1 minute read
Ratatouille & Halibut
R at at o u i l l e &
H a l i b u t

Ingredients 1 zucchini, chopped into 1” pieces 1 small eggplant, chopped into 1” pieces 1 medium red bell pepper, cored, cut into strips 2 tomatoes, cored, chopped into 1” pieces 1 Tbsp. minced garlic 1 large onion, chopped 1 Tbsp. fresh thyme leaves ½ cup Niçoise or kalamata olives, pitted, optional Salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 fish fillets or steaks (about 1 lb.) ¼ cup fresh basil leaves, roughly chopped 1 Tbsp. olive oil
1. Place all ingredients except the fish, basil leaves and olive oil in the base of SmartSteamer, stir. 2. Season fish with salt and pepper and place in Colander Tray of
SmartSteamer. 3. Fill water tray with 1¾ cups water. Place SmartSteamer Base over water tray, cover and microwave on high power 20 minutes or until the fish is opaque throughout . 4. Remove SmartSteamer from microwave and remove cover. 5. Transfer the fish to a platter, then stir the basil into the vegetables.
Spoon the vegetables around the fish, drizzle everything with the olive oil .