1 minute read
Steamed Salmon & Rainbow Noodles
S t e a med
S a l m o n & R a i n b o w N o o d l e s

Ingredients Sauce 3 tsp. sesame oil 5 Tbsp. light soy sauce 1 lime juiced 4 Tbsp. rice vinegar 2 tsp. sugar ¼ purple cabbage, julienned 2 carrots, julienned 1 red chili, finely chopped (optional) ½ tsp. ginger, finely grated 4 (4 oz.) salmon fillets 1 Tbsp. sweet chili sauce 1 lime, zested and juiced 6 oz. soba noodles 4 green onions, julienned
1. In a quick Shake container, add sauce ingredients, shake well and set aside. 2. Place vegetables in SmartSteamer Base. 3. Place salmon in the SmartSteamer Colander Tray. Place Colander
Tray over base. 4. Fill Water Tray with 1¾ cup water, place the SmartSteamer Base over the Water Tray and cover. 5. Microwave on high power 20 minutes. 6. Place vegetables on a serving plate, place salmon over vegetables, pour sauce over both. Sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired