Reflejos 05/14/2021

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La voz suburbana de los Hispan

VOL. 32, No. 19




| Español

Planificar por adelantado es sencillo. Los beneficios son inmensos. Cuando usted planifica por adelantado puede escoger cada detalle para su tributo final y darle a sus seres queridos paz y tranquilidad. Cuando esté listo para empezar, los profesionales de Dignity Memorial están allí para ayudarlo. ®


MOUNT AUBURN Funeral Home & Cemetery

WOODLAWN Funeral Home & Memorial Park

STICKNEY | 708-749-2033

FOREST PARK | 708-442-8500

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| Español



Judson’s community prayer breakfast speaker reflects on the importance of Hope ELGIN, IL –The Judson University’s Annual Community Prayer Breakfast held May 10 brought together nearly 180 people to Herrick Chapel and the Reed Room in Lindner Tower, two locations on Judson’s Elgin campus to celebrate community volunteers and consider the theme of “Restoration.” Community members, including local dignitaries, civic leaders and church leaders, came together to enjoy Christian fellowship, honor peers with service awards and hear from the morning’s guest speaker, Jeff Miller, the Schaumburg business owner of Divine Signs. Miller shared about his experience of surviving United Flight 232, which attempted to make an emergency landing in Sioux City, Iowa, that killed 112 passengers of the 296 on board. “I believe that the only reason I survived that crash was to be here this morning,” said Miller. Miller recounted how he hadn’t expected to be on the plane that day. In July of 1989, he and his wife and young children were vacationing in Colorado when his grandfather died unexpectedly. He quickly found a flight to Chicago to attend his grandfather’s wake and funeral with plans of returning to Colorado to drive home with his family. While on the flight bound for Chicago, Miller remembered that a terrible explosion in the tail engine sounded like a terrorist bomb. Debris from the engine severed all of the hydraulic steering systems. While he worried about how to continue onto Chicago despite what would inevitably lead to a delay, Miller said that the pilots were working to control the plane using gravity and thrust from the wing engines to keep the plane airborne until it could make an emergency landing in Sioux City, Ia. When the plane attempted to land in Sioux City, Miller said the right wing dropped, clipped the ground, and caused the airliner to summersault and stop in a fiery crash. Miller’s section of the plane landed 60 feet down the runway and he hung upside down by his safety belt until he was released by another passenger. Later, Miller noted, one of the pilots said that he was amazed that the DC-10 had not simply fallen from the sky. The pilot shared that he believed some force was guiding the plane after the explosion. For Miller, already a Christian who had committed his life to Jesus, he was reminded of God’s peace that passes all understanding. “That crash, and the plane crashes that we have experienced as a family since then, rushed through me like a river. God’s peace was refreshing to me when it seemed like nothing could be refreshed,” Miller said. Through that crash, Miller said he realized that he wanted to always cling to God’s peace and to send out hope to others. “Hope is a difference maker,” Miller noted. Miller said he has found hope in the victory of the cross, “God’s ultimate gift of sacrifice, the giving of his son for our sins; the light and hope for this world today,” he said. While that hope cannot be found in politics,


MORE THAN 180 community leaders attended Judson University’s Annual Community Prayer Breakfast that was held in two locations, Herrick Chapel and Lindner Tower, on Judson’s Elgin campus.

SCHAUMBURG BUSINESS Owner Jeffery Miller shared his story of surviving the United Airlines Flight 232 during Judson University’s Annual Prayer Breakfast.

social media or schools, Miller said it can be found in Christians who share that hope with others. In the 32 years since the accident, Miller has told his story to many groups and has found that his story is one of hope for ourselves and hope that can sustain future generations in a culture that so often is filled with hopelessness. Miller challenged attendees to be the agents of hope and to spread that hope like a wildfire to others.

The Annual Community Prayer Breakfast included reflective guitar music performed by Judson Alumnus Josh Lasota. The theme of restoration was part Judson’s theme for the year and fit into plans made by its Spiritual Council and Diversity Committee. Restoration was also part of the prayer emphasis as guests were invited to pray by individual tables for the community. This year’s D. Ray Wilson Volunteer Service Award recipient was Dr. David Sam, president of Elgin Community College and an active volunteer on boards for the Elgin Area Chamber of Commerce, United Way of Elgin, Greater Elgin Area YMCA and AMITA Presence St. Joseph Hospital. Dr. Sam is a founding member of the Alignment Collaborative for Education. He also serves on the Rotary Club of Elgin and a number of workforce and education advisory committees at the local, regional, state and federal level. He has received more than 20 awards and honors for his leadership within the higher education and community college arena as well as received many recognitions for his service. Under his leadership, ECC has been recognized for its many achievements and innovations. Dr. Sam is an enthusiastic donor to many charities. When accepting the award, Dr. Sam expressed his appreciation to the many community groups that accepted him when he joined ECC in 2007 as president. He also thanked many members of the ECC board, faculty and staff for their support. Judson’s Bea Wilson Youth Volunteer

Service Award recognizes high school-aged youth in the Fox Valley who give back to their community. This year’s recipient wasAbigail Estrada, a senior in the World Language International Studies Academy at Streamwood High School. Estrada is president of the Girl Up Chicago Coalition in which she works with other Girl Up Clubs in the area to spark change. This year, Abigail organized a Girl Up Summit for the Chicago region. She is also the co-chair of women’s rights for the United Nations Association Coalition of Chicago, participates in Running Start High School Program to teach young girls about government, and is part of the Let’s Move Elgin Youth Board. Abigail also was a youth census committee member and has worked on the Martin Luther King Planning and the City of Elgin’s Human Relations Committee. Judson University is a fully accredited, private Christian institution representing the Church at work in higher education. Nestled along the beautiful Fox River in Elgin, Ill., just 36 miles northwest of Chicago, Judson is home to more than 1,250 students from 41 states and 26 countries. Judson offers degrees in more than 65 different majors and minors for traditional, graduate and adult students and ranks consistently among the Best Regional Universities in the Midwest by U.S. News & World Report. Judson has also been recognized as a “Christian College of Distinction.” With an academically challenging environment and encouraging spiritual community, Judson shapes lives that shape the world.



| Español


Business Insight

‘Food hustler’ behind new restaurant in Elgin La voz suburbana de los Hispanos GERENTE DE VENTAS Y OPERACIONES Linda Siete (847) 806-1411 VENTAS Raul Ortiz (847) 427-4634 CLASIFICADOS (847) 427-4770 CIRCULACION (847) 806-1111 COORDINACIÓN DE ANUNCIOS Ana Maria Hinkhouse Reflejos Publications, LLC

95 W Algonquin Rd Suite 300 Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Reflejos es una publicación que sirve a los latinos de los suburbios de Chicago en los condados de Cook, DuPage, Kane, KendallLake, McHenry y Will. Reflejos orgullosamente forma parte de la Familia Paddock y es publicacion hermana del Daily Herald. Fundado en 1990.


For Reflejos

Beatriz Cardona knew she wanted to cook fromanearlyage,oftenplayingkitchenasayoung girl and making “food” in her yard from dirt. Fortunately for Elgin diners, her flavor profiles and ingredient choices have evolved, because she and her husband, Alberto, are about to open a much-anticipated restaurant in the city. BeaUnique Latin Kitchen, 74 S. Grove Ave., is slated to open for takeout and delivery by the middle of the week. The Cardonas initially planned to open last fall, but as the pandemic escalated over the summer the goal posts kept moving. “We’re definitely ready to get started,” she said. They hope to open the dining room by late July. “This has always been my dream, I’ve always wanted to have my own restaurant,” Cardona said. She learned to cook from her mother, who is Mexican, and from watching her husband’s mom, who is Puerto Rican. Her marinades and sauces are inspired by that combination. “Those two ingredients mixed together, you’ve got that pow!” she said. “I knew way back that I had something; I just never shared it with anybody,” she said. “I said, ‘One day, I’m going to get up and start my own business.’” And so she did. In 2018, she made started making food and taking it around to local businesses, asking if she could sell it. “They tried my food, and they told their friends who then told their friends and within eight months, I kid you not, we were all over the place,” she said. She decided to build the clientele first, then a restaurant. So she continued soliciting local businesses, taking orders and delivering plates of food. “I was a food hustler,” she said. She delivered her Latin flavors to barber shops, office buildings, police stations. She even took an order to a culinary school in Schaumburg. She eventually set up shop at Dream Kitchen in Elgin so she could handle the increasing number of orders and catering gigs. Word-of-mouth started to spread after


BEAUNIQUE LATIN Kitchen plans to open next week for takeout and delivery. Beatriz and Alberto Cardona have operated a successful catering business under the same name, and their first brick-and-mortar restaurant has been highly anticipated in Elgin.

the Cardonas rented a food truck to sell their dishes during a big softball tournament at the Elgin Sports Complex and then again at Nightmare on Chicago Street. “That’s when things really started taking off,” Alberto said. They’ve parlayed that word-of-mouth into social media success. A restaurant that isn’t even open yet already has more than 6,500 followers on Facebook. “It’s not just the food; her personality draws people in,” Alberto said. “She’s a social butterfly.” They’ll be open six days a week for lunch and dinner. Once they open the dining room, it will seat about 65 people. They’re limiting their menu offerings during this early takeout phase of the business and will focus on the items that have been big hits with her longtime customers, including beef and potato empanadas served with tostones and her “famous” steak sandwich. Birria tacos, chicken flautas, Cuban sandwiches and more also will be available. “We bring great flavors to the table, like no other,” she said.

BEATRIZ AND Alberto Cardona will open BeaUnique Latin Kitchen for takeout and delivery next week in downtown Elgin.

Lake County Seeking Residents to Serve on Ethics Commission

In alliance with

Lake County is seeking five residents to serve on the County’s first Independent Ethics Commission. The newly formed commission was approved during the April 2021 Lake County Board meeting as part of a comprehensive update to the County’s Ethics & Conduct Code. The purpose of the Commission is to review, investigate, hear, and act on ethics complaints. “This new commission adds to the overall transparency of our Lake County government,”

said Lake County Board Member and Ethics and Oversight Committee Chair Jessica Vealitzek. “It’s important that politics are kept out of reviewing ethics complaints so that conflicts may be resolved fairly for all involved.” Commissioners will be appointed to staggered first terms per the Code, with all subsequent terms being three years. The commission will meet two times per year and as needed to review complaints. The meetings will take place at the Lake County administration building lo-

cated at 18 N. County Street, Waukegan. Applications to serve on the Ethics Commission can be completed through this online application form and must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 21, 2021. A copy of Lake County’s Ethics & Conduct Code can be found onLake County’s website. For questions or for more information, please contact Assistant County Administrator Matthew Meyers at 847-377-2232 /



| Español

“He crecido enormemente a nivel profesional y esto tiene mucho que ver con Northeastern. Northeastern ha impulsado mi vida personal y profesional a un nuevo nivel”. Gracias al costo accesible y las becas que cubren el costo de estudios universitarios y la residencia dentro de la Universidad, Julio E. Arreola, quien se gradúa en finanzas este año, pudo calcular qué le convenía y decidió que Northeastern Illinois University era la mejor inversión para su educación y su futuro. Como el primer estudiante universitario de su familia, Julio no solo quiso ir a la universidad para iniciar su carrera profesional, también quiso ser un buen ejemplo para sus hermanos. Mientras estudiaba en Northeastern, Julio pudo adquirir experiencia en pasantías que obtuvo con varias empresas. Y por ello antes de graduarse, recibió una oferta de trabajo de un grupo internacional de servicios financieros. Conozca más detalles sobre Julio en

Institución que Sirve a los Hispanos (HSI) • 70+ especializaciones • 4 Ubicaciones en Chicago • Becas Disponibles



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Soar to New Heights with Girl Scouts’ Rappelling Fundraiser at SupplyCore! SupplyCore is sponsoring and providing its historic 8-story building as the 2021 site of Over the Edge 4 Girl Scouts— Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois’ urban rappelling event.

Las vacunas contra COVID-19 son seguras.

Visitar a la abuela también lo será. Una vacuna COVID-19 lo ayudará a protegerse a usted y a las personas que lo rodean. Cosas importantes que debe saber sobre la vacuna: • Estados Unidos tiene varias vacunas altamente efectivas contra COVID-19 • Las vacunas han sido autorizadas y monitoreadas por la FDA • Tienen una eficacia de hasta un 95% para protegerlo del virus • Hasta la fecha se han administrado más de 165 millones de dosis en EEUU • Si bien las personas pueden experimentar efectos secundarios leves, las reacciones graves son muy raras

Para obtener más información sobre los beneficios que brindan las vacunas contra COVID-19, lo alentamos a que hable con su médico y visite:

ROCKFORD, IL – Don’t miss your chance to go Over the Edge 4 Girl Scouts! Spots are still available for Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois’ urban rappelling adventure on June 5, 2021, at SupplyCore in downtown Rockford. This unique fundraiser provides participants the thrill of rappelling down SupplyCore’s historic 8-story building while overlooking the scenic Rock River. Limited to the first 92 participants, individuals, ages 11 and older, raise proceeds through peer-to-peer and DIY fundraising with GSNI’s fundraising toolkit and specially designed website. “Edgers” must raise $1,000 to go Over the Edge. Employees can work together to raise $1,000 to “Toss the Boss” and send someone over the edge. No experience is required—only the desire to build courage and raise funds for tomorrow’s leaders! Over the Edge staff consists of experts who provide technical expertise, training, and equipment needed for the event. Proceeds benefit those who may face financial barriers to fully participating in Girl Scouts and support leaders in areas where volunteers are not always available. Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois is committed to providing every interested member and their family access to the lifelong benefits and skills found only through the Girl Scout Leadership Experience! Visit to sign up or check out ways to support local event rappelers with their fundraising efforts at Interested in a free rappel? Rope volunteers are needed! Volunteers must be age 18+ and able to handle Over the Edge’s physical requirements for rope volunteers. Previous experience with rope safety is a plus but not required. Training attendance is mandatory. Volunteers should be available on Friday, June 4, from 1–7 p.m., and on Saturday, June 5, from 7:45 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Register at Volunteer to be a part of the Over the Edge Event Day Crew on Saturday, June 5. Youth and adult crew members are needed! Interested community members should email for more information! Over the Edge 4 Girl Scouts is generously sponsored by Jewel-Osco, PNC Bank, SwedishAmerican, Magpie, B103, and WREX-TV. Over the Edge 4 Girl Scouts will follow all COVID-19 health and safety policies in place at the time of the event.

About Over the Edge 4 Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts know outdoor activities like

Over the Edge 4 Girl Scouts provide opportunities to experience unforgettable adventures and triumph through individual and group challenges. Current Girl Scout members, ages 11–18, are being encouraged to participate at a discounted rate of $500 raised per girl. All proceeds raised through Over the Edge 4 Girl Scouts will provide membership and program assistance to current and future Girl Scouts in 16 local counties. Corporate sponsorships are also available. Contact for more information.

About SupplyCore Inc.

Founded in 1987, SupplyCore Inc. is a supply chain and technology integrator and small business federal defense contractor providing key support to the U.S. military and its allies. Driven by its mission to sustain and enhance the physical and human capital of our nation and its allies in times of peace and crisis, SupplyCore’s core competencies include global supply chain management and performance-based logistics executed in a variety of environments. Inc. has recognized SupplyCore as one of America’s fastest-growing companies for a total of nine years, including induction into the elite Inc. 500 Hall of Fame. SupplyCore also includes MPOWR®, its software and innovation division. For more information about SupplyCore, visit

We’re Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois

We believe every Girl Scout can change the world. With us, Girl Scouts develop the independence and confidence to guide their own lives and build a better world. With programs focused on the outdoors, career and interest exploration, travel and global community, and practical life skills, in addition to community service projects, every Girl Scout can unlock their full potential and be amazing! We serve 16 counties including parts or all of Boone, Carroll, Cook, DeKalb, DuPage, Jo Daviess, Kane, Kendall, Lake, LaSalle, Lee, McHenry, Ogle, Stephenson, Whiteside, and Winnebago. To volunteer, reconnect, donate, or join, visit or call 844-GSNI-4-ME (844-476-4463).


| Español

Guild looking for artists inspired by Frida Kahlo The Elmhurst Artists’ Guild is now accepting applications for a juried exhibit, “Engaging Frida.” Artists are asked to create a piece reflecting the life and art of Frida Kahlo. The accepted art will be on exhibit July 10 to Aug. 22. Deadline is Wednesday, June 5; the artist will be notified by Saturday, June 19. Apply today engaging-frida. The mission of the Elmhurst Artists’ Guild continues as the charitable and not-for-profit functions of shows and exhibitions, workshops, lectures, classes and other similar activities that further the purpose of encouraging, promoting, advancing, and assisting PHOTO: COURTESY OF ELMHURST ARTISTS’ GUILD art education, and the advancement of and APPLICATIONS ARE due June 5 for development of the arts. Visitwww.elmhurstartistsguild.orgorw- Elmhurst Artists’ Guild’s “Engaging Frida,” a juried exhibit on the life and art of Frida Kahlo.


Las vacunas contra el COVID-19 son seguras, efectivas y sin costo para usted.

Yo ya lo hice.








| Español

How media center workers at Palatine High are using TikTok to promote reading BY ELENA FERRARIN

For Reflejos

Leaping over a desk. Falling with a dozen hardcover books in your arms. Hanging off a moving book cart. “There is nothing we won’t try” goes a line in the song that two Palatine High School media center staff members used intheir latest TikTok video-- and that pretty much sums it up. Meredith Quick and Sarina Flores are the creators the media center TikTok account, @mediacenterphs, which they launched at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The account’s tagline is “Just a bunch of librarians looking to spread the love of reading.” “Both me and Sarina are very outgoing people, and we miss the kids,” Quick said. “It was like, ‘How do we get to the kids?’ And the kids are on their iPhone or their iPad. We wanted to reach out to them.” Quick is a library assistant, and Flores is a media center assistant. The two have posted 108 lighthearted videos via the social networking app to promote books and reading, as well as things like Black History Month, Women’s History Month and the “Top 16” books picked by high school librar-

ians and staff members. They get on average 200 to 300 views, with some garnering more than 1,000. The most popular has about5,500 views. “I did it in five minutes and I don’t understand why (it was so popular),” Quick said, speculating it might have been due a particularly popular song she used in the video. Flores came up with the idea of launching a TikTok channel for the media center. She asked her co-workers to record snippets at home, which she used to create the first video in April 2020. “My kids use TikTok, and I use it too,” she said. “Editing is the hardest part.” Over the summer, she and Quick -- who eventually also learned to edit -- brainstormed ideas for more videos. Their effort launched in earnest in August, when staff members returned to the building. The two women use the media center’s Twitter and Instagram accounts to share their TikToks and tag book authors. That has led to things like “Fireborne” author Rosaria Munda’s Zoom book talk for the media center and social media interactions with authors Fred Aceves and April Henry, among others.

Quick, who has dyslexia, is passionate about encouraging students who grapple with the same condition. Two of her TikTok videos focus on that, she said. “When kids tell me they don’t like to read, I just tell them, ‘You haven’t read the right book.’” Also, “all reading counts,” she said, including audiobooks and forms like graphic novels and verse. The media center has about 17,000 books, plus puzzles, games and a reading and studying area. Students also have access to hundreds of e-books. “We get a lot of traffic coming in here,” Flores said. But nothing’s been the same during the pandemic, which is why the TikTok videos have been a great way to stay connected with students, they said. Flores and Quick do a lot of “research” by watching other TikTok videos and tag their videos with “BookTok,” a subset for book lovers. What they don’t do is things like adding popular, but unrelated, tags to attract more viewers, they said. “Our intent is not to go viral. Our intent is to make connections with our students,” Quick said. “We are here for them, we miss them and we are going to be here for them when this is all over.”


PALATINE HIGH School library assistant Meredith Quick, left, and media center assistant Sarina Flores recorded a TikTok video last week.

These materials are supported fully through a State Opioid Response (SOR) grant to the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (TI-081699).

*El tratamiento asistido por medicamentos está disponible en Elgin, Hanover Park, Sycamore y Wheeling.



| Español

Latinos Latinos representan el 21% represent 21% de las personas of people living que viven con VIH with HIV in en EEUU the U.S. El VIH sigue siendo una seria amenaza para la salud de la comunidad hispana/latina. Los latinos representan aproximadamente el 17% de la población de EEUU, pero representan un 21% de las personas que viven con el VIH y el 24% de todas las personas recién diagnosticadas con el virus. Después de varios años de aumento, los diagnósticos se estabilizaron entre los hombres jóvenes (de 13 a 24 años de edad) afroamericanos y homosexuales, y bisexuales blancos. Los diagnósticos aumentaron un 14% entre los jóvenes hispanos/latinos homosexuales y bisexuales. El estigma asociado con el VIH y la homosexualidad y las realidades sociales y económicas de la vida de algunos latinos, incluida la pobreza, el miedo a la deportación y la falta de acceso a la atención médica, pueden aumentar el riesgo de contraer el VIH. El miedo a revelar información sensible, como comportamientos de riesgo u orientación sexual, puede impedir que los latinos se hagan la prueba del VIH y busquen servicios de tratamiento y prevención. Como resultado, demasiados latinos carecen de información fundamental sobre cómo prevenir la infección. El VIH/SIDA ya no es una sentencia de muerte y puede tratarse a las personas que lo tengan para que puedan vivir una vida larga. Las personas no pueden recibir tratamiento para el VIH si no se sabe que tienen el virus. El Ecker Center ofrece pruebas de VIH gratuitas a personas latinas de alto riesgo y ofrece un grupo de apoyo para hombres latinos gay y bisexuales que viven con el VIH. Nuestro personal bilingüe y bicultural ha estado ofreciendo servicios a la población latina durante más de 20 años. Por favor, llame a Marcos Bostho al 847-2937283, o a Jay al 847-482-4750 para obtener una evaluación gratuita o para programar una cita para una prueba.

HIV continues to be a serious threat to the health of the Hispanic/Latino community. Latinos represent approximately 17% of the US population, but account for an estimated 21% of people living with HIV and approximately 24% of all persons newly diagnosed with HIV. After years of increases, diagnoses stabilized among young (aged 13-24) African American and white gay and bisexual men. Diagnoses increased 14% among young Hispanic/Latino gay and bisexual men. The stigma associated with HIV and homosexuality and the social and economic realities of some Latino’s lives, including poverty, fear of deportation, and lack of access to health care, can increase HIV risk. Fear of disclosing sensitive information such as risk behavior or sexual orientation may prevent Latinos from getting tested for HIV and seeking treatment and prevention services. As a result, too many Latinos lack critical information about how to prevent infection. HIV/AIDS is no longer a death sentence and can be treated so that you can live a long life. Individuals cannot be treated for HIV, if you don’t know you have the virus. Ecker Center offers free HIV testing to high-risk Latino persons and offers a support group for Latino gay and bisexual men who are living with HIV. Our bilingual and bicultural staff have been offering services to the Latino population for over 20 years. Please call Marcos Bostho at 847293-7283 or Jay 847-482-4750 for a free screening or to set up an appointment for testing.





DHS Retira la Regla Propuesta sobre Datos Biométricos

| Español

Janine Trainor Fronteras de la Noticia - El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional ha retirado una regla propuesta que habría ampliado las autoridades y requisitos del departamento para recopilar datos biométricos mediante la eliminación de las restricciones de edad; requerir la presentación de datos biométricos a todo solicitante, peticionario, patrocinador, beneficiario, u otra persona que presente una solicitud para o asociada con cualquier beneficio o petición de inmigración o naturalización, a menos que DHS no exija o exima el requisito de datos biométricos; codificación de la autoridad de usar los resultados de las pruebas de ADN; y autorizar el uso de tipos adicionales de modalidades de datos biométricos. DHS anunció su decisión de retirar la regla propuesta, publicada originalmente el 11 de septiembre de 2020, en una notificación del Registro Federal. El retiro de la regla va de acuerdo con la Orden Ejecutiva 14012, Restauración de la Fe en Nuestros Sistemas de Inmigración Legal y Fortalecimiento de los Esfuerzos de Integración e Inclusión para Nuevos Estadounidenses, y prioridades adicionales de la administración para reducir las barreras y las cargas indebidas en el sistema de inmigración. DHS aún requerirá la presentación de datos biométricos cuando sea apropiado y sigue comprometido con la seguridad nacional, gestión de identidades, prevención del fraude y la integridad del programa.



La Federación Mexicana de Futbol y Soccer United Marketing presentan la campaña “Somos Locales”

NUEVA YORK Y CIUDAD DE MÉXICO - La Federación Mexicana de Fútbol (FMF) y Soccer United Marketing (SUM) presentan “Somos Locales”, campaña desarrollada para los más de 60 millones de fanáticos de la Selección Nacional de México en los EE. UU. Esta campaña se lanza previo al inicio de la gira anual por Estados Unidos, #MexTour, que comenzará el sábado 29 de mayo en el AT&T Stadium en Arlington. La campaña será lanzada a través de las redes sociales de SNM para Estados Unidos y para descargar elementos gráficos personalizado y videos, haga click en el siguiente enlace: “Somos Locales” destaca la herencia de los mexicoamericanos en los Estados Unidos así como su apoyo multigeneracional y apasionado a la Selección Nacional de México, un fenómeno culturalmente rico que cobra vida y celebra la tradición, la comunidad e identidad durante todo el año en cada uno de los juegos MexTour. Esta campaña está dirigida a todos los seguidores de la Selección Nacional de México, que de acuerdo con un estudio realizado en el 2020 suman más de 60 millones y que en la última década nos acompañan en promedio 60 mil fanáticos por partido en el MexTour “La Selección Nacional de México reconoce y agradece a los millones de fanáticos

apasionados en los Estados Unidos a través de esta campaña que resalta el apoyo que siempre han brindado a la Selección al hacernos sentir que siempre juagamos de local. A lo largo de dos décadas que los partidos de la Selección Nacional de México en los EE. UU. se han convertido en eventos importantes y celebraciones masivas del orgullo mexicano”, comentó Beatriz Ramos, Directora de Comunicación e Imagen, FMF. Agradecemos a Chiquis Rivera, Larry Hernández y otros mexico-americanos que se unieron al proyecto para apoyar la campaña y difundir el mensaje de unidad y orgullo de “Somos Locales”. También agradecemos al quinteto norteño Ramones de Nuevo León quienes se encargaron de la canción oficial de la campaña en redes sociales con su versión de la legendaria canción “México-Americano.” La Selección Nacional de México se está preparando para un verano de gran presencia en los Estados Unidos, con su participación en el MexTour a partir del 29 de mayo en Dallas, un juego del 12 de junio en Atlanta, las Finales de la Liga de Naciones de Concacaf a principios de junio en Denver y la Copa Oro de la Concacaf en julio, lo que ofrecerá una gran oportunidad para que sus seguidores puedan presenciar estos partidos.



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| Español


Rolling Meadows barber launches scholarship for District 214 students entering trades BY EILEEN O. DADAY

For Reflejos

A small awards ceremony took place last week in the auto shop at Rolling Meadows High School. There was little fanfare, but everyone involved hopes the scholarship may lead to a life-changing opportunity. Senior Justin Leander of Arlington Heights was the recipient. He has taken four years of automotive technology classes at Rolling Meadows, and he plans to put the scholarship toward pursuing his automotive technology degree at Triton College in River Grove. Jose Maldonado, a 2010 Rolling Meadows grad, created the scholarship. He runs Jefes Barbershop in Rolling Meadows, and recently earned his teaching certificate in the trade. But he still remembers the scholarship he received at Rolling Meadows High School that set his career path in motion. “If it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t be here,” Maldonado says. “My family didn’t have much. The scholarship was enough to get me in (to barber school). I don’t know where I’d be without it.” Fittingly, it was called the Jumpstart Scholarship and Maldonado was the recipient in its second year. Jim and Katherine Okon of Arlington Heights created the scholarship after their five children graduated from the school. They hoped to give a deserving student a jump-start to going to college or trade school. Jim Voyles, athletic director at Rolling Meadows High School, helped create the Jumpstart Scholarship with the Okons. Though the family has moved out of state, he intends to tell them how their concept has come full circle, with Maldonado creating a similar scholarship designed for students hoping to go to trade school. “The coolest part is that Jose has taken the scholarship to another level,” says Voyles, who had Maldonado in his physical education class. “He’s giving back to his school -- and to his community.” Maldonado purchased the barbershop three years ago and he now employs five full-time barbers. He married his high school sweetheart, Jackie, and they and their two small children live in Rolling Meadows. Jackie Maldonado is an early childhood teacher at Schaumburg Township Elementary District 54’s Early Learning Center. Maldonado says he knew from the time he was a small boy that he wanted to cut hair and it became his goal to go to barber school. “It was my passion,” he says.


JOSE MALDONADO, owner of Jefes Barbershop in Rolling Meadows, cuts the hair of John Burke of Arlington Heights last Friday. Maldonado recently started a scholarship to help District 214 students planning to enter trade schools.

Now, he sees that same passion in Justin, only to work in the automotive technology field. At Rolling Meadows High School, he’s already gotten a head start. For starters, the school’s program earned accreditation from the National Automotive Technician’s Education Foundation. In their full-service auto lab, students work on real cars, doing everything from tire rotations and brake inspections, to learning the difference between alternators for hybrid and electronic vehicles, and diagnostics for different sensors. Students who take four years of automotive classes receive six months of job experience toward their Automotive Service Excellence certification and they also can earn college credits from area community colleges and trade schools. During the awards presentation, Maldonado and his former teacher, Voyles, described how the original scholarship had jump-started his dreams, and they hoped Justin would find similar success. “I hope the scholarship helps him a little,” Maldonado said. “But once he gets in (to an automotive program), he has to find his passion and set his own path.”


ROLLING MEADOWS High School senior Justin Leander of Arlington Heights, center, has been awarded a scholarship to study automotive technology at Triton College. At left is Jose Maldonado, a local barber who created the scholarship, and at right is Joel Dufkis, automotive technology teacher at RMHS.



| Español

Former Hanover Park village clerk first Latina on MWRD board BY MADHU KRISHNAMURTHY

For Reflejos

When 23-year-old Eira Corral Sepúlveda became Hanover Park’s village clerk, she was the first Latina elected official in town. After 12 years serving in that role, Sepúlveda has moved on to become the first Latina on the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District board of commissioners. She’s also the youngest MWRD commissioner and the first representative from the Northwest suburbs, said Sepúlveda, 36, a lifelong Hanover Park resident. Sepúlveda said her goal is to help the agency improve community engagement and create more awareness about its purpose -- treating sewer water for a majority of Cook County suburban municipalities and helping with stormwater management. “There is also a need for diversity and inclusion, whether it is community engagement or affirmative action in business contracts,” she said. Sepúlveda is passionate about environmental issues and organized Hanover Park’s first environmental resource fair. She also was one of the founding members of the village’s Cultural Inclusion and Diversity Committee in 2007. “We have pushed forward some really cool initiatives,” she said about the committee’s annual leaders reception and MLK Build Up Day. Over the years, Sepúlveda has urged diverse candidates to run for village board. “When I was first elected there was very little diversity,” she said. “Being a trailblazer has its challenges ... you push forward initiatives that started as personal passions. The ongoing challenge is to embed them into the culture of the institution.” The Hanover Park village board honored Sepúlveda for her service last week, along with two other departing board members, Sharmin Shahjahan and Rick Roberts.

IPA’s first Black president

Marcus Belin, principal of Huntley High School, will become the first Black president of the Illinois Principals Association in its 50-year history. Belin is president-elect of the association representing 6,000 members. He likely also will be its youngest leader starting July 1. “It does make me feel like a trailblazer,” said Belin, 33. “I’m on a mission to really change the game ... bringing a strong sense of support for the organization and the diversity within. My mission is to be a role model for young people. I want little Black boys and girls to see you can get in a (leadership) position.” Growing up, Belin never had a Black teacher in school and saw an opportunity to represent. His 58-year-old mother Regina Armour is the director of diversity, equity and inclusion for Concept Schools headquartered in Schaumburg. “I’m a fifth-generation educator,” Belin said.

I 15

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OUTGOING HANOVER Park Village Clerk Eira Sepúlveda, with husband Roberto Sepúlveda, was honored by the village board last week for her 12 years of service. Sepúlveda was elected in November to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District board of commissioners. Courtesy of Eira Sepulveda

Empieza a vivir mejor y siéntete con confianza de nuevo con implantes

For three years, Belin has been working to change the culture at Huntley High. He walks its hallways telling students, “I love you. I care about you. You matter.” “Now that’s really starting to resonate with them,” he said.

Asian American history

Legislation aimed at ensuring Asian American history is taught in schools alongside the history of other historically marginalized groups passed the Illinois Senate Education Committee last week. The Teaching Equitable Asian American Community History (TEAACH) Act builds on Illinois’ inclusive curriculum law that took effect July 1. Illinois became the fifth state to require public schools to include instruction and adopt materials accurately portraying the political, economic, and social contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. Asian Americans are among Illinois’ fastest-growing populations -- more than 700,000 people as of 2019. The TEAACH Act would amend the Illinois School Code to include Asian American history curriculum in all public elementary and high schools, ensuring crucial stories and lessons, such as the wrongful incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II and the heroic service of the Army’s 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team during World War II.

Student scholarships

McDonald’s USA will award $500,000 to incoming and current students attend-


Esta semana con este anuncio PHOTO PAUL VALADE

HUNTLEY HIGH School Principal Marcus Belin, right, will become the first Black president of the Illinois Principals Association this July.

ing Historically Black Colleges and Universities through its Black & Positively Golden Scholarship Program in partnership with the Thurgood Marshall College Fund. The fast-food chain launched the scholarship in 2020 to help HBCU students continue their education in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. For the second year, 34 students can receive up to $15,000 each in funding for the 2021-2022 academic year. Applications are being accepted through 10:59 p.m. Monday. Winners will be announced this summer. For eligibility requirements and to apply, visit students-alumni/scholarship/tmcf-mcdonalds-black-and-positively-golden-scholarships/.

Dr. Victor Sanz, DDS

Hablo Español


1321 Tower Rd. Schaumburg, IL (224) 333-1113


'Aquellos que desean mi muerte'

| Español

Carlos Morales, Fronteras de la Noticia - Hannah, la responsable de una torre de vigilancia antiincendios, sigue arrastrando el trauma de la pérdida de tres vidas que no pudo salvar en un incendio. Y ahora se encuentra con un niño de 12 años, traumatizado y que no tiene nadie a quien pedir ayuda. La experta bombera apagafuegos y guarda forestal Hanna Faber trabaja en los bosques de Montana, pero un incendio en que murieron tres niños le ha dejado huellas psicológicas de difícil cicatrización. Sus superiores piensa que es buena idea que ocupe durante un tiempo un puesto tranquilo y solitario en una torre de vigilancia. Pero esto coincide con una conspiración de enormes proporciones, donde dos asesinos a sueldo, los hermanos Blackwell, tratan de acabar con el forense que guarda pruebas de un caso criminal que apunta a peces muy gordos, después de acabar con el %scal y toda su familia con una supuesta explosión de gas en su casa. Sin %arse de nadie, el forense, viudo, huye en auto con su hijo adolescente Connor hacia Montana, con idea de reunirse con su cuñado sheri' (than. Pero caen en una emboscada en la carretera, y Connor se encuentra solo ante el peligro en el bosque, con las pruebas de la conspiración en sus manos. Taylor Sheridan se ha labrado una magní%ca carrera como guionista en solitario de thrillers y policíacos vibrantes y llenos de acción, en los magní%cos parajes salvajes de

El sello de Talor Eheridan y un convincente reparto liderado por Angelina Jolie


(stados !nidos. Son magní%cos los libretos de Sicario, Comanchería y Wind River, y de este último asumió con acierto también la dirección. Tal vez ahora le llueven encargos y proyectos, hasta llegar el punto de saturación, así que le toca manejar material ajeno, ha pasado con la serie basada en Tom Clancy Sin remordimientos y es el caso también de Aquellos que desean mi muerte, que adapta una novela de Michael Koryta , que debuta además como coguionista. Por eso, aunque el %lm es vibrante como cinta de acción, con escenas de “caza del hombre” y vistosos incendios, en lo referente a trama, lo que vemos es un poquito más convencional y previsible. La cinta se articula con la idea de al redención de la bombera encarnada por Angelina Jolie, no pudo salvar a esos chicos de un incendio, pero tal vez pueda hacer algo por el chaval del que tiene que ganarse la con%anza. Sheridan sabe crear la atmósfera de amenaza creciente, y el diseño de producción es muy potente, pero los dos matones hermanos son un poco de tebeo, máquinas de matar a los que los actores que los interpretan Nicholas Hoult y Aidan Gillen, tratan de imprimir un poquito de humanidad con sus artimañas. Finn Little lo hace bien como el adolescente asustado que debe reunir un poco de valor “en el nombre del padre”, y hay química con Jolie. Se incluyen algunos personajes secundarios, como el sheri' y su esposa embarazada, Jon Bernthal y Medina Senghore, por incluir una pequeña subtrama.


| Español

Caroilina Pickacho Fronteras de la Noticia - Sony Music El disco Ana Belén 70. La colección defi. nitiva de la carrera musical de Ana Belén, que rocorre los 3ltimos "0 a;os de la can. tante. La colección definitiva que recorre la ca. rrera musical de Ana Belén, una de las artistas más im,ortantes de la m3sica en es,a;ol. Ana Belén cum,le 70 a;os 7 ,ara celebrarlo se edita un #*) en for. mato digi,ac< libro con la más com,leta selección >amás ,ublicada de 70 é9itos, colaboraciones, duetos, rare6as 7 directos. 5nclu7e un libreto de más de =0 ,áginas con abundante material fotográfico, las le. tras de las canciones 7 te9tos conmemora. tivos de grandes ,ersonalidades del mun. do del cine, la cultura 7 la m3sica como :ernando 'rueba, :ernando *olomo, El 8ran $7oming, %anesa 2art+n, 4oan 2a. nuel (errat o 4oaqu+n (abina, entre otros muc!os. &n verdadero lu>o a tu alcance.




I 17




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Public Hearings & Notices Empleo en la cuidad de Chicago. Se busca mecánico para el mantenimiento de maquinarias de alimentos. Candidato necesita tener mínimo de dos años de experiencia en la industria de alimentos y conocimiento de: 1.Motores 2.Baleros 3.Engranes 4.Flechas 5.Soldadura Personas interesadas por favor enviar su currículo a employmentsearch1950

iCONN Systems, LLC, a Lombard, IL based manufacturer of electronic connectors and cable assemblies, is looking for motivated individuals to perform light assembly work. E-Verify compliant. Full time position, first shift. $13.00 / hour start Apply on line at

Addison School District 4 E-Learning Plan This notice informs the Addison community that Addison School District 4 will hold a public hearing at 7PM on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 to receive input on the proposed e-learning plan. The plan will allow the school district to use e-learning days in lieu of emergency days. Questions regarding the plan should be directed to Donna Haney, Asst. Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, at Published in Daily Herald May 14, 2021 (4563670)

Or in person at 1110 N Garfield St., Lombard, IL 630 827 6000 ext 220


Public Hearings & Notices

DOWNERS GROVE GRADE SCHOOL DISTRICT 58 DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON TENTATIVE AMENDED ANNUAL BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of Downers Grove Grade School District 58, DuPage County, Illinois, that the Tentative Amended Annual Budget for said School District will be on file and conveniently available for inspection on the School District's website:, and at the office of the Superintendent of Schools, 1860 63rd Street, Downers Grove, Illinois, from and after May 10, 2021 during normal business hours. NOTICE IS FURTHER HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing on said Tentative Amended Annual Budget will be held on Monday, June 14, 2021, at 7:00 p.m., at Downers Grove Village Hall, 801 Burlington Avenue, Downers Grove, DuPage County, Illinois. NOTICE IS FURTHER HEREBY GIVEN that after the Board of Education has adopted an amended annual budget for the current fiscal year, said budget will be posted within ten business days on the School District's website, Disabled persons needing assistance or accommodation to attend the above hearing should contact the designated ADA Coordinator, Dr. Jayne Yudzentis (630-719-5807) in advance of the board meeting to arrange appropriate accommodations. Said hearing may be continued without further notice except as required by the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Dated this 10th day of May, 2021. MELISSA L. JERVES, SECRETARY BOARD OF EDUCATION DOWNERS GROVE DISTRICT 58 DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS Published in Daily Herald May 14, 2021 (4563589)

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Public Hearings & Notices

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Public Hearings & Notices

Invitation to Bid 20-021 Judicial Center Boiler Plant Renovation Project The County of Kane is accepting bids from experienced and qualified vendors for the Judicial Center Boiler Plant Renovation Project. This is a prevailing wage bid. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on May 20, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. at the project site in the Judicial Center Cafeteria, 37W777 IL Route 38, St. Charles, IL 60175. Vendors interested in obtaining the Bid documents may register to receive the documents by going to w w w. b i d n e t d i r e c t . c o m , where they will be able to download the documents. Bids will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on May 27, 2021 in the Kane County Purchasing Office, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg., A, Rooms 211, 212, 214, Geneva, IL 60134 where they will be publicly opened. John Blomstrand Director of Purchasing Published in Daily Herald May 14, 2021 (4563644)

LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of Community Consolidated School District 93, in the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, that an amended budget for said school district for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at 230 Covington Drive, Bloomingdale, IL 60108, in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools from 8:00 AM until 4:15 PM, Monday through Monday, beginning May 13, 2021. Notice is hereby given that a public hearing on said budget will be held at 7:00 PM on the 10th day of June 2021 at the Board of Education offices at 230 Covington Drive, Bloomingdale, IL 60108. Board of Education Community Consolidated School District 93 SUZANNE LANGHAMMER Secretary/Board of Education Published in Daily Herald May 14, 2021 (4563687)

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Public Hearings & Notices

Public Hearings & Notices

AVISO DE PETICIÓN DE MIDWEST GENERATION, LLC PARA UN ESTÁNDAR AJUSTADO ANTE LA JUNTA DE CONTROL DE CONTAMINACIÓN DE ILLINOIS Midwest Generation, LLC ("MWG") presentó una petición para un estándar ajustado del Código 845.740(a) de 35 Ill. Adm. y finding of Inapplicability of the Illinois Standards for the Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals in Surface Incautaciones a 35 Ill. Código 845 de Adm. con la Junta de Control de la Contaminación de Illinois el 11 de mayo de 2021 de conformidad con el Código 101.400 de 35 Ill. Adm. para su Estación Waukegan ubicada en 401 East Greenwood Ave, Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois. La estación de Waukegan es una estación generadora de energía. La petición de un estándar ajustado, al que se le ha asignado expediente #2021-003, solicita alivio regulatorio para el Estanque Este y un área en el lado oeste de la Estación llamada "Grassy Field". MWG está solicitando un estándar ajustado para el Estanque Este para permitir la descontaminación y retención de su revestimiento existente en lugar de la eliminación del revestimiento según lo dispuesto en 35 Ill. Adm. Código 845.740(a). MWG propuso el siguiente lenguaje estándar ajustado: "MWG puede cerrar eliminando y descontando todas las áreas afectadas por las liberaciones del Estanque Este en la Estación Waukegan. La eliminación y descontaminación del Estanque Este del CCR está completa cuando se han eliminado el CCR en el Estanque Este y cualquier área afectada por las liberaciones del incautación de superficie ccr. MWG debe llevar a cabo inspecciones visuales y pruebas analíticas para demostrar que el revestimiento de geomembrana en el estanque oriental no está contaminado con componentes CCR. MWG debe presentar los resultados a la EPA de Illinois." MWG también está solicitando que la Junta encuentre que la Parte 845 del Código 845 de La Junta es inaplicable al Campo De hierba porque no acumula CCR ni líquido. MWG propuso el siguiente lenguaje estándar ajustado: "La Parte 845 del Reglamento de la Junta de Control de la Contaminación de Illinois no se aplica al área de 10 acres al oeste del West Pond conocida como Grassy Field ubicada en la Estación Generadora MWG Waukegan, 401 East Greenwood Ave, Waukegan, IL 60087 porque es un área de llenado no consolidada. MWG continuará llevando a cabo un monitoreo trimestral de las aguas subterráneas de cada pozo de monitoreo en la Estación waukegan para los constituyentes enumerados en el Código 620.410(a) de 35 Ill. Adm., con la excepción del perclorato, además del pH de campo y la elevación estática del agua. MWG informará trimestralmente a la Agencia de los resultados analíticos y las mediciones sobre el terreno. Se presentarán dos copias de los informes trimestrales a: Groundwater Section Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Public Water Supplies MC #13 1021 North Grand Avenue East Springfield, IL 62794-9276. Cualquier persona puede hacer que una audiencia pública se celebre en el procedimiento estándar ajustado descrito anteriormente presentando una solicitud de audiencia ante la Junta de Control de Contaminación de Illinois dentro de los 21 días posteriores a la fecha de publicación de este aviso. La solicitud de audiencia debe indicar el número de expediente para el procedimiento estándar ajustado, como se encuentra en este aviso. La solicitud de audiencia debe ser enviada por correo al Secretario, Illinois Pollution Control Board, 100 W. Randolph Street, Suite 11-500, Chicago, Illinois 60601, o presentada electrónicamente a través de COOL, ubicada en el sitio web de la Junta ( Published in Daily Herald May 14, 2021 (4563723)

NOTICE OF PETITION BY MIDWEST GENERATION, LLC FOR AN ADJUSTED STANDARD BEFORE THE ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Midwest Generation, LLC (“MWG”) filed a petition for an adjusted standard from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 845.740(a) and Finding of Inapplicability of the Illinois Standards for the Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals in Surface Impoundments at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 845 with the Illinois Pollution Control Board on May 11, 2021 pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.400 for its Waukegan Station located at 401 East Greenwood Ave, Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois. Waukegan Station is a power-generating station. The petition for an adjusted standard, which has been assigned docket #2021-003, requests regulatory relief for the East Pond and an area on the west side of the Station called a “Grassy Field.” MWG is requesting an adjusted standard for the East Pond to allow the decontamination and retention of its existing liner rather than the liner’s removal as provided in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 845.740(a). MWG proposed the following adjusted standard language: “MWG may close by removing and decontaminating all areas affected by releases from the East Pond at the Waukegan Station. CCR removal and decontamination of the East Pond is complete when the CCR in the East Pond and any areas affected by releases from the CCR surface impoundment have been removed. MWG must conduct visual inspection and analytical testing to demonstrate that the geomembrane liner in the East Pond is not contaminated with CCR constituents. MWG must submit the results to Illinois EPA.” MWG is also requesting that the Board find 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 845 is inapplicable to the Grassy Field because it does not accumulate CCR or liquid. MWG proposed the following adjusted standard language: “Part 845 of the Illinois Pollution Control Board Regulations does not apply to the 10acre area west of the West Pond known as the Grassy Field located at the MWG Waukegan Generating Station, 401 East Greenwood Ave, Waukegan, IL 60087 because it is an unconsolidated fill area. MWG will continue to conduct quarterly groundwater monitoring of each monitoring well at the Waukegan Station for the constituents listed in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.410(a), with the exception of perchlorate, in the addition of field pH and static water elevation. MWG will report the analytical results and field measurements to the Agency quarterly. Two copies of the quarterly reports shall be submitted to: Groundwater Section Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Public Water Supplies MC #13 1021 North Grand Avenue East Springfield, IL 62794-9276.” Any person may cause a public hearing to be held in the above-described adjusted standard proceeding by filing a hearing request with the Illinois Pollution Control Board within 21 days after the date of the publication of this notice. The hearing request should indicate the docket number for the adjusted standard proceeding, as found in this notice. The hearing request must be mailed to the Clerk, Illinois Pollution Control Board, 100 W. Randolph Street, Suite 11-500, Chicago, Illinois 60601, or filed electronically through COOL, located on the Board's website ( Published in Daily Herald May 14, 2021 (4563722)



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