VOL. 32, No. 130
La voz suburbana de los Hispa
Un héroe entre nosotros
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‘Todo pasó muy rápido’ ‘It all happened so fast’
Ejecutivo del Daily Herald muere rescatando a niños El equipo de Reflejos, que forma parte del Daily Herald Media Group, se une a toda la empresa en el duelo por la pérdida de Pete Rosengren. Mientras compartimos esta historia, les pedimos que mantengan a su familia en sus oraciones. POR BURT CONSTABLE
Para Reflejos
Pete Rosengren, vicepresidente de ventas y estrategias digitales del Daily Herald Media Group, murió el domingo mientras estaba de vacaciones con su familia en Florida. Él se apresuró a ingresar al mar en el Golfo de México para ayudar a sus hijos y otros niños que eran arrastrados por una corriente marina. Rosengren, de 42 años, había sido designado para su puesto actual en diciembre después de cinco años como vicepresidente y director de publicidad y había estado asociado con la empresa por más de 20 años. Douglas K. Ray, presidente, editor y director ejecutivo de Daily Herald Media Group, dijo que el liderazgo de ventas y los conocimientos tecnológicos de Rosengren desempeñaron un papel clave para ayudar a la empresa a tener éxito durante años de desafíos en la industria de la publicación de periódicos. “No era solo un trabajo o una carrera. Estaba en su corazón”, dijo su esposa Maura Rosengren. Su jefe estuvo de acuerdo. “ Pete siempre estuvo ahí para los demás: empleados, compañeros, familiares y amigos. Eso era parte de su ADN”, dijo Scott Stone, presidente y director de operaciones. “Pete tenía una personalidad enorme, ingenio rápido, humor y una compasión única por los demás. No es de extrañar que dedicó su último minuto a ayudar a los demás”. Junto con otras tres familias, Pete y Maura y sus tres hijos habían conducido desde su casa en Batavia a Florida, por lo que se esperaba que fuera una semana de diversión bajo el sol y surf. En cambio, Maura pasó el lunes su 18º aniversario de bodas tratando de averiguar cómo llevar el cuerpo de su esposo a casa. El murió mientras intentaba salvar a niños que luchaban en aguas peligrosas el domingo por la mañana. “Quedaron atrapados en una corriente marina y Pete entró a rescatarlos», dijo David Vaughan, director de seguridad de la playa del South Walton Fire District en Miramar Beach, al este de Destin, una comunidad turística de la isla al extremo noreste de la costa de Florida. La playa estaba abierta, pero el agua estaba fuera de los límites con una advertencia de doble bandera roja, la limitación más severa que tiene Florida para no entrar al mar. “Solo habíamos estado allí un par de minutos. Los niños corrieron al agua de inmediato”, dijo Maura, agregando que sus hijos y otros se subieron a las olas antes de que ella hubiera instalado una silla de playa. “Los niños se metieron en problemas al instante”. “Todo sucedió tan rápido. Corrí hacia el agua”, dijo Maura, notando que los niños estaban tratando de ayudarse unos a otros en su lucha por regresar a la orilla y que el hijo de 9 años de un amigo también estaba luchando contra la corriente marina. “Pudimos ver que un niño no podía regresar y ... (Pete) entró al agua para ayudar”, dijo Maura, sus palabras interrumpidas por sus lágrimas. Su esposo pudo llevar al niño a los adultos que manejan las operaciones de sillas, sombrillas y toallas en esa playa privada, dijo Maura.
Vaughan dijo que Rosengren estaba inconsciente en la playa cuando los socorristas de la torre más cercana, aproximadamente a media milla de distancia, llegaron y le practicaron RCP antes de que una ambulancia lo llevara al hospital. Los salvavidas también sacaron a dos niños del agua, los cuales se recuperaron. El médico forense aún no ha determinado si la causa de PETE ROSENGREN la muerte fue ahogamiento o quizás un problema cardíaco. Pero el heroísmo que llevó a la muerte de Rosengren no sorprendió a sus amigos. “Ese era Pete. Todo un héroe. Dio todo lo que podía”, dijo Joe Shaker, un viejo amigo que, como presidente de Shaker Recruitment Marketing, hizo negocios con el Daily Herald a través de Rosengren. “No hay una sola persona que no tenga una historia de Pete Rosengren”, dijo Shaker. “Te hacía sentir especial. Vivió como todos deberíamos vivir”. Si bien la pandemia de COVID-19 ha afectado a todos, Maura dijo: “Siento este sentimiento de gratitud porque Pete trabajó desde casa el año pasado”. Dijo que a sus hijos Gavin, de 14 años de edad, Charlie, de 12 y Grant, de 7, les encantaba que su padre participara en sus juegos de béisbol y en todo lo que hacían. Pete y Maura se conocieron cuando eran estudiantes en Carthage College en Kenosha, donde Pete jugaba en el equipo de baloncesto. Como alumno, sirvió en el Consejo de Liderazgo del Presidente del colegio universitario. Su amor por el baloncesto lo llevó a entrenar a sus hijos y a otros niños. Rosengren hizo una pasantía en Paddock Publications, compañía dueña del Daily Herald Media Group, en 1999, mientras era estudiante en Carthage, y luego tomó un trabajo en la compañía después de graduarse en el 2000. Él se desempeñó en una variedad de puestos de ventas y gerenciales antes de su nombramiento como vicepresidente de ventas en el 2015. Trabajó para el Chicago Tribune de 2011 a 2013. “Conocí a Pete cuando era un practicante en el departamento de publicidad y, por supuesto, ascendió de rango para convertirse en nuestro líder y gerente de ingresos”, dijo Ray. “Genial con los clientes, conocedor de la tecnología e inteligente. Pete nos guio a través de algunos años desafiantes, pero estableció un futuro brillante en todas nuestras áreas de ingresos. Pero lo más importante, sé que fue un gran padre, esposo, amigo y colega”. Rosengren era vicepresidente de la junta directiva de la Cámara de Comercio de Arlington Heights y había sido miembro de la junta directiva de la Schaumburg Business Association. Se ha creado una fundacióna beneficio de sus hijos. Para contribuir, vaya a https://www.gofundme. com/f/memorial-fund-for-the-rosengren-family o visite y busque “Memorial Fund for the Rosengren Family”.
Daily Herald executive dies rescuing children
The Reflejos team, which is part of the Daily Herald Media Group, joins the whole company in mourning the loss of Pete Rosengren. As we share this story we hope you will keep his family in your prayers. BY BURT CONSTABLE
For Reflejos
Pete Rosengren, the vice president of sales and digital strategies for the Daily Herald Media Group, died Sunday during a family vacation in Florida after he hurried into the Gulf of Mexico to help his sons and other children being carried out to sea by a rip current. Rosengren, 42, had been appointed to his current position in December after five years as vice president and director of advertising and had been associated with the company for more than 20 years. Douglas K. Ray, chairman, publisher and CEO of the Daily Herald Media Group, said Rosengren’s sales leadership and technological insights played a key role in helping the company succeed during years of challenge in the newspaper industry. “It wasn’t just a job or career. It was in his heart,” his wife Maura Rosengren said. His boss agreed. “Pete was always there for others -- employees, peers, family and friends. That was his DNA,” said Scott Stone, president and chief operating officer. “Pete had an oversized personality, quick wit, humor and unique compassion for others. It’s no surprise his final minute was spent helping others.” Joined by three other families, Pete and Maura and their three sons had driven from their home in Batavia to Florida, for what was expected to be a week of fun in the sun and surf. Instead, Maura spent their 18th wedding anniversary Monday trying to figure out how to get her husband’s body home. He died while saving children struggling in dangerous waters Sunday morning. “They were caught in a rip current and Pete went out to rescue them,” said David Vaughan, beach safety director for South Walton Fire District at Miramar Beach, just east of Destin, an island resort community off the coast of the Florida panhandle. The beach was open, but the water was off-limits with a double red flag warning, the most severe limitation Florida has for water. “We had only had been there a couple minutes. The kids ran into the water right away,” said Maura, adding their sons and others stepped into the waves before she had even set up a beach chair. The children were in trouble instantly. “It all happened so fast. I ran toward the water,” Maura said, noting the boys were trying to help each other work their way back to shore and a friend’s 9-year-old son was struggling. “We could see one little boy couldn’t get
in and ... (Pete) went out there,” she said, her words interrupted by tears. Her husband was able to get the boy to adults who run the operations for chairs, umbrellas and towels on that private beach, Maura said. Vaughan said Rosengren was on the beach when lifeguards from the nearest tower about a half-mile away arrived and performed CPR before an ambulance took him to a hospital. Lifeguards also pulled two boys from the water, both of whom recovered. The medical examiner has not yet determined whether the cause of death was drowning or perhaps a cardiac issue. But the heroism that led to Rosengren’s death did not surprise his friends. “That was Pete. Such a hero. He gave you everything he could,” said Joe Shaker, a longtime friend who, as president of Shaker Recruitment Marketing, did business with the Daily Herald through Rosengren. “There isn’t one person who doesn’t have a Pete Rosengren story,” Shaker said. “He made you feel special. He lived as we all should live.” While the COVID-19 pandemic wore on everyone, Maura said, “I feel this sense of gratitude that Pete worked from home last year.” She said their sons Gavin, 14, Charlie, 12, and Grant, 7, loved having their dad involved with their baseball games and everything they did. Pete and Maura met as students at Carthage College in Kenosha, where Pete played on the basketball team. As an alumnus, he served on the school’s President’s Leadership Council. His love of basketball led him to coach his sons and other kids. Rosengren interned with Paddock Publications, owner of the Daily Herald Media Group, in 1999 while a student at Carthage and then took a job with the company after graduation in 2000. He served in a variety of sales and managerial positions prior to his appointment as vice president in 2015. He worked for the Chicago Tribune from 2011 to 2013. “I knew Pete when he was an intern in the advertising department, and of course he rose through the ranks to become our revenue leader and manager,” Ray said. “Great with clients, technologically savvy and smart. Pete led us through some challenging years, but established a bright future in all of our revenue areas. But more importantly, I know he was a great dad, husband, friend and fellow colleague.” Rosengren was the vice chairman of the board of directors for the Arlington Heights Chamber of Commerce and had served as a member of the board for the Schaumburg Business Association. Amemorial fund has been createdto benefit his children. To contribute, click here, or go to and search for Memorial Fund for the Rosengren Family.
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Business Insight
La voz suburbana de los Hispanos GERENTE DE VENTAS Y OPERACIONES Linda Siete (847) 806-1411 VENTAS Raul Ortiz (847) 427-4634 CLASIFICADOS (847) 427-4770 CIRCULACION (847) 806-1111 COORDINACIÓN DE ANUNCIOS Ana Maria Hinkhouse Reflejos Publications, LLC
95 W Algonquin Rd Suite 300 Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Reflejos es una publicación que sirve a los latinos de los suburbios de Chicago en los condados de Cook, DuPage, Kane, KendallLake, McHenry y Will. Reflejos orgullosamente forma parte de la Familia Paddock y es publicacion hermana del Daily Herald. Fundado en 1990.
In alliance with
A different kind of library is coming soon to the suburbs BY MICK ZAWISLAK
For Reflejos
Mundelein resident Van Miller’s aha moment came when the need for a lawn mower arose while visiting his daughter in Portland, Oregon. His son-in-law took him to one of the three local tool-lending libraries in town, showed a water bill and an ID, and they left with what they needed. “I was so overwhelmed when I saw this. I thought, ‘Why doesn’t everybody have it?’” Miller said. It’s taken a while, but soon Mundelein will have its own outlet where homeowners, do-ityourselfers, woodworkers, gardeners or others can borrow the right tool or equipment for a job at no charge. Substantial progress has been made, but there still are details to work out. “It’s falling in place,” said Miller, a retired physical education teacher. After returning from his Oregon trip a year and a half ago, Miller pitched the idea to supportive village officials. But given the pandemic and other considerations, such as needing to create a nonprofit organization and finding a place to set up shop, Miller’s idea has been a work in progress. The corner has been turned. An ad hoc village committee has been meeting; space in a former village public works building downtown is being made available; paperwork regarding nonprofit status filed and awaiting approval; and a website to include various features is being designed. “Coming very soon, hopefully,” said Jonathan Rosales, a local Realtor. He’s now a member of thead hoc tool library commission, established by the village in January. “I was looking for a volunteer opportunity,” Rosales added. “I came across a man with an idea.” Several people already are interested in volunteering and/or donating tools, Rosales added.
Another committee member, Brett Loding Sr., didn’t know Miller before the two connected. “Once he explained it, I was like, ‘I’m in. Let’s go,’” said Loding, who has owned a home remodeling business for 40 years. Citing his own experience lending tools to friends, he said there is a need for such a service. “If I don’t have it, they have to buy it. If I’m using it, they have to wait,” he said. Miller initially proposed the village run the program. However, risk managers advised the village limit its role to landlord due to the need for safety training, development of formal guidelines, supervision and other considerations. Instead, the village is providing set up assistance and support to establish a not-for-profit to create rules and procedures, operate the tool library, and enter into a lease for the village-owned building at 428 N. Chicago Ave. Those and other items will be discussed when the commission meets at 4:30 tonightat village hall, 300 Plaza Circle. The group eventually will be independent, but “we’re not quite there yet,” said Peter Vadopalas, assistant village administrator and nonvoting member of the tool library commission. “They’re always looking forvolunteers(and) financial support,” he added. “There’s going to be a lot of opportunity for the community to get involved.” Miller and others also have a longer-range vision that could include monthly do-it-yourself clinics, for example. The commission agrees that all donated tools and equipment will be accepted. A process to accept and evaluate the items and determine which to make available to loan and which to sell to raise funds is pending. “We’re close,” Loding said. “I have a wall of tools I want to get over there.”
Goya Foods sigue apoyando
RAFAEL TORO, Director de Relaciones Públicas de Goya Foods y Susana Berenguer V., Cónsul General Central de Colombia
Goya Foods donó $10,000 como apoyo a la reconstrucción del Centro de Desarrollo Infantil Angelitos, hogar de 200 niños en Providencia, Colombia. Esta donación es parte de la iniciativa “Ayudar Nos Hace Bien” de la Primera Dama de Colombia María Juliana Ruiz, apoyada por el Consulado de Colombia en Nueva York, para reconstruir muchas de las áreas de la región que fueron devastadas por condiciones climáticas extremas. La donación de Goya se enmarca dentro del programa de la empresa Goya Gives y la celebración del 85 aniversario de la compañía. La presentación del cheque tuvo lugar en Goya Foods en Jersey City, el viernes 19 de marzo de 2021.
DO IT yourselfers can check out tools and equipment at this tool lending facility in Portland, Oregon. A similar facility is being planned in Mundelein.
¿Estás pensando en comprar una casa? ¿Cuáles son los verdaderos costos de ser dueño de casa? Acompáñanos a este SEMINARIO GRATUITO y nuestros expertos contestarán todas tus preguntas
SÁBADO 10 DE ABRIL 9:30-10:30 AM
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MCC Alum, McHenry County Native Returns for Second Season as Organist for the Chicago Cubs CRYSTAL LAKE, IL — McHenry County native John Benedeck knows what it means to make it to the big leagues—quite literally. In 2020, Benedeck was hired to take up the time-honored tradition of playing the organ for the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field. But before he earned the coveted gig, Benedeck got his start studying broadcast journalism at McHenry County College (MCC) and Western Illinois University. “After high school, I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to pursue,” Benedeck said of his choice to attend MCC. “But I knew I wanted to receive a college education of some sort. MCC was a natural choice to pursue a higher education while I was still unsure about my ultimate goals.” It was during his time at MCC that he discovered his passion for broadcasting and journalism. “I started interning for Huntley Community Radio. The experience was really special and integral in my growth in the industry. I still volunteer there now, actually,” he said. “My instructors at MCC also played an essential role in my success in this business. The faculty there are extremely passionate about what they teach.” In 2016, Benedeck continued his studies at Western Illinois University, majoring
in broadcasting production with a minor in journalism. While he was there, he also worked as the public address announcer for WIU sporting events. “I called basketball, baseball, and volleyball games. At baseball games, I brought my makeshift organ along and provided some familiar ballpark sounds while I announced. That’s actually how I got my feet wet playing organ at ballparks,” he said. After he graduated, Benedeck applied to a producer position at WYLL/WIND in Chicago and was hired shortly thereafter. “I moved into a full-time position producing on The Common Good show on WYLL. The producer’s job involves operating the sound board, booking guests—basically everything but hosting the show!” he joked. “It was a blessing to be the gatekeeper of the quality, balanced conversations had on that show. The hosts care deeply about their content and practice what they preach. We provided a platform and a voice to countless business owners, church leaders, and people working in urban areas fighting for racial reconciliation. It has been a privilege to work with them.” In addition to his nearly 20 years of experience playing piano, Benedeck’s background in broadcast journalism also helped him get started with the Cubs.
MCHENRY COUNTY native John Benedeck returns for his second season as an organist for the Chicago Cubs.
“I was producing podcasts for Stu McVicar at Club 400 in Lake in the Hills. He holds charity events out of his “Man Cave” basement, and I recorded the interviews we did with Cubs players, execs, and the like. He happens to have a former Wrigley Field organ in his basement and I would hop on it every now and again for the fun of it,” Ben-
edeck said. “One day, a friend of mine threw my hat in the ring for the organist vacancy without my knowledge, and the Cubs contacted me for an audition tape. One thing led to another and they offered me the job!” As a massive Cubs fan, the honor of playing the legendary Lowrey Organ at Wrigley Field is a bucket-list item in and of itself, he said. “I get to provide the voice of Wrigley Field for thousands of fans who are all there for the same reason: to cheer on the Cubbies. There isn’t a more beautiful sight than the panoramic of the Friendly Confines on a summer afternoon.” Benedeck primarily gets to choose his own set during the games, but says fans and coworkers aren’t shy about requesting tunes. “I love to engage on social media with fellow fans as they give me song recommendations. I like to think that other people have a better taste in music than I do, so their contributions are vital!” In addition to playing for the Cubs, Benedeck continues working as a freelance musician and has performed all over the area. “From parties, to bars, to charity events at the Merchandise Mart, I play anywhere I can.” You can catch Benedeck playing the famous organ for the Cubs as the 2021 season gets started at home on April 1.
Las mujeres representan tan sólo el 28% de la fuerza laboral en trabajos de STEM. ComEd está cambiando las cosas – con programas comunitarios e iniciativas educativas que tienen el objetivo de ayudar a las mujeres a encontrar su pasión por el mundo STEM. Porque la mejor forma de celebrar el Mes Nacional de la Historia de la Mujer es ayudar a que más mujeres hagan historia. Aprende más sobre programas STEM disponibles para estudianes en
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The pandemic’s impact on learning U-46 superintendent: ‘It is going to take multiple years to ensure that this generation does not miss out’ BY MADHU KRISHNAMURTHY
For Reflejos
It’s been a stressful year for students switching between remote and in-person learning while dealing with pandemic restrictions and social isolation from peers. And it’s taking a toll on their performance. In Elgin Area School District U-46, teachers say Latino students are struggling to keep up with their peers, while two high schools in St. Charles Unit District 303 saw more first-semester failing grades compared to recent years. Similar scenarios are playing out in schools across the suburbs and nationwide. Educators don’t yet have a complete picture of how much learning loss students have experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Illinois State Board of Education is studying how student learning has changed since schools first suspended in-person instruction last March, and how threat of illness, job loss and trauma experienced by students and their families have exacerbated the situation. Meanwhile, suburban school leaders are trying to assess just how many students are struggling and find creative ways of addressing learning gaps through expanded summer school options and other interventions. In U-46, more than 9,000 sevenththrough 12th-graders had at least one incomplete grade in their coursework in October. That number reduced by about 40% to 5,616 by mid-January, which was still higher than the 3,162 students who had one incomplete grade in January of 2020. That amounts to 15% of the more than 37,000 students enrolled at the state’s second-largest school district. Such course failures are mirrored across suburban districts. “It is going to take multiple years of effort to ensure that this generation does not miss out,” U-46 Superintendent Tony Sanders said. “Kids are very resilient. Even if they have not met all the academic standards, they certainly are learning a lot of lessons in this time.” U-46 is seeking help from community nonprofits, park districts, police departments, and libraries to provide summer enrichment programs for students. It will use federal COVID-19 aid — roughly $27 million over two summers earmarked for learning loss — to help pay for any such programs offered by community partners, Sanders said. “We are still going to offer summer school, aswell,forelementary, middle and highschool,” Sanders said. “We just want to make sure we will have plenty of opportunities for all kids to participate in some way. We want to make it also very engaging, hands-on so we are going to use a project-based learning approach.”
ELGIN AREA School District U-46 will be offering an expanded summer school program and is soliciting help from community partners to provide enrichment activities for students.
School leaders say a lot depends on how many teachers, who already are burned out, are willing to teach summer school. In District 303, first-semester failing grades at St. Charles East nearly doubled from 394 last year to 774, while St. Charles North saw an increase from 211 to 306, as of Jan. 6. The numbers were much higher in the fall — more than 3,200 combined failing grades in November. Low-income students and some other groups are showing wider gaps, said Denise Herrmann, chief academic officer for District 303. Still, Herrmann added, there also have been some learning gains. “There are definitely areas where students are growing and learning skills that they normally don’t get to practice during face-to-face instruction in the classroom,” she said. “Many of the students have really grown in their time-management skills ... are really increasing and becoming more sophisticated in their technology skills.” Teachers have been monitoring student progress in reading and math monthly since August through new software allowing them to provide differentiated instruction. That wasn’t available before this school year. “It’s very intentional,” Herrmann said. “The pandemic has accelerated our use of some of the online reading and math support tools.” Officials now are trying to address academic performance gaps with extra help during the school day, after-school help, night-school possibilities and free online and
ST. CHARLES School District 303 parents and students hold signs up urging school board members to reopen St. Charles East and North high schools in September. Officials now are working on summer school options to mitigate learning loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
in-person summer school for credit recovery. In some cases, the youngest learners are seeing the greatest slippage in language and social skills, which can be critical in those formative years. “Students who were struggling pre-pandemic are continuing to struggle,” said Brad Newkirk, chief academic officer for Batavia Public Schools. “They’re not closing any of
those gaps ... and in many cases those are exacerbated.” Newkirk said schools also are likely to see a disproportionate impact on students of color and students with disabilities. “We’re going to have to increase the intensity of the interventions that we give students and then look for ways to engage them,” Newkirk said. “Especially when we talk about our youngest learners, we’re very concerned about the lack of socialization.” Some districts are debating whether summer school programs should be held in-person or remotely due to vaccines being unavailable for children at this time. Among them is Woodland District 50 in Gurnee. Unlike previous years, the district’s summer school will be expanded from the typical 100 to 150 participants to address the needs of struggling students. Officials still are assessing how many of the district’s 5,200 students in preschool through eighth grade need help. “Not all those struggling students do want to come back in person ... so that adds another complexity,” said Steven Thomas, District 50 associate superintendent of teaching and learning with equity. Quantifying what learning loss looks like has been tough because student performance isn’t exactly comparable to previous years. But what is clear is social and emotional learning will be a key aspect of summer programs this year, educators say. In Palatine-Schaumburg Township High School District 211, which educates roughly 12,000 students, officials are trying to mitigate some of the pandemic’s impact by teachers providing afternoon academic support to struggling students this semester. “Our counselors and student services teams are also available during that time to connect for social-emotional health with students,” said Josh Schumacher, District 211 assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction. Similar to last summer, the district will pair each student who receives an incomplete grade with a teacher for tutoring help and invite all struggling students to participate in additional programs this summer. Algonquin-based Community Unit District 300 will be offering two-week virtual and hybrid summer enrichment camps for elementary through high school grades, targeting students showing significant learning loss in testing. Remedial help won’t be limited to the summer, Superintendent Fred Heid said. This fall, teachers will provide specific interventions and supports based on students’ needs in elementary grades, and middle and high school students will have directed tutorials during study hall periods.
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JUNTOS SÍ PODEMOS Porque las vacunas ya están aquí y no debemos dar ni un paso atrás contra el COVID y otras variantes del virus. Pero es importante seguir usando mascarillas bien ajustadas que nos cubran la nariz y la boca, mantener una distancia de al menos 6 pies de otras personas y evitar multitudes. Y cuando sea nuestro turno, vamos a ponernos la vacuna. Infórmate en
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Los beneficios y propiedades del nopal
LA DIGESTIÓN Contiene una cantidad importante de )bra soluble e insoluble, por lo que no sólo te ayuda a controlar tu hambre y pre$enir el estre/imiento, además regula la glucosa en sangre y disminuye la absorción de colesterol. Además controla el e-ceso de producción de ácido gástrico y protegen la mucosa del estómago e intestinos. BUENA FUENTE DE CALCIO 100g de nopal contienen 80mg de este mineral, aunque no es el ,nico,
también aporta potasio, magnesio y sodio a tu cuerpo. ES ANTIOXIDANTE Contiene antio-idantes que te ayudan a pre$enir el en$e0ecimiento de las células. Ayuda a regenerar la células de la piel para permitir la cicatrización de las heridas. DIABETES Tiene un poder hipoglucemiante muy recomendable como pre$ención y tratamiento de este padecimiento, ya que disminuye las concentraciones de glucosa en la sangre.
Carolina Pikakacho Fronteras de la Noticia - EFEsalud Ya sea asado, cocido, en un licuado o ensalada, es originario de América pero hoy día se puede encontrar en todos los continentes. Tiene un alto contenido de agua entre 90 y 92%. Además está repleto de minerales, entre los cuales encontramos el calcio, potasio, magnesio, sodio y peque/as cantidades de )erro, aluminio, entre otros. También es rico )bra, $itaminas A, C, +, %1, %2, %" y %! y cloro)la. #e ha re$elado que sus )bras dietéticas ayudan a diluir la concentración de células que podrían ser potencialmente cancerígenas en el colon. Asimismo, otro de sus bene)cios a ni$el digesti$o es controlar el e-ceso de ácidos gástricos y proteger la mucosa intestinal, gracias a su )bra y baba, lo cual ayuda a pre$enir ,lceras. Tiene un alto contenido de agua, así que se puede incorporar prácticamente a cualquier dieta.
OSTEOPOROSIS Cientí)cos descubrieron que su harina reduce el riesgo a desarrollar ésta enfermedad debido a su contenido de calcio. Las pencas de nopal más grandes y maduros son las que contienen más calcio. SALUD CARDIACA Los aminoácidos y las )bras que contiene el nopal act,an de manera con0unta con efectos antio-idantes y las $itaminas presentes pre$ienen la formación de placas grasosas en las arterias, reduciendo el riesgo de padecer
enfermedades del corazón. CONTRA INFECCIONES Tanto el consumo del nopal como la aplicación de productos tópicos de pencas de nopal, tienen efectos bené)cos en heridas e infecciones de la piel. ¿CUÁL ES LA MEJOR FORMA DE CONSUMIRLO? .l método de preparación no in(uye en los bene)cios que éste aporta a nuestro organismo, siempre y cuando se consuma en su estado natural y no en pastillas. Así que no esperes más e incl,yelo en tu dieta.
Se impone una revolución de la ternura en la salud mental" #o de$ende Carlos Mañas, un publicista, padre da familia, que padece trastorno bipolar y que hace años resolvió “salir del armario” para combatir el estigma que padecen las personas con dolencias mentales y remar a favor de la humanización en los servicios psiquiátricos
| Español
Esto ocurre entre otras cosas porque la sociedad muchas veces le da una cierta voluntariedad a los trastornos mentales: como que los pacientes hicieran esas cosas porque quieren, señala, a su vez, Marina Díaz Marsá, presidenta de la Sociedad de Psiquiatría de Madrid. Jefa de la Unidad de Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria del Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Marsá re$ere que el documental pretende transmitir a la sociedad que la intervención de los servicios de salud mental pueden cambiar la biografía de una persona. El vídeo arranca con un suicidio porque cuando la mente enferma, las personas tienen conductas que pueden ser en algunos momentos de riesgo: para ellos mismos o para los otros. El objetivo explica, es que la sociedad sepa que la psiquiatría está ahí, que tiene su función y que está totalmente alienada con el respeto a los derechos humanos. Los importante hablar de personas y no de casos,entre los profesionales y hacer Carolina Pikacho un uso exquisito de las palabras y del trato con los pacientes y huir del paternalisFronteras de la Notiica - EFESalud mo. Mañas participa en “Más que una palabra: humanización en psiquiatría”, un La enfermedad mental tiene su base en el cerebro, “pero por desgracia en estos documental que se acaba de presentar a medios y profesionales para combatir momentos desconocemos los daños estructurales que se dan en este tipo de el desconocimiento de lo que es la enfermedad mental y del sufrimiento que pacientes”. implica. Las personas son las que marcan la diferencia y el hecho de tener un problema El “trastorno bipolar no te mata, quiere que te mates tú… pero yo solo quiero de salud mental es algo accesorio; por ello, en la relación terapéutica se debe ser feliz y sé que lo voy a conseguir”. ejercer la horizontalidad. Pero el problema es que la sociedad “desa$na, interpreta demasiado a los “Pero esto no quiere decir que se deba renunciar a la responsabilidad que la demás y los entiende muy poco”. profesión nos obliga”. En su opinión, hacen falta protocolos inteligentes, una escucha activa por parte Los profesionales deben estar ligados de una forma u otra a este documental, de los profesionales, voluntad de entender y empatizar de verdad “porque nadie basado en el libro Humanización de la Asistencia en las Unidades de Hospitalizaha escogido escuchar voces, tener una depresión, llorar, sufrir o tener miedo”. ción Psiquiátrica.
| Español
La Administración de Biden fortalece DACA cuando se acerca un fallo judicial decisivo Se acerca el momento en que el juez federal a cargo de una demanda contra DACA, dicte su fallo.
Janine Trainor Fronteras de la Noticia - EFE El gobierno de Biden anunció el viernes 26 de marzo que emitirá una regla para proteger DACA, un programa de alivio de deportación de la era de Obama, porque se acerca el fallo de un recurso judicial que amenaza las protecciones legales de cientos de miles de inmigrantes indocumentados traídos a los Estados Unidos cuando eran niños, reportó CBS News. Citando instrucciones en una orden ejecutiva firmada por el presidente Biden el día de la inauguración, el secretario de Seguridad Nacional, Alejandro Mayorkas, dijo en un comunicado que su departamento publicará una regla propuesta para “preservar y fortalecer” la política de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA). Si bien el programa DACA resistió un esfuerzo de años de la administración Trump para ponerle fin, actualmente se enfrenta a su prueba legal más inminente y potente hasta ahora. El juez del Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos, Andrew Hanen, emitirá un fallo en una demanda presentada por el fiscal general republicano de Texas, que busca que el programa de la era de Obama sea declarado ilegal y terminado gradualmente.
La regla parece estar diseñada para abordar las preocupaciones planteadas por Hanen, quien concluyó en 2018 que la administración Obama debería haber implementado DACA a través del proceso regulatorio y permitir al público opinar sobre la política antes de su promulgación. Al colocar un aviso en el registro federal, la administración de Biden permitirá que el público envíe comentarios antes de que los cambios de política se vuelvan vinculantes. Hanen, quien ha dicho anteriormente que cree que DACA es probablemente ilegal, fue notificado de la regulación esperada el viernes temprano. “Estamos tomando medidas para preservar y fortalecer DACA”, dijo Mayorkas en un comunicado. “Esto está de acuerdo con el memorando del presidente. Es un paso importante, pero solo la aprobación de la legislación puede brindar protección total y un camino hacia la ciudadanía a los Dreamers que conocen los Estados Unidos como su hogar”. Más de 640,000 inmigrantes conocidos como “Dreamers” están actualmente inscritos en el programa DACA, que los protege de la deportación y les permite trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos. DACA se creó en 2012 durante la
administración Obama a través de un memorando del departamento emitido por Janet Napolitano, la entonces secretario del DHS. En el caso supervisado por Hanen, el abogado de Texas Ken Paxton ha argumentado que DACA es ilegal, en parte porque la administración Obama no implementó el programa a través del proceso de elaboración de reglas del gobierno federal ni permitió que el público comentara sobre la política. La H.R. 6 llamada The Dream and Promise Act (Ley de Promesa y Sueño Americano de 2021), aprobada por la Cámara controlada por los demócratas con algo de apoyo republicano permitiría a los beneficiarios de DACA y otros inmigrantes indocumentados traídos al país antes de los 18 años solicitar un período de residencia permanente condicional de 10 años si cumplen varios requisitos. Biden ha dicho que firmaría la propuesta para convertirla en ley, pero no está claro si el proyecto de ley, que también legalizaría a cientos de miles de inmigrantes con Estatus de Protección Temporal, puede reunir suficiente apoyo en el Senado dividido equitativamente, donde la mayoría de la legislación requiere al menos 60 votos para ser aprobada.
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| Español
El valor del agua: elemento de vida y arma contra la pandemia
Carolina Pikacho Fronteras de la Noticia - EFE “El valor del agua” es el lema elegido en 2021 para conmemorar el Día Mundial del Agua, una efeméride instituida en 1992 por Naciones Unidas para recordar a la humanidad que de este líquido esencial dependen la vida y todas las actividades sociales y económicas y que además en el ultimo año se ha revelado como un recurso imprescindible para proteger la salud humana. Y es que gestos tan sencillos y cotidianos como lavarse las manos a menudo con agua y jabón se han revelado como armas implacables contra la propagación de la covid-19, excepto en algunos lugares del planeta en los que, según datos de la ONU, 2.200 millones de personas todavía carecen de acceso a este bien tan preciado como escaso en ocasiones. Según datos de Naciones Unidas, la escasez de agua potable ya afecta a casi el 30% de la población mundial y se prevé que este porcentaje siga al alza por los efectos nocivos del crecimiento de la población, las demandas de la agricultura y la industria y al empeoramiento de los impactos del cambio climático. Unicef ha denunciado recientemente que uno de cada cinco niños en el mundo vive sin acceso su$ciente a agua mientras la OCDE ha asegurado que “la pandemia ha ampli$cado la importancia del acceso al agua” para algo tan sencillo como lavarse las manos.
Entretanto, es necesario tomar medidas urgentes que ayuden al acceso universal e igualitario al agua potable y proporcionen un saneamiento adecuado para proteger la salud de las personas, una premisa en la que coinciden los expertos consultados por EFEverde. “Es imprescindible que todos nos involucremos en proteger este recurso, esencial para la vida, como lo es que cuidemos los espacios naturales y la biodiversidad” de manera que “aprendiendo a valorar el agua, avanzaremos hacia la consecución del ODS 6: Agua limpia y saneamiento para todos antes de 2030”. “No se trata de darle valor al agua, sino de reconocer el valor que tiene para el mantenimiento de la vida y la diversidad” asegura a EFEverde Gonzalo de la Cámara, investigador y Coordinador del Departamento de Economía del Agua del Instituto IMDEA que aboga por situar este elemento “en el centro de nuestras decisiones sobre el modelo de desarrollo económico y social”. Considera que la pandemia ha puesto de mani$esto que gozar del derecho al agua potable y saneamiento es una cuestión “de dimensión global” que tiene que venir de la mano “de una respuesta supranacional y de la cooperación” y ha servido para descubrir la importancia del tratamiento de las aguas residuales urbanas y del alcantarillado para saber cómo evolucionan los patógenos actuales y futuros.
| Español
I 13
LUIS MIGUEL, SEGUNDA TEMPORADA De la búsqueda de Marcela Basteri al reencuentro con Michelle Salas. La segunda temporada del proyecto promete varias sorpresas Carolina Pikacho, Fronteras de la Noticia - forbes La espera para ver la segunda temporada de Luis Miguel, la serie está a punto de concluir y por En podremos conocer algunos de los detalles más importantes de la vida del cantante. La serie autobiográEca se estrenará por 8etDiA el pr4Aimo 3- de abril y de acuerdo con los avances que se han publicado, se espera que aborde la búsqueda de su madre, el surgimiento de problemas auditivos del cantante, el reencuentro con su hija y el drama con su hermano Sergio. Tomemos por cronología los años de la vida de Luis Miguel que veremos en la nueva temporada que, según lo que se aprecia en el tráiler comenzarán a desarrollarse desde 3,,2. El primer adelanto y que no podía faltar en esta bioserie es el inolvidable dueto entre Luis Miguel y Sinatra, quien es considerado uno de los músicos más inDuyentes no s4lo en Estados (nidos, sino en todo el mundo. #!4mo ocurri4 el encuentro& Los cantantes grabaron en colaboraci4n la canci4n !ome Dy Cith me para el disco Fuets ;; en 3,,0. Y aunque en aquella ocasi4n no tuvieron la oportunidad de verse cara a cara, un año más tarde Luis Miguel se convertiría en una de las Eguras eAclusivas que participaron en la Eesta de cumpleaños número -? de >ran5 Sinatra. Este festejo también se convirti4 en el último concierto del estadunidense y para ello, a dueto >ran5 Sinatra y Luis Miguel interpretaron su magníEca canci4n en el Shirine $uditorium en Los %ngeles, !alifornia en 3,,/. En esta Eesta el puertorriqueño coincidi4 con invitados de renombre como 8atalie !ole, "ono y "ob Fylan. Otro de los temas que se robaron el tráiler de la serie es la enfermedad incurable del cantante, misma que se nos presenta con un zumbido y, al parecer, inestabilidad para mantener el equilibrio. ;ncluso uno de los personajes señala la gravedad del asunto+ 6Si algo sale mal, su carrera se puede ir a la mierda”. Tal es así que el 6Sol de MéAico” muestra su preocupaci4n+ 6#'oy a estar un año sin poder cantar&”. Se trata de tinnitus o acúfenos, padecimiento que Luis Miguel revel4 en el 2?3- en una entrevista+ 6Es una situaci4n complicada, pero tienen que pensar
que yo empecé a los , años con esta carrera+ con la música, los decibeles, los conciertos: Entonces son más de 1? años eApuesto a sonidos muy fuertes. Tuve que pasar por un tratamiento y afortunadamente ya estoy mejor”. Según la biografía no autorizada que public4 !laudia de ;caza, esta fue la raz4n por la que el intérprete de La incondicional tuvo que cancelar varias fechas de conciertos en el 2?3/, pues presuntamente también afectaba su aEnaci4n. Lo que en palabras de la autora 6le queda poco tiempo de carrera” y el padecimiento lo 6está volviendo loco sobre el escenario porque tiene un zumbido de por vida”. $ lo largo de los ocho capítulos de la segunda temporada podremos conocer el conDicto familiar con sus dos hermanos. *or un lado vemos el interés de $leA y Luis Miguel por recuperar a Sergio y por otro, el abuso del menor por parte de sus familiares. En el tráiler se escucha una plática entre Luis Miguel y Matilde Sánchez, madre de Luisito )ey+ 68i creas que voy a dejar que hagas con mi hermano lo que tú y mi papá hicieron conmigo”, seguido de 6<ay que sacar a Sergio de ahí” pronunciado por $leA. Y aunque ya en la primera temporada el nombre de Sergio está presente, en esta ocasi4n lo veremos en escena presentándose en una entrevista en televisi4n. Ficho evento ocurri4 en 3,,1 cuando 'icente =allego, tío de los hermanos, lo present4 al mundo para interpretar una canci4n de Luisito )ey. >inalmente, Luis Miguel logr4 recuperar a su hermano, aunque la tutela no estuvo a su nombre sino a la de El Foc, personaje que conocimos desde el primer capítulo y cuyo verdadero nombre es Mario Octavio >onseca. Sin embargo, también Sergio se distanci4 de Luis Miguel tras varios años, incluso se le retir4 el apoyo familiar y el joven tuvo que comenzar a trabajar. Fentro del gran conDicto familiar que siempre ha perseguido a Luis Miguel está la desaparici4n de su madre, Marcela "asteri. Fe quien, al parecer, tendremos una eAplicaci4n del misterio, pues el cantante dej4 de tener contacto con ella desde agosto de 3,-. *robablemente, uno de los momentos más esperados por los fans es el drama familiar del cantante con su hija Michelle Salas, de quien estuvo alejado bastantes años.
| Español
Carlos Morales, Fronteras de la Noticia - Godzilla y Kong, dos de las fuerzas más poderosas de un planeta habitado por todo tipo de aterradoras criaturas, se enfrentan en un espectacular combate que sacude los cimientos de la humanidad. Kong y sus protectores emprenderán un peligroso viaje para encontrar su verdadero hogar. Con ellos está Jia, una joven huérfana con la que el gigante tiene un vínculo único y poderoso. En el camino se cruzan inesperadamente con el de un Godzilla enfurecido que va causando destrucción a su paso por el mundo. El choque épico entre los dos titanes —provocado por fuerzas invisibles— es solo el comienzo del misterio que se esconde en las profundidades del núcleo de la Tierra. Tanto si logra un éxito obvio de crítica y público como si no, la alaben
o la destrocen y triplique su presupuesto en la taquilla mundial o su recaudación de"nitiva sea discreta, puede servir perfectamente como colofón a esta franquicia de odas a la destrucción más animal. No parece que el conjunto de críticos profesionales le estemos dando muchos soplamocos como los que se ven en pantalla durante las casi dos horas que dura. En general, Godzilla vs. Kong es una película decente. Podemos decir sin titubeos que su alcance dramático supera al de las poco memorables Godzilla (Gareth Edwards, 2014) y Godzilla: Rey de los monstruos (Michael Dougherty, 2019). Se limitan a entretener sin un verdadero desarrollo de personajes ni zarandajas así, propias de un interés artístico de mayor profundidad. Y solo falta saber si los espectadores están bien dispuestos a facilitar al menos otra secuela.
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Un estudio de investigación durante la atención de emergencia sobre el sangrado en el cerebro Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital está realizando un estudio de investigación sobre el sangrado en el cerebro, también llamado “hemorragia intracerebral” (HIC). La mayor parte de este sangrado ocurre en un plazo de pocas horas desde la aparición de los síntomas. La lesión cerebral producida por la HIC suele ser muy grave y, actualmente, no existe ningún tratamiento comprobado para la HIC que mejore el desenlace. El estudio FASTEST se lleva a cabo para determinar si una proteína (rFVIIa) que el cuerpo produce para detener el sangrado en el lugar de una lesión a un vaso sanguíneo puede frenar el sangrado en el cerebro y mejorar el desenlace. Los participantes en el estudio de investigación FASTEST se asignan de manera aleatoria (es decir, al azar) a uno de dos grupos. Tienen las mismas posibilidades de recibir el rFVIIa o un placebo (sin ingredientes activos). Algunos pacientes serán inscritos sin su consentimiento si no se puede localizar rápido a un familiar o un representante. Antes de que comience el estudio de investigación, consultaremos a la comunidad. Agradecemos sus comentarios y preguntas. Para obtener más información compartir tu opinión o para negarse a participar en este estudio de investigación:
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I 15
| Español
Caroilina Pickacho Fronteras de la Noticia - Hollywood Demi Lovato ha preparado para este 2021 un proyecto multimedia que incluye un documental y un nuevo disco de estudio en torno al hecho que cambió su vida hace un par de años. Su ingreso por sobredosis y su posterior rehabilitación han conducido hasta el estreno de Dancing with de devil: The art of starting over. la solista estadounidense ha con$rmado que además de este documental, su nuevo álbum también llevará ese título y girará en torno a aquel casi fatídico 24 de julio de 2018. Por fortuna para ella, la sobredosis de heroína que la llevó al hospital no terminó con su vida siendo un punto de in#e&ión para la artista que en aquel momento contaba apenas con 25 años. Recuperada, concienciada de su regreso musical y consciente de una nueva se&ualidad. "Ha habido mucho que quería decir, pero sabía que tenía que decirlo de la manera correcta. Gracias a mi familia, amigos y fans que estuvieron a mi lado durante todos los años que aprendí y crecí. Estoy tan emocionada de compartir esta historia $nalmente con ustedes. El 2 de abril se pondrá a la venta este nuevo disco de Demi Lovato: Dancing with the devil.
I 17
| Español
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LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE The proposed Fiscal Year 2021-22 Municipal Budget for the City of Oakbrook Terrace, DuPage County, Illinois is now available for inspection at the Municipal Building 17W275 Butterfield Road Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181. A public hearing regarding the municipal budget will be held at 7PM on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at the Municipal Building 17W275 Butterfield Road Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181. All interested parties are welcome to attend and will be given a chance to be heard. Published in Daily Herald April 2, 2021 (4561050)
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Public Hearings & Notices
Public Hearings & Notices
LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE, a body politic and corporate of Illinois, Plaintiff vs. VICTOR S. JUNG a/k/a VICTOR S. CHUNG; CHRISTINA B. JUNG a/k/a CHRISTINA B. CHUNG; and UNKNOWN OWNERS and NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants General No. 21 ED 5 Filed: March 12, 2021. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO UNKNOWN OWNERS and NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, that an action is now pending in the court as shown above to fix the compensation for certain property located in Lake County, Illinois, for the widening, reconstruction and improvement of Aptakisic Road (County Highway No. 33), from Route 83 to Buffalo Grove Road , and as more particularly described in the Complaint for Condemnation above referred to and now on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lake County. The entire legal description of said property is as follows: Parcel 0014 Index No. 15-29-102-001 That part of Lot 1 in Edmunds Second Subdivision, being a subdivision in the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded June 11, 1958 as document no. 9927651 in Lake County, Illinois, bearings and distances based on the Illinois State Plane Coordinate System, East Zone, NAO 83 (2011 Adjustment), with a combined scale factor of 0.99995760875, being described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence South 00 degrees 03 minutes 36 seconds West. a distance of 10.00 feet along the east line of said Lot 1 to a point on a line 10.00 feet south of and parallel with the north line of said Lot 1 (said north line also being the south right-of-way line of Aptakisic Road, A.K.A. County Highway 33); thence South 89 degrees 46 minutes 02 seconds West, 330.40 feet along said parallel line to a point on the west line of said Lot 1; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 42 seconds East, 10.00 feet along said west line to the northwest corner of said Lot 1; thence North 89 degrees 46 minutes 02 seconds East, 330.40 feet (330.41 feet record) along said north line to the point of beginning. Said parcel containing 0.076 acres, more or less. Parcel 0014T.E Index No. 15-29-102-001 That part of Lot 1 in Edmunds Second Subdivision, being a subdivision in the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded June 11, 1958 as document no. 9927651 in Lake County, Illinois, bearings and distances based on the Illinois State Plane Coordinate System, East Zone, NAO 83 (2011 Adjustment), with a combined scale factor of 0.99995760875, being described as follows:Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence South 00 degrees 03 minutes 36 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet along the east line of said Lot 1 to a point on a line 10.00 feet south of and parallel with the north line of said Lot 1(said north line also being the south right-of-way line of Aptakisic Road, A.K.A. County Highway 33) to the point of beginning; thence continuing South 00 degrees 03 minutes 36 seconds West 10.00 feet along said east line; thence South 89 degrees 46 minutes 02 seconds So why waste either West 18.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 13 minutes 58 secstruggling to balance onds East 35.00; thence South 89 degrees 46 minutes 02 secyour checkbook? onds West, 30.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 13 minutes You can find a professional 58 seconds West, 45.00 feet to a point on said line being 10.00 with a real strength with a feet south of and parallel with the north line of said Lot 1; in numbers Classified Auto Ad! thence North 89 degrees 46 minutes 02 seconds East, 48.05 in the Daily Herald feet along said parallel line to the point of beginning. PROFESSIONAL Said temporary easement containing 0.035 acres, more or SERVICE DIRECTORY less. Said temporary easement to be used for construction purposes, including grading with right to remove vegetation. LAKE COUNTY ZONING NOTICE ZON-000632-2021 YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED to file your appearance ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENTS on or before May 24, 2021, and if you fail to do so or do not At the direction of the Lake County Board, the Lake County otherwise make your appearance on or before said time, Zoning Board of Appeals will conduct a public hearing this cause may be tried, just compensation determined, beginning on Monday, April 19, 2021 at 5:30 p.m., and judgment entered as prayed for in said Complaint continuing to Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 1:00 p.m., and, without further notice. if needed, as may be continued by the Zoning Board of Date: March 15th, 2021 Appeals to be held via video and audio conference with ERIN CARTWRIGHT-WEINSTEIN, limited in-person attendance available, on certain CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT proposed amendments to Chapter 151 of the Lake County, Gunnar Gunnarsson, Assistant State’s Attorney Illinois, Code of Ordinances relating to the regulation 18 North County St., Waukegan, IL 60085, 847-377-3050 of adult-use cannabis businesses. Published in Daily Herald Apr. 2, 9, 16, 2021 (4561297) Pursuant to Section 7(e) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act, the current Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation, and the Written Determination of the Zoning Board of Appeals Notice of Public Hearing Chair, this hearing will be held via video and audio Case No. P2103-05 conference without a physical quorum present at the Lake PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Plan County Zoning Board of Appeals office. Individuals wishing Commission will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, to attend or participate in the live hearing via video April 20, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. via a Zoom web conference meetor audio conference may register at https://www.lake ing, to consider a Fence Variation located at 801 Prince county Charles Lane. or contact the Planning, Building and Development All persons desiring to express an opinion regarding the Department at 847-377-2127 by 12:00 p.m., April 16, 2021 to Fence Variation at 801 Prince Charles Lane will be given receive information and instructions on how to join the an opportunity to be heard. The Zoom web conference will hearing via the Zoom website or by phone. Space for allow the public to view the meeting online or call in to in-person remote attendance by members of the public will participate. Written questions regarding the amendment be available at the Lake County Central Permit Facility, are encouraged and should be sent to 500 W Winchester Road, Libertyville, Illinois and is limited in advance of the to the number of persons currently allowed per the hearing. Gubernatorial Proclamation and as practicable in keeping Join Zoom Meeting with social distancing requirements. comment may be presented during the hearing by dUMVE0QSsyRDlIajdPaHA4QT09 individuals, whether attending remotely or in person, or Meeting ID: 959 1522 7145 may be submitted in writing. Written comments may be Passcode: 613020 emailed to or One tap mobile delivered to the Central Permit Facility, 500 W. Winchester +13126266799,,95915227145#,,,,*613020# US (Chicago) Road, Libertyville, Illinois. Include your full name and Dial by your location subject title: ZBA #ZON-000632-2021 with your written +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) statement. Comments received by 10:00 a.m. April 21, 2021 Individuals with disabilities who plan to participate in will be provided to the ZBA prior to the close of testimony. this meeting and are requested to contact the Community Public Comment is limited to three minutes per individual Development Department at (847) 923-4430 at least one (1) or spokesperson pursuant to the Zoning Board of Appeals week prior to the meeting, if possible. bylaws. Recognized organizations that wish to present JAMIE CLAR, CHAIRMAN evidence must submit a request prior to the public hearing PLAN COMMISSION using the form provided in the ZBA rules at VILLAGE OF SCHAUMBURG Published in Daily Herald April 2, 2021 (4561190) Appeals.The proposed amendments are available for public examination electronically at https://www.lake LOST YOUR LOST YOUR or at the office of the Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals, 500 W. PET? PET? Winchester Rd, Libertyville, Illinois. Project Manager, Get the whole Northwest Suburban Get the whole Northwest Suburban Krista Braun (847) 377-2600. area looking for it. Place an ad in the area looking for it. Place an ad in the Gregory Koeppen, Chair DAILY HERALD DAILY HERALD Classified. Classified. Published in Daily Herald April 2, 2021 (4561227) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING In accordance with Village Ordinance #97-98, notice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Gurnee will conduct a public hearing on Monday, April 19, 2021 beginning at 6:30 P.M. The hearing will be held at the Gurnee Village Hall, located at 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois. The hearing is being conducted to consider contributing 20% of the total costs, up to a maximum of $500,000, to allow certain interior renovations at Gurnee Mills in the former Sears Grand store. Interior renovations may include, but are not limited to, certain durable improvements necessary to prepare tenant space for a national retail tenant specializing in the sale of arts and crafts supplies as well as create other tenant spaces. Said Redevelopment Agreement is on file and available for examination at the Gurnee Village Hall, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois. All persons interested are invited to attend said hearing and be heard. The public hearing may be continued to another date, time, and place without the publication or delivery of another notice such as this one. Dated this 31st day of March, 2021. By: Patrick A. Muetz Village Administrator Village of Gurnee Published in Daily Herald April 2, 2021 (4561196)
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Gurnee will conduct a public hearing pursuant to the Cable communications Policy Act of 1984 on Monday, April 19, 2021 beginning at 6:45 P.M. The hearing will be held at the Gurnee Village Hall, located at 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois. The hearing is Terrace, an opportunity to comment on the contemplated renewal of Comcast of Illinois XII, LLC’s cable television franchise within the Village of Gurnee The current cable television franchise agreement held by Comcast of Illinois XII, LLC is available for inspection at the at the Gurnee Village Hall, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois. Any and all persons wishing to provide comments concerning the performance of Comcast of Illinois XII, LLC under its current franchise agreement, the future cable television related needs and interests of the residents of the Village of Gurnee, or the contemplated renewal of Comcast of Illinois XII’s cable television franchise may appear at the Public Hearing and may present testimony orally, in writing, or both. Written comments will also be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on April 19th, 2021 by the Office of the Village Clerk. Dated this 30th day of March, 2021. By: Patrick A. Muetz Village Administrator Village of Gurnee Published in Daily Herald April 2, 2021 (4561226)
Public Hearings & Notices
Public Hearings & Notices
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD FOR THE 2019 ACTION PLAN SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT #5 FOR THE DU PAGE COUNTY CONSORTIUM DuPage County received approximately $6.7 million in Community Development Block Grant-Coronavirus Act Funds (CDBG-CV) and is proposing a 5th Substantial Amendment to its 2019 Action Plan. These funds were allocated through Public Law 116-136 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) as a result of a Presidential declaration of a nationwide emergency, pursuant to section 501(b) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5191(b)). This declaration was in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to recommendation for use of CDBG-CV funds, reprogramming of $300,000 in CDBG and $468,840 in HOME funding are also outlined in Substantial Amendment #5. This document can be viewed on the DuPage County Community Development website https://www.dupageco. org/Community_Services/Community_Development_Com mission/31052/. The link to the 2019 Substantial Amendment #5 has been forwarded to public libraries, municipalities and townships throughout the DuPage County Consortium area, which includes any municipality wholly or partly in DuPage County. Additional free copies are available to interested organizations or individuals and may be obtained by contacting the DuPage County Community Development Office. A virtual public hearing to obtain input for the 2019 Action Plan Substantial Amendment #5 will be held as follows: Wednesday, April 14, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. Information on accessing a link to the virtual public hearing meeting will be posted on the DuPage County Community Development Commission Public Hearing webpage: / Community_Development_Commission/62903/. Interested parties must utilize the above link to gain access to the virtual public hearing. Anyone requiring special accommodations should contact the Community Development Commission office at (630) 407-6600. The 30-day public comment period begins April 5, 2021 with written comments accepted until 4:30 pm on May 5, 2021. Comments by interested citizens and organizations can be made via mail to 421 N County Farm Road, Room 2-800, Wheaton, IL 60187 or email Published in Daily Herald April 2, 2021 (4561151)
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the Roselle Planning & Zoning Commission will hold Public Hearing PZ 21-1093 at a special meeting on Tuesday, April 20, 2021. The Planning & Zoning Commission will meet at 5:30 PM remotely via Zoom, Meeting ID: 898 8311 9409 to consider the petition of Emil J. Anderson & Son, Inc. for a Zoning Map Amendment from R-4 Multiple Family Residence District to B-2 Convenience Shopping Center District on property legally described as follows: THAT PART OF LOT 1 IN ROSELLE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY SUBDIVISION UNIT NO. 4, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 40 NORTH, RANGE 10, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MAY 26, 1972 AS DOCUMENT NO. R72-28175, AND CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION RECORDED JUNE 14, 1972 AS DOCUMENT NO. R72-32308, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 24 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1, SAID LINE ALSO BEING THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OFWAY LINE OF LAWRENCE AVENUE 345.01 FEET; THENCE NORTH 25 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 36 SECONDS WEST 102.56 FEET THENCE NORTH 17 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 24 SECOND EAST 305.63 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 1; THENCE SOUTH 53 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE 368.61 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 1; THENCE SOUTH 83 DEGREES 48 MINUTES 54 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 1 117.18 FEET (117.41 FEET RECORDED) TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 1, SAID LINE ALONG BEING THE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF CHERRY STREET; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 BEING A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 921.03 FEET WITH A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 07 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 24 SECONDS EAST AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 144.77 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 1 SOUTH 02 DEGREES 49 MINUTES 13 SECONDS EAST 25.00 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PIN: 02-02-103-019 The Subject Site is commonly addressed as 0 Lawrence Avenue, Roselle, Illinois. The property is approximately 1.84 acres (80,150.72 square feet) and is currently zoned R-4 Multiple Family Residence District. At the public hearing, anyone wishing to make a public statement will be encouraged to do so. Written comments may be submitted to the Board prior to the public hearing by emailing A copy of the application and plans are available at the Community Development Department or by contacting the Village Planner at or (630) 671-2806. By Order of the Chairperson of the Roselle Planning & Zoning Commission Hiren Patel Chairperson Published in Daily Herald April 2, 2021 (4561285).
Get the whole Northwest Suburban area looking for it. Place an ad in the DAILY HERALD Classified.
Get the whole Northwest Suburban area looking for it. Place an ad in the DAILY HERALD Classified.
Get the whole Northwest Suburban area looking for it. Place an ad in the DAILY HERALD Classified.
Get the whole Northwest Suburban area looking for it. Place an ad in the DAILY HERALD Classified.
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¡Aprovecha tu entusiasmo tecnológico! —¡Virtualmente! 23 al 25 de abril de 2021 9 a.m. a 4 p.m. • Gratis
Únase al College of DuPage a medida que exploramos todo lo que STEM puede ofrecer— ¡virtualmente! Algunas sesiones requieren que se registre de antemano. ¡Venga para obtener conocimiento y quédese para pasarla bien!
Puntos destacados:
Orador principal: Justin Shaifer Director ejecutivo de Fascinate Inc. y promotor de STEM “Porque STEM es genial” Las clases aburridas y los maestros poco inspiradores a menudo arruinan la percepción de los estudiantes sobre STEM. Esta charla animadora informará a los estudiantes acerca de experiencias de la vida real de profesionales STEM modernos, y de las perspectivas de las carreras STEM.
• Tours virtuales • Talleres programados • Demostraciones emocionantes • Actividades STEM que puede hacer usted mismo
Para más información y el horario de eventos, visite:
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©2021 College of DuPage. Todos los derechos reservados. STEMO-21-198748
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Viernes, 9 de Abril, 2021 **SE ATENDERÁ POR CITA**
LLAME AL (847) 695-9050 ext. 300 CENTRO DE INFORMACION 1885 Lin Lor Ln • Elgin, IL 60123
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‘Union Latina” Sábados 8am-12pm
1220-AM WKRS De tu comunidad para tu Comunidad
These materials are supported fully through a State Opioid Response (SOR) grant to the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (TI-081699).
*El tratamiento asistido por medicamentos está disponible en Elgin, Hanover Park, Sycamore y Wheeling.