1 minute read
Cinnamon Maple Butternut Squash
C i n n a m o n M a p l e
B u t t e r n u t S q u a s h
Ingredients 1 butternut squash ¼ cup pure maple syrup 2 Tbsp. coconut oil, melted 1 tsp. ground cinnamon ⅛ tsp. ground nutmeg ¾ tsp. salt Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1. Cut butternut squash into large 1″ pieces. Place into base of
SmartSteamer, pour 1¾ cup water into water tray, stack and cover. 2. Mix remaining ingredients, pour in SmartSteamer sauce tray. 3. Microwave on high for 20 minutes. 4. Place squash on a serving plate and pour sauce over squash.