Reflejos 07/16/2021

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VOL. 32, No. 28

La voz suburbana de los Hispanos

Career & College Guide

MALUMA Look inside for:

“SOBRIO” Information for those pursuing a higher-education degree How to start a new career New education bills

Changing Sofía Vergara employment post-pandemic

Space vas


LeBron quien embarca una President Biden épica a to MCC! Bunny, comes CINE


Career & College Guide

This is your time.

ESTE ES TU MOMENTO. Classes begin August 23.

LAS CLASES COMIENZAN EL 23 DE AGOSTO Register today. Registrese hoy.

Harper College is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status or sexual orientation. 30158 JD 6/21



Career & College Guide


El dilema de los jóvenes este verano:

¿descontrol o restricción?

Los jóvenes celebran las vacaciones mientras los contagios aumentan, la variante delta nos acecha y se persigue el *nal de la pandemia& ,n este conte"to, la (sociación '+(L ha lan!ado una campa#a con el *n de evitar $actitudes eu-óricas) durante las vacaciones&

Carolina Pikakacho Fronteras de la Noticia - EFEsalud Los contagios entre la población joven se descontrolan. Las vacaciones y el verano son la libertad que muchos de ellos ansiaban, pero que sigue restringida por la pandemia, que permanece como una enorme amenaza para la salud y la recuperación de la normalidad. Mientras la vacunación sigue su cauce, los más jóvenes se relajan antes las medidas de seguridad y protagonizan imágenes de actividades de ocio sin control. Lo que estaba siendo una luz de esperanza ha acabado convirtiéndose en un déjà vu. La incidencia acumulada se ha disparado con cifras desorbitadas y preocupantes, y la variante delta nos pisa los talones. La vacunación de los jóvenes se intenta acelerar, pero el remedio podría llegar más tarde que la enfermedad. !n panorama para incidir y re&e)ionar sobre cómo la relajación de restricciones debe ser acogida con tranquilidad. La covid no permite otra cosa. Jóvenes como Lidia, de 20 años, son conscientes de la situación pero también reconocen haberse relajado tras un año y medio de restricciones: “Yo estuve respetando todo al completo durante mucho tiempo y criticaba que otra gente no lo cumpliera. Pero tras pasar la Covid me relajé y no cumplí como debía pensando que no iba va a pasar nada”. y ahora Lidia desgraciadamente se encuentra en el hospital entre la vida y la muerte. Sergio, de 23 años, también reconoce haberse olvidado de la situación y haberse relajado “conforme ha ido avanzando la pandemia”. y junto con Lidia se encuentra hospitalizado. “Cuando pasas de una situación de tensión sosteni-

da o de má)ima restricción tiendes a buscar la relajación. Nos hemos relajado mas que de una manera parcial buscando la euforia”, valora. En la actual situación, la presión social y la in&uencia de los adultos es de suma importancia. Los mayores no son del todo conscientes de la imagen que proyectan ante los jóvenes y del ejemplo que suponen para ellos. “Lo que debemos hacer todos es trabajar en equipo, seguir esperando y disfrutar de una forma razonable. Hay que transmitir que hay que vacunarse porque es lo que nos va a liberar progresivamente de la situación pandémica”, e)plican los especialistas. Sin Navidades, sin Semana Santa, sin romerías, 'estas, cumpleaños, ni encuentros. Todos los entornos donde hay una mayor socialización han quedado limitados y han derivado en la construcción progresiva de lo que los e)pertos llaman “verano de descontrol”. Ciertas conductas juveniles durante la pandemia derivan de la necesidad de entablar relaciones, algo que los adolescentes toman casi como un re&ejo que no han podido desarrollar: “Yo soy muy cariñosa y me cuesta respetar la distancia de seguridad porque me encanta estar cerca la gente”, dijo Lidia. Según el psicólogo, en el verano los jóvenes encuentran la oportunidad de recuperar tanto el tiempo como la capacidad de relacionarse. Sin embargo, a pesar de las críticas recibidas, los jóvenes son conscientes del momento y recapacitan sobre ello: “Creo que aún se van a descontrolar más, pero lo mismo pasó el verano pasado. Se rebajaron las medidas en toda España y se descontroló todo el mundo, jóvenes y mayores. Lo bueno de este verano es que la población en riesgo ya está vacunada”. El estrés, la tensión acumulada y la fatiga son las claves que generan la eclosión de disfrutar del ve-

rano. La pandemia ha aportado datos positivos en la disminución del consumo de alcohol por parte de los jóvenes. Sin embargo, la vuelta de “los rituales para convertirse en mayores” no desaparece y esto plantea un reto. Si los hermanos mayores son el ejemplo a seguir por algunos adolescentes, los padres son el re&ejo de lo que podrán hacer una vez que ya son adultos. Villalbí narra el hecho de que las “personas que están saliendo ahora invadiendo, por ejemplo, las playas en el conte)to de botellones improvisados no son mayoritariamente menores de edad, sino adultos”. El e)perto e)presa la importancia de que los padres deben anticiparse a los riesgos y seguir recordando la situación en la que nos encontramos. Fernando, padre de dos jóvenes de 18 y 20 años, e)plica cómo va a seguir “refrescando las medidas que aún siguen vigentes a sus hijos” y cómo no es necesario “estar encima de tu hijo todo el tiempo. Siembras unos conceptos, unos criterios, y tienes la esperanza de que sean e'caces”. Rosa, madre de tres hijos, es consciente de que “la vida de los jóvenes está en riesgo” y avisa de que el tiempo perdido no lo van a recuperar y que “ahora es cuando lo pueden perder. Pueden perder amigos, caer enfermos, tener secuelas. El año que viene pueden ganar un verano si se comportan con cautela en este”. Ambos padres coinciden en que los jóvenes están en el punto de mira estas vacaciones porque “a efectos de estadística, son los que no están vacunados y se da una controversia que es paradójica en el sentido de que quienes más ansia de libertad, de contacto, de vivir de forma abierta, tienen, son justo el colectivo que falta de proteger”, dice Fernando.



La voz suburbana de los Hispanos GERENTE DE VENTAS Y OPERACIONES Linda Siete (847) 806-1411 VENTAS Raul Ortiz (847) 427-4634 CLASIFICADOS (847) 427-4770 CIRCULACION (847) 806-1111 COORDINACIÓN DE ANUNCIOS Ana Maria Hinkhouse Reflejos Publications, LLC

95 W Algonquin Rd Suite 300 Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Reflejos es una publicación que sirve a los latinos de los suburbios de Chicago en los condados de Cook, DuPage, Kane, KendallLake, McHenry y Will. Reflejos orgullosamente forma parte de la Familia Paddock y es publicacion hermana del Daily Herald. Fundado en 1990.

In alliance with


| Español

Lorena Diaz and Wendy Mateo appointed co-artistic directors of Teatro Vista, Chicago’s equity-affiliated Latino theater CHICAGO – Chicago’s leading Latinx theater company, Teatro Vista, announced today Lorena Diaz and Wendy Mateo have been tapped as the company’s new Co-Artistic Directors. Diaz and Mateo are widely known in Chicago for their many individual credits on stage and behind the scenes. They also comprise the hugely popular comedy duo “Lolo and Wendy” aka Dominzuelan. Diaz and Mateo have already stepped into the new dual role at the artistic helm of Teatro Vista, successfully concluding a national search for new creative leadership for Chicago’s largest professional Latinx theater company and one of the nation’s premier Latinx arts organizations. “We are deeply energized by Teatro Vista and its ensemble, with its tapestry of talent, innovation and unique perspectives,” said Mateo. “There is a depth to the American Latinx experience that has fueled our 20 years of storytelling and collaboration together. With this particular ensemble, we’ll be able to deepen that storytelling and bring in a kind of nuance and complexity to our stories that our audiences will be inspired by.” “Lorena and I will tackle this,” Mateo added, “by doing the work of true inclusion, listening to the creative needs of the ensemble, pushing them beyond their comfort zone, and into their highest potential of creative expression while being fully supported by the executive team and a passionate board of directors who are ready to provide the resources and access.” According to Diaz, “the opportunities in an ensemble-led theater company are many and Teatro Vista has an abundance of thought-provoking artists who are exploring different genres of creative expression, from writing for television, to audio plays with visual components, to full-fledged plays with music like La Havana Madrid. Expect that kind of excitement



going forward. If a pandemic finds its way back around, we are still going to create with fervor and are ready to pivot to a digital experience. We want to bring the ensemble home to the company that it was originally intended to be in its inception. A space to explore, collaborate with other artists of color in Chicago and take giant risks. As artistic leaders, we know how to carve out a brave space, identify the strengths of the ensemble and together, build anew.” Together, Diaz and Mateo are a “multihyphenated jefa” comedy duo who have enjoyed their creative partnership for more than 20 years. They co-founded (with six other partners) their own content creation studio, Chicago4Real, and co-host their livestream show Bochinche at Nite on the studio’s Twitch channel. They have co-written and directed several films including Good Mothers (official selection of HBO NY Latino Film Festival and the Chicago Latino Film Festival), Sunset 1919, written by J. Nicole Brooks in collaboration with Lookingglass Theatre, and Identified, produced by Full Spectrum Features. As Dominizuelan, they performed na-

tionally for years and pursued several independent projects, including co-writing and starring in the comedy web-series Dominizuelan Consulate, created in collaboration with Fred Armisen, producer/director Alice Mathias and Mas Mejor Productions. Diaz and Mateo succeed previous Teatro Vista artistic directors Ricardo Gutiérrez (2012-2020), Eddie Torres (1996-2012) and Henry Godinez and Eddie Torres, who co-founded the company in 1990. Not only have two Latinas ascended to the role of co-artistic director, Teatro Vista will return to live production in 2021-22 with a predominately Latina-led executive leadership team including Board President Adela Cepeda and Managing Director Sylvia Lopez. “We are thrilled at the unique outcome of our search, and are happy to reveal that not just one, but two dynamic, capable and collaborative women, Lorena Diaz and Wendy Mateo, are ready to build on Teatro Vista’s accomplishments and help envision the company’s future direction and growth,” said Cepeda.

House Resolution

WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of Representatives wish to commend Jo Ann Armenta of Elgin on her lifetime service; and WHEREAS, Jo Ann Armenta was the first member of her family to earn a college degree; and WHEREAS, Jo Ann Armenta was the first Hispanic woman to join the Illinois State Police and was the first Hispanic woman in the department to be promoted to sergeant; and WHEREAS, Jo Ann Armenta was the first Hispanic woman to be named to the Human Rights Commission in Elgin and the first Hispanic woman to be elected president of Illinois Women in Law Enforcement, an organization she helped establish in 1985; and WHEREAS, in 1973, Jo Ann Armenta earned a Bachelor of Arts in literature of romance languages from the University of Illinois at Chicago; and WHEREAS, After college, Jo Ann Armen-

ta did a variety of work, including clothing design, but was intrigued by the idea of becoming a police officer after her father saw an advertisement for the State Police; she moved to Elgin when she joined the State Police; and WHEREAS, Jo Ann Armenta worked with

the subcommittee on women and minority issues of the DuPage Chiefs of Police Association; and WHEREAS, Through Jo Ann Armenta’s work, both as a police officer and a volunteer, she has shown determination and a commitment to her community and to improving the lives of others; she has been a mentor for young Hispanic girls from the northwest suburbs; reaching out to help others is something she always has felt is important because others helped her own family; her motivation has always been to make a difference; therefore, be it RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDRED SECOND GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we commend Jo Ann Armenta on her lifetime of service and accomplishments; and be it further RESOLVED, that a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Jo Ann Armenta as a symbol of our esteem and respect.


Career & College Guide

������� V������� �������� ��������� � ����� �� ��� �������� �odrían ser signos de en�ermedades �enosas.

Signos y síntomas de CVI:1,2 Várices Molestia o dolor ! Hinchazón ! Calambres ! Pesadez o cansancio ! Comezón ! Inquietud ! Cambios en la piel y/o decoloración ! Llagas o úlceras abiertas ! !

Factores de riesgo de CVI:1,2 Historial familiar Falta de ejercicio ! Lesión o traumatismo en la pierna ! Estar de pie o sentado por períodos prolongados ! Obesidad o sobrepeso ! Embarazo en curso o previo ! Fumar tabaco !


Si e� re���o �enoso no se trata, es �osi��e ��e em�eore con e� tiem�o y desarro��e �na �orma m�s gra�e de en�ermedad �enosa ��amada ins��ciencia �enosa cr�nica �CVI�.3

�esc��re m�s en: VaricoseVeins

Dr. Sameer Naseeruddin, M.D., ABIM, ABVLM Venous Medicine Schaumburg 11�2 So�t� �ose��e �d. Sc�a�m��rg, I��inois ��1�3 ��one: ������2�1�3� ��ia� � �or a re�resentati�e� s�y�oint�

�e�erencias 1 �ohns Hop�ins Medicine. Insu�ciencia venosa crónica. �isponible en https�//���.hop�insmedicine. org/health/conditions�and�diseases/chronic�venous�insu�ciency. Consultado el 11 de mayo de 2020. 2 �lovicz�i P� Comerota A�� �alsing MC� et al. El cuidado de los pacientes con várices y enfermedades crónicas asociadas� �uías clínicas prácticas de la Sociedad de Cirugía Vascular de EE.UU. y el Foro Venoso Americano. J Vasc Surg. Mayo de 2011�53�5 Suppl��2S���S. 3 Eberhardt �T� �a�etto ��. Insu�ciencia venosa crónica. Circulación. 22 de julio de 201�� 130����333�3�6.


PROPÓSITO UC202202615 AS ©2021 Medtronic. Todos los derechos reservados. Medtronic y el logotipo de Medtronic son marcas comerciales de Medtronic. Todas las demás marcas son marcas comerciales de una compañía de Medtronic. Impreso en EE. UU. Para distribuir solo en los EE. UU. 06/2021

Las probabilidades del juego están disponibles en




Career & College Guide

What to Know About the Latest Free College Bills BY MICHELE STREETER & QYANA M. STEWART

This spring, lawmakers introduced three major legislative proposals to improve college affordability. These bills — the America’s College Promise Act, the Debt-Free College Act, and the College for All Act — differ in scope and design but would all create a new partnership between the federal government and states to better fund public higher education and waive some portion of college costs for millions of students. There is significant overlap across the three proposals, with a collective focus on: • Covering some portion of college costs for a large share of students and reducing student debt; • Addressing state disinvestment in higher education; • Explicitly working to close persistent racial and economic gaps in college attainment; • Investing in historically underfunded institutions; and • Providing dedicated funding to states and institutions to improve student retention and degree completion. At the heart of these plans is the recognition that without new federal investments and powerful incentives, states will continue to face competing funding pressures and, during economic downturns, will balance their budgets by cutting funding for higher education — leaving families to shoulder ever more of the cost. In the wake of these bill introductions, President Biden outlined his plan for college affordability, which also includes a federal-state partnership. The $1.8 trillion American Families Plan (AFP), the third in a series of relief and recovery packages proposed by the White House, includes $311 billion for higher education. While the Administration has yet to endorse legislative text or granular design details, it aligns closely with the America’s College Promise Act in providing tuition-free community college for all students and subsidizing two years of tuition for students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and other minority-serving institutions (MSIs). The package includes $62 billion over ten years to provide grants to under-resourced institutions to better support their students (evidence-based comprehensive student success programs have doubled graduation rates among first-generation students, low-income students, and BIPOC students). As part of the AFP, the White House also proposed an $1,875 boost to the maximum Pell Grant, which it calls a down-payment toward doubling the maximum award over the course of his first term. As the nation recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, this flurry of activity signals growing policymaker consensus around the need to make big, long-overdue investments in higher education. While the America’s College Promise Act, the Debt-Free College Act, and the College for All Act share an overarching policy goal — to make college more affordable — each bill takes a different approach and includes different requirements for states to meet in exchange for federal funding. Below, we outline and compare the details of the three proposals. (We will provide additional analysis of the President’s American Families Plan as more details become available.)

Comparison Chart: Free College Bills (117th Congress) Bill Name

America’s College Promise Act

Debt-Free College Act

College for All Act


Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) Rep. Andy Levin (D-MI)

Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI) Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI)

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA)

Major Policy Goals

Enable all students to earn a two-year degree at a public college without paying tuition or fees; enable eligible students (based on financial need) to attend a four-year HBCU or MSI without paying tuition or fees for the first two years

Enable all students to earn up to a fouryear degree at a public college (or private nonprofit HBCU or MSI) without taking on debt; generally incentivize increased state support for public higher education

Enable all students to earn a two-year degree at a public college without paying tuition or fees; enable students from families earning <$125k to earn a four-year degree at a public college or nonprofit private HBCU or MSI without paying tuition or fees; double the maximum Pell Grant; cover full cost of attendance for low-income students

Mechanism to Achieve Affordability Guarantee

Creates a new 3:1 federal-state funding partnership to enable participating states to waive tuition & fee costs for all eligible students at two-year public institutions (community colleges); funds grant program to enable HBCUs & other MSIs to cover the first two years of tuition and fees for lowincome students

Creates new federal-state funding partnership where states receive 1:1 match for state funding for public colleges; in return, states must enable eligible students to cover their full cost of attendance at all public colleges without taking on debt; funds federal grants to eligible HBCUs & MSIs to enable them to provide needbased financial aid to cover unmet need for enrolled students

Creates a new 3:1 federal-state funding partnership to enable participating states to waive tuition & fee costs for all eligible students at two- and four-year public institutions; creates separate grant program to cover private, nonprofit HBCUs & MSIs

Maintainence of Effort

States must at least maintain the following funding levels (based on average support over the three prior years): funding per-FTE student; funding for operational expenses (excluding capital expenses and research and development costs) for public four-year IHEs; and funding for need-based financial aid

State must at least maintain net state operating support at a level equal to the average of the three previous years

Public IHEs must maintain funding for instruction per-FTE student at 2019-20 award year levels; states must maintain per-FTE funding for public IHEs at 2019-20 award year levels; states must maintain state spending on need-based financial aid programs for enrollment in public IHEs at 201920 award year levels; states must maintain funding for institutional need-based student financial aid at 2019-20 award year levels

Recession Protection

Re-calibrates the amount that a state must spend to retain its federal match during certain economic conditions (as determined by state & national unemployment rates) so that the federal government provides a higher share (which increases based on the severity of economic conditions) during the relief period


Re-calibrates the amount that a state must spend to retain its federal match during certain economic conditions (as determined by national primeage employment to-population ratio (PAEPOP) rates & unemployment rates) so that the federal government provides a higher share (which increases based on the severity of economic conditions) during the relief period


Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) Rep. Andy Levin (D-MI)

Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI) Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI)

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA)


Doubles the maximum Pell Grant award from $6,495 to $12,990 starting in the 2021-2022 school year (excludes for-profit institutions from this funding increase); expands Pell eligibility to DREAMer students; automatically increases Pell Grants in future years by inflation; increases lifetime award eligibility from 6 years to 7.5 years; exempts Pell Grants from taxable income; shifts Pell program to fully mandatory funding (currently funded by combination of mandatory & discretionary funds)

Pell Grant Funding


Student Success Funding

$1 billion annual formula grant for states to implement promising and evidencebased institutional reforms and innovative practices to improve student outcomes; state match scales up over time from 25% (first four years) to 100% starting in year nine (Education Secretary may waive or modify matching requirements for Indian Tribes); state applications must provide equity-informed analysis including data on per-student funding, student demographics, transfer and completion rates, and funding disparities across institutions

States must use 4 percent of federal grant funds to establish or increase funding for college completion programs

Establishes a $10 billion grant to address equity gaps at under-funded public IHEs and private, nonprofit HBCUs & MSIs; IHEs must use funds to invest in reforming remedial education, academic advisors, mental health counselors, and tutors, and to reduce class sizes; triples federal TRIO funding and doubles federal GEAR UP funding

Additional Items of Note

Students do not need to be Title IV eligible to access benefit

Expands Title IV eligibility to DREAMer students; creates new Partnership Office at ED to adminster & oversee new programs

Public IHEs must prioritize hiring from the existing adjunct, contract, contingent, and non-tenure track or tenured faculty pool for tenure-track or tenured faculty positions


Regresar para impulsarse adelante: Obtenga su diploma equivalente de escuela secundaria en ECC ¿Está usted, o alguien que conoce, pensando en dar el paso para completar su certificado de equivalencia de escuela secundaria? En Elgin Community College, usted puede regresar a la escuela, completar su equivalencia de escuela secundaria y mejorar su potencial de ingresos. ECC ofrece clases para prepararlo para el examen de equivalencia y ayudarlo a alinear su educación futura y sus metas profesionales. Para Evelyn Aguirre, decidir dedicar tiempo a regresar a la escuela fue una decisión difícil, pero de la cual está orgullosa de haber tomado para ella y sus hijos. “Creo firmemente que obtener mi GED® me abrirá muchas puertas”, dijo Aguirre. “Me ayudará a construir un futuro mejor para mis hijos y para mí”. Como madre soltera de tres hijos y que trabaja a tiempo completo, Evelyn no estaba segura de cómo agregaría una carga de clases a su agenda ya ocupada. Pronto se dio cuenta de la naturaleza solidaria y complaciente del programa y sus instructores. “No puedo enfatizarlo lo suficiente; los instructores son increíbles”, dijo. “Ellos están contigo en cada paso de la trayectoria”. Evelyn eligió asistir a ECC después de ver reseñas en línea del programa, y creyó que, si otros podían hacerlo, ella también podría hacerlo. Ahora, espera inspirar a otros con su historia. “Realmente quiero inspirar a otros,


Career & College Guide

Going Back to Go Forward: Earn Your High School Equivalency at ECC


especialmente a las madres solteras que piensan que es demasiado tarde o que no pueden hacer esto”, dijo. “Usted puede.” Con las clases de otoño que comienzan el 23 de agosto, ahora es el momento de considerar regresar a la escuela, para seguir adelante con su educación y su futuro. Para obtener más información sobre el programa de equivalencia de escuela secundaria en ECC, visite

Are you, or someone you know, thinking about taking that step to complete your high school equivalency certificate? At Elgin Community College, you can return to school, complete your high school equivalency, and improve your earning potential. ECC provides classes to prepare you for the exam and assist you with aligning your future education and career goals. For Evelyn Aguirre, deciding to dedi-

cate time to going back to school was a difficult decision that she is proud she made for herself and her children. “I strongly believe that obtaining my GED® will open a lot of doors for me,” Aguirre said. “It will help me build a better future for my kids and for myself.” As a single mother of three working full-time, Evelyn wasn’t sure how she would add a class load to her already busy schedule. She soon realized the caring and accommodating nature of the program and its instructors. “I can’t stress it enough; the instructors are amazing,” she said. “They are with you every step of the way.” Evelyn chose to attend ECC after seeing online reviews of the program, and believing if others could do it, then she could too. Now, she hopes to inspire others with her story. “I really want to inspire, especially single mothers out there who think that it’s too late or that they can’t do this,” she said. “You can.” With fall classes beginning August 23, now is the time to consider going back to school, to go forward with your education and your future. To learn more about the high school equivalency program at ECC, visit

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Career & College Guide


‘It’s so surreal,’ says MCC student who introduced Biden BY MADHU KRISHNAMURTHY

For Reflejos

It was the most memorable one-minute conversation of Edith Sanchez’s young life. The 19-year-old from Harvard not only had the opportunity to meet and introduce President Joe Biden during his visit Wednesday at McHenry County College in Crystal Lake, she also exchanged some words with No. 46. “It’s so surreal,” said Sanchez, a student trustee on the MCC board and president of the college’s Latinos Unidos club. “It was truly an honor and I feel very privileged to be the one chosen to represent the Latino community.” Before introducing Biden for his speech to media, officials and guests, Sanchez shared her family’s immigrant story and struggles after her parents arrived here more than 20 years ago from Mexico. Today, her mother works in a factory as a welder and her father owns a landscaping business, she said.

“It really touched my heart when (Biden) said this nation wouldn’t be anything without immigrants,” Sanchez said of her brief conversation with the president. “He’s a really simple person. He is not judgmental at all. I felt really comfortable around him, and being able to talk to him about how my parents motivated me and inspired me to continue.” Sanchez hopes to show the video of her interaction with Biden to her children someday. Having completed a year of college at MCC, Sanchez is working toward an associate of arts degree and expects to transfer to a four-year university to study psychology and sociology. She said she dreams of becoming a college adviser. PHOTO: BRIAN HILL/BHILL@DAILYHERALD.COM)

EDITH SANCHEZ, a student trustee at McHenry County College in Crystal Lake, shares her family’s immigrant story before introducing President Joe Biden during his visit to the college Wednesday.

Los dueños operadores de McDonald’s Carmen y John De Carrier reconocen a los becados de 2021 y a los graduados de High School. CHICAGO, IL. – 51 graduados de High School y 19 becados fueron reconocidos recientemente por los dueños operadores de McDonald’s, Carmen y John De Carrier. La cena fue una oportunidad de resaltar los logros de los estudiantes recién graduados, al igual que otorgar becas a empleados merecedores y/o miembros de sus familias. Carmen y John crearon el Fondo de Becas Mia De Carrier en honor a su hija que es autista. Su meta para el fondo era darle a jóvenes de nuestra comunidad la oportunidad de esforzarse y alcanzar metas que su hija no puede hacer. Desde 2019 han otorgado 37 becas de $2,000 cada una alcanzando ya un total de $74,000. Quisiéramos felicitar a todos los graduados de la Clase de 2021 por sus logros en haber terminado la secundaria”, les dijeron Carmen y John “y queremos tomar esta oportunidad para animarlos a que sigan persiguiendo las metas que se han trazado para el futuro. Hoy es un día para mirar hacia delante y soñar con las maravillosas posibilidades que el futuro les depara. Permitan que su pasión se convierta en propósito firme y que algún día se convierta en profesión”. Los De Carrier también han sido instrumentales en encabezar y mantener el Fondo de Becas MHOA/HACER con la Asociación de Dueños Operadores Hispanos de McDonald’s la que ha otorgado

McDonald’s owner operators Carmen and John De Carrier recognize 2021 scholarship recipients and high school graduates

CARMEN (ATRÁS, izq) y John (atrás, der) De Carrier celebran juntos con los becados mas recientes del programa de becas Mia De Carrier. Con el mantenimiento de éxito escolar, estos becados son eligibles para recibir una beca por cada año de sus estudios en la universidad. CARMEN (BACK,LEFT) and John (back, right) De Carrier celebrate with the most recent scholarship recipients from the Mia De Carrier Scholarship Program. If these students maintain their scholastic success, they are eligible to recieve a scholarship annually throughout their undergraduate studies.

casi $400,000 en becas a jóvenes hispanos desde 2013. Carmen y John están firmemente comprometidos a apoyar la educación en nuestra comunidad y se están esforzando en expandir e impulsar los dos programas de becas.

CHICAGO, IL. – 51 high school graduates and 19 scholarship recipients were recently recognized by Chicagoland area McDonald’s Owner Operators, Carmen and John De Carrier. The dinner was an opportunity to high-

light the accomplishments of the recently graduated students, as well as award scholarships to worthy employees and/or members of their families. Carmen and John created the Mia De Carrier Scholarship Fund in honor of their daughter who has Autism. Their goal for the Fund was to give young people in our community the opportunity to strive for and achieve goals that their daughter is unable to. Since 2019, they have awarded 37 scholarships of $2,000 each to recipient; reaching a total of $74,000 in that time. “We would like to congratulate all of the graduates of the Class of 2021 on completing your high school education,” Carmen and John told them “We want to take this opportunity to encourage you to pursue your goals. On this day, you must look ahead and dream of all the bright possibilities that the future holds for you. Allow your passion to become your purpose and it will one day become your profession.” The De Carriers have also been instrumental in spearheading and maintaining the MHOA/HACER Scholarship Fund with the McDonald’s Hispanic Operators Association, which has awarded almost $400,000 in scholarships to local Hispanic young people since 2013. Carmen and John are firmly committed to supporting education in our community and are working toward the expansion of both scholarship programs moving forward.



Career & College Guide

Waubonsee da bienvenida a estudiantes a sus recintos con eventos de inscripción Waubonsee Community College está dando la bienvenida a los estudiantes nuevos y que regresan a sus cuatro recintos con eventos diseñados para facilitar la inscripción de los estudiantes. Las “Reuniones de inscripción” están programadas para el lunes, 2 de agosto en el campus de Sugar Grove, el martes, 3 de agosto en el campus de Plano y el miércoles, 4 de agosto en sus locales del centro de Aurora y Aurora Fox Valley. Cada evento se llevará a cabo desde el mediodía hasta las 6 p.m. El personal de Waubonsee ayudará a los estudiantes a elegir cursos, encontrar recursos financieros, solicitar ayuda financiera y seleccionar un plan de pago asequible. Además, los estudiantes pueden realizar un recorrido por el campus, disfrutar de refrigerios gratis y participar para ganar premios, inclu una computadora portátil. Aquellos que tomen las medidas necesarias para inscribirse participarán en un sorteo para ganar una clase gratuita, valorada en hasta $ 500. Cabe destacar este otoño en Waubonsee: • Cualquier estudiante de Waubonsee con necesidad económica puede solicitar la beca Reach Higher de Waubonsee. • El recién establecido Centro de Recursos Latinx, ubicado en el centro de Aurora, brinda servicios de apoyo y un lugar para que todos los

Waubonsee welcomes students to campuses with registration events

WAUBONSEE PREPARA a los estudiantes para una variedad de carreras bien remuneradas y en demanda, como educación, tecnología de soldadura, calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado, interpretación legal y ciberseguridad. Explore estos programas y más en WAUBONSEE PREPARES students for a variety of well-paying, in-demand careers, such as Education, Welding Technology, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Legal Interpreting and Cybersecurity. Explore these programs and more at

estudiantes aprendan sobre la cultura, el patrimonio y las tradiciones latinos. • Este otoño se proporcionarán kits de laboratorio gratuitos a los estudiantes matriculados en BIO101, BIO111 o BIO122 y CHM101, CHM121 o CHM122. Las clases comienzan el 23 de agosto, el 20 de septiembre o el 18 de octubre.

Waubonsee Community College is welcoming new and returning students back to all four of its campuses with registration events designed to make it easy for students to enroll. The “Registration Rallies” are scheduled for Monday, August 2 at the Sugar Grove Campus, Tuesday, August 3 at the Plano

Campus, and Wednesday, August 4 at both the Aurora Downtown and Aurora Fox Valley locations. Each event is from Noon to 6 p.m. Waubonsee staff will help students choose courses, find financial resources and apply for financial aid, and select an affordable payment plan. In addition, students can take a campus tour, enjoy free refreshments and enter to win prizes, including a laptop. Those taking steps towards enrollment will be entered in a drawing to win a free class, worth up to $500. Of note this fall at Waubonsee: Any Waubonsee student with financial need can apply for Waubonsee’s Reach Higher scholarship. The newly established Latinx Resource Center, located at the college’s Aurora Downtown location, provides support services and a venue for all students to learn about Latinx culture, heritage, and traditions. Free labs kits will be provided this fall to students enrolled in BIO101, BIO111 or BIO122 and CHM101, CHM121 or CHM122. Classes begin August 23, September 20 or October 18.



RALLY Sugar Grove Campus - Student Center Monday, August 2 from Noon to 6 p.m. Plano Campus Tuesday, August 3 from Noon to 6 p.m.

os Hablam Español

Aurora Downtown and Aurora Fox Valley Campuses Wednesday, August 4 from Noon to 6 p.m. Most courses start August 23, September 20 or October 18. Waubonsee does not discriminate on the basis of any individual’s actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, gender, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, veteran’s status, military status, unfavorable discharge from military service, marital status, order of protection status, pregnancy, disability, citizenship status or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs or activities. Inquiries regarding this policy may be directed to: Michele Needham,Title IX/ADA/ Section 504 Coordinator, Route 47 at Waubonsee Drive, Sugar Grove, IL 60554,

Join us!

We'll help you plan and register for the fall semester! During the rally, our staff will be on hand to help you choose courses, find financial resources and apply for financial aid, select an affordable payment plan and more! • Campus Tours every hour • Prize drawings - you could win a laptop! • You'll be entered to win a free class (up to a $500 value) when you apply, register, or take another enrollment step in-person or online August 2-4. • Games, free food and giveaways!

10 I

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Suéñalo. Persíguelo. Hazlo.


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Desde el momento en que llegas a nuestro colegio, se te asignará un Asesor de Carrera que te ayudará a encontrar tu primera carrera. Estás aquí para obtener una educación. Estamos aquí para ayudarte a hacer de ella una carrera. Y tenemos el récord para comprobarlo: el 98% de nuestros estudiantes encuentran trabajos o se inscriben en una escuela de posgrado dentro de seis a nueve meses de graduación.

Lake Forest College también ofrece: • Hasta $32,000 en becas anuales • 100% de la matrícula cubierta a través del programa de Forester Flagship • Un cuerpo estudiantil diverso que viene de 44 estados y 102 países • Programa de Profesiones de la Salud en asociación con Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science • Capacidad única para declarar dos especialidades de estudio • Transferencia amigable y con generosa ayuda financiera

Para obtener más información visita nuestra página

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Career & College Guide

¿Está pensando en volver a la universidad? Ahora podría ser el mejor momento

Si ha estado pensando en seguir una formación adicional, cambiar de carrera o volver a la universidad, este otoño podría ser el mejor momento para dar el paso. McHenry County College (MCC) ahora tiene aún más recursos para ayudar a los estudiantes a alcanzar sus metas educativas. “Si está listo para dar el siguiente paso, estamos listos para invertir en usted para que esto suceda”, dijo Christina Haggerty, vicepresidenta de marketing, comunicaciones y desarrollo de MCC. “Entre las becas, los fondos y las subvenciones disponibles, la universidad tiene más dinero que nunca para ayudar a los estudiantes a pagar la escuela”. Incluso antes de estos recursos financieros adicionales, MCC ha ofrecido ahorros significativos en los costos, en comparación con otros colegios universitarios. Una clase en MCC cuesta en promedio $380.25 en comparación con más de $ 1,621 en una universidad pública de cuatro años o $ 2,346 en una privada. Además de estos costos de matrícula ya reducidos, un número creciente de becas,

subvenciones, fondos y planes de pago flexibles hacen que tomar clases en MCC sea más asequible que nunca. Los fondos de Purple Pride todavía están disponibles para los estudiantes directamente afectados por circunstancias relacionadas con COVID-19 (pérdida de trabajo, facturas médicas, etc.) y los fondos de Student Success pueden ayudar a los estudiantes a pagar gastos inesperados como reparaciones automotrices, alquiler y gastos de guardería. Los estudiantes también reciben apoyo de los profesores y del personal, quienes que se preocupan por su éxito y pueden beneficiarse de las opciones flexibles de impartición de clases. “No es necesario que conozca sus objetivos profesionales o educativos finales para inscribirse en clases en MCC”, dijo Haggerty. “El equipo de asesores capacitados del colegio universitario puede ayudarlo a determinar lo que le gustaría o esbozar un plan para sus aspiraciones a largo plazo”. Las inscripciones ya están abiertas para el semestre de otoño de 2021. Visite

Thinking about going back to school? Right now might be the best time If you’ve been thinking about pursuing additional training, changing careers, or going back to school, this fall might be the best time to take the plunge. McHenry County College (MCC) now has even more resources to help students pursue their educational goals. “If you’re ready to take the next step, we’re ready to invest in you to make it happen,” said Christina Haggerty, Vice President of Marketing, Communications, and Development at MCC. “Between available scholarships, funds, and grants, the College has more money to help students pay for school than ever before.” Even before these additional financial resources, MCC offers a significant cost savings compared to other schools. A class at MCC on average costs $380.25 compared to more than $1,621 at a four-year public school or $2,346 at a private one. In addition to these already reduced tui-

tion costs, a growing number of scholarships, grants, funds, and flexible payment plans makes taking classes at MCC more affordable than ever. Purple Pride funding is still available to students directly affected by circumstances related to COVID-19 (job loss, medical bills, etc.) and Student Success funding can help students pay for unexpected expenses such as automotive repairs, rent, and daycare expenses. Students also receive support from caring faculty and staff and can benefit from flexible class delivery options. “You don’t have to know your ultimate career or education goals to enroll in classes at MCC,” said Haggerty. “The College’s team of trained advisors can help you figure out what you might like or outline a plan for your longterm aspirations.” Registration is now open for the Fall 2021 semester. Visit

McHenry County College is ready to invest in you! MCC now has even more resources to help you achieve what comes next. Here’s what you will gain by taking that next step now: • • • •

Cash resources to help you pay for college Support from caring faculty and staff to help you reach your goals Direction on the right classes to take to get you to where you want to go Problem-solving to help make your degree or certificate happen amidst everything else you have to juggle

Fall registration is happening now!

Let us help you take your next step at

I 11

12 I

Career & College Guide

Joliet Junior College ayuda a los estudiantes latinos a alcanzar sus metas JJC quiere que todos los estudiantes alcancen sus metas, y el colegio universitario brinda servicios especiales y apoyo para poblaciones que están subrepresentadas o que pueden tener obstáculos únicos que superar. Como institución que sirve a los hispanos, la población de estudiantes latinos de JJC es de casi el 30 por ciento, lo que hace que las necesidades de este grupo de estudiantes sean excepcionalmente importantes para JJC. Hay recursos especiales disponibles para quienes hablan español. “Estamos trabajando arduamente para ayudar a los estudiantes latinos a participar, especialmente a aquellos con un inglés limitado”, dijo Michelle Roman-García, directora de Asuntos Estudiantiles Multiculturales de JJC. “Es clave para ellos comenzar lo antes posible para que puedan obtener toda la ayuda que necesitan para orientarse en los estudios universitarios”. JJC es la mejor opción para los estudiantes Latinx, no solo porque obtendrán apoyo en cada paso de su experiencia universitaria, sino también porque JJC ofrece muchos programas que conducen a trabajos bien remunerados, en demanda, y que solo requieren un título de asociado como automotriz, artes culinarias y más. JJC hace que sea fácil para los estudiantes encontrar un campo que les apasione, ya sea que su objetivo sea ingresar a la fuerza laboral rápidamente o transferirse sin problemas a una universidad de cuatro años. Los estudiantes pueden optar por completar una clase por semestre o terminar su título en tan solo 18 meses. Historias como la de la estudiante universitaria de primera generación Eliana Melero demuestran cómo JJC está comprometido con el éxito de cada estudiante. “Hubo un tiempo en la universidad en el que no tenía la motivación para asistir a mis clases y sentí en un momento que me rendía”, dijo. “Llegué a un punto en el que pensé que la universidad no era la mejor ruta para mí. Después, hablando con mis asesores y mis padres, encontré ese impulso para volver a enfocarme. Quiero que la gente sepa que no importa cuál sea su lucha, eso no define su capacidad para tener éxito”. Melero no estaba segura de que dirección seguir cuando llegó por primera vez a JJC, pero su tiempo en la universidad la transformó. Encontró mentores en la universidad que la inspiraron y se invo-

lucró como líder en muchos clubes como Latinos Unidos y el International Student Club. Recientemente se graduó de la universidad y planea continuar con su educación con el objetivo de obtener un doctorado. Quiere que la gente sepa que JJC es un lugar para crecer, descubrir su pasión y encontrar su camino. “¡Sin JJC, no hubiera sabido que soy capaz de ser genial!” ella dijo. “Siempre estaré agradecida por mis experiencias en JJC, ya que han moldeado mi vida y me han convertido en lo que soy ahora. JJC también me ha cambiado a medida que me convertí en una líder y conocí a muchas personas que me han impactado de una manera tan positiva. Encontré mi pasión en JJC «. Las clases de otoño de 2021 serán en el campus y en línea, lo que brindará a los estudiantes flexibilidad y opciones. Los estudiantes pueden acceder a una gran selección de programas de apoyo como ayuda financiera y becas, la Oficina de Asuntos Estudiantiles Multiculturales, Recursos para Discapacitados, tutoría y mucho más. Para obtener más información sobre JJC, visite


Joliet Junior College helps Latinx students reach their goals

JJC wants all students to meet their goals, and the college provides special services and support for populations who are underrepresented or may have unique obstacles to overcome. As a Hispanic-Serving Institution, JJC’s Latinx student population is at nearly 30 percent, making this group of students’ needs exceptionally important to JJC. Special resources are available for those who jspeak Spanish. “We are working hard to help Latinx students engage, especially those with limited English,” said Michelle Roman-Garcia, JJC’s Multicultural Student Affairs Director. “It’s key for them to start as early as possible so we can get them all the help they need to navigate college.” JJC is the best choice for Latinx students not only because they will get support through every step of their college experience, but also because JJC offers so many programs that lead to high-paying, in-demand jobs that only require an associate degree such

as automotive, culinary arts and more. JJC makes it easy for students to find a field they’re passionate about, whether their goal is to get into the workforce quickly or to transfer smoothly to a four-year school. Students can choose to complete one class per semester or finish their degree in as little as 18 months. Stories like that of first-generation college student Eliana Melero demonstrate how JJC is committed to every student’s success. “There was a time in college where I lacked the motivation to attend my classes and felt like giving up at one point,” she said. “I hit a point where I thought college wasn’t the best route for me. After, talking to my advisers and my parents, I found that drive to re-focus myself. I want people to know that no matter what your struggle is, that it does not define your ability to be successful.” Melero was unsure of her direction when she first arrived at JJC, but her time at the college transformed her. She found mentors at the college who inspired her, and became involved as a leader in many clubs like Latinos Unidos and the International Student Club. She recently graduated from the college, and plans to continue pursuing her education with the goal of getting a doctorate degree. She wants people to know that JJC is a place to grow, discover their passion, and find their path. “Without JJC, I would not have known that I am capable of being great!” she said. “I am forever thankful for my experiences at JJC as they have shaped my life into who I am today. JJC has also changed me as I grew into a leader and met many people who have impacted me in such a positive way. I found my passion at JJC.” Fall 2021 classes will be on campus and online, giving students flexibility and options. Students can access a big selection of support programs like financial aid and scholarships, the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, Disability Resources, tutoring, and so much more. For more information about JJC, visit


I 13

Career & College Guide

Tu Colegio. Tu Camino.

Your College. Your Journey.

• Asistencia financiera disponible

• Financial support available

• Formación para trabajos de alta-demanda

• Training for high-demand jobs

• Toma clases a tu propio ritmo

• Take classes at your own pace

• Obtén un título universitario

• Earn a college degree

• Asistencia para estudiantes

• Assistance for undocumented

indocumentados y aprendices del

students and English

idioma ingles

language learners

• Docenas de recursos para apoyar

• Dozens of resources to support

a todos los estudiantes

all students





14 I


Career & College Guide

Dando forma a las vidas que dan forma al mundo Los estudiantes escogen Judson University por varias razones

Nayeli Cisneros, de 21 años de edad, creció en Elgin, Illinois, y eligió asistir a Judson como estudiante itinerante porque le encantaba tener la opción de sumergirse por completo en la experiencia universitaria, pero teniendo la capacidad de vivir en casa. A Nayeli siempre le ha intrigado el mundo de los negocios, por lo que especializarse en negocios y finanzas fue una elección natural. Durante su tiempo en Judson, Nayeli hizo una pasantía en el Salón del Automóvil de Chicago, la feria más grande del país, y en Anguleris, una empresa de Elgin propiedad de un ex alumno de Judson. En noviembre pasado, ganó el primer lugar en la competencia anual Shark Tank de Judson. Nayeli fue una miembro integral de la comunidad del campus. Como estudiante atleta, corrió en Cross Country y Track and Field. Fue una de las atletas más condecoradas en la historia atlética de Judson a nivel nacional. En cross country, ganó seis premios NAIA y USTFCCCA All American en Racewalk y terminó en segundo lugar en el país. También ganó siete premios CCAC All-Conference, seis premios CCAC All-Academic Team y seis premios NCCAA Scholar Athlete. En Cross Country, Nayeli compitió y obtuvo, junto con sus compañeros de equipo, un cuarto puesto en el Campeonato de Cross Country de la NCCAA de 2018. Judson University es una próspera institución cristiana de artes liberales ubicada convenientemente entre la I-90 y State Road 31 en Elgin, Illinois, en un campus pastoral enmarcado por Tyler Creek y Fox River. Esta institución totalmente acreditada ofrece más de 60 programas para estudiantes de licenciatura y maestría. Judson también ofrece opciones muy asequibles sin importar su situación. Visite Judson en o llame al 847-628-2510.


• • • • • •

Music Business Entrepreneurship Architecture Business Education Psychology Computer Science

RISE PROGRAM College experience for students with intellectual disabilities.

Students choose to attend Judson University for many reasons. Nayeli Cisneros ’21 grew up in Elgin, Ill., and chose to attend Judson as a commuter student because she loved having the option to fully immerse herself in the college experience while having the ability to live at home. Nayeli has always been intrigued by the business world, so majoring in business and minoring in finance was a natural choice. During her time at Judson, Nayeli interned with the Chicago Auto Show, the largest show in the nation, and with Anguleris, an Elgin business owned by a Judson alumnus. Last November, she won first-place in Judson’s Annual Shark Tank competition. Nayeli was an integral member of the campus community. As a student athlete, she ran for Cross Country and Track and Field. She was one of the most decorated athletes in Judson’s Athletic history on the national level. In Track and Field, she earned six NAIA and USTFCCCA All American awards in Racewalk and finished as high as second in the country. She also earned seven CCAC All Conference awards, six CCAC All-Academic Team awards and six NCCAA Scholar Athlete Awards. In Cross Country, Nayeli competed and earned, along with her teammates, a 4th place finish in 2018 NCCAA Cross Country Championship. Judson University is a thriving Christian liberal-arts institution located conveniently at I-90 and State Road 31 in Elgin, Ill., on a pastoral campus framed by the Tyler Creek and Fox River. This fully accredited institution offers more than 60 programs for undergraduate students and graduate. Judson also offers very affordable options no matter your situation. Check out Judson at or call 847628-2510.


Academic programs

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Students receiving �nancia� aid

90% Students invo�ved in internships, practicums, and student teaching

21 �A�A Ath�etic teams o�ered at Judson

Psychology Business Human Services Organizational Leadership �E�� Professional Certi�cation Exam Preparations



I 15

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+!(!'%")#!, &-*$)#-, • Assistance to complete the application for naturalization • A free legal consultation with an Immigration counselor • Free study materials to help you prepare for the test and interview • You may be eligible to apply for a fee waiver of $725. • Will be a cost of $50 for processing and postage + $30 for fee waiver (if qualify)

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Rakow Center • 665 Barrington Ave. • Carpentersville, IL 60110 • (847) 428-7131 x1101 Randall Oaks Recreation Center • 500 N. Randall Rd. • West Dundee, IL 60118 • (847) 428-7131 x4260

16 I


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(847) 298-3338

Aug. 7

8 p.m.

Sept. 4

8 p.m.

Sept. 10

8 p.m.

Sept. 20

7:30 p.m.

Oct. 2

8 p.m.

Oct. 8

8 p.m.

Oct. 23

8 p.m.





Conozca a

Elizabeth Nodine, MD

University of Wisconsin Medical School “Disfruto asociarme con los adultos mayores para ayudarlos a controlar afecciones crónicas como la diabetes y la presión arterial alta, y también enfocarnos en la atención preventiva para mantenerlos sanos e independientes.”

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• Miembro de AAFP y ABFM

Llame para programar una visita u obtener más información July 16-18 July 16-18 Aug. 12-15

(847) 380-2626

3210 Grand Ave. Waukegan, IL 60085


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I 17

Three things this pharmacist wants you to know about the COVID-19 vaccine and your kids Summer is here! Kids are hanging out with friends, playing sports, and will be headed back to school this fall. But remember, unvaccinated people – even kids – should still wear masks, practice social distancing, and follow other proper safety guidelines as things start to return to normal. While fewer kids have been sick with COVID-19 compared to adults, they can still contract COVID-19, get sick, and spread the virus to others. If you and your family plan to get out of the house, the best way to protect your family from COVID-19 and its variants is for your household to get the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as they can. For anyone age 12 and older, that’s now! As a clinical pharmacist, I care for patients every day, but I used to be a teacher. I recognize that for those who are taking care of children, healthcare decisions take on a special importance. If you plan to send your children back to school, vaccination can prevent a COVID-19 infection over the summer or missed school days in the fall. For those ‘returning to normal,’ getting everyone age 12 and older in the household who is eligible for vaccination to take it can protect the entire family – vaccinating some family members provides protection for those who are too

young to get the vaccine this summer. It’s always best to seek out information from a trusted source when making important decisions about your family. That’s why I am sharing my take-away points with you today:

The COVID-19 vaccine is safe

The COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials had thousands of volunteers. To date, the vaccine has been shown to be safe and effective for children age 12 and up. These studies are ongoing, and new information is shared, readily. A common worry I hear is that the vaccine was created too quickly. But the development of this vaccine has been faster than vaccines in the past for a few reasons. Scientists didn’t have to start from scratch. They had already been working on the technology for this vaccine to help with other vaccines. There were many COVID-19 cases in the community during the trials, so it didn’t take long to see that vaccine working. It was clear that it was protecting people from getting sick with COVID-19. Every study, every phase, and every trial was reviewed by the FDA and a safety board. They continue to monitor the vaccine – in fact, the CDC says COVID-19 vaccines will

have the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history. I used the V-Safe App, which is a symptom surveillance service, seeking information about bad reactions. Because I did experience after-effects, I entered that information in the app, and I was contacted by a representative from the CDC. She only talked to me about my symptoms – and didn’t require any personal information from me. She asked me to self-report to the CDC Vaccine Tracker program, VAERS. She was willing to report on my behalf. I did not feel pressured, in any way. It was good to know that someone was really following up.

The vaccine is effective

Astoundingly, the vaccine was 100% effective at preventing COVID-19 illness in children 12- 16 during the clinical trials. A perfect score seems unbelievable, but no children who received the vaccine got sick with COVID-19.

It’s worth it!

I totally get it. There is a lot of confusion, and it is hard to know what is right or wrong.It is important to recognize and investigate our fears. Concerns about after effects

are reasonable, and there is a risk with every health care treatment, medication or procedure. My own friends are worried about endocarditis in older children, but we’ve also seen the drastic effects that COVID-19 can bring – so they are erring on the side of caution and getting their kids vaccinated. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine provides long-lasting protection for you and those that live in your home, and most people will have only mild after-effects – tiredness, headache, and one heck of a sore arm. Talk to a healthcare provider to learn more about the vaccine, and find an appointment or learn about walk-in sites at Chicago. gov/COVIDvax. Dr. Jewel Younge is a Clinical Assistant Professor at University of Illinois College of Pharmacy and practices at Wood Street Pharmacy, of the UI Health Ambulatory Care Pharmacies. She has 20 years of experience teaching, working with every age of learner – from nursery rooms to University graduate halls and all levels in between. She is a member of the Chicagoland Vaccine Partnership’s Speakers Bureau and you can request her to answer vaccine questions at a community event by emailingcommunity@

Kohl Children’s Museum project trains effective educators As any parent knows, young children are full of questions. “How do worms eat if they don’t have mouths? Where do garbage trucks take the trash? What happened to the hole in the doughnut?” That constant patter of queries may lead to eye-rolling and exasperation from parents, but Kohl Children’s Museum knows that innate curiosity is one of the signs of a child’s growing mind. For more than 20 years, the museum has provided its Early Childhood Connections program, a professional development opportunity for educators in underresourced schools and child-care centers that teach high percentages of children at risk of academic failure. A key tenet of the program? Questions are good. Let kids follow their interests and seek out answers. This interest in seeking out answers is what makes learning “stick,” according to museum President & CEO Mike Delfini. “ECC serves as the flagship access and inclusion program we offer,” he adds. “It’s a long-term program that has resulted in significant changes in how teachers direct and facilitate learning for very young children. We’re demonstrating measurable impact in the learning environments, and making systemic change in the effectiveness of teachers for the rest of their careers.” It’s a success story that many others have chosen to throw support behind over the

years. Most recently, Chicago’s CME Group Foundation announced the awarding of a $100,000 grant to the Glenview-based museum to support ECC. The grant was part of $3 million earmarked by the foundation to fund kindergarten readiness and K-12 programming across Chicago and Illinois. “CME Group Foundation is proud to support these innovative programs and the critical work they are doing for our students and our community,” said Kassie Davis, executive director of the foundation. “Our mission is founded on equipping our children with the resources to achieve academic and career success, while also creating a future workforce that benefits the economy more broadly. We look forward to working alongside our grantees to empower future generations through education.” The underlying principles of the ECC program are grounded in the museum’s belief that children learn best when they are engaged, motivated, intrinsically curious and most of all, having fun. The program utilizes the Project Approach, which encourages children to formulate questions, seek out and discover answers, consider their findings and form conclusions. “In this environment, teachers become the facilitators of learning rather than distributors of knowledge,” said Stephanie Bynum, the museum’s vice president of programs. “It also encourages all children to explore and learn in their own way, while


FOR MORE than 20 years, the Kohl Children’s Museum in Glenview has provided its Early Childhood Connections program, a professional development opportunity for educators in underresourced schools and child-care centers that teach high percentages of children at risk of academic failure.

fostering the development of critical thinking, cooperation and communication skills.”

When teachers implement the Project Approach successfully, students feel highly motivated and actively involved in their own learning, leading them to produce high-quality work and to grow both as individuals and collaborators. “Take for instance, the question about where doughnut holes go,” adds Bynum. “One of our child-care teachers heard this question from her students, and rather than simply answering it, she got the whole class involved in what became a Bakery Project. “The students did a field trip to a nearby bakery, wrote stories about how doughnuts were made, experimented with recipes in the classroom, and held a small bake sale for their parents. Along the way, they picked up relevant vocabulary terms, used early math for measuring ingredients, and practiced negotiation and cooperation to work the store.” Kohl has trained more than 1,400 early childhood teachers and child-care professionals since 2000, with effects of the training reaching more than 130,000 children throughout Lake and Cook counties. In addition to the training, the museum provides participating teachers with funds to purchase classroom supplies, gives free field trips to the students, and underwrites annual museum memberships to encourage parents and caregivers to continue engagement and investment in their children’s futures.


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Career & College Guide

¿Puede un ciudadano patrocinar para ‘green card’ a su pareja que pide ayudas sociales? Janine Trainor Fronteras de la Noticia - USCIS Durante el gobierno del presidente Donald Trump se impulsó la regla de “carga pública” que aplicaba diversos castigos a inmigrantes que solicitaban la Residencia Permanente, pero tribunales obligaron a detener la medida, aunque todavía existía el riesgo de implementarla. Como un paso adicional, el gobierno del presidente Joe Biden decidió “sepultar” esa regla y descartar su implementación, pero su aplicación había generado ya mucha confusión entre inmigrantes, quienes temían aplicar por la “green card” o patrocinar a alguien para ello. Tal es el caso de un hombre que pidió orientación al abogado Allan Wernick, director

del proyecto Citizenship Now! de la Universidad de Nueva York, sobre la posibilidad de poder patrocinar a su novia, a pesar de que ella recibía asistencia social. No queda claro qué tipo de ayuda recibe la novia indocumentada, pero podrían ser apoyos de vivienda, cupones de alimento o seguro médico. El experto fue contundente en su respuesta: debe patrocinarla casándose con ella. “El que haya estado recibiendo asistencia pública no le impedirá obtener la residencia permanente si deja de recibir asistencia para cuando le toque su entrevista de green card”, explicó el experto en un artículo publicado en el Dallas News. Wernick reconoció que si la inmigrante indocumentada, quien llegó al país con una visa de turista, recibe dinero en efectivo del gobierno podría enfrentar algún problema, pero puede dejar de pedir la ayuda antes de pedir la Residencia Permanente bajo el patrocinio de su esposo. “Probablemente pasarán más de 18 meses para que USCIS entreviste a su esposa para su residencia permanente”, explicó. “Mientras tanto, ella recibirá autorización de empleo para que pueda trabajar. Si ella no trabaja, el ingreso de usted tal vez sea suficiente para pasar

la prueba del ingreso”. Cabe destacar que las disposiciones sobre carga pública siguen en la Ley de Inmigración y Ciudadanía (INA), lo que había ocurrido con el gobierno de Trump fue que las endureció. Ahora la decisión corresponde a oficiales de Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración (USCIS) y a los oficiales consulares que evalúan las peticiones de cualquier tipo de visa. “Cualquier extranjero que, en opinión del funcionario consular en el momento de la solicitud de visa, o en opinión del Fiscal General en el momento de la solicitud de admisión o ajuste de estatus, es probable que en cualquier momento se convierta en una carga pública sea excluible”, indica el INA. Los oficiales de USCIS aplican la regla de 1999 sobre carga pública, la cual define los aspectos señalados previamente, pero una persona puede facilitar su proceso de cambio de estatuso al el Formulario I-864 o Soporte de Manutención por parte de un patrocinador (familiar o cónyuge). “Si USCIS requiere información o evidencia adicional para hacer una determinación de inadmisibilidad de carga pública bajo el estatuto y de acuerdo con la Guía de Aplicación Provisional de 1999, le enviaremos otro RFE o NOID”, recuerda la agencia.


Career & College Guide

De temporal por la pandemia a permanente:

I 19

11 cambios duraderos en la educación superior POR BRANDON BUSTEED

Algunos dicen que la educación superior volverá en gran medida a la normalidad pre-pandémica en los próximos dos años académicos. Otros predicen una extinción masiva de colegios y universidades. Ambas visiones son extremas (y escenarios altamente improbables) del espectro de lo que podría suceder con la educación superior. En algún lugar entre esos extremos, sin embargo, hay once cambios claros y duraderos en la educación superior como resultado de la pandemia: 1. Los cambios opcionales de prueba se volverán permanentes. Aunque muchas facultades y universidades anunciaron tales políticas como temporales durante la pandemia, estas se convertirán en cambios duraderos en el mundo de las admisiones universitarias. Una de las principales razones se relaciona con el punto dos, a continuación. 2. Las instituciones de educación superior serán cada vez más y más responsables de las métricas de diversidad, equidad e inclusión (DEI). Esto será más prominente para garantizar que la población estudiantil sea más diversa, pero también se mostrará en las prioridades de contratación de profesores y personal para la diversidad. Antes de la pandemia, las instituciones de educación superior prestaron más atención a estas prioridades. En el futuro, necesitarán hacer compromisos reales con DEI porque muchos electores comenzarán a responsabilizarlos de su progreso. 3. Aunque la mayoría de los estudiantes desean volver al aprendizaje en persona, la mayoría desea seguir teniendo la opción de tomar clases en línea. Esto forzará una permanencia, impulsada por la demanda de los estudiantes, en los colegios y universidades que seguirán ofreciendo muchas opciones para el aprendizaje totalmente en línea e híbrido. 4. De manera relacionada, e incluso para las clases que continúan solo en persona, se convertirá en una norma que

todas las conferencias se graben en video para que los estudiantes las revisen más adelante. Cuando se les preguntó qué método les gustaría que continuara después de la pandemia, la principal preferencia entre los estudiantes universitarios (el 79% de ellos) fue mantener las conferencias disponibles en línea. 5. Habrá una demanda fuerte y duradera entre el profesorado y el personal para continuar trabajando desde casa u otras opciones de trabajo virtual. Así como muchos lugares de trabajo están contemplando cambios permanentes en el lugar de empleo, las mismas tendencias se aplicarán en los colegios y universidades. 6. Vinculado los puntos 3, 4 y 5 anteriores, el énfasis que se había dado antes en la construcción de la infraestructura física de los campus universitarios dará paso a un énfasis en la construcción de la infraestructura virtual. Las prioridades del uso del capital se moverán hacia la recaudación de fondos para más que hayan más programas de licenciatura y de maestría en línea, así como en ofrecer más servicios virtuales para los estudiantes. 7. Las pasantías y los empleos virtua-

les están aquí para quedarse y crecerán en prevalencia. Al igual que las clases se ofrecieron en línea por necesidad durante la pandemia, también lo fueron las pasantías para los estudiantes universitarios y los empleos para los recién graduados. A medida que los empleadores se han acostumbrado al cambio a las pasantías virtuales, están comenzando a ver enormes ventajas para ellos, incluida la posibilidad de reclutar candidatos más diversos donde antes la ubicación física solía ser una barrera (piense en lugares con costos prohibitivos como Washington DC o San Francisco ). Además, existe una fuerte evidencia de que los estudiantes no blancos prefieren mucho las pasantías y trabajos virtuales que los estudiantes de raza blanca. 8. Los empleadores continuarán impulsando un movimiento creciente hacia la educación no universitaria y los títulos no tradicionales. La iniciativa de Google de considerar sus certificados tecnológicos como equivalentes a títulos universitarios en el proceso de contratación cuenta ahora con el respaldo de más de 130 empresas, mientras que más de 250,000 personas han obtenido uno de sus certificados en los dos primeros años desde que se ofreció (el 57%

de los cuales no tenía un título universitario). Los empleadores continuarán invirtiendo en programas de educación como beneficio, brindando apoyo financiero a los empleados que buscan mejorar su educación, pero casi todos estos títulos serán para estudiantes no tradicionales y/o programas completamente en línea. Ambas tendencias continuarán debilitando el mercado de títulos de 4 años. 9. El calendario académico tradicional ya no existe. Muchas universidades realizaron cambios innovadores en su calendario académico durante el Covid-19 y ahora reconocen que estos cambios pueden proporcionar una flexibilidad valiosa tanto para los estudiantes como para el profesorado, al mismo tiempo que brindan oportunidades de aceleración de títulos para aquellos que buscan graduarse más rápidamente. 10. Habrá un nuevo tipo de guerra de precios en la educación superior. En lugar de precios y gastos de matrícula cada vez mayores, las universidades ahora competirán para lanzar títulos en línea de menor costo para servir a un mercado creciente de futuros estudiantes orientados en el valor práctico de su educación. 11. Los colegios y universidades de élite ya no son modelos a seguir. A pesar de una historia caracterizada por la envidia de Harvard y una obsesión persistente entre los padres, los estudiantes y los medios de comunicación con las instituciones de primer nivel, su relevancia para el resto de la educación superior se dirige hacia cero. La falta de voluntad para aumentar las inscripciones y atender a más estudiantes de maneras innovadoras y no tradicionales, junto con un historial deprimente de no admitir a estudiantes pobres y de las minorías, convertirá a las élites en rarezas. Abran paso a los nuevos modelos a seguir en la educación superior: los buques insignia públicos y los privados que están innovando en muchas formas, están encontrando formas de congelar o reducir los costos universitarios y se están centrando en los estudiantes y los empleadores.

JJR Marketing wins several awards NAPERVILLE, ILLINOIS — JJR Marketing, a 15-year-old Naperville-based public relations and marketing firm, took home a Silver Trumpet and two 30 Under 30 Awards during the Publicity Club of Chicago’s 62nd anniversary of the Golden Trumpet Awards. The virtual awards ceremony took place on June 17 and was PCC’s second-ever virtual Golden Trumpet Awards ceremony. The Golden Trumpet Awards is the most prestigious awards program in the Midwest and honors distinguished individual achievement in public relations, marketing and

communications. JJR Marketing won a Silver Trumpet award in the Multicultural Campaign Category for its entry called “Young Latina Day 2020 Goes Global” which was presented by The Fig Factor Foundation, a nonprofitdedicated to giving vision, direction, and structure to young Latinas created by JJR Marketing CEO and Founder Jacqueline S. Ruiz. “When the pandemic hit the United States, planned in-person events were stopped immediately,” recalled Ruiz. “Even so, I knew there was a way to honor the beautiful and powerful contributions that

Latinas were making around the world. That is when I decided to showcase this day as a global and virtual event and converted my living room into a home-based television studio. We had 50 inspiration agents—successful Latinas—from around the globe sharing their stories of hope and positivity! It was truly incredible! We attracted 24,491 people and garnered 12,500 FB views.” JJR Marketing Mission Manager Kylie Knur once again made it on the PCC’s prestigious 30 Under 30 list honoring young marketers.This designation recognizes honorees under the age of 30 in the communications

industry who demonstrate excellence in innovation, execution and leadership. “I’m very excited to be recognized again for this achievement” said Knur. “I’m glad that PCC is supporting the next generation of up and coming marketers like myself.” Author Concierge Gabriela Hernandez Franch also joins Knur as a 30 Under 30 honoree. “In my role, I guide clients as they create their own paths to becoming authors,” Franch said. “It’s a joy to see them achieve their goals. I’m thrilled to see my work noticed by such a wonderful organization.”

20 I


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I 21

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Public Hearings & Notices

Public Hearings & Notices

LAKE COUNTY ZONING NOTICE #VAR-000669-2021 GRANT TOWNSHIP The Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a public hearing on Thursday, August 26, 2021 at 9:00 A.M. at the Lake County Central Permit Facility, 500 W. Winchester Rd., Libertyville IL, on the petition of Katherine Kristen, Trustee of the Lillian Kristan Revocable Trust, record owner, who seeks the following variance from the requirements of the Lake County Code and any other zoning relief as required: 1. Reduce the south street setback from 18 feet to 2 feet to accommodate the construction of a deck. Please note that quantitative values may be subject to minor alterations due to surveyed conditions. The subject property is located at 36114 N. Helendale Road, Ingleside, Illinois 60041 and is approximately 0.20 acres. PIN 05-11-408-016 This application is available for public examination at the office of the Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals, 500 W. Winchester Rd, Libertyville, Illinois, attn.: Eric Tooke, (847) 377-2149. Gregory Koeppen Chair Published in Daily Herald July 16, 2021 (4566924)

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice of a Public Hearing is hereby given that on Monday, August 2, 2021 at 6:30 P. M., a Special Board Meeting will be held in the Village of Addison, Village Hall, at 1 Friendship Plaza, Addison, Illinois, for the following variations of the Village of Addison Sign Ordinance. A variation of Section 27-504 (G)(2) to allow two illuminated wall signs, one existing totaling approximately 95 sq. ft. and the other proposed, totaling approximately 48 sq. ft. for a combined total of 143 sq. ft. when only one wall sign is permitted per major street front exposure not to exceed 100 sq. ft. This site is located in an M-2, General Manufacturing District. The name of the business is Wynndalco. This property is commonly referred to as 515 West Factory Road, Addison Illinois. The P.I.N. for this site is 03-32-209-007. Testimony regarding this matter may be presented at the public hearing. Published in Daily Herald july 16, 2021 (4567077)

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all persons concerned that on the 4th day of August, 2021, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, at 100 N Island Ave., Batavia, Illinois, the Plan Commission of the City of Batavia will conduct a Public Hearing pursuant to pursuant to Chapters 3.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.7, and 5.8 of the Batavia Zoning Code to consider Amendments to the Batavia Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Map, Zoning Map, rezoning of property, Conditional Use Permits for drive-through restaurant facilities, and a Planned Development. The Plan Commission concurrently will hold an open meeting to consider Design Reviews and Subdivision of property, pursuant to Zoning Code Chapters 5.2 and 5.6, and City Code Title 11. The property that is subject of the Land Use Map Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment for rezoning is located at 1898 McKee (PIN 12-21-100-033). The property presently has the Land Use Map classification of Office and the Amendment proposes the classification of General Commercial. The property presently is zoned O Office District and Amendment proposes GC General Commercial District. The property that is the subject of the Conditional Use Permits is located at 1994 McKee Street (PINs 12-21-108-002 and 1221-108-004). The properties that are the subject of the Planned Development, Subdivision, and Design Reviews are located at 1898 and 1994 McKee Street. The property at 1898 McKee Street is owned by American National Bank & Trust Chicago Trust #515. The property located at 1994 McKee Street is owned by DM Clark Investment Group LP. The applicant for the requested actions is Randall Road Resources LLC, Michael Douglas, 200 Alder Dr, North Aurora, Illinois 60542. Information regarding the proposed actions is available for review at the Community Development Department in the City of Batavia Municipal Building during normal business hours or by calling 630-4542700. All interested persons may attend said Hearing and Meeting. Tom Gosselin, Chair Batavia Plan Commission Published in Daily Herald July 16, 2021 (4566968)


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El Ejército ofrece 150 opciones de carrera diferentes

The Army has 150 different career options

El COVID-19 ha afectado el empleo en el área de Chicago. Es difícil saber cuándo se recuperará la economía, lo que ha dejado a muchos, especialmente a nuestros jóvenes, frustrados y confundidos sobre cómo construir un futuro. Sin embargo, puede haber una oportunidad que no es obvia a plena vista: el ejército de EEUU. Lo sé, sé que he visto películas y también he escuchado historias sobre el ejército. Pero, ¿cuánto de lo que pensamos sobre el Ejército es cierto y cuánto es una creación de Hollywood o simplemente conceptos que están desactualizados? Para averiguarlo, me senté a conversar con el capitán Nicholas Bonavia en Glenview. Primeramente, gracias por su servicio. Mucha gente se muestra escéptica sobre el servicio militar porque no quiere pelear en una guerra. ¿Hay opciones para la gente que no quiere ver el frente de batalla? Gracias por su apoyo y por tenerme aquí hoy. Absolutamente, puede resultar sorprendente saber que la MAYORÍA de los trabajos del Ejército no están directamente relacionados con el combate. El Ejército tiene 150 opciones de carrera diferentes, y las personas pueden elegir el camino que se adapte a sus habilidades y objetivos, ya sea en el servicio a tiempo parcial o completo. Casi cualquier trabajo que ves en la sociedad lo tenemos en el Ejército. Todo, desde cocineros, plomeros, carpinteros, electricistas y camioneros hasta abogados, médicos e ingenieros. Vaya, no lo sabía. Para muchas familias, obtener un título universitario es un gran motivo de orgullo. ¿Cómo puedes decirles a esas personas que renuncien a sus sueños universitarios? Me alegro de que hayas mencionado eso, estoy en el ejército y tengo un título universitario. Nadie tiene que elegir entre el servicio y los estudios universitarios. De hecho, una persona puede obtener un título mientras presta servicio, y es el Ejército el que lo paga. Si prefieres ir a la universidad antes o después del ejército, igual te lo pagaremos. Si la universidad no es para usted, puede transferir esos beneficios a un miembro de la familia o puede ir a una escuela vocacional. Chicago es un excelente lugar para vivir. No creo que pueda irme. Supongo que el Ejército no es para mí y mi familia. Para muchas personas es difícil salir de Chicago, ¡pero la buena noticia es que no es necesario! La Reserva del Ejército permite a las personas servir a tiempo parcial en su comunidad mientras mantienen sus trabajos y hogares normales. Para otros, salir de casa parece emocionante. Tenemos oportunidades en 29 estados y 74 países para aquellos que quieran servir a tiempo completo. Sé que el ejército es totalmente voluntario, ¿eso significa que no pagan? Nos pagan, pero el pago es solo el comienzo de los beneficios. Como soldado, uno gana un cheque de pago garantizado, comida y vivienda gratis, el 100% de la matrícula para la universidad, capacitación en habilidades, cobertura de seguro médico / dental al 100%, 30 días de vacaciones pagadas, la oportunidad de viajar por el mundo y hasta un bono de firma de hasta $ 40,000 si calificas. Estará listo para el siguiente paso en su vida con mayores habilidades y atractivos para el mercado laboral. Es increíble. Gracias por su tiempo hoy.

COVID-19 has been hard on employment in Chicagoland. It’s difficult to know when the economy will recover which leaves many, especially our youth, frustrated and confused about how to build a future. However, there may be an opportunity hiding in plain sight: The U.S. Army. I know, I know I’ve seen the movies and heard the stories too. How much of what we think about the Army is true and how much is a Hollywood creation or simply outdated? To find out, I sat down with Captain Nicholas Bonavia in Glenview. First off, thank you for your service. Many people are skeptical about Army service because they don’t want to fight in a war. Are there any options for people who don’t want to see the front lines? Thank you for your support and having me here today. Absolutely, it might be surprising to hear that MOST Army jobs aren’t directly related to combat. The Army has 150 different career options, and individuals can choose the path that fits their skills and goals, whether it is part-time or full-time service. Almost any job you see in society we have in the Army. Everything from cooks, plumbers, carpenters, electricians, and truck Captain Nicholas Bonavia drivers to lawyers, doctors and engineers. Wow, I never knew. For many families, earning a college degree is a great source of pride. How can you tell those people to give up their college dreams? I’m glad you brought that up, I’m in the Army AND have a degree. No one has to choose between service and school. In fact, you can get a degree while you serve and have the Army pay for it. If you’d rather go to college before or after you the Army, we’ll still pay. If college isn’t for you, you could transfer those benefits to a family member or you can go to a vocational school. Chicago is a great place to live. I don’t think I could leave. I guess the Army isn’t for me and my family. For many people Chicago is hard to leave but the good news is they don’t have to! The Army Reserve allows people to serve part-time in their community while keeping their normal jobs and homes. For others, leaving home seems exciting. We have opportunities in 29 states and 74 countries for those who want to serve full-time. I know the Army is all-volunteer, does that mean you don’t get paid? We do get paid, but pay is just the start of the benefits. As a Soldier you earn a guaranteed paycheck, free food and housing, 100% tuition for college, skill training, 100% medical/dental insurance coverage, 30 days paid vacation, the opportunity to travel the world and up to a $40,000 signing bonus if you qualify. You will be ready for the next step in your life with increased skills and marketability. That’s incredible. Thank you for your time today.

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