The Docket - April 2022

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BALANCES OF LCBF ACCOUNTS: Treasurer Perry Smith reported that there was a total of $136,259.38 in our Operating Account. Our IN ATTENDANCE Building Fund Account BY ZOOM: shows a balance of Joann Fratianni $94,714.54. We still have an Nandia Black outstanding balance on our Douglas Dorando loan from Lake Forest Bank Hon. Fred Foreman (Ret.) and Trust of $260,629.95. Shyama Parikh There are still some Hon. Henry “Skip” outstanding pledge amounts Tongan (Ret.) for our building fund that Amy Lonergan are yet to be collected. Joe McHugh Scott Gibson B. WARRANT/APPROVAL John Quinn, Sr. OF EXPENSES PAID: Melanie Rummel The Warrants for Expenses Kristie Fingerhut for January, 2022 were Rick Lesser presented for approval. Katharine HatchKeith Grant Motion to approve the Jeffrey Berman expenses made by Jeff Berman and seconded by IN ATTENDANCE Skip Tongan. Motion carried BY PHONE: with Melanie Rummel, David Gordon Amy Lonergan, and Kristie Perry Smith Fingerhut abstaining. Eric Reinhart IV. CONTINUING ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: BUSINESS: Greg Weider, Executive A. FUNDRAISING Director, LCBA, LCBF. SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING: I. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order 1. READ ACROSS by President Douglas AMERICA-POSSIBLE Dorando at 5:04 p.m. FOUNDATION CONTRIBUTION: II. APPROVAL OF The 19th Circuit Court, MINUTES: AWALC, The Community The Minutes of January Outreach Committee and 18, 2022 were presented United Way are going to for approval. Motion to donate to support Read approve the minutes was Across America Day which made by Amy Lonergan and will take place on March 2, seconded by Joe McHugh. 2022. One of the Benefactors Motion carried. is North Elementary School. Motion made by Joe III. TREASURER’S McHugh and seconded REPORT: by Perry Smith for the A. STATUS AND Foundation to donate


The Docket

$1,000 to this cause. Motion carried. 2. SPRING EVENT: A discussion was had about the possibility of a April, May or June in-person event. Some of the venues discussed were Lambs Farms or Temple Farms. 3. CABO RAFFLE: We still have a week at the Condo in Cabo to give away. We will need to think of a way to raffle off the Condo at some future event. 4. INSTALLATION RAFFLE: The LCBA is in the process of planning its Installation Dinner. There has been a discussion of doing a joint 50/50 raffle with the LCBA and LCBF. There was also a discussion of a raffle for four prizes which could include other items such as sports tickets. 5. GRANT AWARDS PROCESS: The LCBF Board needs to determine how to distribute our Shakespeare fundraising event and our funds from the dues checkoff collection. Some of the suggestions include Teen Court, Casa and A Safe Place. Motion made by Amy Lonergan and seconded by Rick Lesser to have Greg Weider reach out to charities that align with our by-laws and secure interest for these donors. Motion carried. B. BUILDING: 1. RATIFY EMAIL VOTE FOR CHICAGO WORKERS COALITION/

COST SHARING: Motion to approve the cost sharing agreement between the LCBF and the Chicago Workers Coalition was made by Amy Lonergan and seconded by Nandia Black. Motion carried. 2. BUILDING COMMITTEE UPDATE: An evaluation of the building expenses needs to be discussed by the Board. V. NEW BUSINESS: A. PREVIOUS CABO CONDO WINNER: Motion was made by Rick Lesser and seconded by Skip Tonigan to grant the previous winner, Jessica Weiner, the use of the Condo in Cabo as it was not used due to the Covid epidemic. Motion carried with Kristie Fingerhut abstaining. B. CY PRES AWARDKROLL SETTLEMENT ADMINISTRATION: The LCBF has been contacted by the Kroll Settlement Administrator that we need to return $3,960.22 to them. Motion to return these funds was made Amy Lonergan and seconded by Joe McHugh. Motion carried. VI. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to Adjourn was made by Amy Lonergan and seconded by Shyama Parikh. Motion carried and the Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joann M. Fratianni Secretary

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