1 minute read
Asian Spiced Meatballs
A s i a n S p i c ed
M e at b a l l s

Ingredients 1 cup cooked rice ½ cup minced green onions ½ lb. ground chicken or turkey 1 Tbsp. soy sauce ½ cup mushrooms, finely chopped 2 tsp. cornstarch 1 tsp. minced peeled ginger ½ tsp. sesame oil
1. Place cooked rice in a small bowl. 2. In a medium Thatsa Bowl, mix the remaining ingredients and shape into 12 meatballs. 3. Roll meatball in the rice, Place 6 balls in SmartSteamer Colander and 6 balls in SmartSteamer Base . 4. In Fill Water Tray of SmartSteamer with water to fill line. Place
SmartSteamer base over the Water Tray. 5. Cover and steam in the microwave on high power 10–15 minutes, or until the meatball is cooked through.