VOL. 32, No. 8
La voz suburbana de los Hispanos
¡Busca los consejos y artículos especiales en Salud y Bienestar en MENTIRAS edición! Yesta ENGAÑOS EDICIÓN ESPECIAL
Consejos para que el amor sea más fácil
"Tom y Jerry"
la película de Tim Story, la llegada del ratón obliga a la desesperada organizadora del evento a contratar a Tom para deshacerse de él.
Esperando Para que el amor lo mejor para sea más fácil en Tiger Woods tiempos de COVID
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Fearing the worst, hoping the best for Tiger Woods BARRY ROZNER
For Reflejos
When the news broke Tuesday afternoon, and the pictures of his totaled car emerged, the first hope was that Tiger Woods had survived. Anything else seemed trivial. When it became clear that he was alive and in surgery, getting repairs for multiple leg injuries, it was impossible not to move quickly into a fear for his career. And it’s also hard to imagine a more selfish response. But when you’ve been gifted the greatest of all time, in a lifetime that has also given us Michael Jordan and Muhammad Ali, you just don’t want it to end. You want more. You always want more. It’s a ridiculous ask when Woods has come back so many times to give us more highlights, more victories, more greatness. For all the times the experts insisted Woods could never win again, he has always come back to win again. The return from spinal fusion to win in Atlanta in 2018, and then the extraordinary Masters victory in 2019, and another at the Zozo, cemented Woods’ place as the best who ever lived, a tie for the most PGA Tour victories ever (82) to go along with his 15 majors. You just don’t want it to end. Ever. But now he must rehab his damaged legs and almost certainly more damage to a very fragile back that underwent a fifth back surgery Dec. 23. While serving as host of the Genesis Invitational at Rivera Sunday, he told Jim Nantz that he wasn’t sure yet if he would be able to play in the Masters in early April. “I’m feeling fine. A little bit stiff,” Woods said. “I have one more MRI scheduled, so then we’ll see if the (disc) is scarred over finally and see if I can start doing more activities. “But still in the gym, still doing the mundane stuff that you have to do for rehab, the little things before I can start gravitating toward something a little more.” Knowing Woods and how he plays his cards so close to the vest, you had to think he was probably already prepping for Augusta. “God, I hope so, but I’ve got to get there first,” Woods said on CBS of participating in the Masters. “A lot of it is based on my surgeons and my doctors and my therapists and making sure I do it correctly because this is the only back I got. “I don’t have much more wiggle room left here.” Translating after so many years of listening to him speak, the guess here was he would play the Masters and then pick his spots the rest of the season, not overdoing it like he has in the past as he searched for win No. 83. Now, you have to wonder if his career is over. Again. Keep in mind that he has always defied the odds and counting him out is probably a foolish idea until the man himself says he will never again play competitive golf. It’s also worth noting that after Ben Hogan’s
THIS AERIAL image of Tiger Woods’ vehicle is from video provided by KABC-TV. He was involved in a rollover accident Tuesday morning in the Rancho Palos Verdes section of Los Angeles. Woods was extricated with the “Jaws of Life” tools, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said in a statement.
horrific car accident in February 1949, at age 36, his own doctors said Hogan would never walk again. Hogan not only came back but also played some of the best golf of his life over the next decade, winning six more major championships. But Woods is 45 years old and has been through so much physically that it’s difficult to imagine him being able to find the magic yet again. It’s not an appropriate day to sum up this man’s career or his impact on golf, but as word spread among PGA Tour players in Florida preparing for this week’s event, it was as somber as if Woods had declared he was gone forever. They remembered that he is the reason most of them took up golf. He is the reason most of them are millionaires. He is the reason there is so much money in the game. He is the reason the Golf Channel has survived. He is the reason millions watch the sport. He is the reason millions play the sport. He is all of the reasons. Tiger Woods is golf and has been golf for so long that the game without him is unimaginable, a selfish response to a thought that we might never see him play the game again. The proper response, of course, is to hope that he can live a normal life, play soccer and golf with his children, and enjoy all that he has earned by being the greatest of all time. Like Ali and Jordan, the greatest must at some point leave their sports and leave us begging for more. But that plea will have to wait for another day.
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El Ejército ofrece 150 opciones de carrera diferentes
The Army has 150 different career options
El COVID-19 ha afectado el empleo en el área de Chicago. Es difícil saber cuándo se recuperará la economía, lo que ha dejado a muchos, especialmente a nuestros jóvenes, frustrados y confundidos sobre cómo construir un futuro. Sin embargo, puede haber una oportunidad que no es obvia a plena vista: el ejército de EEUU. Lo sé, sé que he visto películas y también he escuchado historias sobre el ejército. Pero, ¿cuánto de lo que pensamos sobre el Ejército es cierto y cuánto es una creación de Hollywood o simplemente conceptos que están desactualizados? Para averiguarlo, me senté a conversar con el capitán Nicholas Bonavia en Glenview. Primeramente, gracias por su servicio. Mucha gente se muestra escéptica sobre el servicio militar porque no quiere pelear en una guerra. ¿Hay opciones para la gente que no quiere ver el frente de batalla? Gracias por su apoyo y por tenerme aquí hoy. Absolutamente, puede resultar sorprendente saber que la MAYORÍA de los trabajos del Ejército no están directamente relacionados con el combate. El Ejército tiene 150 opciones de carrera diferentes, y las personas pueden elegir el camino que se adapte a sus habilidades y objetivos, ya sea en el servicio a tiempo parcial o completo. Casi cualquier trabajo que ves en la sociedad lo tenemos en el Ejército. Todo, desde cocineros, plomeros, carpinteros, electricistas y camioneros hasta abogados, médicos e ingenieros. Vaya, no lo sabía. Para muchas familias, obtener un título universitario es un gran motivo de orgullo. ¿Cómo puedes decirles a esas personas que renuncien a sus sueños universitarios? Me alegro de que hayas mencionado eso, estoy en el ejército y tengo un título universitario. Nadie tiene que elegir entre el servicio y los estudios universitarios. De hecho, una persona puede obtener un título mientras presta servicio, y es el Ejército el que lo paga. Si prefieres ir a la universidad antes o después del ejército, igual te lo pagaremos. Si la universidad no es para usted, puede transferir esos beneficios a un miembro de la familia o puede ir a una escuela vocacional. Chicago es un excelente lugar para vivir. No creo que pueda irme. Supongo que el Ejército no es para mí y mi familia. Para muchas personas es difícil salir de Chicago, ¡pero la buena noticia es que no es necesario! La Reserva del Ejército permite a las personas servir a tiempo parcial en su comunidad mientras mantienen sus trabajos y hogares normales. Para otros, salir de casa parece emocionante. Tenemos oportunidades en 29 estados y 74 países para aquellos que quieran servir a tiempo completo. Sé que el ejército es totalmente voluntario, ¿eso significa que no pagan? Nos pagan, pero el pago es solo el comienzo de los beneficios. Como soldado, uno gana un cheque de pago garantizado, comida y vivienda gratis, el 100% de la matrícula para la universidad, capacitación en habilidades, cobertura de seguro médico / dental al 100%, 30 días de vacaciones pagadas, la oportunidad de viajar por el mundo y hasta un bono de firma de hasta $ 40,000 si calificas. Estará listo para el siguiente paso en su vida con mayores habilidades y atractivos para el mercado laboral. Es increíble. Gracias por su tiempo hoy.
COVID-19 has been hard on employment in Chicagoland. It’s difficult to know when the economy will recover which leaves many, especially our youth, frustrated and confused about how to build a future. However, there may be an opportunity hiding in plain sight: The U.S. Army. I know, I know I’ve seen the movies and heard the stories too. How much of what we think about the Army is true and how much is a Hollywood creation or simply outdated? To find out, I sat down with Captain Nicholas Bonavia in Glenview. First off, thank you for your service. Many people are skeptical about Army service because they don’t want to fight in a war. Are there any options for people who don’t want to see the front lines? Thank you for your support and having me here today. Absolutely, it might be surprising to hear that MOST Army jobs aren’t directly related to combat. The Army has 150 different career options, and individuals can choose the path that fits their skills and goals, whether it is part-time or full-time service. Almost any job you see in society we have in the Army. Everything from cooks, plumbers, carpenters, electricians, and truck Captain Nicholas Bonavia drivers to lawyers, doctors and engineers. Wow, I never knew. For many families, earning a college degree is a great source of pride. How can you tell those people to give up their college dreams? I’m glad you brought that up, I’m in the Army AND have a degree. No one has to choose between service and school. In fact, you can get a degree while you serve and have the Army pay for it. If you’d rather go to college before or after you the Army, we’ll still pay. If college isn’t for you, you could transfer those benefits to a family member or you can go to a vocational school. Chicago is a great place to live. I don’t think I could leave. I guess the Army isn’t for me and my family. For many people Chicago is hard to leave but the good news is they don’t have to! The Army Reserve allows people to serve part-time in their community while keeping their normal jobs and homes. For others, leaving home seems exciting. We have opportunities in 29 states and 74 countries for those who want to serve full-time. I know the Army is all-volunteer, does that mean you don’t get paid? We do get paid, but pay is just the start of the benefits. As a Soldier you earn a guaranteed paycheck, free food and housing, 100% tuition for college, skill training, 100% medical/dental insurance coverage, 30 days paid vacation, the opportunity to travel the world and up to a $40,000 signing bonus if you qualify. You will be ready for the next step in your life with increased skills and marketability. That’s incredible. Thank you for your time today.
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Business Insight
La voz suburbana de los Hispanos GERENTE DE VENTAS Y OPERACIONES Linda Siete (847) 806-1411 VENTAS Raul Ortiz (847) 427-4634 CLASIFICADOS (847) 427-4770 CIRCULACION (847) 806-1111 COORDINACIÓN DE ANUNCIOS Ana Maria Hinkhouse Reflejos Publications, LLC
95 W Algonquin Rd Suite 300 Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Reflejos es una publicación que sirve a los latinos de los suburbios de Chicago en los condados de Cook, DuPage, Kane, KendallLake, McHenry y Will. Reflejos orgullosamente forma parte de la Familia Paddock y es publicacion hermana del Daily Herald. Fundado en 1990.
In alliance with
West Chicago company sows the seeds for a bumper crop of gardeners BY BURT CONSTABLE
For Reflejos
Still in the throes of the deadly coronavirus and the pain of pandemic restrictions, we gaze across the bleak, snow-covered tundra of suburbia and imagine what spring might feel like if it mustered the courage to arrive. That hope of spring has been in the air for months at Ball Horticultural Co. in West Chicago. “The seed we harvested around the world gets processed here and then packaged, and shipped to commercial greenhouses in early December,” says Katie Rotella, spokeswoman for Ball’s collection of breeders, research and development teams, seed and vegetative producers, and distribution companies in 20 countries across six continents. “An estimated 20 million new gardeners were cultivated in the climate of pandemic restrictions,” Rotella says. “We had a scary time in March when many garden centers shut down. Once they were deemed essential businesses and reopened, sales took off. It was a very good year.” A desire to eat fresh, healthy foods, avoid trips to the grocery store, save money, reconnect with nature, add some color to your surroundings, and develop a hobby you can do while stuck at home all played into the growth in gardening. For many folks adhering to the pandemic warnings, there were no trips to restaurants and bars, no vacations, no nights at the theater, no ballgames to attend, no amateur sports teams, no music concerts, and not even trips to the office. “When that’s taken away, you find people developing new habits,” Rotella says. Sales last year were up in everything from tomatoes to petunias to backyard shrubbery,
AS OF now, we can only dream about the Tomato Homeslice produced by Ball Horticulture Co. in West Chicago.
with vegetables leading the way. “Growing your own food, food safety, health and wellness, teaching children in a learning garden,” Rotella says. “It’s a beautiful thing to see, but it does cause some heartaches.” Just as the pandemic created a demand for toilet paper last spring, people might be worried about a seed shortage this spring. There isn’t a seed shortage, but it takes a little extra
effort to get all the gardeners the seeds they need, Rotella says. Just as people have had to hunt to find gym equipment, dogs and cats, bicycles and other sought-after items during the pandemic, gardeners need to put in the work to get all the seeds and plants they desire. Mail-order catalogs arrived in December, and plants will start showing up at local nurseries and gardening supply stores by April. Veteran gardeners suddenly find themselves in competition with the new gardeners. The same thing happened to bakers. “People didn’t make bread, and suddenly you couldn’t find yeast,” Rotella says. “You are going to want to be active with what’s online, and be patient. There’s still plenty of time,” Rotella tells gardeners. “If you are an established gardener and know what you want, we recommend you talk to your garden center now.” If local garden shops know what you are looking for, they can ask suppliers to grow it for them. Founded in 1905 by George J. Ball as a wholesale cut flower operation, Ball Horticultural Co. is a global supplier that develops 250 to 300 new plants each year. “We go through a process, almost like a fashion show,” Rotella says. “We’re working on 2022 launches right now.” The end of this month or early March is when people grow tomatoes by seed. If you want a particular variety, ask your garden center to reserve some for you. Otherwise, an amateur gardener might beat you to the punch. “Our industry is so excited for this year. We’re ready to meet demand as much as we can,” Rotella says. “It’s that spring dreaming we all have.”
Crucial time for policymakers to support entrepreneurs Perhaps you had a lemonade stand when you were young. For many entrepreneurs, a lemonade stand was their first entrepreneurial venture. This pandemic has cost Illinoisans their jobs and for some, the prospects of finding similar work remains bleak. This has prompted many folks to start their own businesses, perhaps for the first time since they served refreshing beverages in the neighborhood. They are looking to turn life-changing lemons into lemonade. Illinois politicians should make reforms that will foster the success of new business owners. The Small Business Advisory Council is advocating for occupational licensing reform. This will open the door for entrepreneurs committed to starting a business in a wide array of professions. Legislators must have the tools to analyze whether proposed occupational licens-
es are reasonable and necessary. This will prevent unnecessary red tape from shutting entrepreneurs out of certain professions. Illinois policymakers must also scrutinize existing occupational licenses to determine whether they remain narrowly tailored and appropriate. It is imperative that Illinois recognize professional and occupational licenses from other states. This will encourage entrepreneurs to consider moving to our state and starting a business here. In Chicago, removing unnecessary red tape for home-based businesses has become a priority. The recovery of the Windy City is crucial for the entire region and fostering the growth of small and local businesses will be critical. There are Chicagoans who have lost their jobs because of the pandemic and are interested in launching home-based businesses.
Expanding the amount of space these entrepreneurs can use in their residences for the business, allowing them to use garages in a responsible manner and making additional common-sense reforms provide them a better opportunity to succeed and create jobs. Each dollar is important to an entrepreneur starting a business. Every minute matters for small business owners trying to recover from a devastating pandemic. Occupational licensing reform and making it easier for Chicagoans to launch a homebased business will help many small businesses in Illinois. Forming a task force to recommend cutting more unnecessary red tape and acting on those recommendations, will unleash entrepreneurs and grow our economy. • Elliot Richardson is co-founder and president of the Small Business Advisory Council.
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CHALET, una compañía que se interesa por sus empleados CHALET - a company that cares Como una empresa con 104 años As a 104-year-old company, de funcionamiento, Chalet ha Chalet has stood the test of resistido la prueba del tiempo, time, mostly because peoprincipalmente porque la gente ple come for a job but find a viene en busca de trabajo, pero home. Employees are nurencuentra un hogar. La empresa tured, given opportunities to busca el bienestar de los empleagrow and feel cared for. dos y les brinda oportunidades “At Chalet, the culture is para crecer y sentirse cuidados. great. We’re very family “En Chalet, la cultura es excelenoriented,” says Plant Health Edgar Lopez Care Manager, EDGAR LOte. Estamos muy orientados hacia la familia”, dice el gerente de PEZ, summing up the feeling Plant Health Care, EDGAR LOPEZ, of most of his co-workers. resumiendo el sentimiento de la The landscape, nursery and mayoría de sus compañeros de garden center serves thoutrabajo. sands of clients along ChiEl paisajismo, vivero y centro cago’s North Shore, and has de jardinería atiende a miles de more than 200 landscape clientes a lo largo de la costa norstaff on its payroll in high te de Chicago y cuenta con más season. A large number of de 200 empleados de jardinería them are long-term emploJaime Castillo yees, who have worked at en su nómina en temporada alta. Muchos de ellos son empleados Chalet for decades. Many a largo plazo, que han trabajabring family members into do en Chalet durante décadas. the Chalet fold. All of them Muchos traen a miembros de su are proud of their work, their familia a Chalet. Todos ellos están workplace and their co-wororgullosos de su empleo, su lugar kers. de trabajo y sus compañeros de Feeling supported is importrabajo. tant at Chalet. “Here, we can “Aquí, podemos llamar a cualcall anyone for help,” says Edquiera para pedir ayuda”, dice gar. JAIME CASTILLO agrees, Edgar. JAIME CASTILLO está de Juan Carlos Aguiar “We have the best equipacuerdo,“Tenemos el mejor equiment; new, beautiful trucks po; camionetas nuevas, hermosas en perfecto in perfect condition; great mechanics; a nice estado; gran mecánica; un bonito vestuario; locker room; managers that don’t push but gerentes que no presionan, sino que nos tratreat you with respect; and great co-workers.” tan con respeto; y excelentes compañeros de One thing many appreciate about manatrabajo”. gement is that they treat the staff like the Una cosa que muchos aprecian de la adminisprofessionals they are. Those who lay stone tración es que tratan al personal como los prowalls or walkways, or plant gorgeous trees fesionales que son. Quienes colocan muros de or flower beds, are craftsmen with important piedra o pasarelas, o plantan hermosos árboles skills. o macizos de flores, son artesanos con imporAnother area critical to Chalet’s smooth opetantes habilidades. ration is safety. “This company loves safety,” Otra área fundamental para el buen funcionaJaime continues. “Our Safety Manager helps miento de Chalet es la seguridad. “Esta emprepeople a lot.” sa ama la seguridad”, continúa Jaime. “Nuestro “For people who need a good work and home Gerente de Seguridad ayuda mucho a la gente”. life balance,” says Edgar, “this is a good pla“Para las personas que necesitan tener un ce.” He adds, “Also, no day is ever the same. buen equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida famiThere are new challenges and situations liar”, dice Edgar, “este es un buen lugar”. every day, which really helps me to stay focused and interested.” JUAN CARLOS AGUIAR, mecánico del equipo Fleet, dice: “Los beneficios son muy buenos. JUAN CARLOS AGUIAR, a mechanic on the Me gusta el 401K, el seguro, los pequeños Fleet team, says, “The benefits are very good. extras que nos ofrecen, todo eso”. Una de las I like the 401K, the insurance, the little extras mejores cosas de su trabajo, dice Juan Carlos, they provide, all of it.” One of the best things es que “es un lugar divertido. Vuelvo a casa de about his job, Juan Carlos says, is that “it’s a buen humor. Esta es la mejor empresa para la fun place. I go home in a good mood. This is que he trabajado “. the best company I’ve ever worked for.” ¿Está interesado en obtener oportunidades de Interested in job opportunities at Chalet? Call empleo en Chalet? Llame al 224.297.5736. 224.297.5736.
Es más que un trabajo como miembro de grupo de jardinería en Chalet
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Proposed Lake County wellness center would offer alternative to those in crisis DOUG T. GRAHAM
For Reflejos
Calling it the ethical and moral thing to do, Lake County leaders are establishing a wellness center to serve people experiencing mental health crises and help them avoid getting caught in the criminal justice system. Lake County Board Chair Sandy Hart said wellness center staff would be able to determine what people in crisis need and provide care. “Sometimes it’s as simple as a change of medication,” Hart said. “These psychotropic meds can change based on your body chemistry.” While the full financing and timeline have yet to be worked out, the plan is for Round Lake-based nonprofit Nicasa Behavioral Health Services to run the center’s day-to-day operations. Nicasa CEO Bruce Johnson said there will likely be three to five employees at the center at any one time, including a nurse and a combination of mental health counselors, case managers and support staff. In addition to helping close the revolving door for people with mental health issues in the jail system, Johnson said the wellness center will provide a place for people to take loved ones who are experiencing a mental health crisis.
“The real goal is to provide a third option from the criminal justice system and the emergency departments of our hospitals,” Johnson said. Based on similar centers he has visited, Johnson said people typically spend a few hours there before they are either stable enough to return home or can be referred elsewhere for an elevated level of care. Hart said people who lack transportation, especially during the SANDY HART COVID-19 pandemic, might miss regular doctors’ appointments and not get the help they need managing their mental health symptoms. “It’s upsetting to police officers to arrest the same person over and over who just happens to be sick,” Hart said. “They get arrested and cycle in and out of jails and the court system and never get the help they really need.” Anthony Vega, chief of staff for the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, said at any given time 40% of the inmates at the Lake County
jail are taking some kind of psychotropic medication. “People not receiving adequate care for mental illness might medicate themselves with illegal substances which can exacerbate their problems,” Vega said. “The hope is that in the long run they will get the help they need, won’t have to self-medicate and won’t commit crime.” County officials and a group of volunteers are searching for a suitable space for the center. “It needs to be a space conducive for those experiencing a mental health crisis, not sterile like a doctor’s office; it would be welcoming,” Vega said. Hart said she has been in touch with generous donors interested in helping make the wellness center become a reality. “There are donors who have someone very close to them with mental illness and they know this would be a lifesaver for other people,” Hart said. “Hopefully as soon as we find a space we can move on it.”
Hart was hesitant to give the project a firm timeline because of the difficulties finding the right space. And many other details still need to be worked out, including the financing. A significant portion of the expense might be paid through private donations, revenue collected from video gambling machines and grants recently received by county agencies. In October, the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office received $750,000 to staff and supply the center. “This center will allow us the opportunity to enhance our current efforts to divert those people away from the court system and toward the help they need,” State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart said. “This has been a longtime goal for our county and I am excited to see it come to fruition.” Other funds could come from $1.45 million the sheriff’s office has received through the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s national grant-giving initiative to reduce over-incarceration and advance racial equity. “Now more than ever people understand and are learning about how mental illness impacts people’s lives,” Hart said. “It’s just so important that they are treated with dignity and respect and get access to the services they need.”
COD series explores links between food insecurity, health
Join College of DuPage experts this spring as they examine the intersections of prevailing health matters with local community organization leaders and health care providers. These timely and thought-provoking webinars will focus on the impact of COVID-19, the increasing necessity of social services and the natural desire to cope with adversity through community action. Presented in partnership with Addison Public Library, Bellwood Public Library, DuPage PADS, Glenside Public Library District, Northwestern Medicine, People’s Resource Center and Wheaton Public Library, the free webinars will be presented live via Zoom as part of the “Dialogue Over Distance” series. The spring series kicks off at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 17, with “Food is Money: The Economics of Nutrition,” a discussion examining the link between food insecurity, health and economics. Moderated by COD Physical Education Assistant Professor Stephanie Vlach, panelists include COD Assistant Political Science Professor Maureen Heffern Ponicki; COD Fuel Garden Manager Ana Vitek; COD Prairie Manager Remic Ensweiler; People’s Resource Center Senior Director of Programs Christina LePage; Your Brainfood Inc. own-
er Janet Millikan; and Giving DuPage Executive Director Shefali Trivedi. A November 2020 Consumer Reports survey revealed the harsh reality that one in five Americans were turning to food banks for sustenance. Feeding America reports the COVID-19 crisis has the potential for longterm effects, noting that it took 10 years for food insecurity rates to return to pre-Great Recession levels. National research indicates that families dealing with food insecurity consequently face hardships maintaining good health and additional health care costs. Current public health and economic crises are marked by a significant increase in the number of firsttime food pantry clients and compounded by declines in food donations. COD professors will join local food bank experts and health professionals to discuss the link between food insecurity, health and economics in this information-packed webinar. Register now Additional spring programming includes “Housing is Health Care: Examining the Benefits of Proper Shelter” at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 29. Join local service professionals from different areas of expertise to discuss barriers in accessing adequate shelter, and thus, better health.
STUDENTS AND faculty from the COD Food Security Initiative plant crops at the Community Education Fuel Garden in preparation for summer and fall harvests.
All “Dialogue Over Distance” presentations are recorded. Closed-captioned recorded presentations can be found on the College of DuPage YouTube playlist. The series grew out of the college’s Speakers Bureau in response to COVID-19. Since
its start last April, the series has presented on a broad range of topics, including local elections, economic resiliency amid COVID-19, mental health and social inequalities during the pandemic. Learn more
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El DHCD insta a cuidadores de niños a tomar medidas para evitar que los pequeños se ahoguen Faltan unas pocas semanas para la primavera. Pronto, los residentes de Illinois guardarán sus palas de nieve y comenzarán a instalar espacios de recreación y piscinas en el patio trasero de sus casas. Se espera que las ventas y el uso de piscinas inflables y portátiles, jacuzzis y piscinas permanentes superen los niveles pre-pandémicos por segundo año consecutivo. El Departamento de Salud del Condado de DuPage (DCHD) insta a los cuidadores de niños pequeños, incluidos padres, hermanos mayores, abuelos y niñeras, a tomar medidas todos los días para evitar que los niños se ahoguen. A medida que cambian las estaciones, los cuidadores deben identificar los peligros que surgen al aire libre, incluidos jacuzzis, piscinas, baldes y masas de aguas al aire libre. En la primavera, es importante evitar el acceso a estanques de retención y arroyos que pueden tener niveles de agua más altos debido al deshielo y la lluvia. Se insta a los adultos a instalar alarmas en las puertas, sensores de movimiento para la piscina y cercas adecuadas alrededor de las piscinas y spas. Los peligros en interiores incluyen bañeras, hidromasajes e inodoros. Se pueden usar las
cerraduras de puertas y tapas para mantener a los niños alejados de los peligros en las casas e instalaciones interiores. En el verano, recuerde practicar pasos sencillos de seguridad en el agua. Primero, enseñe a los niños a nadar. A los niños de todas las edades se les debe enseñar a no entrar al agua a menos que haya un adulto “observador del agua” que esté cerca. Antes de nadar, asegúrese de que las piscinas y jacuzzis que utiliza tengan cubiertas de drenaje de salida de succión que cumplan con los códigos de seguridad. Los bañistas deben mantener el cuerpo, los dedos de las manos y los pies, el cabello y las correas alejados de las salidas de succión para evitar que queden atrapados. A través de nuestro programa Pool Safely, DCHD tiene como objetivo prevenir el ahogamiento de niños mediante la educación, concientización y capacitación profesional sobre la Ley de Seguridad de Piscinas y Spas de Virginia Graeme Baker. Juntos, podemos evitar que los niños se ahoguen durante todo el año. Visite https://www.dupagehealth. org/231/Pool-Safely para obtener más información.
DCHD urges caregivers of young children to take steps to prevent child drowning Spring is a few short weeks away. Soon, Illinois residents will put away their snow shovels and begin setting up backyard recreation spaces and swimming pools. Sales and use of inflatable and portable pools, hot tubs, and permanent above-ground pools are expected to exceed pre-pandemic levels for the second consecutive year. DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) urges caregivers of young children including parents, older siblings, grandparents, and babysitters to take steps each day to prevent child drowning. As the seasons change, caregivers should identify outdoor hazards including hot tubs, swimming pools, buckets, and open water. In the springtime, it’s important to prevent access to retention ponds and creeks that can have higher water levels due to melting snow and rain. Adults are urged to install door alarms, pool motion sensors, and proper fencing around pools and spas. Indoor haz-
ards include bathtubs, whirlpool spas, and toilets. Door and lid locks can be used to keep children away from indoor hazards. In the summertime, remember to practice simple water safety steps. First, teach children to swim. Children of all ages must be taught not to enter the water unless a focused adult ‘water watcher’ is nearby. Before swimming, make sure the pools and hot tubs you use have compliant suction outlet drain covers. Bathers should keep their bodies, fingers and toes, hair, and straps away from suction outlets to prevent entrapment. Through our Pool Safely program, DCHD aims to prevent child drowning through education, awareness, and professional training on the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act. Together, we can prevent child drowning - all year long. Visit https://www. for more information.
| Español
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SEA MÁS FÁCIL Carolina Pikacho Fronteras de la Notiica - EFESalud La imposibilidad de llevar una vida “como la de antes” y las limitaciones en los desplazamientos y el contacto físico a causa de la crisis del coronavirus, sumadas al estrés y la ansiedad sostenidos que provoca la situación, tienen impactos anímicos, psicológicos y emocionales que afectan a las parejas. Pero hay herramientas que ayudan a superar estas nuevas di%cultades en la comunicación y la relación que ahora se suman a los problemas habituales en las parejas, según Diana y Michael Richardson, especialistas en sexualidad y amor conscientes. Señalan que a muchas personas les cuesta sostener el amor, aunque lo intentan y, sin entender las razones, se enzarzan en con$ictos todo el tiempo, o cómo una relación feliz acaba por convertirse en un in%erno.
“A veces, en una fracción de segundo, la persona que más aman se convierte en la que más detestan”, lamentan. Para los Richardson, la respuesta a este misterio hay que buscarla en las emociones, que a menudo empañan la visión del amor, empujan a proyectar fantasmas del pasado en el otro, e impiden alcanzar aquello que más se anhela: la construcción de conexiones profundas. Diana Richardson es profesora de terapias corporales y autora de un enfoque: ‘sexualidad generativa’, basado en las enseñanzas orientales tántricas. Diana Richardson es profesora de terapias corporales y autora de un enfoque: ‘sexualidad generativa’, basado en las enseñanzas orientales tántricas. Su compañero, Michael Richardson es un maestro de tantra y taichí, especializado en las relaciones de pareja y sexualidad desde la dimensión tántrica. Ambos proponen una nueva forma de entender el amor, enraizada en la claridad y la presencia, y ayudan a las parejas de todo el mundo a través de sus talleres, confe-
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La intención detrás de tu comunicación
Sé consciente de lo que dices. Pregúntate “¿Por qué he dicho esto? ¿Qué estoy diciendo? ¿Cómo lo estoy diciendo?”. Piensa antes de hablar y analiza la intención de tus palabras.
Acepta a tu pareja como es
O la amas como es o no la amas. No trates de cambiarla para que encaje en tu esquema de cómo debe ser la persona ideal. Si quieres relajarte y conservar el amor, aprende a aceptar. Cuando decimos ‘no’ a la situación, nos ponemos tensos y emocionales; cuando decimos ‘sí’ y aceptamos las cosas como son, podemos relajarnos y disfrutar de la vida.
Escucha y habla a través de tu corazón, no de la mente
Escucha con el corazón abierto y receptivo, con una actitud atenta, lo que tu pareja te comunica. No te apresures a responder, justi"carte o defenderte. Muestra interés en lo que esa persona te dice, invítala a abrirse y compartir más contigo. Escuchar es una cualidad rara y conocer a alguien que lo haga, es un regalo.
Expresa tus necesidades; pide lo que deseas
A menudo nuestras emociones se activan porque nuestras “necesidades” no son satisfechas. No esperes a que tu pareja adivine lo que quieres o lo que necesitas, o cuándo lo necesitas. Tenemos más probabilidades de conseguir lo que deseamos si lo pedimos con claridad, pero a muchas personas le cuesta hacerlo porque su orgullo o su ego se lo impiden.
Habla sobre ti y no sobre la otra persona
Si estás hablando sobre la otra persona pregúntate: ¿esto me concierne a mi o a ella? Ocúpate de tus asuntos y te será más fácil ser feliz con tu pareja. Evita a toda costa decir este tipo de frases: “Yo pienso que tú…”, “Tú siempre…” o “Tú nunca…”.
Expresa lo que sientes
No temas que la otra persona te rechace por compartir tus sentimientos más íntimos, o por ser honesto y sincero. Cuando expresas cómo te sientes o lo que sientes en su pureza, te comunicas directamente de corazón a corazón y ‘tocas’ a la otra persona, que suele responder abriéndose, no cerrándose.
Comunica desde el momento presente
Habla de lo que sientes en tu cuerpo, tu corazón y tu alma, que son nuestros puentes con el presente, el lugar donde descubrimos nuestros auténticos sentimientos y sensibilidades. La mayoría de las personas hablamos de los pensamientos que nos pasan por la cabeza y estamos ausentes del presente porque estamos ocupados pensando y rara vez estamos conectados con nuestros sentidos en este preciso momento.
| Español
A NUESTRO NUEVO SITIO es una organización que ayudará a educar al público en lo que se re�ere a Empoderamiento Energ�tico entre las comunidades di�ersas Las comunidades diversas no sólo se conformarán con base en un sector energético en constate evolución, sino que lo modelarán. Nuestro sitio web – – aprecia las perspectivas que aportan los comentadores y periodistas de publicaciones en las diversas comunidades para promover un entendimiento más profundo sobre el papel que juegan la energía y los asuntos económicos en la vida cotidiana. Este nuevo centro de contenido ayudará a formar a las comunidades diversas para que exploren las oportunidades laborales y participen en el crecimiento y la vitalidad del sector energético.
Visite para conocer más. El Community Energy Center es una cooperativa con la National Newspaper Publishers Association y la National Association of Hispanic Publications Media, que brindará información y perspectivas sobre el papel integral que juega el sector energético en la vida cotidiana de las familias estadounidenses en una gran variedad de comunidades.
Somos trabajadores esenciales. Cada día somos la primera línea de defensa. Somos la primera línea de defensa en hospitales, campos de cultivo, supermercados. Nos ponemos en riesgo para contribuir a tu salud o poner alimentos en la mesa. Las vacunas ya están aquí. Pero es importante mantener la distancia, usar mascarilla, lavarse las manos y evitar multitudes y espacios interiores con personas con las que no vivas para frenar la propagación del COVID-19. Aprenda más sobre las vacunas y lo que puede hacer para frenar la propagación en Traído a usted por el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de EE.UU.
| Español
la reforma migratoria es cuestión de
"justicia y humanidad" Janine Trainor Fronteras de la Noticia - EFE El presidente, Joe Biden, pidió el jueves 18 de febrero aprobar cuanto antes el proyecto de reforma migratoria recién presentado en el Congreso, al considerar que es urgente devolver la "justicia, la humanidad y el orden" al sistema de inmigración de Estados Unidos. "Me comprometo a trabajar con los líderes de la Cámara Baja y el Senado para corregir las negligencias de la Administración anterior y devolver la justicia, la humanidad y el orden a nuestro sistema migratorio", dijo Biden en un comunicado. La propuesta de reforma migratoria que Biden articuló en su primer día en el poder llegó este jueves formalmente al Congreso, convertida en un proyecto de ley impulsado por el senador demócrata de origen cubano Bob Menéndez y la legisladora Linda Sánchez, de raíces mexicanas. Ese proyecto, titulado Ley de Ciuda-
danía Estadounidense de 2021, es "un primer paso importante para establecer políticas migratorias que unan a las familias, hagan crecer y mejoren la economía y garanticen la seguridad" del país, aseguró el presidente. La ambiciosa propuesta prevé un proceso de ocho años para que los 11 millones de indocumentados del país puedan lograr la ciudadanía, además de otorgar una residencia legal inmediata para los inmigrantes sin papeles que llegaron al país de niños, conocidos como "soñadores", los beneficiarios del TPS y los trabajadores agrícolas. "Esta legislación que yo envié al Congreso traerá cambios muy necesarios a un sistema migratorio que necesita reformas desde hace mucho", subrayó Biden. El presidente recordó que, además de crear una vía a la ciudadanía para esos indocumentados que ya están en el país, el proyecto de ley permitirá "gestionar la frontera (con México) mediante inversiones inteligentes" y "hacer frente
a las causas de raíz de la migración irregular, desde Centroamérica". "Estas no son prioridades demócratas o republicanas, son prioridades estadounidenses. He presentado mis ideas sobre lo que supondrá reformar nuestro sistema migratorio y estoy deseoso de trabajar con los líderes en el Congreso para conseguir" que se apruebe la ley, concluyó Biden. Este es el intento más ambicioso de impulsar una reforma migratoria desde 2013, cuando el proyecto de ley espoleado por el entonces presidente Barack Obama, con Biden como vicepresidente, naufragó en la Cámara de Representantes pese a haber conseguido la aprobación del Senado. Biden lo tendrá complicado para lograr que el Congreso apruebe esta vez su propuesta, dado que los demócratas cuentan con mayorías muy estrechas en ambas cámaras y tendrían que convencer a al menos diez republicanos en el Senado para que el proyecto se convierta en ley.
Schneider helps introduce U.S. Citizenship Act to overhaul American Immigration System President Biden’s bold plan restores fairness, humanity to system, strengthens families, boosts our economy, bolsters national security, opens pathway to citizenship for millions WASHINGTON – Congressman Brad Schneider announced that he is an original cosponsor of the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, President Biden’s bold, inclusive, and humane framework for the future of the United States immigration system. The legislation was introduced by Congresswoman Linda T. Sánchez (CA-38). The legislation would provide millions of hardworking, undocumented immigrants with a pathway to earned citizenship, including Dreamers, Temporary Protective Status (TPS) recipients, and essential workers who have made enormous sacrifices during the pandemic; prioritize family reunification and keeping families together; and bolster the country’s long-term economic growth. The bill would also equip the coun-
try to responsibly and effectively manage the border with smart and effective investments, address root causes of migration that force people to leave Central America, and restore the United States’ commitment to human rights. “Immigrants are the fabric of our communities. They are our friends, neighbors, co-workers and more,” said Rep. Brad Schneider (IL-10). “I am proud to join my colleagues in supporting President Biden’s historic U.S. Citizenship Act to overhaul our broken immigration system. Our nation has always been a nation of immigrants, and we will no longer turn our backs on who we are or what makes us American. Today we open a new chapter of humanity and dignity for those who come to our country seeking a better life.”
| Español
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Latala marries his skills with big life events BY ORRIN SCHWARZ
For Reflejos
Michael Latala loves to challenge himself. Latala is an Arlington Heights artist who paints wedding scenes — usually the exchange of vows or first dance — during the ceremony or reception. “It’s kind of exciting and nerve-wracking,” Latala said. “As much as I’ve done it, I always know that I’m going to do a good job. It’s what I do. I work at my craft a lot.” Of course he’s doing fewer live events because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but he’s keeping busy painting by commission, using photos to give him a sense of the scene. When Latala does paint in person, he often arrives a couple of hours before the ceremony or reception, working with the wedding planner to find an out-of-the-way spot from which to do his work. A former storyboard illustrator at Chicago ad agencies, Latala will start a painting of the ceremony by working on the background that will surround the bride and groom when they take their vows. In the case of a morning ceremony and an evening reception, Latala usually has the painting done for the reception. “I have the painting done. They put it on an
easel, they get me my check, I might have a beer with them and I’m on my way home,” he said. When the reception immediately follows the ceremony, Latala stays to paint, chatting with whoever stops by to ask what he’s doing and how he does it. It’s an unusual skill, and he enjoys talking about it. “From a marketing standpoint that’s fantastic for me,” he said. “I’m there doing a painting. I’ve got my business cards and brochures out. People are coming up to me. I can’t tell you how many weddings I’ve been at where people have come up to me and said, ‘Oh, I wish I knew about this for my wedding.’ Well, I can paint from a photo or an anniversary or whatever.’” He charges a flat fee based on the size of the painting ordered. “If I do a good job and I spend an extra two hours on it, I’m not going to remember that in two years,” Latala said. “But they will look at it and say, ‘Wow, I love this painting.’ And I never give them the painting until I am satisfied with it.” He tries to stay busy to keep his skills sharp, just like any performer. But there’s another reason too. “I love doing it,” he said. “That’s the big thing. I love what I do.”
Tech-based soccer program taking over center BY LAUREN ROHR
For Reflejos
Technology is the central component of a new indoor soccer training experience taking over a Naperville sports facility. California-basedTOCA Football Inc. is opening its largest location — and its first in the Midwest — within the existing 95,000-square-foot Players Indoor Sports Center building at 1740 Quincy Ave. Founded by Eddie Lewis, a former U.S. professional soccer player, the company aims to expand upon the Naperville facility’s offerings by integrating patented technology with high-level soccer expertise, said Hammond Moore, president of TOCA performance. With soccer at the heart of its operations, he said, theTOCA Napervilleconcept will focus on four key elements: a kids program, small group and team training, youth and adult leagues, and a food and beverage component. Ancillary services previously offered byPlayers Indooralso will be available, such as flag football, lacrosse, parties and events. The TOCA team purchased the Naperville sports center after building a relationship with previous owner Maxine Appenbrink, who said in a statement she is “thrilled to turn things over to TOCA for the next exciting chapter in cutting edge technology and
the future of the sport.” The new ownership is now in a transition phase of rebranding and renovating the space, Hammond said. When the work is complete, likely in late March or early April, the facility is expected to feature 18 state-of-the-art training studios equipped with touch trainers, smart targets and pathway player development tools. The “mistake-friendly” technology re-creates gamelike scenarios, tests decision-making and accuracy, and provides “a one-of-a-kind experience for athletes,” Hammond said. The center also contains two indoor soccer fields and three futsal courts — a harder surface than turf — to host year-round leagues and sporting events, company officials said in a news release. Later this year, TOCA Naperville plans to launch Kids in Sports, an early childhood, multisport program designed to promote confidence and teach life skills. Additionally, the Naperville facility will continue serving basic concessions while developing a new and more elaborate food and beverage concept, slated to launch in late fall or early winter, Hammond said. With several other facilities in California, Georgia, Washington and Canada, the TOCA company has been seeking to expand into
the Midwest, particularly the Chicago area, which has a “great soccer market top to bottom,” Hammond said. The Players Indoor location has a following after years of serving the soccer community in Naperville and surrounding areas, he said.
“Chicago has a strong soccer culture,” Lewis said in a statement. “We plan on continuing that rich history with our highly coveted curriculum and small ball philosophy focusing on refining players’ strengths and improving all aspects of their game.”
A NAPERVILLE sports center is being renovated to feature 18 state-of-the-art training studios, each equipped with technology that aims to re-create gamelike scenarios, test decision-making skills and enhance accuracy.
| Español
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• Recibirá asistencia para completar la solicitud de ciudadanía • Una consulta legal con un consejero acreditado por inmigración • Recibirá el cuestionario de las preguntas que le ayudará a prepararse para el examen de ciudadanía • $725 por la solicitud de la Ciudadanía • Habrá un costo de $50 para procesar la aplicación y envió postal
Viernes, 19 de Marzo, 2021 **SE ATENDERÁ POR CITA**
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These materials are supported fully through a State Opioid Response (SOR) grant to the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (TI-081699).
*El tratamiento asistido por medicamentos está disponible en Elgin, Hanover Park, Sycamore y Wheeling.
I 13
| Español
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1102 South Roselle Rd. • Schaumburg,IL 60193
| Español
Romano, que a lo largo de su trayectoria ha adaptado, especialmente a la pequeña pantalla, otras tiras como las de (ar&eld y #harlie Bro)n. En su aventura cinematográ&ca, Tom y Jerry se hacen amigos de una niña, Robyn Starling, a la que su tía lleva por el camino de la amargura. El gato y el ratón querrán ayudarla en su huida para encontrarse con su padre desaparecido. Para los seguidores de las aventuras de Tom y Jerry esta versión alargada en cines no logrará seguramente ser &el al espíritu de los cortometrajes televisivos. De pronto dos personajes que hasta ese momento habían tenido en la mudez una de sus singularidades (salvo contadas excepciones), se les impone la palabra en la pantalla. Por otro lado, dos personajes que hasta ese momento se habían bastado para protagonizar sus propios espacios son insertados en la trama de una niña confrontada con su malvada tía millonaria e inexplicablemente se rodean de secundarios no demasiado graciosos que no aparecían en la serie. Carlos Morales, Fronteras de la Noticia - sensacine Una de las rivalidades más populares de la historia se dispara cuando Jerry se muda al mejor hotel de Nueva York en vísperas de "la boda del siglo". En "Tom y Jerry", la película de Tim Story, la llegada del ratón obliga a la desesperada organizadora del evento a contratar a Tom para deshacerse de él. La batalla entre el gato y el ratón amenaza con destruir su carrera, la boda y puede que todo el hotel. Pero poco después surge un problema aún mayor. Se trata de un miembro del personal diabólicamente ambicioso que conspira contra los tres. Los personajes salidos de las plumas de William Hanna y Joseph Barbera, conocidos como Hanna-Barbera, tuvieron su traslación al formato largo en "**! con este &lme musical y animado cuya dirección asumió Phil
| Español
Oak Street Health is delighted to have begun delivering COVID-19 vaccinations. Getting the COVID-19 vaccine. • Overall vaccine supply is currently limited though we expect more soon. We are currently vaccinating patients and community members 65+ in age. Visit us at www. for scheduling options. • The vaccine will help protect you and others around you, like friends and family.
What can I expect from the COVID-19 vaccine? • You will need 2 doses, approximately 3 weeks apart, to get the full protection from the vaccine. • You may experience some side effects, like tiredness, headache, and muscle pain-–but this is a sign that the vaccine is doing its job. Your immune system has kicked in. These side effects do not last long.
Wearing a mask and social distancing is still very important, and they are required at our centers. Questions? Visit Ask your Oak Street Health Provider about the COVID-19 vaccine. *some compliance statement about qualifications, while supplies last, and always consulting with your primary card provider first.
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| Español
Caroilina Pickacho Fronteras de la Noticia - Sony Music Entre los artistas emblemáticos que se suman a Arjona en este proyecto se encuentran: la inglesa Joss Stone en “Sobrevivirás”, los españoles Pablo Alborán en “El Amor Que Me Tenía” y Melendi en “El Invisible”, Kany García en “Tu Retrato”, Gaby Moreno en “El Blues de la Notoriedad”, Beret en “Batichica”, entre otros artistas, versiones alternativas y demos. Además, este proyecto le da lugar a cantantes emergentes que Ricardo conoció interpretando sus canciones en redes sociales y que esta vez los invita a cantar con él en un acontecimiento inédito y muy emocionante, siendo parte de su nuevo álbum Covers, Demos y Otras Travesuras de Blanco. El primer acercamiento al público de este proyecto fue “El Blues de la notoriedad” junto a su paisana Gaby Moreno a 9 años de unirse para interpretar juntos “Fuiste Tú”, una de las canciones más emblemáticas del artista y de la música de la región.
| Español
Mi misión es ahorrarle dinero.
I 17
Prairie Crossing Charter School es una escuela pública de kínder a octavo grado (K-8) que está personalizada para ayudar a los niños a aprender el valor de la educación, la comunidad y el medio ambiente.
6641 Grand Ave., Gurnee Licenciados en Illinois y Wisconsin
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1220-AM WKRS De tu comunidad para tu Comunidad
¿Sabía usted que PCCS . . . ? • Es una escuela pública gratuita de grados K-8 a la que puede asistir cualquier estudiante que viva en los distritos de Fremont y Woodland. Las Las solicitudes de lotería • Proporciona transporte, si alguien lo requiere. deben presentarse antes del • Ofrece servicios completos de educación especial 28 de febrero a las 12:00 p.m y para aprendices de inglés. Aprenda más en: • Tiene exenciones de pagos instructivos disponibles. • Está aceptando nuevos estudiantes en los grados K-8 para 2021-2022. • Invitamos a inscribirse a todo tipo de estudiantes incluyendo de diversos orígenes, habilidades diferentes y necesidades educativas. La admisión es sobre una base no discriminatoria y está abierta a todos los estudiantes sin importar su raza, etnia, género, estatus socioeconómico, orientación sexual, preferencia religiosa o discapacidad.
VIERNES, 26 DE FEBRERO. DE 2021 Newspaper Printing Press Operator ICONN Systems, LLC, a Lombard, IL based manufacturer of electronic connectors and cable assemblies, is looking for motivated individuals to perform light assembly work. E-Verify Compliant Part time positions: Monday to Friday 3:00 to 7:00 PM $ 14.50 / hour Apply online at Or in person at 1110 N. Garfield St., Lombard, IL 60148 630-827-6000 ext. 220
Furthering our cause is the most important
FT Nights
goal of our organization. We seek to support,
The Daily Herald can help you get back to work in 2021! If you have a strong mechanical aptitude, proven success working in a team environment and the desire to learn a new trade, let’s talk! (Experienced cold web newspaper printers are also encouraged to apply). The Printing Press Operator is a 5-night per week job and part of our talented pressroom team that prints eyecatching publications for our customers. This is a physical job that requires a strong mechanical aptitude, ability to learn the printing process, lifting up to 50 lbs. and climbing a ladder. Strong communication skills are required and prior production experience is preferred. You know our name, but do you know we are employeeowned? Start the new year with a great full-time benefits package, consistent work in a safe environment and growth potential. If your work experience demonstrates that you are hard-working and reliable, consider being part of the Daily Herald’s nearly 150-year success story. Send resume or inquiry to
Equal Opportunity Employer Drug screen and criminal background check required.
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Our Mission
Ecker Center for Behavioral Health’s mission is to optimize the well-being of individuals and communities through the delivery of accessible, comprehensive and quality behavioral health care which includes prevention, education and intervention.
Our Vision
Ecker Center for Behavioral Health’s vision is to be the leading provider of comprehensive behavioral health care services for children, adolescents, and adults.
Clinical Supervisor Substance Use Provide supervision and clinical oversight for Elgin outpatient staff to ensure daily operations of substance use programs run smoothly. Provide individual, group, and assessment/ intake services to adults and adolescents. Candidate will need an understanding of SUPR 2060 guidelines. Experience with Medical Assisted Treatment (MAT) a plus.
Qualifications: Master’s degree, minimum 3 years’ experience in substance use field, minimum 1 year supervisory/ leadership experience. LCPC/LCSW licensure required. CADC a plus. Bilingual Spanish preferred. Must be able to work independently. Hours: 40-hour full time schedule 4 day workweek: Monday–Thursday, 11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Alternative 5 day schedule includes 2 evenings per week (no Friday evenings)
If interested, please contact Ecker Center is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment and is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. Other opportunities are also available, visit our website
Fire & Water Labor Company has immediate Job openings. General Labor Positions Available Chicagoland and Suburbs CALL TODAY 630-582-9800 Ext 1003 Leave a voicemail and we will return your phone call.
ESTAMOS CONTRATANDO PERSONAL Trabajos disponibles en el área de Chicago y sus suburbios LLAME HOY MISMO 630-582-9800 Ext 1003 ¡Deja tu mensaje con tu información y te regresaremos la llamada!
Millwood esta buscando, técnicos para reparar paletas en nuestras facilidades en Melrose Park, IL. El pago puede ser entre $ 15 y $ 20 / hora una vez que esté completamente capacitado, dependiendo de su productividad. Los bonos de estadía también están dispondibles. Vea abajo. • 1 mes = $ 500 • 3 meses = $ 500 • 6 meses = $ 1,000 Millwood oferce beneficios de vacaciones, feriados, seguro médico, seguro de vida y plan de retiro 401K están disponibles. ¡Únase a la familia Millwood hoy! La dirección de nuestra oficina es: 5000 Provisio Drive Unit #1 Melrose Park, IL 60163
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