1 minute read
Lobster Tails with Hazelnut Brown Butter Sauce
L o b s t e r Ta i l s w it h H a z e l n ut B r o w n B ut t e r S a u c e


Ingredients Curry Butter 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 shallot, finely chopped 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped 3 Tbsp. curry powder 1 cup white wine 3 sticks unsalted butter, slightly softened Salt 2 lobster tails Salt and Pepper to taste
1. Toast hazelnuts in a Chef Series II Fry Pan on medium heat. When lightly browned, remove hazelnuts from pan and place in the center a dry, clean dish towel. Rub the hazelnuts together to remove as much of the papery dark skins as you can. Coarsely chop them and set aside. 2. In a small Chef II Suacepan, melt the butter on medium heat, it will foam up, and recede. The milk solids will fall to the bottom of the pan and will start to brown giving the melted butter a wonderful nutty aroma. Let most of the milk solids brown and then remove from heat and strain through a fine mesh strainer into a bowl. 3. Season lobster with salt and pepper. Place lobster tails in the
Colander Tray of the SmartSteamer. Place colander on top of
Steamer base, cover. 4. Steam in microwave on high power for 7-8 minutes or until lobster is cooked. 5. Use butter as a dipping sauce or pour over lobster tails