1 minute read
Steamed Salmon & Broccoli
S t e a med
S a l m o n & B r o c c o l i

Ingredients 2 (6-oz.) Salmon fillets 8 oz. Broccoli, fresh or frozen ¼ tsp course Kosher salt ¼ tsp ground black pepper 2 Lemon wedges
1. Place salmon in the SmartSteamer Base, taking care not to block all the holes. 2. Place broccoli in the SmartSteamer Colander Tray. 3. Fill the Water Tray with 1¾ cups water. 4. Place SmartSteamer Base and Colander Tray over the Water Tray. 5. Cover and microwave on high power for 8-12 minutes. Until salmon is flaky or opaque.