Reflejos 02/12/2021

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Vol. 32, No. 60

La voz suburbana de los Hispanos

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Hispanic Scholar




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We remove obstacles to education. Waubonsee Works

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TRIO/Student Support Services

TRIO/ Upward Bound

The TRIO/Student Support Services Program serves students that are the first in their family to attend college, students from low-income households, or students with a visible or invisible disability. This free program helps students navigate their educational journey to graduation.

The Waubonsee Upward Bound Program is a free college completion program serving students enrolled at East Aurora High School and West Aurora High School. We provide the support and motivation needed to graduate high school and earn a college degree.

Transforming and Inspiring Undergraduate Men Pursuing Higher Education

TRIUMPH is a retention program for males of color designed to increase the number of minority males graduating from college by providing increased student services, academic support, service learning projects, community service projects, and mentoring. Waubonsee does not discriminate on the basis of any individual’s actual or perceived characteristic protected by law in its programs or activities. Inquiries regarding this policy may be directed to: Michele Needham, Title IX/ADA/ Section 504 Coordinator, Route 47 at Waubonsee Drive, Sugar Grove, IL 60554,

Hablamos Español The U.S. Department of Education has designated Waubonsee a Hispanic-Serving Institution.



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East Aurora senior named Hispanic Scholar East Aurora High School senior Moises Jimenez was recently named a 2020-2021 Hispanic Scholar by the College Board National Recognition Programs. In December, Jimenez was notified of the honor in recognition of his excellence in academic achievement. The College Board National Recognition Programs create pathways to college for students from underrepresented communities by awarding academic honors and connecting students with universities across the country. East High School counselor Jonathan Kempf shared the news with Jimenez. Kempf was joyful and not surprised that Jimenez was named. “Moises has been exceptional at East High, and I could not think of a more deserving candidate,” Kempf said. “He is a very special student who not only overachieves academically, but personally as well.” Kempf pointed to Jimenez’ maturity, work ethic, community service, and ability to rise to the occasion, even when the odds are against him, as some of the attributes that make him successful. “Moises is as curious about learning as he is empathetic when it comes to understanding. He enjoys learning how things work and exposing himself to new thoughts and ideas, so he can further his goals. He has a powerful growth mindset.” Jimenez was grateful to have been recognized and said the recognition helps validate all the hard work and late nights spent studying. “It not only means a lot to me but also to my parents,” Jimenez said. “They came to this foreign country to give me a better life and worked hard every day to put a roof over my head. It feels great to show them that their hard work was worth it.” While it is not a scholarship program, the College Board National Recognition Programs grant academic honors that students can include on college applications. Colleges use these honors to identify students from underrepresented groups who have excelled on their PSAT/NMSQT and in their classrooms. Jimenez was invited to apply by College Board because his PSAT scores rank in the top 2% of Hispanic students in the Midwest. When asked about his secret for achieving this level of academic success, Jimenez said he believes the difference comes down to his work ethic. “Hard work is the key to achieving greatness in all aspects of life,” he said. “You may have natural talent, but it will only take you so far. If you are willing



to put in the work, you can achieve anything you set your sights on.” Along with a strong work ethic, Jimenez believes another important part of success is not being afraid to fail. “The way you deal with failure is a critical part of being able to succeed.” Jimenez added that many times in society, people only highlight their triumphs, but not their struggles. “I have been rejected close to 20-plus times for different scholarships or academic programs.” Jimenez said that while rejection may feel horrible, it should be taken as “a learning experience.” He said, “If I had quit the first time I failed, I would not be where I am today.” The recognition has opened many doors for Jimenez, including automatically receiving acceptances to merit scholarships and to honors colleges across the country. While it may not have been the sole factor for his admission, Jimenez believes the award played a part in his recent acceptance to Stanford University. “Your grades and test scores are an important part of college applications, but the activities you decide to do outside of school are just as important,” he said. Regarding his time at East High, Jimenez pointed to a number of people who have helped him, including all his friends and teachers. However, he said he owes the biggest thanks to the Waubonsee Upward Bound program, which facilitates college readiness, for setting him up for success from the beginning. “If I had to choose one person who most helped me, I would choose my former Up-

MEMBERS OF the East Aurora High School JROTC Academic Team include, from left, coach Michael Lachowicz, Timothy Gehler, Jovanny Hernandez, Josseline Javier, David Hernandez, Moises Jimenez and Ermin Bilic.

DR. CHASSIE Sherretz, Upward Bound adviser.

ward Bound adviser, Dr. Chassie Sherretz, who helped me become the man I am today. She challenged me to be become better, and I thank her for that.” Jimenez plans to attend Stanford this fall to study mechanical engineering and political science. While not yet set on either as a major, he will see which interests him the most once he starts school.

Jimenez stressed again that he has met a lot of people who have helped him throughout high school, and believes it is important for students to have a mentor to help along the journey. “If anyone at East High ever needs anything, I am willing to help no matter what it is. I want to see everyone from my community succeed.”



La voz suburbana de los Hispanos GERENTE DE VENTAS Y OPERACIONES Linda Siete (847) 806-1411 VENTAS Raul Ortiz (847) 427-4634 CLASIFICADOS (847) 427-4770 CIRCULACION (847) 806-1111 COORDINACIÓN DE ANUNCIOS Ana Maria Hinkhouse Reflejos Publications, LLC

95 W Algonquin Rd Suite 300 Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Reflejos es una publicación que sirve a los latinos de los suburbios de Chicago en los condados de Cook, DuPage, Kane, KendallLake, McHenry y Will. Reflejos orgullosamente forma parte de la Familia Paddock y es publicacion hermana del Daily Herald. Fundado en 1990.

In alliance with


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Business Insight Elgin Hispanic Network honors group, Gail Borden associate BY RICK WEST

For Reflejos

A group that sets up bilingual reading stations in area laundromats and a Gail Borden Public Library employee have been recognized as organization and person of the year by the Elgin Hispanic Network. The awards are given out in recognition of support of the local Hispanic community by the Elgin Hispanic Network, the oldest volunteer community-based Hispanic organization in Elgin. The group, which has more than 50 member organizations, said the annual awards are normally presented in November but were delayed by the pandemic. The Elgin Partnership for Early Learning (EPEL), a collaboration of community members who provide programming and services to help young children thrive, was honored as Organization of the Year for its work with Hispanic families. “EPEL has gone above and beyond to help families in need,” EHN President Dianna Manjarrez said in a news release. “EPEL has been proactive in serving local

families with diapers, calendars, resources and important activities to help kids learn.” Of note, is the partnership’s outreach to families, a large majority of them Spanish-speaking, in area laundromats where they set up bilingual reading stations for children. Elgin Partnership for Early Learning Executive Director Amber Peters said the group is honored to be a part of the network. “Elgin Hispanic Network is a vital intersection to EPEL’s mission of building a connected community dedicated to helping young children thrive,” Peters said. “They offer network members a platform to connect with businesses and nonprofits in the community to ensure we work in an integrated manner to provide resources to serve our Hispanic families and their neighborhoods best. These connections help build a robust early childhood system for families.” Flor Chavez, Hispanic services associate with Gail Borden Public Library, was recognized as Individual of the Year for her focus on programs that are in-


FLOR CHAVEZ of the Gail Borden Public Library was recognized as Individual of the Year by the Elgin Hispanic Network.

clusive and culturally relevant to Spanish-speaking members of the community. “Flor is an inspiration to many of us, in particular those of us who have migrated to the United States from Spanish-speaking countries,”

Manjarrez said. “I want to thank EHN and all who trust in my abilities and commitment to the community,” Chavez said. “It is meaningful to know that what I do here on behalf of the library is valued.”

Lake County swears in 10 new CASA volunteers

Since the start of the pandemic, Lake County has seen a surge of child victims of abuse and neglect far greater than other metropolitan Chicago counties. To help protect these children as they enter the juvenile justice system, CASA Lake County has stepped up its recruiting efforts for volunteers. In January, 10 new volunteers completed their training and were sworn in by the Lake County Juvenile Court as Court Appointed Special Advocates. The new advocates include Hilary Saurer and Nicole Hinckley of Highland Park, Amy Russo of Vernon Hills, Jill Doppelt of Riverwoods, Christine Berek of Grayslake, Siovhan Blau of Lindenhurst, Jillian Giovannetti of Libertyville, Emma Visee of Arlington Heights, Nadine Montcalm of Mount Prospect and Denise Heimlich (a returning CASA volunteer) of Northbrook. They join a force of nearly 300 volunteer advocates who work as representatives of CASA Lake County to protect children involved in Lake County Juvenile Court proceedings. Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Judge Christopher

B. Morozin presided over the online induction ceremony on Jan. 21. Judge Jorge Ortiz, who has been assigned to fill the seat of recently retired Judge Valerie Czeckowski, also participated in the ceremony. “CASA volunteers are needed now more than ever,” said Terri Zenner Greenberg, executive director of CASA Lake County. “Since the start of the pandemic, more children are entering protective care than ever before. Every Lake County agency that works with children in foster care is overwhelmed. For the first time in decades, our program has nearly 100 children on our waiting list for volunteer assignments. We need many more people who can help us with our work.” Lake County has experienced an unprecedented rise in new abuse and neglect cases before the Juvenile Court. The rate of new cases has increased by two to three times the rate from just a few years prior, causing the number of active cases to rise by more than 50% over the same time frame. This has exceeded the capacity of already thinly stretched child welfare agencies and programs.

CASA volunteers perform a valuable service to more than 550 children in Lake County. Most of the children are in foster care. The goal of a CASA volunteer is to help move kids efficiently through the court system into safe, permanent homes, where they will have an opportunity to thrive. CASA volunteers must successfully complete an in-depth, 40-hour training program. The program prepares them to help ensure that the best interests of children are being served and that juvenile court judges are aware of all issues that impact those interests. In recent months, the training has been conducted online. “The current public health crisis is exacerbating existing problems in family relationships and stability, and has made many already difficult situations worse. Providing CASA services today is more important than ever, and we need more volunteers who can help us make a difference,” Greenberg said. Anyone interested in volunteering with CASA Lake County can contact Debra Lerner-Schmidt at


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LURIE CHILDREN y la alcaldesa Lightfoot presiden el primer evento de vacunación de la ciudad, Protect Chicago Plus, en Belmont Cragin.

La alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot y el Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago (CDPH) se unieron hoy al personal voluntario del hospital de niños Ann & Robert H. Lurie de Chicago en el vecindario de Belmont Cragin para presidir el primer evento de vacunación contra el COVID-19 bajo la iniciativa de la ciudad, Protect Chicago Plus. Esta iniciativa está diseñada para garantizar la equidad en la distribución de vacunas entre las communidades Latinas y Afro Americanas que han sido las mas impactadas en la pandemia COVID-19. El CDPH se asoció con Lurie Children, Northwest Side Housing Center, el Distrito 36 y otros socios comunitarios en Belmont Cragin para proporcionar mas de 250 vacunas a trabajadores de guarderías que han sido fundamentales en el cuidado de los ni-

ños en estas comunidades a lo largo de la pandemia para que sus padres puedan continuar trabajando. “Este evento es un gran ejemplo de lo que estamos tratando de lograr como ciudad: trabajar con socios comunitarios confiables para reducir las barreras a la vacunación y llevar la vacuna a las comunidades más afectadas por el brote,” dijo la alcaldesa Lightfoot. “Sabemos que los residentes de Belmont Cragin han soportado una fuerte carga del COVID-19, por lo que la Ciudad quería priorizar a la comunidad en nuestros esfuerzos de vacunación, como lo haremos con otras comunidades de Protect Chicago Plus.” Para obtener más información sobre Protect Chicago Plus y los planes de distribución de vacunación de Chicago, visite Chicago. gov/covidvax.

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Carolina Pikakacho Fronteras de la Noticia EFESalud El coronavirus, el distanciamiento social y la cuarentena han dominado nuestras vidas desde hace meses. Tarde o temprano la crisis causada por la Covid-19 terminará y regresaremos a nuestra vida normal, posiblemente con algunos ajustes, y esto incluye a nuestros hijos. ¿Hay algo positivo que los niños puedan llevarse de esta experiencia y que les sirva a su trayectoria profesional en unos años? Al principio podría parecer que no. Sin embargo, si uno re%exiona un poco, la perspectiva puede cambiar. “Las crisis provocan cambios y mejoras si se manejan correctamente” comenta Arno Krug, CEO de Maple Bear Latinoamérica, una red de escuelas canadienses. Al igual que los adultos, los hijos pueden llevarse grandes lecciones de este periodo de cuarentena, las cuales pueden ayudarles a desarrollar habilidades de liderazgo que les serán de gran utilidad en su futuro profesional. Los hijos que aprenden estrategias que incrementan su capacidad de adaptación al cambio y al desarrollo de resiliencia manejan mejor la adversidad y los contratiempos que puedan presentarse. Mientras más temprano se desarrollan esas habilidades, mejor. Aquí algunas acciones que pueden desarrollar los padres para aprovechar el aislamiento social y generar resiliencia en sus hijos:

| Español

APROVECHA LA CUARENTENA Y CONVIERTE A TUS HIJOS EN LÍDERES Tus hijos pueden aprender estrategias que incrementen su capacidad de adaptación al cambio y manejar mejor la adversidad.


1. Puede empezar por explicarle a los niños con una analogía fácil: lentes. Todos llevamos lentes imaginarios y les elegimos un “&ltro de color”. Habrá algunos que los ponen de un color oscuro y entonces verán todo con poca luz. Algunos otros les ponen colores brillantes y entonces ven todo muy iluminado. Es importante que el pequeño entienda que uno tiene el poder para colocar el &ltro que uno desea en esos lentes y esa decisión es muy importante porque colorea nuestra vida, literalmente. 2. !iversos estudios con&rman que la manera como uno vive sus circunstancias tiene un impacto enorme en nuestro ánimo, nuestro éxito e inclusive nuestra salud. A veces es fácil sólo ver lo difícil o lo doloroso, y enfocarse únicamente en ello provoca sufrimiento. Pero, además, estar en ese estado de ánimo nos impide ver qué se puede ganar, nos ciega ante las posibilidades que siempre se presentan en una crisis. Por eso, es muy importante hablar con los hijos en este periodo, para ayudarles a encontrar un nuevo foco y que puedan concentrarse en lo que han ganado. 3. A lo largo de la vida, todos pasamos por situaciones desfavorables. Si uno las ve como una oportunidad de aprendizaje, les da un nuevo signi&cado. Si se enfoca en el aprendizaje, crea emociones positivas, lo cual permite ver más posibilidades y opciones. 4. ¿Qué relación hay entre la gratitud y el liderazgo? Los bene&cios personales de la gratitud están bien documentados y se concentran en aspectos físicos, sociales y psicológicos. En especí&co, la gratitud impulsa el esfuerzo para la consecución de objetivos e incrementa la resistencia a las barreras. Hacer un ejercicio de gratitud ayuda a ampliar nuestra mente. Incluso, esto se puede convertir en una actividad para toda la familia o en algo que los niños puedan hacer para el resto de su vida para cerrar el día: rememorar todo lo que ha pasado y encontrar tres cosas que agradecer.


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Portage Park, IL

“Como madre soltera, trabajar conduciendo un vehículo para compañías de aplicaciones digitales, me brinda la flexibilidad que necesito para trabajar y poder estar con mi hijo.” Para más información visite Pagado por la Coalición del Trabajo Independiente de Illinois




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PAPAYA La papaya, esta deliciosa fruta originaria de América, aporta muchos beneficios a nuestro organismo contra patologías cancerosas

Carolina Pikacho Fronteras de la Notiica - EFESalud ¿Sabías que la papaya contiene más vitamina C que una naranja, que es utilizada en la industria alimentaria para ablandar la carne, en la textil para macerar %bras de lana y algodón y en el curtido de pieles? La papaya es originaria de América, fue descubierta por los mayas y es el fruto del papayo. Actualmente se cultiva en zonas cálidas y húmedas alrededor del mundo. Es una fruta tan apreciada que ocupa el primer puesto mundial en lo que a exportación se re%ere. Alrededor del 90 por ciento de su composición es agua; su segundo principal


componente son los hidratos de carbono, la mayoría simples, aunque en pequeñas cantidades, por lo que su valor calórico es bajo. La papaya es rica en vitamina C, que interviene en la formación de colágeno, huesos y dientes, glóbulos rojos y favorece la absorción del hierro de los alimentos y la resistencia a las infecciones. Posee licopeno, el cual ha demostrado reducir notablemente la incidencia de patologías cancerosas de pulmón, próstata y del tracto digestivo, cardiovasculares y del envejecimiento; también previene el síndrome de degeneración macular, principal causa de ceguera por envejecimiento. Su consumo es ideal para personas con afecciones digestivas como la gastritis, la hernia de hiato y la pirosis o acidez, pues contiene papaína, una enzima proteolítica (que deshace las proteínas de los alimentos), similar a la pepsina que está presente en los jugos gástricos, lo que le con%ere importantes propiedades digestivas. Es precisamente la papaína la sustancia que se usa en el ablandamiento de carnes y en la clari%cación de la cerveza y existen estudios que aseguran que ayuda a diluir tumores cancerosos y linfáticos. Sus cualidades digestivas son muy conocidas, pero la mayoría desconoce que posee Omega-3, un ácido graso que el organismo no puede fabricar y que contribuye a la salud cardiaca. !ambién ofrece %bra, ácido fólico y pequeñas cantidades de calcio y hierro. Es una fruta tan noble que hasta sus semillas tiene propiedades bené%cas. Las semillas son emenagogo, es decir, estimulan el $ujo sanguíneo de la pelvis y el útero, mientras que sus hojas se han utilizado como tónico para el corazón, en el tratamiento de problemas gástricos, %ebre y la disentería amébica.


El Center of Concern sirve en los suburbios del condado de Cook El Center of Concern atiende a clientes en los suburbios del condado de Cook con la misión de brindar asistencia de vivienda, servicios de apoyo y asesoramiento para adultos mayores, personas con discapacidades y otras personas necesitadas. “Cada día, soy testigo de la importancia de nuestra misión al ver que miembros de nuestra comunidad encuentran apoyo y consuelo en los programas y servicios que ofrecemos para superar las dificultades diarias y vivir con dignidad e independencia”, dijo el director ejecutivo del Center of Concern, John McNabola. Los clientes del Center of Concern tienen acceso a Lunch With Us, un programa de almuerzos entre semana que ofrece comidas diarias para promover la salud y el bienestar de los adultos mayores a través de alimentos nutritivos y programas educativos informativos. Las comidas están disponibles para todas las personas de 60 años o más, y para sus cónyuges, independientemente de la edad. Estos almuerzos están disponibles actualmente para recogerlos en el exterior del centro semanalmente.

A través del programa de Tareas Domésticas del Center of Concern, los adultos mayores reciben asistencia con proyectos ligeros de limpieza y mantenimiento del hogar, como preparación de comidas, lavandería y trabajo en el jardín. Estos servicios reducen el aislamiento y ayudan a los adultos mayores a permanecer independientes en sus hogares. El programa Memory Cafe apoya a las personas que viven con demencia y a sus cuidadores. Estos eventos brindan un entorno cómodo para alentar a los cuidadores y a las personas con demencia a pasar más tiempo en la comunidad. La programación creativa brinda recreación, apoyo mutuo e intercambio de recursos útiles para ayudar a los residentes a lidiar con la pérdida de memoria. Actualmente, los eventos de Memory Cafe se realizan virtualmente a través de Internet o por teléfono en varios horarios durante cada mes. El Center of Concern tiene muchos más programas para apoyar su misión. Si usted o alguien que le importa necesita ayuda, comuníquese con el Center of Concern al 847823-0453 o visite

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The Center of Concern serves suburban Cook County

The Center of Concern serves clients in suburban Cook County with a mission to provide housing assistance, support services, and counseling for older adults, people with disabilities, and others in need. “Each day, I witness the importance of our mission as members of our community find support and comfort from programs and services to overcome daily hardships and live with dignity and independence,” said Center of Concern Executive Director John McNabola. Clients of the Center of Concern have access to Lunch With Us, a weekday lunch program which provides daily meals to promote the health and wellbeing of older adults through nutritious food and informative educational programs. Meals are available to all people 60 years of age and older, and to their spouses regardless of age. These lunches are currently available for weekly curbside pickup. Through the Center of Concern’s Chore Housekeeping program, old-


er adults receive assistance with light household cleaning and maintenance projects such as meal preparation, laundry, and yard work. These services reduce isolation and help older adults remain independent in their homes. The Memory Cafe program supports people living with dementia and their caregivers. These events provide a comfortable setting to encourage care partners and those with dementia to spend more time in the community. Creative programming provides recreation, mutual support and exchange of helpful resources to support residents coping with memory loss. Currently, Memory Cafe events are hosted virtually through the internet or dial-in by phone at various times throughout each month. The Center of Concern has many more programs to support its mission. If you or someone you care about needs assistance, please contact the Center of Concern at 847-823-0453 or visit www.



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Janine Trainor Fronteras de la Noticia - EFE La agencia federal presentará en los próximos días nuevas directrices por las cuales los inmigrantes con cargos menores como conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol no serán deportados y el ICE se centrará en aquellos que puedan representar una amenaza para la seguridad nacional. Documentos y correos electrónicos a los que tuvo acceso The Washington Post apuntan a que los otros objetivos prioritarios serán los inmigrantes que hayan cruzado recientemente la frontera y personas que han cumplido condenas por delitos graves. “En general, estas condenas no incluirían delitos relacionados con las drogas (delitos menos graves), asalto simple, DUI (conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol o drogas), lavado de dinero, delitos contra la propiedad, fraude, delitos fiscales, solicitación o cargos sin condenas”, dijo el director interino de ICE, Tae Johnson, a altos funcionarios en un correo electrónico la pasada. Pero, según el Post y el medio digital Buzz Feed, el intento de la nueva Administración de centrar las detenciones y deportaciones a este nuevo perfil de inmigrantes iría más allá y requeriría que los agentes de ICE obtengan una aprobación de un alto funcionario de la agencia para realizar operaciones rutinarias en las calles. Los nuevos criterios, indica el diario capitalino, están a la espera de la aprobación final de Alejandro Mayorkas, recién nombrado como nuevo secretario de Seguridad Nacional (DHS, en inglçes), entidad de la que depende el ICE. Esta medida se sumaría a la moratoria de 100 días en las deportaciones ordenada por Biden nada más llegar a la Casa Blanca el pasado 20 de enero, en una decisión que fue bloqueada temporalmente por un juez federal. Y también a otras del líder demócrata, que se quiere distanciar de las duras políticas de Trump, que intentó por numerosos medios reducir la inmigración al país, tanto legal como ilegal, y aumentar las deportaciones haciendo de todos los indocumentados un posible objetivo del ICE. Pero también del Gobierno del expresidente Barack Obama (2009-2017), del que Biden fue vicepresidente y durante el cual se deportaron a 5,2 millones de inmigrantes, según datos del Instituto de Política Migratoria (MPI), lo que llevó a los activistas a calificar al exmandatario como “deportador en jefe”. Estas nuevas directrices forman parte de un paquete de medidas más amplio de Biden, que incluye la suspensión de la construcción del muro fronterizo con México y la creación de un grupo de trabajo para reunificar a los menores que fueron separados de sus padres tras cruzar la frontera. El demócrata dio instrucciones además para revisar el programa Protocolos de Protección a Migrantes (MPP, en inglés), también conocido como “Quédate en México”, por el cual más de 60.000 solicitantes de asilo fueron devueltos a ese país para esperar por su proceso y ampliar la cifra anual de refugiados que aceptará EE.UU, entre otras.



| Español

'"liss' es una decepción, un paso atrás para Cahill respecto a sus anteriores largometrajes. *usto es decir #ue tampoco me encuentro entre los ma-ores amantes de de 'Otra Tierra' - 'Orígenes', pero ambas eran películas con una idea clara #ue lle!aba hasta el 'nal sin miedo cuando a#uí tenemos un relato atropellado #ue !a complicándolo todo más sin ninguna necesidad real. Carlos Morales, Fronteras de la Noticia - El cineasta Mike Cahill consiguió llamar la atención de cierto sector del público con 'Otra Tierra', una curiosa película de ciencia-'cción en la #ue utili+aba ese g$nero para ofrecer un drama de corte 'losó'co sobre dos personajes conectados por una tragedia. Años despu$s intentó seguir por esa !ía con 'Orígenes', pero desde 2014 su trabajo se había centrado en la pe#ueña pantalla con pro-ectos de corte más alimenticio donde no tenía la oportunidad de meter mano al guion. Esa se#uía llega a su 'n con '"liss', una película original de Ama+on #ue, al igual #ue 'Matri.', juega con la idea de las realidades simuladas, pero respetando la forma de abordar las historias de Cahill desde una perspecti!a mucho más intimista. A#uí no importa tanto desarrollar un suculento punto de partida como !er el efecto #ue ese hecho tiene en sus protagonistas. Por desgracia, es una propuesta #ue acumula ideas sin saber mu- bien #u$ hacer con ellas. El cineasta Mike Cahill consiguió llamar la atención de cierto sector del público con 'Otra Tierra', una curiosa película de ciencia-'cción en la #ue utili+aba ese g$nero para ofrecer un drama de corte 'losó'co sobre dos personajes conectados por una tragedia. Años despu$s intentó seguir por esa !ía con 'Orígenes', pero desde 2014 su trabajo se había centrado en la pe#ueña pantalla con pro-ectos de corte más alimenticio donde no tenía la oportunidad de meter mano al guion. Llama la atención el hecho de haber elegido a Wilson - ,a-ek para unos papeles aleja-

dos de lo habitual en ellos - es cierto #ue no siempre consigue ofrecer lo #ue Cahill re#uiere de ellos, pero en líneas generales cumplen con sol!encia. ) es #ue el problema no está en sus protagonistas, sino #ue surge del guion de Cahill - se acaba trasladando a su trabajo de puesta en escena, mu- desganada en los escasos momentos de acción esparcidos a lo largo del metraje de '"liss'. A#uí parece #ue una de las cosas #ue más le interesan es la tensión #ue surge en el personaje principal sobre si lo #ue creía su !ida es una realidad simulada, con lo #ue ello supone sobre el hecho de tener una hija, - cómo reacciona a los diferentes descubrimientos #ue !a haciendo a lo largo del camino. ) digo parece por#ue es algo #ue !a dejándose de lado hasta el punto de #ue su lado más humano, eso #ue tanto interesaba a Cahill en sus anteriores trabajos, acaba reducido a una pere+osa acumulación de ideas #ue !a perdiendo paulatinamente el inter$s del espectador. Es cierto #ue 'Matri.' !iene rápidamente a la cabe+a, pero Cahill propone cosas mudiferentes a lo #ue hicieron las Wacho/ski allí para ir más en la línea de sus anteriores trabajos, sobre todo de 'Otra Tierra', donde -a se jugaba con la idea de dos realidades diferentes al mismo tiempo. Sin embargo, allí apostaba por el lado más humano con un enfo#ue más 'losó'co. Eso pro!ocaba ciertas tensiones pero en líneas generales acaba resultando satisfactorio por lo inusual #ue resultaba. A#uí todo desemboca más en un batiburrillo #ue nos !a alejando cada !e+ del drama #ue !i!e el personaje interpretado por Wilson.


I 11

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Antártida Carolina Pikacho Fronteras de la Notiica - BBC La Antártida (del griego «antarktikos», "opuesto a ártico"), también denominado Continente Antártico o Antártica, es un continente que circunda el Polo Sur. La de)nici#n más com"n comprende como Antártida los territorios al sur del paralelo 60º S, que coincide con la zona regulada por el Tratado Antártico. Ártico proviene del vocablo griego «arktikos», "de la osa",

en referencia a la constelaci#n boreal llamada !sa Menor, en la que se encuentra la Estrella Polar, que señala al Polo Norte, mientras que «antarktikos» signi)ca "opuesto a la osa"; es decir, se alude al Polo Sur, que se encuentra ubicado en este continente. Se considera que quien primero utiliz# el nombre Antarctica para denominar al entonces "nuevo" continente fue el cart#grafo escocés John George Bartholomew en 1890. Las

bajísimas temperaturas y los fuertes vientos, son las características predominantes. En este sentido, vale la pena consignar que la media anual en el Polo Sur es de 50° bajo cero, habiéndose registrado el récord de frío en la Base Antártica Rusa de Vostok con 89,2° bajo cero. Mientras tanto, en algunas zonas como Tierra Adelia, el promedio de tormentas llega a los 340 días/ año con vientos de hasta 150 &ms./h. S#lo en algu-

nas costas -como por ejemplo la Isla Rey Jorge / 25 de Mayo, donde se encuentra la Base Artigas- pueden apreciarse áreas libres de hielo durante los veranos. Sobre casi toda la super)cie del continente impera el clima polar, donde la temperatura promedio del mes más cálido no supera los 0 °C. El clima llamado de tundra, donde el promedio del mes más cálido supera los 0 °C, se presenta s#lo en las zonas costeras más septentriona-

les, como en la Península Antártica, islas adyacentes e islas subantárticas. !tra singularidad antártica es que aproximadamente 90% de su territorio es un desierto nival, esto es, un área fría con escasa presencia de vida y una sequedad del aire que llega a superar la de los desiertos cálidos. La Antártida es, en la mayor parte de su extensi#n, en cuanto a su humedad atmosférica, el lugar más seco de la Tierra (excepto las zonas costeras e insulares de la Antártida), ya que al estar las temperaturas casi siempre bajo 0 °Celsius el agua se encuentra cristalizada y el aire, que es extremadamente frío, apenas retiene humedad. Las temperaturas medias durante el invierno tienen variaciones muy pequeñas, en las zonas cercanas a las costas son frecuentes los blizzards, las nevadas y actualmente, también las lluvias durante el breve verano, Los fuertes vientos son frecuentes ya que sobre el centro de la Antártida se ubica permanentemente un área de alta presi#n (anticicl#n) que hace (uir corrientes e#licas a gran velocidad desde el sur hacia el norte y noreste, estos vientos alcanzan velocidades de 200 km/h y más.


| Español



LA RAÍZ DEL VIENTO Caroilina Pickacho Fronteras de la Noticia - Monoprod Juanito Makandé (La Línea de la Concepción, 1982) se ha labrado -desde que decidiera trazar su carrera en solitario allá por 2006- no solo una exitosa trayectoria como músico. También canción a canción, poema a poema, se ha ganado el reconocimiento de público, prensa y profesionales como uno de los artistas más singulares de nuestra escena independiente. "Un cantautor libre", como a él mismo le gusta de#nirse, con una facilidad innata para conectar con la audiencia. La raíz del viento es un álbum acústico de Juanito Makandé, grabado en directo y sin claquetas, con el que se reencuentra con su faceta más intimista justo cuando cumple veinte años de trayectoria. "Un disco muy especial", reconoce Juanito, "que he grabado con los maestros Josep Pou al piano y Toni Cuenca al contrabajo, en directo, sin claquetas, con 3 instrumentos de cuerda, buscando el pulso natural de las canciones. Ya hacía tiempo que mi gente me pedía un disco así, de canciones acústicas, desnudas, sin tantos instrumentos". Grabado en plena Sierra de Tramuntana, en palabras del propio artista, "huele a otoño y a bosque, a campo recién llovido, a chimenea, a hogar".

I 13




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Why you shouldn’t share your COVID vaccination card on social media BY BRIAN HILL

For Reflejos

Sometimes you get caught up collecting all of those social media “likes” and “thumbs-up” and throw common sense out the window. Have you had your COVID-19 vaccination yet? If you have, experts say don’t share a photo of your vaccination card on social media. “Unfortunately, your card has your full name and birthday on it, as well as information about where you got your vaccine,” says Steve Bernas, president and CEO of BBB of Chicago and Northern Illinois. “If your social media privacy settings aren’t set high, you may be giving valuable information away for anyone to use.” That information makes you vulnerable to identity theft, Bernas said, and can help scammers create phony versions of you on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and other platforms. While only a small percentage of Illi-

March 20

8 p.m.

nois residents have been inoculated, the number is expanding and vaccine supplies are expected to increase in the near future. Experts say there are several safe ways to share your vaccination accomplishment. “For example, you could post a photo of your vaccine sticker or use a profile frame instead,” Bernas said. The BBB also suggests people should review their social media security settings and see what information they are sharing and with whom — if you only want friends and family to see your posts, be sure that’s how your privacy settings are configured. Be wary of answering popular social media prompts. Sharing your vaccine photo is just the latest social trend. If you’ve spotted a scam report it Your report can help others avoid being victimized. For information about scams and how to avoid AvoidScams.

Oak Street Health is delighted to have begun delivering COVID-19 vaccinations.

April 17

7:30 p.m.

April 18

8 p.m.

May 8

8 p.m.

June 20

8 p.m.

Getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

Aug. 14

8 p.m.

Oct. 2

8 p.m.

• Overall vaccine supply is currently limited though we expect more soon. We are currently vaccinating patients and community members 65+ in age. Visit us at www. for scheduling options. • The vaccine will help protect you and others around you, like friends and family.

What can I expect from the COVID-19 vaccine? • You will need 2 doses, approximately 3 weeks apart, to get the full protection from the vaccine. • You may experience some side effects, like tiredness, headache, and muscle pain-–but this is a sign that the vaccine is doing its job. Your immune system has kicked in. These side effects do not last long.

Wearing a mask and social distancing is still very important, and they are required at our centers. April 9-11 April 17-18 April 30-May 2

Questions? Visit Ask your Oak Street Health Provider about the COVID-19 vaccine. *some compliance statement about qualifications, while supplies last, and always consulting with your primary card provider first.


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Cellco Partnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless (Verizon Wireless) is proposing to build a 31foot replacement light pole telecommunications facility in the vicinity of 2535 S Clearbrook Dr, Arlington Heights, Cook County, IL 60005. Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submitted within 30 days from the date of this publication to: Project 6121000709 - WRR c/o EBI Consulting, 6876 Susquehanna Trail South, York, PA 17403,, or via telephone at 914-4342173. Published in Daily Herald February 12, 2021 (4558539)

LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Mt. Prospect Park District's Tentative Combined Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the year 2021 is on file and available for public inspection at the Central Community Center, 1000 West Central Road, Mt. Prospect, Illinois, Mondays through Fridays, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. A public hearing will be held on the Combined Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the year 2021 on the 17th day of March, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at the Central Community Center, 1000 West Central Road, Mt. Prospect, Illinois. William J. Starr, Secretary Board of Park Commissioners Mt. Prospect Park District Published in Daily Herald February 12, 2021 (4558446)

PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Trustees of Cuba Township will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 16th, 2021 at 6:00 pm, at the Cuba Township office, at 28000 W. Cuba Road, Barrington, IL 60010. The purpose of the hearing is to hear comments regarding the proposed Cuba Township budget for fiscal year 20212022 and to adopt the proposed budget. A copy of the proposed budget is available for review at the Cuba Township office at 28000 W. Cuba Road, Barrington, IL 60010. In compliance with the State of Illinois Phase 4 guidelines, including social distancing requirements, seating will be limited. To attend in person, please contact the Township Clerk, Nicole E. Knapik at (847) 3811924. If you wish to attend virtually, a link will be available on our webpage AGENDA I. Call to order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll call IV. Public Comment V. Discussion and potential action on: Adoption of Ordinance no. 21-O-01-Cuba Township budget for fiscal year 2021-2022 VI. Adjournment Published in Daily Herald February 12, 2021 (4558447)

Advertisement for Bids The Village of North Aurora will receive sealed bids for the 2021 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking Project (IDOT Section #: 21-00000-03-GM). The bids will be received at the North Aurora Village Hall, 25 East State Street, North Aurora, Illinois 60542 until 10:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday, February 23, 2021. At this time and date, the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. All bids must be addressed as follows: SEALED BID Contractor Name Contractor Address Contractor Phone Number Re: 2021 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking 21-00000-03-GM Village of North Aurora Attn: Brandon Tonarelli Village Engineer 25 East State Street North Aurora, IL 60542 The bid packet can be downloaded, free of charge, at the Village’s website or can be picked up at 25 East State Street, North Aurora, IL 60542 beginning Thursday, February 11, 2021. All bidders must be pre-qualified with the Illinois Department of Transportation to bid on this project. Each bid must be accompanied by a Bid Guarantee in the form of a Bid Bond from a company with an A-1 best rating, or a cashier’s check in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid and made payable to the Village of North Aurora, 25 East State Street, North Aurora, Illinois, 60542. The Village of North Aurora reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive irregularities and informalities in the bids received. All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the Project shall apply to the contract throughout including the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 48, Sects 39s-1-12) and the Illinois Preference Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 48, Sects. 2201-2207). Please contact Brandon Tonarelli at 331.385.6432 if you have any questions. Published in Daily Herald February 12, 2021 (4558607)

NOTICE OF HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF ELGIN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City of Elgin Planning & Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on the following zoning application: No. 04-21 By Legend Partners, LLC, as applicant, and Dan Strojny, as property owner, requesting approval of a planned development as a conditional use with departures from the Elgin Municipal Code requirements for the minimum floor area for upper floor dwellings and any other departures as may be necessary or desirable to establish 40 dwellings on the second through fifth floors of the existing building at the property commonly referred to as 40 DuPage Court, more specifically identified by the Kane County Property Index Number 06-14-434-017. The current application for the above-described development is available for review at the Community Development Department, 150 Dexter Court, Elgin, IL 60120 and online at: Said application and the associated plans on file with the Community Development Department and online are subject to change during the administrative and city council review process. The public hearing will be held on Monday, March 1, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Second Floor, North Tower, Elgin Municipal Building, 150 Dexter Court, Elgin, IL 60120. At that time, any interested persons may appear in person, by writing, by agent or by attorney and present any testimony they may have pertaining to the granting or denying of this petition. Please direct all inquiries to the following person at the Community Development Department, City of Elgin: Damir Latinovic at (847) 931-5943 The City of Elgin is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the facilities, are requested to contact the ADA Coordinator at (847) 931-5620 {tdd (847) 931-5616} promptly to allow the City of Elgin to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. Published in Daily Herald February 12, 2021 (4558543)

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER 34, DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Education (the “Board”) of School District Number 34, DuPage County, Illinois (the “District”), will hold a public hearing on the 25th day of February, 2021, at 6:55 P.M. at the Winfield Central School Building, 0S150 Park Street, Winfield, Illinois, to receive public comments concerning the intent of the Board to transfer $160,285 from the Educational Fund to the Operations and Maintenance Fund of the District. Any interested person may appear at the hearing and will be heard regarding this matter. After the adjournment of the hearing, the Board may consider a resolution directing the School Treasurer to make such transfer of $160,285 from the Educational Fund to the Operations and Maintenance Fund of the District. By order of the President of the Board of Education of School District Number 34, DuPage County, Illinois. DATED the 10th day of February, 2021. Lynn Kammes, Secretary, Board of Education, School District Number 34, DuPage County, Illinois Published in Daily Herald February 12, 2021 (4558610)

NOTICE OF HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF ELGIN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City of Elgin Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on the following zoning application: No. 07-21 Duke’s Root Control, as applicant, and Life Storage Centers LLC, as property owner, requesting a conditional use to establish a special trade contractor’s office and warehouse facility at the property commonly referred to as 400 Airport Road, more specifically identified by the Kane County Property Index Numbers 03-34-327-003; 03-34-421041; 03-34-421-040; 03-34-421-039; 03-34-421-038. The current application for the above-described development is available for review at the Community Development Department, 150 Dexter Court, Elgin, IL 60120 and online at: Said application and the associated plans on file with the Community Development Department and online are subject to change during the administrative and city council review process. The public hearing will be held on Monday, March 1, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Second Floor, North Tower, Elgin Municipal Building, 150 Dexter Court, Elgin, IL 60120. At that time, any interested persons may appear in person, by writing, by agent or by attorney and present any testimony they may have pertaining to the granting or denying of this petition. Please direct all inquiries to the following person at the Community Development Department, City of Elgin: Denise Momodu at (847) 931-6103 The City of Elgin is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the facilities, are requested to contact the ADA Coordinator at (847) 931-5620 {tdd (847) 931-5616} promptly to allow the City of Elgin to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. Published in Daily Herald February 12, 2021 (4558542)

NOTICE OF HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF ELGIN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City of Elgin Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on the following zoning application: No. 31-20 By Vern’s Tavern (Jamie Berry), as applicant, and Cuming Holdings LLC, as property owner, requesting a conditional use to establish a commercial event space for activities pertaining to assembly of people with any departures as may be necessary or desirable at the property commonly referred to as 77 Riverside Drive, more specifically identified by Kane County Property Index Number 06-14433-030. The current application for the above-described development is available for review at the Community Development Department, 150 Dexter Court, Elgin, IL 60120 and online at: Said application and the associated plans on file with the Community Development Department and online are subject to change during the administrative and city council review process. The public hearing will be held on Monday, March1, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Second Floor, North Tower, Elgin Municipal Building, 150 Dexter Court, Elgin, IL 60120. At that time, any interested persons may appear in person, by writing, by agent or by attorney and present any testimony they may have pertaining to the granting or denying of this petition. Please direct all inquiries to the following person at the Community Development Department, City of Elgin: Damir Latinovic at (847) 931-5943 The City of Elgin is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the facilities, are requested to contact the ADA Coordinator at (847) 931-5620 {tdd (847) 931-5616} promptly to allow the City of Elgin to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. Published in Daily Herald February 12, 2021 (4558545)

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Case No. Z2008-04 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Schaumburg will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. via a Zoom web conference meeting to consider a request for a Site Plan Amendment and Rezoning for Napleton Dealership located at 100 W. Golf Road. Plans depicting the proposed are on file for public review; the plans can be sent for review upon request. All persons desiring to be heard will be given the opportunity to be heard. The Zoom web conference will allow the public to view the meeting online or call in to participate. Written questions regarding the petitioner are encouraged and should be sent to “” Individuals with disabilities who plan to participate in this hearing and who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in this hearing are requested to contact the Community Development Department at (847) 923-4430 at least one (1) week prior to this public hearing if possible. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 922 1002 0965 Passcode: 043143 One tap mobile +13126266799,,92210020965#,,,,*043143# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) HARRY RAIMONDI, CHAIRMAN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS VILLAGE OF SCHAUMBURG Published in Daily Herald February 12, 2021 (4558573)



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