

'Fast X'


Su punto y final tras diez largometrajes...
o mejor dicho, once, ya que se estrenará dividida en dos partes.



Su punto y final tras diez largometrajes...
o mejor dicho, once, ya que se estrenará dividida en dos partes.
Este titular es el enfoque principal de gran parte de la información publicada en esta edición, ahora que hemos salido de Covid y las secuelas posteriores, no hay mejor momento para comenzar a enfocarnos de nuevo en nuestra propia salud y la salud de nuestras familias El verano y el cálido sol hacen que todo se sienta mejor Y la “familia” que necesitamos cuidar también incluye a las comunidades en las que todos vivimos
Un efecto negativo de Covid fue el aislamiento que causó, ¡lo que a su vez provocó muchas otras negativas consecuencias! Depresión, ira, mala salud debido a la mala elección de alimentos, o la falta de comida debido a la pérdida de empleos Estos solo tocan algunas de los padecimientos que muchos enfrentan ahora
Ya que una parte de nuestra misión declara que buscamos “motivar, educar e inspirar a través de la palabra escrita” decidimos, aquí en Reflejos, que dedicaríamos una parte de cada uno de nuestras ediciones a temas con información relacionada a la salud que esperamos ayude a todos o al menos abra las puertas para ver las situaciones de una manera “más saludable”.
Encontramos un contenido realmente bueno que toca algunos de estos temas:
¿Buscas empleo? ¿Buscas una nueva carrera? - Echa un vistazo a PACE y The Temporary Para algunos graduados indecisos, regístrate en el Ejército, ¡Existen muchas opciones y no todas involucran el deber de combate! Aquellos con un interés en STEM, el campo de la medicina, ¡incluso están buscando músicos para sus bandas! Vale la pena un viaje a estos sitios web o llamar y hacer preguntas
Revisa las fotos del nuevo complejo Senior Living creciendo en Aurora Un gran artículo del Consejo Nacional sobre el envejecimiento acerca de maneras de prepararse para los cambios en la vida ¡Quién sabía que los mangos eran tan buenos para tu salud! ¡Comer y beberlos!
Echa un vistazo a la información sobre los infartos cerebrales y las señales para estar alertas, y cómo superar las desigualdades en la atención médica
Un artículo increíble sobre una exposición de arte electrónico: el arte en cualquier forma es estimulante para nuestros procesos de pensamiento y también puede crear un momento de calma y tranquilidad Hablando de las artes, Ravinia tiene un gran programa Hubbard Street está de vuelta con otro espectáculo increíble
Y no te olvides de los niños, echa un vistazo al Día del Parque en Waukegan Park ... ¡y explora todos los parques dentro de nuestros hermosos suburbios!
Más por venir en los próximos meses: háganos saber si hay un tema de particular interés o información sobre cómo mantenerse saludable que le gustaría que cubriéramos.
Y CAMINAR - es el Mes Nacional de la Caminata, la mejor forma de ejercicio ... ¡A cualquier edad!
El Equipo de Reflejos
This headline covers the main focus of much of the information printed in this edition As we emerge from COVID and its after shocks, there’s no better time to start refocusing on our own health and the health of our families Summer and warm sunshine makes everything just feel better
And the “family” we need to care for also includes the communities we all live in A negative effect of COVID was the isolation it caused, which in turn caused many other elements to rear their ugly heads! Depression, anger, poor health because of poor food choices – or no food because of a job loss These just touch on a few of the ailments many now face
Because a portion our mission statement says we look to “motivate, educate and inspire through the written word,” here at Reflejos we decided to devote portions or all of certain issues to health-related information. We hope it helps everyone – or at least open doors – to look at situations in a healthier way.
We found some really good content that touches on a few of these topics:
Job hunting? Looking for a new career? Check out PACE, The Temporary (back page). For some undecided graduates, check into the Army; there’s so many options and not all involve combat duty! Those with an interest in STEM, the medical field --- the Army is even looking for musicians for its bands! It’s worth a trip to these websites or placing a call and asking questions.
Review photographs of the new Senior Living complex sprouting up in Aurora There’s a great article from the National Council on aging on ways to stay prepared for life changes
Who knew mangos were so good for your health! Both eating and drinking!
Check out the information regarding strokes and signs to look for, and how to overcome the inequities in medical care
There’s an amazing article on an E art exhibition Taking in art in any form is both stimulating to our thought processes and also can create a time of calm and tranquility
Speaking of the arts, Ravinia has a great line up Hubbard Street is back with another amazing show.
And don’t forget the kids – check out the Park Day at Waukegan Park … and explore all the parks within our beautiful suburbs!
There’s more to come over the next few months. Let us know if there is a topic of particular interest to you or information regarding staying healthy you’d like us to cover. And WALK; it’s National Walk Month, the best form of exercise … at any age!
Linda Siete
(847) 806-1411
Raul Ortiz
(847) 427-4634
(847) 427-4770
CIRCULACION (847) 806-1111
Ana Maria Hinkhouse
Reflejos Publications, LLC
95 W Algonquin Rd Suite 300 Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Reflejos es una publicación que sirve a los latinos de los suburbios de Chicago en los condados de Cook, DuPage, Kane, KendallLake, McHenry y Will.
Reflejos orgullosamente forma parte de la Familia Paddock y es publicacion hermana del Daily Herald. Fundado en 1990.
Aurora, Illinois - It was a historic and emotional day in Aurora as ground was broken on the first new public housing subdivision in nearly 50 years
More than 150 people gathered on Aurora ’ s westside to usher in the next era of public housing, with the launching of the 1449 Senior Estates community with 70 new ranch units50 duplexes and 20 single-family residences
with attached garages.
The senior citizens-only community will be located on a nearly 13-acre site and will also have pickleball courts, an outdoor community area, and on-site management offices.
During the ceremony, City leaders who were raised in Aurora public housing were in the spotlight, including Aurora Mayor Richard C. Irvin, Cowherd Middle School principal Jackiey Gibson, the City’s Chief Communications & Equity Officer Clayton Muhammad, and Michael Simelton, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of Joliet and the Hope United Foundation, a key partner in the $23 million development
Hopeful senior citizens were also in attendance to learn more about the initiatives and
to view renderings of what might be their future homes
Construction commenced immediately,
and the project is expected to be completed by the end of 2024
WASHINGTON En reconocimiento a la Semana Nacional de Preparación para los Huracanes, el Servicio de Impuestos Internos les recuerda a los contribuyentes a que protejan documentos importantes tributarios e información financiera como parte de un plan de preparación para emergencias.
En lo que va de 2023, la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA) declaró desastres para deslizamientos de tierra, derrumbes, tormentas severas, tornados y mucho más Los desastres pueden tener un impacto inmediato en las personas, organizaciones y negocios El año pasado hubo desastres declarados para huracanes, tormentas de nieve, inundaciones y más La preparación durante todo el año es de vital importancia y observar la Semana de Preparación para Huracanes y el Mes Nacional de Concienciación sobre Incendios Forestales brinda una oportunidad perfecta para una evaluación anual de preparación.
Estos consejos ayudarán a los contribuyentes a proteger información personal financiera e información tributaria para un plan completo de preparación. Se anima a los contribuyentes a que visiten Listo gov e IRS gov para más información acerca de desastres
PROTEJA DOCUMENTOS IMPORTANTES; HAGA COPIAS. Los documentos originales tal como declaraciones de impuestos, tarjetas de seguro social, escrituras, títulos y más deben colocarse dentro de contendedores impermeables en un espacio seguro Los contribuyentes también
deben sacar copias y guárdalas en otro lugar seguro tal como una caja de seguridad o con una persona de confianza que viva fuera del área del contribuyente. Además, los documentos escaneados pueden almacenarse en una unidad flash para facilitar la portabilidad.
Todos los bienes, especialmente los artículos de alto valor deben documentarse Una lista simple con fotos o videos actuales también puede ayudar a respaldar los reclamos de seguro o beneficios tributarios después de un desastre. La hoja de trabajo del registro de pérdidas en la Publicación 584 (SP), Registro de Pérdidas por Hechos Fortuitos (Imprevistos), Desastres y Robos (Propiedad de Uso Personal) y la Publicación 584-B, hoja de trabajo sobre pérdidas de negocios, Desastres y Robos (en inglés) puede ayudar a las personas y dueños de negocios a recopilar una lista de sus pertenencias y equipos de trabajo RECONSTRUCCIÓN DE ARCHIVOS. Es posible que se requiera la reconstrucción de archivos luego de un desastre para fines tributarios, obtener asistencia federal o reembolso de seguro. Mientras más precisa se calcule la pérdida, más dinero de préstamos y subvenciones puede haber disponible. Los contribuyentes que hayan perdido algunos o todos sus archivos durante un desastre pueden visitar la página web del IRS Reconstrucción de archivos como un primer paso.
eedores de servicios de nómina deben preguntarle al proveedor si tiene un vínculo fiduciario establecido en caso de incumplimiento por parte del proveedor de servicios de nómina. El IRS les recuerda a los empleadores que elijan cuidadosamente a sus proveedores de servicios de nómina (en inglés).
IRS PUEDE BRINDAR ALIVIO TRIBUTARIO LUEGO DE UN DESASTRE. Después de que FEMA emite una declaración de desastre, el IRS puede posponer ciertas fechas límite para la presentación y el pago de impuestos para los contribuyentes que residen o tienen un negocio en algunos condados. El IRS provee detalles acerca de los estados y condados que han recibido alivio en la página de alivio en situaciones de desastre del IRS
Los contribuyentes en las áreas afectadas no tienen que llamar para solicitar este alivio El IRS identifica automáticamente a los contribuyentes ubicados en el área de desastre cubierta y aplica el alivio de presentación y pago Aquellos afectados por un desastre con preguntas relacionadas con los impuestos pueden comunicarse con el IRS al 866-562-5227 para hablar con un especialista del IRS capacitado para manejar problemas relacionados con el desastre.
Los contribuyentes que no residen en un área de desastre cubierta, pero que sufrieron el impacto de un desastre deben llamar al866562-5227 para averiguar si califican para el alivio tributario por desastre y para discutir otras opciones disponibles
¿Su dolor de cuello o espalda está afectando su trabajo? ¿No puede tolerar vivir con sus migrañas? ¿Cansado de estar cansado?
El cuidado alternativo con la Dra. Skokos podría ser su respuesta.
En ChiroCare Clinic Wellness Center, la Dra Skokos se toma el tiempo para ESCUCHAR a sus pacientes Ella realiza una evaluación EXHAUSTIVA, y se pueden realizar radiografías y análisis de sangre en nuestra clínica para encontrar la CAUSA EXACTA de su problema de salud.
Un plan de atención ESPECÍFICO, luego se implementa y atiende a SU cuerpo. Los medicamentos, inyecciones y cirugías NUNCA se realizan en nuestra oficina. En cambio, se utiliza un enfoque natural. Implementando la quiropráctica, las manipulaciones manuales suaves realizadas en el cuello y la espalda ayudan a realinear la columna vertebral y eliminar la presión nerviosa Resultado? SIN DOLOR
¿ La acupuntura es otro tipo de tratamiento que ayuda a nuestros pacientes a obtener alivio Al insertar agujas pequeñas y estériles en partes específicas del cuerpo, se mejora el oxígeno, el flujo sanguíneo y la función nerviosa ¿Resultado? SIN DOLOR
Las vendozas de fuego utilizan vasos de fuego y vidrio y se colocan en las partes específicas del cuerpo de nuestros pacientes para
ayudar a aliviar el estrés, calmar la tensión muscular y mejorar los resfriados y las fiebres. El dolor afecta nuestro TRABAJO, FAMILIA y nuestro BIENESTAR.
Ya sea que sufra de dolor, estrés, quiera perder peso o necesite ayuda con sus problemas gastrointestinales, juntos podemos ayudarlo a alcanzar sus objetivos de salud Como Dr Skokos dice: “Su salud es su riqueza Invierta en ello hoy” ¿Está listo para comenzar a vivir saludablemente, sin ¿Dolor?
Tired of being tired?
Alternative care with Dr. Skokos just might be your answer.
cation, injections and surgeries are NEVER performed in our office Instead, a natural approach is utilized By implementing chiropractic, gentle manual manipulations performed to the neck and back help re-align the spine and remove nerve pressure. Result? NO PAIN.
Acupuncture is another type of treatment which helps our patients gain relief. By inserting small, sterile needles into specific parts of the body, oxygen, blood flow, & nerve function is improved. Result? NO PAIN.
Fire cupping uses fire and glass cups and are placed on our patients’ specific body parts to help relieve stress, calm muscle tension, and improve colds and fevers Pain affects our WORK, FAMILY and our WELL-BEING
At ChiroCare Clinic Wellness Center, Dr Skokos takes the time to LISTEN to her patients She performs a THOROUGH evaluation, and Xrays and blood work may be performed in our clinic to find the EXACT CAUSE of your health concern.
A SPECIFIC care plan is then implemented and catered to YOUR body. Medi-
Whether you are suffering from pain, stress, want to lose weight, or need help with your gastrointestinal issues, together we can help you achieve your health goals. As Dr. Skokos says, “Your health is your wealth. Invest in it today.” Are you ready to start living healthy, without pain?
Baje de peso
• Control del dolor • Bienestar • Quiropráctica
Acupuntura • Análisis de sangre • Vendozas
Piedras calientes • Tracción
Dolores de cabeza incluyendo migrañas • Problemas con los discos del cuello y la espalda baja • Problemas hormonales • Condiciones para las mujeres Artritis
Dejar de fumar • Dolor de manos, piernas, rodillas y hombros
Dolor del cuello y de espalda baja
Problemas de la piel
• Líneas finas de expresión y arrugas faciales
Carlos Morales
Fronteras de la Notiica -
El olfato es poderoso y tiene una memoria impresionante Es así como los olores nos remontan a ciertos momentos de nuestra vida o también como recordamos a las personas. A través de nuestros receptores olfativos podemos detectar diferentes compuestos químicos del ambiente ya que estos están conectados directamente a las áreas del cerebro que estimulan las emociones y la memoria; Es por esto que no es extraño en el uso de los olores para sanar el cuerpo y la mente, a través de aceites esenciales y extractos de plantas
El olor dulce de las almendras está
relacionado con la disminución del dolor físico pues hace que el cuerpo aumente los niveles de serotonina, hormona del placer Esta también puede ayudar a mejorar el estado de ánimo y a relajarte
La esencia de jazmín funciona para calmar el estrés y acabar con las dificultades para dormir Además, si esparces este aroma por tu habitación, tus niveles de ansiedad y estrés bajarán. Si tienes trabajo o algún examen, ten cerca esencia de jazmín, te ayudará a concentrarte y a recordar las cosas con mayor facilidad.
La canela es ideal para evitar el desequilibrio emocional, la fatiga y el enojo pues su penetrante aroma estimula el sistema nervioso central, incrementando tu estado de alerta y haciéndote sentir más motivado.
Los aromas cítricos ayudan a levantar el ánimo. El olor del limón ayuda a estabilizar los niveles hormonales además de que refuerza el sistema inmune como un estimulante natural. Puedes aplicarlo en la muñeca
Lavanda Este aroma reduce tus niveles de ansiedad, así como los dolores de cabeza y la tensión muscular provocada por estrés Si te sientes agitado o nervioso, puedes esparcir esencia de lavanda por tu habitación o en tu cama. Es efectiva para el alivio temporal del dolor lumbar y la tensión además de que puede aliviar ciertas condiciones de la piel por ser cicatrizante.
El aroma a rosas suele ser un aroma agradable para la mayoría. Esta es capaz de aliviar la depresión, el cansancio y los trastornos de sueño. Este tipo de aromas están ligados a los recuerdos felices por lo que pueden inducirte a sueños felices cuando duermas
Podrían ser signos de enfermedades venosas.
Si el problema no se trata, es posible que empeore con el tiempo y desarrolle una forma más grave de enfermedad llamada insuficiencia venosa crónica.
Signos y síntomas:
• Várices
• Molestia o dolor
• Hinchazón
• Calambres
• Pesadez o cansancio
• Comezón
• Inquietud
• Cambios en la piel y/o decoloración
• Llagas o úlceras abiertas
Factores de riesgo:
• Historial familiar
• Falta de ejercicio
• Lesión o traumatismo en la pierna
• Estar de pie o sentado por períodos prolongados
• Obesidad o sobrepeso
• Embarazo en curso o previo
• Fumar tabaco
• Prevenir coágulos de sangre
• Detener el desarrollo de úlceras
Llame hoy: 847.385.4828
Planes de pagos disponibles. Los procedimientos son cubiertos por la mayoría de los seguros médicos
Nuestras reseñas en Google: 4.8/5.0
The mango initially comes from the Indo-Burma area, probably cultivated by man for over 4,000 years. India, where wild mango forests still grow today, is the main growing area for this plant.
Mangoes have spread to almost all tropical areas: South and Southeast Asia, Australia, Madagascar, East Africa, Brazil, and Central America It also grows in subtropical regions with favorable climates, such as Florida, South Africa, Israel, Cyprus, and Egypt
The arrival of this fruit in America was due to the Portuguese, who introduced it to Brazil in the 18th century They were also the ones who brought it to West Africa.
On the other hand, the Spanish contributed to the expansion of the mango in America, as they transported small mango trees from the Philippines to Mexico.
Its introduction into southern Spain does not appear to have occurred until the 20th century.
Notably, the “Haden” mango became one of the most widely grown mangoes in the world after its introduction to Florida in 1910, marking the beginning of the modern development of this crop
Mango is one of those fruits that stand out anywhere in the world because you can find them in any country where you are
That is why it is considered one of the most essential fruits worldwide, occupying one of the first places in production
Mango helps digestion since it contains enzymes that accelerate the decomposition of proteins This also makes it recommended to treat acidity and soothes the stomach Mango varieties rich in fiber are ideal for counteracting constipation The fruit helps absorb iron and is recommended for people with anemia and pregnant women
It is highly recommended that children consume this delicious fruit with glutamine acid that helps stimulate memory and improves concentration.
Due to its high vitamin B6 and iron content, mango consumption is ideal for the proper functioning of the brain.
In 2022, 1.26 billion pounds of mangoes were marketed in the United States, while in 2021, 1.23 billion pounds were marketed.
77% of this mango comes from Mexico and Peru, with 65% and 12% market share, respectively
Both regions are complementary, and it is thanks to this that consumers can enjoy mangos all year round, no matter what time of the year they are in
In 2022 Mexico had an increase in mango exports of 7 85%, while Peru rose 1 24%
Mexico’s increase was mainly towards the beginning and end of the season, with Sinaloa and Guerrero, the states with the highest Mexican production, with 19%, followed by Nayarit with 15.5%.
In addition to the exquisite taste of mango, it is also a fruit that brings tremendous and essential benefits to our health.
LISLE, ILL. Five large-scale sculptures fashioned from reclaimed tree branches and other natural materials by Polish-American artist Olga Ziemska will debut May 26 in the newest outdoor exhibition at The Morton Arboretum.
Of the Earth, the first major sculpture installation by a woman artist at the Arboretum, is Ziemska’s largest exhibition to date anywhere in the world. The exhibition will be free with advance purchase of daytime admission and will remain through spring 2025.
Preston Bautista, Ph D , the Arboretum’s vice president of learning and engagement, said that the Cleveland-based sculptor’s creations reflect the 1,700-acre site’s natural surroundings and serve as a link between people and place “Olga drew from an array of inspirations and lived experiences, including her Polish background and as a woman in the art world, as well as the essence of the Arboretum itself,” he said. “Her works also demonstrate her deep interest in examining the intersections of science, art and philosophy.”
All five sculptures Strata, Oculus, Ona, Hear: With an ear to the ground and Stillness in Motion: The Matka series pay homage to the Arboretum landscapes while exploring Ziemska’s central and reoccurring
theme, “We are nature”
“I use art as a tool to better understand the things we often overlook,” said Ziemska, whose Polish surname translates to “of the earth” or “earthly” “Humans have a complex relationship with the natural world, but there is no separation between people and nature,” she said, adding, “Everything on Earth is of the Earth.”
The sculptures are made of both organic and man-made materials, including steel and glass-fiber reinforced concrete necessary to withstand the Midwest’s weather varia-
tions, and range in size from 5- to 14-feet tall and 45 feet in length Arboretum volunteers spent several weeks laying the groundwork for creation of the unique pieces by collecting, pruning and preparing natural materials such as fallen tree branches from sugar maple, hackberry, linden, willow, elm and wild black cherry trees at the Arboretum.
Stillness in Motion: The Matka series, Of the Earth’s signature piece, is the newest in Ziemska’s Matka (“mother” in Polish) series, following versions in Romania and Poland. Located outside the Arboretum’s
Visitor Center, the 6-foot-tall female figure is composed mostly of willow tree branches
Ona (“she” in Polish) is the sole sculpture situated on the Arboretum’s West Side. The 14-foot-tall piece depicts a woman with windswept tree branch hair and mirrored eyes.
Oculus comprises two 10-foot-tall human head profiles fit with hundreds of varying sizes of tree cookies, or the cross-section of a tree, and mirrored eyes that reflect the surrounding Maple Collection.
Inspired by a recurring theme in Ziemska’s work that considers the “body as landscape, ” Strata is a 45-foot-long reclining female figure emerging from the ground at the base of a hill in the Crabapple Collection
Thousands of white river rocks pattern the surface of Hear: With an ear to the ground, a 5-foot-tall horizontal human head that appears to be at rest in its natural surroundingswithMeadowLakeasitsbackdrop The exhibition will open to the public at noon May 26, following a members-only preview event beginning at 7 a.m. Active duty military are free every day by showing current military identification. Discount tickets are also available through the Museums for All program. Tickets are not available at the gatehouse and must be obtained in advance. For tickets, visit visit-the-arboretum.
–Environmental artist Olga Ziemska uses trees to express “we are nature” philosophy–
La Ley de Ciudadanía de EE.UU. de 2023 permitiría a USCIS eliminar el límite de Green Cards, además de facilitar el proceso migratorio para millones de indocumentados; el proyecto es impulsado por demócratas, liderados por la representante Linda Sánchez
Janine Trainor
Fronteras de la Noticia -
Cada año, la oficina de Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración (USCIS) debe seguir una regla sobre el tope de Green Cards, a fin de determinar las asignaciones por petición familiar o laboral
Sin embargo, un plan demócrata liderado por la representante Linda Sánchez (California), busca eliminar esa cuota anual, sobre todo en las Green Card basadas en el empleo.
El proyecto de La Ley de Ciudadanía de EE.UU. de 2023 fue presentado por la congresista Sánchez, donde se crea una hoja de ruta hacia la ciudadanía para 11 millones de inmigrantes indocumentados.
Ese plan ayudaría a los Dreamers, los titulares del estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) y algunos trabajadores agrícolas un camino inmediato hacia la ciudadanía
Otra innovación es que permitiría a indocumentados que pagan sus impuestos a través de un número ITIN y no tienen antecedentes penales a solicitar beneficios migratorios, lo que los pondría en una ruta para obtener la ciudadanía y evitar la deportación.
La propuesta tiene un enfoque especial en inmigrantes con permisos
laborales y aquellos estudiantes con título avanzados en sistemas de ciencia y tecnología, conocido como STEM
Sin embargo, también pretende que los trabajadores con salarios más bajos puedan obtener beneficios migratorios, así como extender beneficios a los hijos de titulares de visas H-1B
El proyecto presentado en la Cámara de Representantes propone mantener a las familias unidas a través de la recuperación de visas no asignadas en otros años, como los cónyuges e hijos de los titulares de una Green Card.
“Como hija de padres inmigrantes de México, me siento honrada de presentar la Ley de Ciudadanía de los EE.UU., un marco audaz y transformador que ayudará a reparar nuestro sistema de inmigración”, dijo la congresista Sánchez
El líder demócrata en la Cámara de Representantes, Hakeem Jeffries (Nueva York) celebró el proyecto y destacó la importancia de proteger a inmigrantes que se encuentran en EE.UU
El plan de los demócratas podría quedar estancado en la Cámara, donde los republicanos tienen mayoría
Illinois está reanudando los controles regulares de elegibilidad para Medicaid en 2023. Cuando sea el momento de renovar, recibirá una carta del estado de Illinois en la dirección que tienen registrada para usted.
Aquí está lo que necesita saber:
Ir a iniciar sesion
• Ingrese el nombre de la persona exactamente como aparece en la HFS tarjeta de Medicaid. Fecha de nacimiento, número de identificación de Beneficiario (RIN). No necesita ingresar el número de seguro social Verifique su dirección postal
• Si no puede realizar un cambio, llame al 877-805-5312 ó consulte el código QR en este anuncio.
Escanea aquí para cambiar tu dirección ahora
Cheque su correo y complete su renovación de inmediato.
Departamento de Salud y Servicios Familiares de Illinois: 1-800-843-6154
Si ya no es elegible para Medicaid o tiene preguntas sobre su cobertura de Medicaid, comuníquese con nuestros especialistas en inscripcion.
Maria Hueramo (Bilingüe Español): 815-748-2498
Michael Suhi: 815-748-2154
Para más información visite:
Kids to Parks Day is a nationwide celebration of the great outdoors organized by the National Park Trust and is designed to connect kids and families with their local, state, and national parks and public lands Join us in the morning for some fun and to learn about Victory Park!
• Walk the Park
• Guided Tours
• Learn About Native Plants & Park History
• Sports Activities
• Free Popcorn
• Kite Flying
20 de mayo 9-11am
Kids to Park Day es una celebración nacional de la vida al aire libre organizada por el Fideicomiso Nacional por los Parques y está diseñada para conectar a los niños y las familias con los parques y terrenos públicos locales, estatales y nacionales ¡Acompáñenos por la mañana y diviértase y aprenda sobre Victory Park!
• Recorra el parque
• Visitas guiadas
• Aprenda sobre las plantas nativas y la historia del parque
• Actividades deportivas
• Palomitas de maíz gratis
• Remonte de barriletes
CHICAGO –With Chicago as its canvas, E(art)H Chicago, pronounced Earth Art Chicago, launches with 12 artworks and a series of events running June 3-17. The initiative features the work of artists with a mission to create, in neighborhoods across the city, impactful public art projects that will raise awareness, nurture urgency and hope, and inspire action on climate change and environmental justice The artists and community organizations collectively received nearly $700,000 in grants to create the artworks Illinois Gov J B Pritzker, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle serve as honorary co-chairs of the project
“Projects like the E(art)H Chicago initiative exhibits are precisely why we invest in arts funding – it is essential as we continue to invest in our communities and build a city and state that reflects the beauty and passion of the people in it,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Illinois recognizes the power of art to convey important messages, and we are proud to showcase the work of these talented artists who are driving conversations and action on climate change and environmental justice.”
The E(art)H Chicago artworks feature a wide range of visual and conceptual art forms, including sculptures, murals, live performances, film screenings and more The artworks will be strategically placed across multiple Chicago neighborhoods and downtown, aiming to engage and inspire people across the city, while centering the voices of those often underrepresented in climate conversations. Each of the artworks, except the performing arts events, will remain available beyond the opening week events. Some of the highly anticipated opening week events, all free except where noted, include:
• Plant-tastic: Saturday, June 3, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Back of the Yards - Sherman Park)
• In the Grove: a Filament Theatre Original Trail Tale: Saturdays, June 3, 10 & 17, 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.(Southeast Side, Egger’s Grove)
• Rio de Bienvenida / River of Welcome Launch Event: Saturday, June 3, 1 p m - 4 p m (Canalport Riverwalk Park, 2900 S Ashland Ave )
• Redemptive Plastics Progressive Opening Event: Saturday, June 3, 3 p m - 5 p m (Austin - Multiple locations)
• House of Kapwa Opening Ceremony: Saturday, June 3, 3 p m - 6 p m (Burnham Park, near 41st Pedestrian Bridge and Oakwood Beach)
• The Hills: Documentary Film Screening: Thursday, June 8, 8:30 - 9:30pm (Outdoor screening at Calumet Park)
• Rest.Rise.Move.Nourish.Heal: Live
Dance Performance: Thursday, Friday & Saturday, June 8, 9 & 10, 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. (Art on the Farm - Grant Park), fee charged, sliding scale tickets available
• Triangle Garden Party: Saturday, June 10, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. (McKinley Park Community Garden)
• Little Village Dreams: Community Mural Painting + Celebration: Saturday, June 10, 1 p m - 5 p m (Semillas de Justicia Garden, Little Village)
• Southeast Environmental Task Force: Block Party: Saturday, June 17, 11 a m - 4 p m (Hegewisch, 13300 S Baltimore Ave)
In addition to the artworks and community events, a virtual gallery on the E(art)H Chicago website, will feature digital representations of the artworks and provide access to the exhibits for those who are unable to visit in person.
Artists and not-for-profit organizations were invited to apply for the E(art)H Chicago grant program in 2022, the parameters of which were determined through a citywide co-creation process in 2021 with more than 100 Chicagoans of a wide variety of backgrounds and ages, including artists, environmentalists, community leaders, youth leaders, policy makers and organizers Grant applicants were urged to have a relationship with the community where the artwork would be developed and displayed to ensure
a local voice.
“There is no better time to turn climate and environmental despair into hope. We’re excited to support artists to inspire us to exercise hope in the face of an emergency, ” said Uzma Noormohamed, Program Director, Illinois Science and Energy Innovation Foundation “Through this program, Chicagoans will join their neighbors to experience free public art and events that will build community, inspire action, and challenge the dominant climate narrative of despair”
Eight of the twelve artworks are located in Chicago Park District parks, enabling Chicagoans to connect with nature and art in their local communities Most E(art)H Chicago artworks are located in areas lacking public art and in communities facing environmental injustice.
The E(art)H Chicago physical artworks will all be on display starting June 3rd for a period of 1 year or more, depending on the artwork. Admission to all the exhibits and events will be offered for free and are open to the public. Some live performances do charge a fee on a sliding scale. For more information about E(art)H Chicago, including a map of exhibit locations and a schedule of events, please visit the official website at https://earthartchicago org/
“E(art)H Chicago has provided me with a unique platform to explore our relationship with the earth as our shared home,” said art-
ist Leonard Suryajaya. “Through my exhibit entitled “Homebound,” I’ve been able to delve into the interconnectedness of nature, culture and humanity and raise awareness about the urgent need for environmental justice. The E(art)H initiative has been instrumental in amplifying the voices of artists who are passionate about environmental justice. I’m grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this important conversation through my art”
The Illinois Science and Energy Innovation Foundation (ISEIF) was created to inform and engage Illinois consumers in the transformation to a digital electric grid ISEIF accomplishes this through funding innovative education, outreach, and research projects to increase energy literacy. For more information, please go to:
E(art)H Chicago is a citywide community-based art initiative to raise awareness, create dialogue, and inspire action on climate change, natural resource use, and environmental justice. The program aims to highlight communities and artists innovating around these critical issues by engaging residents in Chicago neighborhoods, while centering voices typically left out of the climate conversation For more information, please go to: https://earthartchicago org
Data show there are large racial and ethnic disparities in stroke outcomes
Despite research highlighting the issue, there is still a need for well-designed studies and effective interventions
Significant racial and ethnic inequities persist in all aspects of stroke care, yet interventions that adequately address social determinants of health and other related factors are lacking, according to a new scientific statement
“There are enormous inequities in stroke care, which lead to significant gaps in functional outcomes after stroke for people from historically disenfranchised racial and ethnic groups, including Black, Hispanic and Indigenous peoples,”Amytis Towfighi, MD, FAHA, associate professor of neurology (clinical scholar) at Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, director of neurological services and innovation for Los Angeles County Department of Health Services and associate chief medical officer and chair of the neurology department at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in Downey, California, said in a press release “While research has historically focused on describing these inequities, it is critical to develop and test interventions and address them” In the statement, Towfighi and colleagues summarized trials of interventions
addressing racial and ethnic inequities in stroke care and outcomes and conducted a literature review to identify gaps and areas for future research The researchers noted that some studies assessed interventions aimed at reducing inequities in prehospital, acute care, transitions in care and poststroke risk factor control; however, few addressed inequities in rehabilitation, recovery and social reintegration Most studies, they noted, addressed medication adherence, health literacy and health behaviors, without addressing social determinants of health.
“Historically disenfranchised populations are vastly underrepresented in clinical stroke trials, limiting our understanding of inequities, reducing the generalizability of findings and exacerbating inequities,” the researchers wrote. “Most trials do not have systems in place to ensure retention of historically disenfranchised populations in clinical trials, and rarely do they evaluate implementation to determine if there is differential implementation of protocols by patient subpopulation To address health inequities, it is critical to ensure equitable participation in research and to develop and implement best practices to ensure engagement and retention” Amytis Towfighi, says
The researchers also noted that several stroke studies did not reach their prima-
ry prespecified endpoints but showed improvements in key secondary endpoints, such as control of other vascular risk factors, self-management and patient experience. Rejecting such studies as “failures” could be a disservice to the field, they wrote.
“Whenever possible, equity should be considered as an a priori endpoint,” the researchers wrote.
In addition to risk-based interventions, population-based interventions on a wider scale could also impact stroke inequities.
These include use of a polypill to reduce CV inequities, food regulations around salt and sugar, environmental-level interventions to address access to nutritious affordable food, neighborhood-level interventions to address safety, and physical activity.
“Health care professionals need to think outside the ‘stroke box’; sustainable, effective interventions to address inequities will likely require collaboration with patients, their communities, policymakers and other sectors,” Towfighi said in the release.
ARLINGTON, VA Two surveys of women ages 25 and older, commissioned by the National Council on Aging (NCOA) and Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER), find that half of American women are struggling financially today, making it very difficult to plan for a secure retirement Across demographic and party lines, women express strong bipartisan support for federal policy solutions that could help
What Women Say™: Insights and Policy Solutions for Lifelong Financial Security asked women what they think about their financial situation now and how they feel about their future retirement. The two online surveys conducted by the bipartisan team of Public Opinion Strategies and Lake Research Partners also explored women ’ s support for 13 potential policy solutions.
“It’s sobering to see such widespread financial insecurity among women in America,” said Ramsey Alwin, NCOA President and CEO “We know that a woman ’ s ability to age well starts early not just when she retires If women of all ages are finding it difficult to stay afloat today, their chances of aging with security are dim”
“Women are relying on bedrock programs like Social Security when it comes to their future,” said Cindy Hounsell, WISER President. “We must protect and improve these programs to ensure they are financially prepared for a longer retirement.”
Women in the surveys were candid about their fears and concerns when it comes to their financial security.
Just over half of women ages 25 and older said they do not consider themselves financially secure, and 77% of low-income women said the same
Top concerns are the cost of housing, Social Security and Medicare being cut, not having enough savings to retire, and outliving savings in retirement
Nearly half reported not having an employer-sponsored retirement plan.
Three in four low-income women by ethnicity reported having no emergency savings.
Nearly two-thirds of low-income women said they are not confident that they have the information they need to be able to plan and save for retirement.
Most women said they are “worried” and “uncertain” when thinking about retirement, and a third of low-income women are “terrified”
“When asked why they do not feel finan-
Just over half of American women ages 25 and older say they do not consider themselves financially secure, and 77% of low-income women say the same
Nearly half of women report not having an employer-sponsored retirement plan.
90% of women express support for 8 of 13 potential policy solutions. All 13 potential policy solutions received strong bipartisan support
cially secure, women told us they do not have enough savings, inflation has caused a lot of pain to their wallets, and they have debt,” said Bill McInturff, Partner at Public Opinion Strategies “Living paycheck to paycheck means that if an emergency were to occur, they would be wiped out financially”
The survey also asked women to express their level of support for 13 potential policy solutions that could help 90% of women supported eight of the solutions. These include:
Make the cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security benefits more accurately reflect the cost of housing and health care (94% total support)
Provide a tax break to family caregivers to help cover out-of-pocket costs of providing care to a seriously ill, disabled, or elderly loved one (94% total support)
Raise the minimum Social Security benefit to above the federal poverty level (92% total support)
Improve access to the Supplemental Social Security Income program, which provides monthly benefits to people with limited income and resources who are disabled, blind, or age 65 and older (92% total support)
Provide free educational programs to middle-aged and older adults on how to save for retirement and make the most of their Social Security benefits (91% total support)
Create a new government-provided retirement plan that would allow workers whose employers do not currently provide a retirement plan to set-aside their savings tax-free
until they retire and start withdrawing funds from the account (91% total support)
Provide government assistance to lower income older adults to help pay for basic needs, such as food, housing, and transportation (90% total support)
Create a new government program that provides up to 12 weeks of paid leave to workers who need to leave work to care for a seriously ill family member (90% total support)
“In an era of divided politics, the level of bipartisan support for these policies is quite notable,” said Celinda Lake, President, Lake Research Partners “It speaks to the real challenges facing women across the country and the support they need and want.”
This research was conducted online by Public Opinion Strategies and Lake Research Partners. The first survey was conducted February 10-21, 2023 among women ages 25 and older and collected 1,000 responses. The second survey was conducted March 27-April 5, 2023 among low-income women ages 25 and older and collected at least 200 responses each from white, Black, and Latina women Both surveys asked respondents to identify if they were Republican, Independent, or Democrat “Low-income” was defined as an individual with $25,000
in income per year ($50,000 for two or more people in a household) and retirement savings of $5,000 or less.
The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is the national voice for every person ’ s right to age well. We believe that how we age should not be determined by gender, color, sexuality, income, or ZIP code Working with thousands of national and local partners, we provide resources, tools, best practices, and advocacy to ensure every person can age with health and financial security Founded in 1950, we are the oldest national organization focused on older adults Learn more at www ncoa org and @NCOAging
WISER is a nonprofit organization that works to help women, educators, and policymakers understand the important issues surrounding women ’ s retirement income. As the only organization to focus exclusively on the unique financial challenges that women face, WISER supports women ’ s opportunities to secure adequate retirement income through research, programs, and partnerships WISER has also been the driving force behind a series of state and local events on long-term financial security aimed at leveling the playing field for women Learn more at wwwwiserwomen org
Carolina Pikacho
Fronteras de la Notiica -
El sargazo es una macroalga color marrón que se encuentra en la superficie marina y es arrastrada por las corrientes del océano Atlántico a las playas de El Caribe En los años recientes, un mayor volumen de sargazo arribó a las costas de Quintana Roo El sargazo está formado por especies pelágicas que tienen su ciclo de vida en la columna de agua No está reportado que tengan reproducción sexual, son especies clonales y por eso se reproducen aceleradamente.
Ahora se ha creado un nuevo material de construcción está comenzando a producirse en México y promete, además de ahorros de hasta 30% y alta resistencia y durabilidad, contribuir con el medio ambiente.
Para hacer frente a esta situación, emprendedores y empresarios de la Riviera, con el impulso del gobierno, han buscado proyectos alternativos para
este material orgánico para elaborar casas a bajo costo.
Este recurso natural ofrece múltiples ventajas, desde un consumo menor de energía en su producción, un precio accesible, hasta mayor durabilidad y resistencia.
Pruebas de laboratorio realizadas por la Secretaría de Ecología y Medio Ambiente de Quintana Roo avalan que los ladrillos hechos con sargazo alcanzan hasta 120 años de vida útil Entre otros beneficios, este material orgánico mejora la acústica, posee características térmicas y es 100% biodegradable ya que está elaborado 60% con sargazo, 40% con otra materia orgánica, y su fórmula está libre de cemento o pegamento. Cada ladrillo tiene un costo aproximado en el mercado de 10 pesos, 30% por debajo de los 12 o 12.70 pesos de los ladrillos convencionales de cemento.
La producción industrial de este nuevo material elaborado con sargazo está aún en sus etapas iniciales
Por lo pronto, el único productor reconocido es el emprendedor Omar Vázquez Sánchez, quien comenzó haciendo composta con el alga para luego fabricar bloques y tabiques artesanales para construcción.
Su meta es abastecer al mercado de la construcción en la Península de Yucatán y ofrecer este material alternativo para la construcción de desarrollos inmobiliarios de la zona.
De hecho, el complejo de alta gama Adora en Tulum, Quintana Roo hizo uso de bloques de sargazo en sus bardas perimetrales y en la construcción de temazcales y otras áreas recreativas del desarrollo.
aprovechar su uso y uno de ellos se encontró en la construcción.
De acuerdo con declaraciones de Ricardo Lambretón López-Ostolaza, especialista en la industria de la construcción, el sargazo se ha convertido en un negocio sustentable para este sector, que aprovecha
Es así que la construcción con sargazo tiene un gran potencial de desarrollo. Varios empresarios de la construcción ya están explorando otras fórmulas que incluyen resinas para darle la consistencia necesaria para diferentes ramos de construcción; por ejemplo, la elaboración de durmientes para proyectos de infraestructura ferroviaria, entre otros.
Por Gerardo Anaya
Fronteras de la Noticia -
Cristiano Ronaldo cerró la semana de forma espectacular, no solo como uno de los deportistas mejores pagados en el mundo, sino que además es ahora la cara visible de una joyería
El futbolista del Al-Nassr, sigue haciendo que sus cuentas de banco tengan un aumento importante luego de convertirse en la imagen de la joyería Jacob & Co que tiene su sede en Arabia Saudita.
Jacob & Co. invitó a su boutique a Cristiano Ronaldo y lo recibió con un lujoso reloj personalizado en donde puede verse un balón dorado.
Pero eso no es todo, además se pueden ver las iniciales del portugués: CR7. El cinco veces mundialista lo compartió
en sus redes sociales algunas imágenes. El reloj forma parte de una colección de tres, por lo que por ahora solo pudo mostrar el primero de esta joyería que lleva el nombre de ‘Heart of CR7, que Jacob & Co catalogó de ser un diseño exquisito con precisión inigualable
Esta no es la primera vez que la imagen de Cristiano Ronaldo es utilizada por marcas de prestigio pues desde sus años como futbolista del Manchester United, fue imagen de diversas campañas de publicidad. Aunque por otro lado, su presente futbolístico sea bastante complicado, con el Al-Nassr a cinco puntos del líder en Arabia Saudita y recientemente eliminado de la Copa del Rey y haciendo gestos obscenos a la tribuna
Shakira se volvió viral tras haber sido vista junto a Tom Cruise. El hecho causó aún más revuelo en redes cuando una fuente anónima aseguró que el actor “está extremadamente interesado en perseguirla”. Incluso, le habría mandado flores a su nueva residencia en la capital de Florida.
Desde que la cantante colombiana terminó su relación con Gerard Piqué, se le ha relacionado con varios hombres, sin embargo, las afirmaciones de esta fuente y las diversas imágenes que llegaron a circular, ponían al protagonista de Top Gun como su pretendiente más “seguro”. No obstante, todo parece indicar que el codiciado actor tendrá que buscar el amor en otro lado.
Así como una fuente anónima fue la que le compartió la información del flechazo de Tom por Shakira al medio Page Six, otra hizo lo propio con USA Today para asegurar que Shakira no está interesada en Cruise ni en nadie por el momento, lo cual tiene sentido tomando en cuenta que su relación con Piqué duró 12 años y terminó de una manera muy complicada para la intérprete de Hips
Don’t Lie
Considerando las palabras de la fuente, no se descartaría la posibilidad de que, en otro momento, la relación pueda florecer No obstante, muchos medios y usuarios consideran que las declaraciones no son del todo ciertas, e incluso, Shakira tiene los ojos puestos en otro personaje: Lewis Hamilton.
Shakira fue vista en un restaurante junto a varios amigos y el renombrado piloto de Mercedez Benz. Esto no confirmaría más que una amistad entre ambas figuras, sin embargo, nuevas imágenes de Shakira y Hamilton han revivido los rumores de su romance
La pareja fue vista disfrutando el sol en una embarcación. Shakira usaba un conjunto color lila y su cabello suelto mientras que el piloto fue visto con una playera negra sin mangas, gafas de sol, gorra y shorts a cuadros. En las imágenes que fueron compartidas por el medio The Sun, Hamilton ayudó a Shakira a entrar en el barco y se les vio compartiendo varias risas
En redes, muchos apuestan por Hamilton para quedarse con el corazón de la cantante por un hecho muy particular: al igual que Piqué, es menor que Shakira Gerard Piqué tiene 36 años, Lewis Hamilton 38 años y Shakira 46 años, ¿logrará convertirse en un punto a su favor?
Por el contrario, Cruise ha sido muy criticado por los fans de Shakira, incluso exigiéndole que se aleje de ella y argumentando que la colombiana “puede encontrarse algo mejor” Si bien, no existe una razón aparente por la que tantos fanáticos de Shakira se han pronunciado contra su posible relación con Tom Cruise, se especula que podría ser por su edad (60 años) y su fama de mujeriego.
Carlos Morales, Fronteras de la Noticia -
Parece que fue ayer cuando conocimos a Dominic Toretto, Brian O'Conner y el resto de la familia 'Fast & Furious', pero ya han pasado poco más de veinte años desde que nos embarcamos en una de las franquicias más demenciales, divertidas y con menos respeto por las leyes de la física de la historia, que encontrará en la futura 'Fast X' su punto y final tras diez largometrajes o mejor dicho, once, ya que se estrenará dividida en dos partes. Finalmente, tras los reajustes necesarios, y después de que su rodaje arrancase el pasado mes de enero, la décima 'Fast & Furious' y primera de las dos entregas en las que se dividirá el final llegará a nuestras salas de cine el próximo 19 de mayo de 2023, después de un ligero reajuste respecto a su fecha anterior, fijada el 7 de abril Pero ojo, porque, como siempre, esto está sujeto a cambios de última hora
Como suele ocurrir en este tipo de franquicias, el reparto de 'Fast X' será una combinación de caras conocidas y nuevos rostros Entre las primeras, podemos esperar el regreso, obviamente, de Vin Diesel, a quien se unirán Jason Statham, Michelle Rodríguez, Ludacris, Jordana Brewster, Nathalie Emmanuel, Sung Kang, Charlize Theron, Tyrese Gibson, Helen Mirren, Cardi B y John Cena, que re-
petirá como el hermano de Dominic Toretto, Jakob.
Entre los nuevos fichajes, por el momento, destacan los nombres de Jason Momoa, que interpretará al villano de la función puede que no el único , a Daniela Melchior que nos enamoró en 'El escuadrón suicida' con su Ratcatcher 2 en un rol aún por determinar, y a Brie Larson, la estrella de 'Capitana Marvel', que según Vin Diesel dará vida a un personaje "atemporal y asombroso" que añadirá algo a la saga que los fans tal vez no esperan, pero que sí ansían Además, se ha incorporado la mítica Rita Moreno para dar vida a la abuela de Dom Toretto.
A quien sí echaremos de menos es a Dwayne Johnson, cuyo feudo personal con Vin Diesel ha dado como resultado una ruptura irreconciliable que impedirá que veamos por última vez a su carismático Luke Hobbs en pantalla. Durante numerosas misiones más que imposibles, Dom Toretto y su familia han sido capaces de ser más listos, de tener más valor y de ir más rápido que cualquier enemigo que se cruzara con ellos Pero ahora tendrán que enfrentarse al oponente más letal que jamás hayan conocido: Un terrible peligro que resurge del pasado, que se mueve por una sangrienta sed de venganza y que está dispuesto a destrozar a la familia y destruir para siempre todo lo que a Dom le importa
Vida cotidiana es un álbum de Juanes que cuenta con Amores prohibidos como primer avance, la historia de dos amantes separados por la pandemia por la Covid-19. Dan continuidad Gris, un examen melancólico e introspectivo de las dificultades que enfrenta un matrimonio por causa de la cuarentena; Ojalá, sobre un encuentro casual y una chispa instantánea con un extraño; y Veneno, sobre una relación tóxica del pasado.
El disco combina un regreso general a la guitarra eléctrica con una inmersión profunda en la aclamada pasión compositora del artista, que durante la pandemia orientó su atención hacia el interior para reexaminar la vida, el amor, la familia y más de sus propias complejidades emocionales e imaginación. Tanto Juanes, como su productor y cercano colaborador Sebastian Krys, sienten que este período de escritura y grabación representa otro nuevo pináculo creativo para el artista colombiano.
House of Brides Couture currently has full & part time positions for a Seamstress at our stores in Schaumburg, Lombard & Orland Park Top wages & flexible hours from 8am - 8pm 7 days a week!
Job Description:
Fit wedding & special occasion apparel on customers to determine the required alterations Sew garments using hand sewing & commercial grade machines
Bilingual applicants are a plus Already working? We will pay $2 00 more than your current hourly wage!
Apply in person at our locations:
Schaumburg: 607 East Golf Road Lombard: 600 East Roosevelt Road Orland Park: 16100 South LaGrange Road
January 11, 2023 (Chicago, IL) – As we start the beginning of 2023, Casa Central is currently offering several openings in its agency for those seeking new career opportunities in the new year
From Home Care Aides for its Home Care Services program to Class C Drivers for transportation services as well as office staff positions, Casa Central is seeking candidates to support the organization’s mission to transform lives and strengthen communities. The agency is also searching for talent to support various functions ranging from fundraising efforts to marketing and communications including a Director of Advancement, Grant Manager, Marketing and Communications Manager, and more.
Casa Central is looking for candidates that have a passion for inspiring positive change, providing quality service, and responsiveness towards others’ needs. The organization provides effective, evidence-based programs with a 97% satisfaction rating by participants and 94% of them feel their life has improved.
Since 1954, Casa Central has been a pivotal social services organization in the Midwest, serving the Latino community with programs that empower thousands of individuals to achieve a sustainable, higher quality of life in the Chicago Metropolitan area. The organization is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA), Guidestar Gold rated, 100 Point Charity Navigator rating, and has received numerous honors from prestigious organizations like the ExceleRate Illinois Awards of Excellence for its youth programming. For those interested in working at Casa Central, candidates can apply online at or contact us at and 773 645 2370. Bilingual (Spanish/English) individuals are highly encouraged to apply.
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Village of Deer Park Planning and Zoning Commission on June 5, 2023 at 7:00 p m at the Vehe Barn, 23570 West Cuba Road, Deer Park, IL 60010 to consider a compressive amendment to the Village of Deer Park Zoning Code Chapter 158, Zoning Code to include code related to Electric Vehicle(s) (EV)
The public is invited to attend, and an opportunity will be given to address the Petitioner and members of the Planning and Zoning Commission during the Public Comment
Any comments received during the hearing but after the public commentary portion has ended will be provided to the Planning and Zoning Members after the meeting Copies of the proposed text amendment and petition are available for public inspection at the Village Hall during regular business hours Kimberly Kelly Village Clerk, Village of Deer Park
Published in Daily Herald May 19, 2023 (4600255)
Case No 22 ED 14 Condemnation Parcel 1NA0010TE Job No R-91-005-17 PUBLICATION NOTICE
The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given to you, UNKNOWN OWNERS and NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants in the above-entitled suit, that the above-named Plaintiff has filed its Complaint in said Court in the Law Division thereof, for condemnation pursuant to the eminent domain laws of the State of Illinois, of the lands and premises described in the Complaint situated in Lake County, State of Illinois, to wit: EXHIBIT A
Route: Sheridan Road
Section: at Lake Cook Road County: Lake
Job No :R-91-005-17
Parcel No : 1NA0010TE
Station: 125+22 95 to 127+07 00 P I N 16-25-404-044
Illinois (“Subject
Property”) Property Index Number: 14-01-427-003
The Subject Property is legally described as follows:
The address of the Applicant is 1877 West Downer Place, Aurora, IL 60134 The Applicant’s phone number is (630)
301-5000 Applications have been filed by the petitioner and are known as Petition #23-02 The application for Special Use is on file at the office of the North Aurora Community Development Department and is available for public inspection Public comments will be taken at the public hearing Further information is available by contacting the Community Development Department at 630-897-1457 DATED: This 28th day of April, 2023 /s/ Mike Toth Community and Economic Development Director Published in Daily Herald May 19, 2023 (4599431)
DuPage County Administrative Adjudication Program County of DuPage, Petitioner v Green Mountain Holdings (Cayman) LTD, Respondent
That part of Lot 4 In Ravine View Subdivision, according to the plat thereof recorded July 24, 1978 as document 1933132, in the Southeast Quarter of Section 25, Township 43 North, Range 12 East of Third Principal Meridian, In Lake County, Illinois bearings and distances based on the Illinois State Plane Coordinate System, NAD '83 (2011), East Zone, with a combined factor of 0 99997688, described as follows:
Beginning at the most southerly comer of said Lot 4: thence North 48 degrees 59 minutes 08 seconds West along the southerly line of said Lot 4, a distance of 69 57 feet: thence North 03 degrees 55 minutes 15 seconds West, 25 37 feet; thence North 18 degrees 41 minutes 10 seconds East 107,21 feet to the easterly line of said lot 4, being a point on a 540 70 foot radius curve concave southwesterly; thence southeasterly 152 71 feet along said curve and easterly line through a central angle of 16 degrees 11 minutes 18 seconds, the chord of said curve bears South 07 degrees 34 minutes 40 seconds East, 152 26 feet; thence South 00 degrees 30 minutes 59 seconds West along said easterly line, 21 60 feet to the Point of Beginning
Said parcel containing 0 123 acre, more or less Summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law and said suit is now pending The said Complaint is for the ascertainment of the just compensation to be paid to the Owner, Owners, Interested Parties, or Unknown Owners and Non-Record Claimants for the temporary easement to the above-described real property described in Exhibit A sought to be acquired for the purpose of a public highway Now, therefore, unless you, the said UNKNOWN OWNERS and NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS , file your appearance in the said suit in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lake County, Law Division, Lake County Judicial Center, 18 N County Street, Waukegan, Illinois 60085 on or before July 18, 2023 an order of default may be entered against you at any time after that day and Judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint Dated, at Waukegan, Illinois May 9, 2023 /s/ Erin Cartwright Weinstein, Clerk of the Circuit Court Kwame Raoul, Attorney General, and Mark A Locascio, Special Assistant Attorney General, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 1157 Church Street, Suite 2307, Northbrook, IL 60065 (847) 480-3000 Atty No 6185784
Published in Daily Herald May 19, 26, June 2, 2023 (4600003)
County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois 60187, Room 3500-A on August 10, 2023 at 1:00 pm or as soon thereafter as this case may be heard, for an adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the violations of the DuPage County Building and Zoning Codes THE HEARING OFFICER HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS PROCEEDING TO ASSESS FINES of up to one thousand dollars ($1000 00), plus additional costs, per day, or per week, for each day a violation remains uncorrected, which fines and costs may be assessed in addition to other remedies at law including enjoining further violations and ordering you to cease, correct, repair, abate or otherwise remedy the offending condition Be advised a hearing fee of $100 (one hundred dollars) is due on the date of your hearing YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BOTH THE PAYMENT OF THE FINES AND FEES AND ANY REMEDIAL ACTION THE HEARING OFFICER MAY ORDER TO ABATE THE VIOLATIONS ON THE ABOVE
UNLESS YOU APPEAR, YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY FURTHER WRITTEN NOTICE OR PUBLICATION OF THE NOTICES OF THE PROCEEDINGS IN THIS CASE TAKE NOTICE that you may present evidence and show cause a violation did not occur by attending the hearing at the time and place noted above Failure to appear at the hearing on the date indicated may result in a determination of liability for the cited violation and the imposition of fines and costs as provided by the applicable County Ordinance Upon a determination of liability and the exhaustion of or failure to exhaust procedure for judicial review, any unpaid fines or costs imposed will constitute a debt due and owed to DuPage County UNLESS YOU APPEAR AT THE HEARING, THE HEARING OFFICER MAY HOLD YOU IN DEFAULT AND ASSESS ANY FINES OR PENALTIES PROVIDED FOR BY LAW, INCLUDING ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF JUDGMENT AGAINST YOU WHICH MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND ANY
PROPERTY YOU MAY OWN IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS Published in Daily Herald May 19, 26, Jun 2, 2023 (4600124)
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City of Elgin Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on the following zoning application:
No 14-23
By the Development Administrator of the City of Elgin, as Applicant, to amend Title 19 “Zoning” of the Elgin Municipal Code to establish a definition and supplementary regulations for brew pubs and to add brew pubs to the list of permitted land uses in certain business zoning districts
The current application for the above-described development is available for review at the Community Development Department, 150 Dexter Court, Elgin, IL 60120 and online at: www cityofelgin org/publichearings
Said application and the associated plans on file with the Community Development Department and online are subject to change during the administrative and city council review process
The public hearing will be held on Monday, June 5, 2023 at 7:00 p m in the City Council Chambers, Second Floor, North Tower, Elgin Municipal Building, 150 Dexter Court, Elgin, IL 60120 At that time, any interested persons may appear in person, by writing, by agent, or by attorney and present any testimony they may have pertaining to the granting or denying of this petition
Please direct all inquiries to the following person at the Community Development Department, City of Elgin: Damir Latinovic at (847) 931-5943
The City of Elgin is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the facilities, are requested to contact the ADA Coordinator at (847) 931-5620 {tdd (847) 931-5616} promptly to allow the City of Elgin to make reasonable accommodations for those persons Published in Daily Herald May 19, 2023 (4600208)
Lunes–Viernes: 9 AM – 6 PM
Sábado–Domingo: 10 AM – 2 PM
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