Moore OK Community Profile and Resource Guide

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794-MEEK (6335)

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Letter From The Mayor......................................6 Letter From The Chairman...............................6 Chamber Events....................................................8 Chamber Connection........................................10 History...................................................................... 18 Newcomer Information...................................20 Community............................................................ 22 Business.................................................................. 28 Education...............................................................34 Health Care...........................................................42 Giving.......................................................................48 Recreation............................................................. 52 Dining, Lodging and Entertainment.........54 Alphabetical Membership Directory......... 58 Categorical Membership Directory........... 76 Contact Membership Directory................ 100

This is a Town Square Publication created and produced for the Moore Chamber of Commerce 305 W. Main Moore, OK 73160 Phone: (405) 794-3400 • Fax: (405) 794-8555 CopyrightŠ 2019 Town Square Publications 155 E. Algonquin Rd., Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication. The Chamber and Town Square assume no responsibility for misinformation. Please contact the Chamber with any additions or corrections. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission of the Chamber and Town Square is prohibited. Chairman, CEO and Publisher | Douglas K. Ray President and Chief Operating Officer | Scott Stone Vice President / Director | Scott Ray Production Manager | Joseph Nugara Editor | Gail Gaboda Client Liaison and Content Senior Project Coordinator | Stefanie Nugara Content Coordinator | Olivia Scordato Graphic Designer | Darren Hinerman Lead Sales Coordinator | Tiffany Hogan Ad Production Coordinator | Robin Frederick Directory Coordinator | Michael Sumrak Contributing Photos | Nena McDaniel, Rob Morris Moore Monthly, Lifetouch, Kim Brown Acquisition Manager | Gerrie Cook

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Letter From The Mayor Welcome to Moore, Oklahoma! We are a proud city, currently 63,000 strong, but we believe the best is yet to come. New commercial prospects appear frequently, significant commercial growth is occurring along the Interstate 35 corridor, and the newer residential developments include larger, executive type housing and gated communities. We continue to rebuild and repair streets in our residential neighborhoods. The upcoming completion of the S. 34th St. overpass should help alleviate some of the traffic congestion on S 19th St. All of us are anxious about starting the S 4th St. underpass at the railroad tracks. The Station at Central Park has many activities for children, as well as adults. Whether participating at the gym, swimming, basketball, food trucks, or the Farmer’s Market, the whole town is proud of this facility. Our neighborhoods are enjoying the numerous parks around the city, with the splash pads, walking trails, and playgrounds. Our 4th of July fireworks in the park are outstanding and appreciated by many. Moore’s citizens are always willing to fund the police and fire departments. A new fire station is being built on NW 5th St, and we continue to purchase new equipment for both departments. Our salaries are competitive with the surrounding cities for the finest employees. Safety is important to all of us. Mayor Glenn Lewis

We are proud of all the businesses that choose to locate in Moore. The new Integris Hospital and Western Farmer’s Electric Cooperative are bringing jobs to Moore, as well as all the restaurants, retail shops, and offices. All that is possible is being done to make Moore a better place to live, work, and raise a family.

Letter From The Chairman I am often asked to describe what makes Moore successful. My answer to this question is always the same: Moore succeeds because we all work together to build and grow our great community! I am a lifelong resident, and I am always proud of the growth I see here. I am equally proud of the commitment to make Moore better that is shared by all of us. All corners of our community – education, business, city management and staff, and all our patrons – collaborate to work toward Moore’s future. It truly takes the entire fabric of our community to make Moore a great place, and our business community plays a vital role in that success. Together, we have created a “onestop-shop” city to meet all of our community’s needs.

Chairman of the Board Jeff Miles, Republic Bank & Trust

As chairman of the Moore Chamber board in 2019, I want to truly thank each of you for being a business partner in Moore. Working together, we will keep moving forward to strengthen each other in business and strengthen our community.

I want to thank the Chamber staff, our board of directors and all of you for your steadfast dedication and support as we move into 2019. The Moore community and the Chamber have big visions for future development, and I look forward to partnering with each of you as we continue our growth.

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What Is Your Chamber? The Moore Chamber of Commerce is an organization of businesses seeking to further the collective interests of the membership while advancing the community we serve. The Chamber is headed by a 17-member board of directors, as well as five ex-officio representatives from schools and the city, and are diverse to truly represent the interests of the general membership. Their role is to set policy, direct the affairs of the Chamber as well as manage the finances. The Chamber has six opportunities with committees and task forces working toward goals and issues facing the membership. Members are encouraged to participate to assist and expand their benefits by being a part of one of these groups and helping the Chamber further its mission. The

Chamber has a professional staff with combined experience of over 35 years that can assist members with many of their business needs.

Mission The Moore Chamber of Commerce mission is to promote and facilitate the growth of the business community for our members and stakeholders.

Chamber Team

President/CEO Kathy Gillette, IOM

Director of Development & Relations Kim Brown, IOM

Director of Membership Sales Carole Motley

Administrative Assistant Cheryl Patterson

Ribbon Cuttings Hosting more than 75 ribbon cutting or grand opening celebrations a year, the Chamber prides itself on getting the additional visibility for its members with these celebrations. The Chamber also has an option for home- or field-based businesses, called the Ribbon Palooza. These events, throughout the year, provide a platform for those business formats to showcase their businesses in the

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Chairman Jeff Miles

Republic Bank & Trust

Past Chairman Brent Wheelbarger Trifecta Communications

Chairman Elect Carolie Rozell

McPaul Rozell, PLLC

Treasurer Patti Morgan Eide Bailly, LLP

Secretary Tish Norman T.N,T. Print


Jeff Arvin

FNB Community Bank

John Ireland

John M. Ireland & Son Funeral Home & Chapel

Monty Strickland Realty Experts

Crystal Bennett

Jan Davis

Republic Services/Allied Waste

Tinker Federal Credit Union

Chris Manna

Jan Moran

Pioneer Library System


Paul Urquhart

Dee Ann Gay

Earlywine YMCA

First United Bank

Jake Shockley

Mike Smith

Physical Therapy Central of Moore


Richie Splitt

Norman Regional Health System


Superintendent Jane Bowen

Moore Norman Technology Center

President Dr. Tim Eaton

Randall University

City Manager Brooks Mitchell City of Moore

Superintendent Dr. Robert Romines Moore Public Schools

Vice President for Enrollment & Student Services Dr. Jeremy Thomas Oklahoma City Community College

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same manner as if they were hosting it at an office or storefront. Show your support for your fellow members by joining the Chamber and the proud business owners and representatives as they memorialize their achievements.

Making Connections Building your business by making connections is a direct line to success. People do business with those they know and at the Chamber, we provide you ample opportunities to connect with fellow businesses and potential customers as well as build your referral base. Business Before, Business After and Morning Buzz are hosted at fellow members’ businesses and allow you a casual, non-pressure way to build relationships. Networking Lunches are a more structured format for you to address the group as a whole.

Be a Part Joining the Chamber is one of the most important decisions you can make for your business. Being a part of the Chamber opens opportunities and provides access to resources that can help achieve your goals in business. There are different levels of investment to best

suit your needs and together we work to ensure you receive the benefits of Chamber membership. You are invited to come visit our office, tour the facility and

discuss options available to your business as a member of the Chamber. Can’t come by during business hours? No problem; just call and we will be there! | 13 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 13

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SPECIAL EVENTS AND INVOLVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Annual Event The Annual Event provides an evening to interact with fellow members and community leaders while enjoying an exceptional meal and the excitement of a silent and live auction. Avg. Attendance: 450

Golf Tournament The Chamber’s Annual Golf Tournament is hosted at one of our member golf clubs, Belmar Golf Club. It’s a day on the greens to network, have

fun and enjoy the company of other Chamber members. There is something for all to participate in, either on the course or during the awards luncheon. Avg. Attendance: 150

Bowling Tournament The Annual Bowling Tournament, held in February, is a great time to relax, throw some strikes and build your network. Hosted at HeyDay Entertainment, the event features a family-friendly atmosphere downstairs and a more adult-friendly atmosphere upstairs. Limited to 24 four-person teams; call today to reserve your spot. Avg. Attendance: 150

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General Membership Luncheons General Membership Luncheons provide informative presentations and expert speakers on topics of significance and trends in the business community. Avg. Attendance: 100

Military Appreciation Luncheon Hosted in May, Military Appreciation Month, gives the business community an opportunity to thank and recognize the military community for their service and business. Avg. Attendance: 100

State of the City Each July, the Chamber hosts a luncheon that gives the Moore mayor and the current leadership of Moore the opportunity to highlight the City’s accomplishments and goals for the coming year. Avg. Attendance: 100 | 15 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 15

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State of the Schools

Brain Food

Eggs n’ Issues

Hear directly from school leaders about the progress being made in Moore Public Schools as well as presentations from education leaders from Higher Education and Career Tech. Avg. Attendance: 100

The Lunch n’ Learn Series sessions are intended to provide Chamber members with opportunities for practical upto-date information and training on business topics. In addition, the series provides members, who are experts in these topics, the opportunity to make connections with other members and increase their visibility.

These legislative breakfasts are to inform the membership about local, county, state, and federal issues that may have an impact on the community or their business.

Leadership Moore The program is designed to expose emerging and existing community leaders

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to the issues that face our region while challenging and engaging participants to strengthen the community through service and leadership. The Leadership Moore program agendas bring in toplevel business, civic, and government leaders for an interactive and behind the scenes look at Moore. Class Size Maximum: 20

Moore Involved Moore Involved, the young professionals group of the Chamber, has various activities geared toward engaging the young professionals of Moore in efforts that “impact the people and businesses of Moore through lasting partnerships and selfless acts�. From philanthropy events to networking activities, there are plenty of happenings for Moore’s professionals aged 21 to young at heart to participate in!

Ambassadors The Chamber ambassadors are the red carpet committee. Active Chamber members serve as liaisons to provide outreach and support to the business community and represent and promote the Chamber in a positive and professional manner. | 17 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 17

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It Started With A Boxcar The story of the Oklahoma City metro is one of resurgence, from the days of wagons and dirt roads to a bustling Metro-plex with a newly completed street car system and home to the Oklahoma City Thunder, National Basketball team. Moore has enjoyed as well as benefited from being a part of the new life that has swept across Oklahoma’s prairies. It became official in 1893 with the help of the railroads and a railroad employee, Al Moore, who lived in a boxcar along the railroad and had difficulty receiving communications and mail. He decided to put his name on the side of the boxcar, thus establishing the railroad stop “Moore.” The postmaster continued to use Moore’s name as the identifier for the stop, and so Moore became Moore. Much of Moore’s history is rooted in the trials of being in the Dust Bowl. Historical fires have destroyed areas of town on several occasions, along with battles of being a part of the “old west” and of course natural disasters such as

drought, flood and tornadoes have taken their toll. Being a rural community did not hamper the aspirations of the settlers. Most arrived from larger areas of the east coast with little more than what they could carry in their arms and/or wagons, and settled Moore with vigor and a desire to provide for their families. Farming became the mainstay for many who first settled in Moore. Within four years of being founded, with six businesses and 20-30 homesteads, Moore residents decided to incorporate but needed to know the population. This, of course, leads to a funny story of how they came to their established population of 100, which includes counting Bud Cottrell’s jackass as a part of that population. After sitting with little growth for 70 years, in 1963, Moore began to experience a frenzy of expansion, a year after it received its city charter. Moore’s visibility improved not only because it is nestled between Oklahoma

City and Norman but also due to the completion and expansion of Interstate 35. It provided much-needed access to suburban living in Moore and commuters’ accessibility to the Oklahoma City metro. The interstate provided a new look for Moore from the meager farming community to an official suburb of Oklahoma City. Since the beginning, Moore and its citizens have proven that they are capable of standing the test of time. From small farms to large subdivisions, from businesses being spotted here and there to major strip centers full of a variety of shopping, services and dining options, Moore has been the choice for many to stay and grow with the community or to start anew. Moore is still a place where you can wave at your neighbor and have what you need to live comfortably. – Acknowledgement/ Reference: History of Moore, Oklahoma by Hugh E. Cosby | 19 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 19

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NEWCOMER INFORMATION Emergency Services .......................................... 911

MOORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 305 W Main, 73160 ...............................................(405) 794-3400 P.O. Box 6305, 73153 ......................................Fax: (405) 794-8555

CITY OF MOORE General information...............................................(405) 793-5000 Mail may be sent to city staff by addressing it to their attention at Moore City Hall, 301 N Broadway, Moore, OK 73160 Brooks Mitchell, City Manager ..............................(405) 793-5200 Stan Drake, Assistant City Manager ......................(405) 793-5200 Todd Jenson, Assistant City Manager ...................(405) 793-5200 Deidre Ebrey, Economic Development Director ....(405) 793-5224 Elizabeth Jones, Community Development Director ...........................................(405) 793-5053 Gary Bird, Fire Chief ...............................................(405) 793-5110 Jerry Stillings, Police Chief ....................................(405) 793-5138 Gayland Kitch, Emergency Management ............(405) 793-5062 Animal Welfare ......................................................(405) 793-5190 Cemeteries .............................................................(405) 793-5020 Code Enforcement..................................................(405) 793-5052 Community Center .................................................(405) 793-5090

Brand Senior Citizen Center ..................................(405) 799-3130 Fire Department (administration) .........................(405) 793-5110 Parks & Recreation ................................................(405) 793-5090 Police Department (administration) .....................(405) 793-5171 Recycle Moore........................................................(405) 793-4373 Sanitation, Streets & Drainage .............................(405) 793-5070

ELECTED OFFICIALS CITY OF MOORE Mail may be sent to city officials by addressing it to their attention and mailing to Moore City Hall, 301 N Broadway, 73160 Glenn D. Lewis, Mayor ...........................................(405) 794-4218 Danielle McKenzie, City Council/Ward 1 ...............(405) 633-3264 Adam Webb, City Council/Ward 1 .........................(405) 320-2773 Mark Hamm, City Council/Ward 2 ........................(405) 613-6200 Melissa Hunt, City Council/Ward 2 ........................(405) 370-0690 Louie Williams, City Council/Ward 3 .....................(405) 799-7825 Jason Blair, City Council/Ward 3 ............................(405) 833-7002

CLEVELAND COUNTY Mail may be sent to city officials by addressing it to their attention and mailing to Cleveland County Courthouse, 201 S Jones, Norman, 73069.

Rod Cleveland .........................................................(405) 366-0200 County Commissioner, District 1, Suite 260 ...........(405) 794-2166 Darry Stacy ..............................................................(405) 366-0200 County Commissioner, District 2, Suite 260 ...........(405) 321-3811 Harold Haralson ......................................................(405) 366-0200 County Commissioner, District 3, Ste. 260 .............(405) 872-3888 Tammy Belinson, County Clerk, Ste. 210 ...............(405) 366-0240 Marilyn Williams, District Court Clerk.....................(405) 321-6402 Douglas Warr, County Assessor, Ste. 120................(405) 366-0230 Jim Reynolds, County Treasurer, Ste. 100 ...............(405) 366-0217 Todd Gibson, County Sheriff, 128 S. Peters Ave.....................................................(405) 701-8888 Cleveland County Health Department Moore 424 S Eastern .........................................................(405) 794-1591

STATE OF OKLAHOMA Mail may be sent to state officials by addressing it to their attention and mailing to State Capitol Building, 2300 N Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, 73105. Darrell Weaver, State Senate, District 24 ..............(405) 521-5569 (ZIP code: 73160) Michael Brooks, State Senate, District 44..............(405) 521-5557 (ZIP code: 73139)

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Paul Rosino, State Senate, District 45.....................(405) 521-5618 (ZIP codes: 73160, 73170, 73173) Mark McBride, State Representative, District 53................................................................(405) 557-7346 (ZIP code: 73160) Kevin West, State Representative, District 54 ........(405) 557-7343 (ZIP code: 73139) Jon Echols, State Representative, District 90..........(405) 557-7354 (ZIP code: 73173) Chris Kannady, State Representative, District 91................................................................(405) 557-7337 (ZIP code: 73170)

UNITED STATES Senator James M. Inhofe 205 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510...........................................(202) 224-4721 302 N Independence, #104 Enid 73701..............................................................(580) 234-5105 Senator James Lankford 316 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510...........................................(202) 224-5754 1015 N Broadway Ave., #310 Oklahoma City 73102............................................(405) 231-4941 Congressman Tom Cole (District 4) 2467 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515...........................................(202) 225-6165 2424 Springer Dr., #201 Norman 73069........................................................(405) 329-6500 Congresswoman Kendra Horn (District 5) PO Box 54375 Oklahoma City 73154 ............................................(405) 896-0008

HOSPITALS/MEDICAL CENTERS Community Hospital, Oklahoma City ....................(405) 602-8100 INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center, Oklahoma City........................................................(405) 636-7000 INTEGRIS Moore...........................................................Coming Soon Norman Regional Moore........................................(405) 793-9355 Norman Regional Norman.....................................(405) 307-1000 Norman Regional Health System...........................(405) 307-1000 Norman Regional EMSSTAT....................................(405) 307-1561

LIBRARIES Moore Public Library..............................................(405) 793-5100 Southwest Oklahoma City Public Library...............(405) 979-2200


19th Street (monthly)............................................(405) 321-1400 Metro Family Magazine..........................................(405) 601-2081

Moore Trivia

POSTAL SERVICES Moore Post Office....................................................(405) 794-1733


★ Located in Northern Cleveland County ★ Suburban community to Oklahoma City ★ Fourth largest school district in the state ★ Incorporated in 1893 ★ Home of Toby Keith, country music singer-songwriter, record producer and actor ★ Home to IMAX theater (six-story screen)

Moore Public Schools.............................................(405) 735-4200 Randall University...................................................(405) 912-9458 Mid-America Christian University..........................(405) 691-3800 Moore Norman Technology Center.........................(405) 364-5763 Oklahoma City Community College.......................(405) 682-7879 Platt College............................................................(405) 912-3260 Antioch Christian Academy....................................(405) 691-8012 Academy of Classical Christian Studies..................(405) 478-2077 St. John’s Lutheran School......................................(405) 794-8686

SENIOR SERVICES Brand Senior Center, Moore Council on Aging 501 E Main..............................................................(405) 799-3130

SOCIAL SECURITY Moore Office, 200 NE 27th.....................................(405) 799-1789 ................................................................................(866) 964-4260

GAS Oklahoma Natural Gas............................................(800) 664-5463


TELEPHONE AT&T........................................................................(800) 464-7928

Cleveland County Assessor (Property Taxes)..........(405) 366-0230 Oklahoma Tax Commission (Sales, Personal)........(405) 521-3160

WATER City of Moore Water Department Customer Service....................................................(405) 793-5032

TOURISM INFORMATION Oklahoma Department of Tourism.........................(405) 230-8300

VOTER REGISTRATION Cleveland County Election Board...........................(405) 366-0210

TRANSPORTATION EMBARK..................................................................(405) 235-7433 Senior Citizen Transportation (Moore city limits)..................................................(405) 297-2583

Oklahoma State Election Board..............................(405) 521-6457



CABLE/TELEPHONE AT&T........................................................................(800) 464-7928 Cox Communications..............................................(405) 600-8282

National Weather Service (24 hr), Norman...........(405) 325-3816 Oklahoma Department of Public Safety Road Conditions......................................................(405) 425-2385

ELECTRIC OG&E (Residential).................................................(405) 272-9741 OG&E (Business).....................................................(888) 988-9747 OEC..........................................................................(405) 321-2024

Moore Youth & Family Services..............................(405) 799-3379


Moore American (weekly)......................................(405) 360-0826 Moore Monthly (monthly).....................................(405) 793-3338 Cleveland County Lifestyle (monthly)....................(405) 541-5650

Oklahoma Trivia ★ ★ ★ ★

77 Counties in Oklahoma 69,960 square miles in state Highest point: Black Mesa in the Oklahoma Panhandle Lowest point: Little River, 289 feet above sea level

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

State flower: Oklahoma Rose State tree: Redbud State wildflower: Indian Blanket Population: 3.931 million (2017) Nickname: The Sooner State

★ ★ ★ ★

State motto: Labor omnia vincit (“work conquers all things”) State song: OKLAHOMA State bird: Scissortail flycatcher State animal: Bison/Buffalo | 21

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Let the Good Times Roll Age is only a number when it comes to things to do in Moore. With a number of special events hosted throughout the year and entertainment venues, one can experience the fun, close-knit community of Moore. Entertainment venues are calling Moore home. There is something for everyone at places like nationally recognized HeyDay Entertainment, Andy Alligator’s Fun Park, Orr Family Farm and Elevation Trampoline, as well as Urban Air, opening soon. We also are home to the Oklahoma City Metro’s premier movie theater, Warren Theaters, that also hosts IMAX screenings and director’s suites, as well as, the only fulltime professional dinner theater in the state, the Yellow Rose Dinner Theater. Even some new trends are finding that escaping to Moore is good for business, like Moore Escape Rooms. For a blast from the past, visit the EightyThree Arcade featuring arcade games from 1978 to 1986. Moore’s quality of life is consistently improving with new ways to live well.

afternoon of hunting for candy and prizefilled eggs. Hosted at Buck Thomas Park.

FARMERS MARKET – mid-April-midOctober Our community farmers market is the perfect opportunity to enjoy local farmers, food producers, artisans and local wineries. Open Thursdays and Saturdays.

SUMMER NIGHTS CONCERT SERIES – Fridays in June A great evening under the stars at Central Park Amphitheater. Bring your blankets and chairs and thirst for good music.

Community Events

EASTER EGG SCRAMBLE – March/April Children of all ages come to enjoy an

MOVIES IN THE PARK – May-August There’s something for everyone at the annual Movies in the Park at Central Park. Bring your blankets and chairs and sit back and enjoy the movie.

FOOD TRUCK FRIDAYS – mid-May Join us on Fridays for lunch at Central Park. There will be a variety of options available from Mexican, BBQ, hot dogs and hamburgers to sweets.

STORYTIME AT PARMELE PARK – Fridays in June The City of Moore and the Moore Public Library host a story time for the kids at Moore’s newest and most popular park, Parmele Park. A great time to hear stories and have fun! | 23

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DIVE IN MOVIES – June & July Take a swim and enjoy a movie at the same time at Central Park’s water park.

CELEBRATION IN THE HEARTLAND – July Annual Fourth of July celebration. Event includes car show, music, food vendors, children’s activities, inflatables, arts and crafts, closing with our fantastic fireworks show.

KID’S FISHING DERBY – July The City of Moore and Oklahoma Wildlife Department co-host the fishing derby. There will be a fishing clinic covering safety, knot tying, fish ID, fish cleaning and ethics. Bring your pole and bait. You catch it, you keep it.

DOGGIE PADDLE – September First of its kind in Moore. Our fourlegged loved ones get an evening of fun at Central Park’s water park.

BIG WHEEL NATIONALS – September The ultimate “kid’s trike” race. Businesses and organizations come together for an afternoon of fun and friendly competition. They decorate and the kids ride.

FRIDAY NIGHT BYTES – September Music and food – could there be a better combo? Add in the option of food trucks

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and enjoying all this under the stars at the Central Park Amphitheater. It’s a great way to close out the summer.

season by perusing the crafts, food and scents from our vendors. There should be something for everyone on your list. TRAIL OF FEARS – October One-third mile winding haunted trail through Little River Park designed for adults and children ages 12 and older.

RED RIBBON PARADE – October Red Ribbon Parade is a longstanding tradition in Moore. Each year has a theme encouraging alcohol, tobacco and other drug and violence prevention awareness. Familyfriendly fun in downtown Moore.

HAUNT OLD TOWN – October Join thousands who come to enjoy a safe and fun trickor-treat option in downtown Moore. Businesses and organizations work to bring fun activities including inflatables, games, music and of course, some trick-or-treating.

ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL – October Get a jump on the holiday

HOLIDAY GALA – December The celebration for the holidays will feature musical entertainment, holiday crafts and a friendly visit with Santa Claus.


OLD TOWN CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING AND PARADE – December Set the holiday season in motion with entertainment, stroll Old Town businesses and enjoy the season. Bring the family for carriage rides, pictures with Santa and the Grinch and watch the traditional lighting of the tree at city hall.

BREAKFAST WITH SANTA – December Join in the holiday spirit with some breakfast, holiday crafts and a picture with Santa Claus. For more details of events, visit special-events

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400 SE 19th Street Moore, OK 73160


45% Less Than Traditional Funeral Homes

Comfort & Privacy Chris Cordell

Brenda Roberts

Marvin Delaware

Shelby Wallis

Harold Branstetter

Cheryl Kronholm

"Single Family Guarantee"

Jim Esmon

Leandra Aragon

Healing Our Community through Relationships

M d Modern State-of-the-Art Facility & Technology | 27

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“We are excited to open our new INTEGRIS Community Hospital on I-35 and 34th Street in south Moore. This innovative concept; an easy-to-access, family-friendly, 24-hour hospital – complete with both Emergency Services and inpatient rooms – is another asset to one of Oklahoma’s fastest-growing, most progressive communities. In addition, INTEGRIS will offer primary care and specialty services on its Moore campus.” – INTEGRIS President and Chief Executive Officer Timothy Pehrson

I-35 In The 405 When it comes to business, there are plenty of opportunities in Moore. Moore is an area defined by its consistent growth, lower business and living costs, as well as a diverse workforce. It’s no wonder that Moore is one of Oklahoma’s fastest-growing communities by continually outpacing the state and national rates of population growth. Moore is a business-friendly community, which is a great foundation for your business. In Moore, we cultivate the opportunity for you to grow your ideas and business. With Moore as your base of operations, you will find it has reliable indicators to contribute to your business growth. We believe in being at the frontline of aligning the businesses with every opportunity for meeting their business goals. Located on Interstate 35, the largest route North-South in the central United States, Moore is situated in a prime location to serve both industry and residents with plenty for you to choose from for both work and play. Both residents and visitors alike

find that Moore is a destination for their business. Whether it is to shop and dine or to conduct business, Moore has a multitude of options available for all needs. Moore’s sales tax revenue is an indicator that we have what the consumer wants, from fine dining to unique boutiques. Being engaged in having access to a productive workforce builds a great culture. In Moore you will find that our diverse skill sets are able to

accommodate the needs of existing and future businesses. Our educational outlets focus on preparing our students for career paths that make them valuable assets to our business community. Moore is a healthy and competitive market that can contribute to a business’s growth potential. By the City’s increase in sales tax generation at a rate of 5.25 percent per year, it is a clear indicator that there is a demand and Moore is meeting those demands. n | 29 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 29

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HOUSEHOLDS (2017 Census)

61,802 279,641 3,940,521

23,744 116,042 1,734,066






2.67 2.57 2.58 MOORE







$500,000 or Greater...................................101.....................................................382 $250,000-$499,999....................................119.................................................... 934 $150,000-$249,999 ................................... 404...................................................1835 $100,000-$149,999.....................................432...................................................1370 $50,000-$99,999........................................239....................................................862 $100-$49,999................................................ 79 .................................................... 685



Average Household


Median Household



Per Capita Capita Per





Median household.. $60,474....$58,488 ....$48,038 Per Capita.... $26,472....$28,378 ....$25,628

(2017 Census)




Average household... $64,107..... $61,288 .....$47,938








Owners ........................71.4% ......... 65.2%.........65.7% Renters ........................28.6% ......... 34.8%.........34.3% Total # of Household Sales............1374 ......... 6068

Median Sale Price.... 343897 ................260158

INCOME (2016 Estimate)





under 5 years ..........................7.9%..........................5.5%...........................6.7% under 18 years....................... 25.7%........................ 21.9%........................ 24.4% 18-64 years .............................56.1% ........................59.7% ....................... 53.6% 65 and over............................10.3%........................12.9%.........................15.3% Median Age...............................33............................ 33.6...........................36.4

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under 5 years ............ 7.9% ...................... 5.5%....................... 6.7% under 18 years .........25.7% .................... 21.9% .....................24.4% 18-64 years ............... 56.1% ....................59.7% ....................53.6% 65 and over............... 10.3% .................... 12.9% ..................... 15.3% Median Age ................. 33 ........................ 33.6 ....................... 36.4




White ....................... 79.1% ..................... 78.9% ........................ 74.3% African American ....3.6% .........................5.2% ........................... 7.8% Hispanic ...................9.8% .........................8.7% .........................10.6% Other .........................7.5% ......................... 7.2% ........................... 7.3%

Workforce Education MOORE

(2016 Census)



Highschool .................91.3% ...................... 91.3% .......................87.3% Bachelors .................24% ....................... 31.8% ...................... 24.5% Unemployment Rate . 3.2%........................3.3% ......................... 3.7% Source: Bureau of Labor 2018

Number of Businesses (2012 US Census) MOORE



4,364 ..........................................23,052 ..................................327,229 | 31 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 31

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Agricultural, Forestry, Fishing (SIC Range 01-09) .............................174 Mining (SIC 10-14) ................................. 24 Construction (SIC 15-17) ................ 1,452 Manufacturing (SIC 20-39) .............657 Transportation and Communications (SIC 40-49) ....234


1-4 Employees ...........................................59.85% 5-9 Employees ............................................21.02% 10-19 Employees............... 9.24% 20-49 Employees ............ 6.03% 50-99 Employees ............2.60% 100+ Employees ..................1.28%

Distance to Major Cities (in Miles)


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (downtown)........................................................11.0 Tulsa, Oklahoma.............................................113.50 Dallas, Texas................................................... 195.50 Kansas City, Kansas ...................................360.30 Source: Moore Chamber of Commerce


Wholesale Trade (SIC 50-51) ..........279 Retail Trade (SIC 52-59) ...............5,820 Finance, Insurance And Real Estate (SIC 60-69) ....... 814 Services (SIC 70-89) .......................5,914 Public Administration (SIC 90-98)1,163 Unclassified (SIC 99) ........................... 55

Sales Taxes (2018) City Of Moore......................... 3.75% Cleveland County .................0.25% State of Oklahoma .............. 4.50%

72.2 Annual Low Temp 50.8 Annual High Temp

Property Taxes 2017

Dollar per Thousand dollars home value

Cleveland County ...............................10.28 Moore Schools .................................... 75.69 City of Moore .......................................14.67 Moore Norman Technology ...........18.90 Pioneer Library System........................6.11 Cleveland County Health ..................2.57 Source: Cleveland County Assessor

Transportation • Highways • Railroads • Airports • Interstate 35, State Highway 37 within the city limits of Moore. Interstate 44 is also within the Moore School District boundaries which encompass south Oklahoma City • BNSF Railroad travels through the city of limits of Moore, no outlets available • Will Rogers World Airport – Located within 12 miles with 3 major runways, strong mix of commercial, freight, military, corporate and general aviation activity. Host to 6 commercial carriers



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#Sho pMoo

re @cityofmoore



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Learning at Every Level Shaping today’s students into tomorrow’s leaders is not only Moore Public Schools’ mission, but also the mission of all our educational outlets that serve our students. Taking pride in providing educational opportunities helps make a difference in students’ lives and also prepares them for further academic pursuits or for direct placement careers. Spanning 159 square miles, the Moore School District serves the educational needs of 24,500 students. Located in an ever-growing area, Moore Public Schools enjoys a diversified student population educated at three high schools, VISTA Academy, 6 junior high schools and 25 elementary schools, with grades pre-kindergarten through 12. Thanks to the continued support of the community, a recent $209 million bond issue generated funds that are being used to add storm shelters at those schools and other sites that are currently without a FEMA-rated shelter. Additionally, improvements are being made to classrooms, media centers and athletic facilities, along with advances in

technology. The foundation of our academic program is grounded in our mission to help students become contributing members of society. We believe the best avenue to accomplish that goal is through a stimulating academic approach in a student-centered environment. Twentythree units of credit are required for graduation, and the traditional six-hour instructional day is the current delivery schedule. • The elementary program spans prekindergarten through sixth grade where students are nurtured in a safe, caring environment and stimulated with engaged learning of fundamental skills. • At the middle level, we have schools organized into six junior high schools. Our middle level focus continues to rest on strong literacy instruction with English and reading classes required. Science, social studies and mathematics instruction is expanded to prepare students for high school course work and eventual graduation with a decided emphasis on making students prepared


• Fourth largest in the state of Oklahoma, spanning 159 square miles of Moore and south Oklahoma City. • Over 24,500 students. • 3 high schools, VISTA Academy, 6 junior highs schools, 25 elementary schools. • Grades pre-K through 12. • Upon completion, all sites equipped with FEMA rated shelters. • Partnerships with Moore Norman Technology Center, Oklahoma City Community College, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University-OKC, University of Central Oklahoma, Randall University, and Mid-America Christian University. • Student-to-teacher ratio: 19-to-1. • 1,505 certified teachers and administrators; 1,307 support personnel. • Certified staff has an average of 13 years experience with more than 31 percent with advanced degrees. • Average GPA of high school seniors (2016): MPS: 3.0, state average: 3.1 • Average ACT score (Class of 2016): MPS average: 22 percent, State average: 20.6 percent. | 35 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 35

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for college and careers. • Our three high schools create opportunities for students to begin to “chart their own course” with a wide range of curricular offerings including a productive partnership with MooreNorman Technology Center as well as a growing list of courses offered for concurrent enrollment (dual credit). Instruction in the arts begins in our elementary schools and is expanded throughout our secondary program through specific course offerings at every grade level. Computer, business and technology instruction, world language instruction, physical education, journalism and additional elective options are available as students mature and express personal learning goals and preferences. We embrace the reality of wide student diversity. Gifted education is provided at the elementary level and Pre-AP and AP courses are offered at the secondary level. Students with

special needs are served across the entire continuum of special education services. ESL and ELL programs are operational across the district. We recognize that students who experience life circumstances that make learning difficult need options, and we continue to provide alternative education through both day and evening programs as well as a growing internet-based program of studies. Ultimately, Moore Public Schools is all about our students. Recognizing our need to stay current in vision and practice, as a staff, we are committed to continuous professional learning. We stay grounded in proven traditional practice but are consistently open to change that will improve learning and create positive outcomes for our students. We remain excited about serving our students as we grow personally and collectively, continuing our tradition as a vibrant and committed school district. ■

Education Higher Providing Options As the needs of businesses continue to evolve, being prepared as you enter the workforce is vital. Numerous entities that serve the Moore area provide programs that give students the knowledge they need to begin a prosperous career after graduation. Mid-America Christian University 3500 SW 119th St., Oklahoma City (405) 691-3800 Mid-America provides the recent high school graduate a traditional campus experience or a motivated working adult a range of programs such as:

Helping your business grow Whether the credit needs of your business are short-term or long-range, basic or specialized, the experienced team of lenders from BancFirst Moore will make a plan to fit those needs. We are customer focused, community dedicated, committed to your success, and understand the banking needs of Oklahoma businesses. We’re here, ready to lend.

BANCFIRST MOORE 600 NW 5TH | 701 SW 19TH 405.794.5511

W W W. B A N C F I R S T. B A N K 36 | Moore Chamber of Commerce OKMOOCW19 design.indd 36

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Bachelor of Science – Psychology; Bachelor of Science – Psychology, Criminal Justice Concentration; Bachelor of Science – Business Administration; Bachelor of Science – Business Administration, Accounting Concentration; Bachelor of Science – Business Administration, Marketing Emphasis; Bachelor of Science – Business Administration, Sports Management Emphasis; Bachelor of Science – Marketing; Bachelor of Arts – English: Literary and Cultural Studies; Associate of Arts – General Studies; Bachelor of Arts – Social Sciences and History; Bachelor of Science – Biology; Bachelor of Science – Mathematics; Bachelor

of Science – Specialized Ministry; Bachelor of Science – Bible and Theology; Bachelor of Science – Music Performance; Bachelor

of Science – Music and Worship Ministry; Bachelor of Science – Music Business; Bachelor of Arts – Elementary Education;

Stimulating Academic Challenges Strong Student Achievement Wide Variety of Extracurricular Activities Outstanding Educators and Active Community A AA le ls rip oo d T ch an g S on nin bb Win Ri ue rd Bl Awa

25,000 Students (approx) 159 Square Miles Over 700 Acres 25 Elementary Schools 6 Junior Highs 3 6A High Schools 1 Award Winning Alternative Education Program

1500 SE 4th Street, Moore, Oklahoma 73160 (405) 735-4268

@MoorePublicSchools @moorepublicschools @MoorePublicSch | 37

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Bachelor of Arts – Secondary English Education; Bachelor of Arts – Secondary Mathematics Education; Bachelor of Arts – Secondary Social Studies Education; Bachelor of Arts – Elementary/Secondary Vocal Music Education; Bachelor of Arts – Early Childhood Education.

Moore Norman Technology Center Franklin Road Campus 4701 12th Ave., NW, Norman (405) 801-5000 Moore Norman Technology Center South Penn Campus 13301 S. Pennsylvania, Oklahoma City (405) 801-5000 • Moore Norman Technology Center provides you the path to a new career in

programs such as: Accounting, Automation Technician, Automotive Collision Repair & Refinishing, Automotive Service Technology, Biotechnology, Carpentry, CNC Machining, Computer Aided Design & Drafting, Database Administration, Cosmetology, Cyber Defense, Dental Assisting, Entrepreneurship, Esthetician, Digital Video Production, Electrical Apprentice, HVAC/R, Master Instructor, Graphic Design, Legal Office Services, Nurse Aide, Medical Assisting, Network Information Systems, Personal Fitness Trainer, Practical Nursing, Physical Therapy Aide, Practicing Master

Instructor, Pre-Engineering, Programming & Software Development, Pre-Nursing, Service Careers Maintenance, Surgical Technology, Teacher Prep, Virtualization & Cloud Storage, Veterinary Assistance, Web Design and Welding.

Oklahoma City Community College 7777 S. May Ave., Oklahoma City (405) 682-1611 • Oklahoma City Community College

Nice Difference. South OKC 10311 S Western Ave 405-692-5461

Norman 3050 Yarbrough Way 405-701-1811 38 | Moore Chamber of Commerce OKMOOCW19 design.indd 38

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offers a variety of associate degrees and certificate of mastery programs based on your education and career goals, such as: Accounting, Allied Health, Anesthesia Technology, Art, Automotive Technology, Banking and Finance, Biology, Broadcasting, Business, Business Management, Chemistry, Child Development, Clinical Research, Community/Public Health, Computer Networking Support, Computer Programming, Computer Science (OU/ UCO), Computer Systems Support, Computer-Aided Design, Cyber/Information Security, Dentistry (Pre-Dentistry), Diesel Technology, Digital Cinema Production, Diversified Studies, Education (PreEducation), Emergency Medical Sciences,

Pre-Engineering, Engineering Technology, Enterprise Development, French, Geographic Information Systems, Graphic Design, History, Humanities, Journalism, Liberal Studies, Management Information Systems, Mathematics, Medical Assistant, Medicine (Pre-Medicine), Music, Nursing, Nursing (Pre-Baccalaureate), Occupational Therapy Assistant, Pharmacy (Pre-Pharmacy), Photography/Digital Imaging, Physical Therapy Assistant, Physics, Political Science/ Pre-Law, Psychology, Public Relations, Respiratory Care Therapist, Sociology, Software Development, Spanish, Speech, Speech Language-Pathology Assistant, Surgical Technology, Theatre Arts, Web Design and Development, Workplace Writing and Communications, Unmanned Aerial Systems and Unmanned Vehicle Systems. Platt College 201 N. Eastern Ave., Moore (405) 912-3260 • Platt College provides you the vocational education to become an asset in today’s

marketplace in one of these fields: Dental Assisting, Massage Therapy, Medical Assisting, Pharmacy Technician, Respiratory Care-AS, Culinary Arts, Pastry Arts, Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration and Combination Welding. | 39 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 39

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Professional Development Institute at OCCC 7124 S I-35 Service Rd., Oklahoma City (405) 682-7562 • The Professional Development Institute at OCCC provides highly focused education, training and consulting services to improve workforce skill levels.

Randall University 3701 S. I-35 Service Rd., Moore (405) 912-9000 Randall University offers programs in which students can earn an Associates of Arts, a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree. Degrees of focus available are:

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Business Management; Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Sports Management; Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Business Leadership; Bachelor of Arts in Ministry – Pastoral Ministry; Bachelor of Arts in Ministry – Youth and Family Ministry; Bachelor of Arts in Ministry – Integrated Ministry; Bachelor of Arts in Business – International; Bachelor of Arts in Business – Financial; Bachelor of Arts in Business – Management and Marketing; Bachelor of Arts in Business – Integrated Business; Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science; Bachelor of Arts in Letters; Bachelor of Arts in Multidisciplinary Studies; Bachelor of Science in Psychology; Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry – Theology; Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry – Pastoral Ministry; Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry – Youth and Family Ministry; Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry – Christian Ministry; Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural Studies; Bachelor of Arts in Worship and Music Studies; Bachelor of Science in Teacher Education – Elementary Emphasis; Bachelor of Science in Teacher Education –

Secondary Emphasis/Social Studies; Bachelor of Science in Teacher Education – Secondary Emphasis/Math; Bachelor of Science in Teacher Education – Secondary Emphasis/ English; Bachelor of Science in Teacher Education – Secondary Emphasis/Business; Master of Arts in Ministry; Master in Public Administration.


Antioch Christian Academy 3616 SW 119th St., Oklahoma City (405) 691-8012 Tuition: Tuition for 2018-2019 school year is $4,200, Discounts and enrollment fees may apply Grade levels: 1st through 8th grade Student-to-teacher ratio: 15-to-1

Creative Kids Learning Center 335 SW 134th St., Oklahoma City (405) 799-5437 • Tuition: $155 weekly; enrollment fees may apply Grade Levels: Kindergarten through 6th grade

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Primrose School of SW Oklahoma City 1520 SW 119th St., Oklahoma City (405) 793-6000 southwest-oklahoma-city Grade Levels: Pre-kindergarten St. John’s Lutheran School 1032 NW 12th St., Moore (405) 794-8686 www.stjohnsmoore. life/school-home Tuition: Tuition for 2018-2019 school year is $4,950; discounts and enrollment fees may apply Grade levels: Pre-K-2 through 8th grade The Academy of Classical Christian Studies South OKC Campus The Rock Assembly

Church 12500 S. Penn Ave., Oklahoma City (405) 478-2077

Tuition: For tuition and fee information, please contact the admissions office Enrollment: Over 500, all campuses Grade levels: Pre-K through 12th grade â–

Come check out the R & R Difference

Custom Homes With Character and Quality Model Homes designed by Reclaimed Warehouse, 3004 S Sunnylane Dr, Moore

Visit our newest community Edgewater, off 19th between Bryant and Sunnylane

Contact Lori (405)

816-6349 | 41

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Top-Notch Treatment Access to quality health care is a key component to a truly livable community. As a budding hub for health care, Moore offers medical services, specialty clinics, emergency medical facilities and awareness programs for the health care needs of residents. The medical community focuses on the best care from head to toe for all patients, from newborns to seniors with the goal of helping them live life to the fullest. Facilities in the area offer state-ofthe-art technology, while physicians and medical staff provide professional care accentuated by quality and compassion. The medical community includes a new medical center and another currently under construction, a surgical center, specialty clinics in all areas of health care, as well as behavioral and mental health facilities. There is even the state-of-the-art option of virtual care via an app on your phone. Visit the listings in the back of this publication for Chamber members

more than capable of fulfilling your every health need. Nationally-recognized care is available in your hometown. Norman Regional Health System brings wellness

and health together under one system that provides everything from diabetesmanagement classes to open heart surgery. Ultimately, the goal is to get you back on your feet and keep you | 43 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 43

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there, with evidence-based care that continuously strives toward better quality, higher satisfaction and lower costs. Norman Regional Moore 700 S Telephone Rd., Moore (405) 793-9355 Services include: 24/7 emergency department; physical, occupational and speech therapy; diagnostic imaging; and laboratory services. Physician offices include family medicine, heart and vascular, orthopaedic and sports, pediatrics and women’s health, senior counseling center, neurosurgery and outpatient rehabilitation.

Norman Regional Hospital 901 N Porter Ave., Norman (405) 307-1000 Services include: 24/7 emergency department, behavioral medicine, cancer services, heartburn and reflux center, home medical equipment, imaging services, outpatient infusion center, inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient diagnostic services, neurological

services, occupational medicine, pain management, palliative care, pulmonary services, stroke center, surgical services, vascular access center and weight loss.

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Community Hospital provides a comprehensive range of medical services and high quality care. A Det Norske Veritas accreditation powerfully demonstrates its commitment to meet the highest national standards for quality and safety. Community Hospital’s most important


every stay

is a


mission is to serve you and your family. They combine the medical and technological resources for health care with the warm, friendly and personal touch of a caring, compassionate staff.

Don't just stay. Stay smart.

Complimentary Daily Self-Parking 24 hour Business Center Outdoor Pool On-Site Fitness Center Complimentary Breakfast Buffet Free High Speed Internet Access in all guest rooms On-Site Self Service Laundry Meeting Room with Projector Boardroom with 43' Television Within walking distance of a dozen restaurants

Holiday Inn Express 621 NW 8th Street Moore, OK 73160

(405) 735-9400 | 45 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 45

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Community Hospital 3100 SW 89th, Oklahoma City (405) 602-8100

Services include: 24/7 emergency department, outpatient surgery, lab/ radiology/pain center, MRI center, family medicine, pharmacy and

Feel Welcomed

at Hampton Inn & Suites

orthopedic. INTEGRIS is with you – all year long. There’s a lot more to health care than just medicine. There’s emotional,

Clean and Fresh Hampton Bed ® Free Hot Breakfast Free Wi-Fi Indoor Heated Pool All Day Complimentary Coffee

For Reservations Call:

(405) 735-6821

614 NW 8th Street, Moore

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spiritual and mental well-being – not to mention the education that makes it possible to prevent problems in the first place. INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center 4401 S Western, Oklahoma City (405) 636-7000 Services include: 24/7 emergency department, labor and delivery, heart hospital, surgical services, radiology services, cancer institute, pulmonary medicine, rehabilitation, robotic surgery, sleep medicine, stroke center, surgical services, neuromuscular center, breast health and imaging center. INTEGRIS Community Hospital 3391 S I-35 Service Rd., Moore Opening early 2019 Services include: 24/7 emergency department, observation and shortstay beds, primary and specialty care physicians, diagnostic and outpatient clinic services. n | 47 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 47

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#AlwaysGiving The giving spirit of the community of Moore is not only the Oklahoma standard but is the foundation of Moore. From the beginning, citizens have come together to build each other up. Helping in the fields or herding the cattle or building a water bucket chain to put out a fire, it was not unheard of for the community to come together to help their fellow man. Now you find the giving spirit alive and well and fostering the future of the community. With many excellent charitable organizations in the Moore area, there are plenty of ways for individuals to get involved and assist these organizations that in return provide needed services to the area. Organizations are available to assist with those with special needs or disabilities, veterans and those in need. This foundation is evident in the organizations that serve the community.

Such examples include deep-rooted traditional associations who serve a multitude of needs such as United Way, Oklahoma Blood Institute and American Red Cross.

Civic organizations whose missions are that of service such as Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs are available as outlets for you to give back to the community. Supporting the teachers and | 49 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 49

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students is the Moore Public School Foundation. They believe that “a child without education is like a building without a foundation”. Those in need can find resources through the Moore Food Resource Center which is a division of the

Regional Food Bank that provides access to food and nutrition. They can also find additional resources with the Sharing Tree which provides clothing, household items and basic necessities. Both are supplying those in need with a dignified shopping experience at no cost.

Children are the most precious gifts and family stability is vital to the future of Moore children. Entities such as Bethesda, Children’s Hospital Foundation, Moore Youth and Family Services and the Women’s Resource Center are available to

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address the needs of families in special circumstances. Healthy lifestyles are available thanks to the dedication of organizations such as the free medical care being brought to those who don’t have access to health care. It is provided by the Moore Faith Clinic and Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Healthy Living Program, which is devoted to preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease. Those with disabilities are never lost in the shuffle in Moore. The Work Activity Center, the Sparrow Project, Santa Fe Place and Dale Rogers Training Center all provide dignified lifestyles and working environments for those with disabilities. This allows them the opportunity to be functioning parts of society through these outlets. Senior citizens are undoubtedly an asset to the community. The value of what they can provide is unending through the stories from veterans at the

VFW Post 8706, to the active lifestyles at the Brand Senior Center and the dignified care given at the Full Circle Adult Day care which also serves those with disabilities. Living in Moore doesn’t have to be a struggle with the help of organizations like ServeMore, Cleveland County Habitat for Humanity and

Neighborhood Housing Services who are available to help, based on need, with housing needs. The lifeblood of all these are the volunteers who give of themselves both with their time as well as monetarily. The giving spirit lives strong in Moore, hence the everlasting expression that explains us all – #MooreStrong. | 51 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 51

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What A Great Time To Be A Park Lover in Moore Moore Parks and Recreation is excited for individuals to utilize opportunities available in the parks. Throughout the year there are camps, classes, a farmers market, sports leagues for adults and children, and personal training. And the exciting part is that more is being created all the time. If you just want to enjoy the weather and take a quiet stroll, what better way than in one of our parks. Park patrons can register for any parks class or program by visiting You can also take a look at the Moore Parks and Recreation Activity and Event Guide at to view the many programs, camps, and activities Moore Parks and Recreation has available. As Moore Parks and Recreation says, “Come for Fitness, Stay for Fun!” City of Moore Parks Buck Thomas Park, 1903 NE 12th St. Buck Thomas is approximately 128 acres and is complete with tennis courts, skate park, picnic area, playground, walking trail, dog park and much more. The park plays host to little league sports and the city’s annual Celebration in the Heartland in July. Little River Park 700 SW 4th St. Pavilions, picnic areas and walking trails are only a few features of this 52-acre site.

Veterans Memorial Park 1900 SE 4th St. The park features lighted trails, a playground and a Wall of Honor paying tribute to veterans. Covering 18 acres, Veterans Memorial Park provides a quiet, serene oasis amidst the surrounding neighborhoods. Greenbriar Park 1331 NW 6th Place This 2-acre park has a new playground with tennis and basketball courts. Apple Valley Park 4401 Melrose Dr. A splash pad and picnic areas sit on this beautiful one acre park. Future plans for Apple Valley include a new walking trail. Fairmoore Park 630 NW 5th Currently under construction, the 17acre park will be a great place to visit and enjoy time with friends and family. Madison Place Park 420 Madison Place Dr. Simple and private, this half-acre park has a new playground. Westmoore Trails Park 2206 Lonnie Ln. Westmoore Trails Park is an 8-acre park with a playground and walking trail. Kiwanis Park 501 E Main St. This highly popular 3-acre park features a walking trail, a new police themed

playground and pavilion. Cottonwood Park 1028 SW 2nd St. This 1-acre park has a new playground and basketball court. Arbor Gardens 1695 SW 34th St. This 13-acre park has walking trails, a covered pavilion and beautiful trees and landscaping. Parmele Park 1308 Janeway Ave. The 8-acre Parmele Park boasts an exciting splash pad, plenty of playground fun, a one-third mile walking trail, restroom and picnic pavilion. Brand Senior Center 501 E Main St. Seniors can enjoy numerous activities and craft projects at Brand Senior Center. Central Park 700 S Broadway Ave. Dr. Curtis Berry-Central Park is an incredible place to see and visit. This park has a 53,000-square-foot recreation center, 45,000-square-foot aquatic center, a 1.7-mile walking trail, all-inclusive and fully accessible playground, a 1,000-seat amphitheater and a large multi-purpose pavilion. | 53 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 53

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Pet F riend ly O n- S ite P ool Mee ting Spac e Fitne ss Ce nter

Com Brea plimen kfas tary t

LODGING Best Western Greentree Inn & Suites 1811 N Moore Ave., Moore, OK 73160 • (405) 912-8882 • Best Western Plus Norman 3100 Medical Park Pl., Norman, OK 73072 • (405) 801-2100 • Hampton Inn and Suites of Moore 614 NW 8th St., Moore, OK 73160 • (405) 735-6821 • Holiday Inn Express 621 NW 8th St., Moore, OK 73160 • (405) 735-9400 • LaQuinta Inn & Suites 2140 Riverwalk Dr., Moore, OK 73160 • (405) 759-7700 • Riverwind Casino & Hotel 1544 W Highway 9, Norman, OK 73072 • (405) 322-6000 • Springhill Suites by Marriott 613 NW 8th St., Moore, OK 73160 • (405) 759-2600 • Super 8 1520 N Service Rd., Moore, OK 73160 • (405) 794-4030 •

WE’VE ALWAYS BEEN OKC’S NUMBER Oklahoma’s largest and longest running contemporary craft show is adding two Oklahoma shows next year:

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9/25/18 10:14 AM 4/16/19 6:11 PM

Alfredo’s Mexican Cafe

2701 S I-35 Service Rd., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 794-4700 Angela’s Bakery & Deli

623 N Broadway, Moore OK 73160 (405) 808-8576 Blake’s Barbecue

2100 N Eastern Ave., Ste. 5 Moore OK 73160 • (405) 735-1313 Boomarang Diner Moore

1305 N Broadway, Moore OK 73160 • (405) 794-2112 Braum’s Ice Cream & Burgers

1928 S Santa Fe, Moore OK 73160 • (405) 237-1032 Braum’s Ice Cream & Burgers

101 SW 19th St., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 793-7274 Braum’s Ice Cream & Burgers

620 NW 12th St., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 794-5355 Carino’s Italian

7900 S Walker Ave., Oklahoma City OK 73139 • (405) 632-4600 Chelino’s Mexican Restaurant

2113 Riverwalk Dr., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 790-0677 Chicken Express

625 SW 19th St., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 735-9900 Chick-fil-A

2001 S Telephone Rd., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 799-6100


$$ $ $

M-F, S,S Mexican M-F, Sat Bakery

• •

M-F, Sat Barbecue M-F, S,S American


M-F, S,S American


M-F, S,S American


M-F, S,S American

$$ $$ $ $

• • • •

M-F, S,S


M-F, S,S Mexican M-F, S,S Fast Food M-F, Sat Fast Food

Chipotle Mexican Grill

705 SW 19th St, Ste 200, Moore OK 73160 • (405) 790-0531 City Bites

1804 S Broadway St., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 735-3400 Dairy Queen/Orange Julius

2301 S Telephone Rd., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 703-4774 Del Taco, LLC

770 SW 19th St., Moore OK 73160 • (405)790-1252 Double Dave’s Pizza/Boomerang Grille

3201 Market Pl., Norman OK 73069 • (405) 310-3500 Eagle One Pizza

11613 S Western Ave., Oklahoma City OK 73170 • (405) 703-4555 Eileen’s Colossal Cookies

9044 S Sooner Rd., Oklahoma City OK 73165 • (405) 455-5005 Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers

1525 S Service Rd., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 790-0114 Fuzzy’s Taco Shop

825 SW 19th St., Ste. 13, Moore OK 73160 • (405) 378-2419 GOGO Sushi Express and Grill

1611 S I-35 Service Rd., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 794-3474 Hideaway Pizza

835 SW 19th St., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 604-0777

$ $

• •



Ope n

Price Rang e Cate ring


Ope n

Cate ring

Price Rang e


M-F, S,S Mexican M-F, Sat Sandwich M-F, S,S Fast Food





M-F, S,S American


M-F, S,S Pizza

$ $ $

• • •

$$ $$

M-F, Sat Bakery M-F, S,S American M-F, S,S Tex Mex T-S


M-F, S,S Pizza | 55 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 55

4/16/19 6:11 PM

Hollywood Corners Station, LLC

4712 N Porter Ave., Norman OK 73071 • (405) 701-4990 Hummus Cafe

811 SW 19th St., Ste. G, Moore OK 73160 • (405) 759-7024 IHOP

2501 S Service Rd., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 895-6652 Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler

2305 S Telephone Rd., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 703-4600 Louie’s

1601 S I-35 Service Rd., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 895-7419 Lumpy’s Sports Grill

10601 S Western, Oklahoma City OK 73170 • (405) 735-9559 Mama Carol’s Kitchen

636 N Broadway, Moore OK 73160 (405) 735-1548 Marco’s Pizza

12201 S Pennsylvania Ave., Oklahoma City OK 73134 • (405) 735-8990 Marco’s Pizza

1919 S Eastern Ave., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 759-2525 McAlister’s Deli

931 SW 25th St., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 790-1140 McDonald’s

630 NW 12th St., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 799-2000 McDonald’s

105 SW 19th St., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 793-7404 Moore Los Tacos

122 N Broadway, Moore OK 73160 (405) 681-0888 Nosh by Catering Creations

200 SE 19th St., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 814-9699 Okie Tonk Cafe

1003 SW 19th St., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 603-8665 Oliveto Italian Bistro

1301 S I-35 Service Rd., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 735-5553 Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt

660 SW 19th St., Ste. D, Moore OK 73160 • (405) 703-0250 Panang 7 Thai Restaurant

1615 S I-35 Service Rd., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 759-7676 Panera Bread

10600 S Pennsylvania Ave., Ste. 1, Oklahoma City OK 73170 • (405) 378-8353 Pho Lan Asian Bistro

711 SW 19th St., Ste. 102, Moore OK 73160 • (405) 759-7774 Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers

700 SW 19th St., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 793-7037 Ray’s BBQ

1060 SW 4th St., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 237-3840 Royal Bavaria Corp.

3401 S Sooner Rd., Moore OK 73165 • (405) 799-7666


M-F, S,S Sandwiches


M-F, S,S Mediterranean

$ $$



M-F, S,S American


M-F, S,S American


M-F, S,S American


M-F, S,S American


M-F, S,S



M-F, S,S



M-F, S,S Sandwiches


M-F, S,S Fast Food


M-F, S,S Fast Food







$ $$

M-F, S,S American

M-F, S,S



M-F, S,S Ice Cream


M-F, S,S


$ $ $$ $$

Price Rang e Cate ring


M-F, S,S Steakhouse

Santa Fe Donuts

1060 SW 4th St., Moore OK 73160 (405) 703-2118 Schlotzsky’s

631 SW 19th St., Ste. 104, Moore OK 73160 • (405) 703-8400 Slim Chickens

100 SW 19th St., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 703-8949 Sonic Drive-In

105 NE 12th, Moore OK 73160 • (405) 794-3355 Subway

623 NW 7th, Moore OK 73160 • (405) 799-1626 Summer Snow Entertainment

1325 N Janeway, Moore OK 73160 • (405) 794-7556 Sunny Side Up

110 SE 19th St., Moore OK 73160 (405) 793-2450 Taco Casa

500 SW 19th St., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 703-8800 The Boxcar Coffee

2100 N Eastern Ave., Ste. 3, Moore OK 73160 • (405) 362-0589 The Garage Burgers and Beers

2060 S Service Rd., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 759-2020 The Union at Platt College

201 N Eastern, Moore OK 73160 • (405) 912-3260 Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar & Grill

310 Johnny Bench Dr., Oklahoma City OK 73104 • (405) 231-0254 Tropical Smoothie Cafe

2101 Riverwalk Dr., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 799-2698 Two Olives Nutrition & Cafe

201 N Broadway, Ste. 101, Moore OK 73160 • (405) 895-6373 Van’s Pig Stand

1991 Tower Dr., Ste. A, Moore OK 73160 • (405) 703-3000 Volcano Sushi Bar & Hibachi

2727 S I-35 Service Rd., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 759-3888 Whataburger, Inc.

2290 S Service Rd., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 895-6258 Zaxby’s

2720 S Service Rd., Moore OK 73160 • (405) 703-2186

$ $ $

• •

$ $



Ope n

1199 S Service Rd., Moore OK 73160 www.holliessteakhousecom • (405) 799-0300

Ope n

Price Rang e Cate ring Hollie’s Flatiron Grill

M-F, S,S


M-F, S,S Sandwiches M-F, S,S Southern M-F, S,S


M-F, S,S Sandwiches


M-F, S,S Ice Cream





M-F, S,S



M-F, S,S American


M-F, S,S American





M-F, S,S American


M-F, S,S Sandwiches

$ $

• •



M-F, S,S Barbecue M-F, S,S Japanese

$ $$



Fast Food

M-F, S, S Fast Food


M-F, S,S Sandwiches M-F, S,S Vietnamese

• • •

M-F, S,S Fast Food M-F, S,S Barbecue M-F, S,S German

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Andy Alligator’s Fun Park 3300 Market Pl., Norman, OK 73072 (405) 321-7275

M-F, S, S

Belmar Golf Club 1025 E Indian Hills Blvd., Norman, OK 73071 (405) 364-0111

T-F, S, S

Blazers Ice Centre 8000 S I-35 Service Rd., Oklahoma City, OK 73149 (405) 631-3307


Celebration Station 509 Westline Dr., Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) 942-7888

M-F, S,S

Coal Creek Vineyard & Winery 210 N Sara Rd, Tuttle, OK 73089 (405) 381-9463

M-F, S,S

Elevation Trampoline Park 1431 N Moore Ave., Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2288

T-F, S, S

HeyDay Entertainment - Norman 3201 Market Pl., Norman, OK 73072 (405) 310-3500

M-F, S,S

Hollywood Corners Station, LLC 4712 N Porter Ave., Moore, OK 73071 (405) 701-4990

M-F, S,S

Kona Ice Moore 12121 S Western., Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 896-0370


Lumpy’s Sports Grill 10601 S Western, Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-9559

M-F, S,S

Masters House Art & Frame 223 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-3131


Moore Escape Rooms 629 N Broadway, Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-9797


Moore Golf & Athletic Club 920 SW 19th St, Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0264

M-F, S, S

Moore Public Library 225 S Howard, Moore, OK 73160 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 793-5100

M-F, S, S

Museum of Osteology 10301 S Sunnylane, Oklahoma City, OK 73160 (405) 814-0006

M-F, S, S

Newcastle Casino 2457 Hwy 62 Service Rd, Newcastle OK 73065 (405) 387-6013

M-F, S, S

Okie Tonk Cafe 1003 SW 19th St., Moore, OK 73160 (405) 603-8665

M-F, S, S

Oklahoma City Dodgers 2 S Mickey Mantle Dr., Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 218-1000


Orr Family Farm 14400 SWestern, Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 799-3276


Remington Park One Remington Place, Oklahoma City, OK 73111 (405) 419-4420 Riverwind Casino & Hotel 1544 W Highway 9, Norman, OK 73072 (405) 322-6000 Summer Snow Entertainment 1325 N Janeway, Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7556

Live Ente rtain men Spec t ial Ev ents Alco ho l

Kid F riend ly Open

Live Ente rtain men Spec t ial Ev ents Alco ho l

Kid F riend ly Open


An Affair of The Heart (405) 632-2652

M-F, S, S

M-F, S, S


The Yellow Rose Dinner Theater 1005 SW 4th St., Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7779


Warren Theatres 1000 Telephone Rd., Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-9676

M-F, S-S | 57 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 57

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ALPHABETICAL MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY # The 1040 Company, Inc Jim Edwards (319) 404-9117 Accounting Services • Tax Services 18 Gauge Vapor David Ivers • Melanie Ivers 320 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2727 Electronic Cigarettes 1st Oklahoma Construction Inc dba 1st Oklahoma Homes Ali Farzaneh • Britany Gabaldon 2316 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 701-5557 • f: (405) 217-4423 Builders • Real Estate

ABC Sign Design Rex Lowell 117 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5774 • f: (405) 794-5774 Graphic Design • Signs A-Better Heating & Air Conditioning Bill Kidd • Joan Kidd 2225 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3391 Heating & Air Conditioning Service • Home Improvement The Academy of Classical Christian Studies Fr. Nathan Carr 12500 S Pennsylvania Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 478-2077 Education: Private

35 West Apartments Jessica Sands 769 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-4500 • f: (405) 799-2462 Apartments • Corporate Housing

Ace Party Supplies and Showtime Concession Mara Clark • John Lohman 200 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-9902 • f: (405) 895-9904 Retail

4 Wheel Parts James McMullen 905 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-7881 • f: (405) 912-4261 Automobile: Accessories

ADG, P.C. Jason Cotton • AJ Kirkpatrick 920 W Main Oklahoma City, OK 73106 (405) 232-5700 Architects • Engineers

405 Bicycles Se Kim • Eric Melton 3251 Market Pl, #110 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 310-2453 • f: (405) 310-4379 Bicycle Sales & Services

Ad-Specialties & More, Ltd. Lisa Turner 2340 N Interstate Dr Norman, OK 73072 (405) 364-7579 • f: (405) 364-7764 Advertising Services • Promotional Products

A AAA Insurance Karla Annesley • Jennifer Bernardi 420 S Broadway, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2870 • f: (405) 799-2622 Insurance & Benefits Aaron Tatum Custom Homes LLC Aaron Tatum • Michelle Tatum Cummings PO Box 891594 Oklahoma City, OK 73189 (405) 692-8421 • f: (405) 692-8048 Builders

Aduddell Companies Dallas Aduddell • Darlene Raasch 1920 S I-35 Service Rd, Ste 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73129 (405) 551-8181 • f: (405) 702-7231 General Contractors • Roofing Contractors Affordable Construction Co. Derrin Bollinger • Dan Glazier 6401 N Interstate Dr, Ste 160 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 366-7113 • f: (405) 366-7399 Roofing Contractors • Siding Sales & Installation AGP — The Abla Griffin Partnership LLC Mike Abla • Clay Griffin 201 N Broadway, Ste 210 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-3477 Architects

Alfredo’s Mexican Cafe Kelly Allen • Bruce Hill 2701 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4700 • f: (405) 285-8123 Restaurants

American Institute of Architects Melissa Hunt 1300 N Shartel Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73103 (405) 948-7174 Nonprofit: Social/Civic Associations

All About Kids Daniele Goodrich • Nancy Goodrich 1050 S Santa Fe Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2977 Child Care Services

American Logo & Sign Inc. Leslie Ann Wells • Rebecca Wells 2631 N I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-1800 • f: (405) 799-8541 Signs

Allegiance Credit Union Krysi Pierce 12200 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 717-9037 • f: (405) 692-2447 Credit Unions • Mortgage Allstate — Evans Jones Agency 2 Taylor Evans • Donnie Jones 1740 S Broadway, Ste 200 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 265-8350 • f: (405) 260-8744 Insurance & Benefits Allstate — Joe Luminiello Joe Luminiello 1020 NW 27th, Ste D Moore, OK 73160 (405) 300-8767 Insurance & Benefits Allstate — The Max Insurance Agency Jessica Max 123 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2313 • f: (405) 799-4788 Insurance & Benefits Allstate — Thurman Lynch Insurance Agency Thurman Lynch 2110 N Eastern Ave, Ste 2 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-5007 Insurance & Benefits American Capital Roofing Alan Cook • Ty Patterson 15704 N Penn Ave, Ste 2 Edmond, OK 73013 (405) 322-5526 Roofing Contractors American Eagle Title Group Kim Leister 1224 SW 104th St, Ste C Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 692-9710 • f: (405) 692-9713 Abstract Title Services

American Red Cross serving OK & AR Lynn Horton 601 NE 6th St Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 228-9550 • f: (405) 364-7640 http:/// Nonprofit: Social Services American Tow & Recovery, Inc. Jason Adkins • Bryan A Herron 2425 N Shields Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-0995 • f: (405) 912-0995 Automobile: Repairs & Services • Towing & Wrecker Service AMF Development Amir Farzaneh • Yadira Pedraza 1025 SW 4th St, Ste 210 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 528-5555 Builders • Construction Companies A New Beginning Florist Jenifer Halstead • Josh Halstead 527 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-4492 • f: (405) 799-4299 Florists • Gift Sales & Deliveries An Affair of the Heart Shirley Ling 1901 N Moore Ave, Ste 20 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 632-2652 • f: (405) 632-2654 Arts/Crafts Andy Alligator’s Fun Park Kyle Allison 3300 Market Pl Norman, OK 73072 (405) 321-7275 • f: (405) 928-7092 Entertainment • Restaurants Andy Janko Realty Cindy Janko-Shannon 224 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0404 • f: (405) 790-0337 Real Estate

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Angela’s Bakery & Deli Angela Sarabia 623 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 808-8576 Bakeries • Restaurants Antioch Christian Academy Ron Yocum 3616 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-8012 • f: (405) 735-9525 Education: Private Apollo Building Systems, Inc. Jerry Meek • Larry Meek 101 Industrial Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0335 • f: (405) 790-0316 Construction Companies • General Contractors Arbor Image Tree Care Koree Vanzant (405) 815-7959 Landscaping Services & Care Aria Development Sassan Moghadam • Joey Wishnuck 221 48th Ave NW Norman, OK 73072 (405) 329-7979 Commercial Property Leasing • Real Estate Arvest Bank Karen Cureton 2101 S Santa Fe Moore, OK 73160 (405) 419-1731 • f: (405) 419-1748 Banks AT&T Jan Moran 14 E First Edmond, OK 73034 (405) 330-3480 Cellular Telephone Sales & Service • Telecommunications Audio \ Video Designs, Inc. Robert Rogers 216 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-7555 • f: (405) 799-7518 Consulting Services • Technology Sales & Service The Austin Taylor Salon Sandra Page 1700 S Broadway, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-8571 Beauty Salon & Services • Health & Beauty Auto Care Specialists, Inc. James Parman • Hollie Ann Parman 2304 Pole Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3300 • f: (405) 793-7187 Automobile: Repairs & Services

Autumn Leaves of SW OKC Willie Ferguson 2232 SW 104th Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 237-7070 • f: (405) 237-7074 Assisted Living Center • Senior Services/Care/Living

B B & F Affordable Merchandise Heather Fluckiger 227 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 388-8411 Gift Sales & Deliveries • Retail Back to You Marketing Stephen Koranda 226 W Gray, Ste 217 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 637-6225 Advertising Services • Marketing Services Baer Hall Homes Craig Hall 16900 Triana Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-6770 • f: (405) 364-7158 Builders Baker Brothers Electric, Inc. Paul Baker • Tom Baker 2200 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-9994 • f: (405) 799-5550 Electrical Services • Generator Sales & Services Balance Women’s Health, Inc. Dr. Rachel Dalthorp • Julie Dudley 1105 SW 30th Ct Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2727 • f: (405) 378-2776 Medical: Clinics & Labs • Medical: Health & Wellness BancFirst Marlene Wood 600 NW 5th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5511 • f: (405) 793-9539 Banks • Mortgage BancFirst Candice Fournier 701 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 270-5040 • f: (405) 270-5055 Banks • Mortgage Bank of Oklahoma N.A. Mario Luna 11830 S Penn Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 703-7400 Banks

Barton Bolt & Supply LLC Doug Barton • Phyllis Barton 701 Vermeer Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-6600 • f: (405) 896-6601 Fastener Distributor Batteries Plus Bulbs Brandon Boozer • Marietta Dennis 7500 S Santa Fe, Ste 200 Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 631-7587 • f: (405) 635-1235 Batteries Sales/ Manufacturing • Lighting Supplies Belmar Golf Club Grant Offenburger • Stacey Riley 1025 E Indian Hills Rd Norman, OK 73071 (405) 364-0111 • f: (405) 364-0522 Country Clubs • Golf Courses Beneficial Automotive Maintenance Angela Lindsay • Donnie Lindsay 2004 Crystal Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-1104 • f: (405) 703-1106 Automobile: Repairs & Services Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Steve Mann • Sarah Williams 908 SW 107th Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-3977 • f: (405) 735-3973 Real Estate Best Western Greentree Inn & Suites Jay Patel • Paul Patel 1811 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-8882 • f: (405) 912-4587 Hotel/Motels Best Western Plus Norman Shae Parish 3100 Medical Park Pl Norman, OK 73072 (405) 801-2100 • f: (405) 801-2205 Hotel/Motels Bethesda Travis Humphrey • Emily Williams 1181 E Main Norman, OK 73071 (405) 701-2173 • f: (405) 364-0342 Medical: Counseling & Rehab Services • Nonprofit: Social Services Better Business Bureau of Central OK Kitt Letcher 17 S Dewey Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 239-6081 • f: (405) 235-5891 Nonprofit: Social/Civic Associations BioTech Maintenance Inc Steve Boyd PO Box 7788 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 642-5011 • f: (405) 701-1860 Janitorial & Maintenance Supply

Black Dog Systems Jed Boersma (405) 823-5935 Chemicals Blackmon Mooring of Oklahoma City Jason Bean • Maggie Hendrix-Raprich 1101 Enterprise Ave, Bay 12 Oklahoma City, OK 73128 (405) 388-1948 • f: (405) 948-1786 Fire & Water Restoration • Mold Remediations Blake’s Barbecue Blake Brown 2100 N Eastern Ave, Ste 5 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-1313 Catering Services • Restaurants Blazer Motors PJ James 9229 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-9930 • f: (405) 793-9934 Automobile: Sales & Finance Blazers Ice Centre Larry Donovan 8000 S I-35 Service Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73149 (405) 631-3307 • f: (405) 631-3303 Entertainment Bliss Electric Inc. Tadd Bliss 2620 Pole Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8208 • f: (405) 793-8294 Electrical Services BNB Technology Tony Hernandez • Sue Loibl 901 Messenger Lane Moore, OK 73160 (405) 292-5408 • f: (405) 321-0741 Networking Bodin Chiropractic Dr. Tyler Bodin, D.C. • Gina Holzer 821 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 703-2694 • f: (405) 703-2848 Medical: Chiropractic Care • Medical: Health & Wellness Bohon Roofing Heath Bohon (405) 703-4316 General Contractors • Roofing Contractors Boldt Tina Fairless • Nate Skinner 101 W Hefner Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405) 752-5885 • f: (405) 752-5960 Construction Companies • General Contractors | 59 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 59

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Boomarang Diner Moore Josh Sowder 1305 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-2112 • f: (405) 275-2429 Catering Services • Restaurants

Broadway Florist Scherry Johnson 225 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8889 • f: (405) 793-1531 Florists • Gift Sales & Deliveries

Bott Radio Network Joseph Palmer • Quentin Sawatzky 1919 N Broadway Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73103 (405) 521-1415 • f: (405) 521-1391 Advertising Services • Radio Stations

Broadway Self Storage Amanda Dickson 1620 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-4000 Self Storage

The Boxcar Coffee Chad Hodges 2100 N Eastern Ave, Ste 3 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 362-0589 Coffee Shops • Restaurants

Brooks Accident & Injury Clinic Patty Hoskins 2313 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 943-0303 Medical: Clinics & Labs • Medical: Physicians & Surgeons

Brand Senior Center Darlene Carroll • Karen Williams 501 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3130 • f: (405) 793-5196 Nonprofit: Social Services • Senior Services/Care/Living

Brown-O’Haver Jennifer Seals • Alice Young 220 SE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-5510 Public Adjusters

Brandon’s Plumbing Brandon Morrison • Erin Morrison 17450 S Sooner Rd Norman, OK 73071 (405) 799-5678 • f: (405) 799-3310 Plumbing Services • Remodeling & Renovations Braum’s Ice Cream & Burgers Store Manager 101 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7274 • f: (405) 475-2460 Grocery Stores • Restaurants Braum’s Ice Cream & Burgers Store Manager 1928 S Santa Fe Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-1032 Grocery Stores • Restaurants Braum’s Ice Cream & Burgers Store Manager 620 NW 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5355 • f: (405) 475-2460 Grocery Stores • Restaurants Brixton Chiropractic & Acupuncture Dr. Joseph Glenn • Rachel Greene 6401 N Interstate Dr, Ste 148 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 801-3665 • f: (405) 801-3666 Medical: Chiropractic Care

C Calloway Tax Advisors, Inc. Jorge Diaz 5350 S Western, Ste 105 Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 514-1922 Accounting Services Canadian Pipe & Supply Dickey Smith • Justin Smith 233 SE 5th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-6825 • f: (405) 794-6488 Manufacturers • Oilfield Equipment & Supply The Candy Castle & Popcorn Palace Stephen Krohn • Victoria Krohn 113 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2300 Retail Capstone Construction Services, LLC Brandi Brewer 3900 S Broadway Edmond, OK 73013 (405) 607-0588 Construction Companies • Remodeling & Renovations

Bryan’s Flooring, LLC Brent Hall 2750 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 634-4136 • f: (405) 634-6589 Flooring Supplies/Installation • Home Improvement

Carino’s Italian Kim Cordero • Eric Cronk 7900 S Walker Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 632-4600 • f: (405) 632-4609 Catering Services • Restaurants

Buchanan Realty Group Steve Buchanan • Debbie Butler 11801 S Western Ave, Ste A Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-9767 • f: (405) 691-1175 Developers • Real Estate

CarMichaels Electric Mike Harvey (405) 823-6933 Electrical Services

Bug Zappers Pest Control Jacy Hooper • Mike LaPlante 2534 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2849 • f: (405) 703-2849 Exterminator • Weed Control Bullfrog Spas of OKC Gordon Brewer 2520 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 605-5330 Pools & Spas Supply & Sales Butler Plumbing Inc Rachel Butler-Cornelius • Josh Cornelius 524 SE 29th Oklahoma City, OK 73129 (405) 635-8942 • f: (405) 635-8949 Plumbing Services

CarMichaels Salon Caron Harvey 190 NE 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1611 Beauty Salon & Services • Health & Beauty Cavins Construction Group Gary Cavins • Chloe Rauss 1839 Atchison Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 573-3048 • f: (405) 579-4964 Construction Companies • Remodeling & Renovations Cavnar Insurance Agency Terry Cavnar 250 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1572 • f: (405) 793-1598 Insurance & Benefits CBD American Shaman Moore Debbie Williams 821 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-7015 Medical: Health & Wellness

Celebration Station Julian Valbuena 509 Westline Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) 942-7888 • f: (405) 942-8952 Entertainment Central Bark Dog Grooming Melissa Wallin 107 SE 3rd St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-8773 Animal Care Century 21 Clinkenbeard Agency Stephanie Clowdus • Natalie Webb 204 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2100 • f: (405) 799-2112 Real Estate • Rental Property Charles Thompson, Inc. Charles Thompson 2022 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4188 • f: (405) 794-6403 Real Estate Chateau on the Green & Court Martha Bradley 1511 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-4200 • f: (405) 793-3310 Independent Senior Housing • Senior Services/Care/ Living Cheers Wine & Spirits Melissa Collins 1019 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3029 Liquor Stores • Retail Chelino’s Mexican Restaurant Marcelino Garcia • Sofia Marquez 2113 Riverwalk Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0677 Catering Services • Restaurants Chick-fil-A Brian Hilgenfeld • Kelsey Mullins 2001 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6100 • f: (405) 799-6199 Catering Services • Restaurants Children’s Lighthouse Harbor Joan Day • Richard Day 2016 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7728 • f: (405) 799-8825 Education: Early Childhood/Preschool Childs Family Chiropractic Carey Childs 1330 N Interstate Dr Norman, OK 73072 (405) 366-9355 • f: (405) 366-9393 Health & Beauty • Medical: Chiropractic Care

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Chipotle Mexican Grill Patrick Lewis • Daniel Velasquez 705 SW 19th St, Ste 200 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0531 • f: (303) 390-5620 Catering Services • Restaurants Choctaw Chamber of Commerce Carol Goodwin 2437 Main Choctaw, OK 73020 (405) 390-3303 • f: (405) 390-3330 Chambers of Commerce Choctaw Nation Print Services (866) 924-1120 Printing Services & Supplies • Promotional Products Chris’ Express Drug Lindsey Burns • Chris Phillips 12032 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-3950 • f: (405) 735-6079 Medical: Pharmacies Christian Brothers Automotive Mike Cochran • Dan Osban 10311 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 692-5461 • f: (405) 692-5478 Automobile: Repairs & Services Christian Brothers Automotive Norman Curtis Henning 3050 Yarbrough Way Norman, OK 73072 (405) 701-1811 • f: (405) 701-1814 Automobile: Repairs & Services Circle D Pawn No. 5 Mike Blair 433 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7867 Pawn Shop • Retail City Bites Jerry Wolford • Mike Woolf 1804 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-3400 Catering Services • Restaurants City of Moore Mayor Glenn Lewis • Brooks Mitchell 301 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5000 • f: (405) 793-5107 Government Citywide Mortgage Jan Astani • Johnnell Jones 9400 S I-35 Service Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73160 (405) 794-4412 • f: (405) 794-4263 Mortgage • Real Estate

Clarity Pro Rob Garibay • Mike Hoang 2720 Washington Dr, Ste 100 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 237-0019 • f: (405) 796-0231 Consulting Services • Education: Professional Development/Training Classen Urgent Care Michael Stancliff 1025 SW 4th St, Ste 101 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2001 Medical: Clinics & Labs • Medical: Urgent Care Clearview Insurance Services LLC Holly Jennings • Jeremy Lay 1901 N Moore Ave, Ste 18 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2834 Insurance & Benefits Cleveland County Commissioner, District 1 Rod Cleveland 201 S Jones, Ste 260 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 639-8145 Government Cleveland County Commissioner, District 2 Darry Stacy 201 S Jones, Ste 260 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 639-8145 Government Cleveland County Commissioner, District 3 Harold Haralson 201 S Jones, Ste 260 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 366-0200 • f: (405) 366-0205 Government Cleveland County District Attorney Rhonda Bailey • Greg Mashburn 201 S Jones, Ste 300 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 321-8268 • f: (405) 360-7840 Government Cleveland County Fair Grounds Bryan Jenkins • Sandy McClure 615 E Robinson St Norman, OK 73071 (405) 360-4721 • f: (405) 360-4512 Fairgrounds • Nonprofit: Social/Civic Associations Cleveland County Habitat for Humanity & Restore Linda Banta • Lisa Driskill 1100 W Main, Ste 100 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 366-2813 • f: (405) 360-8156 Builders • Nonprofit: Social Services Cleveland County Lifestyle Jerri Culpepper • Jimmy Darden (405) 541-5650 Newspapers & Magazines • Publishing

Cleveland County OSU Cooperative Extension Susan Moffat 601 E Robinson Norman, OK 73071 (405) 321-4774 • f: (405) 360-0319 Education: Professional Development/Training

Computer RX Amy Nolen • Lauren Warkentine 750 SW 24th St Moore, OK 73160 (800) 647-5288 • f: (405) 799-7118 Software Development

Cleveland County Sheriff’s Office Todd Gibson 128 S Peters Ave Norman, OK 73069 (405) 701-8888 • f: (405) 701-8585 Government

Computers ‘N’ Moore Dwayne Armstrong • Rob Bird 2530 N Moore Ave, Bldg D Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2750 Computer Sales & Repairs • Networking

Club Pilates Moore Allie Webb •Dejanee Boyko 12301 S Western Ave, Ste B-5 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 759-7111 Fitness Centers • Medical: Health & Wellness

Cornerstone Veterinary Hospital Dana Gill, DVM • Emily Heck, DVM 8809 S Sooner, Suite A Oklahoma City, OK 73135 (405) 265-6262 Veterinary Care

Coal Creek Vineyard & Winery Lisa Griffin 210 N Sara Rd Tuttle, OK 73089 (405) 381-9463 Brewery/Winery • Retail

Country Financial — Mike Purvine Mike Purvine 804 NE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7999 • f: (405) 794-7711 Insurance & Benefits • Retirement Planning

Cobble Insurance Agency, Inc Adam Cobble • Chad Cobble 2100 N Eastern, Ste 12 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3652 • f: (405) 703-0827 Insurance & Benefits

Country Leisure Manufacturing Bethanie Britton • Kristina Schuler 3001 N Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-7745 • f: (405) 799-7747 Pools & Spas Supply & Sales • Retail

U.S. Congressman Tom Cole Will McPherson 2424 Springer Dr, Ste 201 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 329-6500 • f: (405) 321-7369 Government

Covenant Life Assembly Randy Morgan 207 S Howard Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6353 • f: (405) 799-6353 Child Care Services • Churches

Columns on Main Victoria Krohn 101 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 364-3777 Gift Sales & Deliveries • Retail

Cowan Group Engineering Candace Timmons 7100 N Classen, Ste 500 Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 463-3369 Engineers

Comfort Dental Dr. Tanner Prescott 1060 SW 4th St, Ste 200 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 384-7071 Medical: Dentists Community Christian Church Bill Gardner 2010 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-9673 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious Community Hospital Devin Inhofe • Debbie Kearns 3100 SW 89th Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 602-8100 Medical: Clinics & Labs • Medical: Hospitals

Cox Business John Ogders • Aehee Park 715 NE 122nd Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405) 286-3118 • f: (877) 873-4147 Telecommunications • Utilities Creative Kids Learning Center Charity Kelly • Janet Kramer 335 SW 134th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 799-5437 Education: Early Childhood/Preschool • Education: Private Crest Foods James Jones 1315 N Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-8100 • f: (405) 794-7406 Bakeries • Grocery Stores | 61 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 61

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Crimestoppers of Moore Patti Morgan 2119 Riverwalk Dr, #158 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5160 Nonprofit: Social/Civic Associations Crockstar Dinner Club, LLC Tracy Bingham • Lindsay VanCuren 920 SW 104th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 203-2723 Food Preparation • Retail Cross Timber Apartments Alisha Jones 10700 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 242-6441 Apartments • Rental Property Crossroads Youth & Family Services Head Start & Early Head Start Chelsey Ulrich 312 N Janeway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-9993 • f: (405) 912-2366 Child Care Services • Education: Early Childhood/ Preschool The Crown Center John Youell Sr. 13300 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 520-1147 • f: (405) 692-3071 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious Custom Dental SOKC — Dr. Carson Nail Dr. Carson Nail 6800 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 631-7571 Medical: Dentists Custom Floor Design Inc. Doug Taylor 9310 S Eastern Oklahoma City, OK 73160 (405) 794-2729 • f: (405) 794-8726 Flooring Supplies/Installation • Home Improvement

D Dairy Queen/Orange Julius David Jones • Sarah Jones 2301 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-4774 Restaurants Daisy Exchange Moore Josh Adkinson 2741 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-2278 Resale • Retail

Dale Rogers Training Center Michael Jones 2501 N Utah Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73107 (405) 946-4489 Nonprofit: Social Services • Ribbon & Award Sales & Manufacturers Dalton’s Plumbing Inc Dalton Spradling 2124 N Pole Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-3992 • f: (405) 794-3999 Plumbing Services Del City Chamber of Commerce Kaley Stewart 5540 SE 15th Del City, OK 73115 (405) 677-1910 Chambers of Commerce Del Rancho Michael Burchett • Shawna Travens 1409 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4131 Restaurants Del Real Foods Brenda Brookshire • Danny McCall 216 NE 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 300-6780 • f: (405) 300-6816 Manufacturers Del Taco, LLC Alyssa Mossa • Daniel Penalber 770 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-1252 Restaurants Diamond Dee-Lite Jewelry Dee O’Dell • Teri O’Dell 308 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8166 • f: (405) 799-7170 Jewelers Diamond Payroll Services, LLC Sherry Hill • Leslie McGregor 121 W Main Norman, OK 73069 (405) 292-1941 • f: (405) 321-8624 Accounting Services • Payroll Processing Services Discount Moving Mike Dodson • Paula Dodson 2707 N Janeway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4919 • f: (405) 735-5043 Moving Companies Dolese Company Jeremy Scammahorn PO Box 677 Oklahoma City, OK 73101 (405) 794-0546 • f: (405) 794-1106 Concrete & Paving

DOORTEC Garage Doors Sean Seney • Brent Trotter 8229 W Britton Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73132 (405) 720-7107 • f: (405) 721-1002 Garage Door Sales/Service

Edmond Chamber of Commerce Sherry Jordon 825 E 2nd St, Ste 100 Edmond, OK 73034 (405) 341-2808 Chambers of Commerce

Doyle-Crow & Associates Chris Crow • Betty R Doyle 108 SE 3rd St, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-0893 • f: (405) 793-7075 Insurance & Benefits

Edward Jones — Todd Lance Todd Lance 937 SW 25th St, Ste G Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0046 Financial Services • Retirement Planning

The Dusty Paw Linda Ardray 825 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 609-9974 Animal Care • Retail

Eide Bailly LLP Patti Morgan, CPA 2402 Westport Dr Norman, OK 73070 (405) 292-2900 • f: (405) 321-4758 Accounting Services • Tax Services

Dycus-Camp Clinic Dr. Scott Dycus 320 N Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4474 • f: (405) 793-8703 Medical: Clinics & Labs

Eighty Three Arcade Dean Wenzel 638 N Broadway St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 410-2604 Entertainment

E Eagle 1 Autoglass LLC Kelsey Gleason • Terry Gleason 501 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 737-2063 • f: (405) 737-0746 Automobile: Windshield Repair & Replacement Eagle One Pizza Brian Amachouch 11613 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 703-4555 Catering Services • Restaurants Earlywine Park YMCA Paul Urquhart 11801 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 378-0420 • f: (405) 378-0441 Child Care Services • Medical: Health & Wellness Eastmoor Animal Clinic Dr. Arva Rogers • Dr. David Rogers 400 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8900 • f: (405) 793-9899 Animal Care • Veterinary Care Eaton Business Solutions Hope Eaton 121 W Main, Ste 101A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 256-4788 Consulting Services • Insurance & Benefits

Eileen’s Colossal Cookies Lauri Hess 9044 S Sooner Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73165 (405) 455-5005 Bakeries Elevate Church Renee Wayland 210 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 458-0808 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious Elevation Trampoline Park Wyley Shaw • Marc Taylor 1431 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2288 • f: (405) 759-2240 Entertainment Emmaus Baptist Church Ann Darling • Jim Lehew 16001 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-6646 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious Estell Excavation Inc. Carol Sue Giddens • Sammy Giddens 1701 SE 25th Oklahoma City, OK 73129 (405) 672-4747 • f: (405) 672-4788 Construction Companies • Land Excavation Cathy Estes, Kaeser & Blair Authorized Dealer Cathy Estes PO Box 7739 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 623-9762 Advertising Services • Promotional Products

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The Evans Agency — State Farm Jordan Evans 717 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4779 Insurance & Benefits Excellence Irrigation Carlos Perez PO Box 720278 Norman, OK 73070 (405) 210-1236 Construction Companies • Landscaping Services & Care eXp Realty Joseph Taylor 101 Park Ave, Ste 1300 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 420-2121 Real Estate Express Employment Professionals Veronica Zamora 2424 Springer Dr, Ste 103 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 366-6060 • f: (405) 364-8604 Employment Services/Staffing Express Oil Change & Service Center Chase Aubrey 641 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3131 Automobile: Repairs & Services Eye Care Oklahoma Inc Davina Craig • Jay E. Leemaster, M.D. 2909 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-7510 • f: (405) 799-4742 Medical: Clinics & Labs • Medical: Optometrists/Optical Eye Care Oklahoma/FirstLook Eyewear Becca Arrowood 10801 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 799-7510 Medical: Clinics & Labs • Medical: Optometrists/Optical

F Family Medicine South OKC Tami Ferguson 2605 SW 119th St, Ste A Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 912-3400 Medical: Clinics & Labs Family Medicine Waterview Bunnie Warren 2625 SW 119th St, Ste A Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 692-4777 Medical: Clinics & Labs

Farmers — Patrick Merrick Agency Patrick Merrick • Teresa Thomas 1400 SW 89th St Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 692-7500 • f: (405) 692-7800 patrickmerrick Insurance & Benefits Farzaneh Law Firm Kimberly Sarantakos • John Spencer 1025 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 528-2222 Attorneys • Legal Services Fast Signs Jeff Ahl • Kaye Ahl 900 24th Ave NW, Ste 2 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 701-2890 • f: (405) 701-2885 Promotional Products • Signs Featherstone Assisted Living of Moore Michelle Shepard 301 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-9919 • f: (405) 799-0520 Assisted Living Center • Senior Services/Care/Living Feed the Children Bob Thomas 333 N Meridian Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73101 (405) 942-0228 Non Profit: Social/Civic Associations Fellowship Church John Youell Jr. 9134 S Walker Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 520-1622 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious Firehouse Community Outreach Heather Boss • Daren Dabrowski 800 S Santa Fe Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-0900 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious Firestone Complete Auto Care Brent Lundt 1800 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1465 • f: (405) 793-1467 Automobile: Repairs & Services • Tire Retail Sales & Service First American Title & Trust Co. Pam Phillips 615 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-7734 • f: (866) 721-6206 Abstract Title Services

First Christian Church Rev. Shannon Grubbs • Kristi Ribble 629 NW 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-6166 • f: (405) 794-6199 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious

Floorco Design Center Kaela Delgado • Shelley Schnoor 11716 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 790-0309 • f: (405) 790-0739 Flooring Supplies/Installation • Home Improvement

First Fidelity Bank Ana Guerrero • Donna Hoffman 400 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 801-8120 • f: (405) 416-2380 Banks • Mortgage

Floor World Scott Akin 109 Industrial Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8659 • f: (405) 793-8955 Blinds, Shutter & Window Coverings • Flooring Supplies/ Installation

First Fidelity Bank — Walmart Kimberly Clift 501 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 801-8160 • f: (405) 416-2382 Banks • Mortgage First Look Eyewear Dr. Elizabeth Burkhart • Dr. Jay Leemaster 2909 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1181 Glasses/Contacts • Medical: Optometrists/Optical First Moore Baptist Church Donnie Voss 301 NE 27th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-2600 • f: (405) 793-5563 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious FirstTrust Home Loans JoAnn Durant 2100 N Eastern Ave, Ste 11 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 996-3992 Financial Services • Mortgage First United Bank Dee Ann Gay • Catherine Landeros 2101 Interstate 35 Frontage Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 579-7000 • f: (405) 794-7775 Banks • Mortgage First United Bank Regina Harwell 10731 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 579-7000 Banks • Mortgage First United Methodist Church Pastor Danny Wayman 201 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-6671 • f: (405) 794-6751 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious Five Star Equipment Justin Furnish • Bob Lewis 3315 N I-35 Frontage Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 681-7827 • f: (405) 681-7827 Outdoor Power Equipment • Rental Equipment

The Fluffy Puppy Salon & Boutique Shannon Reynolds 700 N Eastern, #A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3223 Animal Care • Retail FNB Community Bank Jeff Arvin 601 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-1110 • f: (405) 912-1115 Banks • Mortgage Force Personnel Cindi Wise 116 S Walker Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 623-1359 Employment Services/Staffing Forrest Fireplaces Forrest Underwood • Natasha Underwood 200A SE 8th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-4450 • f: (405) 378-2972 Fireplace Installation Fort Thunder Harley-Davidson Darrin Bayman 500 SW 11th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8877 • f: (405) 799-7840 Motorcycle/ATV Sales & Services Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers Wes Barnhill • Melba Henson 1525 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0114 • f: (405) 790-0451 Restaurants Fresh Start Community Church Dave Dooley 309 N Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7313 • f: (405) 799-8771 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious Friar, Odell Odell Friar (405) 736-6207 Individuals | 63 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 63

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Fritts Farm Development Jason Fritts 2450 S Fritts Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-1153 • f: (866) 825-4398 Developers • Real Estate Frontier Hospice and Transitions Kim Leland • Mandi Schulz 221 N I-35 Service Rd, Ste C Moore, OK 73160 (405) 789-2913 Home Health Care & Hospice Frontier Produce Moore Taryn DeWitt 725 Vermeer Dr Moore, OK 73160 (918) 527-1002 • f: (405) 703-0350 Wholesalers Full Circle Adult Day Center, Inc. Donald Pyeatt 4223 28th Ave NW Norman, OK 73069 (405) 447-2955 • f: (405) 701-0546 Nonprofit: Social Services • Senior Services/Care/Living Fuzzy’s Taco Shop Kory Allen 825 SW 19th St, Ste 13 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2419 Catering Services • Restaurants

G The Garage Burgers and Beers Andrew Bullen 2060 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2020 Restaurants Garden Ponds Unlimited Mike Lucas · Lauri Lucas 200 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-3323 · f: (405) 794-3325 Garden Ponds & Fountains · Landscaping Services & Care Gateway Mortgage Group Kathy Tautfest 2405 Palmer Cir, Ste 200 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 253-2282 • f: (405) 253-2283 Mortgage Genesis Church Brian Ramey • Serena Ramey 623 N Broadway, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-8840 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious

GiGi’s Baby Boutique, LLC Shari Wilson 1991 S Tower Dr, Ste D Moore, OK 73160 (405) 434-7499 • f: (405) 735-5227 Children’s Retail • Retail Glamorous Nails Tuanb Diep (Twan) • Toan (Kim) Tran 918 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-1114 Health & Beauty GOGO Sushi Express and Grill Lisa Nguyen • Helen Tran 1611 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-3474 • f: (405) 794-3473 Restaurants Goodwill Industries of Central OK Mark Barth • Traci Moses 741 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-6204 Resale • Retail Goodwill Industries of Central OK Mark Barth • Traci Moses 805 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-3674 Resale • Retail Grace Pointe Living (Active Adult) Amy Camarata • Karen Masters 1501 Grace Pointe Dr Moore, OK 73170 (405) 759-7748 • f: (405) 759-7761 Independent Senior Housing • Senior Services/Care/ Living Grand Master Won’s TaeKwondo Alicia Esparza • In Hui Won 10801 S Sunnylane Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73160 (405) 793-0752 Martial Arts • Sporting Goods/Instruction Great Plains Bank David Attaway • Dylan Ferrell 1101 SW 30th Ct, Ste A Moore, OK 73106 (405) 720-4720 • f: (405) 799-2810 Banks • Mortgage Greater Oklahoma City Chamber Roy Williams 123 Park Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 297-8900 • f: (405) 297-8986 Chambers of Commerce Green Hope Wellness Renee Harper 2309 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 551-1401 Medical: Health & Wellness • Retail

HayVic’s Stephen Krohn • Victoria Krohn 111 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 300-9060 Apparel • Retail

Green Okie LLC Kevin Sutter 4412 SW 33rd Oklahoma City, OK 73119 (405) 708-3509 Outdoor Construction Green Plus Charles Gregory 1280 N Eastern Ave, Ste C Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2267 Medical: Health & Wellness • Retail Green Plus CBD in Moore LaDonna Proctor • Tony Proctor 2030 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-1515 Medical: Health & Wellness • Retail Gregory’s Sporting Goods Inc Gregory Moore • Joel Moore 609 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 672-4230 • f: (405) 672-4352 Retail • Sporting Goods/Instruction

H H & R Block Sheryl Craig • Jan Ellis 711 SW 19th, Ste 104 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-9616 Tax Services Hair Central Brandi Sawyer 115 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2992 Beauty Salon & Services The Hairy Paw Inn Wendy Musgrove 1701 N Bryant Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7297 Animal Care Hampton Inn and Suites of Moore Karlie Carter 614 NW 8th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-6821 • f: (405) 735-6828 Hospitality • Hotel/Motels Haworth Homes Inc. Marvin Haworth • Sheila Haworth PO Box 7027 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 799-7575 Builders • Developers

HealthCARE Express Darlin Thrash 551 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-9321 Medical: Clinics & Labs • Medical: Urgent Care HealthPlex Hospital Richie Splitt 3300 Healthplex Pkwy Norman, OK 73072 (405) 515-1000 • f: (405) 515-1173 Medical: Hospitals Heart and Vascular Associates Cathy Kravick 700 S Telephone Rd, Ste 200 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-9355 Medical: Cardiovascular HeyDay Entertainment — Norman Bradi Blanco • Brooke Willhite 3201 Market Pl Norman, OK 73069 (405) 310-3500 • f: (405) 701-8053 Entertainment • Restaurants Hibdon Tire Plus Caleb Janssen 510 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7070 • f: (405) 794-4860 Automobile: Repairs & Services • Tire Retail Sales & Service hibu Rod Woodruff (405) 249-4142 Marketing Services • Website Design & Development Hideaway Pizza Eric Walker 835 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 604-0777 Catering Services • Restaurants Highland Baptist Church David Evans • Bill Sisk 2425 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5432 • f: (405) 794-5642 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious Hobby Lobby Angela Brawner 2650 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-8100 Arts/Crafts • Home Décor

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Holiday Inn Express Jay Patel 621 NW 8th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-9400 • f: (405) 735-9579 Hospitality • Hotel/Motels Hollie’s Flatiron Grill Ross Crain • Chelsey Todd 1199 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-0300 • f: (405) 799-3351 Catering Services • Restaurants Hollywood Corners Station, LLC Rodney Carothers 4712 N Porter Ave Norman, OK 73071 (405) 701-4990 Entertainment • Restaurants Home Care Medical Mart Allison Willingham 4401 S Walker Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 634-1467 • f: (405) 235-1476 Medical: Equipment & Supplies • Retail Home Comfort Solutions John McKelvy (405) 301-7297 Heating & Air Conditioning Service • Home Improvement Home Creations Bea Mitchell 2252 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 692-2222 • f: (405) 794-0341 Builders • Real Estate Home N Ranch Realty Gordon Gomme 601 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7777 • f: (405) 794-7899 Property Management • Real Estate Homeland Plumbing Kelly Sorrells 117 Industrial Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3999 Plumbing Services Homsey Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. Richard Homsey, DDS • Dr. Trey Homsey, DDS 1404 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4497 • f: (405) 794-1922 Medical: Dentists Honey Do Construction Amy Mize • Glynn Mize (405) 821-5555 Handy Man • Remodeling & Renovations

The House of Payne Dan Belcher • Jay Payne 620 NW 5th St, Ste B & C Moore, OK 73160 (405) 410-3211 • f: (405) 708-6729 Fitness Centers • Medical: Health & Wellness Hummus Cafe Haseeb Aman 811 SW 19th St, Ste G Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-7024 • f: (405) 237-3286 Catering Services • Restaurants

Immediate Care of Oklahoma LLC Tammy Flores 3400 W Tecumseh Rd Norman, OK 73070 (405) 307-6900 • f: (405) 307-6906 Medical: Clinics & Labs • Medical: Urgent Care U.S. Senator James M. Inhofe 1900 NW Expy, #1210 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 224-4721 • f: (405) 608-4120 Government

Huntington Fine Jewelers Lantz Smith • Lisa Smith 10633 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 692-4300 • f: (405) 692-2034 Jewelers

Innovative Medical Supply Brian Berry • Gina Nowlin 1501 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-8855 • f: (405) 799-8860 Medical: Equipment & Supplies • Retail

HYH Property Company Harvey Homsey PO Box 720772 Oklahoma City, OK 73172 (405) 603-3262 Property Management • Rental Property

Insure It Forward Jim Scheihing 410 N Telephone Rd, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 585-0648 Insurance & Benefits

I IBC Bank 901 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 775-1720 • f: (405) 767-1812 Banks • Financial Services The Icon at Norman Amy Lambeth • Crystal Romero 6475 36th Ave NW Norman, OK 73072 (405) 310-4767 • f: (405) 801-3605 Apartments • Rental Property Ideal Homes Vernon McKown 1320 N Porter Norman, OK 73071 (405) 364-1152 • f: (405) 329-1300 Builders IHOP Tiffany Boyd 2501 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-6652 Restaurants Nena McDaniel • Cassandra Walker 937 SW 25th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 534-4779 Fitness Centers • Medical: Health & Wellness Immediate Care of Oklahoma LLC Tammy Flores • Dr. Kevin Penwell 11808 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-2370 • f: (405) 735-2369 Medical: Clinics & Labs • Medical: Urgent Care

INTEGRIS Community Hospital — Emerus Holdings Erin Monroe 1401 SW 34th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 500-3330 Medical: Hospitals • Medical: Physicians & Surgeons INTEGRIS Family Care — Moore Trea Towe 1401 SW 34th St, Ste 200 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1188 • f: (405) 793-0492 Medical: Clinics & Labs INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center Pamela Hayes • Steve Petty 4401 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 636-7000 • f: (405) 552-5149 Medical: Hospitals • Medical: Physicians & Surgeons Integrity Martial Arts Kevin Listen 1991 Tower Dr, Ste E Moore, OK 73160 (405) 201-3985 Martial Arts Interstate Heating and Air Conditioning Jennifer Wolfes 9320 Pole Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-8900 Heating & Air Conditioning Service • Home Improvement Intrust Bank Pam Huff • Fanniesha Isaacs 100 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-7055 • f: (405) 895-7047 Banks

Irish Green Lawn Care, Inc. Shar McLaughlin 240 Industrial Blvd, Ste C1 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5296 • f: (405) 794-0978 Landscaping Services & Care

J JEM Glass & Service Debbie Brown • Don Brown 309 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-5333 • f: (405) 799-5024 Glass Repair • Window Sales/Installation JHBR Architecture, Inc. Jack Joiner • Julie Simon 600 NE 4th St Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 526-0280 Architects • Interior Design Jim’s Transmission & Auto Repair Center Philip Buckler 704 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6711 • f: (405) 799-2642 Automobile: Repairs & Services John M. Ireland & Son Funeral Home & Chapel Leslie Dunkin • John Ireland 120 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-1200 • f: (405) 799-1297 Cremation Services • Funeral Home Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler Jennifer Massey 2305 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-4600 Restaurants Joker’s Carpet Services Shawn McDaniel (405) 790-0197 • f: (405) 790-0229 Carpet Cleaners • Tile, Grout & Hard Surface Cleaners Journey Jewelers Roberto J Sanchez • Roberto N Sanchez 526 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2889 Jewelers The Joy of Travel with Meredith Carrell Meredith Carrell (405) 343-1819 Travel Service Just Kids Pediatrics Katie Osborn 400 N Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 757-7818 • f: (888) 673-6461 Medical: Pediatric • Medical: Urgent Care | 65 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 65

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K Chris Kannady, State Representative, District 91 Chris Kannady 2300 N Lincoln Blvd, Rm 246A Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 557-7337 Government Kaphar Roofing & Construction, LLC Charles Smith 600 Tower Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 837-7663 Construction Companies • Roofing Contractors Keepsake Enterprises, LLC Becky Medford • Lynn Medford 2990 SE 19th St, Ste 10 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 826-2050 Commercial Property Leasing • Real Estate Keepsake Fabric and Quilts Becky Medford 2990 SE 19th St, Ste 10 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 822-0039 Sewing Keepsake Self Storage Sandra Flippo • Denise Page 2101 S Sunnyland Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-9800 Self Storage Keith, Toby Tricia Covel • Stacey Rachel PO Box 721856 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 447-3813 • f: (405) 447-3816 Individuals Kelle’s Flowers & Gifts Kelle Williams 119 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4463 Florists • Gift Sales & Deliveries Keller Williams Green Meadow – Becky Seda Becky Seda 1624 SW 122nd St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-2556 Real Estate Keller Williams Realty — Glen Cosper Michelle Ashbaugh • Glen Cosper 1624 SW 122nd Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-2556 • f: (405) 691-2708 Real Estate Keller Williams Realty — Weber Home Team Dan Weber • Janet Weber 1624 SW 122nd Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-2556 • f: (405) 691-2708 Real Estate

Ken Shelton Insurance Agency, Inc Ken Shelton 10901 S Western Ave, Ste A Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 378-0407 • f: (405) 691-1579 Financial Services • Insurance & Benefits

U.S. Senator James Lankford Brookes Wright 1015 N Broadway Ave, Ste 310 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 231-4941 Government

Lincoln Lending Kelly Charles Pensoneau 501 SE 4th St, Ste C Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-5363 • f: (405) 217-0340 Mortgage

Kenmore Eyecare Center Todd Kenmore, O.D. 513 N Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3030 • f: (405) 799-3737 Glasses/Contacts • Medical: Optometrists/Optical

LaQuinta Inn & Suites Mike Chrestman • Glenda Newton 2140 Riverwalk Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-7700 • f: (405) 759-7711 Hotel/Motels

Lincoln Title Neva Ford 501 SE 4th St, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 779-4359 Mortgage • Real Estate

Kiwanis Club of Moore Belinda Journey • Carole Motley (405) 820-4317 Nonprofit: Social/Civic Associations

Lawton Publishing Danielle Lamsma • John Monek (800) 456-5804 • f: (509) 534-8969 Publishing

Kona Ice Moore Jennifer Harris • Richard Harris 12121 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 896-0370 Entertainment

Legal Shield-Identity Shield Lowell Doug Bynum (405) 305-5439 Identity Theft Services • Legal Services

Linder Screen Printing Corbin Linder 2418 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 558-1275 Screen Printing & Embroidery

Kwik Kar Lube Tune & Brakes Gary Schumacher 1817 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3450 • f: (405) 759-3452 Automobile: Repairs & Services

L Lacy Lu Boutique Lacie Morgan • Vickie Williams 2514 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 824-9093 Apparel • Retail LaGree Associates Nic Gautreaux • Jim LaGree 3000 United Founders Blvd, Ste 200 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 879-1171 • f: (405) 879-1174 Developers • Real Estate Landmark Cancer Center Staci Conder 2117 Riverwalk Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 245-1898 Medical: Oncology Landmark Fine Homes LP Donna Thompson 2740 Washington Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 292-5263 • f: (405) 701-8520 Builders

Legal Shield-Identity Shield Darrin Early • Craig Swagerty 500 N Morgan Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 826-4269 Identity Theft Services • Legal Services Legend Assisted Living Victoria Rose • Kerrie Young 13200 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-2300 Assisted Living Center • Senior Services/Care/Living Legend Memory Care Karrie Littrell 2800 SW 131st St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 703-2300 Senior Services/Care/Living Levant Technologies, LLC Stacy Eads 501 N Porter Ave, Ste 140 Norman, OK 73071 (405) 329-9997 Graphic Design • Website Design & Development

Little Guys Movers, Inc Ryan Hamblin 6301 N Interstate Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 292-5700 • f: (405) 292-1705 Moving Companies Living Roots Chiropractic Dr. Briana Shiley • Dr. Christian Windham 2300 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2300 • f: (405) 799-2360 Medical: Chiropractic Care Local Guy Buys Houses Tony Taylor (405) 985-9060 Real Estate Louie’s Derek Bradley • Melissa Bradley 1601 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-7419 Restaurants Love’s Travel Stops Bill Hause 3233 SW 89th St Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 686-1053 Convenience Store/Travel Stops

Lewis Jewelers Inc Glenn Lewis • Tim Lewis 2705 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-4644 • f: (405) 759-7508 Jewelers

Lowe’s Mike Deluca 1501 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 246-3581 • f: (405) 246-3582 Home Improvement • Retail

Lifetouch Oklahoma Amanda Haynes • Tina Lyon 228 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7748 • f: (405) 794-7498 Photography Services & Training

Lumpy’s Sports Grill Chris Cochrane • Krista Gann 10601 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-9559 Bars, Clubs & Pubs • Restaurants

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Lynlee Mae Chapel & Reception Center Leslie Dunkin • Victoria Krohn 507 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-8900 • f: (405) 735-8901 Event Center • Wedding Chapel

M M & J Insulation Jalayne Jann • Richard Munsey 800 Messenger Ln Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-9339 • f: (405) 799-4114 Fireplace Installation • Insulation Installation M&M Landscaping & Lawn Care Christine Massey • Tommy Massey PO Box 5906 Norman, OK 73070 (405) 366-8068 Landscaping Services & Care Maci Lynn’s Boutique Michell Knowles 222 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 919-3055 Children’s Retail • Retail Mallard Construction, LLC John McHughes • Tara McHughes 3601 S I-35 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 364-4501 • f: (405) 364-4505 Builders • Roofing Contractors Mama Carol’s Kitchen Bart Bingham • Carol Bingham 636 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-1548 Restaurants Marco’s Pizza Julie Albano • Mike Rogers 12201 S Pennsylvania Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73134 (405) 735-8990 Catering Services • Restaurants Marco’s Pizza Tori McPherson • Mike Rogers 1919 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2525 Catering Services • Restaurants Mary Jane Dispensary Darrell Carnes • Delta Klein 2990 SE 19th St, Unit 1 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 496-9614 Medical: Health & Wellness • Retail Mary Kay — Tish Norman Tish Norman (405) 821-6467 Cosmetics • Skin Care

Massengale Eye Care Candice Austen • Curt Massengale, O.D. 2828 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 631-2020 • f: (405) 631-2114 Glasses/Contacts • Medical: Optometrists/Optical

McDonald’s Gigi Jacob 105 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7404 Restaurants

Mercy Clinic Primary Care Moore Desiree Reyes • Sommer Skinner 1060 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-5491 Medical: Clinics & Labs • Medical: Physicians & Surgeons

Masters House Art & Frame Sharon Thompson • Steve Thompson 223 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-3131 • f: (405) 237-3131 Art Galleries • Framing Services

McDonald’s Ange Koffi 630 NW 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2000 • f: (405) 794-0031 Restaurants

Merry Maids Novalyn Greff 3740 E I-240 Service Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73135 (405) 670-1120 Maid Service • Window Cleaning

Mathis Sleep Center Brooke Bush 901 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 951-1201 Mattress Sales

McIntyre Law PC Noble K McIntyre, Esq. 8601 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 917-5250 • f: (405) 917-5405 Attorneys • Legal Services

MetroFamily Magazine Shelly Sanderson • Sarah Taylor 318 NW 13th St, Ste 101 Oklahoma City, OK 73103 (405) 818-5025 • f: (405) 445-7509 Newspapers & Magazines • Publishing

Matthew Mann, CPA, PLLC Matt Mann • Samantha Tritten 501 SE 4th St, Ste A (2nd Floor) Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2599 • f: (405) 421-9512 Accounting Services • Tax Services

The McKinney Partnership Architects Greg Ward 3600 W Main, Ste 200 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 360-1400 Architects

Metro Family Therapy Crystal Rios 1400 SE 4th St, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 837-1033 www. Medical: Counseling & Rehab Services

Mattocks Printing Co. Kelley Mattocks 325 N Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-2307 • f: (405) 799-3481 Graphic Design • Printing Services & Supplies

McPhaul Rozell Law, PLLC Carolie Rozell 918 SW 107th, Ste 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 821-1534 Attorneys

Metro Flooring & Design LLC Bill Schober • Ladena ‘’Dena’’ Schober 2719 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-4085 • f: (405) 703-4089 Flooring Supplies/Installation

McAllister & Associates Architecture Darrell McAllister 709 SW 119th St, Ste A Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 563-8295 Architects McAlister Construction, Inc. Josh Kitchen • Greg McAlister 223 S Walker Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 345-6793 • f: (888) 602-0111 Builders • General Contractors McAlister’s Deli Veronica Donnelly 931 SW 25th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-1140 Catering Services • Restaurants Mark McBride, State Representative, District 53 Mark McBride 2300 N Lincoln Blvd, Rm 433B Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 557-7346 Government McClain Bank Kelly Nemecek 2900 W Lindsey Norman, OK 73072 (405) 447-7283 • f: (405) 447-7847 Banks

Meadowlakes Retirement Village Jo Beth Johnson 963 SW 107th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 703-4225 • f: (405) 703-4230 Assisted Living Center • Senior Services/Care/Living Meek Construction Tony Meek 501 SE 4th, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-MEEK • f: (405) 703-6246 Builders • Construction Companies Meraki Real Estate Bryan Waldenville • Zandrea Waldenville 708 24th Ave NW, Ste 400 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 306-7766 Real Estate Mercy David Whitaker 13321 N Meridian, Ste 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 752-3638 • f: (405) 752-3898 Medical: Hospitals Mercy — GoHealth Urgent Care Jana Richardson • David Whitaker 705 SW 19th St, Ste 120 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 492-6799 Medical: Clinics & Labs • Medical: Urgent Care

Metro Turf Outdoor Power Equipment Mike Astani 5500 Huettner Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 360-5045 • f: (405) 360-5098 Generator Sales & Services • Outdoor Power Equipment Michael’s Catering Mike Cook • Sherrie Thrower 1210 NW 12th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 556-0377 • f: (405) 703-2273 Catering Services • Hospitality Mid-America Christian University Dr. John Fozard 3500 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-3800 Education: Higher • Education: Professional Development/Training MidFirst Bank Milly Groves 1037 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 767-7883 • f: (405) 759-7304 Banks • Mortgage | 67 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 67

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MidFirst Bank Chuck Russell 625 NW 5th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 767-7827 • f: (405) 799-5523 Banks • Mortgage

Moore Care for Women Becky Forsythe 700 S Telephone Rd, Ste 401 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-2229 Medical: Gynecology

Moore Funeral and Cremation Chris Cordell • Shelby Edwards 400 SE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7600 • f: (405) 794-7628 Cremation Services • Funeral Home

Moore Public Schools Johnny Bailey • Dr. Robert Romines 1500 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-4200 • f: (405) 735-4392 Education: Public

Midwest City Chamber of Commerce Bonnie Cheatwood 5905 Prosper Blvd Midwest City, OK 73140 (405) 733-3801 • f: (405) 733-5633 Chambers of Commerce

Moore Chiropractic Dr. Gregory Smith 101 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8777 • f: (405) 793-1089 Medical: Chiropractic Care

Moore Golf & Athletic Club Jason Beauchamp • Al Sexton 920 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0264 • f: (405) 790-0266 Country Clubs • Golf Courses

Moore Public Schools Foundation Clayton W Ramick PO Box 6100 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 373-6773 Education: Public • Nonprofit: Social/Civic Associations

Miles Family Medicine Lisa Jackson 303 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4664 Medical: Clinics & Labs

Moore Complete Dental Jamie Duque • Stephanie Revel 711 SW 19th St, Ste 100 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-5692 • f: (405) 759-2754 Medical: Dentists

Moore Liquor Bryan Kerr 914 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-5555 Liquor Stores • Retail

Moore Rotary Club Dee Ann Gay PO Box 6933 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 300-6202 • f: (405) 794-7775 Nonprofit: Social/Civic Associations

Moore Custom Monuments John Ireland • Kelly Johnson 117 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-9898 • f: (405) 799-9897 Cemetery • Monuments

Moore Los Tacos Zak Lindahl • Jennifer Turner 122 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 681-0888 Restaurants

Moore RX Ron Benab • Jeff McDown 2018 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-5101 • f: (405) 735-9523 Medical: Pharmacies

Minick Materials Steve Pavick • Jesika Skinner 6665 N Interstate Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 329-2458 Garden Ponds & Fountains • Landscaping Services & Care Miracle Ear Dr. Shawn Garza • Sandra Layne 1033 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-9932 Hearing Aids

Moore Davita Dialysis Barbara Clark • Jessica Lowery 620 S Santa Fe Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2439 Medical: Clinics & Labs

Mission Point Apartments Ryjeil Cook • Kim Kirby 2900 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-7190 • f: (405) 703-7191 Apartments

Moore Escape Rooms Micah Janzen 629 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-9797 Entertainment

Montgomery & Montgomery, CPAs Darren Montgomery • Courtney Schaffler 914 SW 107th, Ste A Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-6565 • f: (405) 691-6565 Accounting Services

Moore Faith Medical Clinic Dave Evans • Brian Johnson 224 S Chestnut Ave, Ste 100 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-0853 Medical: Clinics & Labs • Medical: Health & Wellness

Moody Mechanical Bill Moody 119 Industrial Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5099 • f: (405) 794-3888 Heating & Air Conditioning Service • Plumbing Services

Moore Fire Department Gary Bird • Greg Herbster 2400 S Fritts Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5110 • f: (405) 793-5127 Fire Department

Moore American Newspaper Mark Millsap 215 E Comanche St Norman, OK 73070 (405) 321-1800 • f: (405) 366-3516 Advertising Services • Newspapers & Magazines Moore Care Family Practice Jessica Deppen, ARNP 507 NE 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-9955 • f: (405) 735-5136 Medical: Clinics & Labs

Moore Fire Fighter Local 2047 Scott Lance • Corley Moore 2400 S Fritts Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5110 • f: (405) 793-5127 Fire Department Moore Food Resource Center Skyler Parker • Deanna Wasson 2635 N Shields Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 600-3182 Food Pantry • Nonprofit: Social Services

Moore Norman Overhead Door, Inc. Terry Cavnar • Pam Roat 315 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-9214 • f: (405) 799-9243 Garage Door Sales/Service • Home Improvement Moore Norman Technology Center Stephanie Royse 13301 S Pennsylvania Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 801-5000 • f: (405) 809-3548 Education: Higher • Education: Professional Development/Training Moore Norman Technology Center Robyn Castleberry • Stephanie Royse 4701 12th Ave NW Norman, OK 73069 (405) 801-5000 • f: (405) 360-9989 Education: Higher • Education: Professional Development/Training Moore Parking Lot Services Darrin Donaldson • Julia Donaldson 600 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 550-8889 • f: (405) 793-1029 Parking Lot Maintenance Moore Police Department Jerry Stillings 117 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5171 Police Department Moore Public Library Chris Manna 225 S Howard Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5100 • f: (405) 793-8755 Entertainment • Library

Moore Smiles Dr. Larry Leemaster 3001 S Telephone Rd, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8300 • f: (405) 793-8397 Medical: Dentists Moore Tag Agency Cindy Virgin 623D N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7144 • f: (405) 793-0672 Notaries • Tag Agency Moore Than Trees Rodney Moore (405) 404-4529 Landscaping Services & Care Moore Vintage Charm Furniture & Decor Karen Walker 1223 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-6262 • f: (405) 735-6269 Antiques • Furniture Sales & Leasing Moore Youth & Family Service Lisa Williams 624 NW 5th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3379 • f: (405) 799-0912 Medical: Counseling & Rehab Services • Nonprofit: Social Services Mother Nature’s Pest and Lawn Garry Jackson • Richard Likes 11621 N Santa Fe, #A-1 Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405) 278-8100 Exterminator • Weed Control

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Office Depot Moore Terry McKey 2200 S I-35 Frontage Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-1646 • f: (405) 237-1715 Office Equipment & Supplies • Printing Services & Supplies

Oklahoma City Metropolitan Association of Realtors Helen Bozman • Courtni Smith 3131 NW Expy Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 840-1493 • f: (405) 840-9720 Nonprofit: Social/Civic Associations • Real Estate

OG&E Electric Services Tom McCurdy PO Box 321 Oklahoma City, OK 73101 (405) 553-5110 • f: (405) 553-5177 Utilities

Oklahoma Consulting & Technical Services, Inc. Eric S Phillips 3309 Birch Dr Moore, OK 73170 (405) 582-0674 Networking • Technology Sales & Service

OKC Smiles Mark Phan • Jennee Roberts 930 SW 107th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 634-7303 • f: (405) 634-7868 Medical: Dentists

Oklahoma Electric Cooperative Autumn McMahon • Brianna Wall 242 24th Ave NW Norman, OK 73069 (405) 321-2024 • f: (405) 217-6904 Utilities

OKC Wellness Clinics Amanda Muse • Kyle Muse 804 NE 23rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5000 • f: (405) 794-5003 Medical: Chiropractic Care • Medical: Health & Wellness

Oklahoma Foot and Ankle Institute Dr. Nicholas Plants 13316 S Western Ave, Ste I Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 701-7300 • f: (405) 703-7107 Medical: Podiatry

OKIE Express Auto Wash Steven Holcomb • Jeff McCool 1801 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-3343 • f: (405) 793-3385 Automobile: Wash & Detailing

Oklahoma Gazette/Tierra Media Group Elizabeth Riddle 3701 N Shartel Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 528-6000 • f: (405) 528-4600 Advertising Services • Newspapers & Magazines

Okie Tonk Cafe Jim Fields • Michele Fields 1003 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 603-8665 Bars, Clubs & Pubs • Restaurants

Oklahoma Natural Gas Lynda Mobley PO Box 401 Oklahoma City, OK 73101 (800) 664-5463 • f: (405) 551-6801 Utilities

Oklahoma Blood Institute Becca Crawford • Lindsay Hix 1001 N Lincoln Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 419-1371 • f: (405) 419-1533 Nonprofit: Social Services

Oklahoma RV Center, LLC Ray Robinson 3025 N Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-9655 • f: (405) 912-9693 RV Sales & Services

Oasis Healing Centers Nathan Gaige • Harout Yerganian 1013 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 397-9158 Medical: Health & Wellness

Oklahoma City Community College Dr. Jerry Steward 7777 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 682-1611 • f: (405) 686-1159 Education: Higher • Education: Professional Development/Training

Oklahoma Web Media Scott Kindrick • Jason Waganer 5350 S Western Ave, Ste 542 Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 227-0575 • f: (888) 756-1797 Marketing Services • Website Design & Development

OEC Fiber Michelle Hohlier 2520 Hemphill Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 217-6868 Telecommunications

Oklahoma City Dodgers Andy Bradshaw • Lisa Johnson 2 S Mickey Mantle Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 218-1000 • f: (405) 218-1001 Entertainment • Sports Clubs & Leagues

Mullin Plumbing West Div. Daniel Ice 2936 N Shields Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 943-0009 • f: (405) 735-8010 Plumbing Services

Norman Regional Health System Paula Price • Richie Splitt 901 N Porter Ave Norman, OK 73071 (405) 515-2222 • f: (405) 307-1076 Medical: Hospitals

Museum of Osteology Jay Villemarette • Kim Villemarette 10301 S Sunnylane Oklahoma City, OK 73160 (405) 814-0006 • f: (405) 794-6985 Entertainment

Norman Regional Moore Stacey Kuykendall • Richie Splitt 700 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-9355 Medical: Hospitals • Medical: Physical Therapy

Mustang Chamber of Commerce Renee Peerman 125 W State Hwy 152, Ste 103 Mustang, OK 73064 (405) 376-2758 Chambers of Commerce

Norman Regional Moore Physical Therapy Sara Merchant 700 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-3055 Medical: Physical Therapy

MWC-Del City-Moore Assoc of Realtors Peggy Missel 1212 S Air Depot, Ste 35 Midwest City, OK 73110 (405) 737-3023 • f: (405) 736-1914 Nonprofit: Social/Civic Associations • Real Estate

N Neighborhood Housing Services Oklahoma Nadia Machado • Linda Rowe 4301 N Classen Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 231-4663 Nonprofit: Social Services • Real Estate New Season Church Rev. Kelly Martin • Pastor Rick Myers 300 N Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 824-2592 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious Newcastle Casino Jeanette Hackney 2457 Hwy 62 Service Rd Newcastle, OK 73065 (405) 387-6013 Casino • Entertainment Norman Chamber of Commerce Scott Martin 115 E Gray St Norman, OK 73069 (405) 321-7260 • f: (405) 360-4679 Chambers of Commerce Norman Regional EMSSTAT Ambulance Eddie Sims • Richie Splitt 1805 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 515-1561 Medical: Health & Wellness • Medical: Urgent Care

Norman Regional Senior Counseling Center Britane Outlaw 700 S Telephone Rd, Ste 301 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-3495 Senior Services/Care/Living Northwest Oklahoma City Chamber Jill McCartney 7440 NW 39th Expy Bethany, OK 73008 (405) 789-1256 • f: (405) 789-2478 Chambers of Commerce Nosh by Catering Creations Liz Barfield • Kim Torres 200 SE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 814-9699 Catering Services • Restaurants

O O & R Morgan, Inc. Odell Morgan • Rose Morgan 813 NW 34th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 232-2947 • f: (405) 799-3367 Consulting Services

The Oklahoman Media Company Nancy Simoneau 100 W Main, Ste 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 475-3380 Multi-Media • Newspapers & Magazines Oliveto Italian Bistro Sean Fry • Mike Sikes 1301 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-5553 Catering Services • Restaurants | 69 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 69

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Once More Decor Tanya Mandt 103-A N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 921-5599 Antiques • Retail Optimal Rehab South Physical Therapy Carrie Galyon 8 SW 89th St, Ste 101 Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 702-6995 • f: (405) 702-6998 Medical: Health & Wellness • Medical: Physical Therapy Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt Mandy Skipintheday 660 SW 19th St, Ste D Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-0250 • f: (405) 463-7356 Restaurants Orangetheory Fitness Moore Jay Bhakta 825 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-5259 Fitness Centers • Medical: Health & Wellness Orr Family Farm Shanain Kemp 14400 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 799-3276 Entertainment • Hospitality Orthodontics Exclusively S OKC Crystal Nuckels • Dr. Gaby Restuccia, DDS 1516 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 407-6453 Medical: Orthodontics Orthopedic Spine & Sports Physical Therapy Jeff Frazier, DPT 1700 S Broadway, #E Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-8777 • f: (405) 735-8778 Medical: Physical Therapy Ozarka/Eureka Water Company Larry Stetler 729 SW 3rd Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 235-8474 • f: (405) 235-6344 Beverage Service • Water Office Service

P P.B. Odom Construction Paul Odom Jr. 9401 S Penn Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 735-3100 • f: (405) 735-3791 Developers • Rental Property

Pacific Plains Asset Management Jesse Auwen PO Box 495 Choctaw, OK 73020 (405) 464-3864 • f: (405) 390-1687 Commercial Property Leasing • Real Estate The Painted Paw Dog Spa, LLC Shannon Fipps 14900 S Western Ave, Ste 210 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 435-6570 Animal Care • Retail Panang 7 Thai Restaurant Mac Chan 1615 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-7676 Catering Services • Restaurants Panera Bread Aubrey Iasiello 10600 S Pennsylvania Ave, Ste 1 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 378-8353 Catering Services • Restaurants Paradigm Hormones, LLC Felicia Ezell-Goodner • Dr. Henry Ramirez 1301 S I-35 Service Rd, Ste 106 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-7020 Medical: Health & Wellness Paul Davis Emergency Services Brent Orr 1917 Atchison Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 802-5405 Fire & Water Restoration • Mold Remediations Paul Methvin Homes, Inc. Liz Methvin • Paul Methvin PO Box 6919 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 793-7574 • f: (405) 793-7923 Builders • Real Estate Paychex Inc Marlena Brown 6305 Waterford Blvd, Ste 175 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 840-1315 Payroll Processing Services Pediatric Associates Becca Mansfield 700 S Telephone Rd, Ste 400 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-3100 Medical: Pediatric Pelley Investments, LLC Robert Pelley • Tracy Pelley-Rariden PO Box 7046 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 249-0911 Commercial Property Leasing

Perfect Smiles Family Dentistry Dr. Clint Blake • Tambree Rausch 500 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-3300 • f: (405) 912-2278 Medical: Dentists • Medical: Health & Wellness

Precision Builders Sassan Moghadam • Joey Wishnuck 221 48th Ave NW Norman, OK 73072 (405) 329-7979 Developers • General Contractors

Pho Lan Asian Bistro Julie Lam 711 SW 19th St, Ste 102 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-7774 Restaurants

Precision Door Service OKC Janet Pyle • Russ Pyle 3980 I-240 Service Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73135 (405) 694-4488 Garage Door Sales/Service

Physical Therapy Central of Moore Clara Finley • Jake Shockley 620 S Santa Fe Ave, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 809-8655 • f: (405) 759-3696 Medical: Health & Wellness • Medical: Physical Therapy

Primary Care — Moore Dee Hacker 700 S Telephone Rd, Ste 201 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-3120 Medical: Clinics & Labs

Physical Therapy Central of OKC Southeast Amy Lee • Scott McCaulley 5700 SE 74th St, Ste 500 Oklahoma City, OK 73135 (405) 610-6320 • f: (405) 610-6325 Medical: Health & Wellness • Medical: Physical Therapy Physical Therapy Central of OKC Southwest/ Earlywine Michael Detten 10740 S May Ave, Ste 110 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 286-3605 • f: (405) 286-9955 Medical: Health & Wellness • Medical: Physical Therapy

Primrose School of SW Oklahoma City Angela Martin • Helen Morris 1520 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 793-6000 • f: (405) 378-0723 Education: Early Childhood/Preschool • Education: Private Prodigy Vapor Company Justin Parks 811 SW 19th St, Ste F Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2868 Electronic Cigarettes • Retail

Physicians Surgical Center Kathy Moore 3121 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 364-9789 • f: (405) 366-8081 Medical: Surgical Center

Professional Development Institute @ OCCC John Claybon 7124 S I-35 Service Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73149 (405) 682-7856 Education: Higher • Education: Professional Development/Training

Christian H. Pilgrim, DDS Dr. Christian Pilgrim, DDS 717 SW 119th Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-0836 • f: (405) 691-0480 Medical: Dentists • Medical: Health & Wellness

Prosperity Bank Steve Florea • Michael Friedman 3501 W Robinson Norman, OK 73072 (405) 307-9066 • f: (405) 307-9028 Banks • Merchant Sales

Platt College Bob Johnson 201 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-3260 • f: (405) 912-4360 Education: Higher • Restaurants

Proud to Serve Family Dentistry Dr. Audrey May-Jones, DDS 6401 N Interstate Dr, Ste 156 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 309-7721 Medical: Dentists

Ponca City Chamber of Commerce Rich Cantillon PO Box 1109 Ponca City, OK 74602 (580) 765-4400 • f: (580) 765-2798 Chambers of Commerce

Proven Financial Group Gregory Huffman 2401 Westport Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 573-0100 • f: (405) 307-0100 Insurance & Benefits • Retirement Planning

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Q Quest Pediatric Therapy Liz Hylton • Paula Lewis 400 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 601-4303 • f: (405) 703-9144 Medical: Pediatric • Medical: Physical Therapy Quick Urgent Care, LLC Jalah Farzaneh • Iftikhar Sandhu 2212 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 285-7222 • f: (405) 285-7227 Medical: Clinics & Labs • Medical: Urgent Care Quintella Printing Co., Inc. Cathy Hill • Rick Sandersfield 130 SE 44th St, Ste 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73129 (405) 631-6566 • f: (405) 632-4900 Printing Services & Supplies • Promotional Products

R R&R Homes Lori Fitzgerald 3006 S Sunnylane Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-1212 • f: (405) 703-2626 Builders • Remodeling & Renovations

Ray’s BBQ Michael Fisher • Darrol Ray 1060 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-3840 Catering Services • Restaurants

REI Oklahoma Jennifer Edwards 218 E Main Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 319-8190 Nonprofit: Social/Civic Associations

Rise Coworking Jordan Mobley 2100 N Eastern Ave #8 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-9462 Commercial Property Leasing

RCB Bank Michael Tidwell 3151 W Tecumseh Rd, Ste 200 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 801-4456 • f: (405) 801-3990 Banks • Mortgage

Remington Park Christy McCormack • Kelly Wilborn One Remington Place Oklahoma City, OK 73111 (405) 419-4420 • f: (405) 208-8917 Casino • Event Center

Rise Residential Construction Stephen Sulli • Adam Hudson 16812 Dallas Parkway Dallas, OK 75248 (972) 701-5563 Construction Companies • Remodeling & Renovations

Real Estate Specialists Inc David Dillard PO Box 892770 Oklahoma City, OK 73189 (405) 692-4888 General Contractors • Real Estate

Republic Bank & Trust Jeff Miles • Chuck Thompson 401 W Main Norman, OK 73069 (405) 360-5369 • f: (405) 579-5488 Banks • Mortgage

The Ritzy Gypsy Courtney Fisher 11707 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-7554 Apparel • Retail

Republic Bank and Trust — OKC Banking Center Brent Colgan • Jeff Miles 11671 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 692-3400 • f: (405) 692-3416 Banks • Mortgage

Riverwind Casino & Hotel Teresa Bell 1544 W Highway 9 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 322-6000 • f: (405) 322-6036 Casino • Hotel/Motels

Republic Services/Allied Waste Crystal Bennett 7540 SW 59th St Oklahoma City, OK 73179 (405) 745-4141 • f: (405) 745-4144 Recycling • Waste Management

Rob’s Odd Jobs Hallie McEwin • Rob McEwin (405) 738-4465 Handy Man • Landscaping Services & Care

Realty Experts Monty Strickland • Randy Tarltan 504 Tower Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2255 • f: (405) 237-3460 Property Management • Real Estate Realty One Group Gable & Grace Millie Eubanks • Summer Fowler 3008-A Sunnylane Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 406-6434 Real Estate

Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers John Glover • Tyler Owens 700 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7037 • f: (972) 905-4242 Restaurants

REC Security Cheryl Shipley PO Box 6620 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 691-9120 • f: (405) 759-3781 Alarm Installation/Monitoring • Audio/Video Equipment & Supply

Randall University Mark Braisher • Dr. Timothy Eaton 3701 S Frontage Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-9000 • f: (405) 912-9050 Education: Higher

Reclaimed Warehouse Tabitha Clark 3004 S Sunnylane Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-3715 Furniture Sales & Leasing • Retail

Randall’s Temp Control Specialists Frank Randall 131 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-5841 • f: (405) 799-3545 Heating & Air Conditioning Service Joey Key • Cheryl Shipley (405) 370-6316 • f: (405) 759-3781 Audio/Video Equipment & Supply • Home Theatre Supplies/Sales

Rapha 180 Summer Garcia 825 SW 19th St, Ste 5 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 919-8247 Medical: Health & Wellness • Retail Rausch Coleman Homes 2212 NW 50th, 246 C Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 602-6686 • f: (405) 602-6696 Builders • Real Estate

Red Baker Propane Inc Karen Baker 9005 S Sunnylane Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73160 (405) 677-5277 • f: (405) 677-7722 Propane • Retail Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma Lisa Pitsiri • Natalie Price Wood 3355 S Purdue Oklahoma City, OK 73179 (405) 972-1111 • f: (405) 688-6447 Food Pantry • Nonprofit: Social Services

Resthaven Funeral Home & Memory Garden Jodi Keys • Jeremy Sparks 500 SW 104th Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 691-1661 • f: (405) 691-1605 Cemetery • Funeral Home Restoration Bible Ministries, Inc. Autumn Outon • David Outon (405) 609-4765 Education: Professional Development/Training • Nonprofit: Religious Rieger, LLC Dana Rieger 136 Thompson Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 329-6070 Property Management • Real Estate The Right Click Technical Support & Services Aaron Fravel (405) 625-5070 Technology Sales & Service • Website Design & Development Right Way Realty Chance Daggs • Josh McQueen 224 SE 26th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 259-5551 Real Estate

Rose Rock Realty Brian Mullins • Sara Mullins 121 W Main, Ste 100 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 692-0663 Real Estate Royal Bavaria Corp. Andy Gmeiner 3401 S Sooner Rd Moore, OK 73165 (405) 799-7666 Brewery/Winery • Restaurants Ryan P DeArman, PLLC Ryan P DeArman, Esq. 2512 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 501-7640 • f: (405) 578-4336 Attorneys

S S & S Pools, LLC Melissa Stile 1700 S Broadway, #M Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-2007 • f: (405) 794-2122 Pools & Spas Supply & Sales • Retail S.H. Vaughn Construction Co. Tina Tafolla • Shane Vaughn 524 Tower Dr, Ste C Moore, OK 73160 (405) 312-3365 General Contractors • Roofing Contractors | 71 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 71

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Salubrious Nurse Practitioners, PLLC Dr. Jeffery Barlow • Coty Bliss PO Box 6253 Moore, OK 73153 (888) 611-4429 Medical: Clinics & Labs

Senior Citizens Housing of Moore, Inc. Linda Minnick 300 N Turner Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4140 • f: (405) 794-0940 Independent Senior Housing • Senior Services/Care/ Living

Showplace Market Jenny Campbell 2001 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 814-1022 Home Décor • Retail

Sam’s Club 1705 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 300-6019 Retail

Serve More Sean Evans • Jayme Shelton 224 S Chestnut Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-3060 Nonprofit: Social Services

Sign Innovations Mark Hansen 1333 SE 38th Oklahoma City, OK 73129 (405) 840-1151 • f: (405) 840-1162 Signs

Servpro of Norman and South Oklahoma City Brock Baker 3200 Deskin Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 292-0808 Fire & Water Restoration • Mold Remediations

Signature Cremation & Funeral Care Kristen Beulen • Marcus Crawford 447 SW 89th St Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 494-6554 Cremation Services • Funeral Home

Sew-N-So’s David Gragg • Dona Gragg 2990 SE 19th St, Ste 2 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-6500 • f: (405) 735-6500 Clothing Alterations & Repairs • Sewing

Signature Custom Pools Don Allen • Robin Allen (405) 256-8764 Pools & Spas Supply & Sales

Santa Fe Donuts Heidi Choi • May Choi 1060 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2118 Bakeries • Restaurants Santa Fe Place DeNellda Jones • Jessicia Smith 1000 S Santa Fe Moore, OK 73160 (405) 410-3148 • f: (405) 410-3148 Group Home for the Disabled • Services for the Disabled Savannah House of Moore Nancy Davis 525 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2500 • f: (405) 735-9369 Independent Senior Housing • Senior Services/Care/ Living Save-U-Moore Duane Alexander • Rosme Gonzalez 1320 Santa Fe Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-8793 Retail Scentsy Sherri Gibson (405) 659-2867 Candles • Gift Sales & Deliveries Schlotzsky’s David Jones 631 SW 19th St, Ste 104 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-8400 • f: (405) 703-8402 Catering Services • Restaurants ScissorTail Roofing & Construction Sassan Moghadam • Joey Wishnuck 480 24th Ave NW, Ste 200-25 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 928-8089 Construction Companies • Roofing Contractors SecurCare Storage Jeff Sanders 1001 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-7587 • f: (405) 912-7587 Self Storage

The Shady Lady Interiors Charles Oldfield • Pam Oldfield 11715 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-0334 • f: (405) 691-0511 Blinds, Shutter & Window Coverings • Interior Design Sharing Tree Tabitha Narvaiz 825 NW 24th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 634-2006 Nonprofit: Social Services Sharky’s Scuba Shane Norwood • Steve Norwood 201 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3759 • f: (405) 759-2699 Retail • Sporting Goods/Instruction Shelter Insurance Freeman Agency Ginny Freeman • Ron Freeman 504 Tower Dr, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-0423 • f: (405) 794-0467 Insurance & Benefits The Sherwin Williams Company Michael Goodin 2225 SW 104th St Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 378-0160 • f: (405) 378-0311 Interior Design • Paint Supplies & Sales ShotROK Allan Miller 5408 N Santa Fe Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 595-3933 • f: (405) 749-8080 Alarm Installation/Monitoring • Telecommunications

Silver Leaf Animal Hospital Scott Floyd, DVM • Bryan Wright, DVM 530 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7771 • f: (405) 794-5627 Animal Care • Veterinary Care Silver Star Construction Co. Craig Parker • Steve Shawn 2401 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1725 • f: (405) 793-9989 Concrete & Paving • Construction Companies Simply Self Storage Michael Gracen • Joe Robinson 3015 N Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-1717 Self Storage Slim Chickens Jacob Jordan 100 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-8949 Restaurants SMC Consulting Engineers, P.C. Terence L. Haynes • Tom McCaleb 815 W Main Oklahoma City, OK 73106 (405) 232-7715 • f: (405) 232-7859 Developers • Engineers Snip-its Haircut for Kids Tricia Thompson 1301 S I-35 Service Rd, Ste 108 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2366 Beauty Salon & Services • Health & Beauty

Sommerset Neighborhood Assisted Living & Memory Care Connie Flowers • Jessica Guillory 1601 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-9221 • f: (405) 691-9253 Assisted Living Center • Nonprofit: Social Services Sonic Drive-In Clinton Bratcher 105 NE 12th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-3355 • f: (405) 794-7773 Restaurants Sooner Flooring Inc David Scroggins 13405 Legacy Hill Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 413-5985 • f: (405) 692-4611 Flooring Supplies/Installation Sooner Shopping Center Chad Vice 623-644 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 833-1661 Commercial Development • Commercial Property Leasing Southgate Baptist Church Doug Brewer 740 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-6646 • f: (405) 794-7176 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church Dustin Gardner • Marilyn Stallings 206 S Janeway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-2941 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious Southmoore Gold Club Inc Chris Clyma PO Box 7071 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 924-0412 Nonprofit: Social/Civic Associations Southwind Hills, LLC Tina Adkins • Elaine Tabor 468 SW 24th Ave Goldsby, OK 73093 (405) 837-9463 Catering Services • Event Center Sparks Clinic Dr. William Sparks • Julie Sparks 1101 SW 30th Ct, #B Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2233 • f: (405) 759-2277 Medical: Chiropractic Care • Medical: Health & Wellness The Sparrow Project Marilyn DiSalvatore (405) 630-4109 Nonprofit: Social Services

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Spectro Wire & Cable Beth Nixon • George Nixon 2208 Pole Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-9715 Automobile: Repairs & Services • Manufacturers

Staton Financial Group, Inc. Scott Staton 709 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-6762 Financial Services

Dr. Chad Spiva Dr. Stephen Garder • Dr. Chad Spiva, DDS 808 NE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-5529 • f: (405) 799-8223 Medical: Dentists

Steeped Tea Debbie Jensen (405) 659-0898 Gift Sales & Deliveries • Retail

Sports Talk Media 99.3 FM 1400 AM Randy Laffoon • Perry Spencer 2020 E Alameda Norman, OK 73070 (405) 321-1400 Advertising Services • Radio Stations Springhill Suites by Marriott Carrie Hoge • Shane Stout 613 NW 8th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2600 • f: (405) 759-2606 Hotel/Motels Springs of Moore Andrea Robertson 804 NW 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-5144 Apartments St John’s Lutheran School Gina Scroggins 1032 NW 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-8686 Education: Private The State Chamber of Oklahoma Nicole Boyles • Mike Jackson 330 NE 10th St Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 235-3669 • f: (405) 235-3670 Chambers of Commerce State Farm – Dusty Treat Dusty Treat 1031 SW 19th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-4611 Insurance & Benefits State Farm Insurance — Scott Tabares Scott Tabares 2090 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-0020 • f: (405) 799-7123 Insurance & Benefits Statewide Roofing, Inc. Amber Watts 5001 E I-240 Service Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73135 (405) 790-0109 • f: (405) 790-0119 Roofing Contractors

Stewart Abstract & Title of Oklahoma Stephanie Holloway • Jyl Thomas 1620 SW 122nd Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-9284 • f: (405) 691-8851 Abstract Title Services • Notaries The Stitching Post South Robin Hill 316 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-0026 • f: (405) 495-9998 Sewing Storage ‘’R’’ Us Teresa Cowen • Donna Winters 3411 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-1058 • f: (877) 835-2597 Self Storage • Truck Rental Subway Tim Ogg 623 NW 7th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-1626 • f: (405) 692-6099 Catering Services • Restaurants Summer Snow Entertainment Jeremy Norman 1325 N Janeway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7556 • f: (405) 745-2208 Entertainment • Restaurants Sunny Side Up Lynn Do • Pham Do 110 SE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-2450 Restaurants Super 8 Krishna Patel • Vijay Patel 1520 N Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4030 • f: (405) 703-0165 Hospitality • Hotel/Motels Supermercados Morelos Jose Ibarra Jr. 621 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 896-8397 Grocery Stores • Meat Deli

T TA White Electric, LLC Larry White • Terri White 417 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-3753 • f: (405) 237-3562 Electrical Services T. C. Burgin, CPA, PC Christie Burgin • T.C. Burgin, CPA 10401 Greenbriar Pkwy Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 692-0440 • f: (405) 692-1937 Accounting Services • Tax Services T-Mobile Sue Carter 4533 Enterprise Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73128 (405) 503-7050 Cellular Telephone Sales & Service • Technology Sales & Service T.N,T. Print Tish Norman • Sandy Tipton 320 N Rockwell Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73127 (405) 603-1300 • f: (405) 603-1301 Printing Services & Supplies • Promotional Products Taco Casa Ryan Biggers • Tyler Patterson 500 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-8800 Restaurants Target Stores Kayla Kapuscik • Angela Senters 720 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-5494 • f: (405) 378-5504 Department Stores • Retail Tax Worx Tracy Pelley Rariden 503 NE 12th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-3031 • f: (405) 735-3031 Accounting Services • Tax Services Therapy in Motion Scott Boyles, DPT • Cindy Merrick 1025 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-3400 • f: (405) 237-3401 Medical: Physical Therapy Thomas Sheet Metal & Custom Fab., Inc. Jimmy Thomas • Phillis Thomas 625 Vermeer Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6982 • f: (405) 799-6987 Heating & Air Conditioning Service • Metal Fabrication

Thrive Chiropractic Group Dr. Mollie Pertree 1991 Tower Dr, Ste G Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-8282 • f: (405) 735-8262 Medical: Chiropractic Care The Tilted Tulip Kristen Bowen-Oravetz 13316 S Western Ave, Ste Q Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 759-7590 Apparel • Retail Tinker Air Force Base 507th Colonel Richard Heaslip 7435 Reserve Rd, Bldg 1043 Tinker AFB, OK 73145 (405) 734-5286 • f: (405) 734-4899 Government Tinker Federal Credit Union Jan Davis • Jaci Cantwell 400 SW 6th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 319-2970 • f: (405) 443-2767 Credit Unions • Financial Services Tinker Take Off Ted Streuli 101 N Robinson, Ste 101 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 278-2835 • f: (405) 278-6907 Advertising Services • Newspapers & Magazines Tipton’s Plumbing and Sewer Zachary Tipton (405) 703-2700 • f: (405) 703-2717 Plumbing Services TLP Custom Homes Tom Pollard 3307 Hillview Dr Norman, OK 73072 (405) 364-7061 • f: (405) 366-6347 Builders Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar & Grill Craig Johnson 310 Johnny Bench Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 231-0254 Restaurants Todd Haworth Frameworks Todd Haworth 2821 SW 137th Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 990-2944 • f: (405) 703-2008 Builders • Remodeling & Renovations Top Notch Power Washing LLC Eric Buerger 2216 Pole Rd, Ste B Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-0315 Power Washing | 73 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 73

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Total Tire and Auto Accessories Paul Andes 105 SE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-5070 • f: (405) 735-5222 Automobile: Accessories • Tire Retail Sales & Service Total Vision Care David Lyon • Dr. Lisa Mayes, O.D. 705 SW 19th St, Ste 160B Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0393 Glasses/Contacts • Medical: Optometrists/Optical Tower Storage Christine Howse 1801 Tower Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-1171 Self Storage Town Square Publications, LLC Scott Ray (847) 427-4905 Publishing Tractor Supply Co. Arthur Mitchell 2030 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-2666 • f: (405) 912-2610 Farming Supplies • Retail Traditions at Westmoore Property Manager 12205 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 692-6300 • f: (405) 692-6302 Apartments Travel Leaders/Bentley Hedges Travel Bonnie Hedges • Angie Hendricks 10021 S Pennsylvania Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 237-3333 • f: (405) 237-3334 Cruise, Tours & Vacations • Travel Service Travel With Kathy Kathleen Cardott (405) 364-7895 Cruise, Tours & Vacations • Travel Service Tribute Memorial Care Angela Barbour • Shane Vice 708 24th Ave NW, Ste 300 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 292-4787 Cremation Services • Funeral Home Trifecta Communications Brent Wheelbarger 28 NE 28th St Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 793-3338 • f: (405) 703-4768 Advertising Services • Newspapers & Magazines Trinity Construction, Inc Chris Clyma • Eric Hamilton 1000 Cornell Pkwy, Ste 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) 695-7040 • f: (405) 695-7030 Builders • Roofing Contractors

Triple Diamond Construction LLC Anne Orman 2306 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-9972 Construction Companies • Roofing Contractors

United Way of Central Oklahoma Debby Hampton • Wendi Schuur 1444 NW 28th St Oklahoma City, OK 73106 (405) 236-8441 • f: (405) 235-2011 Nonprofit: Social Services

Vanco Properties Sheila Cody 2428 N Janeway Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-1554 • f: (405) 735-1514 Real Estate • Self Storage

Triple S Systems Doug Bradley • Greg Sutterfield 235 NE 2nd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-1900 • f: (405) 794-1908 Plumbing Services

Universal Insurance Tom Green • Kayla Vaughan 1700 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3311 • f: (405) 799-3330 Insurance & Benefits

Vapor World Lauren Hughes 2311 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-7857 Electronic Cigarettes • Retail

Tropical Smoothie Cafe Shatteria Clahoun 2101 Riverwalk Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2698 Restaurants

Universal Roofing & Sheet Metal Jimmy Guthrie PO Box 6650 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 799-6400 • f: (405) 735-3360 Roofing Contractors

Veolia Water North America Robert Pistole • Debbie White 4000 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5080 • f: (405) 793-5094 Contract Labor • Utilities

True Sky Credit Union Shana Lewis • Jan Morrison-Plank 10201 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 682-1990 • f: (405) 703-2564 Credit Unions • Mortgage

Urban Air Adventure Park Mario Rivera 2800 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 655-5805 Entertainment

Vera’s Posh Paws Vera Mahen 105 Sutton Cir Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-7674 • f: (405) 735-6780 Animal Care

TRW Credit Services Kevin Foster • Sherry Foster 3334 W Main, #398 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 875-1047 Education: Professional Development/Training • Financial Services

U.S. Lawns Janine Roath • Lane Roath (405) 912-0897 Landscaping Services

Verizon Wireless Ricky Hasson 610 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-5136 Cellular Telephone Sales & Service • Technology Sales & Service

TSET Healthy Living Program — Cleveland Co. Chandler Scarbrough 226 W Gray St, Ste 203 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 912-3583 Nonprofit: Social Services Two Men and A Truck Ronnie Buggs • Adam Mecke 216 N Cooley Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73127 (405) 708-7707 • f: (405) 708-7724 Moving Companies Two Olives Nutrition & Cafe Tricia Henderson 201 N Broadway, Ste 101 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-6373 Catering Services • Restaurants

U Ultra Thin, Inc. Jonathan D Bryant 1720 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7892 Ribbon & Award Sales & Manufacturers

USA Taekwondo Center Katherine Taylor 629 A NW 7th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-6061 Martial Arts • Sporting Goods/Instruction

V Validated Construction Cassandra Knight 10601 S Western Ave, Ste 115 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 534-9572 Construction Companies • Roofing Contractors Valliance Bank Alicia Wade 1501 24th Ave NW Norman, OK 73069 (405) 286-5700 • f: (405) 310-6251 Banks • Mortgage Van’s Pig Stand Nina Shuman 1991 Tower Dr, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-3000 • f: (405) 793-8267 Catering Services • Restaurants

Veterans Legal Services, LLC Chris Kannady, Esq. 2909 SW 136th Terr Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 703-7822 Legal Services VFW Post 8706 — Bruce January Jeff Bennett • David Ross Nonprofit: Social Services • Services for the Disabled Village on the Park Bill Finney • Karen Proctor 1515 Kingsridge Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 692-8700 • f: (405) 692-8810 Assisted Living Center • Senior Services/Care/Living Villas at Countryside Apartments Rhonda Childress 9501 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (844) 848-1362 • f: (405) 703-1771 Apartments VIP Massage Shanshan Li • Boning Ma 1011 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-8356 Massage Therapy • Medical: Health & Wellness

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Judge Jeff Virgin Jeff Virgin 200 S Peters Norman, OK 73069 (405) 366-0600 Government

Warren Theatres 1000 Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-9676 • f: (405) 735-9674 Movie Theaters

Volcano Sushi Bar & Hibachi Hang Chen/Henry 2727 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3888 Restaurants

Waxing the City Arti Patel 1301 S I-35 Service Rd, Ste 103 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 300-4314 Beauty Salon & Services • Health & Beauty

Vondel Smith & Sons Mortuary, Heritage Burial Park Steve Fuller • Scott Smith 6934 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 692-5503 • f: (405) 692-5439 Cemetery • Funeral Home

Weaver Clinics Darrell Weaver • Dr. Kim Weaver 2125 Riverwalk Dr Moore, OK 73160 (580) 470-9800 • f: (580) 470-9802 Medical: Clinics & Labs • Medical: Health & Wellness

W Walgreens Pete Kornecki • Rachel Millsap 1041 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1803 • f: (405) 793-2073 Medical: Pharmacies • Photo Processing Walgreens Kandice Walter 1201 NW 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2244 • f: (405) 799-7970 Medical: Pharmacies • Photo Processing Walgreens Jennifer Black • David Marrs 1229 N Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1120 • f: (405) 793-9536 Medical: Pharmacies • Photo Processing Walker Heat & Air Karen Walker • Ron Walker 1223 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-8647 • f: (405) 912-7643 Heating & Air Conditioning Service • Home Improvement Walmart Neighborhood Market Mike Davis 640 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-2724 • f: (405) 794-3937 Grocery Stores Walmart Super Center Adam English 501 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0021 • f: (405) 790-0035 Grocery Stores • Retail

Darrell Weaver, State Senate, District 24 Darrell Weaver • Tonya Lewis 2300 N Lincoln Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 521-5569 Government

Western Farmers Electric Cooperative Mark Faulkenberry 2900 S Telephone Rd, Ste 120 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2810 Utilities Westmoore Community Church Rodney Beavers 12609 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 378-0100 • f: (405) 378-3525 Churches Whataburger, Inc. Laura Danser 2290 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-6258 Restaurants Window Cleaning Plus Inc. David Basore • Faithann Basore (405) 627-2471 Window Cleaning

The Weighted Fork Chelsea Lynch 825 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 651-0445 Catering Services • Food Preparation

Windstone Construction Sassan Moghadam • Joey Wishnuck 221 48th Ave NW Norman, OK 73072 (405) 329-7979 Construction Companies • General Contractors

Welco Electric Inc Bill Williams • Alice Clark 2812 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 634-3695 Electrical Services

Wisdom Tooth Center Amber Page 2745 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 261-1002 • f: (405) 493-0995 Medical: Dentists • Medical: Surgical Center

The Well Church Tyler Wilson 224 S Chestnut Ave Moore, OK 73160 (817) 692-6923 Churches • Nonprofit: Religious WEOKIE Federal Credit Union Staci Harrison 1551 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 235-3030 • f: (405) 787-2898 Credit Unions Kevin West, State Rep., District 54 Kevin West 2300 N Lincoln Blvd, Room 248B Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 514-8468 Government • Individuals Western Door & Plywood, Inc. Brian Baker • Tony Baker 8521 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 631-0533 • f: (405) 632-6460 Building Materials

Women’s Resource Center Kyla McMoran • Kristy Stewart PO Box 5089 Norman, OK 73070 (405) 364-9424 Nonprofit: Social Services

World Information Network, Inc. Janine Burch • George Peintner (580) 252-7500 • f: (405) 293-9315 Business Coach/Motivational Speaker • Education: Professional Development/Training

X Xtreme Bed Bug and Pest LLC Brett Jobe • Shayla Jobe (405) 808-0553 Exterminator

Y The Yellow Rose Theater Ryan C Colley 1005 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7779 • f: (405) 793-7777 Entertainment • Theaters York International/Johnson Controls Vicki Davis • Connie Hobby 5005 Interstate Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 364-4040 Manufacturers

Z Zaxby’s Reginald Prince 2720 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2186 Restaurants

Work Activity Center Jodi Gardner • Beverly Young 203 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6911 • f: (405) 793-0850 Nonprofit: Social Services • Services for the Disabled Workforce Oklahoma Jeri Ray • Travis Rollins 1141 E Main Norman, OK 73071 (405) 701-2000 • f: (405) 701-2042 Employment Services/Staffing • Nonprofit: Social Services World Fresh International Market Staci Bridges • Chau Ngo 10700 S Pennsylvania Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 349-7200 Bakeries • Grocery Stores | 75 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 75

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C AT E G O R I C A L MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY ABSTRACT TITLE SERVICES American Eagle Title Group 1224 SW 104th St, Ste C Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 692-9710 • f: (405) 692-9713 First American Title & Trust Co. 615 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-7734 • f: (866) 721-6206 Stewart Abstract & Title of Oklahoma 1620 SW 122nd Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-9284 • f: (405) 691-8851

ACCOUNTING SERVICES The 1040 Company, Inc (319) 404-9117 Calloway Tax Advisors, Inc. 5350 S Western, Ste 105 Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 514-1922 Diamond Payroll Services, LLC 121 W Main Norman, OK 73069 (405) 292-1941 • f: (405) 321-8624

Eide Bailly LLP 2402 Westport Dr Norman, OK 73070 (405) 292-2900 • f: (405) 321-4758 (Please see our ad on pg 76) Matthew Mann, CPA, PLLC 501 SE 4th St, Ste A (2nd Floor) Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2599 • f: (405) 421-9512 Montgomery & Montgomery, CPAs 914 SW 107th, Ste A Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-6565 • f: (405) 691-6565 T. C. Burgin, CPA, PC 10401 Greenbriar Pkwy Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 692-0440 • f: (405) 692-1937 (Please see our ad on pg 76) Tax Worx 503 NE 12th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-3031 • f: (405) 735-3031

ADVERTISING SERVICES Ad-Specialties & More, Ltd. 2340 N Interstate Dr Norman, OK 73072 (405) 364-7579 • f: (405) 364-7764

Back to You Marketing 226 W Gray, Ste 217 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 637-6225 Bott Radio Network 1919 N Broadway Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73103 (405) 521-1415 • f: (405) 521-1391 Cathy Estes, Kaeser & Blair Authorized Dealer PO Box 7739 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 623-9762 Moore American Newspaper 215 E Comanche St Norman, OK 73070 (405) 321-1800 • f: (405) 366-3516 Oklahoma Gazette/Tierra Media Group 3701 N Shartel Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 528-6000 • f: (405) 528-4600 Sports Talk Media 99.3 FM 1400 AM 2020 E Alameda Norman, OK 73070 (405) 321-1400 Tinker Take Off 101 N Robinson, Ste 101 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 278-2835 • f: (405) 278-6907 Trifecta Communications 28 NE 28th St Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 793-3338 • f: (405) 703-4768

ALARM INSTALLATION/ MONITORING REC Security PO Box 6620 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 691-9120 • f: (405) 759-3781 ShotROK 5408 N Santa Fe Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 595-3933 • f: (405) 749-8080

ANIMAL CARE Central Bark Dog Grooming 107 SE 3rd St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-8773 The Dusty Paw 825 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 609-9974 Eastmoor Animal Clinic 400 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8900 • f: (405) 793-9899 The Fluffy Puppy Salon & Boutique 700 N Eastern, #A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3223 The Hairy Paw Inn 1701 N Bryant Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7297 The Painted Paw Dog Spa, LLC Shannon Fipps 14900 S Western Ave, Ste 210 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 435-6570 Silver Leaf Animal Hospital 530 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7771 • f: (405) 794-5627 Vera’s Posh Paws 105 Sutton Cir Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-7674 • f: (405) 735-6780

ANTIQUES Moore Vintage Charm Furniture & Decor 1223 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-6262 • f: (405) 735-6269 (Please see our ad on pg 31) Once More Decor 103-A N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 921-5599

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APARTMENTS 35 West Apartments 769 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-4500 • f: (405) 799-2462

McAllister & Associates Architecture *Previously Turist USA* 709 SW 119th St, Ste A Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 563-8295

Cross Timber Apartments 10700 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 242-6441

The McKinney Partnership Architects 3600 W Main, Ste 200 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 360-1400

The Icon at Norman 6475 36th Ave NW Norman, OK 73072 (405) 310-4767 • f: (405) 801-3605 Mission Point Apartments 2900 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-7190 • f: (405) 703-7191 Springs of Moore 804 NW 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-5144 Traditions at Westmoore 12205 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 692-6300 • f: (405) 692-6302 Villas at Countryside Apartments 9501 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (844) 848-1362 • f: (405) 703-1771

APPAREL HayVic’s 111 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 300-9060 (Please see our ad on pg 33) Lacy Lu Boutique 2514 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 824-9093 The Ritzy Gypsy 11707 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-7554 The Tilted Tulip 13316 S Western Ave, Ste Q Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 759-7590

ARCHITECTS ADG, P.C. 920 W Main Oklahoma City, OK 73106 (405) 232-5700 AGP — The Abla Griffin Partnership LLC 201 N Broadway, Ste 210 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-3477 JHBR Architecture, Inc. 600 NE 4th St Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 526-0280

ART GALLERIES Masters House Art & Frame 223 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-3131 • f: (405) 237-3131

ARTS/CRAFTS An Affair of the Heart 1901 N Moore Ave, Ste 20 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 632-2652 • f: (405) 632-2654 (Please see our ad on pg 54) Hobby Lobby 2650 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-8100

ASSISTED LIVING CENTER Autumn Leaves of SW OKC 2232 SW 104th Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 237-7070 • f: (405) 237-7074 Featherstone Assisted Living of Moore 301 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-9919 • f: (405) 799-0520 Legend Assisted Living 13200 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-2300 (Please see our ad on pg 5) Meadowlakes Retirement Village 963 SW 107th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 703-4225 • f: (405) 703-4230 Sommerset Neighborhood Assisted Living & Memory Care 1601 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-9221 • f: (405) 691-9253 (Please see our ad on pg 26)

McPhaul Rozell Law, PLLC 918 SW 107th, Ste 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 821-1534 Ryan P DeArman, PLLC 2512 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 501-7640 • f: (405) 578-4336

AUDIO/VIDEO EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY REC Security PO Box 6620 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 691-9120 • f: (405) 759-3781 (405) 370-6316 • f: (405) 759-3781

AUTOMOBILE: ACCESSORIES 4 Wheel Parts 905 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-7881 • f: (405) 912-4261 Total Tire and Auto Accessories 105 SE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-5070 • f: (405) 735-5222

AUTOMOBILE: REPAIRS & SERVICES American Tow & Recovery, Inc. 2425 N Shields Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-0995 • f: (405) 912-0995 (Please see our ad on pg 77) Auto Care Specialists, Inc. 2304 Pole Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3300 • f: (405) 793-7187 Beneficial Automotive Maintenance 2004 Crystal Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-1104 • f: (405) 703-1106 Christian Brothers Automotive 10311 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 692-5461 • f: (405) 692-5478 (Please see our ad on pg 38)

Christian Brothers Automotive Norman 3050 Yarbrough Way Norman, OK 73072 (405) 701-1811 • f: (405) 701-1814 (Please see our ad on pg 38) Express Oil Change & Service Center 641 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3131 Firestone Complete Auto Care 1800 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1465 • f: (405) 793-1467 Hibdon Tire Plus 510 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7070 • f: (405) 794-4860 Jim’s Transmission & Auto Repair Center 704 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6711 • f: (405) 799-2642 Kwik Kar Lube Tune & Brakes 1817 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3450 • f: (405) 759-3452 Spectro Wire & Cable 2208 Pole Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-9715

AUTOMOBILE: SALES & FINANCE Blazer Motors 9229 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-9930 • f: (405) 793-9934

AUTOMOBILE: WASH & DETAILING OKIE Express Auto Wash 1801 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-3343 • f: (405) 793-3385

AUTOMOBILE: WINDSHIELD REPAIR & REPLACEMENT Eagle 1 Autoglass LLC 501 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 737-2063 • f: (405) 737-0746

Village on the Park 1515 Kingsridge Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 692-8700 • f: (405) 692-8810

ATTORNEYS Farzaneh Law Firm 1025 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 528-2222 McIntyre Law PC 8601 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 917-5250 • f: (405) 917-5405 | 77 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 77

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BAKERIES Angela’s Bakery & Deli 623 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 808-8576 Crest Foods 1315 N Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-8100 • f: (405) 794-7406 Eileen’s Colossal Cookies 9044 S Sooner Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73165 (405) 455-5005 Santa Fe Donuts 1060 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2118 World Fresh International Market 10700 S Pennsylvania Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 349-7200

BANKS Arvest Bank 2101 S Santa Fe Moore, OK 73160 (405) 419-1731 • f: (405) 419-1748 (Please see our ad on pg 78) BancFirst 600 NW 5th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5511 • f: (405) 793-9539 (Please see our ad on pg 36) BancFirst 701 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 270-5040 • f: (405) 270-5055 (Please see our ad on pg 36) Bank of Oklahoma N.A. 11830 S Penn Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 703-7400 First Fidelity Bank 400 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 801-8120 • f: (405) 416-2380 First Fidelity Bank — Walmart 501 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 801-8160 • f: (405) 416-2382

First United Bank 2101 Interstate 35 Frontage Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 579-7000 • f: (405) 794-7775 (Please see our ad on pg 31)

Republic Bank & Trust 401 W Main Norman, OK 73069 (405) 360-5369 • f: (405) 579-5488 (Please see our ad on pg 25)

First United Bank 10731 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 579-7000 (Please see our ad on pg 31)

Republic Bank and Trust — OKC Banking Center 11671 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 692-3400 • f: (405) 692-3416 (Please see our ad on pg 25)

FNB Community Bank 601 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-1110 • f: (405) 912-1115 Great Plains Bank 1101 SW 30th Ct, Ste A Moore, OK 73106 (405) 720-4720 • f: (405) 799-2810

Valliance Bank 1501 24th Ave NW Norman, OK 73069 (405) 286-5700 • f: (405) 310-6251 (Please see our ad on pg 24)


IBC Bank 901 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 775-1720 • f: (405) 767-1812

Lumpy’s Sports Grill 10601 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-9559

Intrust Bank 100 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-7055 • f: (405) 895-7047

Okie Tonk Cafe 1003 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 603-8665

McClain Bank 2900 W Lindsey Norman, OK 73072 (405) 447-7283 • f: (405) 447-7847 MidFirst Bank 1037 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 767-7883 • f: (405) 759-7304 (Please see our ad on pg 44) MidFirst Bank 625 NW 5th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 767-7827 • f: (405) 799-5523 (Please see our ad on pg 44) Prosperity Bank 3501 W Robinson Norman, OK 73072 (405) 307-9066 • f: (405) 307-9028 RCB Bank 3151 W Tecumseh Rd, Ste 200 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 801-4456 • f: (405) 801-3990

BATTERIES SALES/ MANUFACTURING Batteries Plus Bulbs 7500 S Santa Fe, Ste 200 Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 631-7587 • f: (405) 635-1235

BEAUTY SALON & SERVICES The Austin Taylor Salon 1700 S Broadway, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-8571 CarMichaels Salon 190 NE 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1611 Hair Central 115 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2992 Snip-its Haircut for Kids 1301 S I-35 Service Rd, Ste 108 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2366 Waxing the City 1301 S I-35 Service Rd, Ste 103 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 300-4314

BEVERAGE SERVICE Ozarka/Eureka Water Company 729 SW 3rd Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 235-8474 • f: (405) 235-6344

BICYCLE SALES & SERVICES 405 Bicycles 3251 Market Pl, #110 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 310-2453 • f: (405) 310-4379

BLINDS, SHUTTER & WINDOW COVERINGS Floor World 109 Industrial Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8659 • f: (405) 793-8955 The Shady Lady Interiors 11715 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-0334 • f: (405) 691-0511

BREWERY/WINERY Coal Creek Vineyard & Winery 210 N Sara Rd Tuttle, OK 73089 (405) 381-9463 Royal Bavaria Corp. 3401 S Sooner Rd Moore, OK 73165 (405) 799-7666

BUILDERS 1st Oklahoma Construction Inc dba 1st Oklahoma Homes 2316 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 701-5557 • f: (405) 217-4423 Aaron Tatum Custom Homes LLC PO Box 891594 Oklahoma City, OK 73189 (405) 692-8421 • f: (405) 692-8048 AMF Development 1025 SW 4th St, Ste 210 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 528-5555 Baer Hall Homes 16900 Triana Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-6770 • f: (405) 364-7158 Cleveland County Habitat for Humanity & Restore 1100 W Main, Ste 100 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 366-2813 • f: (405) 360-8156 Haworth Homes Inc. PO Box 7027 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 799-7575 Home Creations 2252 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 692-2222 • f: (405) 794-0341 Ideal Homes 1320 N Porter Norman, OK 73071 (405) 364-1152 • f: (405) 329-1300 Landmark Fine Homes LP 2740 Washington Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 292-5263 • f: (405) 701-8520 Mallard Construction, LLC 3601 S I-35 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 364-4501 • f: (405) 364-4505

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McAlister Construction, Inc. 223 S Walker Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 345-6793 • f: (888) 602-0111 Meek Construction 501 SE 4th, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-MEEK • f: (405) 703-6246 (Please see our ad on pg 3) Paul Methvin Homes, Inc. PO Box 6919 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 793-7574 • f: (405) 793-7923 R&R Homes 3006 S Sunnylane Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-1212 • f: (405) 703-2626 (Please see our ad on pg 41) Rausch Coleman Homes 2212 NW 50th, 246 C Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 602-6686 • f: (405) 602-6696 TLP Custom Homes 3307 Hillview Dr Norman, OK 73072 (405) 364-7061 • f: (405) 366-6347 Todd Haworth Frameworks 2821 SW 137th Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 990-2944 • f: (405) 703-2008 Trinity Construction, Inc 1000 Cornell Pkwy, Ste 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) 695-7040 • f: (405) 695-7030

BUILDING MATERIALS Western Door & Plywood, Inc. 8521 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 631-0533 • f: (405) 632-6460

BUSINESS COACH/ MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER World Information Network, Inc. Moore, OK 73160 (580) 252-7500 • f: (405) 293-9315

CANDLES Scentsy (405) 659-2867

CARPET CLEANERS Joker’s Carpet Services (405) 790-0197 • f: (405) 790-0229

CASINO Newcastle Casino 2457 Hwy 62 Service Rd Newcastle, OK 73065 (405) 387-6013 (Please see our ad on pg 83) Remington Park One Remington Place Oklahoma City, OK 73111 (405) 419-4420 • f: (405) 208-8917

Riverwind Casino & Hotel 1544 W Highway 9 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 322-6000 • f: (405) 322-6036 (Please see our ad on pg 54)

CATERING SERVICES Blake’s Barbecue 2100 N Eastern Ave, Ste 5 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-1313 Boomarang Diner Moore 1305 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-2112 • f: (405) 275-2429 Carino’s Italian 7900 S Walker Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 632-4600 • f: (405) 632-4609 Chelino’s Mexican Restaurant 2113 Riverwalk Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0677 Chick-fil-A 2001 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6100 • f: (405) 799-6199 Chipotle Mexican Grill 705 SW 19th St, Ste 200 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0531 • f: (303) 390-5620 City Bites 1804 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-3400 Eagle One Pizza 11613 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 703-4555 Fuzzy’s Taco Shop 825 SW 19th St, Ste 13 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2419 Hideaway Pizza 835 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 604-0777 Hollie’s Flatiron Grill 1199 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-0300 • f: (405) 799-3351 Hummus Cafe 811 SW 19th St, Ste G Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-7024 • f: (405) 237-3286 Marco’s Pizza 12201 S Pennsylvania Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73134 (405) 735-8990 Marco’s Pizza 1919 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2525

McAlister’s Deli 931 SW 25th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-1140 Michael’s Catering 1210 NW 12th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 556-0377 • f: (405) 703-2273 Nosh by Catering Creations 200 SE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 814-9699 Oliveto Italian Bistro 1301 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-5553 Panang 7 Thai Restaurant 1615 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-7676 Panera Bread 10600 S Pennsylvania Ave, Ste 1 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 378-8353 Ray’s BBQ 1060 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-3840 Schlotzsky’s 631 SW 19th St, Ste 104 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-8400 • f: (405) 703-8402 (Please see our ad on pg 96) Southwind Hills, LLC 468 SW 24th Ave Goldsby, OK 73093 (405) 837-9463 Subway 623 NW 7th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-1626 • f: (405) 692-6099 Two Olives Nutrition & Cafe 201 N Broadway, Ste 101 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-6373 Van’s Pig Stand 1991 Tower Dr, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-3000 • f: (405) 793-8267 The Weighted Fork 825 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 651-0445

CELLULAR TELEPHONE SALES & SERVICE AT&T 14 E First Edmond, OK 73034 (405) 330-3480 T-Mobile 4533 Enterprise Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73128 (405) 503-7050

Verizon Wireless 610 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-5136

CEMETERY Moore Custom Monuments 117 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-9898 • f: (405) 799-9897 (Please see our ad on pg 7) Resthaven Funeral Home & Memory Garden 500 SW 104th Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 691-1661 • f: (405) 691-1605 Vondel Smith & Sons Mortuary, Heritage Burial Park 6934 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 692-5503 • f: (405) 692-5439

CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE Choctaw Chamber of Commerce 2437 Main Choctaw, OK 73020 (405) 390-3303 • f: (405) 390-3330 Del City Chamber of Commerce 5540 SE 15th Del City, OK 73115 (405) 677-1910 Edmond Chamber of Commerce 825 E 2nd St, Ste 100 Edmond, OK 73034 (405) 341-2808 Greater Oklahoma City Chamber 123 Park Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 297-8900 • f: (405) 297-8986 Midwest City Chamber of Commerce 5905 Prosper Blvd Midwest City, OK 73140 (405) 733-3801 • f: (405) 733-5633 Mustang Chamber of Commerce 125 W State Hwy 152, Ste 103 Mustang, OK 73064 (405) 376-2758 Norman Chamber of Commerce 115 E Gray St Norman, OK 73069 (405) 321-7260 • f: (405) 360-4679 Northwest Oklahoma City Chamber 7440 NW 39th Expy Bethany, OK 73008 (405) 789-1256 • f: (405) 789-2478 Ponca City Chamber of Commerce PO Box 1109 Ponca City, OK 74602 (580) 765-4400 • f: (580) 765-2798 The State Chamber of Oklahoma 330 NE 10th St Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 235-3669 • f: (405) 235-3670

CHEMICALS Black Dog Systems (405) 823-5935 | 79 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 79

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CHILD CARE SERVICES All About Kids 1050 S Santa Fe Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2977 Covenant Life Assembly 207 S Howard Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6353 • f: (405) 799-6353 Crossroads Youth & Family Services Head Start & Early Head Start 312 N Janeway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-9993 • f: (405) 912-2366 Earlywine Park YMCA 11801 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 378-0420 • f: (405) 378-0441 Play Street Hourly Child Care 1623 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-4244


Elevate Church 210 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 458-0808

Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church 206 S Janeway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-2941

Emmaus Baptist Church 16001 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-6646

The Well Church 224 S Chestnut Ave Moore, OK 73160 (817) 692-6923

Fellowship Church 9134 S Walker Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 520-1622

Westmoore Community Church 12609 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 378-0100 • f: (405) 378-3525

Firehouse Community Outreach 800 S Santa Fe Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-0900 First Christian Church 629 NW 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-6166 • f: (405) 794-6199 First Moore Baptist Church 301 NE 27th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-2600 • f: (405) 793-5563

GiGi’s Baby Boutique, LLC 1991 S Tower Dr, Ste D Moore, OK 73160 (405) 434-7499 • f: (405) 735-5227

First United Methodist Church 201 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-6671 • f: (405) 794-6751

Maci Lynn’s Boutique 222 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 919-3055

Fresh Start Community Church 309 N Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7313 • f: (405) 799-8771

CHURCHES Community Christian Church 2010 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-9673 Covenant Life Assembly 207 S Howard Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6353 • f: (405) 799-6353 The Crown Center 13300 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 520-1147 • f: (405) 692-3071 (Please see our ad on pg 80)

Genesis Church 623 N Broadway, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-8840 Highland Baptist Church 2425 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5432 • f: (405) 794-5642 New Season Church 300 N Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 824-2592 Southgate Baptist Church 740 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-6646 • f: (405) 794-7176

CLOTHING ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS Sew-N-So’s 2990 SE 19th St, Ste 2 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-6500 • f: (405) 735-6500

COFFEE SHOPS The Boxcar Coffee 2100 N Eastern Ave, Ste 3 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 362-0589

COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Sooner Shopping Center 623-644 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 833-1661

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY LEASING Aria Development 221 48th Ave NW Norman, OK 73072 (405) 329-7979 Keepsake Enterprises, LLC 2990 SE 19th St, Ste 10 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 826-2050 Pacific Plains Asset Management PO Box 495 Choctaw, OK 73020 (405) 464-3864 • f: (405) 390-1687 Pelley Investments, LLC PO Box 7046 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 249-0911 Rise Coworking 2100 N Eastern Ave #8 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-9462 Sooner Shopping Center 623-644 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 833-1661

COMPUTER SALES & REPAIRS Computers ‘N’ Moore 2530 N Moore Ave, Bldg D Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2750

CONCRETE & PAVING Dolese Company PO Box 677 Oklahoma City, OK 73101 (405) 794-0546 • f: (405) 794-1106 Silver Star Construction Co. 2401 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1725 • f: (405) 793-9989

CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES AMF Development 1025 SW 4th St, Ste 210 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 528-5555 Apollo Building Systems, Inc. 101 Industrial Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0335 • f: (405) 790-0316 (Please see our ad on pg 44) Boldt 101 W Hefner Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405) 752-5885 • f: (405) 752-5960 Capstone Construction Services, LLC 3900 S Broadway Edmond, OK 73013 (405) 607-0588 Cavins Construction Group 1839 Atchison Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 573-3048 • f: (405) 579-4964 Estell Excavation Inc. 1701 SE 25th Oklahoma City, OK 73129 (405) 672-4747 • f: (405) 672-4788 Excellence Irrigation PO Box 720278 Norman, OK 73070 (405) 210-1236 Kaphar Roofing & Construction, LLC 600 Tower Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 837-7663 Meek Construction 501 SE 4th, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-MEEK • f: (405) 703-6246 (Please see our ad on pg 3) PMHOKC 8302 NW 39th Expy Bethany, OK 73008 (405) 881-7640 Rise Residential Construction 16812 Dallas Parkway Dallas, OK 75248 (972) 701-5563 ScissorTail Roofing & Construction 480 24th Ave NW, Ste 200-25 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 928-8089 Silver Star Construction Co. 2401 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1725 • f: (405) 793-9989

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Triple Diamond Construction LLC 2306 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-9972 Validated Construction 10601 S Western Ave, Ste 115 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 534-9572 Windstone Construction 221 48th Ave NW Norman, OK 73072 (405) 329-7979

CONSULTING SERVICES Audio \ Video Designs, Inc. 216 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-7555 • f: (405) 799-7518 Clarity Pro 2720 Washington Dr, Ste 100 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 237-0019 • f: (405) 796-0231 Eaton Business Solutions 121 W Main, Ste 101A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 256-4788

CREDIT UNIONS Allegiance Credit Union 12200 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 717-9037 • f: (405) 692-2447 Tinker Federal Credit Union 400 SW 6th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 319-2970 • f: (405) 443-2767 (Please see our ad on pg 81) True Sky Credit Union 10201 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 682-1990 • f: (405) 703-2564 WEOKIE Federal Credit Union 1551 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 235-3030 • f: (405) 787-2898

CREMATION SERVICES John M. Ireland & Son Funeral Home & Chapel 120 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-1200 • f: (405) 799-1297 (Please see our ad on pg 7)

O & R Morgan, Inc. 813 NW 34th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 232-2947 • f: (405) 799-3367

Moore Funeral and Cremation 400 SE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7600 • f: (405) 794-7628 (Please see our ad on pg 27)


Signature Cremation & Funeral Care 447 SW 89th St Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 494-6554

Veolia Water North America 4000 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5080 • f: (405) 793-5094 (Please see our ad on pg 25)

CONVENIENCE STORE/ TRAVEL STOPS Love’s Travel Stops 3233 SW 89th St Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 686-1053

CORPORATE HOUSING 35 West Apartments 769 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-4500 • f: (405) 799-2462

COSMETICS Mary Kay — Tish Norman (405) 821-6467

Haworth Homes Inc. PO Box 7027 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 799-7575 LaGree Associates 3000 United Founders Blvd, Ste 200 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 879-1171 • f: (405) 879-1174 P.B. Odom Construction 9401 S Penn Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 735-3100 • f: (405) 735-3791 Precision Builders 221 48th Ave NW Norman, OK 73072 (405) 329-7979 SMC Consulting Engineers, P.C. 815 W Main Oklahoma City, OK 73106 (405) 232-7715 • f: (405) 232-7859

EDUCATION: EARLY CHILDHOOD/PRESCHOOL Children’s Lighthouse Harbor 2016 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7728 • f: (405) 799-8825 Creative Kids Learning Center 335 SW 134th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 799-5437

Crossroads Youth & Family Services Head Start & Early Head Start 312 N Janeway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-9993 • f: (405) 912-2366 Play Street Hourly Child Care 1623 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-4244 Primrose School of SW Oklahoma City 1520 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 793-6000 • f: (405) 378-0723 (Please see our ad on pg 38)

EDUCATION: HIGHER Mid-America Christian University 3500 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-3800 Moore Norman Technology Center 13301 S Pennsylvania Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 801-5000 • f: (405) 809-3548 (Please see our ad on the back cover) Moore Norman Technology Center 4701 12th Ave NW Norman, OK 73069 (405) 801-5000 • f: (405) 360-9989 (Please see our ad on the back cover) Oklahoma City Community College 7777 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 682-1611 • f: (405) 686-1159 (Please see our ad on pg 40)

Tribute Memorial Care 708 24th Ave NW, Ste 300 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 292-4787

CRUISE, TOURS & VACATIONS Travel Leaders/Bentley Hedges Travel 10021 S Pennsylvania Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 237-3333 • f: (405) 237-3334 Travel With Kathy (405) 364-7895

DEPARTMENT STORES Target Stores 720 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-5494 • f: (405) 378-5504

DEVELOPERS COUNTRY CLUBS Belmar Golf Club 1025 E Indian Hills Rd Norman, OK 73071 (405) 364-0111 • f: (405) 364-0522 Moore Golf & Athletic Club 920 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0264 • f: (405) 790-0266

Buchanan Realty Group 11801 S Western Ave, Ste A Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-9767 • f: (405) 691-1175 Fritts Farm Development 2450 S Fritts Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-1153 • f: (866) 825-4398 | 81 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 81

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Platt College 201 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-3260 • f: (405) 912-4360 Professional Development Institute @ OCCC 7124 S I-35 Service Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73149 (405) 682-7856 Randall University 3701 S Frontage Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-9000 • f: (405) 912-9050

EDUCATION: PRIVATE The Academy of Classical Christian Studies 12500 S Pennsylvania Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 478-2077 Antioch Christian Academy 3616 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-8012 • f: (405) 735-9525 Creative Kids Learning Center 335 SW 134th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 799-5437 Primrose School of SW Oklahoma City 1520 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 793-6000 • f: (405) 378-0723 (Please see our ad on pg 38)

St John’s Lutheran School 1032 NW 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-8686

EDUCATION: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/TRAINING Clarity Pro 2720 Washington Dr, Ste 100 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 237-0019 • f: (405) 796-0231 Cleveland County OSU Cooperative Extension 601 E Robinson Norman, OK 73071 (405) 321-4774 • f: (405) 360-0319 Mid-America Christian University 3500 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-3800 Moore Norman Technology Center 13301 S Pennsylvania Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 801-5000 • f: (405) 809-3548 (Please see our ad on the back cover) Moore Norman Technology Center 4701 12th Ave NW Norman, OK 73069 (405) 801-5000 • f: (405) 360-9989 (Please see our ad on the back cover) Oklahoma City Community College 7777 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 682-1611 • f: (405) 686-1159 (Please see our ad on pg 40)

Professional Development Institute @ OCCC 7124 S I-35 Service Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73149 (405) 682-7856 Restoration Bible Ministries, Inc. (405) 609-4765 TRW Credit Services 3334 W Main, #398 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 875-1047 World Information Network, Inc. Moore, OK 73160 (580) 252-7500 • f: (405) 293-9315

EDUCATION: PUBLIC Moore Public Schools 1500 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-4200 • f: (405) 735-4392 (Please see our ad on pg 37) Moore Public Schools Foundation PO Box 6100 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 373-6773

ELECTRICAL SERVICES Baker Brothers Electric, Inc. 2200 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-9994 • f: (405) 799-5550 (Please see our ad on pg 82) Bliss Electric Inc. 2620 Pole Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8208 • f: (405) 793-8294 (Please see our ad on pg 82)

ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES 18 Gauge Vapor 320 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2727 Prodigy Vapor Company 811 SW 19th St, Ste F Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2868 Vapor World 2311 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-7857

EMPLOYMENT SERVICES/ STAFFING Express Employment Professionals 2424 Springer Dr, Ste 103 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 366-6060 • f: (405) 364-8604 Force Personnel 116 S Walker Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 623-1359 Workforce Oklahoma 1141 E Main Norman, OK 73071 (405) 701-2000 • f: (405) 701-2042

ENGINEERS ADG, P.C. 920 W Main Oklahoma City, OK 73106 (405) 232-5700

CarMichaels Electric (405) 823-6933

Cowan Group Engineering 7100 N Classen, Ste 500 Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 463-3369

TA White Electric, LLC 417 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-3753 • f: (405) 237-3562

SMC Consulting Engineers, P.C. 815 W Main Oklahoma City, OK 73106 (405) 232-7715 • f: (405) 232-7859

Welco Electric Inc 2812 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 634-3695

ENTERTAINMENT Andy Alligator’s Fun Park 3300 Market Pl Norman, OK 73072 (405) 321-7275 • f: (405) 928-7092

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Blazers Ice Centre 8000 S I-35 Service Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73149 (405) 631-3307 • f: (405) 631-3303 Celebration Station 509 Westline Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) 942-7888 • f: (405) 942-8952 Eighty Three Arcade 638 N Broadway St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 410-2604 Elevation Trampoline Park 1431 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2288 • f: (405) 759-2240

EVENT CENTER Lynlee Mae Chapel & Reception Center 507 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-8900 • f: (405) 735-8901 (Please see our ad on pg 7) Remington Park One Remington Place Oklahoma City, OK 73111 (405) 419-4420 • f: (405) 208-8917 Southwind Hills, LLC 468 SW 24th Ave Goldsby, OK 73093 (405) 837-9463

Bug Zappers Pest Control 2534 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2849 • f: (405) 703-2849

Hollywood Corners Station, LLC 4712 N Porter Ave Norman, OK 73071 (405) 701-4990

Mother Nature’s Pest and Lawn 11621 N Santa Fe, #A-1 Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405) 278-8100

Kona Ice Moore 12121 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 896-0370

Xtreme Bed Bug and Pest LLC (405) 808-0553

Moore Public Library 225 S Howard Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5100 • f: (405) 793-8755 (Please see our ad on pg 88) Museum of Osteology 10301 S Sunnylane Oklahoma City, OK 73160 (405) 814-0006 • f: (405) 794-6985 Newcastle Casino 2457 Hwy 62 Service Rd Newcastle, OK 73065 (405) 387-6013 (Please see our ad on pg 83) Oklahoma City Dodgers 2 S Mickey Mantle Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 218-1000 • f: (405) 218-1001 Orr Family Farm 14400 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 799-3276 Summer Snow Entertainment 1325 N Janeway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7556 • f: (405) 745-2208 Urban Air Adventure Park 2800 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 655-5805 The Yellow Rose Theater 1005 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7779 • f: (405) 793-7777

Tinker Federal Credit Union 400 SW 6th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 319-2970 • f: (405) 443-2767 (Please see our ad on pg 81) TRW Credit Services 3334 W Main, #398 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 875-1047

Moore Fire Fighter Local 2047 2400 S Fritts Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5110 • f: (405) 793-5127

FIREPLACE INSTALLATION Forrest Fireplaces 200A SE 8th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-4450 • f: (405) 378-2972 M & J Insulation 800 Messenger Ln Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-9339 • f: (405) 799-4114


HeyDay Entertainment — Norman 3201 Market Pl Norman, OK 73069 (405) 310-3500 • f: (405) 701-8053

Moore Escape Rooms 629 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-9797

Staton Financial Group, Inc. 709 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-6762

FAIRGROUNDS Cleveland County Fair Grounds 615 E Robinson St Norman, OK 73071 (405) 360-4721 • f: (405) 360-4512

Blackmon Mooring of Oklahoma City 1101 Enterprise Ave, Bay 12 Oklahoma City, OK 73128 (405) 388-1948 • f: (405) 948-1786 Paul Davis Emergency Services 1917 Atchison Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 802-5405 Servpro of Norman and South Oklahoma City 3200 Deskin Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 292-0808

FIRE DEPARTMENT Moore Fire Department 2400 S Fritts Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5110 • f: (405) 793-5127

FITNESS CENTERS Club Pilates Moore 12301 S Western Ave, Ste B-5 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 759-7111 The House of Payne 620 NW 5th St, Ste B & C Moore, OK 73160 (405) 410-3211 • f: (405) 708-6729 937 SW 25th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 534-4779 Orangetheory Fitness Moore 825 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-5259

FARMING SUPPLIES Tractor Supply Co. 2030 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-2666 • f: (405) 912-2610

FASTENER DISTRIBUTOR Barton Bolt & Supply LLC 701 Vermeer Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-6600 • f: (405) 896-6601

FINANCIAL SERVICES Edward Jones — Todd Lance 937 SW 25th St, Ste G Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0046 FirstTrust Home Loans 2100 N Eastern Ave, Ste 11 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 996-3992 IBC Bank 901 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 775-1720 • f: (405) 767-1812 Ken Shelton Insurance Agency, Inc 10901 S Western Ave, Ste A Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 378-0407 • f: (405) 691-1579 | 83 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 83

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FLOORING SUPPLIES/ INSTALLATION Bryan’s Flooring, LLC 2750 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 634-4136 • f: (405) 634-6589 Custom Floor Design Inc. 9310 S Eastern Oklahoma City, OK 73160 (405) 794-2729 • f: (405) 794-8726 Floor World 109 Industrial Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8659 • f: (405) 793-8955 Floorco Design Center 11716 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 790-0309 • f: (405) 790-0739 (Please see our ad on pg 84) Metro Flooring & Design LLC 2719 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-4085 • f: (405) 703-4089 Sooner Flooring Inc 13405 Legacy Hill Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 413-5985 • f: (405) 692-4611

FLORISTS A New Beginning Florist 527 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-4492 • f: (405) 799-4299

Broadway Florist 225 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8889 • f: (405) 793-1531 Kelle’s Flowers & Gifts 119 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4463

FOOD PANTRY Moore Food Resource Center 2635 N Shields Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 600-3182 Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma 3355 S Purdue Oklahoma City, OK 73179 (405) 972-1111 • f: (405) 688-6447


FUNERAL HOME John M. Ireland & Son Funeral Home & Chapel 120 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-1200 • f: (405) 799-1297 (Please see our ad on pg 7) Moore Funeral and Cremation 400 SE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7600 • f: (405) 794-7628 (Please see our ad on pg 27) Resthaven Funeral Home & Memory Garden 500 SW 104th Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 691-1661 • f: (405) 691-1605 Signature Cremation & Funeral Care 447 SW 89th St Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 494-6554

Crockstar Dinner Club, LLC 920 SW 104th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 203-2723

Tribute Memorial Care 708 24th Ave NW, Ste 300 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 292-4787

The Weighted Fork 825 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 651-0445

Vondel Smith & Sons Mortuary, Heritage Burial Park 6934 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 692-5503 • f: (405) 692-5439

FRAMING SERVICES Masters House Art & Frame 223 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-3131 • f: (405) 237-3131

FURNITURE SALES & LEASING Moore Vintage Charm Furniture & Decor 1223 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-6262 • f: (405) 735-6269 (Please see our ad on pg 31) Reclaimed Warehouse 3004 S Sunnylane Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-3715

GARAGE DOOR SALES/ SERVICE DOORTEC Garage Doors 8229 W Britton Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73132 (405) 720-7107 • f: (405) 721-1002 Moore Norman Overhead Door, Inc. 315 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-9214 • f: (405) 799-9243 Precision Door Service OKC 3980 I-240 Service Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73135 (405) 694-4488

GARDEN PONDS & FOUNTAINS Garden Ponds Unlimited 200 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-3323 • f: (405) 794-3325 Minick Materials 6665 N Interstate Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 329-2458

GENERAL CONTRACTORS Aduddell Companies 1920 S I-35 Service Rd, Ste 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73129 (405) 551-8181 • f: (405) 702-7231 Apollo Building Systems, Inc. 101 Industrial Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0335 • f: (405) 790-0316 (Please see our ad on pg 44) Bohon Roofing (405) 703-4316 Boldt 101 W Hefner Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405) 752-5885 • f: (405) 752-5960 McAlister Construction, Inc. 223 S Walker Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 345-6793 • f: (888) 602-0111 Precision Builders 221 48th Ave NW Norman, OK 73072 (405) 329-7979 Real Estate Specialists Inc PO Box 892770 Oklahoma City, OK 73189 (405) 692-4888 S.H. Vaughn Construction Co. 524 Tower Dr, Ste C Moore, OK 73160 (405) 312-3365 Windstone Construction 221 48th Ave NW Norman, OK 73072 (405) 329-7979

GENERATOR SALES & SERVICES Baker Brothers Electric, Inc. 2200 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-9994 • f: (405) 799-5550 (Please see our ad on pg 82) Metro Turf Outdoor Power Equipment 5500 Huettner Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 360-5045 • f: (405) 360-5098

GIFT SALES & DELIVERIES A New Beginning Florist 527 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-4492 • f: (405) 799-4299 B & F Affordable Merchandise 227 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 388-8411 Broadway Florist 225 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8889 • f: (405) 793-1531

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Columns on Main 101 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 364-3777 (Please see our ad on pg 33) Kelle’s Flowers & Gifts 119 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4463 Scentsy (405) 659-2867 Steeped Tea (405) 659-0898

GLASS REPAIR JEM Glass & Service 309 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-5333 • f: (405) 799-5024

GLASSES/CONTACTS First Look Eyewear 2909 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1181 Kenmore Eyecare Center 513 N Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3030 • f: (405) 799-3737 Massengale Eye Care 2828 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 631-2020 • f: (405) 631-2114 Total Vision Care 705 SW 19th St, Ste 160B Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0393

GOLF COURSES Belmar Golf Club 1025 E Indian Hills Rd Norman, OK 73071 (405) 364-0111 • f: (405) 364-0522 Moore Golf & Athletic Club 920 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0264 • f: (405) 790-0266

GOVERNMENT Chris Kannady, State Representative, District 91 2300 N Lincoln Blvd, Rm 246A Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 557-7337 City of Moore 301 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5000 • f: (405) 793-5107 (Please see our ad on pg 32) Cleveland County Commissioner, District 1 201 S Jones, Ste 260 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 639-8145

Cleveland County Commissioner, District 3 201 S Jones, Ste 260 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 366-0200 • f: (405) 366-0205 Cleveland County District Attorney 201 S Jones, Ste 300 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 321-8268 • f: (405) 360-7840 Cleveland County Sheriff’s Office 128 S Peters Ave Norman, OK 73069 (405) 701-8888 • f: (405) 701-8585 Judge Jeff Virgin 200 S Peters Norman, OK 73069 (405) 366-0600 Mark McBride, State Representative, District 53 2300 N Lincoln Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 557-7346 (Please see our ad on pg 86) Tinker Air Force Base 507th 7435 Reserve Rd, Bldg 1043 Tinker AFB, OK 73145 (405) 734-5286 • f: (405) 734-4899


The Austin Taylor Salon 1700 S Broadway, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-8571

Braum’s Ice Cream & Burgers 1928 S Santa Fe Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-1032

CarMichaels Salon 190 NE 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1611

Braum’s Ice Cream & Burgers 620 NW 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5355 • f: (405) 475-2460

Childs Family Chiropractic 1330 N Interstate Dr Norman, OK 73072 (405) 366-9355 • f: (405) 366-9393

Crest Foods 1315 N Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-8100 • f: (405) 794-7406

Glamorous Nails 918 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-1114

Supermercados Morelos 621 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 896-8397

Snip-its Haircut for Kids 1301 S I-35 Service Rd, Ste 108 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2366

Walmart Neighborhood Market 640 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-2724 • f: (405) 794-3937

Waxing the City 1301 S I-35 Service Rd, Ste 103 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 300-4314

U.S. Congressman Tom Cole 2424 Springer Dr, Ste 201 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 329-6500 • f: (405) 321-7369

Walmart Super Center 501 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0021 • f: (405) 790-0035 (Please see our ad on pg 97)

U.S. Senator James M. Inhofe 1900 NW Expy, #1210 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 224-4721 • f: (405) 608-4120

World Fresh International Market 10700 S Pennsylvania Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 349-7200

U.S. Senator James Lankford 1015 N Broadway Ave, Ste 310 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 231-4941 Darrell Weaver, State Senate, District 24 2300 N Lincoln Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 521-5569 Kevin West, State Rep., District 54 2300 N Lincoln Blvd, Room 248B Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 514-8468

GRAPHIC DESIGN ABC Sign Design 117 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5774 • f: (405) 794-5774


Braum’s Ice Cream & Burgers 101 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7274 • f: (405) 475-2460

GROUP HOME FOR THE DISABLED Santa Fe Place 1000 S Santa Fe Moore, OK 73160 (405) 410-3148 • f: (405) 410-3148

HANDY MAN Honey Do Construction (405) 821-5555 Rob’s Odd Jobs (405) 738-4465

HEARING AIDS Miracle Ear 1033 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-9932

HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE A-Better Heating & Air Conditioning 2225 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3391 Home Comfort Solutions (405) 301-7297 Interstate Heating and Air Conditioning 9320 Pole Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-8900 Moody Mechanical 119 Industrial Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5099 • f: (405) 794-3888

Levant Technologies, LLC 501 N Porter Ave, Ste 140 Norman, OK 73071 (405) 329-9997 Mattocks Printing Co. 325 N Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-2307 • f: (405) 799-3481 (Please see our ad on pg 85)

Cleveland County Commissioner, District 2 201 S Jones, Ste 260 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 639-8145 | 85 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 85

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Randall’s Temp Control Specialists 131 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-5841 • f: (405) 799-3545 Thomas Sheet Metal & Custom Fab., Inc. 625 Vermeer Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6982 • f: (405) 799-6987 Walker Heat & Air 1223 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-8647 • f: (405) 912-7643 (Please see our ad on pg 31)


Home Comfort Solutions (405) 301-7297 Interstate Heating and Air Conditioning 9320 Pole Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-8900 Lowe’s 1501 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 246-3581 • f: (405) 246-3582 Moore Norman Overhead Door, Inc. 315 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-9214 • f: (405) 799-9243

Hobby Lobby 2650 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-8100

Walker Heat & Air 1223 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-8647 • f: (405) 912-7643 (Please see our ad on pg 31)

Showplace Market 2001 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 814-1022


HOME HEALTH CARE & HOSPICE Frontier Hospice and Transitions 221 N I-35 Service Rd, Ste C Moore, OK 73160 (405) 789-2913

HOME IMPROVEMENT A-Better Heating & Air Conditioning 2225 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3391 Bryan’s Flooring, LLC 2750 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 634-4136 • f: (405) 634-6589 Custom Floor Design Inc. 9310 S Eastern Oklahoma City, OK 73160 (405) 794-2729 • f: (405) 794-8726 Floorco Design Center 11716 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 790-0309 • f: (405) 790-0739 (Please see our ad on pg 84) (405) 370-6316 • f: (405) 759-3781

HOSPITALITY Hampton Inn and Suites of Moore 614 NW 8th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-6821 • f: (405) 735-6828 (Please see our ad on pg 46) Holiday Inn Express 621 NW 8th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-9400 • f: (405) 735-9579 (Please see our ad on pg 45) Michael’s Catering 1210 NW 12th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 556-0377 • f: (405) 703-2273 Orr Family Farm 14400 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 799-3276 Super 8 1520 N Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4030 • f: (405) 703-0165

HOTEL/MOTELS Best Western Greentree Inn & Suites 1811 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-8882 • f: (405) 912-4587 Best Western Plus Norman 3100 Medical Park Pl Norman, OK 73072 (405) 801-2100 • f: (405) 801-2205 Hampton Inn and Suites of Moore 614 NW 8th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-6821 • f: (405) 735-6828 (Please see our ad on pg 46) Holiday Inn Express 621 NW 8th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-9400 • f: (405) 735-9579 (Please see our ad on pg 45) LaQuinta Inn & Suites 2140 Riverwalk Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-7700 • f: (405) 759-7711 (Please see our ad on pg 55) Riverwind Casino & Hotel 1544 W Highway 9 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 322-6000 • f: (405) 322-6036 (Please see our ad on pg 54) Springhill Suites by Marriott 613 NW 8th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2600 • f: (405) 759-2606 (Please see our ad on pg 51) Super 8 1520 N Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4030 • f: (405) 703-0165

IDENTITY THEFT SERVICES Legal Shield-Identity Shield (405) 305-5439 Legal Shield-Identity Shield 500 N Morgan Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 826-4269

INDEPENDENT SENIOR HOUSING Chateau on the Green & Court 1511 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-4200 • f: (405) 793-3310 Grace Pointe Living (Active Adult) 1501 Grace Pointe Dr Moore, OK 73170 (405) 759-7748 • f: (405) 759-7761 Savannah House of Moore 525 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2500 • f: (405) 735-9369 Senior Citizens Housing of Moore, Inc. 300 N Turner Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4140 • f: (405) 794-0940

INDIVIDUALS Friar, Odell (405) 736-6207 Keith, Toby PO Box 721856 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 447-3813 • f: (405) 447-3816

INSULATION INSTALLATION M & J Insulation 800 Messenger Ln Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-9339 • f: (405) 799-4114

INSURANCE & BENEFITS AAA Insurance 420 S Broadway, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2870 • f: (405) 799-2622 Allstate — Evans Jones Agency 2 1740 S Broadway, Ste 200 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 265-8350 • f: (405) 260-8744 Allstate — Joe Luminiello 1020 NW 27th, Ste D Moore, OK 73160 (405) 300-8767

Pay only for the protection you want. Finding the right home can be a lot of work, but adding the right coverage is easy with Allstate House and Home® Insurance. I can help you customize a policy for your home and save an extra 10% for signing up now. Plus, when you bundle your home and auto policies, you can save even more. Call me or stop by my office for a free quote.

JESSICA MAX 405-799-2313 123 N. Broadway MOORE

Coverage, discounts and features are subject to terms, conditions and availability. 10% discount applies to premium for major perils. Savings vary. Allstate Vehicle and Property Insurance Co., Northbrook, IL. © 2015 Allstate Insurance Co.


You found the one. Now protect it. 86 | Moore Chamber of Commerce OKMOOCW19 design.indd 86

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Allstate — The Max Insurance Agency 123 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2313 • f: (405) 799-4788 (Please see our ad on pg 86) Allstate — Thurman Lynch Insurance Agency 2110 N Eastern Ave, Ste 2 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-5007 Cavnar Insurance Agency 250 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1572 • f: (405) 793-1598 (Please see our ad on pg 87) Clearview Insurance Services LLC 1901 N Moore Ave, Ste 18 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2834 Cobble Insurance Agency, Inc 2100 N Eastern, Ste 12 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3652 • f: (405) 703-0827 (Please see our ad on pg 87) Country Financial — Mike Purvine 804 NE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7999 • f: (405) 794-7711 Doyle-Crow & Associates 108 SE 3rd St, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-0893 • f: (405) 793-7075 (Please see our ad on pg 87)

Eaton Business Solutions 121 W Main, Ste 101A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 256-4788 The Evans Agency — State Farm 717 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4779 Farmers — Patrick Merrick Agency 1400 SW 89th St Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 692-7500 • f: (405) 692-7800 Insure It Forward 410 N Telephone Rd, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 585-0648 Ken Shelton Insurance Agency, Inc 10901 S Western Ave, Ste A Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 378-0407 • f: (405) 691-1579 Proven Financial Group 2401 Westport Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 573-0100 • f: (405) 307-0100 Shelter Insurance Freeman Agency 504 Tower Dr, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-0423 • f: (405) 794-0467 State Farm – Dusty Treat 1031 SW 19th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-4611

State Farm Insurance — Scott Tabares 2090 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-0020 • f: (405) 799-7123 Universal Insurance 1700 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3311 • f: (405) 799-3330 (Please see our ad on pg 39)

INTERIOR DESIGN JHBR Architecture, Inc. 600 NE 4th St Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 526-0280 The Shady Lady Interiors 11715 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-0334 • f: (405) 691-0511 The Sherwin Williams Company 2225 SW 104th St Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 378-0160 • f: (405) 378-0311

JANITORIAL & MAINTENANCE SUPPLY BioTech Maintenance Inc PO Box 7788 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 642-5011 • f: (405) 701-1860

JEWELERS Diamond Dee-Lite Jewelry 308 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8166 • f: (405) 799-7170 Huntington Fine Jewelers 10633 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 692-4300 • f: (405) 692-2034 Journey Jewelers 526 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2889 Lewis Jewelers Inc 2705 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-4644 • f: (405) 759-7508

LAND EXCAVATION Estell Excavation Inc. 1701 SE 25th Oklahoma City, OK 73129 (405) 672-4747 • f: (405) 672-4788

LANDSCAPING SERVICES & CARE Arbor Image Tree Care (405) 815-7959 Excellence Irrigation PO Box 720278 Norman, OK 73070 (405) 210-1236 | 87 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 87

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Garden Ponds Unlimited 200 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-3323 · f: (405) 794-3325

Legal Shield-Identity Shield 500 N Morgan Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 826-4269

Irish Green Lawn Care, Inc. 240 Industrial Blvd, Ste C1 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5296 • f: (405) 794-0978

McIntyre Law PC 8601 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 917-5250 • f: (405) 917-5405

M&M Landscaping & Lawn Care PO Box 5906 Norman, OK 73070 (405) 366-8068

Veterans Legal Services, LLC 2909 SW 136th Terr Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 703-7822

Minick Materials 6665 N Interstate Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 329-2458 Moore Than Trees (405) 404-4529 Rob’s Odd Jobs (405) 738-4465 U.S. Lawns (405) 912-0897 • f: (405) 912-1258 (Please see our ad on pg 50)

LEGAL SERVICES Farzaneh Law Firm 1025 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 528-2222 Legal Shield-Identity Shield (405) 305-5439

LIBRARY Moore Public Library 225 S Howard Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5100 • f: (405) 793-8755 (Please see our ad on pg 88)

LIGHTING SUPPLIES Batteries Plus Bulbs 7500 S Santa Fe, Ste 200 Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 631-7587 • f: (405) 635-1235

LIQUOR STORES Cheers Wine & Spirits 1019 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3029

Moore Liquor 914 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-5555

MEAT DELI Supermercados Morelos 621 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 896-8397

MAID SERVICE Merry Maids 3740 E I-240 Service Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73135 (405) 670-1120

MEDICAL: CARDIOVASCULAR Heart and Vascular Associates 700 S Telephone Rd, Ste 200 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-9355

MANUFACTURERS Canadian Pipe & Supply 233 SE 5th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-6825 • f: (405) 794-6488 Del Real Foods 216 NE 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 300-6780 • f: (405) 300-6816 Spectro Wire & Cable 2208 Pole Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-9715 York International/Johnson Controls 5005 Interstate Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 364-4040


MEDICAL: CHIROPRACTIC CARE Bodin Chiropractic 821 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 703-2694 • f: (405) 703-2848 Brixton Chiropractic & Acupuncture 6401 N Interstate Dr, Ste 148 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 801-3665 • f: (405) 801-3666 Childs Family Chiropractic 1330 N Interstate Dr Norman, OK 73072 (405) 366-9355 • f: (405) 366-9393 Living Roots Chiropractic 2300 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2300 • f: (405) 799-2360

Back to You Marketing 226 W Gray, Ste 217 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 637-6225

Moore Chiropractic 101 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8777 • f: (405) 793-1089

hibu (405) 249-4142

OKC Wellness Clinics 804 NE 23rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5000 • f: (405) 794-5003

Oklahoma Web Media 5350 S Western Ave, Ste 542 Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 227-0575 • f: (888) 756-1797

MARTIAL ARTS Grand Master Won’s TaeKwondo 10801 S Sunnylane Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73160 (405) 793-0752 Integrity Martial Arts 1991 Tower Dr, Ste E Moore, OK 73160 (405) 201-3985 USA Taekwondo Center 629 A NW 7th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-6061

MASSAGE THERAPY VIP Massage 1011 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-8356

MATTRESS SALES Mathis Sleep Center 901 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 951-1201

Sparks Clinic 1101 SW 30th Ct, #B Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2233 • f: (405) 759-2277 Thrive Chiropractic Group 1991 Tower Dr, Ste G Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-8282 • f: (405) 735-8262

MEDICAL: CLINICS & LABS Balance Women’s Health, Inc. 1105 SW 30th Ct Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2727 • f: (405) 378-2776 Brooks Accident & Injury Clinic 2313 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 943-0303 Classen Urgent Care 1025 SW 4th St, Ste 101 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2001 Community Hospital 3100 SW 89th Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 602-8100

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Dycus-Camp Clinic 320 N Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4474 • f: (405) 793-8703

Moore Care Family Practice 507 NE 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-9955 • f: (405) 735-5136

Custom Dental SOKC — Dr. Carson Nail 6800 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 631-7571

Eye Care Oklahoma Inc 2909 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-7510 • f: (405) 799-4742

Moore Davita Dialysis 620 S Santa Fe Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2439

Homsey Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 1404 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4497 • f: (405) 794-1922

Eye Care Oklahoma/FirstLook Eyewear 10801 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 799-7510

Moore Faith Medical Clinic 224 S Chestnut Ave, Ste 100 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-0853

Moore Complete Dental 711 SW 19th St, Ste 100 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-5692 • f: (405) 759-2754

Family Medicine South OKC 2605 SW 119th St, Ste A Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 912-3400

Primary Care — Moore 700 S Telephone Rd, Ste 201 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-3120

Moore Smiles 3001 S Telephone Rd, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8300 • f: (405) 793-8397

Home Care Medical Mart 4401 S Walker Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 634-1467 • f: (405) 235-1476

OKC Smiles 930 SW 107th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 634-7303 • f: (405) 634-7868

Innovative Medical Supply 1501 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-8855 • f: (405) 799-8860

Family Medicine Waterview 2625 SW 119th St, Ste A Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 692-4777 HealthCARE Express 551 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-9321 Immediate Care of Oklahoma LLC 11808 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-2370 • f: (405) 735-2369 Immediate Care of Oklahoma LLC 3400 W Tecumseh Rd Norman, OK 73070 (405) 307-6900 • f: (405) 307-6906

Quick Urgent Care, LLC 2212 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 285-7222 • f: (405) 285-7227 (Please see our ad on pg 90) Salubrious Nurse Practitioners, PLLC PO Box 6253 Moore, OK 73153 (888) 611-4429 Weaver Clinics 2125 Riverwalk Dr Moore, OK 73160 (580) 470-9800 • f: (580) 470-9802


INTEGRIS Family Care — Moore 1401 SW 34th St, Ste 200 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1188 • f: (405) 793-0492

Bethesda 1181 E Main Norman, OK 73071 (405) 701-2173 • f: (405) 364-0342

Mercy — GoHealth Urgent Care 705 SW 19th St, Ste 120 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 492-6799

Metro Family Therapy 1400 SE 4th St, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 837-1033

Mercy Clinic Primary Care Moore 1060 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-5491

Moore Youth & Family Service 624 NW 5th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3379 • f: (405) 799-0912

Miles Family Medicine 303 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4664

MEDICAL: DENTISTS Comfort Dental 1060 SW 4th St, Ste 200 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 384-7071

Dr. Chad Spiva 808 NE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-5529 • f: (405) 799-8223 Wisdom Tooth Center 2745 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 261-1002 • f: (405) 493-0995 (Please see our ad on pg 89)


Perfect Smiles Family Dentistry 500 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-3300 • f: (405) 912-2278 (Please see our ad on pg 47) Christian H. Pilgrim, DDS 717 SW 119th Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-0836 • f: (405) 691-0480

MEDICAL: GYNECOLOGY Moore Care for Women 700 S Telephone Rd, Ste 401 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-2229

MEDICAL: HEALTH & WELLNESS Balance Women’s Health, Inc. 1105 SW 30th Ct Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2727 • f: (405) 378-2776

Proud to Serve Family Dentistry 6401 N Interstate Dr, Ste 156 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 309-7721



OPEN DAILY 7AM–7PM WE TREAT Work Injuries • Cold, Flu & Earache Abdominal Pain • Broken Bones Sore Throat • Burns & Cuts • Allergies Fever & Much More!

O n site X-R ay • L ab orator y Testing Pre - employment D rug S creening DOT & Sp or ts Physic als EKG • TB Test ing We accep t mos t major insurances i ncl u d i ng M ed i care & S o oner Care


2212 N. Broadway Street • Moore, OK | 89 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 89

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Bodin Chiropractic 821 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 703-2694 • f: (405) 703-2848 937 SW 25th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 534-4779

Orangetheory Fitness Moore 825 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-5259

CBD American Shaman Moore 821 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-7015

Mary Jane Dispensary 2990 SE 19th St, Unit 1 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 496-9614

Paradigm Hormones, LLC 1301 S I-35 Service Rd, Ste 106 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-7020

Club Pilates Moore 12301 S Western Ave, Ste B-5 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 759-7111

Moore Faith Medical Clinic 224 S Chestnut Ave, Ste 100 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-0853

Earlywine Park YMCA 11801 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 378-0420 • f: (405) 378-0441

Moore Care Family Care 507 NE 12th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-9955

Green Hope Wellness 2309 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 551-1401

Norman Regional EMSSTAT Ambulance 1805 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 515-1561

Green Plus 1280 N Eastern Ave, Ste C Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2267

Oasis Healing Centers 1013 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 397-9158

Green Plus CBD in Moore 2030 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-1515

OKC Wellness Clinics 804 NE 23rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5000 • f: (405) 794-5003

The House of Payne 620 NW 5th St, Ste B & C Moore, OK 73160 (405) 410-3211 • f: (405) 708-6729

Optimal Rehab South Physical Therapy 8 SW 89th St, Ste 101 Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 702-6995 • f: (405) 702-6998

Perfect Smiles Family Dentistry 500 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-3300 • f: (405) 912-2278 (Please see our ad on pg 90) Physical Therapy Central of Moore 620 S Santa Fe Ave, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 809-8655 • f: (405) 759-3696 (Please see our ad on pg 90) Physical Therapy Central of OKC Southeast 5700 SE 74th St, Ste 500 Oklahoma City, OK 73135 (405) 610-6320 • f: (405) 610-6325 (Please see our ad on pg 90) Physical Therapy Central of OKC Southwest/ Earlywine 10740 S May Ave, Ste 110 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 286-3605 • f: (405) 286-9955 (Please see our ad on pg 90) Christian H. Pilgrim, DDS 717 SW 119th Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-0836 • f: (405) 691-0480 Rapha 180 825 SW 19th St, Ste 5 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 919-8247 Sparks Clinic 1101 SW 30th Ct, #B Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2233 • f: (405) 759-2277

3 Convenient Locations Moore

620 S. Santa Fe Ave Moore, OK 73160 Phone: 405-809-8655

Oklahoma City Southeast 5700 SE 74th St., Suite 500 Oklahoma City, OK 73135 Phone: 405.610.6320

Oklahoma City Southwest

10740 South May Ave., Suites 110-111 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 Phone: 405.286.9605

VIP Massage 1011 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-8356 Weaver Clinics 2125 Riverwalk Dr Moore, OK 73160 (580) 470-9800 • f: (580) 470-9802

MEDICAL: HOSPITALS Community Hospital 3100 SW 89th Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 602-8100 HealthPlex Hospital 3300 Healthplex Pkwy Norman, OK 73072 (405) 515-1000 • f: (405) 515-1173 INTEGRIS Community Hospital — Emerus Holdings 1401 SW 34th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 500-3330

INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center 4401 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 636-7000 • f: (405) 552-5149 (Please see our ad on the inside back cover) Mercy 13321 N Meridian, Ste 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 752-3638 • f: (405) 752-3898 Norman Regional Health System 901 N Porter Ave Norman, OK 73071 (405) 515-2222 • f: (405) 307-1076 Norman Regional Moore 700 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-9355 (Please see our ad on the inside front cover)

MEDICAL: ONCOLOGY Landmark Cancer Center 2117 Riverwalk Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 245-1898

MEDICAL: OPTOMETRISTS/ OPTICAL Eye Care Oklahoma Inc 2909 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-7510 • f: (405) 799-4742 Eye Care Oklahoma/FirstLook Eyewear 10801 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 799-7510 First Look Eyewear 2909 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1181 Kenmore Eyecare Center 513 N Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3030 • f: (405) 799-3737 Massengale Eye Care 2828 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 631-2020 • f: (405) 631-2114 Total Vision Care 705 SW 19th St, Ste 160B Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0393

MEDICAL: ORTHODONTICS Orthodontics Exclusively S OKC 1516 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 407-6453

MEDICAL: ORTHOPEDICS & SPORTS MEDICINE Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Center 700 S Telephone, Ste 300 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 364-7900 • f: (405) 364-6719 90 | Moore Chamber of Commerce OKMOOCW19 design.indd 90

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MEDICAL: PEDIATRIC Just Kids Pediatrics 400 N Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 757-7818 • f: (888) 673-6461 Pediatric Associates 700 S Telephone Rd, Ste 400 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-3100 Quest Pediatric Therapy 400 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 601-4303 • f: (405) 703-9144

MEDICAL: PHARMACIES Chris’ Express Drug 12032 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-3950 • f: (405) 735-6079 Moore RX 2018 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-5101 • f: (405) 735-9523 Walgreens 1041 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1803 • f: (405) 793-2073 Walgreens 1201 NW 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2244 • f: (405) 799-7970 Walgreens 1229 N Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1120 • f: (405) 793-9536

MEDICAL: PHYSICAL THERAPY Norman Regional Moore 700 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-9355 (Please see our ad on the inside front cover) Norman Regional Moore Physical Therapy 700 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-3055 Optimal Rehab South Physical Therapy 8 SW 89th St, Ste 101 Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 702-6995 • f: (405) 702-6998 Orthopedic Spine & Sports Physical Therapy 1700 S Broadway, #E Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-8777 • f: (405) 735-8778 Physical Therapy Central of Moore 620 S Santa Fe Ave, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 809-8655 • f: (405) 759-3696 (Please see our ad on pg 90) Physical Therapy Central of OKC Southeast 5700 SE 74th St, Ste 500 Oklahoma City, OK 73135 (405) 610-6320 • f: (405) 610-6325 (Please see our ad on pg 90)

Physical Therapy Central of OKC Southwest/ Earlywine 10740 S May Ave, Ste 110 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 286-3605 • f: (405) 286-9955 (Please see our ad on pg 90) Quest Pediatric Therapy 400 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 601-4303 • f: (405) 703-9144 Therapy in Motion 1025 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-3400 • f: (405) 237-3401

MEDICAL: PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Brooks Accident & Injury Clinic 2313 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 943-0303 INTEGRIS Community Hospital — Emerus Holdings 1401 SW 34th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 500-3330 INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center 4401 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 636-7000 • f: (405) 552-5149 (Please see our ad on the inside back cover) Mercy Clinic Primary Care Moore 1060 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-5491

MEDICAL: PODIATRY Oklahoma Foot and Ankle Institute 13316 S Western Ave, Ste I Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 701-7300 • f: (405) 703-7107

MEDICAL: SURGICAL CENTER Physicians Surgical Center 3121 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 364-9789 • f: (405) 366-8081 Wisdom Tooth Center 2745 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 261-1002 • f: (405) 493-0995 (Please see our ad on pg 89)

MEDICAL: URGENT CARE Classen Urgent Care 1025 SW 4th St, Ste 101 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2001 HealthCARE Express 551 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-9321 Immediate Care of Oklahoma LLC 11808 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-2370 • f: (405) 735-2369

Immediate Care of Oklahoma LLC 3400 W Tecumseh Rd Norman, OK 73070 (405) 307-6900 • f: (405) 307-6906 Just Kids Pediatrics 400 N Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 757-7818 • f: (888) 673-6461 Mercy — GoHealth Urgent Care 705 SW 19th St, Ste 120 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 492-6799 Norman Regional EMSSTAT Ambulance 1805 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 515-1561 Quick Urgent Care, LLC 2212 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 285-7222 • f: (405) 285-7227 (Please see our ad on pg 89)

MERCHANT SALES Prosperity Bank 3501 W Robinson Norman, OK 73072 (405) 307-9066 • f: (405) 307-9028

METAL FABRICATION Thomas Sheet Metal & Custom Fab., Inc. 625 Vermeer Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6982 • f: (405) 799-6987


BancFirst 701 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 270-5040 • f: (405) 270-5055 (Please see our ad on pg 36) Citywide Mortgage 9400 S I-35 Service Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73160 (405) 794-4412 • f: (405) 794-4263 First Fidelity Bank 400 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 801-8120 • f: (405) 416-2380 First Fidelity Bank — Walmart 501 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 801-8160 • f: (405) 416-2382 First United Bank 2101 Interstate 35 Frontage Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 579-7000 • f: (405) 794-7775 (Please see our ad on pg 31) First United Bank 10731 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 579-7000 (Please see our ad on pg 31) FirstTrust Home Loans 2100 N Eastern Ave, Ste 11 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 996-3992 FNB Community Bank 601 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-1110 • f: (405) 912-1115

Blackmon Mooring of Oklahoma City 1101 Enterprise Ave, Bay 12 Oklahoma City, OK 73128 (405) 388-1948 • f: (405) 948-1786

Gateway Mortgage Group 2405 Palmer Cir, Ste 200 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 253-2282 • f: (405) 253-2283

Paul Davis Emergency Services 1917 Atchison Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 802-5405

Great Plains Bank 1101 SW 30th Ct, Ste A Moore, OK 73106 (405) 720-4720 • f: (405) 799-2810

Servpro of Norman and South Oklahoma City 3200 Deskin Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 292-0808

Lincoln Lending 501 SE 4th St, Ste C Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-5363 • f: (405) 217-0340

MONUMENTS Moore Custom Monuments 117 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-9898 • f: (405) 799-9897 (Please see our ad on pg 7)

MORTGAGE Allegiance Credit Union 12200 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 717-9037 • f: (405) 692-2447 BancFirst 600 NW 5th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5511 • f: (405) 793-9539 (Please see our ad on pg 36)

Lincoln Title 501 SE 4th St, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 779-4359 MidFirst Bank 1037 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 767-7883 • f: (405) 759-7304 (Please see our ad on pg 44) MidFirst Bank 625 NW 5th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 767-7827 • f: (405) 799-5523 (Please see our ad on pg 44) RCB Bank 3151 W Tecumseh Rd, Ste 200 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 801-4456 • f: (405) 801-3990 | 91 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 91

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Republic Bank & Trust 401 W Main Norman, OK 73069 (405) 360-5369 • f: (405) 579-5488 (Please see our ad on pg 25) Republic Bank and Trust — OKC Banking Center 11671 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 692-3400 • f: (405) 692-3416 (Please see our ad on pg 25) True Sky Credit Union 10201 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 682-1990 • f: (405) 703-2564 Valliance Bank 1501 24th Ave NW Norman, OK 73069 (405) 286-5700 • f: (405) 310-6251 (Please see our ad on pg 24)

MOTORCYCLE/ATV SALES & SERVICES Fort Thunder Harley-Davidson 500 SW 11th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8877 • f: (405) 799-7840

MOVIE THEATERS Warren Theatres 1000 Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-9676 • f: (405) 735-9674

MOVING COMPANIES Discount Moving 2707 N Janeway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4919 • f: (405) 735-5043 Little Guys Movers, Inc 6301 N Interstate Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 292-5700 • f: (405) 292-1705 Two Men and A Truck 216 N Cooley Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73127 (405) 708-7707 • f: (405) 708-7724

MULTI-MEDIA The Oklahoman Media Company 100 W Main, Ste 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 475-3380

NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES Cleveland County Lifestyle (405) 541-5650 MetroFamily Magazine 318 NW 13th St, Ste 101 Oklahoma City, OK 73103 (405) 818-5025 • f: (405) 445-7509 Moore American Newspaper 215 E Comanche St Norman, OK 73070 (405) 321-1800 • f: (405) 366-3516 OKCBiz 3701 N Shartel Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 528-6000 • f: (405) 528-4600 Oklahoma Gazette/Tierra Media Group 3701 N Shartel Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 528-6000 • f: (405) 528-4600 The Oklahoman Media Company 100 W Main, Ste 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 475-3380 Tinker Take Off 101 N Robinson, Ste 101 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 278-2835 • f: (405) 278-6907 Trifecta Communications 28 NE 28th St Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 793-3338 • f: (405) 703-4768

NONPROFIT: RELIGIOUS Community Christian Church 2010 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-9673 The Crown Center 13300 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 520-1147 • f: (405) 692-3071 (Please see our ad on pg 80) Elevate Church 210 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 458-0808 Emmaus Baptist Church 16001 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-6646

First United Methodist Church 201 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-6671 • f: (405) 794-6751

Moore Food Resource Center 2635 N Shields Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 600-3182

Fresh Start Community Church 309 N Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7313 • f: (405) 799-8771

Moore Youth & Family Service 624 NW 5th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3379 • f: (405) 799-0912

Genesis Church 623 N Broadway, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-8840

Neighborhood Housing Services Oklahoma 4301 N Classen Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 231-4663

Highland Baptist Church 2425 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5432 • f: (405) 794-5642

Oklahoma Blood Institute 1001 N Lincoln Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 419-1371 • f: (405) 419-1533

New Season Church 300 N Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 824-2592

Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma 3355 S Purdue Oklahoma City, OK 73179 (405) 972-1111 • f: (405) 688-6447

Restoration Bible Ministries, Inc. (405) 609-4765

Serve More 224 S Chestnut Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-3060

Southgate Baptist Church 740 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-6646 • f: (405) 794-7176 Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church 206 S Janeway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-2941 The Well Church 224 S Chestnut Ave Moore, OK 73160 (817) 692-6923

NONPROFIT: SOCIAL SERVICES American Red Cross serving OK & AR 601 NE 6th St Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 228-9550 • f: (405) 364-7640 Bethesda 1181 E Main Norman, OK 73071 (405) 701-2173 • f: (405) 364-0342 Brand Senior Center 501 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3130 • f: (405) 793-5196

Fellowship Church 9134 S Walker Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 520-1622

Cleveland County Habitat for Humanity & Restore 1100 W Main, Ste 100 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 366-2813 • f: (405) 360-8156

BNB Technology 901 Messenger Lane Moore, OK 73160 (405) 292-5408 • f: (405) 321-0741

Firehouse Community Outreach 800 S Santa Fe Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-0900

Dale Rogers Training Center 2501 N Utah Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73107 (405) 946-4489

Computers ‘N’ Moore 2530 N Moore Ave, Bldg D Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2750

First Christian Church 629 NW 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-6166 • f: (405) 794-6199

Feed the Children 333 N Meridian Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73101 (405) 942-0228

Oklahoma Consulting & Technical Services, Inc. 3309 Birch Dr Moore, OK 73170 (405) 582-0674

First Moore Baptist Church 301 NE 27th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-2600 • f: (405) 793-5563

Full Circle Adult Day Center, Inc. 4223 28th Ave NW Norman, OK 73069 (405) 447-2955 • f: (405) 701-0546


Sharing Tree 825 NW 24th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 634-2006 Sommerset Neighborhood Assisted Living & Memory Care 1601 SW 119th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-9221 • f: (405) 691-9253 (Please see our ad on pg 26) The Sparrow Project (405) 630-4109 TSET Healthy Living Program — Cleveland Co. 226 W Gray St, Ste 203 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 912-3583 United Way of Central Oklahoma 1444 NW 28th St Oklahoma City, OK 73106 (405) 236-8441 • f: (405) 235-2011 VFW Post 8706 — Bruce January Moore, OK 73160 Women’s Resource Center PO Box 5089 Norman, OK 73070 (405) 364-9424 Work Activity Center 203 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6911 • f: (405) 793-0850 Workforce Oklahoma 1141 E Main Norman, OK 73071 (405) 701-2000 • f: (405) 701-2042

NONPROFIT: SOCIAL/CIVIC ASSOCIATIONS American Institute of Architects 1300 N Shartel Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73103 (405) 948-7174

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Better Business Bureau of Central OK 17 S Dewey Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 239-6081 • f: (405) 235-5891 Cleveland County Fair Grounds 615 E Robinson St Norman, OK 73071 (405) 360-4721 • f: (405) 360-4512 Crimestoppers of Moore 2119 Riverwalk Dr, #158 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5160 Kiwanis Club of Moore (405) 820-4317 Moore Public Schools Foundation PO Box 6100 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 373-6773 Moore Rotary Club PO Box 6933 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 300-6202 • f: (405) 794-7775

OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Office Depot Moore 2200 S I-35 Frontage Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-1646 • f: (405) 237-1715

OILFIELD EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY Canadian Pipe & Supply 233 SE 5th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-6825 • f: (405) 794-6488

OUTDOOR CONSTRUCTION Green Okie LLC 4412 SW 33rd Oklahoma City, OK 73119 (405) 708-3509


MWC-Del City-Moore Assoc of Realtors 1212 S Air Depot, Ste 35 Midwest City, OK 73110 (405) 737-3023 • f: (405) 736-1914

Five Star Equipment 3315 N I-35 Frontage Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 681-7827 • f: (405) 681-7827

Oklahoma City Metropolitan Association of Realtors 3131 NW Expy Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 840-1493 • f: (405) 840-9720

Metro Turf Outdoor Power Equipment 5500 Huettner Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 360-5045 • f: (405) 360-5098

REI Oklahoma 218 E Main Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 319-8190 Southmoore Gold Club Inc PO Box 7071 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 924-0412

NOTARIES Moore Tag Agency 623D N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7144 • f: (405) 793-0672 (Please see our ad on pg 93) Stewart Abstract & Title of Oklahoma 1620 SW 122nd Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-9284 • f: (405) 691-8851


PAYROLL PROCESSING SERVICES Diamond Payroll Services, LLC 121 W Main Norman, OK 73069 (405) 292-1941 • f: (405) 321-8624 Paychex Inc 6305 Waterford Blvd, Ste 175 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 840-1315

PHOTO PROCESSING Walgreens 1041 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1803 • f: (405) 793-2073 Walgreens 1201 NW 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2244 • f: (405) 799-7970 Walgreens 1229 N Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1120 • f: (405) 793-9536

PLUMBING SERVICES Brandon’s Plumbing 17450 S Sooner Rd Norman, OK 73071 (405) 799-5678 • f: (405) 799-3310 Butler Plumbing Inc 524 SE 29th Oklahoma City, OK 73129 (405) 635-8942 • f: (405) 635-8949 Dalton’s Plumbing Inc 2124 N Pole Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-3992 • f: (405) 794-3999 Homeland Plumbing 117 Industrial Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3999 Moody Mechanical 119 Industrial Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5099 • f: (405) 794-3888 Mullin Plumbing West Div. 2936 N Shields Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 943-0009 • f: (405) 735-8010


Tipton’s Plumbing and Sewer (405) 703-2700 • f: (405) 703-2717

Lifetouch Oklahoma 228 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7748 • f: (405) 794-7498 (Please see our ad on pg 93)

Triple S Systems 235 NE 2nd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-1900 • f: (405) 794-1908

The Sherwin Williams Company 2225 SW 104th St Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 378-0160 • f: (405) 378-0311

PARKING LOT MAINTENANCE Moore Parking Lot Services 600 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 550-8889 • f: (405) 793-1029

PAWN SHOP Circle D Pawn No. 5 433 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7867 | 93 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 93

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POLICE DEPARTMENT Moore Police Department 117 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5171

POOLS & SPAS SUPPLY & SALES Bullfrog Spas of OKC 2520 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 605-5330 Country Leisure Manufacturing 3001 N Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-7745 • f: (405) 799-7747 S & S Pools, LLC 1700 S Broadway, #M Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-2007 • f: (405) 794-2122 Signature Custom Pools (405) 256-8764

PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS Ad-Specialties & More, Ltd. 2340 N Interstate Dr Norman, OK 73072 (405) 364-7579 • f: (405) 364-7764 Choctaw Nation Print Services (866) 924-1120

PRINTING SERVICES & SUPPLIES Choctaw Nation Print Services (866) 924-1120 Mattocks Printing Co. 325 N Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-2307 • f: (405) 799-3481 (Please see our ad on pg 85) Office Depot Moore 2200 S I-35 Frontage Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-1646 • f: (405) 237-1715 Quintella Printing Co., Inc. 130 SE 44th St, Ste 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73129 (405) 631-6566 • f: (405) 632-4900 T.N,T. Print 320 N Rockwell Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73127 (405) 603-1300 • f: (405) 603-1301

Brown-O’Haver 220 SE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-5510


Citywide Mortgage 9400 S I-35 Service Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73160 (405) 794-4412 • f: (405) 794-4263 eXp Realty 101 Park Ave, Ste 1300 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 420-2121

Cathy Estes, Kaeser & Blair Authorized Dealer PO Box 7739 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 623-9762

Cleveland County Lifestyle (405) 541-5650 Lawton Publishing (800) 456-5804 • f: (509) 534-8969

Fast Signs 900 24th Ave NW, Ste 2 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 701-2890 • f: (405) 701-2885

Fritts Farm Development 2450 S Fritts Blvd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-1153 • f: (866) 825-4398

MetroFamily Magazine 318 NW 13th St, Ste 101 Oklahoma City, OK 73103 (405) 818-5025 • f: (405) 445-7509

Quintella Printing Co., Inc. 130 SE 44th St, Ste 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73129 (405) 631-6566 • f: (405) 632-4900

Home Creations 2252 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 692-2222 • f: (405) 794-0341

OKCBiz 3701 N Shartel Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 528-6000 • f: (405) 528-4600

T.N,T. Print 320 N Rockwell Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73127 (405) 603-1300 • f: (405) 603-1301

Town Square Publications, LLC (847) 427-4905

POWER WASHING Top Notch Power Washing LLC 2216 Pole Rd, Ste B Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-0315


PROPANE Red Baker Propane Inc 9005 S Sunnylane Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73160 (405) 677-5277 • f: (405) 677-7722

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Home N Ranch Realty 601 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7777 • f: (405) 794-7899 (Please see our ad on pg 94) HYH Property Company PO Box 720772 Oklahoma City, OK 73172 (405) 603-3262 Realty Experts 504 Tower Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2255 • f: (405) 237-3460 Rieger, LLC 136 Thompson Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 329-6070

RADIO STATIONS Bott Radio Network 1919 N Broadway Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73103 (405) 521-1415 • f: (405) 521-1391 Sports Talk Media 99.3 FM 1400 AM 2020 E Alameda Norman, OK 73070 (405) 321-1400

REAL ESTATE 1st Oklahoma Construction Inc dba 1st Oklahoma Homes 2316 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 701-5557 • f: (405) 217-4423 Andy Janko Realty 224 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0404 • f: (405) 790-0337 Aria Development 221 48th Ave NW Norman, OK 73072 (405) 329-7979

Home N Ranch Realty 601 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7777 • f: (405) 794-7899 (Please see our ad on pg 94) Keepsake Enterprises, LLC 2990 SE 19th St, Ste 10 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 826-2050 Keller Williams Green Meadow – Becky Seda 1624 SW 122nd St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-2556 Keller Williams Realty — Glen Cosper 1624 SW 122nd Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-2556 • f: (405) 691-2708 Keller Williams Realty — Weber Home Team 1624 SW 122nd Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-2556 • f: (405) 691-2708 LaGree Associates 3000 United Founders Blvd, Ste 200 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 879-1171 • f: (405) 879-1174 Lincoln Title 501 SE 4th St, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 779-4359 Local Guy Buys Houses (405) 985-9060

Berkshire Hathaway Home Services 908 SW 107th Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-3977 • f: (405) 735-3973

Meraki Real Estate 708 24th Ave NW, Ste 400 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 306-7766

Buchanan Realty Group 11801 S Western Ave, Ste A Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-9767 • f: (405) 691-1175

MWC-Del City-Moore Assoc of Realtors 1212 S Air Depot, Ste 35 Midwest City, OK 73110 (405) 737-3023 • f: (405) 736-1914

Century 21 Clinkenbeard Agency 204 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2100 • f: (405) 799-2112

Neighborhood Housing Services Oklahoma 4301 N Classen Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 231-4663

Charles Thompson, Inc. 2022 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4188 • f: (405) 794-6403

Oklahoma City Metropolitan Association of Realtors 3131 NW Expy Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 840-1493 • f: (405) 840-9720

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Pacific Plains Asset Management PO Box 495 Choctaw, OK 73020 (405) 464-3864 • f: (405) 390-1687 Paul Methvin Homes, Inc. PO Box 6919 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 793-7574 • f: (405) 793-7923 Rausch Coleman Homes 2212 NW 50th, 246 C Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 602-6686 • f: (405) 602-6696 Real Estate Specialists Inc PO Box 892770 Oklahoma City, OK 73189 (405) 692-4888 Realty Experts 504 Tower Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2255 • f: (405) 237-3460 Realty One Group Gable & Grace 3008-A Sunnylane Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 406-6434 Rieger, LLC 136 Thompson Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 329-6070 Right Way Realty 224 SE 26th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 259-5551 Rose Rock Realty 121 W Main, Ste 100 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 692-0663 (Please see our ad on pg 95) Vanco Properties 2428 N Janeway Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-1554 • f: (405) 735-1514

RECYCLING Republic Services/Allied Waste 7540 SW 59th St Oklahoma City, OK 73179 (405) 745-4141 • f: (405) 745-4144

REMODELING & RENOVATIONS Brandon’s Plumbing 17450 S Sooner Rd Norman, OK 73071 (405) 799-5678 • f: (405) 799-3310 Capstone Construction Services, LLC 3900 S Broadway Edmond, OK 73013 (405) 607-0588

The Icon at Norman 6475 36th Ave NW Norman, OK 73072 (405) 310-4767 • f: (405) 801-3605

Braum’s Ice Cream & Burgers 101 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7274 • f: (405) 475-2460

P.B. Odom Construction 9401 S Penn Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 735-3100 • f: (405) 735-3791

Braum’s Ice Cream & Burgers 1928 S Santa Fe Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-1032 Braum’s Ice Cream & Burgers 620 NW 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5355 • f: (405) 475-2460


Cavins Construction Group 1839 Atchison Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 573-3048 • f: (405) 579-4964

Daisy Exchange Moore 2741 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-2278

Honey Do Construction (405) 821-5555

Goodwill Industries of Central OK 741 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-6204

R&R Homes 3006 S Sunnylane Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-1212 • f: (405) 703-2626 (Please see our ad on pg 41) Rise Residential Construction 16812 Dallas Pkwy Dallas, OK 75248 (972) 701-5563 Todd Haworth Frameworks 2821 SW 137th Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 990-2944 • f: (405) 703-2008

RENTAL EQUIPMENT Five Star Equipment 3315 N I-35 Frontage Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 681-7827 • f: (405) 681-7827

RENTAL PROPERTY Century 21 Clinkenbeard Agency 204 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2100 • f: (405) 799-2112 Cross Timber Apartments 10700 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 242-6441 HYH Property Company PO Box 720772 Oklahoma City, OK 73172 (405) 603-3262

Goodwill Industries of Central OK 805 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-3674


Carino’s Italian 7900 S Walker Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 (405) 632-4600 • f: (405) 632-4609 Chelino’s Mexican Restaurant 2113 Riverwalk Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0677 Chick-fil-A 2001 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6100 • f: (405) 799-6199

Alfredo’s Mexican Cafe 2701 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4700 • f: (405) 285-8123

Chipotle Mexican Grill 705 SW 19th St, Ste 200 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0531 • f: (303) 390-5620

Andy Alligator’s Fun Park 3300 Market Pl Norman, OK 73072 (405) 321-7275 • f: (405) 928-7092

City Bites 1804 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-3400

Angela’s Bakery & Deli 623 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 808-8576

Dairy Queen/Orange Julius 2301 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-4774 (Please see our ad on pg 96)

Blake’s Barbecue 2100 N Eastern Ave, Ste 5 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-1313 Boomarang Diner Moore 1305 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-2112 • f: (405) 275-2429 The Boxcar Coffee 2100 N Eastern Ave, Ste 3 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 362-0589

Del Rancho 1409 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4131 Del Taco, LLC 770 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-1252 Eagle One Pizza 11613 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 703-4555




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Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers 1525 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0114 • f: (405) 790-0451

Lumpy’s Sports Grill 10601 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-9559

Panang 7 Thai Restaurant 1615 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-7676

Tropical Smoothie Cafe 2101 Riverwalk Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2698

Fuzzy’s Taco Shop 825 SW 19th St, Ste 13 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2419

Mama Carol’s Kitchen 636 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-1548

Panera Bread 10600 S Pennsylvania Ave, Ste 1 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 378-8353

Two Olives Nutrition & Cafe 201 N Broadway, Ste 101 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-6373

The Garage Burgers and Beers 2060 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2020

Marco’s Pizza 12201 S Pennsylvania Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73134 (405) 735-8990

Pho Lan Asian Bistro 711 SW 19th St, Ste 102 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-7774

Van’s Pig Stand 1991 Tower Dr, Ste A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-3000 • f: (405) 793-8267

GOGO Sushi Express and Grill 1611 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-3474 • f: (405) 794-3473

Marco’s Pizza 1919 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2525

Platt College 201 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-3260 • f: (405) 912-4360

Volcano Sushi Bar & Hibachi 2727 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3888

HeyDay Entertainment — Norman 3201 Market Pl Norman, OK 73069 (405) 310-3500 • f: (405) 701-8053

McAlister’s Deli 931 SW 25th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-1140

Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers 700 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7037 • f: (972) 905-4242

Whataburger, Inc. 2290 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-6258

Hideaway Pizza 835 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 604-0777

McDonald’s 105 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7404

Ray’s BBQ 1060 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-3840

Zaxby’s 2720 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2186

Hollie’s Flatiron Grill 1199 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-0300 • f: (405) 799-3351

McDonald’s 630 NW 12th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-2000 • f: (405) 794-0031

Royal Bavaria Corp. 3401 S Sooner Rd Moore, OK 73165 (405) 799-7666

Hollywood Corners Station, LLC 4712 N Porter Ave Norman, OK 73071 (405) 701-4990

Moore Los Tacos 122 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 681-0888

Santa Fe Donuts 1060 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2118

Hummus Cafe 811 SW 19th St, Ste G Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-7024 • f: (405) 237-3286

Nosh by Catering Creations 200 SE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 814-9699

IHOP 2501 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-6652

Okie Tonk Cafe 1003 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 603-8665

Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler 2305 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-4600

Oliveto Italian Bistro 1301 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-5553

Louie’s 1601 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-7419

Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt 660 SW 19th St, Ste D Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-0250 • f: (405) 463-7356

Schlotzsky’s 631 SW 19th St, Ste 104 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-8400 • f: (405) 703-8402 (Please see our ad on pg 96) Slim Chickens 100 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-8949 Sonic Drive-In 105 NE 12th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-3355 • f: (405) 794-7773 Subway 623 NW 7th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-1626 • f: (405) 692-6099 Summer Snow Entertainment 1325 N Janeway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7556 • f: (405) 745-2208 Sunny Side Up 110 SE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-2450 Taco Casa 500 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-8800 Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar & Grill 310 Johnny Bench Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 231-0254

RETAIL Ace Party Supplies and Showtime Concession 200 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-9902 • f: (405) 895-9904 B & F Affordable Merchandise 227 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 388-8411 The Candy Castle & Popcorn Palace 113 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2300 (Please see our ad on pg 33) Cheers Wine & Spirits 1019 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3029 Circle D Pawn No. 5 433 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7867 Coal Creek Vineyard & Winery 210 N Sara Rd Tuttle, OK 73089 (405) 381-9463 Columns on Main 101 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 364-3777 (Please see our ad on pg 33) Country Leisure Manufacturing 3001 N Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-7745 • f: (405) 799-7747 Crockstar Dinner Club, LLC 920 SW 104th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 203-2723

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Daisy Exchange Moore 2741 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-2278

Mary Jane Dispensary 2990 SE 19th St, Unit 1 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 496-9614

The Tilted Tulip 13316 S Western Ave, Ste Q Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 759-7590

The Dusty Paw 825 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 609-9974

Moore Liquor 914 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-5555

Tractor Supply Co. 2030 S Telephone Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-2666 • f: (405) 912-2610

The Fluffy Puppy Salon & Boutique 700 N Eastern, #A Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3223

Once More Decor 103-A N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 921-5599

Vapor World 2311 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-7857

GiGi’s Baby Boutique, LLC 1991 S Tower Dr, Ste D Moore, OK 73160 (405) 434-7499 • f: (405) 735-5227

Prodigy Vapor Company 811 SW 19th St, Ste F Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2868

Goodwill Industries of Central OK 741 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-6204

Rapha 180 825 SW 19th St, Ste 5 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 919-8247

Goodwill Industries of Central OK 805 S Eastern Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 237-3674

Reclaimed Warehouse 3004 S Sunnylane Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-3715

Green Hope Wellness 2309 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 551-1401

Red Baker Propane Inc 9005 S Sunnylane Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73160 (405) 677-5277 • f: (405) 677-7722

Green Plus 1280 N Eastern Ave, Ste C Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2267

The Ritzy Gypsy 11707 S Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 735-7554

Green Plus CBD in Moore 2030 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-1515

S & S Pools, LLC 1700 S Broadway, #M Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-2007 • f: (405) 794-2122

Gregory’s Sporting Goods Inc 609 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 672-4230 • f: (405) 672-4352

Sam’s Club 1705 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 300-6019

HayVic’s 111 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 300-9060 (Please see our ad on pg 33) Home Care Medical Mart 4401 S Walker Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 634-1467 • f: (405) 235-1476

Edward Jones — Todd Lance 937 SW 25th St, Ste G Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0046 Proven Financial Group 2401 Westport Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 573-0100 • f: (405) 307-0100

Ultra Thin, Inc. 1720 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7892

ROOFING CONTRACTORS Aduddell Companies 1920 S I-35 Service Rd, Ste 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73129 (405) 551-8181 • f: (405) 702-7231 Affordable Construction Co. 6401 N Interstate Dr, Ste 160 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 366-7113 • f: (405) 366-7399 American Capital Roofing 15704 N Penn Ave, Ste 2 Edmond, OK 73013 (405) 322-5526 Bohon Roofing (405) 703-4316 Kaphar Roofing & Construction, LLC 600 Tower Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 837-7663 Mallard Construction, LLC 3601 S I-35 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 364-4501 • f: (405) 364-4505

Sharky’s Scuba 201 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3759 • f: (405) 759-2699 (Please see our ad on pg 98) Showplace Market 2001 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 814-1022

Lacy Lu Boutique 2514 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 824-9093

Steeped Tea (405) 659-0898

Maci Lynn’s Boutique 222 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 919-3055

RETIREMENT PLANNING Country Financial — Mike Purvine 804 NE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7999 • f: (405) 794-7711

Dale Rogers Training Center 2501 N Utah Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73107 (405) 946-4489

Save-U-Moore 1320 Santa Fe Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-8793

Innovative Medical Supply 1501 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-8855 • f: (405) 799-8860

Lowe’s 1501 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 246-3581 • f: (405) 246-3582

Walmart Super Center 501 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 790-0021 • f: (405) 790-0035 (Please see our ad on pg 97)


Target Stores 720 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-5494 • f: (405) 378-5504 The Painted Paw Dog Spa, LLC 14900 S Western Ave, Ste 210 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 435-6570 | 97 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 97

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S.H. Vaughn Construction Co. 524 Tower Dr, Ste C Moore, OK 73160 (405) 312-3365

SecurCare Storage 1001 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-7587 • f: (405) 912-7587

ScissorTail Roofing & Construction 480 24th Ave NW, Ste 200-25 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 928-8089

Simply Self Storage 3015 N Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-1717

Statewide Roofing, Inc. 5001 E I-240 Service Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73135 (405) 790-0109 • f: (405) 790-0119 Trinity Construction, Inc 1000 Cornell Pkwy, Ste 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) 695-7040 • f: (405) 695-7030 Triple Diamond Construction LLC 2306 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 895-9972 Universal Roofing & Sheet Metal PO Box 6650 Moore, OK 73153 (405) 799-6400 • f: (405) 735-3360 Validated Construction 10601 S Western Ave, Ste 115 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 534-9572

RV SALES & SERVICES Oklahoma RV Center, LLC 3025 N Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-9655 • f: (405) 912-9693

SCREEN PRINTING & EMBROIDERY Linder Screen Printing 2418 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 558-1275

SELF STORAGE Broadway Self Storage 1620 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-4000 Keepsake Self Storage 2101 S Sunnyland Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-9800

Storage ‘’R’’ Us 3411 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-1058 • f: (877) 835-2597 (Please see our ad on pg 45) Tower Storage 1801 Tower Dr Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-1171 Vanco Properties 2428 N Janeway Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-1554 • f: (405) 735-1514

SENIOR SERVICES/CARE/ LIVING Autumn Leaves of SW OKC 2232 SW 104th Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 237-7070 • f: (405) 237-7074 Brand Senior Center 501 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-3130 • f: (405) 793-5196

Legend Assisted Living 13200 S May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 691-2300 (Please see our ad on pg 5) Legend Memory Care 2800 SW 131st St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 703-2300 (Please see our ad on pg 5) Meadowlakes Retirement Village 963 SW 107th St Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 703-4225 • f: (405) 703-4230 Norman Regional Senior Counseling Center 700 S Telephone Rd, Ste 301 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 912-3495 Savannah House of Moore 525 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-2500 • f: (405) 735-9369 Senior Citizens Housing of Moore, Inc. 300 N Turner Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-4140 • f: (405) 794-0940 Village on the Park 1515 Kingsridge Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73170 (405) 692-8700 • f: (405) 692-8810


Chateau on the Green & Court 1511 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-4200 • f: (405) 793-3310

Santa Fe Place 1000 S Santa Fe Moore, OK 73160 (405) 410-3148 • f: (405) 410-3148

Featherstone Assisted Living of Moore 301 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-9919 • f: (405) 799-0520

VFW Post 8706 — Bruce January

Full Circle Adult Day Center, Inc. 4223 28th Ave NW Norman, OK 73069 (405) 447-2955 • f: (405) 701-0546 Grace Pointe Living (Active Adult) 1501 Grace Pointe Dr Moore, OK 73170 (405) 759-7748 • f: (405) 759-7761

Work Activity Center 203 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6911 • f: (405) 793-0850

SEWING Keepsake Fabric and Quilts 2990 SE 19th St, Ste 10 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 822-0039 Sew-N-So’s 2990 SE 19th St, Ste 2 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-6500 • f: (405) 735-6500 The Stitching Post South 316 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-0026 • f: (405) 495-9998

SIDING SALES & INSTALLATION Affordable Construction Co. 6401 N Interstate Dr, Ste 160 Norman, OK 73072 (405) 366-7113 • f: (405) 366-7399

SIGNS ABC Sign Design 117 W Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-5774 • f: (405) 794-5774 American Logo & Sign Inc. 2631 N I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-1800 • f: (405) 799-8541 Fast Signs 900 24th Ave NW, Ste 2 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 701-2890 • f: (405) 701-2885 Sign Innovations 1333 SE 38th Oklahoma City, OK 73129 (405) 840-1151 • f: (405) 840-1162

SKIN CARE Mary Kay — Tish Norman (405) 821-6467

SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Computer RX 750 SW 24th St Moore, OK 73160 (800) 647-5288 • f: (405) 799-7118

SPORTING GOODS/ INSTRUCTION Grand Master Won’s TaeKwondo 10801 S Sunnylane Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73160 (405) 793-0752 Gregory’s Sporting Goods Inc 609 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 672-4230 • f: (405) 672-4352 Sharky’s Scuba 201 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-3759 • f: (405) 759-2699 (Please see our ad on pg 98) USA Taekwondo Center 629 A NW 7th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-6061

SPORTS CLUBS & LEAGUES Oklahoma City Dodgers 2 S Mickey Mantle Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 218-1000 • f: (405) 218-1001

TAG AGENCY Moore Tag Agency 623D N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7144 • f: (405) 793-0672 (Please see our ad on pg 93)

TAX SERVICES The 1040 Company, Inc (319) 404-9117

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Eide Bailly LLP 2402 Westport Dr Norman, OK 73070 (405) 292-2900 • f: (405) 321-4758 (Please see our ad on pg 76) H & R Block 711 SW 19th, Ste 104 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-9616 Matthew Mann, CPA, PLLC 501 SE 4th St, Ste A (2nd Floor) Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2599 • f: (405) 421-9512 T. C. Burgin, CPA, PC 10401 Greenbriar Pkwy Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 692-0440 • f: (405) 692-1937 (Please see our ad on pg 76) Tax Worx 503 NE 12th Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-3031 • f: (405) 735-3031

TECHNOLOGY SALES & SERVICE Audio \ Video Designs, Inc. 216 N Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-7555 • f: (405) 799-7518 Oklahoma Consulting & Technical Services, Inc. 3309 Birch Dr Moore, OK 73170 (405) 582-0674 The Right Click Technical Support & Services (405) 625-5070 T-Mobile 4533 Enterprise Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73128 (405) 503-7050 Verizon Wireless 610 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 378-5136

TELECOMMUNICATIONS AT&T 14 E First Edmond, OK 73034 (405) 330-3480 Cox Business 715 NE 122nd Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405) 286-3118 • f: (877) 873-4147 (Please see our ad on pg 30) OEC Fiber 2520 Hemphill Dr Norman, OK 73069 (405) 217-6868 ShotROK 5408 N Santa Fe Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 595-3933 • f: (405) 749-8080

THEATERS The Yellow Rose Theater 1005 SW 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-7779 • f: (405) 793-7777

TILE, GROUT & HARD SURFACE CLEANERS Joker’s Carpet Services (405) 790-0197 • f: (405) 790-0229

TIRE RETAIL SALES & SERVICE Firestone Complete Auto Care 1800 S Broadway Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-1465 • f: (405) 793-1467 Hibdon Tire Plus 510 SW 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7070 • f: (405) 794-4860 Total Tire and Auto Accessories 105 SE 19th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-5070 • f: (405) 735-5222

TOWING & WRECKER SERVICE American Tow & Recovery, Inc. 2425 N Shields Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-0995 • f: (405) 912-0995 (Please see our ad on pg 77)

TRAVEL SERVICE The Joy of Travel with Meredith Carrell (405) 343-1819 Travel Leaders/Bentley Hedges Travel 10021 S Pennsylvania Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73159 (405) 237-3333 • f: (405) 237-3334 Travel With Kathy (405) 364-7895

Oklahoma Natural Gas PO Box 401 Oklahoma City, OK 73101 (800) 664-5463 • f: (405) 551-6801

Oklahoma Web Media 5350 S Western Ave, Ste 542 Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 227-0575 • f: (888) 756-1797 The Right Click Technical Support & Services (405) 625-5070

Veolia Water North America 4000 S Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-5080 • f: (405) 793-5094 (Please see our ad on pg 25)


Western Farmers Electric Cooperative 2900 S Telephone Rd, Ste 120 Moore, OK 73160 (405) 759-2810


Lynlee Mae Chapel & Reception Center 507 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 735-8900 • f: (405) 735-8901 (Please see our ad on pg 7)


Cornerstone Veterinary Hospital 8809 S Sooner, Ste A Oklahoma City, OK 73135 (405) 265-6262

Bug Zappers Pest Control 2534 N Moore Ave Moore, OK 73160 (405) 703-2849 • f: (405) 703-2849

Eastmoor Animal Clinic 400 SE 4th St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 793-8900 • f: (405) 793-9899

Mother Nature’s Pest and Lawn 11621 N Santa Fe, #A-1 Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405) 278-8100

Silver Leaf Animal Hospital 530 N Eastern Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-7771 • f: (405) 794-5627


WASTE MANAGEMENT Republic Services/Allied Waste 7540 SW 59th St Oklahoma City, OK 73179 (405) 745-4141 • f: (405) 745-4144


WATER OFFICE SERVICE Ozarka/Eureka Water Company 729 SW 3rd Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 235-8474 • f: (405) 235-6344



hibu (405) 249-4142

Storage ‘’R’’ Us 3411 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160 (405) 794-1058 • f: (877) 835-2597 (Please see our ad on pg 45)

Levant Technologies, LLC 501 N Porter Ave, Ste 140 Norman, OK 73071 (405) 329-9997

Frontier Produce Moore 725 Vermeer Dr Moore, OK 73160 (918) 527-1002 • f: (405) 703-0350

Merry Maids 3740 E I-240 Service Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73135 (405) 670-1120 Window Cleaning Plus Inc. (405) 627-2471

WINDOW SALES/ INSTALLATION JEM Glass & Service 309 E Main Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-5333 • f: (405) 799-5024

UTILITIES Cox Business 715 NE 122nd Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405) 286-3118 • f: (877) 873-4147 (Please see our ad on pg 30) OG&E Electric Services PO Box 321 Oklahoma City, OK 73101 (405) 553-5110 • f: (405) 553-5177 Oklahoma Electric Cooperative 242 24th Ave NW Norman, OK 73069 (405) 321-2024 • f: (405) 217-6904 (Please see our ad on pg 99)


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CONTAC T MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY A Mike Abla............................................... (405) 735-3477 AGP — The Abla Griffin Partnership LLC Jason Adkins......................................... (405) 794-0995 American Tow & Recovery, Inc. Tina Adkins........................................... (405) 837-9463 Southwind Hills, LLC Josh Adkinson...................................... (405) 793-2278 Daisy Exchange Moore Dallas Aduddell................................... (405) 551-8181 Aduddell General Contracting Jeff Ahl................................................... (405) 701-2890 Fast Signs Kaye Ahl................................................. (405) 701-2890 Fast Signs Scott Akin.............................................. (405) 793-8659 Floor World Julie Albano.......................................... (405) 735-8990 Marco’s Pizza Duane Alexander................................ (405) 703-8793 Save-U-Moore Don Allen............................................... (405) 256-8764 Signature Custom Pools Kelly Allen............................................. (405) 794-4700 Alfredo’s Mexican Cafe Kory Allen.............................................. (405) 378-2419 Fuzzy’s Taco Shop Robin Allen........................................... (405) 256-8764 Signature Custom Pools Kyle Allison........................................... (405) 321-7275 Andy Alligator’s Fun Park Brian Amachouch................................ (405) 703-4555 Eagle One Pizza Haseeb Aman....................................... (405) 759-7024 Hummus Cafe Paul Andes............................................ (405) 735-5070 Total Tire and Auto Accessories Jonathan Andrews.............................. (405) 310-3500 HeyDay Entertainment — Norman Karla Annesley..................................... (405) 799-2870 AAA Insurance Randy Antrikin..................................... (405) 881-7640 PMHOKC Linda Ardray......................................... (405) 609-9974 The Dusty Paw Dwayne Armstrong............................ (405) 703-2750 Computers ‘N’ Moore Becca Arrowood................................... (405) 799-7510 Eye Care Oklahoma/FirstLook Eyewear Kimmy Artho........................................ (405) 703-0250 Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt Jeff Arvin............................................... (405) 912-1110 FNB Community Bank Michelle Ashbaugh............................. (405) 691-2556 Keller Williams Realty — Glen Cosper Jan Astani.............................................. (405) 794-4412 Citywide Mortgage

Mike Astani........................................... (405) 360-5045 Metro Turf Outdoor Power Equipment

Jason Beauchamp............................... (405) 790-0264 Moore Golf & Athletic Club

Derrin Bollinger................................... (405) 366-7113 Affordable Construction Co.

David Attaway...................................... (405) 720-4720 Great Plains Bank

Rodney Beavers................................... (405) 378-0100 Westmoore Community Church

Brandon Boozer................................... (405) 631-7587 Batteries Plus Bulbs

Chase Aubrey........................................ (405) 759-3131 Express Oil Change & Service Center

Dan Belcher.......................................... (405) 410-3211 The House of Payne

Heather Boss........................................ (405) 703-0900 Firehouse Community Outreach

Candice Austen.................................... (405) 631-2020 Massengale Eye Care

Teresa Bell............................................. (405) 322-6000 Riverwind Casino & Hotel

Kristen Bowen-Oravetz..................... (405) 759-7590 The Tilted Tulip

Jesse Auwen......................................... (405) 464-3864 Pacific Plains Asset Management

Ron Benab............................................. (405) 735-5101 Moore RX

Steve Boyd............................................ (405) 642-5011 BioTech Maintenance Inc

Joseph Benavides............................... (405) 604-8926 Moore Auto Sales

Tiffany Boyd.......................................... (405) 895-6652 IHOP

Crystal Bennett.................................... (405) 745-4141 Republic Services/Allied Waste

Nicole Boyles........................................ (405) 235-3669 The State Chamber of Oklahoma

Jeff Bennett VFW Post 8706 — Bruce January

Scott Boyles, DPT................................ (405) 237-3400 Therapy in Motion

Jennifer Bernardi................................ (405) 799-2870 AAA Insurance

Helen Bozman...................................... (405) 840-1493 Oklahoma City Metropolitan Association of Realtors

Brian Berry............................................ (405) 799-8855 Innovative Medical Supply

Derek Bradley....................................... (405) 895-7419 Louie’s

Kristen Beulen..................................... (405) 494-6554 Signature Cremation & Funeral Care

Doug Bradley........................................ (405) 794-1900 Triple S Systems

Jay Bhakta............................................. (405) 703-5259 Orangetheory Fitness Moore

Martha Bradley.................................... (405) 793-4200 Chateau on the Green & Court

Ryan Biggers........................................ (405) 703-8800 Taco Casa

Melissa Bradley................................... (405) 895-7419 Louie’s

Bart Bingham....................................... (405) 735-1548 Mama Carol’s Kitchen

Andy Bradshaw.................................... (405) 218-1000 Oklahoma City Dodgers

Carol Bingham..................................... (405) 735-1548 Mama Carol’s Kitchen

Mark Braisher....................................... (405) 912-9000 Randall University

Tracy Bingham..................................... (405) 203-2723 Crockstar Dinner Club, LLC

Clinton Bratcher.................................. (405) 794-3355 Sonic Drive-In

Gary Bird................................................ (405) 793-5110 Moore Fire Department

Angela Brawner................................... (405) 912-8100 Hobby Lobby

Rob Bird................................................. (405) 703-2750 Computers ‘N’ Moore

Brandi Brewer...................................... (405) 607-0588 Capstone Construction

Jennifer Black....................................... (405) 793-1120 Walgreens

Doug Brewer......................................... (405) 794-6646 Southgate Baptist Church

Mike Blair.............................................. (405) 793-7867 Circle D Pawn No. 5

Gordon Brewer..................................... (405) 605-5330 Bullfrog Spas of OKC

Dr. Clint Blake....................................... (405) 912-3300 Perfect Smiles Family Dentistry

Staci Bridges......................................... (405) 349-7200 World Fresh International Market

Bradi Blanco......................................... (405) 310-3500 HeyDay Entertainment — Norman

James Bright........................................ (405) 703-9321 HealthCARE Express

Coty Bliss............................................... (888) 611-4429 Salubrious Nurse Practitioners, PLLC

Bethanie Britton................................. (405) 799-7745 Country Leisure Manufacturing

Tadd Bliss............................................... (405) 793-8208 Bliss Electric Inc.

Brenda Brookshire.............................. (405) 300-6780 Del Real Foods

Dr. Tyler Bodin, D.C............................. (405) 703-2694 Bodin Chiropractic

Blake Brown......................................... (405) 735-1313 Blake’s Barbecue

Jed Boersma......................................... (405) 823-5935 Black Dog Systems

Debbie Brown...................................... (405) 799-5333 JEM Glass & Service

Heath Bohon........................................ (405) 703-4316 Bohon Roofing

Don Brown............................................ (405) 799-5333 JEM Glass & Service

D J Boles................................................. (405) 300-9222 Oklahoma Gourmet Popcorn

Marlena Brown.................................... (405) 840-1315 Paychex Inc

B Johnny Bailey....................................... (405) 735-4200 Moore Public Schools Rhonda Bailey...................................... (405) 321-8268 Cleveland County District Attorney Brian Baker........................................... (405) 631-0533 Western Ave Door & Plywood, Inc. Brock Baker........................................... (405) 292-0808 Servpro of Norman and South Oklahoma City Edith Baker........................................... (405) 912-3260 Platt College Karen Baker.......................................... (405) 677-5277 Red Baker Propane Inc Paul Baker............................................. (405) 799-9994 Baker Brothers Electric, Inc. Tom Baker............................................. (405) 799-9994 Baker Brothers Electric, Inc. Tony Baker............................................ (405) 631-0533 Western Ave Door & Plywood, Inc. Linda Banta.......................................... (405) 366-2813 Cleveland County Habitat for Humanity & Restore Angela Barbour................................... (405) 292-4787 Tribute Memorial Care Liz Barfield............................................ (405) 814-9699 Nosh by Catering Creations Dr. Jeffery Barlow............................... (888) 611-4429 Salubrious Nurse Practitioners, PLLC Wes Barnhill......................................... (405) 790-0114 Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers Mark Barth............................................ (405) 278-7174 Goodwill Industries of Central OK Doug Barton......................................... (405) 895-6600 Barton Bolt & Supply LLC Phyllis Barton....................................... (405) 895-6600 Barton Bolt & Supply LLC David Basore......................................... (405) 627-2471 Window Cleaning Plus Inc. Faithann Basore.................................. (405) 627-2471 Window Cleaning Plus Inc. Colt Bassimier...................................... (405) 793-8877 Fort Thunder Darrin Bayman..................................... (405) 793-8877 Fort Thunder Jason Bean............................................ (405) 388-1948 Blackmon Mooring of Oklahoma City

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Jonathan D Bryant.............................. (405) 794-7892 Ultra Thin, Inc.

Gary Cavins........................................... (405) 573-3048 Cavins Construction Group

Mike Cook.............................................. (405) 556-0377 Michael’s Catering

Richard Day........................................... (405) 794-7728 Children’s Lighthouse Harbor

Steve Buchanan................................... (405) 691-9767 Buchanan Realty Group

Terry Cavnar.......................................... (405) 799-9214 Moore Norman Overhead Door, Inc.

Ryjeil Cook............................................. (405) 703-7190 Mission Point Apartments

Ryan P DeArman, Esq........................ (405) 501-7640 Ryan P DeArman, PLLC

Philip Buckler....................................... (405) 799-6711 Jim’s Transmission & Auto Repair Center

Terry Cavnar.......................................... (405) 793-1572 Cavnar Insurance Agency

Chris Cordell.......................................... (405) 794-7600 Moore Funeral and Cremation

Kaela Delgado...................................... (405) 790-0309 Floorco Design Center

Eric Buerger.......................................... (405) 912-0315 Top Notch Power Washing LLC

Mac Chan............................................... (405) 759-7676 Panang 7 Thai Restaurant

Kim Cordero.......................................... (405) 632-4600 Carino’s Italian

Mike Deluca.......................................... (405) 246-3581 Lowe’s

Ronnie Buggs....................................... (405) 708-7707 Two Men and A Truck

Bonnie Cheatwood............................. (405) 733-3801 Midwest City Chamber of Commerce

Josh Cornelius...................................... (405) 635-8942 Butler Plumbing Inc

Marietta Dennis................................... (405) 631-7587 Batteries Plus Bulbs

Andrew Bullen..................................... (405) 759-2020 The Garage Burgers and Beers

Hang Chen/Henry............................... (405) 759-3888 Volcano Sushi Bar & Hibachi

Glen Cosper........................................... (405) 691-2556 Keller Williams Realty — Glen Cosper

Jessica Deppen, ARNP........................ (405) 237-9955 Moore Care Family Practice

Janine Burch......................................... (580) 252-7500 World Information Network, Inc.

Rhonda Childress................................ (844) 848-1362 Villas at Countryside Apartments

Jason Cotton......................................... (405) 232-5700 ADG, P.C.

Michael Detten.................................... (405) 286-3605 Physical Therapy Central of OKC Southwest/Earlywine

Michael Burchett................................. (405) 794-4131 Del Rancho

Carey Childs.......................................... (405) 366-9355 Childs Family Chiropractic

Tricia Covel............................................ (405) 447-3813 Keith, Toby

Taryn DeWitt........................................ (918) 527-1002 Frontier Produce Moore

Christie Burgin..................................... (405) 692-0440 T. C. Burgin, CPA, PC

Heidi Choi.............................................. (405) 703-2118 Santa Fe Donuts

Teresa Cowen....................................... (405) 794-1058 Storage ‘’R’’ Us

Jorge Diaz.............................................. (405) 514-1922 Calloway Tax Advisors, Inc.

T.C. Burgin, CPA.................................... (405) 692-0440 T. C. Burgin, CPA, PC

May Choi................................................ (405) 703-2118 Santa Fe Donuts

Davina Craig......................................... (405) 799-7510 Eye Care Oklahoma Inc

Amanda Dickson................................. (405) 703-4000 Broadway Self Storage

Dr. Elizabeth Burkhart....................... (405) 793-1181 First Look Eyewear

Mike Chrestman.................................. (405) 759-7700 LaQuinta Inn & Suites

Sheryl Craig.......................................... (405) 735-9616 H & R Block

Tuanb Diep (Twan).............................. (405) 794-1114 Glamorous Nails

Lindsey Burns....................................... (405) 735-3950 Chris’ Express Drug

Shatteria Clahoun............................... (405) 799-2698 Tropical Smoothie Cafe

Ross Crain.............................................. (405) 799-0300 Hollie’s Flatiron Grill

David Dillard......................................... (405) 692-4888 Real Estate Specialists

Brooke Bush......................................... (405) 951-1201 Mathis Sleep Center

Alice Clark.............................................. (405) 634-3695 Welco Electric Inc

Becca Crawford.................................... (405) 419-1371 Oklahoma Blood Institute

Marilyn DiSalvatore............................ (405) 630-4109 The Sparrow Project

Rachel Butler-Cornelius.................... (405) 635-8942 Butler Plumbing Inc

Barbara Clark........................................ (405) 799-2439 Moore Davita Dialysis

Marcus Crawford................................. (405) 494-6554 Signature Cremation & Funeral Care

Lynn Do.................................................. (405) 793-2450 Sunny Side Up

Debbie Butler....................................... (405) 691-9767 Buchanan Realty Group

Mara Clark............................................. (405) 895-9902 Ace Party Supplies and Showtime Concession

Eric Cronk............................................... (405) 632-4600 Carino’s Italian

Pham Do................................................ (405) 793-2450 Sunny Side Up

Lowell Doug Bynum........................... (405) 305-5439 Legal Shield-Identity Shield

Tabitha Clark........................................ (405) 703-3715 Reclaimed Warehouse

Chris Crow............................................. (405) 793-0893 Doyle-Crow & Associates

Mike Dodson......................................... (405) 794-4919 Discount Moving

John Claybon........................................ (405) 682-7856 Professional Development Institute @ OCCC

Jerri Culpepper.................................... (405) 541-5650 Cleveland County Lifestyle

Paula Dodson....................................... (405) 794-4919 Discount Moving

Rod Cleveland...................................... (405) 639-8145 Cleveland County Commissioner, District 1

Karen Cureton...................................... (405) 419-1731 Arvest Bank

Darrin Donaldson................................ (405) 550-8889 Moore Parking Lot Services

C Amy Camarata..................................... (405) 759-7748 Grace Pointe Living (Active Adult) Jenny Campbell................................... (405) 814-1022 Showplace Market Rich Cantillon....................................... (580) 765-4400 Ponca City Chamber of Commerce Jaci Cantwell........................................ (405) 319-2970 Tinker Federal Credit Union Kathleen Cardott................................. (405) 364-7895 Travel With Kathy Darrell Carnes....................................... (405) 496-9614 Mary Jane Dispensary Rodney Carothers................................ (405) 701-4990 Hollywood Corners Station, LLC Fr. Nathan Carr..................................... (405) 478-2077 The Academy of Classical Christian Studies Meredith Carrell.................................. (405) 343-1819 The Joy of Travel with Meredith Carrell Darlene Carroll..................................... (405) 799-3130 Brand Senior Center Karlie Carter......................................... (405) 735-6821 Hampton Inn and Suites of Moore Sue Carter.............................................. (405) 503-7050 T-Mobile Robyn Castleberry.............................. (405) 801-5000 Moore Norman Technology Center

Kimberly Clift....................................... (405) 801-8160 First Fidelity Bank — Walmart Stephanie Clowdus............................. (405) 799-2100 Century 21 Clinkenbeard Agency Chris Clyma........................................... (405) 924-0412 Southmoore Gold Club Inc Adam Cobble........................................ (405) 759-3652 Cobble Insurance Agency, Inc Chad Cobble.......................................... (405) 759-3652 Cobble Insurance Agency, Inc Mike Cochran........................................ (405) 692-5461 Christian Brothers Automotive Chris Cochrane..................................... (405) 735-9559 Lumpy’s Sports Grill Sheila Cody........................................... (405) 735-1554 Vanco Properties Brent Colgan......................................... (405) 692-3400 Republic Bank and Trust — OKC Banking Center Ryan C Colley........................................ (405) 793-7779 The Yellow Rose Theater Melissa Collins...................................... (405) 759-3029 Cheers Wine & Spirits Staci Conder.......................................... (405) 245-1898 Landmark Cancer Center Alan Cook............................................... (405) 322-5526 American Capital Roofing

D Daren Dabrowski................................. (405) 703-0900 Firehouse Community Outreach Chance Daggs....................................... (405) 259-5551 Right Way Realty Dr. Rachel Dalthorp............................ (405) 378-2727 Balance Women’s Health, Inc. Laura Danser........................................ (405) 895-6258 Whataburger, Inc. Jimmy Darden...................................... (405) 541-5650 Cleveland County Lifestyle Ann Darling........................................... (405) 691-6646 Emmaus Baptist Church Jan Davis................................................ (405) 319-2970 Tinker Federal Credit Union Mike Davis............................................. (405) 794-2724 Walmart Neighborhood Market Nancy Davis.......................................... (405) 378-2500 Savannah House of Moore Vicki Davis............................................. (405) 364-4040 York International/Johnson Controls Joan Day................................................ (405) 794-7728 Children’s Lighthouse Harbor

Julia Donaldson................................... (405) 550-8889 Moore Parking Lot Services Veronica Donnelly............................... (405) 790-1140 McAlister’s Deli Larry Donovan..................................... (405) 631-3307 Blazers Ice Centre Dave Dooley.......................................... (405) 794-7313 Fresh Start Community Church Betty R Doyle........................................ (405) 793-0893 Doyle-Crow & Associates Lisa Driskill............................................ (405) 366-2813 Cleveland County Habitat for Humanity & Restore Julie Dudley.......................................... (405) 378-2727 Balance Women’s Health, Inc. Leslie Dunkin........................................ (405) 799-1200 John M. Ireland & Son Funeral Home & Chapel Leslie Dunkin........................................ (405) 735-8900 Lynlee Mae Chapel & Reception Center Jamie Duque......................................... (405) 378-5692 Moore Complete Dental JoAnn Durant....................................... (405) 996-3992 FirstTrust Home Loans Dr. Scott Dycus..................................... (405) 794-4474 Dycus-Camp Clinic | 101 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 101

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E Stacy Eads............................................. (405) 329-9997 Levant Technologies, LLC Darrin Early........................................... (405) 826-4269 Legal Shield-Identity Shield Hope Eaton........................................... (405) 256-4788 Eaton Business Solutions Dr. Timothy Eaton............................... (405) 912-9000 Randall University Jennifer Edwards................................. (405) 319-8190 REI Oklahoma Jim Edwards.......................................... (319) 404-9117 The 1040 Company, Inc Shelby Edwards................................... (405) 794-7600 Moore Funeral and Cremation Jan Ellis.................................................. (405) 735-9616 H & R Block Adam English....................................... (405) 790-0021 Walmart Super Center Alicia Esparza....................................... (405) 793-0752 Grand Master Won’s TaeKwondo Cathy Estes............................................ (405) 623-9762 Cathy Estes, Kaeser & Blair Authorized Dealer Millie Eubanks...................................... (405) 406-6434 Realty One Group Gable & Grace Dave Evans............................................ (405) 759-0853 Moore Faith Medical Clinic David Evans........................................... (405) 794-5432 Highland Baptist Church Jordan Evans......................................... (405) 794-4779 The Evans Agency — State Farm Sean Evans............................................ (405) 735-3060 Serve More Taylor Evans.......................................... (405) 265-8350 Allstate — Evans Jones Agency 2 Felicia Ezell-Goodner......................... (405) 703-7020 Paradigm Hormones, LLC

F Tina Fairless.......................................... (405) 752-5885 Boldt Ali Farzaneh.......................................... (405) 701-5557 1st Oklahoma Construction Inc dba 1st Oklahoma Homes

Clara Finley........................................... (405) 809-8655 Physical Therapy Central of Moore Bill Finney............................................. (405) 692-8700 Village on the Park Shannon Fipps..................................... (405) 435-6570 The Painted Paw Dog Spa, LLC Courtney Fisher................................... (405) 735-7554 The Ritzy Gypsy Michael Fisher...................................... (405) 237-3840 Ray’s BBQ Lori Fitzgerald...................................... (405) 703-1212 R&R Homes Sandra Flippo....................................... (405) 912-9800 Keepsake Self Storage Steve Florea.......................................... (405) 307-9066 Prosperity Bank Tammy Flores....................................... (405) 735-2370 Immediate Care of Oklahoma LLC Tammy Flores....................................... (405) 307-6900 Immediate Care of Oklahoma LLC Connie Flowers.................................... (405) 691-9221 Sommerset Neighborhood Assisted Living & Memory Care Scott Floyd, DVM................................. (405) 794-7771 Silver Leaf Animal Hospital Heather Fluckiger............................... (405) 388-8411 B & F Affordable Merchandise Neva Ford.............................................. (405) 779-4359 Lincoln Title Becky Forsythe..................................... (405) 793-2229 Moore Care for Women David Foster.......................................... (405) 378-0420 Earlywine Park YMCA Kevin Foster.......................................... (405) 875-1047 TRW Credit Services Sherry Foster........................................ (405) 875-1047 TRW Credit Services Summer Fowler................................... (405) 406-6434 Realty One Group Gable & Grace Dr. John Fozard.................................... (405) 691-3800 Mid-America Christian University Aaron Fravel......................................... (405) 625-5070 The Right Click Technical Support & Services Jeff Frazier, DPT................................... (405) 735-8777 Orthopedic Spine & Sports Physical Therapy

Amir Farzaneh...................................... (405) 528-5555 AMF Development

Ginny Freeman.................................... (405) 794-0423 Shelter Insurance Freeman Agency

Jalah Farzaneh..................................... (405) 285-7222 Quick Urgent Care, LLC

Ron Freeman........................................ (405) 794-0423 Shelter Insurance Freeman Agency

Mark Faulkenberry............................. (405) 759-2810 Western Ave Farmers Electric Cooperative

Odell Friar.............................................. (405) 736-6207 Friar, Odell

Tami Ferguson...................................... (405) 912-3400 Family Medicine South OKC

Michael Friedman............................... (405) 307-9066 Prosperity Bank

Willie Ferguson.................................... (405) 237-7070 Autumn Leaves of SW OKC

Jason Fritts............................................ (405) 237-1153 Fritts Farm Development

Dylan Ferrell......................................... (405) 720-4720 Great Plains Bank

Sean Fry................................................. (405) 735-5553 Oliveto Italian Bistro

Jim Fields............................................... (405) 603-8665 Okie Tonk Cafe

Shawn Fulkerson, Esq........................ (405) 691-4949 Fulkerson & Fulkerson, P.C.

Michele Fields...................................... (405) 603-8665 Okie Tonk Cafe

Steve Fuller........................................... (405) 692-5503 Vondel Smith & Sons Mortuary, Heritage Burial Park

Justin Furnish....................................... (405) 681-7827 Five Star Equipment

G Britany Gabaldon................................ (405) 701-5557 1st Oklahoma Construction Inc dba 1st Oklahoma Homes Nathan Gaige....................................... (405) 397-9158 Oasis Healing Center Carrie Galyon........................................ (405) 702-6995 Optimal Rehab South Physical Therapy Krista Gann........................................... (405) 735-9559 Lumpy’s Sports Grill Marcelino Garcia.................................. (405) 790-0677 Chelino’s Mexican Restaurant Summer Garcia.................................... (405) 919-8247 Rapha 180 Dr. Stephen Garder............................. (405) 799-5529 Dr. Chad Spiva Bill Gardner........................................... (405) 912-9673 Community Christian Church Dustin Gardner.................................... (405) 794-2941 Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church Jodi Gardner......................................... (405) 799-6911 Work Activity Center Rob Garibay.......................................... (405) 237-0019 Clarity Pro Dr. Shawn Garza.................................. (405) 735-9932 Miracle Ear Nic Gautreaux...................................... (405) 879-1171 LaGree Associates Dee Ann Gay......................................... (405) 579-7000 First United Bank Dee Ann Gay......................................... (405) 300-6202 Moore Rotary Club Daniel Gibson....................................... (405) 364-7900 Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Center Sherri Gibson........................................ (405) 659-2867 Scentsy Todd Gibson.......................................... (405) 701-8888 Cleveland County Sheriff’s Office Carol Sue Giddens............................... (405) 672-4747 Estell Excavation Inc.

Gordon Gomme................................... (405) 794-7777 Home N Ranch Realty Rosme Gonzalez.................................. (405) 703-8793 Save-U-Moore Michael Goodin.................................... (405) 378-0160 The Sherwin Williams Company Daniele Goodrich................................. (405) 378-2977 All About Kids Nancy Goodrich................................... (405) 378-2977 All About Kids Carol Goodwin...................................... (405) 390-3303 Choctaw Chamber of Commerce Michael Gracen.................................... (405) 799-1717 Simply Self Storage David Gragg.......................................... (405) 735-6500 Sew-N-So’s Dona Gragg........................................... (405) 735-6500 Sew-N-So’s Tom Green............................................. (405) 799-3311 Universal Insurance Rachel Greene...................................... (405) 801-3665 Brixton Chiropractic & Acupuncture Novalyn Greff....................................... (405) 670-1120 Merry Maids Charles Gregory................................... (405) 378-2267 Green Plus Clay Griffin............................................ (405) 735-3477 AGP — The Abla Griffin Partnership LLC Lisa Griffin............................................. (405) 381-9463 Coal Creek Vineyard & Winery Milly Groves.......................................... (405) 767-7883 MidFirst Bank Rev. Shannon Grubbs......................... (405) 794-6166 First Christian Church Ana Guerrero........................................ (405) 801-8120 First Fidelity Bank Jessica Guillory.................................... (405) 691-9221 Sommerset Neighborhood Assisted Living & Memory Care Jimmy Guthrie..................................... (405) 799-6400 Universal Roofing & Sheet Metal Stacey Gwatney................................... (405) 793-9930 Blazer Motors

Sammy Giddens................................... (405) 672-4747 Estell Excavation Inc.


Clint Gill................................................. (405) 265-6262 Cornerstone Veterinary Hospital

Dee Hacker............................................ (405) 912-3120 Primary Care — Moore

Dana Gill, DVM..................................... (405) 265-6262 Cornerstone Veterinary Hospital

Jeanette Hackney............................... (405) 387-6013 Newcastle Casino

Dan Glazier............................................ (405) 366-7113 Affordable Construction Co.

Brent Hall.............................................. (405) 634-4136 Bryan’s Flooring, LLC

Kelsey Gleason..................................... (405) 737-2063 Eagle 1 Autoglass LLC

Craig Hall............................................... (405) 691-6770 Baer Hall Homes

Terry Gleason....................................... (405) 737-2063 Eagle 1 Autoglass LLC

Jenifer Halstead.................................. (405) 799-4492 A New Beginning Florist

Dr. Joseph Glenn.................................. (405) 801-3665 Brixton Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Josh Halstead....................................... (405) 799-4492 A New Beginning Florist

John Glover........................................... (405) 793-7037 Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers

Ryan Hamblin...................................... (405) 292-5700 Little Guys Movers, Inc

Andy Gmeiner...................................... (405) 799-7666 Royal Bavaria Corp.

Debby Hampton.................................. (405) 236-8441 United Way of Central Oklahoma

102 | Moore Chamber of Commerce OKMOOCW19 design.indd 102

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Phillip Haney........................................ (405) 794-4469 Flair Enterprises

Lauri Hess.............................................. (405) 455-5005 Eileen’s Colossal Cookies

Mark Hansen........................................ (405) 840-1151 Sign Innovations

Brian Hilgenfeld.................................. (405) 799-6100 Chick-fil-A

Harold Haralson.................................. (405) 366-0200 Cleveland County Commissioner, District 3

Bruce Hill............................................... (405) 794-4700 Alfredo’s Mexican Cafe

Renee Harper....................................... (405) 551-1401 Green Hope Wellness

Cathy Hill............................................... (405) 631-6566 Quintella Printing Co., Inc.

Barbara Harris...................................... (405) 895-6258 Whataburger, Inc.

Robin Hill............................................... (405) 794-0026 The Stitching Post South

Jennifer Harris..................................... (405) 896-0370 Kona Ice Moore

Sherry Hill............................................. (405) 292-1941 Diamond Payroll Services, LLC

Richard Harris...................................... (405) 896-0370 Kona Ice Moore

Lindsay Hix............................................ (405) 419-1371 Oklahoma Blood Institute

Staci Harrison....................................... (405) 235-3030 WEOKIE Federal Credit Union

Mike Hoang........................................... (405) 237-0019 Clarity Pro

Caron Harvey........................................ (405) 793-1611 CarMichaels Salon

Connie Hobby....................................... (405) 364-4040 York International/Johnson Controls

Mike Harvey.......................................... (405) 823-6933 CarMichaels Electric

Donna Hoffman................................... (405) 801-8120 First Fidelity Bank

Regina Harwell.................................... (405) 579-7000 First United Bank

Carrie Hoge........................................... (405) 759-2600 Springhill Suites by Marriott

Ricky Hasson......................................... (405) 378-5136 Verizon Wireless

Michelle Hohlier.................................. (405) 217-6868 OEC Fiber


Michael Jones....................................... (405) 946-4489 Dale Rogers Training Center

Bill Hause.............................................. (405) 686-1053 Love’s Travel Stops

Steven Holcomb.................................. (405) 793-3343 OKIE Express Auto Wash

Garry Jackson....................................... (405) 278-8100 Mother Nature’s Pest and Lawn

Sarah Jones........................................... (405) 703-4774 Dairy Queen/Orange Julius

Marvin Haworth.................................. (405) 799-7575 Haworth Homes Inc.

Stephanie Holloway........................... (405) 691-9284 Stewart Abstract & Title of Oklahoma

Lisa Jackson.......................................... (405) 794-4664 Miles Family Medicine

Jacob Jordan......................................... (405) 703-8949 Slim Chickens

Sheila Haworth.................................... (405) 799-7575 Haworth Homes Inc.

Gina Holzer........................................... (405) 703-2694 Bodin Chiropractic

Mike Jackson........................................ (405) 235-3669 The State Chamber of Oklahoma

Sherry Jordon....................................... (405) 341-2808 Edmond Chamber of Commerce

Todd Haworth...................................... (405) 990-2944 Todd Haworth Frameworks

Harvey Homsey.................................... (405) 603-3262 HYH Property Company

Gigi Jacob.............................................. (405) 793-7404 McDonald’s

Belinda Journey................................... (405) 820-4317 Kiwanis Club of Moore

Pamela Hayes....................................... (405) 636-7000 INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center

Dr. Richard Homsey, DDS................... (405) 794-4497 Homsey Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

PJ James................................................. (405) 793-9930 Blazer Motors

Amanda Haynes.................................. (405) 794-7748 Lifetouch Oklahoma

Dr. Trey Homsey, DDS......................... (405) 794-4497 Homsey Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

Cindy Janko-Shannon........................ (405) 790-0404 Andy Janko Realty

Terence L. Haynes............................... (405) 232-7715 SMC Consulting Engineers, P.C.

Jacy Hooper.......................................... (405) 703-2849 Bug Zappers Pest Control

Jalayne Jann......................................... (405) 794-9339 M & J Insulation

Colonel Richard Heaslip.................... (405) 734-5286 Tinker Air Force Base 507th

Lynn Horton.......................................... (405) 228-9550 American Red Cross serving OK & AR

Caleb Janssen....................................... (405) 794-7070 Hibdon Tire Plus

Emily Heck, DVM................................. (405) 265-6262 Cornerstone Veterinary Hospital

Patty Hoskins....................................... (405) 943-0303 Brooks Accident & Injury Clinic

Micah Janzen........................................ (405) 703-9797 Moore Escape Rooms

Bonnie Hedges..................................... (405) 237-3333 Travel Leaders/Bentley Hedges Travel

Rodney Howard................................... (405) 794-0546 Dolese Company

Bryan Jenkins....................................... (405) 360-4721 Cleveland County Fair Grounds

Tricia Henderson................................. (405) 895-6373 Two Olives Nutrition & Cafe

Christine Howse................................... (405) 735-1171 Tower Storage

Maranta Jenkins.................................. (405) 360-5295 Cleveland County CASA, Inc

Angie Hendricks.................................. (405) 237-3333 Travel Leaders/Bentley Hedges Travel

Adam Hudson....................................... (972) 701-5563 Rise Residential Construction

Holly Jennings ..................................... (405) 703-2834 Clearview Insurance Services LLC

Maggie Hendrix-Raprich................... (405) 388-1948 Blackmon Mooring of Oklahoma City

Pam Huff................................................ (405) 895-7055 Intrust Bank

Brett Jobe.............................................. (405) 808-0553 Xtreme Bed Bug and Pest LLC

Curtis Henning..................................... (405) 701-1811 Christian Brothers Automotive Norman

Gregory Huffman................................ (405) 573-0100 Proven Financial Group

Shayla Jobe........................................... (405) 808-0553 Xtreme Bed Bug and Pest LLC

Valarie Henry....................................... (405) 840-1114 Boy Scouts of America Sooner District

Lauren Hughes..................................... (405) 759-7857 Vapor World

Debbie Jensen...................................... (405) 659-0898 Steeped Tea

Melba Henson...................................... (405) 790-0114 Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers

Travis Humphrey................................. (405) 701-2173 Bethesda

Bob Johnson......................................... (405) 912-3260 Platt College

Greg Herbster....................................... (405) 793-5110 Moore Fire Department

Melissa Hunt......................................... (405) 948-7174 American Institute of Architects

Brian Johnson...................................... (405) 759-0853 Moore Faith Medical Clinic

Tony Hernandez................................... (405) 292-5408 BNB Technology

Lynn Hylton.......................................... (405) 601-4303 Quest Pediatric Therapy

Craig Johnson....................................... (405) 231-0254 Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar & Grill

Bryan A Herron.................................... (405) 794-0995 American Tow & Recovery, Inc.

Aubrey Iasiello..................................... (405) 378-8353 Panera Bread Jose Ibarra Jr......................................... (405) 896-8397 Supermercados Morelos Daniel Ice............................................... (405) 943-0009 Mullin Plumbing West Div. Patricia Ingram.................................... (405) 447-2955 Full Circle Adult Day Center, Inc. Devin Inhofe......................................... (405) 602-8100 Community Hospital John Ireland.......................................... (405) 799-1200 John M. Ireland & Son Funeral Home & Chapel John Ireland.......................................... (405) 799-9898 Moore Custom Monuments Fanniesha Isaacs................................. (405) 895-7055 Intrust Bank David Ivers............................................ (405) 703-8866 18 Gauge Vapor Melanie Ivers........................................ (405) 703-8866 18 Gauge Vapor

Jo Beth Johnson.................................. (405) 703-4225 Meadowlakes Retirement Village

Kelly Johnson....................................... (405) 799-9898 Moore Custom Monuments Lisa Johnson......................................... (405) 218-1000 Oklahoma City Dodgers Scherry Johnson.................................. (405) 793-8889 Broadway Florist Jack Joiner............................................. (405) 526-0280 JHBR Architecture, Inc. Alisha Jones.......................................... (405) 242-6441 Cross Timber Apartments David Jones........................................... (405) 703-4774 Dairy Queen/Orange Julius David Jones........................................... (405) 703-8400 Schlotzsky’s DeNellda Jones.................................... (405) 410-3148 Santa Fe Place Donnie Jones........................................ (405) 265-8350 Allstate — Evans Jones Agency 2 James Jones.......................................... (405) 794-8100 Crest Foods Johnnell Jones..................................... (405) 794-4412 Citywide Mortgage

K Chris Kannady...................................... (405) 557-7337 Chris Kannady, State Representative, District 91 Chris Kannady, Esq............................. (405) 703-7822 Veterans Legal Services, LLC Kayla Kapuscik..................................... (405) 378-5494 Target Stores Debbie Kearns...................................... (405) 602-8100 Community Hospital Charity Kelly......................................... (405) 799-5437 Creative Kids Learning Center Shanain Kemp...................................... (405) 799-3276 Orr Family Farm Todd Kenmore, O.D............................. (405) 799-3030 Kenmore Eyecare Center Bryan Kerr............................................. (405) 735-5555 Moore Liquor Joey Key................................................. (405) 370-6316 Jodi Keys................................................ (405) 691-1661 Resthaven Funeral Home & Memory Garden Bill Kidd................................................. (405) 799-3391 A-Better Heating & Air Conditioning Joan Kidd............................................... (405) 799-3391 A-Better Heating & Air Conditioning Se Kim.................................................... (405) 310-2453 405 Bicycles | 103 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 103

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Scott Kindrick....................................... (405) 227-0575 Oklahoma Web Media

Sandra Layne........................................ (405) 735-9932 Miracle Ear

Mike Lucas............................................. (405) 794-3323 Garden Ponds Unlimited

Tommy Massey.................................... (405) 366-8068 M&M Landscaping & Lawn Care

Kim Kirby............................................... (405) 703-7190 Mission Point Apartments

Amy Lee................................................. (405) 610-6320 Physical Therapy Central of OKC Southeast

Joe Luminiello...................................... (405) 300-8767 Allstate — Joe Luminiello

Karen Masters...................................... (405) 759-7748 Grace Pointe Living (Active Adult)

AJ Kirkpatrick....................................... (405) 232-5700 ADG, P.C.

Jay E. Leemaster, M.D........................ (405) 799-7510 Eye Care Oklahoma Inc

Mario Luna............................................ (405) 703-7400 Bank of Oklahoma N.A.

Kelley Mattocks................................... (405) 794-2307 Mattocks Printing Co.

Josh Kitchen......................................... (405) 345-6793 McAlister Construction, Inc.

Dr. Jay Leemaster................................ (405) 793-1181 First Look Eyewear

Brent Lundt.......................................... (405) 793-1465 Firestone Complete Auto Care

Jessica Max........................................... (405) 799-2313 Allstate — The Max Insurance Agency

Delta Klein............................................ (405) 496-9614 Mary Jane Dispensary

Dr. Larry Leemaster............................ (405) 793-8300 Moore Smiles

Chelsea Lynch....................................... (405) 651-0445 The Weighted Fork

Dr. Audrey May-Jones, DDS.............. (405) 309-7721 Proud to Serve Family Dentistry

Cassandra Knight................................ (405) 534-9572 Validated Construction

Jim Lehew............................................. (405) 691-6646 Emmaus Baptist Church

Thurman Lynch.................................... (405) 759-5007 Allstate — Thurman Lynch Insurance Agency

Dr. Lisa Mayes, O.D.............................. (405) 790-0393 Total Vision Care

Michell Knowles.................................. (405) 919-3055 Maci Lynn’s Boutique

Kim Leister............................................ (405) 692-9710 American Eagle Title Group

David Lyon............................................. (405) 790-0393 Total Vision Care

Greg McAlister...................................... (405) 345-6793 McAlister Construction, Inc.

Ange Koffi.............................................. (405) 799-2000 McDonald’s

Kim Leland............................................ (405) 789-2913 Frontier Hospice and Transitions

Tina Lyon............................................... (405) 794-7748 Lifetouch Oklahoma

Darrell McAllister................................ (405) 563-8295 McAllister & Associates Architecture

Stephen Koranda................................ (405) 637-6225 Back to You Marketing

Kitt Letcher........................................... (405) 239-6081 Better Business Bureau of Central OK

Pete Kornecki....................................... (405) 793-1803 Walgreens

Bob Lewis.............................................. (405) 681-7827 Five Star Equipment

Janet Kramer........................................ (405) 799-5437 Creative Kids Learning Center

Glenn Lewis.......................................... (405) 703-4644 Lewis Jewelers Inc

Cathy Kravick........................................ (405) 793-9355 Heart and Vascular Associates

Mayor Glenn Lewis............................. (405) 793-5200 City of Moore

Stephen Krohn..................................... (405) 759-2300 The Candy Castle & Popcorn Palace

Patrick Lewis........................................ (405) 790-0531 Chipotle Mexican Grill

Stephen Krohn..................................... (405) 300-9060 HayVic’s

Paula Lewis........................................... (405) 601-4303 Quest Pediatric Therapy

Victoria Krohn...................................... (405) 364-3777 Columns on Main

Shana Lewis.......................................... (405) 682-1990 True Sky Credit Union

Victoria Krohn...................................... (405) 300-9060 HayVic’s

Tim Lewis.............................................. (405) 703-4644 Lewis Jewelers Inc

Victoria Krohn...................................... (405) 735-8900 Lynlee Mae Chapel & Reception Center

Tonya Lewis......................................... (405) 521-5569 Darrell Weaver, State Senate, District 24

Victoria Krohn...................................... (405) 759-2300 The Candy Castle & Popcorn Palace

Shanshan Li.......................................... (405) 735-8356 VIP Massage

Stacey Kuykendall.............................. (405) 793-9355 Norman Regional Moore

Richard Likes........................................ (405) 278-8100 Mother Nature’s Pest and Lawn

L Randy Laffoon...................................... (405) 321-1400 Sports Talk Media 99.3 FM 1400 AM Jim LaGree............................................. (405) 879-1171 LaGree Associates Julie Lam............................................... (405) 759-7774 Pho Lan Asian Bistro Amy Lambeth....................................... (405) 310-4767 The Icon at Norman Danielle Lamsma................................ (800) 456-5804 Lawton Publishing Scott Lance............................................ (405) 793-5110 Moore Fire Fighter Local 2047 Todd Lance............................................ (405) 790-0046 Edward Jones — Todd Lance Catherine Landeros............................ (405) 579-7000 First United Bank Mike LaPlante...................................... (405) 703-2849 Bug Zappers Pest Control Jeremy Lay............................................ (405) 703-2834 Clearview Insurance Services LLC

Zak Lindahl........................................... (405) 681-0888 Moore Los Tacos Corbin Linder........................................ (405) 558-1275 Linder Screen Printing Angela Lindsay.................................... (405) 703-1104 Beneficial Automotive Maintenance Donnie Lindsay.................................... (405) 703-1104 Beneficial Automotive Maintenance Shirley Ling........................................... (405) 632-2652 An Affair of the Heart Kevin Listen.......................................... (405) 201-3985 Integrity Martial Arts Karrie Littrell........................................ (405) 703-2300 Legend Memory Care John Lohman........................................ (405) 895-9902 Ace Party Supplies and Showtime Concession Sue Loibl................................................ (405) 292-5408 BNB Technology Rex Lowell............................................. (405) 794-5774 ABC Sign Design Jessica Lowery..................................... (405) 799-2439 Moore Davita Dialysis Lauri Lucas............................................ (405) 794-3323 Garden Ponds Unlimited

M Boning Ma............................................. (405) 735-8356 VIP Massage Nadia Machado.................................... (405) 231-4663 Neighborhood Housing Services Oklahoma Vickie Macias........................................ (405) 627-6202 Health Back Home Health Vera Mahen........................................... (405) 759-7674 Vera’s Posh Paws Store Manager..................................... (405) 793-7274 Braum’s Ice Cream & Burgers Store Manager..................................... (405) 237-1032 Braum’s Ice Cream & Burgers Store Manager..................................... (405) 794-5355 Braum’s Ice Cream & Burgers Tanya Mandt......................................... (405) 921-5599 Once More Decor Matt Mann............................................ (405) 703-2599 Matthew Mann, CPA, PLLC Steve Mann........................................... (405) 735-3977 Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Chris Manna.......................................... (405) 793-5100 Moore Public Library Becca Mansfield.................................. (405) 912-3100 Pediatric Associates Sofia Marquez...................................... (405) 790-0677 Chelino’s Mexican Restaurant David Marrs........................................... (405) 793-1120 Walgreens Angela Martin...................................... (405) 793-6000 Primrose School of SW Oklahoma City Rev. Kelly Martin................................. (405) 824-2592 New Season Church Scott Martin.......................................... (405) 321-7260 Norman Chamber of Commerce Greg Mashburn.................................... (405) 321-8268 Cleveland County District Attorney Curt Massengale, O.D......................... (405) 631-2020 Massengale Eye Care Christine Massey................................. (405) 366-8068 M&M Landscaping & Lawn Care Jennifer Massey................................... (405) 703-4600 Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler

Mark McBride....................................... (405) 557-7346 Mark McBride, State Representative, District 53 Tom McCaleb........................................ (405) 232-7715 SMC Consulting Engineers, P.C. Danny McCall........................................ (405) 300-6780 Del Real Foods Jill McCartney....................................... (405) 789-1256 Northwest Oklahoma City Chamber Scott McCaulley................................... (405) 610-6320 Physical Therapy Central of OKC Southeast Sandy McClure..................................... (405) 360-4721 Cleveland County Fair Grounds Jeff McCool............................................ (405) 793-3343 OKIE Express Auto Wash Christy McCormack............................. (405) 419-4420 Remington Park Tom McCurdy........................................ (405) 553-5110 OG&E Electric Services Nena McDaniel..................................... (405) 808-6507 Shawn McDaniel.................................. (405) 790-0197 Joker’s Carpet Services Jeff McDown......................................... (405) 735-5101 Moore RX Hallie McEwin...................................... (405) 738-4465 Rob’s Odd Jobs Rob McEwin.......................................... (405) 738-4465 Rob’s Odd Jobs Leslie McGregor................................... (405) 292-1941 Diamond Payroll Services, LLC John McHughes................................... (405) 604-8926 Moore Auto Sales John McHughes................................... (405) 364-4501 Mallard Construction, LLC Tara McHughes.................................... (405) 364-4501 Mallard Construction, LLC Noble K McIntyre, Esq........................ (405) 917-5250 McIntyre Law PC John McKelvy....................................... (405) 301-7297 Home Comfort Solutions Terry McKey.......................................... (405) 237-1646 Office Depot Moore Vernon McKown.................................. (405) 364-1152 Ideal Homes Shar McLaughlin................................. (405) 794-5296 Irish Green Lawn Care, Inc.

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Jason McLuckie.................................... (405) 800-5320 Potbelly Sandwich Shop

Amy Mize............................................... (405) 821-5555 Honey Do Construction

Carole Motley....................................... (405) 820-4317 Kiwanis Club of Moore

Teri O’Dell.............................................. (405) 793-8166 Diamond Dee-Lite Jewelry

Autumn McMahon.............................. (405) 321-2024 Oklahoma Electric Cooperative

Glynn Mize............................................ (405) 821-5555 Honey Do Construction

Nick Mueffelman................................. (405) 793-8877 Fort Thunder Harley-Davidson

Paul Odom Jr........................................ (405) 735-3100 P.B. Odom Construction

Kyla McMoran...................................... (405) 364-9424 Women’s Resource Center

Jordan Mobley..................................... (405) 378-9462 Rise Coworking

Brian Mullins........................................ (405) 692-0663 Rose Rock Realty

Grant Offenburger.............................. (405) 364-0111 Belmar Golf Club

James McMullen.................................. (405) 912-7881 4 Wheel Parts

Lynda Mobley....................................... (800) 664-5463 Oklahoma Natural Gas

Kelsey Mullins...................................... (405) 799-6100 Chick-fil-A

John Ogders.......................................... (405) 286-3118 Cox Business

Tori McPherson.................................... (405) 759-2525 Marco’s Pizza

Susan Moffat........................................ (405) 321-4774 Cleveland Co. OSU Cooperative Extension

Sara Mullins.......................................... (405) 692-0663 Rose Rock Realty

Tim Ogg.................................................. (405) 799-1626 Subway

Will McPherson.................................... (405) 329-6500 U.S. Congressman Tom Cole

Sassan Moghadam............................. (405) 329-7979 Windstone Construction

Richard Munsey................................... (405) 794-9339 M & J Insulation

Charles Oldfield................................... (405) 691-0334 The Shady Lady Interiors

Josh McQueen...................................... (405) 259-5551 Right Way Realty

Sassan Moghadam............................. (405) 329-7979 Precision Builders

Dr. Amanda Muse................................ (405) 794-5000 OKC Wellness Clinics

Pam Oldfield......................................... (405) 691-0334 The Shady Lady Interiors

Adam Mecke......................................... (405) 708-7707 Two Men and A Truck

Sassan Moghadam............................. (405) 329-7979 Aria Development

Dr. Kyle Muse........................................ (405) 794-5000 OKC Wellness Clinics

Anne Orman......................................... (405) 895-9972 Triple Diamond Construction LLC

Becky Medford..................................... (405) 822-0039 Keepsake Fabric and Quilts

Sassan Moghadam............................. (405) 928-8089 ScissorTail Roofing & Construction

Wendy Musgrove................................ (405) 793-7297 The Hairy Paw Inn

Brent Orr................................................ (405) 802-5405 Paul Davis Emergency Services

Becky Medford..................................... (405) 826-2050 Keepsake Enterprises, LLC

John Monek.......................................... (800) 456-5804 Lawton Publishing

Pastor Rick Myers................................ (405) 824-2592 New Season Church

Dan Osban............................................. (405) 692-5461 Christian Brothers Automotive

Lynn Medford....................................... (405) 826-2050 Keepsake Enterprises, LLC

Erin Monroe.......................................... (405) 500-3330 INTEGRIS Community Hospital — Emerus Holdings

Jerry Meek............................................. (405) 790-0335 Apollo Building Systems, Inc.

Darren Montgomery.......................... (405) 691-6565 Montgomery & Montgomery, CPAs

Larry Meek............................................ (405) 790-0335 Apollo Building Systems, Inc.

Bill Moody............................................. (405) 794-5099 Moody Mechanical

Tony Meek.............................................(405) 794-MEEK Meek Construction

Corley Moore........................................ (405) 793-5110 Moore Fire Fighter Local 2047

Cindy Megonigle................................. (405) 691-8012 Antioch Christian Academy

Gregory Moore.................................... (405) 672-4230 Gregory’s Sporting Goods Inc

Eric Melton............................................ (405) 310-2453 405 Bicycles

Joel Moore............................................. (405) 672-4230 Gregory’s Sporting Goods Inc

Sara Merchant...................................... (405) 912-3055 Norman Regional Moore Physical Therapy

Kathy Moore......................................... (405) 364-9789 Physicians Surgical Center

Cindy Merrick....................................... (405) 237-3400 Therapy in Motion

Rodney Moore...................................... (405) 404-4529 Moore Than Trees

Patrick Merrick..................................... (405) 692-7500 Farmers — Patrick Merrick Agency

Jan Moran.............................................. (405) 330-3480 AT&T

Liz Methvin........................................... (405) 793-7574 Paul Methvin Homes, Inc.

Lacie Morgan........................................ (405) 824-9093 Lacy Lu Boutique

Paul Methvin........................................ (405) 793-7574 Paul Methvin Homes, Inc.

Odell Morgan........................................ (405) 232-2947 O & R Morgan, Inc.

Jeff Miles............................................... (405) 360-5369 Republic Bank & Trust

Patti Morgan........................................ (405) 793-5160 Crimestoppers of Moore

Jeff Miles............................................... (405) 692-3400 Republic Bank and Trust — OKC Banking Center

Patti Morgan, CPA............................... (405) 292-2900 Eide Bailly LLP

Allan Miller........................................... (405) 595-3933 ShotROK

Randy Morgan..................................... (405) 799-6353 Covenant Life Assembly

Mark Millsap......................................... (405) 321-1800 Moore American Newspaper

Rose Morgan........................................ (405) 232-2947 O & R Morgan, Inc.

Rachel Millsap...................................... (405) 793-1803 Walgreens

Helen Morris......................................... (405) 793-6000 Primrose School of SW Oklahoma City

Linda Minnick....................................... (405) 794-4140 Senior Citizens Housing of Moore, Inc.

Brandon Morrison............................... (405) 799-5678 Brandon’s Plumbing

Peggy Missel......................................... (405) 737-3023 MWC-Del City-Moore Assoc of Realtors

Erin Morrison........................................ (405) 799-5678 Brandon’s Plumbing

Arthur Mitchell.................................... (405) 912-2666 Tractor Supply Co.

Jan Morrison-Plank............................ (405) 682-1990 True Sky Credit Union

Bea Mitchell.......................................... (405) 692-2222 Home Creations

Traci Moses............................................ (405) 278-7174 Goodwill Industries of Central OK

Brooks Mitchell.................................... (405) 793-5200 City of Moore

Alyssa Mossa......................................... (405) 790-1252 Del Taco, LLC

N Dr. Carson Nail...................................... (405) 631-7571 Custom Dental SOKC — Dr. Carson Nail Tabitha Narvaiz................................... (405) 634-2006 Sharing Tree Kelly Nemecek..................................... (405) 447-7283 McClain Bank Glenda Newton.................................... (405) 759-7700 LaQuinta Inn & Suites

Katie Osborn......................................... (405) 757-7818 Just Kids Pediatrics Britane Outlaw.................................... (405) 912-3495 Norman Regional Senior Counseling Center Autumn Outon..................................... (405) 609-4765 Restoration Bible Ministries, Inc. David Outon.......................................... (405) 609-4765 Restoration Bible Ministries, Inc. Tyler Owens.......................................... (405) 793-7037 Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers

Chau Ngo............................................... (405) 349-7200 World Fresh International Market


Lisa Nguyen.......................................... (405) 794-3474 GOGO Sushi Express and Grill

Amber Page.......................................... (405) 261-1002 Wisdom Tooth Center

Beth Nixon............................................ (405) 793-9715 Spectro Wire & Cable

Denise Page.......................................... (405) 912-9800 Keepsake Self Storage

George Nixon........................................ (405) 793-9715 Spectro Wire & Cable

Sandra Page......................................... (405) 735-8571 The Austin Taylor Salon

Amy Nolen............................................. (800) 647-5288 Computer RX

Tiffany Page.......................................... (405) 360-5295 Cleveland County CASA, Inc

Jeremy Norman................................... (405) 794-7556 Summer Snow Entertainment

Joseph Palmer...................................... (405) 521-1415 Bott Radio Network

Tish Norman......................................... (405) 821-6467 Mary Kay — Tish Norman

Shae Parish........................................... (405) 801-2100 Best Western Ave Plus Norman

Tish Norman......................................... (405) 603-1300 T.N,T. Print

Aehee Park............................................ (405) 286-3118 Cox Business

Nicholas Norris..................................... (405) 759-7900 Anytime Fitness

Craig Parker.......................................... (405) 793-1725 Silver Star Construction Co.

Shane Norwood................................... (405) 759-3759 Sharky’s Scuba

Skyler Parker........................................ (405) 600-3182 Moore Food Resource Center

Steve Norwood.................................... (405) 759-3759 Sharky’s Scuba

Justin Parks........................................... (405) 378-2868 Prodigy Vapor Company

Gina Nowlin.......................................... (405) 799-8855 Innovative Medical Supply

James Parman...................................... (405) 799-3300 Auto Care Specialists, Inc.

Crystal Nuckels..................................... (405) 407-6453 Orthodontics Exclusively S OKC

Hollie Ann Parman.............................. (405) 799-3300 Auto Care Specialists, Inc.

O Dee O’Dell.............................................. (405) 793-8166 Diamond Dee-Lite Jewelry

Arti Patel............................................... (405) 300-4314 Waxing the City Jay Patel................................................. (405) 912-8882 Best Western Ave Greentree Inn & Suites | 105 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 105

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Jay Patel................................................. (405) 735-9400 Holiday Inn Express

Dr. Tanner Prescott............................. (405) 384-7071 Comfort Dental

Jana Richardson.................................. (405) 486-8774 Mercy — GoHealth Urgent Care

Krishna Patel........................................ (405) 794-4030 Super 8

Paula Price............................................ (405) 515-2222 Norman Regional Health System

Elizabeth Riddle.................................. (405) 528-6000 Oklahoma Gazette/Tierra Media Group

Paul Patel.............................................. (405) 912-8882 Best Western Ave Greentree Inn & Suites

Natalie Price Wood............................. (405) 972-1111 Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma

Dana Rieger.......................................... (405) 329-6070 Rieger, LLC

Vijay Patel............................................. (405) 794-4030 Super 8

Reginald Prince................................... (405) 226-8703 Zaxby’s

Stacey Riley........................................... (405) 364-0111 Belmar Golf Club

Ty Patterson.......................................... (405) 322-5526 American Capital Roofing

Karen Proctor....................................... (405) 692-8700 Village on the Park

Crystal Rios........................................... (405) 837-1033 Metro Family Therapy

Tyler Patterson..................................... (405) 703-8800 Taco Casa

LaDonna Proctor................................. (405) 735-1515 Green Plus CBD in Moore

Mario Rivera......................................... (405) 655-5805 Urban Air Adventure Park

Steve Pavick.......................................... (405) 329-2458 Minick Materials

Tony Proctor.......................................... (405) 735-1515 Green Plus CBD in Moore

Pam Roat............................................... (405) 799-9214 Moore Norman Overhead Door, Inc.

Jay Payne............................................... (405) 410-3211 The House of Payne

Mike Purvine........................................ (405) 794-7999 Country Financial — Mike Purvine

Janine Roath........................................ (405) 912-0897 U.S. Lawns

Yadira Pedraza..................................... (405) 528-5555 AMF Development

Donald Pyeatt...................................... (405) 447-2955 Full Circle Adult Day Center, Inc

Lane Roath............................................ (405) 912-0897 U.S. Lawns

Renee Peerman................................... (405) 376-2758 Mustang Chamber of Commerce

Janet Pyle.............................................. (405) 694-4488 Precision Door Service OKC

Jennee Roberts.................................... (405) 634-7303 OKC Smiles

George Peintner.................................. (580) 252-7500 World Information Network, Inc.

Russ Pyle................................................ (405) 694-4488 Precision Door Service OKC

Andrea Robertson............................... (405) 912-5144 Springs of Moore

Tracy Pelley Rariden........................... (405) 735-3031 Tax Worx Tracy Pelley-Rariden.......................... (405) 249-0911 Pelley Investments, LLC Robert Pelley........................................ (405) 249-0911 Pelley Investments, LLC Daniel Penalber................................... (405) 790-1252 Del Taco, LLC Amanda Penrod................................... (405) 364-7900 Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Center Kelly Charles Pensoneau................... (405) 799-5363 Lincoln Lending Dr. Kevin Penwell................................ (405) 735-2370 Immediate Care of Oklahoma LLC Carlos Perez.......................................... (405) 210-1236 Excellence Irrigation Dr. Mollie Pertree................................ (405) 735-8282 Thrive Chiropractic Group Steve Petty............................................ (405) 636-7000 INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center Mark Phan............................................. (405) 634-7303 OKC Smiles Chris Phillips......................................... (405) 735-3950 Chris’ Express Drug Eric S Phillips........................................ (405) 582-0674 Oklahoma Consulting & Technical Services, Inc. Pam Phillips.......................................... (405) 799-7734 First American Title & Trust Co. Krysi Pierce........................................... (405) 717-9037 Allegiance Credit Union Dr. Christian Pilgrim, DDS................. (405) 691-0836 Christian H. Pilgrim, DDS Robert Pistole...................................... (405) 793-5080 Veolia Water North America Lisa Pitsiri.............................................. (405) 972-1111 Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma Dr. Nicholas Plants.............................. (405) 701-7300 Oklahoma Foot and Ankle Institute Tom Pollard........................................... (405) 364-7061 TLP Custom Homes

R Darlene Raasch.................................... (405) 551-8181 Aduddell General Contracting Stacey Rachel....................................... (405) 447-3813 Keith, Toby Brian Ramey......................................... (405) 703-8840 Genesis Church Serena Ramey...................................... (405) 703-8840 Genesis Church Clayton W Ramick............................... (405) 373-6773 Moore Public Schools Foundation Dr. Henry Ramirez............................... (405) 703-7020 Paradigm Hormones, LLC Frank Randall....................................... (405) 799-5841 Randall’s Temp Control Specialists Tambree Rausch.................................. (405) 912-3300 Perfect Smiles Family Dentistry Chloe Rauss........................................... (405) 573-3048 Cavins Construction Group Darrol Ray.............................................. (405) 237-3840 Ray’s BBQ Jeri Ray................................................... (405) 701-2000 Workforce Oklahoma Scott Ray................................................ (847) 427-4905 Townsquare Publications Lana Redus........................................... (405) 237-7070 Autumn Leaves of SW OKC Dr. Gaby Restuccia, DDS.................... (405) 407-6453 Orthodontics Exclusively S OKC Stephanie Revel.................................. (405) 378-5692 Moore Complete Dental Desiree Reyes....................................... (405) 378-5491 Mercy Clinic Primary Care Moore Shannon Reynolds.............................. (405) 759-3223 The Fluffy Puppy Salon & Boutique Kristi Ribble.......................................... (405) 794-6166 First Christian Church

Joe Robinson........................................ (405) 799-1717 Simply Self Storage Ray Robinson....................................... (405) 912-9655 Oklahoma RV Center, LLC Dr. Arva Rogers.................................... (405) 793-8900 Eastmoor Animal Clinic Dr. David Rogers.................................. (405) 793-8900 Eastmoor Animal Clinic Mike Rogers.......................................... (405) 735-8990 Marco’s Pizza Mike Rogers.......................................... (405) 759-2525 Marco’s Pizza Robert Rogers...................................... (405) 799-7555 Audio \ Video Designs, Inc. Travis Rollins........................................ (405) 701-2000 Workforce Oklahoma Crystal Romero.................................... (405) 310-4767 The Icon at Norman Dr. Robert Romines............................ (405) 735-4200 Moore Public Schools Cindy Roof............................................. (405) 794-4131 Del Rancho Victoria Rose......................................... (405) 691-2300 Legend Assisted Living David Ross VFW Post 8706 — Bruce January Linda Rowe........................................... (405) 231-4663 Neighborhood Housing Services Oklahoma Stephanie Royse.................................. (405) 801-5000 Moore Norman Technology Center Carolie Rozell........................................ (405) 821-1534 McPhaul Rozell Law, PLLC Dana Rushing....................................... (405) 799-6700 Malibu’s Auto Center Greg Rushing........................................ (405) 799-6700 Malibu’s Auto Center Chuck Russell........................................ (405) 767-7827 Midfirst

S David Saldana...................................... (405) 800-5320 Potbelly Sandwich Shop Roberto J Sanchez............................... (405) 759-2889 Journey Jewelers Roberto N Sanchez............................. (405) 759-2889 Journey Jewelers Jeff Sanders.......................................... (405) 912-7587 SecurCare Storage Rick Sandersfield................................ (405) 631-6566 Quintella Printing Co., Inc. Shelly Sanderson................................ (405) 818-5025 MetroFamily Magazine Iftikhar Sandhu................................... (405) 285-7222 Quick Urgent Care, LLC Jessica Sands........................................ (405) 799-4500 35 West Apartments Angela Sarabia.................................... (405) 808-8576 Angela’s Bakery & Deli Kimberly Sarantakos.......................... (405) 528-2222 Farzaneh Law Firm Quentin Sawatzky............................... (405) 521-1415 Bott Radio Network Brandi Sawyer...................................... (405) 703-2992 Hair Central Jeremy Scammahorn......................... (405) 794-0546 Dolese Company Chandler Scarbrough......................... (405) 912-3583 TSET Healthy Living Program — Cleveland Co. Courtney Schaffler.............................. (405) 691-6565 Montgomery & Montgomery, CPAs Jim Scheihing....................................... (405) 585-0648 Insure It Forward Shelley Schnoor................................... (405) 790-0309 Floorco Design Center Bill Schober........................................... (405) 703-4085 Metro Flooring & Design LLC Ladena ‘’Dena’’ Schober..................... (405) 703-4085 Metro Flooring & Design LLC Kristina Schuler................................... (405) 799-7745 Country Leisure Manufacturing Mandi Schulz........................................ (405) 789-2913 Frontier Hospice and Transitions Gary Schumacher................................ (405) 759-3450 Kwik Kar Lube Tune & Brakes Wendi Schuur....................................... (405) 236-8441 United Way of Central Oklahoma David Scroggins................................... (405) 413-5985 Sooner Flooring Inc Gina Scroggins..................................... (405) 794-8686 St John’s Lutheran School Jennifer Seals....................................... (405) 735-5510 Brown-O’Haver Becky Seda............................................ (405) 691-2556 Keller Williams Green Meadow – Becky Seda Sean Seney........................................... (405) 720-7107 DOORTEC Garage Doors Angela Senters..................................... (405) 378-5494 Target Stores Al Sexton............................................... (405) 790-0264 Moore Golf & Athletic Club

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Wyley Shaw.......................................... (405) 759-2288 Elevation Trampoline Park

Josh Sowder.......................................... (405) 794-2112 Boomarang Diner Moore

Steve Shawn......................................... (405) 793-1725 Silver Star Construction Co.

Jeremy Sparks...................................... (405) 691-1661 Resthaven Funeral Home & Memory Garden

Jayme Shelton..................................... (405) 735-3060 Serve More

Julie Sparks........................................... (405) 759-2233 Sparks Clinic

Ken Shelton.......................................... (405) 378-0407 Ken Shelton Insurance Agency, Inc

Dr. William Sparks............................... (405) 759-2233 Sparks Clinic

Michelle Shepard................................ (405) 799-9919 Featherstone Assisted Living of Moore

John Spencer........................................ (405) 528-2222 Farzaneh Law Firm

Dr. Briana Shiley.................................. (405) 799-2300 Living Roots Chiropractic

Perry Spencer....................................... (405) 321-1400 Sports Talk Media 99.3 FM 1400 AM

Cheryl Shipley...................................... (405) 691-9120 REC Security

Dr. Chad Spiva, DDS............................ (405) 799-5529 Dr. Chad Spiva

Cheryl Shipley...................................... (405) 691-9120

Richie Splitt.......................................... (405) 515-1000 HealthPlex Hospital

Jake Shockley....................................... (405) 809-8655 Physical Therapy Central of Moore

Richie Splitt.......................................... (405) 793-9355 Norman Regional Moore

Nina Shuman........................................ (405) 703-3000 Van’s Pig Stand

Richie Splitt.......................................... (405) 515-1561 Norman Regional EMSSTAT Ambulance

Mike Sikes............................................. (405) 735-5553 Oliveto Italian Bistro

Richie Splitt.......................................... (405) 515-2222 Norman Regional Health System

Julie Simon........................................... (405) 526-0280 JHBR Architecture, Inc.

Dalton Spradling................................. (405) 794-3992 Dalton’s Plumbing Inc

Nancy Simoneau................................. (405) 475-3380 The Oklahoman Media Company

Darry Stacy............................................ (405) 639-8145 Cleveland County Commissioner, District 2

Eddie Sims............................................. (405) 515-1561 Norman Regional EMSSTAT Ambulance

Marilyn Stallings................................. (405) 794-2941 Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church

Bill Sisk................................................... (405) 794-5432 Highland Baptist Church

Michael Stancliff................................. (405) 378-2001 Classen Urgent Care

Jesika Skinner...................................... (405) 329-2458 Minick Materials

Scott Staton.......................................... (405) 735-6762 Staton Financial Group, Inc.

Nate Skinner......................................... (405) 752-5885 Boldt

Larry Stetler.......................................... (405) 235-8474 Ozarka/Eureka Water Company

Sommer Skinner.................................. (405) 378-5491 Mercy Clinic Primary Care Moore

Dr. Jerry Steward................................. (405) 682-7502 Oklahoma City Community College

Mandy Skipintheday.......................... (405) 703-0250 Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt

Kaley Stewart....................................... (405) 677-1910 Del City Chamber of Commerce

Charles Smith....................................... (405) 837-7663 Kaphar Roofing & Construction, LLC

Kristy Stewart...................................... (405) 364-9424 Women’s Resource Center

Courtni Smith....................................... (405) 840-1493 Oklahoma City Metropolitan Association of Realtors

Melissa Stile.......................................... (405) 793-2007 S & S Pools, LLC

Craig Smith........................................... (405) 602-3074 U.S. Congressman Steve Russell

Jerry Stillings....................................... (405) 793-5171 Moore Police Department

Dickey Smith......................................... (405) 794-6825 Canadian Pipe & Supply

Shane Stout.......................................... (405) 759-2600 Springhill Suites by Marriot

Dr. Gregory Smith............................... (405) 793-8777 Moore Chiropractic

Ted Streuli............................................. (405) 278-2835 Tinker Take Off

Jessicia Smith....................................... (405) 410-3148 Santa Fe Place

Monty Strickland................................. (405) 703-2255 Realty Experts

Justin Smith.......................................... (405) 794-6825 Canadian Pipe & Supply

Stephen Sulli........................................ (972) 701-5563 Rise Residential Construction

Lantz Smith.......................................... (405) 692-4300 Huntington Fine Jewelers

Dezire Suter.......................................... (405) 686-5920 Oklahoma Air National Guard

Lisa Smith.............................................. (405) 692-4300 Huntington Fine Jewelers

Kevin Sutter.......................................... (405) 708-3509 Green Okie LLC

Lloyd Smith........................................... (405) 990-8111 Fluid Concepts Collision, LLC

Greg Sutterfield................................... (405) 794-1900 Triple S Systems

Scott Smith........................................... (405) 692-5503 Vondel Smith & Sons Mortuary, Heritage Burial Park

Craig Swagerty.................................... (405) 826-4269 Legal Shield-Identity Shield

Kelly Sorrells......................................... (405) 759-3999 Homeland Plumbing

T Scott Tabares........................................ (405) 794-0020 State Farm Insurance — Scott Tabares Elaine Tabor.......................................... (405) 837-9463 Southwind Hills, LLC Tina Tafolla........................................... (405) 312-3365 S.H. Vaughn Construction Co. Randy Tarltan....................................... (405) 703-2255 Realty Experts Aaron Tatum......................................... (405) 692-8421 Aaron Tatum Custom Homes LLC Michelle Tatum Cummings............... (405) 692-8421 Aaron Tatum Custom Homes LLC Kathy Tautfest...................................... (405) 253-2282 Gateway Mortgage Group Doug Taylor........................................... (405) 794-2729 Custom Floor Design Inc. Joseph Taylor........................................ (405) 420-2121 eXp Realty Katherine Taylor.................................. (405) 735-6061 USA Taekwondo Center Marc Taylor............................................ (405) 759-2288 Elevation Trampoline Park Sarah Taylor.......................................... (405) 818-5025 MetroFamily Magazine

Chelsey Todd......................................... (405) 799-0300 Hollie’s Flatiron Grill Kim Torres............................................. (405) 814-9699 Nosh by Catering Creations Trea Towe............................................... (405) 793-1188 INTEGRIS Family Care — Moore Helen Tran............................................. (405) 794-3474 GOGO Sushi Express and Grill Toan (Kim) Tran.................................... (405) 794-1114 Glamorous Nails Shawna Travens................................... (405) 794-4131 DelRancho Dusty Treat............................................ (405) 759-4611 State Farm – Dusty Treat Samantha Tritten................................ (405) 703-2599 Mathew Mann CPA Brent Trotter......................................... (405) 720-7107 DOORTEC Garage Doors Jennifer Turner.................................... (405) 681-0888 Moore Los Tacos Lisa Turner............................................. (405) 364-7579 Ad-Specialties & More, Ltd.


Tony Taylor............................................ (405) 985-9060 Local Guy Buys Houses

Chelsey Ulrich....................................... (405) 912-9993 Crossroads Youth & Family Services Head Start & Early Head Start

Bob Thomas.......................................... (405) 942-0228 Feed the Children

Forrest Underwood............................ (405) 912-4450 Forrest Fireplaces

Jimmy Thomas..................................... (405) 799-6982 Thomas Sheet Metal & Custom Fab., Inc.

Natasha Underwood.......................... (405) 912-4450 Forrest Fireplaces

Jyl Thomas............................................ (405) 691-9284 Stewart Abstract & Title of Oklahoma

Paul Urquhart...................................... (405) 378-0420 Earlywine YMCA

Phillis Thomas...................................... (405) 799-6982 Thomas Sheet Metal & Custom Fab., Inc. Teresa Thomas..................................... (405) 692-7500 Farmers — Patrick Merrick Agency Charles Thompson.............................. (405) 794-4188 Charles Thompson, Inc. Chuck Thompson................................. (405) 360-5369 Republic Bank & Trust Donna Thompson................................ (405) 292-5263 Landmark Fine Homes LP Sharon Thompson............................... (405) 237-3131 Masters House Art & Frame Steve Thompson.................................. (405) 237-3131 Masters House Art & Frame Tricia Thompson.................................. (405) 378-2366 Snip-its Haircut for Kids Darlin Thrash........................................ (405) 703-9321 HealthCARE Express Sherrie Thrower................................... (405) 556-0377 Michael’s Catering Michael Tidwell................................... (405) 801-4456 RCB Bank Candace Timmons............................... (405) 463-3369 Cowan Group Engineering Sandy Tipton........................................ (405) 603-1300 T.N,T. Print Zachary Tipton..................................... (405) 703-2700 Tipton’s Plumbing and Sewer

V Julian Valbuena................................... (405) 942-7888 Celebration Station Lindsay VanCuren................................ (405) 203-2723 Crockstar Dinner Club, LLC Koree Vanzant...................................... (405) 815-7959 Arbor Image Tree Care Kayla Vaughan..................................... (405) 799-3311 Universal Insurance Kaylea Vaughan................................... (405) 517-8113 The Boxcar of Moore, LLC Matthew Vaughan.............................. (405) 517-8113 The Boxcar of Moore, LLC Shane Vaughn...................................... (405) 312-3365 S.H. Vaughn Construction Co. Daniel Velasquez................................. (405) 790-0531 Chipotle Mexican Grill Chad Vice............................................... (405) 833-1661 Sooner Shopping Center Shane Vice............................................. (405) 292-4787 Tribute Memorial Care Jay Villemarette.................................. (405) 814-0006 Museum of Osteology Kim Villemarette................................. (405) 814-0006 Museum of Osteology Cindy Virgin........................................... (405) 794-7144 Moore Tag Agency | 107 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 107

4/16/19 6:19 PM

Jeff Virgin ............................................. (405) 366-0600 Judge Jeff Virgin

Rebecca Wells...................................... (405) 799-1800 American Logo & Sign Inc.

Jennifer Wolfes ................................... (405) 794-8900 Interstate Heating and Air Conditioning

Donnie Voss ......................................... (405) 793-2600 First Moore Baptist Church

Dean Wenzel........................................ (405) 410-2604 Eighty Three Arcade

Jerry Wolford ....................................... (405) 735-3400 City Bites

Kevin West ........................................... (405) 514-8468 Kevin West, State Rep., District 54

In Hui Won............................................ (405) 793-0752 Grand Master Won’s TaeKwondo

Brent Wheelbarger ............................ (405) 793-3338 Trifecta Communications

Marlene Wood..................................... (405) 794-5511 BancFirst

David Whitaker ................................... (405) 752-3638 Mercy

Rod Woodruff ...................................... (405) 249-4142 hibu

Debbie White....................................... (405) 793-5080 Veolia Water North America

Mike Woolf ........................................... (405) 735-3400 City Bites

Larry White .......................................... (405) 237-3753 TA White Electric, LLC

Brookes Wright ................................... (405) 231-4941 U.S. Senator James Lankford

Terri White............................................ (405) 237-3753 TA White Electric, LLC

Bryan Wright, DVM ............................ (405) 794-7771 Silver Leaf Veterinary Hospital

Kelly Wilborn ....................................... (405) 419-4420 Remington Park

Juleigh Wright .................................... (405) 794-7771 Silver Leaf Animal Hospital

W Alicia Wade .......................................... (405) 286-5700 Valliance Bank Jason Waganer.................................... (405) 227-0575 Oklahoma Web Media Bryan Waldenville.............................. (405) 306-7766 Meraki Real Estate Zandrea Waldenville ......................... (405) 306-7766 Meraki Real Estate Cassandra Walker ............................... (405) 534-4779 Eric Walker ........................................... (405) 604-0777 Hideaway Pizza Karen Walker ....................................... (405) 735-6262 Moore Vintage Charm Furniture & Decor Karen Walker ....................................... (405) 799-8647 Walker Heat & Air Misty Walker ........................................ (405) 794-4469 Flair Enterprises Ron Walker ........................................... (405) 799-8647 Walker Heat & Air Brianna Wall ........................................ (405) 321-2024 Oklahoma Electric Cooperative Melissa Wallin ..................................... (405) 735-8773 Central Bark Dog Grooming Kandice Walter.................................... (405) 799-2244 Walgreens Greg Ward............................................. (405) 360-1400 The McKinney Partnership Architects Lauren Warkentine ............................ (800) 647-5288 Computer RX Bunnie Warren .................................... (405) 692-4777 Family Medicine Waterview Deanna Wasson .................................. (405) 600-3182 Moore Food Resource Center Amber Watts........................................ (405) 790-0109 Statewide Roofing, Inc. Renee Wayland ................................... (405) 458-0808 Elevate Church Pastor Danny Wayman ..................... (405) 794-6671 First United Methodist Church Darrell Weaver .................................... (405) 521-5569 Darrell Weaver, State Senate Dr. Kim Weaver ................................... (580) 470-9800 Weaver Clinics Allie Webb ............................................ (405) 759-7111 Club Pilates Natalie Webb....................................... (405) 799-2100 Century 21 Clinkenbeard Agency Dan Weber............................................ (405) 691-2556 Keller Williams Realty — Weber Home Team Janet Weber......................................... (405) 691-2556 Keller Williams Realty — Weber Home Team Leslie Ann Wells .................................. (405) 799-1800 American Logo & Sign Inc.

Y Harout Yerganian ............................... (405) 397-9158 Oasis Healing Center Ron Yocum ........................................... (405) 691-8012 Antioch Christian Academy John Youell Jr....................................... (405) 520-1622 Fellowship Church John Youell Sr. ..................................... (405) 520-1147 The Crown Center Alice Young........................................... (405) 735-5510 Brown-O’Haver Beverly Young ..................................... (405) 799-6911 Work Activity Center Kerrie Young ........................................ (405) 691-2300 Legend Assisted Living

Z Veronica Zamora ................................ (405) 366-6060 Express Employment Professionals

Brooke Willhite ................................... (405) 310-3500 HeyDay Entertainment Bill Williams......................................... (405) 634-3695 Welco Electric Inc Brittney Williams ............................... (405) 703-4244 Play Street Hourly Child Care Debbie Williams ................................. (405) 703-7015 CBD American Shaman Moore Emily Williams .................................... (405) 701-2173 Bethesda Karen Williams.................................... (405) 799-3130 Brand Senior Center Kelle Williams ..................................... (405) 794-4463 Kelle’s Flowers & Gifts Lisa Williams........................................ (405) 799-3379 Moore Youth & Family Service Roy Williams ........................................ (405) 297-8900 Greater Oklahoma City Chamber Sarah Williams .................................... (405) 735-3977 Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Vickie Williams .................................... (405) 824-9093 Lacy Lu Boutique Allison Willingham ............................ (405) 634-1467 Home Care Medical Mart Shari Wilson ......................................... (405) 434-7499 GiGi’s Baby Boutique, LLC Tyler Wilson ......................................... (817) 692-6923 The Well Church Dr. Christian Windham ..................... (405) 799-2300 Living Roots Chiropractic Donna Winters .................................... (405) 794-1058 Storage ‘’R’’ Us Leslie Wirstrom ................................... (405) 686-5920 Oklahoma Air National Guard Cindi Wise ............................................. (405) 623-1359 Force Personnel Joey Wishnuck..................................... (405) 329-7979 Windstone Construction Joey Wishnuck..................................... (405) 329-7979 Precision Builders Joey Wishnuck..................................... (405) 329-7979 Aria Development Joey Wishnuck..................................... (405) 928-8089 ScissorTail Roofing & Construction

INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Allstate Insurance - Max Agency...........................86 American Towing & Recovery, In...........................77 An Affair of the Heart..............................................54 Apollo Building System, Inc. ..................................44 Arvest .......................................................................78 Baker Brothers Electric ............................................82 Bancfirst ...................................................................36 Bliss Electric, Inc.......................................................82 Cavnar Insurance Agency, Inc. ...............................87 Christian Brothers Norman.....................................38 Christian Brothers South Oklahoma City ..............38 City of Moore ...........................................................32 Cobble Insurance.....................................................87 Columns on Main....................................................33 Cox Business.............................................................30 Dairy Queen .............................................................96 Doyle-Crow & Associates, PLLC .............................87 Eide Bailly .................................................................76 First United Bank .....................................................31 Floorco Design Center .............................................84 Hampton Inn ...........................................................46 Hay Vic’s ....................................................................33 Holiday Inn Express .................................................45 Home N Ranch Realty.............................................94 Integris SW Medical Center...........Inside Back Cover John M Ireland & Son Funeral Home & Cremation...............................................................7 La Quinta Inn & Suites ............................................55 Legend Assisted Living & Memory Care.................5 Lifetouch ..................................................................93 Lincoln Title ................................................................3 Lynlee Mae Event Center & Chapel .........................7 Mattocks Printing Co. ..............................................85 Meek Construction....................................................3 Midfirst Bank ...........................................................44 Moore Funeral And Cremation ..............................27 Moore Custom Monuments ....................................7 Moore Norman Technology Center .........Back Cover

Moore Public Library...............................................88 Moore Public Schools .............................................37 Moore Tag Agency ..................................................93 Moore Vintage Charm.............................................31 Newcastle Casino ....................................................83 Norman Regional Hospital...........Inside Front Cover Oklahoma City Community College......................40 Oklahoma Electric Cooperative ..............................99 Perfect Smiles ..........................................................47 Physical Therapy Central of Moore ........................90 Physical Therapy Central of SEOKC.........................90 Physical Therapy Central of SOKC...........................90 Primrose School SW Oklahoma City .....................38 Quick Urgent Care....................................................89 R & R Homes............................................................41 Rep. Mark McBride..................................................86 Republic Bank & Trust .............................................25 Riverwind Casino ....................................................54 Rose Rock Realty .....................................................95 Schlotzsky’s ..............................................................96 Sharky’s Scuba .........................................................98 Sommerset Neighborhood Assisted Liv. ..............26 Springhill Suites by Marriott ..................................51 Storage R Us.............................................................45 T.C. Burgin, CPA, PC .................................................76 The Candy Castle/Popcorn Palace .........................33 The Crown Center ....................................................80 Tinker Federal Credit Union ....................................81 Universal Insurance Agency...................................39 US Lawns .................................................................50 Valliance Bank .........................................................24 Vanco Storage..........................................................95 Veolia Water North America...................................25 Walker Heat & Air....................................................31 Wal-Mart .................................................................97 Wisdom Tooth .........................................................89

108 | Moore Chamber of Commerce OKMOOCW19 design.indd 108

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More to Love INTEGRIS Community Hospital Moore opens at the intersection of I-35 and SW 34th in 2019 to better serve our neighbors in Moore. | 888.888.2998 | 109 OKMOOCW19 design.indd 109 UNI_18-IN-108_ISMC_Moore_Community_Hospital.indd 1

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110 | Moore Chamber of Commerce OKMOOCW19 design.indd 110

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