1 minute read
Ginger Sesame Garlic Shrimp
G i n ger S e s a me G a r l i c S h r i m p


Ingredients ½ cup soy sauce 3 Tbsp. seasoned rice vinegar 3 tsp. brown sugar 3 Tbsp. olive oil 2 tsp. dark sesame oil 4 cloves garlic, minced (1½ Tbsp.) 1½ Tbsp. grated ginger 1 lb. 16-20 count shrimp, peeled and deveined 3 green onions, sliced on the diagonal 1 Tbsp. sesame seeds, toasted
1. Place sauce ingredients in base of Quick Shake Container, place lid on and shake contents, pour ⅔ of marinade over shrimp and marinate for 20 minutes, reserving the rest for a dipping sauce. 2. Remove shrimp from marinade, place shrimp in the SmartSteamer
Base and top with half the green onions. 3. Fill the Water Tray with 1¾ cups water. Place SmartSteamer Base on top of Water Tray. Cover and microwave on high power for 4 minutes. 4. Let rest, covered, 2 minutes. 5. Sprinkle remaining green onions over shrimp and pour a dash of sauce over if desired, and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.