 22, Lake Zurich, IL. Forthe transaction of miscellaneous business of said town and after amoderator having been elected, will proceed to hearand consider reports of Officers, and decide on such measures as may,inpursuance of law,comebeforethe meeting;and especially to consider and decide the following: Agenda
1. Pledge of Allegiance
1. Call to Order
1. Election of Moderator/Set fee
1. Approval of Meeting Minutes from April 12, 2022
1. Reading of the Township Supervisor’s AnnualStatement forthe fiscal year 2022/23 by the Town Clerk
1. Overview presentation of Budget for the fiscal year 2023/24byTownshipSupervisor
1. Surplus items for disposal
1. Open forum for comments and questions from residents/ electors (limit of 3-5 minutes)
1. Set dateand time for 2024 Annual Town Meeting– April9, 2024 at 7:00P.M