Reflejos 10042019

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CHECK OUT WHAT’S INSIDE! Opportunities from Leadership to College to Careers!

• Learn about upcoming STEM programs • Consider a career in HEALTHCARE • Learn about community Leadership programs • Check Upcoming Open Enrollments • See what scholarships could be for you • Housing Expo coming up • 7 Colleges & McDonalds offering educational assistance




VOL. 30, No. 40

Adiós al “Príncipe de la Canción” José José


Juan Iturbe

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From studying nursing at COD to the Peace Corps EXPERIENCE MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE “I always wanted to do something where I could become an asset to the environment and community in some way. Nursing is a rewarding career, but public health allows me to work with the broader community and to address policy, which affects health care and nursing. “Because of my experiences, I am now a more critical thinker and am able to handle personal and professional obstacles with confidence. I often heard ‘The world is our classroom’ at COD, and the opportunities I had there and continue to have now give credence to this statement.” —Stephanie Torres, COD alumna

Apply now at For information, contact Elizabeth Gómez de la Casa at (630) 942-3146 or For ADA accommodations, call (630) 942-2141 (voice) or (630) 858-9692 (TDD). Please call two weeks in advance. ©2019 College of DuPage. All rights reserved.

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U-46 será anfitrión de eventos de lanzamiento de la Expo STEM en bibliotecas locales U-46 set to host kickoff events at libraries for annual STEM Expo POR MADHU KRISHNAMURTHY

Para Reflejos

El Distrito Escolar U-46 del Área Elgin organizará cuatro eventos en las bibliotecas locales en octubre y noviembre para preparar a los estudiantes y sus familias para la Exposición STEM 2020. La exposición anual está programada para el 22 de febrero en Streamwood High School, 701 W. Schaumburg Road. Estará dirigida a estudiantes que cursan desde el jardín de infantes hasta el 12º grado y celebra el aprendizaje de las ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas. En cada evento de lanzamiento, los estudiantes podrán participar con tecnologías de vanguardia, experimentar con la ciencias de la próxima generación y observar demostraciones de química y física en vivo. Las actividades están diseñadas para ayudar a los estudiantes a intercambiar ideas sobre proyectos que mostrarán en la exposición. “Los eventos iniciales están diseñados para que los estudiantes exploren sus curiosidades naturales”, dijo Deb McMullen, Coordinadora de U-46 de Ciencias y Planetario para alumnos del kínder al grado 12. “Alentamos a los estudiantes a aprender a través de la interacción práctica y a compartir sus experiencias de aprendizaje con su familia y compañeros”. Los eventos de lanzamiento son gratuitos y abiertos al público sin necesidad de registro previo. Se llevarán a cabo de 5:30 a 7 p.m. en las siguientes fechas: • Miércoles, Poplar Creek Public Library, 1405 S. Park Ave., Streamwood • 10 de octubre: Bartlett Public Library, 800 S. Bartlett Road, Bartlett • 6 de noviembre: Gail Borden Public Library, 270 N. Grove Ave., Elgin • 7 de noviembre: Gail Borden Public Library, sucursal Rakow, 2751 W. Bowes Road,


CIENTOS DE estudiantes presentaron sus proyectos en la Exposición STEM del Distrito Escolar U-46 del Área de Elgin en South Elgin High School en el 2017. La exposición 2020 será el 22 de febrero en Streamwood High School, 701 W. Schaumburg Road. Esta estará dirigida a estudiantes que cursan desde el kínder hasta a el 12º grado y celebra el aprendizaje de las ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas. HUNDREDS OF students presented their projects at Elgin Area School District U-46’s STEM Expo at South Elgin High School in 2017. The 2020 expo will be Feb. 22 at Streamwood High School, 701 W. Schaumburg Road. It will be geared toward kindergarten through 12th-grade students and celebrates science, technology, engineering and mathematics learning.

Elgin Los estudiantes no necesitan estar inscritos en una escuela U-46 para participar en la Expo STEM. Ellos presentarán sus proyectos a sus compañeros, familiares y miembros de la comunidad para que les den sus comentarios de crítica constructiva en la exposición.


For Reflejos

Elgin Area School District U-46 will host four kickoff events at local libraries in October and November to prepare students and families for the 2020 STEM Expo.

The annual expo is scheduled for Feb. 22 at Streamwood High School, 701 W. Schaumburg Road. It will be geared toward kindergarten through 12th-grade students and celebrates science, technology, engineering and mathematics learning. At each kickoff event, students will be able to engage with cutting-edge technologies, experiment with next-generation science and observe live chemistry and physics demonstrations. Activities are designed to help students brainstorm project ideas they will showcase at the expo. “The kickoff events are designed for students to explore their natural curiosities,” said Deb McMullen, U-46 coordinator of K-12 science and planetarium. “We encourage the students to learn through hands-on interaction and to share their learning experiences with their family and peers.” Kickoff events are free and open to the public with no advance registration required. They will run from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on the following dates: • Wednesday, Poplar Creek Public Library, 1405 S. Park Ave., Streamwood • Oct. 10, Bartlett Public Library, 800 S. Bartlett Road, Bartlett • Nov. 6, Gail Borden Public Library, 270 N. Grove Ave., Elgin • Nov. 7, Gail Borden Public Library Rakow Branch, 2751 W. Bowes Road, Elgin. Students need not be enrolled in a U-46 school to participate in the STEM Expo. They will present their projects to peers, family and community members for critiquing at the expo.

Explore jobs and cool careers at STEM Career celebration at the Museum of Science and Industry Children and their families are invited to connect with engineers, neuroscientists, app designers and more at the sixth annual Science Works STEM career celebration on Saturday, October 19, at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago (MSI). Science Works is sponsored by BP. Science Works engages guests in hands-on activities including: • Make a tool that measures wind speeds with BP engineers. • Take the heartbeat of a dog with a veterinarian. • Explore how your brain works with neurosci-

entists. • Bring ideas to life with 3D printing. Interact with nearly 40 companies and organizations including BP, the National Society of Black Engineers, Metro by T-Mobile, Latinas in Tech and Nicor Gas. STEM professionals will answer questions, lead engaging demonstrations and offer advice to young people curious about launching into a career in the STEM fields. Science Works is open from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and is included with Museum Entry. Museum hours are 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, October 19.


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La voz suburbana de los Hispanos GERENTE DE VENTAS Y OPERACIONES Linda Siete (847) 806-1411 VENTAS Raul Ortiz (847) 427-4634 CLASIFICADOS (847) 427-4770 CIRCULACION (847) 806-1111 COORDINACIÓN DE ANUNCIOS Ana Maria Hinkhouse Reflejos Publications, LLC 155 E. Algonquin Road Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Reflejos es una publicación que sirve a los latinos de los suburbios de Chicago en los condados de Cook, DuPage, Lake, McHenry y Will. Reflejos orgullosamente forma parte de la Familia Paddock y es publicacion hermana del Daily Herald. Fundado en 1990.

In alliance with

Evento de Puertas Abiertas de Harper College para alumnos de secundaria Harper College Open Door event for high school students

(Proporcionado por Harper College) - Harper College se complace en abrir sus puertas para su evento de Puertas Abiertas para alumnos de secundaria de 4:30 p.m. a 7:30 p.m. el miércoles 16 de octubre en el campus principal del colegio universitario en Palatine. Los estudiantes de secundaria y sus padres están invitados a aprender más sobre cómo los alumnos pueden comenzar su trayectoria universitaria cerca de casa. Los asistentes tendrán la oportunidad de reunirse con el profesorado y personal del colegio universitario, obtendrán una visión general del proceso de admisión, podrán realizar visitas guiadas a través del campus y descubrirán el Centro Universitario. Robert Parzy, Director de Admisiones y Alcance del colegio universitario, respondió algunas preguntas sobre este próximo evento: P: ¿Qué puedo esperar del evento de Puertas Abiertas para alumnos de secundaria de Harper College? R: Esta noche es una oportunidad para que los futuros estudiantes universitarios se reúnan con los profesores y el personal de Harper para aprender más sobre la universidad y por qué comenzar en Harper se alinea con sus objetivos. Los estudiantes también pueden aprender sobre opciones educativas únicas, como el programa Engineering Pathways de la Universidad de Illinois en Urbana-Champaign y el programa de aprendizaje. P: ¿Debo asistir a la jornada de Puertas Abiertas para alumnos de secundaria si quiero ir a un colegio o universidad diferente a Harper College? R: ¡Por supuesto! Hay muchas sesiones sobre cómo financiar la universidad, elegir la carrera adecuada, así como consejos para los padres sobre la universidad. Nos encantaría que los estudiantes asistan a Harper College, pero es muy importante que vayan a la universidad y aprendan sobre recursos universitarios valiosos. P: ¿Debo asistir al evento de Puertas Abiertas para secundaria si soy un estudiante de secundaria interesado en comenzar mi carrera después de graduarme de la secundaria? R: ¡Sí! Muchos estudiantes pueden encontrar empleo después de la secundaria, pero la sostenibilidad profesional a largo plazo requiere credenciales postsecundarias. Al asistir al evento de puertas abiertas, los estudiantes pueden hablar con muchos profesores y personal sobre este tema y por qué es esencial obtener una credencial educativa.

(Submitted by Harper College) - Harper College is thrilled to open its doors for the High School Open House from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 16 at the main campus in Palatine. High school students and their parents are invited to learn more about how to start their college journey close to home. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet with faculty and staff, get an admissions overview, take student-led campus tours, and discover the University Center. Robert Parzy, Director of Admissions and Outreach answered a few questions about this upcoming event: Q: What can I expect from the High School Open House at Harper College? A: This evening is a chance for future students to meet with Harper faculty and staff to learn more about the college and why starting at Harper aligns with their goals. Students can also learn about unique educational options such as the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Engineering Pathways program and the apprenticeship program. Q: Should I attend the High School Open House if I want to go to a different college or university other than Harper College? A: Absolutely! There are many sessions about financing college, choosing the right career, as well as tips for parents about college. We would love for students to attend Harper College but it is most important that they go to college and learn about valuable college resources. Q: Should I attend the High School Open House if I am a high school student interested in starting my career right after high school graduation? A: Yes! Many students can find employment after high school, but long-term career sustainability requires postsecondary credentials. By attending the open house, students can speak with many faculty and staff about this subject and why earning a credential is essential.


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WCC cambia vidas a través de WCC changes lives through education la educación Waubonsee Community College es un recurso para las personas que desean cambiar sus vidas a través de la educación. Sabemos que las personas que van a la universidad ganan más dinero y tienen mejores trabajos. Waubonsee ofrece a las personas la oportunidad de obtener ese ingreso adicional y tener buenos trabajos y carreras profesionales. La atención médica es una de esas carreras profesionales. Según la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales del Departamento de Trabajo de EEUU, se espera que los empleos en los campos de atención médica crezcan un 14 por ciento entre hoy y el 2028. Esto es mucho más rápido que la tasa de crecimiento promedio proyectada para todas las demás ocupaciones. Habrá casi 2 millones de nuevos empleos agregados en los campos de atención médica cada año. Waubonsee ofrece varios programas en el campo de la atención médica. Algunos de estos programas son programas de certificados que se obtienen en corto tiempo y que lo llevarán a trabajar en su carrera rápidamente. Desde allí, puede continuar tomando cursos que aumentan sus habilidades y le brinden aún más oportunidades. Waubonsee organizará una jornada de puertas abiertas gratuita el sábado 26 de octubre de 1 a 3 p.m. Este evento se llevará a cabo en el campus de Aurora Fox Valley en 2060 Ogden Ave. y le dará la oportunidad de explorar los programas de atención médica de la universidad, el campus y sus instalaciones de tecnología de avanzada. Los invitados podrán reunirse con el profesorado y los estudiantes para obtener más información sobre carreras que le permitirán convertirse en enfermera registrada, auxiliar de enfermería, asistente médico, técnico médico de emergencia y más. También podrá aprender sobre ayuda financiera y becas disponibles, y sobre cómo matricularse en las clases y comenzar su trayectoria universitaria. Traiga a toda la familia. Habrá alimentos gratis en camiones de comida hasta que se agoten las existencias. Visite www.waubonsee. edu/openhouse para obtener más información y para registrarse para este evento. Además, el 8 de octubre, Waubonsee organizará un evento para aquellos interesados en los programas de Asistente Médico y Flebotomía y el 12 de noviembre, el enfoque estará en los programas de Enfermeros Registrados y CNA. Ambos eventos se llevarán a cabo en el campus de Aurora Fox Valley de la universidad de 4:30 a 5:30 p.m. El 15 de octubre, de 4:30 a 5:30 p.m., se llevará a cabo un evento para aquellos interesados en los programas de Waubonsee de HVAC, CADD, tecnología de máquina herramienta, tecnología automotriz y soldadura en el campus de Sugar Grove de la universidad. Visite para reservar un lugar en estos eventos. Waubonsee también organizará el evento “Countdown to College!” “Cuenta regresiva a la universidad” el jueves 21 de noviembre de 6:30 a 8:30 p.m. en el campus de Sugar Grove del colegio universitario. Este evento está diseñado para brindar a los estudiantes de último año de preparatoria y a sus padres información sobre las cosas que pueden hacer ahora para aprovechar al máximo la experiencia universitaria y reducir el costo de la universidad. Comenzar la universidad puede ser agitado. Este evento ayudará a que sea menos estresante. Este evento se llevará a cabo en el Centro de Estudiantes del campus. Waubonsee tiene muchos recursos disponibles para ayudarlo a alcanzar sus metas académicas y profesionales sin importar cuáles sean. Visite para obtener más información sobre opciones y oportunidades. Waubonsee no es solo un colegio universitario. Es un colegio comunitario.

Waubonsee Community College is a resource for people who want to change their lives through education. We know that people who go to college make more money and have better jobs. Waubonsee gives people the opportunity to earn that additional income and have those good jobs and careers. Health care is one of those careers. According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs in health care fields are expected to grow 14 percent between now and 2028. This is much faster than the projected average growth rate for all other occupations. There will be nearly 2 million new jobs added in health care fields each year. Waubonsee offers several programs in health care fields. Some of them are short certificate programs that will get you into the career quickly. From there you can continue to take courses that add to your skills and give you even more opportunities. Waubonsee will host a free open house on Saturday, October 26 from 1 to 3 p.m. This event will be at the Aurora Fox Valley Campus at 2060 Ogden Ave and will give you the opportunity to explore the college’s health care programs and state-of-the-art campus and facilities. Guests will be able to meet faculty and students to learn more about careers as a registered nurse, nurse assistant, medical assistant, emergency medical technician and more. You will also be able to learn about financial aid and scholarships, as well as how to register for classes and get started. Bring the whole family. There will be free food truck treats while supplies last. Visit for more information and to register for this event. Additionally, on October 8, Waubonsee will host an event for those interested in the Medical Assistant and Phlebotomy Programs and on November 12, the focus will be on the Registered Nursing and CNA Programs. Both of these will be held at the college’s Aurora Fox Valley Campus from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. An event for those interested in Waubonsee’s HVAC, CADD, Machine Tool Technology, Automotive Technology and Welding Programs will be held on October 15 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the college’s Sugar Grove Campus. Visit CTEevents to reserve a spot at these events. Waubonsee will also host Countdown to College! on Thursday, November 21 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on the college’s Sugar Grove Campus. This event is designed to give high school seniors and their parents information about the things they can be doing now to get the most out of the college experience while reducing the cost of college. Starting college can be hectic. This event will help make it less stressful. This event will be held in the campus’ Student Center. Waubonsee has many resources available to help you reach your academic and professional goals no matter what they are. Visit to learn more about options and opportunities. Waubonsee is not just college. It’s community college.


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Sus sueños están a su alcance Your Dreams Are Within Reach en Elgin Community College at Elgin Community College Para muchos de nosotros, el éxito con el que soñamos a menudo se siente más allá de nuestro alcance. Los compromisos laborales, las responsabilidades familiares y las obligaciones financieras pueden dificultar que nos concentremos en nuestras próximas metas. Elgin Community College cree que, con el apoyo adecuado, cualquiera puede avanzar, obtener un título o certificado universitario y alcanzar sus sueños.

¿Cuál es su sueño?

Si está listo para avanzar, pero no está seguro de la dirección que debe tomar, el asesoramiento personalizado y la orientación profesional que ofrece ECC pueden ayudarlo a decidir. Con más de 138 títulos y certificados universitarios ofrecidos, además de pasantías y programas de aprendizaje, las posibilidades parecen infinitas, especialmente con nuestros precios de matrícula asequibles. Si está interesado en la atención médica, los programas como la tecnología quirúrgica o los procedimientos de esterilización lo prepararán para dos de las muchas carreras de salud que puede elegir. Quizás esté buscando algo que sea tanto de alta tecnología como práctico. En ECC, usted puede escoger la vía rápida para prepararse para el campo de la manufactura avanzada y se posicionará para tener éxito en campos de alta demanda que ofrecen buenos salarios.

Apoyo en cada etapa de aprendizaje

ECC lo apoya en todas las etapas de su educación

y aprendizaje. Los cursos gratuitos para obtener un diploma de equivalencia a la preparatoria (a menudo conocido como GED®), Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL) y preparación para la obtener la ciudadanía estadounidense, ayudan a abrir puertas a nuevas oportunidades. Nuestra vida activa en el campus le ayudará a construir su red de amigos y a desarrollar sus habilidades de liderazgo. Ya sea que esté interesado en unirse a la Organización de Estudiantes Latinoamericanos, Estudiantes Unidos de Todas las Culturas, Gobierno Estudiantil o los clubes de Artes Escénicas y Gamers United, hay algo para todos.

Dé el siguiente paso con nuestra ayuda Experimente el campus de ECC con una visita guiada personal. Hable directamente con los asesores. Presente su solicitud ahora mismo para que pueda enviar sus formularios de pedido de ayuda financiera y becas, y esté listo para elegir sus clases cuando la inscripción abierta comience el lunes 11 de noviembre. Las clases del semestre de primavera comienzan el lunes 13 de enero. Llame a la Oficina de Admisiones para comenzar el proceso al 847-214-7385 o visite Para obtener información en español, llame al 847-2147250. Elgin Community College se enorgullece de haber sido nombrado el 2009 por el Departamento de Educación de EEUU como una institución que sirve a los hispanos.

For many of us, the success we dream of often feels beyond our reach. Work commitments, family responsibilities, and financial obligations can make it hard to focus on our next goals. Elgin Community College believes that with the right support, anyone can move ahead, attain a degree or certificate, and achieve their dreams.

What’s Your Dream? If you’re ready to move ahead but not sure on the direction, ECC’s personalized advising and career guidance can help you decide. With 138+ degree and certificates offered, and internships and apprenticeships, the possibilities seem endless, especially at our affordable tuition rates. If you are interested in health care, programs like surgical technology or sterilization procedures will prepare you for two of many health careers you can choose. Perhaps you’re looking for something that is both high-tech and hands-on. At ECC, you’ll step right onto the fast track in advanced manufacturing and position yourself for success in high-demand fields that offer good pay.

Support for Every Stage of Learning ECC supports you at all stages of your edu-

cation and learning. Free courses in high school equivalency (often known as GED®), English as a second language, and U.S. citizenship preparation help open doors to new opportunities. Our active campus life will help you build your network of friends and develop your leadership skills. Whether you’re interested in joining the Organization of Latin American Students, United Students of All Cultures, Student Government, or the Performing Arts and Gamers United clubs, there is something for everyone.

Take the Next Step with Our Help Experience the ECC campus with a personal tour. Talk directly with advisors. Apply now so you can submit your financial aid and scholarship forms, and be ready to choose your classes when open registration begins on Monday, Nov. 11. Spring semester classes start Monday, Jan. 13. Call the Admissions Office to get started at 847-214-7385 or visit For information in Spanish, please call 847-214-7250. Elgin Community College is proud be named a Hispanic Serving Institution since 2009 by the U.S. Department of Education.



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Judson University ofrece más de 60 Judson University offers more than 60 programas de licenciatura y maestría undergraduate and graduate programs Andrés Murillo, de 19 de años y de Belvidere, decidió asistir a Judson University porque así podría jugar fútbol y quedarse cerca de casa. Ahora que se graduó, dice: “Me sorprendió lo rápido que pasó el tiempo, en el que jugué fútbol y vi como lentamente me convertí de estudiante de primer año a estudiante de último año”. “Judson me preparó para mi carrera de muchas maneras ... Aprender de una gran variedad de profesores y obtener mucha experiencia externa en prácticas y pasantías definitivamente me ayudó a desarrollar las habilidades que se necesitan en mi carrera”, dijo Murillo, quien trabaja en Chicago Marketing, Inc., expandiendo el conocimiento de las marcas y su participación en el mercado a través de presentaciones de mercadotecnia y ventas, gestionando las relaciones con los clientes y centrándose en un excelente servicio al cliente. Judson University es una institución cristiana de artes liberales que fomenta los valores familiares y está ubicada entre la I-90 y State Road 31 en Elgin, Illinois. En un hermoso campus arbolado. Esta institución totalmente acreditada ofrece más de 60 programas de licenciatura y maestría. Judson ofrece muchas formas para que los estudiantes se transfieran o viajen diariamente a cla-

ses, así como para vivir en uno de los dormitorios del campus. Judson se compromete a crear una opción asequible para las familias de bajos ingresos en las comunidades aledañas, por lo que desarrolló el programa “Usted puede permitírselo”, el que permite que los estudiantes de último año de preparatoria y transferidos que son elegibles para una subvención Pell, reciban una educación en Judson con una inversión limitada del alumno o la familia. Las familias deben solicitar FAFSA y cumplir con los requisitos de admisión y financieros para ser considerados para este programa especial. Obtenga más información durante los días de vista previa de Judson el 14 de octubre, 8 de noviembre, 17 de febrero y 27 de marzo y aprenda cómo Judson puede moldear su vida.

Andres Murillo ’19 of Belvidere, decided to attend Judson University because it allowed him to play soccer and stay close to home. Now that he’s graduated, he says “I was surprised by how fast the time went, from playing soccer and slowly seeing myself change from a freshman to a senior.” “Judson prepared me for my career in many ways … Learning from a variety of professors and gaining a lot of outside experience in practicums and internships defi-

nitely helped me to develop skills that are needed in my career,” Murillo said. Now, he works at Chicago Marketing, Inc., increasing brand awareness and market share through marketing and sales presentations, client relationship management, and focusing on excellent customer service. Judson University is a family-friendly, Christian liberal-arts institution located at I-90 and State Road 31 in Elgin, Ill., on a beautiful, wooded campus. This fully accredited institution offers more than 60 undergraduate and graduate programs. Judson offers many ways for students to transfer or commute to classes as well as live in one of the four dorms on campus. Judson is committed to creating an affordable option for lower-income families in its surrounding communities so it developed the “You Can Afford It” program which allows high school seniors and transfer students who are Pell-eligible to receive a Judson education with a limited investment from the student or family. Families must file for FAFSA as well as meet admission and financial requirements to be considered for this special program. Find out more during Judson’s Preview Days on Oct. 14, Nov. 8, Feb. 17 and March 27 and learn how Judson can shape your life.



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Illinois Scholarships

Illinois is known as the Prairie State and is the 5th most populous state in the US. It is home to such academic powerhouses as the University of Chicago, the University of Illinois, Northwest University and Illinois State. In addition to these well-known institutions, there are also nearly 200 other colleges and universities offering degrees, certificates and diplomas in a host of fields. While the capital of Illinois is Springfield, many people think of Chicago as the heart of the state. In fact, Chicago is even thought of as the heart of the nation. The Windy City is thought to mirror, and even anticipate, the vibe of the rest of the nation with regards to culture and political issues. Like most other states, Illinois offers a wide range of public and private scholarships. These include merit-based, need-based and achievement-based funding opportunities. Also available are scholarships for students interested in remaining in the state after graduation and serving in high-need occupational sectors. Keep reading to explore the exciting world of college scholarships in Illinois.

AOTF Illinois Scholarship

Two scholarships of $500 each for residents of Illinois enrolled in an accredited occupational therapy educational program in Illinois - one at the professional level and one at the associate degree. The Russ Ewing Excellence in Journalism Awards and Scholarship Scholarships are open to outstanding college and university students pursuing careers in journalism. This annual fundraiser includes a media awards competition and scholarship presentation. CABJ presents awards for outstanding coverage of African Americans and issues of special concern to the African American community.


A limited number of Field Museum fellowships are available for graduate students engaged in dissertation research associated with the Museum. These fellowships provide stipend support. Candidates will be expected to have formal involvement with the Museum; a Field Museum curator must serve as member or chair on the student’s academic committee, and the research should rely heavily upon the collections and facilities of the Museum. Students must be in residence in the Chicago area and are expected to spend a significant portion of their research time at the Museum for the duration of the fellowship. Eligible graduate students must have completed the preliminary examination. The period of appointment is one year and starts on September 1st. Applicants must contact the sponsoring curator well in advance of the application deadline. Applicants who have been awarded a Field Museum fellowship by the scholarship committee previously are not eligible to apply for a second fellowship.

Applications require descriptions of The proposed research (1-2 pages, double-spaced), including its purpose and significance and the relevance of Field Museum’s collections to the project Collaboration(s) with Field Museum curators, if any Procedures and methods used in the project .

MGMA Midwest Section Scholarship

Individuals residing in MGMA Midwest section states (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin) who are enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program relevant to medical practice management. Scholarship Eligibility: Students must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program relevant to medical practice management, including public health, business administration, healthcare administration and other related areas.

Manson A. Stewart Scholarship

Teachers of undergraduate students should remember to nominate their most outstanding young Classicists for the CAMWS Manson Stewart Scholarships. Every year CAMWS awards $1,000.00 scholarships to a limited number of undergraduate students majoring in Classics at the sophomore or junior level at a CAMWS college or university. Nominees are expected to take a minimum of two courses in Latin or Greek (normally at least one per quarter or semester) during the junior or senior year in which the scholarship is held. Students are to be nominated by a department or program; no institution may nominate more than two students per year. The individual who fills out the nomination form on behalf of the department must be an individual member of CAMWS. Each nominee must fill out an application form, write a brief essay, and submit a college or university transcript and two letters of recommendation. Those who write the two letters of recommendations do not need to be CAMWS members.

Chicago Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Scholarship Program

You are eligible to apply for the CSBG Scholarship if you meet the following requirements: Resident of the City of Chicago Enrolled full-time in an Illinois college/university/trade school. Income eligible and provide proof of income for 3 months (13 weeks) (see table in the website) Scholarship Awards are based on the following criteria: Application Completeness: all data requests (blanks on 4-page application) and documents provided Grade Point Average One Personal Essay Scholarship Awards may be used for ONLY the Fall semester/quarter: Tuition costs for the Fall semester or quarter Purchase of uniforms, payment of fees, books or other costs related to education/training.

Illinois Hospital Research & Educational Foundation Scholarship

ELIGIBILITY for SCHOLARSHIP 1. Any student currently ENROLLED or ACCEPTED into a certificate or degree conferring hospital related health care sequence is eligible (such as medical schools, dental schools, nursing programs, pharmacy schools, radiology technology programs, therapy programs such as occupational/physical/speech, etc. Students in general course of studies programs (i.e. premed, general education courses, liberal arts, etc.) are not eligible. 2. Applicants enrolled in an associate degree or hospital-based program will be considered their first year (such as radiology techs, nuclear medicine techs, RNs, cardiac rehab techs, etc.) 3. Applicants must be Illinois residents. 4. The school to be attended need not be an Illinois institution; however, it must be accredited or recognized as an approved program by the appropriate agencies. 5. Students having less than one academic year remaining until graduation are not eligible for consideration. 6. In order to be competitive, a 3.5 GPA out of 4 points or a 4.5 GPA out of 5 points is necessary.

Illinois Minority Real Estate Scholarship Program

What is required? Each REEF Scholarship has its own criteria for eligibility. Most of the scholarships require the applicant to be a United States citizen and a resident of the State of Illinois attending school full-time while pursuing a degree with an emphasis in real estate. Illinois Minority Real Estate Scholarship Program – The Foundation is under contract with the State of Illinois to administer the Illinois Minority Real Estate Scholarship Program. This program is open to qualified racial minority residents of Illinois pursuing courses of study that will prepare them for careers relating to real estate or enhance the skills and knowledge that they currently use as real estate professionals.

Academic Scholarships

These scholarships are intended to help qualified students pursue an education, which will lead them into productive careers in the real estate industry. It is the Foundation’s hope that each recipient will, during his or her career, contribute to the Foundation in support of the scholarship they received. The resulting growth of the fund will ensure other qualified individuals a similar opportunity to pursue a vocation in the real estate industry. What is required? Each REEF Scholarship has its own criteria for eligibility. Most of the scholarships require the applicant to be a United States citizen and a resident of the State of Illinois attending school full-time while pursuing a degree with an emphasis in real estate. Academic Scholarships - These scholarships (for any accredited college or university in Illinois) will assist and encourage qualified students to further their interest

in selecting real estate as a career. Proof of acceptance to Any accredited 2 or 4 year junior college, college, or university in Illinois Completed college credit hours: 30.

KASF Scholarship - Midwestern Regional Chapter

Qualifications Undergraduate, graduate, and high school students enrolled full time during the scholarship application year. Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Students with a Korean heritage studying in the United States regardless of citizenship status (including Korean Nationals). If extra funds are available, other students (non-Korean) may qualify for some scholarships. Qualifications for Scholarship Eligibility: Will be a full time student at a school in one of the designated Midwestern region states (Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin) Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Can demonstrate need for financial assistance. Your category depends on what your status will be during the school year, as follows: High School Sophomores & Juniors - Scholarships awarded based on achievement (not based on financial need). High School Seniors with plans to attend college in next school year - The chosen college must be within the Midwestern region. You must include a copy of your acceptance letter. College Freshmen, Sophomores & Juniors - The school you are attending must be within the Midwestern region. College Seniors - You must be planning to attend a graduate or professional school in the Midwestern region. You must submit a letter of acceptance from the graduate or professional school. Graduate Students - You must be continuing your studies in the next school year at a school within the Midwestern region.

Morgan L. Fitch Scholarship

Each REEF Scholarship has its own criteria for eligibility. Most of the scholarships require the applicant to be a United States citizen and a resident of the State of Illinois attending school full-time while pursuing a degree with an emphasis in real estate. The family of Morgan L. Fitch, through a contribution to the Foundation in 1981, established a scholarship fund in perpetuity for students attending the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, in the College of Commerce and Business Administration or the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, as a tribute to the memory of one of the nation’s most prominent real estate industry leaders. Minimum scholarship amount: 2,000 Grade point required : 3.5 on a 5.0 Completed college credit hours: 60.

Innovation in Education Scholarship

LA Tutors awards a monthly $500 Innovation Scholarship to high school and college students who showcase their creativity and make a positive impact.


| Español

I 11



| Español

Elgin Community College – Elgin Community College – Para quienes se interesan en For those considering Nursing enfermería

(Proporcionado por ECC) - A los estudiantes que no están preparados que intentar ingresar a la profesión de enfermería, les recomendamos comenzar con nuestro Programa Básico de Capacitación de Asistentes de Enfermería (BNA, por sus siglas en ingles). El programa BNA es un curso de un semestre que ofrece siete créditos y que incluye instrucción tanto en el aula como en la clínica. Al completar con éxito el curso, los estudiantes reciben un certificado de Especialista Vocacional Básico y son elegibles para tomar el examen de Competencia del Estado de Illinois para lograr la certificación para que puedan trabajar en esa capacidad. Este programa es un gran primer paso para los estudiantes que están interesados en la profesión de enfermería, pero aún no están listos para comenzar con los requisitos previos requeridos para la admisión al programa de enfermería. Tenemos una sección de nuestro programa BNA que es compatible con ICAPS. Los estudiantes de ICAPS toman clases juntos con el objetivo de obtener un certificado vocacional en menos de un año. Además de asistir a cursos básicos de educación profe-

sional y técnica, los estudiantes de ICAPS también se benefician del apoyo académico gratuito y las clases de navegación profesional especialmente diseñadas para garantizar que los estudiantes tengan un buen desempeño en sus programas de estudio y estén listos para comenzar sus carreras. A continuación, encontrará un enlace para obtener más (Submitted by ECC) - For underprepared información sobre nuestros programas students trying to enter into the nursing procompatibles con ICAPS: fession, we recommend beginning with our academics/special-programs/icaps/ Basic Nurse Assistant Training Program.

The BNA program is a one semester, seven credit course that includes both classroom and clinical. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a Basic Vocational Specialist certificate and are eligible to take the Illinois State Competency exam for certification so that they may work in that capacity. This program is a great first step for students interested in the nursing profession, but are not quite ready to begin prerequisite courses required for admission to the nursing program. We do have a section of our BNA program that is ICAPS supported. ICAPS students take classes together with the goal of earning a vocational certificate in less than one year. In addition to attending core career and technical education courses, ICAPS students also benefit from free academic support and career navigation classes specially designed to ensure that students perform well in their programs of study and are ready to start their careers. Below is a link for more information regarding our ICAPS supported programs:

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MHS celebrará la Semana Universitaria con actividades útiles para los estudiantes

Una serie de actividades y programas útiles estarán disponibles para los estudiantes de Mundelein High School mientras celebran la Semana Universitaria del 7 al 11 de octubre. Los eventos son patrocinados por el Centro de Recursos para Universidades y Carreras (CCRC, por sus siglas en inglés) del Departamento de Orientación. A lo largo de la semana, los miembros del personal tendrán conversaciones con los estudiantes sobre sus propias decisiones y experiencias universitarias. También se animará a todos a usar ropa universitaria para ayudar a iniciar conversaciones relacionadas con la educación superior. Lunes, 7 de octubre: Día de ayuda con la redacción de ensayos. Los estudiantes recibirán ayuda y orientación con la redacción de ensayos para solicitar admisión a la universidad en el CCRC de 10:30 a.m. a 2 p.m. Martes, 8 de octubre: Panel de representantes universitarios. Representantes destacados de varias universidades discutirán en el auditorio acerca de lo que ellos buscan en las solicitudes para admisión universitaria de 8:45 a 10:30 a.m. Miércoles, 9 de octubre: Presentación sobre ayuda financiera. Un representante de la Comisión de Asistencia Estudiantil de

Illinois (ISAC) ayudará a los estudiantes a comprender y explorar las opciones de ayuda financiera disponibles para la universidad. De 10:30 a.m. a 2 p.m. en el CCRC. Jueves, 10 de octubre: Día de solicitud gratuita. Todas las personas de la tercera edad reciben solicitudes GRATUITAS durante los períodos de almuerzo por un solo día. Se actualizará continuamente una lista de las universidades participantes antes del evento en el gimnasio principal de 10:30 a.m. a 2 p.m. Viernes, 11 de octubre: Taller de finalización de la solicitud. Los consejeros y representantes de ISAC estarán disponibles para ayudar a los estudiantes a completar sus solicitudes de admisión a la universidad en el CCRC de 10:30 a.m. a 2 p.m. Andrea Rusk es la consejera universitaria de Mundelein High School.

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MHS to celebrate College Week with helpful activities for students

A number of helpful activities and programs will be available to Mundelein High School students as they celebrate College Week October 7 through 11. The events are sponsored by the Guidance Department’s College and Career Resource Center [CCRC]. Throughout the week, staff members will have conversations with students about their own decisions and experiences with college. Everyone will also be encouraged to wear college clothing to help start college-related conversations. Monday, Oct. 7 – Essay Assistance Day. Students will receive help and guidance with college application essays in the CCRC from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8 – College Representative Panel. Featured representatives from a variety of colleges will discuss what they are looking for in college applications from 8:45

I 13

to 10:30 a.m. in the auditorium. Wednesday, Oct. 9 – Financial Aid Presentation. A representative from the Illinois Student Assistance Commission [ISAC] will help students understand and explore financial aid options for college. From 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the CCRC. Thursday, Oct. 10 – Free Application Day. All seniors receive FREE applications during the lunch periods for one day only. A list of participating colleges will be continually updated leading up to the event in the main gym from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, Oct. 11 – Application Completion Workshop. Counselors and ISAC representatives will be available to help students complete their college applications in the CCRC from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Andrea Rusk is the college counselor at MHS.

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I 15

Tu futuro te espera Your Future Awaits Oakton es un colegio universitario acogedor, seguro y solidario dedicado a ofrecer: • Instrucción de alta calidad • Horarios y locales convenientes • Matrículas económicas Los graduados de Oakton pueden esperar ganar $724,000 más durante toda su vida que alguien que solamente posea un diploma de preparatoria. Los créditos transferidos a una universidad, o los programas de certificado y licenciatura que se ofrecen conducen directamente a excelentes carreras profesionales. Los certificados se pueden completar en tan solo ocho semanas. Ayuda financiera y becas están disponibles para todos los que califican.

Oakton is a welcoming, safe, and caring college dedicated to: • High quality instruction • Convenient hours and locations • Affordable tuition Oakton graduates can expect to earn $724,000 more than someone with only a high school diploma during their lifetime of earnings. Credits transfer to a university or certificate and degree programs lead directly to great careers. Certificates can be completed in as few as eight weeks. Financial aid and scholarships are available to all who qualify.

Empiece su futuro en Oakton.

Apply today at

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A 25-year-old Oakton graduate can expect to make $724,000 in additional lifetime earnings. Oakton Community College is the smart choice for: • Quality instructors • Convenient locations • Flexible schedules • Affordable tuition • Scholarships and financial aid Earn credits to transfer to a four-year university or get career and technical training and certifications to start or enhance your career.

Oakton can help.

Un graduado d d de d O Oakton College de 25 años de edad puede esperar ganar $724,000 adicionales durante toda su vida. Oakton Community College es la elección inteligente porque tiene: • Instructores de calidad • Locales convenientes • Horarios flexibles • Matrículas económicas • Becas y ayuda financiera Obtenga créditos para transferirse a una universidad de cuatro años u obtenga una carrera y entrenamiento técnico y certificaciones para empezar o mejorar su carrera profesional.

Oakton le puede ayudar.

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| Español

Latinos Unidos

brinda oportunidades de liderazgo para estudiantes de JJC Latinos Unidos Provides Leadership Opportunities for JJC Students Como el club más popular en Joliet Junior College, Latinos Unidos (LU) es un grupo cálido y acogedor formado por 25 miembros con diversos orígenes y experiencias de vida. El club se esfuerza por hacer una diferencia, tanto en JJC como en la comunidad, al participar en servicio voluntario, difundir la cultura latina y brindar oportunidades de liderazgo para sus miembros. El presidente del club, Víctor Xavier Colón, quien se hace llamar “X”, dijo que ser parte de LU ha cambiado su vida. Cuando era estudiante de primer año, él estaba nervioso ante la idea de unirse al club porque no sabía qué esperar, pero desde entonces su confianza solo ha aumentado. Él logró oportunidades de liderazgo que de otro modo no hubiera encontrado y dijo que LU lo ayudó a encontrar su voz. Él tuvo una de sus experiencias más memorables con LU después de que escribió un poema y lo recitó en el evento Latinx Empowerment Conference, en el que destacados oradores visitan JJC para inspirar a los estudiantes locales cada semestre de primavera. “Mi asesora me dijo que el poema que escribí era importante”, dijo Colón. “Le recordó la cita de Dinos Christianopoulos. “Trataron de enterrarnos, pero no sabían que éramos semillas”. Ella realmente me animó a incorporar esa cita en la introducción de mi poema. “Reflexionando sobre ese tiempo, esa fue mi primera experiencia real con LU y simplemente resuena en lo que realmente es el club”. Además de participar en el evento Latinx Empowerment Conference, los miembros de LU tienen la oportunidad de asistir a eventos similares durante todo el año, incluyendo conferencias como la organizada por el Instituto de Liderazgo Hispano de los Estados Unidos (USHLI) en Chicago en febrero de 2019. Mientras estaban allí, ellos se conectaron con otros estudiantes y fueron inspirados por discursos elocuentes de líderes de todo el mundo. “Fue una experiencia de tres días llena de oradores motivacionales, talleres, programas de activismo y más. El año pasado el club trajo al alcalde de San Juan”, dijo Andrea Herrera, vicepresidenta de LU. “Aunque fue un evento muy importante, también fue divertido. Obtuvimos una gran recaudación de fondos y construimos muchos buenos recuerdos juntos como club”.

Herrera dijo que su experiencia en JJC la ha ayudado a convertirse en la líder que es ahora. “Una de las cosas más importantes que he aprendido es que si no te ves representada en algún lugar, debes traer tu propia silla a la mesa. JJC me dio la confianza para dar mi opinión y ser una líder en nuestra comunidad”. “He aprendido mucho sobre mí mismo a través de Latinos Unidos porque me he dado cuenta de mi historia cultural”, agregó Colón. Además de LU, las oportunidades para los estudiantes latinos en JJC son abundantes. JJC ofrece capacitación académica a través de la Oficina de Asuntos Estudiantiles Multiculturales, tutoría entre compañeros de estudio, asesoría para estudiantes de inglés como segundo idioma, visitas a universidades, desarrollo de liderazgo, recursos para estudiantes indocumentados y más. ¿Tiene preguntas y quiere hablar con alguien en español? Llame al (815) 280-6888 o visite Para solicitar admisión en JJC, visite Para obtener más información sobre la Oficina de Asuntos Estudiantiles Multiculturales de JJC, visite jjc. edu/omsa.

As the most popular club at Joliet Junior College, Latinos Unidos (LU) is a warm, welcoming group made up of 25 members from all backgrounds and life experiences. The club strives to make a difference both at JJC and in the community by volunteering, spreading awareness about Latino culture and providing leadership opportunities for its members. The club president, Victor Xavier Colon, who goes by “X,” said being a part of LU has changed his life. As a freshman, he was nervous about joining the club because he didn’t know what to expect, but since then, his confidence has only increased. He’s pursued leadership opportunities that he otherwise wouldn’t have and he said LU helped him find his voice. One of his most memorable experiences with LU was after he wrote a spoken word poem for the Latinx Empowerment Conference, an event when prominent speakers visit JJC to inspire local students every spring semester. “My advisor told me the poem I wrote was important,” Colon said. “It reminded

her of the quote by Dinos Christianopoulos: ‘They tried to bury us but they didn’t know we were seeds.’ She really encouraged me to incorporate that quote into the introduction of my poem. Reflecting back on that time, that was my first real experience with LU and it just resonates with what the club is really about.” In addition to the Latinx Empowerment Conference, LU members have the opportunity to attend similar events throughout the year, including conferences like one put on by the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute (USHLI) in Chicago in February 2019. While they were there, they networked with other students and were inspired by powerful speeches made by leaders from around the world. “It was a three-day experience filled with motivational speakers, workshops, advocacy programs and more. This past year they brought in the mayor of San Juan,” said Andrea Herrera, LU vice president. “Even though it was a great time, leading up to it was fun, too. We did a lot of fundraising for it and made a lot of great memories together as a club.” Herrera said that her experience at JJC has helped shape her into the leader she is now. “One of the most important things I’ve learned is that if you don’t see yourself represented somewhere, bring your own chair to the table. JJC gave me the confidence to give my opinion and be a leader in our community.” “I’ve learned so much about myself through Latinos Unidos because I’ve become aware of my cultural history,” Colon added. In addition to LU, opportunities for Latino students at JJC are abundant. JJC offers academic coaching through the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, peer mentoring, advising for English as a Second Language students, college tours, leadership development, resources for undocumented students and more. Do you have questions and want to talk to someone in Spanish? Call (815) 280-6888 or visit To apply to JJC, visit For more information about JJC’s Office of Multicultural Student Affairs visit



| Español

Genera más oportunidades de trabajo y salarios más altos tan solo con obtener una diplomatura. Si eres estudiante de Joliet Junior College, recibirás todo lo que necesitas para tener un futuro más prometedor, lo que incluye: • Matrículas asequibles y asistencia para becas • Una comunidad de apoyo con estudiantes de cualquier procedencia y edad • Asistencia para estudiantes indocumentados y estudiantes que están aprendiendo inglés

Open yourself up to more job opportunities and higher salaries just by earning an associate degree! By becoming a Joliet Junior College student, you’ll receive everything you need for a brighter future, including: • Affordable tuition and assistance with scholarships • A supportive community of students from all backgrounds and ages • Assistance for undocumented students and English language learners

¿PREGUNTAS? Los hispanohablantes pueden llamar al (815) 280-6888 o visitar ¡INSCRÍBETE AHORA!

QUESTIONS? Call (815) 729-9020 or visit APPLY NOW!

I 17



| Español

MUERE JOSÉ JOSÉ El cantante 2eBicano José José 2u0ió a los 71 años


El cantante José José falleció a los 71 años de edad, la noticia fue con902ada 1o0 la 1e0iodista Ma0a )at0icia .astañeda5 José (ó2ulo 'osa *0ti>, co2o e0a su no230e 0eal, sie210e dijo que quien lo enseñó a aco1la0se a la indust0ia 2usical fue )ed0o $a0!as5 Más de cincuenta años de ca00e0a lo a,ala0on desde que inició tocando la !uita00a, dando se0enatas @ 10esentándose en cent0os noctu0nos5 El nacido en la .iudad de MéBico ,endió 2ás de 1#4 2illones de co1ias al0ededo0 del 2undo alcan>ó la fa2a 2u@ 10onto, 1e0o lue!o la fa2a lo alcan>ó a él5 &al ,e> la *&= @ su inte010etación de ;El t0iste+, en 1E74, le die0on una de las 2a@o0es ale!0/as en su ,ida @a que consi!uió el te0ce0 lu!a05 )e0o ten/a destinado el est0ellato, siendo la década de los ochentas en la cual ,e0/a su 2a@o0 es1lendo05 El 0econoci2iento le ,alió ,a0ias no2inaciones a los 10e2ios A0a22@ @ una est0ella en el )aseo de la Ca2a de ?oll@Dood5 )e0o co2o todo lo 3ueno que le 1asó, ta23ién ,i,ió 2o2entos de deses1e0an>a con sus 10o3le2as de alcoholis2o, tal co2o ta23ién ,i,ió su 1ad0e, adicción que le causó !0a,es 10o3le2as 9nancie0os5 .uando lle!ó al l/2ite decidió inte0na0se en el .ent0o de (eha3ilitación @ %ni,e0sidad ?ei>elden en Minessota, Estados %nidos5 )e0o su ca00e0a no fue la 2is2a5 <as afecciones lo 1e0si!uie0on una @ ot0a ,e>, @a sea 1o0 la enfe02edad de <@2e 1o0 ce0ca de nue,e años, una 1a0álisis facial o al!unas ca/das, una de ellas en el escena0io en #41"5 ;-esde niño fui enfe02i>o, nac/ 2u@ chiquito @ c0e@e0on que no lo i3a a lo!0a0 1e0o !0acias a la leche 2ate0na es que 1ude so30e,i,i0 aunque sie210e con 10o3le2as de salud co2o la he0encia 1ul2ona0, a2/!dalas, ent0e ot0os+, 0eco0dó al!una ,e>5



| Español


Por primera vez en la historia las dos superestrellas latinas compartirán escenario


l 26 de Septiembre se dio a conocer que Jennifer López y Shakira cantarán en el medio tiempo del Super Bowl LIV, la (nal del torneo de futbol americano en Estados Unidos que se realizará en el estadio Hard Rock de Miami el 2 de febrero de 2020.

cano (NFL).

Las artistas, cuyos nombres circulaban con el de Taylor Swift como las estrellas que se podrían encargar del tradicional concierto que se celebra en el descanso del partido, publicaron fotos con la noticia.

Minutos más tarde publicaron ya una fotografía de las dos, junto con el logotipo del Super Bowl. Jennifer López avisaba de que en el concierto van a “poner al mundo en llamas” y la barranquillera indicó: “¡No hay nada más grande que esto! Estoy tan emocionada por participar en el Super Bowl”. En 2019, los encargados del segmento fueron los integrantes de la banda Maroon 5, con los raperos Big Boi y Travis Scott. Anteriormente estuvo en el escenario Justin Timberlake (2018)

“Dos reinas por primera vez juntas en el escenario más grande del mundo. Bienvenidas Jennifer López y Shakira al medio tiempo”, dijo por su parte en Twitter la (rma "epsi, el principal patrocinador de la liga de fútbol ameri-

"oco antes, tanto Shakira como Jennifer López publicaron en sus cuentas de Instagram sendas fotografías, junto con mensajes en los que la colombiana decía “prepárate”, mientras que la neoyorquina adelantaba: “Esto está pasando”.

y se presentaron Lady Gaga (2017), !oldplay (2016), %aty "erry (2015), Bruno Mars (2014) y Beyoncé (2013). Jennifer López, quien vive en Miami desde hace dos años, dijo en una entrevista reciente “que sería un honor” ser parte del Super Bowl, un evento que se veía religiosamente en su casa, pues su padre es fanático del futbol americano. Desde hace tiempo se venía rumoreando sobre la posibilidad de que la cantante neoyorquina de origen puertorriqueño se encargase de esta actuación, suposición que ella misma alimentó recientemente cuando publicó un video en su cuenta de Instagram en el que decía que el futbol americano (nalmente regresó y esta temporada es “especial”.

I 19




| Español

Sitios web para obtener más información

Websites for more insight

College Navigator ( Los gráficos no son resbaladizos, pero este sitio web federal contiene más datos sobre los colegios y universidades de la nación que cualquier otro lugar en Internet. Con el motor de búsqueda de universidades de College Navigator, puede buscar universidades en el país según sus criterios, lo cual es útil si no está seguro de dónde buscar universidades más allá de las instituciones de nombre obvio y sus propias instituciones estatales. College Results Online ( Las familias suponen que sus hijos se graduarán de la universidad en cuatro años, pero lamentablemente no es cierto para la mayoría. Este excelente sitio web ofrece tasas de graduación de cuatro, cinco y seis años de universidades en todo el país. Lo que también me gusta de College Results Online es que desglosa las tasas de graduación por género y etnia. Zinch ( y Cappex ( Estos sitios web son emparejadores en línea que han tomado prestadas características de Facebook que deberían atraer a los adolescentes. En ambos sitios, por ejemplo, un estudiante puede crear un perfil que va mucho más allá de los puntajes de las pruebas y los promedios de calificaciones que pueden compartir con las universidades. Usar estos sitios es una excelente manera de descubrir universidades interesantes que no sabía que existían. A través de Cappex, puede acceder a Meritaid (, que proporciona un valioso directorio de becas que ofrecen miles de universidades. College Majors 101 ( ¿Se pregunta qué puede hacer con un título en biología o danza? College Majors 101 ofrece mucha información sobre lo que puede hacer con docenas de especializaciones, así como lo que puede esperar académicamente si persigue estas especializaciones. College Insight ( College Insight, que es una creación del Institute for College Access and Success, ha reunido información detallada sobre miles de universidades. Puede encontrar estadísticas de cualquier universidad sobre temas como la asequibilidad universitaria, las tasas de graduación y la diversidad universitaria, incluido el desglose racial y étnico de estudiantes y profesores. Project on Student Debt ( Este sitio web está dedicado a ayudar a las familias a tomar las mejores decisiones eco-

ogy or dance? College Majors 101 offers lots of information about what you can do with dozens of majors, as well as what you can expect academically if you pursue these majors.

nómicas al abordar los costos de la universidad. Encontrará toneladas de información sobre deudas universitarias y préstamos estudiantiles. El sitio también tiene una lista de universidades que se han comprometido a limitar o eliminar el uso de préstamos estudiantiles en sus paquetes de ayuda financiera. College Board ( Siempre recurra al College Board cuando quiera verificar algunos datos rápidos sobre una universidad en particular. Puede obtener fácilmente el perfil académico de la clase de primer año de una universidad, estadísticas de ayuda financiera y de ayuda al mérito, especializaciones disponibles y mucho más. Unigo ( Este sitio, que se ha asociado con el Wall Street Journal, ofrece información sin adornos acerca de las universidades compilada de los propios estudiantes. No encontrará el mareo de las oficinas de admisión aquí. Unigo insta a los estudiantes universitarios a compartir su opinión sobre sus propias universidades a través de comentarios, fotos y videos. The Choice - New York Times ( Este blog universitario lo mantendrá al día sobre las últimas tendencias en admisión a las universidades, pruebas y ayuda financiera. El blog también presenta muchas sesiones de preguntas y respuestas con funcionarios de admisión universitaria y otros expertos de educación superior.

College Navigator ( The graphics aren’t slick, but this federal website contains more data on the nation’s colleges and universities than any place else on the Internet. Using the College Navigator’s school search engine, you can scour the country for schools based on your criteria, which is handy if you aren’t sure where to hunt for schools beyond the obvious name brands and your own state institutions. College Results Online ( Families assume that their children will graduate from college in four years, but that’s sadly not true for most. This great website provides four, five, and six-year graduation rates of schools across the country. What I also like about College Results Online is that it breaks down graduation rates by gender and ethnicity. Zinch ( and Cappex ( These websites are online matchmakers that have borrowed features from Facebook that should appeal to teenagers. On both sites, for instance, a student can create a profile that goes well beyond test scores and grade-point averages that they can share with schools. Using these sites is a great way to discover intriguing schools that you didn’t know exist. Through Cappex, you can access Meritaid (, which provides a valuable directory of scholarships that thousands of schools offer. College Majors 101 ( Wondering what you can do with a degree in biol-

College Insight ( College Insight, which is the brainchild of the Institute for College Access and Success, has gathered detailed information on thousands of colleges. You can find statistics for any school on such topics as college affordability, graduation rates, and college diversity, including the racial and ethnic breakdown of students and professors. Project on Student Debt ( This website is devoted to helping families make the best economic choices when tackling college costs. You will find tons of information about college debt and student loans. The site also has a list of schools that have pledged to limit or eliminate the use of student loans in their financial aid packages. College Board ( I am always turning to the College Board when I want to check some quick facts about a particular school. You can easily retrieve the academic profile of a college’s freshman class, financial aid and merit aid stats, available majors, and much more. Unigo ( This site, which has teamed up with the Wall Street Journal, serves up the unvarnished scoop on schools from the students themselves. You won’t find spin from admission offices here. Unigo urges college students to share their take on their own schools through comments, photos, and videos. The Choice - New York Times ( This college blog will keep you up to date on the latest trends on college admission, testing, and financial aid. The blog also features a lot of question-and-answer sessions with college admission officers and other higher ed experts.



| Español

Elgin Area Leadership Academy We’ll begin recruiting for the Fall 2020 Class in January, 2020. and leverage a strong The award-winning professional network Elgin Area Leadership of future and current Academy (EALA) is an Elgin leaders in all inexperience for individdustry types. uals interested in buildDuring the monthing an understanding of community leadership ly sessions, particithrough exposure, enpants work together with local leaders to richment, and engageexpand their network ment. This premier proof contacts and regram crafts and delivers a curriculum specifically sources, to increasdesigned to assist indies their breadth of knowledge about the viduals in becoming accommunity, and to detive and engaged leaders DAN FOX in their community. velop leadership skills. The curriculum also A program sponincludes a community sored by the Elgin Area assignment, challengChamber of Commerce, EALA develop a corps ing the participants to of informed, committed, explore current issues and qualified individufirst-hand. The objectives of als capable of providing the Elgin Area Leaddynamic leadership for the greater Elgin area. ership Academy: Founded in 1990, more Develop informed, than 475 individuals trained and commithave graduated from the ted leaders who unAcademy volunteering derstand the issues in virtually all aspects and needs of the comof the community. The RUTH MUNSON munity. curriculum provides Create the opporbroad-based leadership tunity for leaders to perspectives to familmeet, establish rapport, and maintain iarize participants with ongoing professional the needs, opportunirelationships. ties, and resources in the Ensure that particElgin area. Volunteer co-leaders include Dan ipants involve themFox, Ruth Munson and selves in greater roles Don Waters. in their community EALA is a 10-month through volunteerism program, meeting on in service and civic Saturday mornings, organizations, serving featuring distinguished on appointed boards community leaders, and running for local content experts, and DON WATERS elected offices. successful executives Create the opporin the Elgin area sharing their ideas, tunity for future leaders to continue to perspectives and experiences. Month- identify and study local issues. Enhance the skills necessary to bely programs provide individuals with the skills, knowledge, connections, come effective leaders of the commuand engagement necessary to develop nity.



NOVEMBER 13, 2019-JANUARY 19, 2020

FEBRUARY 12-MARCH 29, 2020

APRIL 29-JUNE 14, 2020


I 21




| Español

First Group of Noyce STEM Education Scholars Chosen at USF Bigger thinking. Brighter purpose.

JOLIET, ILL. – In June 2018, the University of St. Francis (USF) shared news that it had been awarded the Robert Noyce Educator Scholarship grant through the National Science Foundation. USF is now using the grant, worth close to $1 million, to help recruit, prepare, place, and mentor excellent STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) educators in high needs schools in Joliet and the surrounding communities. In celebration of Bobbi Cummings, Seth Diaz, Ashley Hatz, Lissett Leija, Lizbeth Perez – USF’s first group Noyce STEM Educator Scholarship recipients – the University recently held a special Noyce STEM Education Scholars signing event. “We are so excited to be working with this talented group of scholars and putting them on the path to be excellent STEM educators in schools where they are needed most,” said Lisa White-McNulty, Ph.D., USF Professor of Education and Noyce STEM Educator Program Director. The Noyce STEM Educator Program provides scholarships for qualifying students who major in Biology or Mathematics with Secondary Licensure at USF. Scholarships are awarded for recipients’ junior and senior

years and the oneyear Master of Education with Secondary Licensure program. Noyce Scholarship recipients are required to teach in a high needs school for four (4) years after graduation. Scholars are selected based on qualities that indicate their potential to become exemplary teachers. The Three-Year Noyce STEM Educator Scholarship provides: tuition and fees up to $12,000 per year of unmet need, as determined by FAFSA; opportunities for STEM teaching and research experience, with a stipend of up to $2000 for at least one summer; funding for conference travel in the senior year; advising support for academic and professional success; and mentoring for new teachers for their first two years. Visit for more information on USF’s Noyce STEM Educator Scholarship. The University of St. Francis, in Joliet, Ill., serves over 4,000 students nationwide, offering undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and certificate programs in the arts and sciences, business, education, nursing and social work. There are over 50,000 USF alumni across the globe. For information, call 800735-7500 or visit

THE UNIVERSITY of St. Francis’ first group of Noyce STEM Educator Scholars include: (left to right) Bobbi Cummings, Ashley Hatz, Seth Diaz, Lissett Leija, and Lizbeth Perez.)


I 23

| Español

DIRECTORIO DE SERVICOS FUNERARIOS Funeral Services Directory Para más información sobre cómo participar en este Directorio, llame al: (847) 427-4776

Countryside Funeral Homes and Crematory 1640 S. Greenmeadows Blvd. (at Barrington Road) Streamwood, IL 60107 630-289-8054 950 S. Bartlett Road (at Stearns Road) Bartlett, IL 60103 630-289-7575 333 S. Roselle Road Roselle, IL 60172 630-529-5751 95 S. Gilbert St. (at State St.) South Elgin, IL 60177 847-289-8054 Se Habla Español

Grove Memorial Chapel 1199 S. Arlington Heights Road Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 847-640-0566 Se Habla Español Alberto Diaz - Director Funerario

The Healy Chapel 332 W. Downer Place Aurora, IL 60506 630-897-9291 370 Division Drive Sugar Grove, IL 60554 630-466-1330

Kolssak Funeral Home 189 S. Milwaukee Ave. Wheeling, IL 60090 847-537-6600

Northern Illinois Funeral Service, Inc. 31632 N. Ellis Drive, Unit 209 Volo, IL 60073 847-833-2928 Family owned, we take pride in serving our families with dignity.

River Woods Funeral Chapels 205 S. River Road Des Plaines, IL 60016 847-635-5900 Funeraria más cercana al Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

SEMINARIO DE PLANIFICACIÓN PREVIA Cemeterios Catolicos los invita a una lectura sobre las necesidades de entierro y servicios disponibles.

Strang Funeral Chapel Crematorium Ltd. 410 E. Belvidere Road Grayslake, IL 60030 847-223-8122

Symonds-Madison Funeral Home 305 Park St. Elgin, IL 60120 847-741-1128 Veteran and Family Owned

Thompson Spring Grove Funeral Home 8103 Wilmot Road Spring Grove, IL 60081 815-675-0550 Independently Owned and Operated for all your funeral needs.


Memories in the Making, Inc.

Headstones, Monuments, Cemetery Lettering and Pre-Funded Funeral & Cremation Plans

630-824-7306 50 mile radius Chicagoland area

Miércoles 16 de octubre a las 11:30 a.m. El almuerzo será servido.

2528 S. Kedzie en Chicago Llame al 708-236-5444 antes del 10 de octubre para confirmar su reservacion. Asientos limitados. REF-SLS6



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Centro de Información invites you to

CELEBRATION Sponsorship opp opportunities & tickets are available at:

OCTOBER 12 •6-9 p.m. Villa Olivia Country Club Bartlett

Proceeds to sustain programs and services of Centro de Información.

MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS TO OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS Platinum Sponsor: PNC Bank Diamond Sponsor: Seigle Family Foundation Gold Sponsor: EFS Foundation Reflejos Silver Sponsors: City of Elgin

Elgin Community College Elgin Fresh Markets KCT Credit Union Mr. John and Dr. Gwendolyn Gage on behalf of the ESO Village of Hanover Park Bronze Sponsors: Advocate Sherman Hospital AMITA Health Saint Joseph Hospital AAUW Elgin Area Branch Glendale Terrace Apartments

Rick and Sharon Jakle Laborers’ Local 582 Law Offices of Melissa Barbosa-Guzman The Law Office of Richard P. Bingham Premier Architecture Emi Morales Salazar with Flinn, Ruble & Salazar Art Sauceda State Senator Cristina Castro Tighe Kress & Orr Zion Lutheran Church of Elgin

PANDEMONIUM! Live Steel Drum Band Four-Course plated dinner Signature Cocktail $1,000 Cash Prize Drawing Hundreds of Live & Silent Auction Items, including tickets to see the Chicago Bulls, Marc Anthony, and more!


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I 25

Applications now available for the 2020 COHORT The Latino Policy Forum is excited to celebrate 10 years of leadership development! The Multicultural Leadership Academy is pleased to announce that applications for year four is now available. This year the Latino Policy Forum will celebrate ten years of leadership development. Now in its fourthyear, the Multicultural Leadership Academy continues to engage, and train Illinois change agents committed to strengthening communities. Since 2009, the Latino Policy Forum has trained close to 200 leaders and emerging stars from more than 85 organizations through the Illinois Latino Nonprofit Leadership and Multicultural Leadership Academies. The Multicultural Leadership Academy will provide a series of leadership workshops to community, policy, arts, and culture leaders sponsored by organizations committed to social change, policy impact, and/or community improvement that serve communities of color throughout Illinois. Applicants may be employers, employees, board members or volunteers at their sponsoring organization. The Forum is committed to creating a diverse network of ESTABLISHED and EMERGING Latinx and African American leaders who are actively involved in social change, policy impact and/or community improvement. The training curriculum will primarily focus on the perspectives of Latinx and AfricanAmericans. Given Chicago’s historic segregation, alliance building across communities requires a deliberate and intentional approach. The Multicultural Leadership Academy will result in strengthened leadership for community impact, increased cross-cultural understanding, bolstered community collaboration to address pressing social issues, and a network of diverse leaders who will be able to call upon each other in the future. A distinguishing factor of the Multicultural Leadership Academy is that we acknowledge the significant leadership attributes inherent in our cultural DNA. We will utilize various modalities, including cultural anthropology, arts, and the creation of sacred space to acknowledge, cultivate and inspire social, policy, and/or community change. We will draw on the traditions of a diverse range of cultures to promote transformative leadership and contribute to a network of community leaders that serve Latinx and African-American communities. “A component that facilitated my growth as a transformational leader is the permeation of the foundational ideas throughout the training that unite us as a one community. The sharing of the other leaders’ ideas and passion for their specific community and work reflected the same passion I have for my own community. It caused me to expand my definition of “my community.” – 2017 Participant

• Schedule to be determined by participants Application can be found at Multicultural Leadership Academy website. Applications must be completed by 11:59 pm CST on Wednesday, October 9, 2019.

THE 2019 MLA cohort

and/or community improvement. • Contribute to a cohesive network of leaders committed to improving their communities through the establishment of intercultural relationships and trust. • Increase understanding of how racial and ethnic groups become assets to transformational leadership and collaborative social action. ABOUT THE MULTICULTURAL LEADERSHIP ACADEMY The Academy’s core learning competencies for participants and their organizations include: (1) Transformational Leadership: Transformational leaders contribute to change that uplifts others, creates motivating workplaces, communicates an inspiring vision and establishes a compelling moral and ethical framework. (2) Intercultural Understanding: Foster an understanding of Illinois’ Latinx and African American communities and identify their common interests. (3) Social Change/Policy Action/Community Improvement: Participants will collaborate with their cohort via ‘affinity groups’ on how to create a better, more equitable Illinois through social change, policy action and community improvement. (4) Arts Expression: Participants will utilize the arts as a catalyst for individual and group creativity and innovation. The Academy will: • Foster a space where multicultural leaders can develop their skills as leaders and visionaries while enhancing their effectiveness as agents of social change, policy impact

COST Participants will be selected regardless of their ability to contribute to the financial cost of the program. The Latino Policy Forum subsidizes 70% of tuition. A contribution of $2,500 per individual is requested. Scholarships are available to cover the individual contribution based on the need of the applicant/organization. SCHEDULE The Academy will begin in January 2020 and run through August 2020. In addition to training, participants commit to meet regularly with their “affinity groups” to create, share and implement a collaboratively-developed action plan. Training dates are as follows: Retreat Dates: • Thursday, February 27 through Saturday, February 29, 2020 (overnight) • Thursday, June 25 through Saturday, June 27, 2020 (overnight) Workshop Dates (1/2 day): • Saturday, January 25, 2020 • Saturday, March 28, 2020 • Saturday, April 25, 2020 • Saturday, May 30, 2020 Affinity Group Work:

ELIGIBILITY AND REQUIREMENTS • Applicants must reside in Illinois. • Applicants should identify as an African American, Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx or Hispanic Individuals representing suburban and rural organizations are strongly encouraged to apply. • Applicant must be an employee, board member, or volunteer of an organization that is actively engaged in social change, policy impact and/or community improvement. • Applicants must commit to participating in all workshops/technical assistance/ coaching of the Multicultural Leadership Academy. • On-going communication in completion of assignments, problem solving and other technical assistance • Participation in an affinity group with a commitment to create, share and implement a collaboratively-developed action plan • Graduation, August 2020 • Final selections will be made by a selection committee based on both the quality of the application and to ensure a balanced cohort based on age, gender, race/ethnicity, geography, etc. • Participants must sign a memorandum of understanding agreeing to the roles and responsibilities for participation. “My participation in the Multicultural Leadership Academy has enhanced my life. I have developed life-long relationships with like-minded people with diverse backgrounds. I encourage everyone to push themselves outside of their comfort zones and extend their inner circle.” – 2018 Participant APPLICATION DEADLINE Applications must be completed by 11:59 pm CST on Wednesday, October 9, 2019. More information can be found at Multicultural Leadership Academy website. Interviews for select applicants will be conducted October 24 – November 12, 2019. Selected applicants will receive written notification by November 22, 2019. “There is power when black and brown individuals gather together with a purpose. My MLA experience has been transformational, and I’ve so enjoyed being a part of it.” – 2019 Participant



| Español


Dominican University Presents Mariachi Herencia de Mexico as Part of Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration RIVER FOREST, IL – Mariachi music’s most exciting newcomer, Mariachi Herencia de Mexico, will perform at Dominican University on Sunday, October 13 at 7:30 p.m. The dynamic Chicago youth ensemble, which has played with major artists on both sides of the border, will perform in the Performing Arts Center, 7900 Division Street. Founded in 2016, Mariachi Herencia de Mexico’s debut album, Nuestra Herencia, received a 2017 Latin Grammy Award nomination in the “Best Ranchero/Mariachi Album” category. Their second album, Herencia de la Tierra Mía, was recorded by Grammy Award-winning producer Javier Limón and features cameos by veteran Mexican mariachi singer Aida Cuevas and folkloric/fusion artist Lila Downs. The album debuted at #1 on the iTunes U.S./ Latino chart and #2 on the Billboard chart. Esencia, the ensemble’s third album, was released this summer. Consisting of Chicago school students between the ages of 11 and 18, Mariachi Herencia de Mexico has the talent and training to hold its own with the best in the world. The group of young musicians has toured internationally and performed at

a major mariachi festival in Guadalajara, Mexico. They participated in a celebration of Mexican Independence Day at Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. in 2017 and have played alongside well-known musicians including Los Lobos and Pedro Fernandez.

‘Union Latina” Sábados 8am-12pm

1220-AM WKRS De tu comunidad para tu Comunidad


has a NEW look! You can now read your weekly Reflejos on ALL devices…so follow us on your phones!

Call Dominican University’s box officer at 708-488-5000 or contact https://events. for tickets, which start at $18. As part of its celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Dominican University also is screening on Monday, October 14

the film, U Turn, by Guatemala/American director and producer Luis Argueta. The film, which brings into sharp focus the human face of immigrants and the contributions they make to American society, will be shown at 7 p.m. in the Martin Recital Hall. On Wednesday, October 16, at 7 p.m., Natalia Imperatori-Lee will present “The Stories We Tell: Latinx Narratives and the Future of Catholicism” at the Priory Auditorium, 7200 Division Street. The lecture is $10. About Dominican University Founded in 1901, Dominican University is a comprehensive, coeducational Catholic institution offering bachelor’s and master’s degrees through the Rosary College of Arts and Sciences, the Borra College of Health Sciences, the Brennan School of Business and the College of Applied Social Sciences. The university also offers a doctoral degree in information studies. In the 2020 issue of America’s Best Colleges, U.S. News & World Report ranked Dominican University #11 of all Midwest regional master’s level universities. The magazine also ranked Dominican as #1 in the Midwest for ensuring the social mobility of its graduates and the best value in the State of Illinois


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I 27



| Español

Varios jóvenes sostienen pancartas que reivindican "Justicia y dignidad para todos los inmigrantes" y otras con nombre de la coalición Agenda Nacional de Liderazgo Hispano (NHLA), durante una protesta a favor de los jóvenes bene"ciados con el programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA)

federal en Nueva York por este caso, universidades, sindicatos o empresas como Microsoft que emplean algu% nos de estos chicos. Se espera que la Corte Suprema dé a conocer su decisión para finales de junio del 2020 ya que debido a la importancia del caso tomará tiempo escuchar las denuncias y argumen% tos. Entre sus argumentos, la coalición de fiscales demócratas señala que la decisión de poner fin al DACA "fue un cambio dramático en la política que amenaza con consecuencias devastadoras para cientos de miles de personas y graves daños a miles de empleadores y a las economías e instituciones de cada estado". En contraste, alegan además que los demandantes (la Administración Trump) emplearon un argumen% to "superficial" para justificar su conclusión de no continuar con el programa, que fue anunciado por la Administración del presidente demócrata Barack Obama en junio del 2012. El DACA ha permitido que apro% ximadamente 800.000 jóvenes que vinieron a este país como niños y que carecen de estatus legal migra% torio, vivan, estudien, y trabajen en este país sin temor a ser arrestados o deportados, recordó la coalición en el comunicado. Los estados incluidos en la coali% ción de fiscales albergan a más de 150.000 beneficiarios, de los cuales al menos 42.000 residen en Nueva La batalla llegó a la Corte Supre% York. ma del país que el próximo 12 de El 97 % de esos jóvenes están em% noviembre comenzará a escuchar pleados o van a la escuela y pagan los argumentos de las partes en este 140 millones de dólares anuales conflicto. en impuestos estatales y locales en Una de ellas, la de seis jóvenes soña% Nueva York, como ha señalado el dores de California que demandaron Instituto de Impuestos y Política al presidente Trump por la decisión, Económica, destaca además el co% que estarán representados por el pro% municado. curador general del estado, Edward Esta coalición está integrada por C. DuMont. Nueva York, Carolina del Norte, Los otros dos grupos incluyen, entre Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, otros, a la Asociación para el Avance Hawái, Illinois, Iowa, Massachuse% tts, Nuevo México, Oregón, Pen% de la Gente de Color (NAACP, por sus siglas en inglés), soñadores como silvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington y el Distrito de el mexicano Martin Batalla Vidal Columbia. que demandó a Trump en una corte

Fiscales presentan argumentos en defensa de DACA ante Corte Suprema de EEUU Una coalición de 17 fiscales genera% les presentó este lunes un documento ante la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos como parte de un deman% da iniciada en 2017 en defensa del programa de Acción Diferida para los llegados en la Infancia (DACA), que beneficia a miles de jóvenes que llegaron a EE. UU. siendo niños. La coalición, liderada por la fiscal de Nueva York Letitia James, alega en el documento que el intento de la Administración del presidente Donald Trump de revocar el progra% ma DACA, que beneficia a miles de "soñadores", como se les conoce, se basa en un "análisis legal defectuo%

so" e insiste en que esta decisión ha perjudicado a los residentes, institu% ciones y a la economía de los estados, señala un comunicado. En septiembre de 2017, cuando la Administración Trump anunció su intención de poner fin al DACA, la Fiscalía general de Nueva York pre% sentó una demanda en la corte federal en el distrito de Brooklyn en el que se oponía a dicha acción. Como resultado, en febrero de 2018, la corte federal para el distrito este de Nueva York emitió una orden judicial preliminar que impidió que el DACA fuera eliminado, recordó la Fiscalía de Nueva York en el comunicado.



I 29

| Español

It’s that time again to

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Deadline to send your nominees: Friday October 25, 2019

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Old Toy Trains, any kind/ condition. 815-262-0444

Press Operator

This is a great time to join The Daily Herald at our impressive printing facility in Schaumburg, IL. We are looking for a full-time, offset printing Press Operator to operate our manroland Regioman press.

Our employee-owned company offers competitive wages, shift differential pay, a great benefits package (including 401k) and a work environment with growth potential.

Newspaper Processors Part Time Day or Night

These entry level positions require no prior experience but are integral to processing our newspapers and provide you with valuable production experience for your future. You’ll machine-insert printed materials to complete the newspaper production process. Many work schedule options to choose from to fit your schedule. Retirees, moonlighters or anyone seeking an active part time job are invited to apply. Candidates must be 18 years or older, able to stand for long periods of time, bend and lift up to 20 lbs, follow instructions and have reliable transportation. Qualified candidates please send resume to

Equal Opportunity Employer Drug screen and criminal background check required. Sahara Homecare is hiring Homecare Aides or CNAs for our Elgin location! Bilingual appliants that speak Spanish strongly preferred. Applicants should be compassionate and enjoy assisting the elderly. Reliable vehicle to get to/from clients' home required. We offer flexible hours including weekends and free health insurance. Please call us at (847) 608- 9352 or email us at



Night Shift – Rotating Schedule

This is a night shift position, starting between 6pm and 9pm, and is part of a 4-day work week with a rotating schedule. Must be able to work holidays and weekends. Cold web offset printing experience desired, but mechanically inclined trainee also considered. Must have strong communication skills, the ability to lift a minimum of 50 lbs and have a strong focus on quality and productivity.



FORD ‘03 Exporer Eddie Bauer, 4dr, 4x4, V8 auto, 158,000 mi. Motor noise. $750/obo. 847-439-9331

TOYOTA ‘99 ET Runs like new! 847-515-7868



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Plumbing Problems? Sewer Problems? Drain Trouble?

Wally Blanton

Plumbing & Sewer Inc. Service Within 60 Minutes

Earn extra $$ during the holidays! We are offering a $2,500 Hiring Bonus!! Hotel Job Fair Doubletree by Hilton 510 East Route 83, Mundelein, IL 60060 Woodland Room Wed. 10/16/19 • 10am-6pm Warehouse Associates needed! Full-Time, Part-Time & Seasonal 1st, 2nd & 3rd shift Weekend availability required and be able to work out of our Lake Zurich location Warehouse earn $12.25-$17.50 an hr (based on temperature/area, nighttime work & weekend work)

Non-CDL Delivery Drivers needed! Full-Time, Part-Time & Seasonal 2nd shift Local deliveries - Home every day Weekend availability required and be able to work out of our Lake Zurich location Base pay $13.50-14.50 an hour. Total compensation $21-25 an hour when you include TIPS!

No appointment needed. Apply in person at the hotel & come prepared for an on the spot interview. Can’t attend the event, apply at We are an equal opportunity employer. We comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws. Qualified applicants are considered without regard to sex, race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship status, religion, age, marital status (including civil unions), military service, veteran status, pregnancy (including childbirth and related medical conditions), genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, legally recognized disability, domestic violence victim status or any other characteristic protected by law.

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We Camera inspect your plumbing, sewer & basement drain tile systems before digging, then by hydrojetting we are able to blast through blockages saving you $$thousands!

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| Español



¡Fantástico! Tome el autobús Pace Express en el nuevo carril flexible del I-90

FROM TRAFFIC TO TERIFFIC, Take the Pace Express bus in the new I-90 Flex Lane

Cuando tienes un carril propio, hay menos paradas y más idas. El autobús Pace Express I-90 viaja en un carril exclusivo, sin trafico conectando comunidades sobre el corredor I-90. Con conexión Wi-Fi gratuita, puertos de carga USB integrados, y estacionamiento gratis en las estaciones Pace park-n-ride a lo largo del camino. Para obtener información completa sobre el horario y ubicación, llame al, 847-228-3575 o visite

When you’ve got a lane of your own, there’s less stop and more go.The Pace I-90 Express bus travels in a dedicated, traffic-free lane connecting communities along the I-90 corridor. With free Wi-Fi, on-board USB charging ports, and free parking at Pace park-n-ride locations along the way. For complete schedule and location information, call 847-364-PACE or visit

©2017 Pace

I 31




| Español


SATURDAY, OCT. 26 • 1 to 3 p.m.

AURORA FOX VALLEY CAMPUS 2060 Ogden Ave., Aurora The need for health care professionals is on the rise. Find out how a degree or certificate from Waubonsee can lead to a lifetime of rewarding career opportunities. Plus, get information on financial aid and scholarships, registration requirements, and how to get started. BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR A TASTE OF WAUBONSEE! Enjoy food truck treats (while quantities last)



RSVP at Hablamos Español

The U.S. Department of Education has designated Waubonsee a Hispanic-Serving Institution.





TUESDAY, OCT. 15 l 4:30 TO 5:30 P.M. l SUGAR GROVE CAMPUS RSVP at If you need a sign language interpreter or an accommodation for an event, please contact A minimum of two weeks notice is requested. Waubonsee does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability in its programs or activities. Inquiries regarding this policy may be directed to: Michele Needham, Title IX/ADA Coordinator, or Emily Hinton, Section 504 Coordinator, Route 47 at Waubonsee Drive, Sugar Grove, IL 60554,


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