Marche Outdoor - English version

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Mountains or sea? Do not choose, discover the Marche region by bike


THE BIKE IS THE PROTAGONIST WITH ENVIRONMENT, CULTURE AND TRADITION From the sea to the mountain passing through the rolling ridges, the Marche reveal themselves in an always chaning landscape. These trails are enriched with art, culture and legends. The places, especially the lesser known ones, narrate of battles, knights and noble families, stories that still evoke a journey in time and find their testimonies in fortresses, castles and small villages immersed in nature. The roots are immersed in the productive realities typical of the various territories, made of food traditions and artisan knowledge. The doors open and, through the experiences, the traveler lives again a succession of historical periods becoming the main character.

Accompanying the visitor on a virtual and real journey, through the paths of the Marche landscape, passing from Urbino, ideal city of the Renaissance, to cover the entire regional area everywhere linked to its roots and identity, makes thoughts fly towards a new rebirth, “Marche Rebirth”. A NEW KEY OF INTERPRETATION: MARCHE REBIRTH The project invested totally on what’s already existing, interpreting in an innovative way the landscape and making available the trails dedicated to the bike, georeferenced, making them become a work of art. The landscape has become the “Signum” (bearer of sign) of the project, the bike trails the “Ways” of rebirth, identifying routes of a slow and sustainable tourism. Cycling enthusiasts can discover and rediscover the Marche region in the sign of the third paradise of Michelangelo Pistoletto, in the sign of rebirth and regeneration, of finding the possible balance between the ancient, the innovation and nature.

Michelangelo Pistoletto was born in Biella in 1933. In 1962 he realizes the Specchianti paintings, with which he promptly achieves international recognition. In 2003 he was awarded the Golden Lion for his career at the Venice Biennale. In 2007 he receives the Wolf Foundation Prize in Arts, “for his consistently creative career as an artist, educator and activator, whose tireless intelligence has given rise to premonitory art forms that contribute to a new understanding of the world.” In 2004 the University of Torino conferred him the honorary degree in political science. On that occasion the artist announces what constitutes the most recent phase of his work, called the Third Paradise. His works are present in the collections of the major museums of modern and contemporary art. Official website of the artist:









- KM 131 D+ 1.412 M - KM 138 D+ 1.768 M - KM 136 D+ 2.562 M



- KM 85 - KM 80 - KM 87



- KM 44 D+ 395 M - KM 68 D+ 931 M - KM 109 D+ 1.671 M



- KM 92 - KM 75 - KM 87

D+ 1.361 M D+ 1.629 M D+ 1.738 M



- KM 84 - KM 77 - KM 57

D+ 1.156 M D+ 1.465 M D+ 1.081 M



- KM 86 - KM 75 - KM 71

D+ 1.907 M D+ 1.480 M D+ 1.409 M

D+ 1.156 M D+ 1.252 M D+ 1.640 M



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View of the Ducal Palace of Urbino


GRADARA - Gabicce, Gradara and Natural Park of San Bartolo Mountain A few kilometers from Gabicce Mare and the natural park bordering the coast, rises the enchanting medieval scenery of the village of Gradara, frame to the love story of Paolo and Francesca; love forever impressed in the verses of the Divine Comedy.

2 PERGOLA - Cartoceto Bronzes One of the most important archaeological discoveries of the last 50 years is the Roman equestrian statuary group, the only sculptural group in gilded bronze of archaeological origin of the Roman period. 3 SERRA SANT’ABBONDIO - Santa Croce Abbey of Fonte Avellana The Hermitage was perhaps founded by Saint Romuald in 980. San Pier Damiani (sec. XI) had enlarged at Fonte Avellana and the Hermitage is cited in the Divine Comedy (Paradiso, Canto XXI) by Dante Alighieri.


5 FANO - Church and former convent of Sant’Agostino In the church intially dedicated to Saint Lucia are preserved beautiful frescoes. To the church was dedicated the splendid painting of the Guardian Angel of Guercino now conserved in the local Civic art gallery. Under the convent was identified the basilica designed by Marco Vitruvio Pollione described in the V book DE ARCHITECTURA. 6 URBINO -Ducal Palace of Urbino and National Gallery of the Marche The Renaissance is the happy season of the MARCHE, the glory of Urbino would be enough to understand it. The Renaissance city, ideal example of the Marche Acropolis was the destination of a brilliant host of artists, musicians, intellectuals and literati. Suffice it to mention Raffaello Sanzio, who learned in the native Urbino, and the great genius of Leonardo. Baldassarre Castiglione exalted the city in the form of a palace in the sixteenthcentury, concept of harmony and idealization that we find in Piero della Francesca, Raphael and Bramante.



4 PESARO - Villa Imperiale, Rossini and ROF The name of the villa derives from the founder, Emperor Frederick III, and dates back to 1469. Born from several reworkings from the fifteenth to the sixteenth century, is one of the most spectacular examples of reinessance summer residence. Almost three centuries later, the city changes on the notes of the composer of Gioacchino Rossini, among the most famous “The Barber of Seville” and “Guglielmo Tell.” Hence the name of the Lyrical music festival held annually in August, the ROF, Rossini Opera Festival.



The Park and the slopes of Conero Riviera

1 ANCONA - Regional Park of Monte Conero With a strong connection to the sea, the city of Ancona has always been attached to freedom and independence. The most representative places (Duomo, Roman Amphitheatre, Arco di Traiano, Lazzaretto) are located in the hilly promontory of the city that arrives to the sea and giving naturalistic views. Not far away, in fact, we find the regional park of Monte Conero.

2 LORETO - Basilica of the Holy House Famous for hosting the Basilica of the Holy House, the city of Loreto is one of the most important and ancient places of Marian pilgrimage. The Art Gallery Museum of the Holy House of Loreto, preserves works coming from the sanctuary and donated to it. In the collection of paintings stand out the works of Lorenzo Lotto. In the night between 9 and 10 December in the Marche are lit the bonfires to remember the translation of the Holy House of Loreto.


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3 3 JESI - Federico II Square Frederick II of Swabia was born in a tent in the square of Jesi on December 26, 1194 where he returned in 1216 giving to the city large territories such as Monte San Vito, Montemarciano. The Emperor crowned the emblem of the lion of the city giving it the title of “Regal City”. To better appreciate the splendor of Jesi we make a visit to Pianetti Palace now home of the Civic art gallery.


4 OSIMO - The Underground City Heaven and earth touch each other, where the Cathedral of St. Leopard rises and you can find the entrance of the underworld. The patron saint, Saint Joseph of Copertino, “The Saint of flight”, lived in Osimo in the mid-seventeenth century; He is depicted by Ludovico Mazzanti as he rises in flight after contemplating the Basilica of Loreto. 5 FABRIANO - San Domenico Church The 15th century church, where Antonio da Fabriano and Allegretto Nuzi worked, is now home to the Museum of paper and filigree. In the museum is rebuilt a medieval paper mill and during the visit, the paper masters illustrate the ancient techniques of production of the precious paper watermark by hand with the press. 6 GENGA - Frasassi Gorge Inside the beautiful regional Natural park of the Red and Frasassi Gorge are the caves of the homonymous name, a series of caves of which the abyss of Ancona could accomodate the Duomo of Milan. Inside the caves stalactites and stalagmites, gems of the Karst caves that furnish the underground rooms with columns and pillars of infinite beauty.



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The rolling hills of Macerata




MACERATA - Buonaccorsi Palace Eneide Room Among the beauties of Macerata, we find the Arena Sferisterio, with neoclassical architecture that houses a prestigious opera season, the Macerata Opera Festival, and the eighteenth century Palazzo Buonaccorsi, now home to collections of ancient and modern art and the Museum of Carriage.


2 TOLENTINO - National Nature Reserve of Fiastra Abbey You’ll find more in the woods than in books. The trees and rocks will teach you things that no master will tell you (St. Bernard of Clairvaux). The abbey founded in 1142 by the Cistercian monks and surrounded by the National Nature Reserve of Fiastra Abbey, still conveys the simplicity and spirituality of its founders.

3 VALFORNACE - Chiesa di San Giusto in San Maroto La Chiesa di San Giusto sorge su un bellissimo poggio e la sua particolare struttura a pianta circolare ha alimentato varie supposizioni sulle sue origini di fondazione, chi suggerisce Carlo Magno e chi le maestranze provenienti dalla Siria. La chiesa è oggetto di studio sull’orientamento della cupola verso la volta celeste. 5


4 URBISAGLIA - Augustan temple-cryptoportico of the Salus Augusta The sanctuary was composed of a temple dedicated to the Salus Augusta surrounded by Cryptoportico. The walls were richly decorated with still-readable frescoes, especially in the southern arm. Salus was the divinity of health and prosperity. 5 CORRIDONIA - Church of San Claudio al Chienti The 11th century Church of San Claudio is a very important testimony of the Romanesque architecture of the Marche. The church has many typical features in common with the Church of San Giusto in Valfornace. In the church we find similarities with Santa Maria of Portonovo (Ancona), Holy Cross of Conti Atti (Sassoferrato), San vittore alle Chiuse (Genga) and Santa Maria delle Moie (Maiolati spontini).

6 PIEVE TORINA - Sant’Angelo in Prefoglio Shrine called ‘Saints Shrine’ In the cave shrine of the Hermitage of Sant’Angelo is collected “holy water” by dripping that’s believed to be therapeutic by the popular devotion as well as the moisture that collects on the ancient pillars of the Roman shrine for the cure of rheumatism. An ancient script tells us that the sanctuary hosted St. Peter Celestine after the great refusal.


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Vineyard in the Fermo hinterland




SERVIGLIANO - Clementino Castle Castel Clementino after a large landslide destroyed the old town it was moved to the plains by Pope Clement XIV who entrusted the design to Virginio Bracci. Its single-plan urbanism according to the Enlightenment doctrines is the only Italian example of an ideal city. The urban ensemble is closed by a quadrilateral of terraced houses in red clay bricks, three entrance gates, splendid palaces and the central Church of San Marco.

AMANDOLA - SS. Ruffino and Vitale Abbey The abbey founded around the tenth century preserves a crypt carved in the tuff with a greek cross plant and inside there are very ancient frescoes. In the abbey came the sufferers of hernia on the day of the feast of San Ruffino to make an ancient rite of regeneration. The Abbey of Amandola preserves an ancient rite of foundation made by the people of the north in which the river participated in the choice of the place of foundation of the sanctuary.







MONTE RINALDO - La Cuma Archeological Area In the middle valley of the River Aso, located in the locality “La Cuma”, immersed in nature we can admire the grandeur of the Hellenistic Roman sanctuary. The beautiful temple is oriented east-west and has the different sources present in the cult area as a sacral fulcrum.


FERMO - Room of the Globe The city is now divided into two parts: the medieval part, grown around and on the top of the hill Sabulo, remained almost intact through the centuries, and a new part. The heart of the city is the renaissance Piazza del Popolo where the sixteenth-century Priori Palace is located. This houses the Civic art gallery (with important paintings of the Venetian and Marche schools and the “Nativity” of Rubens) and the Sala del Mappamondo (Globe designed by the cartographer Moroncelli of Fabriano in 1713).


MONTEFALCONE - The Rock “Who has not seen Montefalcone has not seen the Paradise” (Fernand Desonay). Its fortress of the XII century is the guardian of the mythical plant of the mandrake, found in its meadows by the famous naturalist Antonio Orsini, currently conserved in the herbarium of the Museo Orsini of Ascoli Piceno.

Santa Maria della Rocca in Offida


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ASCOLI PICENO - Mount of the Ascension “In this Mountain there is the beautiful Polisìa, along with his young damsel; they are weaving on a golden frame with hen and golden chicks around them: the sun rises and down Polìsia sings: Throw the stone and take the holy herb “ (Egidi). In mountain and in the cave “of the Two sisters” you can still listen to the melodious singing of a beautiful fairy-maiden. VENAROTTA - San Francesco Church The church founded by St. Francis in 1215 seat of an ancient medieval hospitale along the road Ascoli-Assisi where are still welcomed pilgrims on the “Franciscan Trail of the Marche”. In the convent, seat of the embassy of the Third Paradise is combined hospitality, walks and laboratories, you can take a guided tour in the garden of the simple men, the alchemical laboratory and the Museum of Vino Cotto and medicated wines.





3 GROTTAMMARE - Loggias Only along the 16 km of the Riviera delle Palme cycle path you can understand how is this stretch of Marche coast. A pleasant walk allows you to reach Grottammare Alta, a medieval village overlooking the sea, with rustic houses and small streets. Along the way you will find the seventeenth-century villa of Cardinal Decio Azzolino, where Cristina of Sweden was staying. 4 MONTEMONACO - Church of Santa Maria in Casalicchio In the Church of Santa Maria in Casalicchio people made the oaths looking at Mount Sibilla. The Sibilla and its mythical kingdom are described by Antoine de la Sale in his “LE PARADIS DE LA REINE SIBYLLE” of 1420. 5 ASCOLI PICENO - Piazza del Popolo Piazza del Popolo in renaissance style incorporates the Vitruvian theories with a proportion of 1:3 and is described by Guido Piovene as a hall, surrounded by arcades, closed by the beautiful apse of St. Francis. Overlook the Piazza the ancient Caffè Meletti and the palace of the captains of the people. The beautiful paving of the square on rainy days has a suggestive mirror effect.




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Pizzo Tre Vescovi on the Sibillini Mountains

CESSAPALOMBO - San Salvatore di Rio Sacro Abbey or Santa Maria in Insula The abbey, which in the beginning was a Benedictine Cenobium, will be refounded by Saint Romuald. From the abbey starts the path to the “Grotto of the Friars”, dedicated by the Spirituals to Santa Maria Maddalena. It is said that from afar you could hear the friars singing the mass and that there was a golden tree.



2 SARNANO - SS. Biagio e Maria Abbey The abbey was an integral part of the spiritual renewal of the year 1000 by S. Romualdo and S. Pier Damiani. The Abbey has east-west plant. The XV century frescoes are by Giovanni di Corraduccio and Matteo da Gualdo. The abbey shared its founding origins with the Abbey of SS. Anastasio and Maria and the Abbey of SS. Vitale and Ruffino di Amandola. 3 FIASTRA - S. Maria in Rio Sacro Abbey The Abbey of S. Mary of Rio Sacro, know also as Abbey of San Salvatore preserved a splendid crucifix of the XII century, brought by the monks from the ancient hermitage of the Rio Sacro. The day of ascension from the abbey of Santa Maria di Rio Sacro was the starting point of the rogation (propitiatory processions on the success of the seeds).



4 SERRAVALLE DI CHIENTI - Santa Maria di Plestia Church The parish, once a cathedral, was rebuilt around the year 1000 and throughout the fifteenth century remained the spiritual and commercial center of the mountain. Under the church are the remains datable I century B.C. of the ancient Plestia and its deity “Cupra/Bona Mater”. 5 VISSO - Madonna di Macereto Shrine The shrine dating back to 1359 has always been one of the centers of Pilgrimage of the Sibillini. Its white harmonious beauty stands out in the green landscape of the plateau. The city of Visso preserves the autograph manuscripts of the famous Marche poet Giacomo Leopardi who saw in his poetic geography the Blue Mountains of an almost unreal beauty.




- Cycle touring - 9 week-ends -

Marche is a region that lends itself to cyclotourism. Its streets draw twisted and curved shapes, among hills, rivers and unexpected villages. The circuit MTB Marche Cup Uisp was born with the idea of promoting, through an ecological and aggregating sport like that of the two wheels, the beauties of the Marche region through nine stages that provide various types of route diversified for Allow everyone to participate in the safety stages.



- Historical Cycle touring - 2 days -

It’s a cycling event with vintage bicycles that takes place in Tolentino, in the heart of Marche. The event is not competitive and is dedicated to those who want to compete with themselves in a challenge that enters the most authentic dimension of heroic cycling: vintage bikes, dirt roads, pleasant and authentic landscapes.

PESARO-LORETO IN MTB The Pesaro-Loreto in Mountain Bike is an amateur sporting event that lasts three days. The route is about 270 km with 5700 meters of altitude difference and it’s not suitable for all, but surely offers unforgettable glimpses of the hinterland of Marche and an experience to be lived for those who love the Marche and spirituality.


- Unsupported Cycle touring - 2-3 days roughly -

The bikepacking becomes indispensable for an adventure in self-sufficiency, especially in the Sibillini mountains where the earth is guardian and protector of ancient legends, where the landscapes, scarred by the earthquake of 2016, manifest their own strength by signalling a new path to discover and rediscover new horizons. The ring route, entirely studied by the team of Marche Trail, which will cross the entire mountain range, allowing you to discover, on a single journey, the four sides of the park: Magical, Sacred, Historical and Blossomed. Once the registration is made, the information about the event and the track to be uploaded to your GPS via email. The welcome briefing will be held the night before departure at Lake Fiastra. The departure of the Sibillini Bikepacking is in Visso, seat of the park and place symbol of the earthquake 2016. Heaven on earth, for those who love the mountain and the bike, is awaiting you!


EVENT TYPE - Unsupported Cycle touring DURATA EVENTO - 4-5 days WEBSITE - It is not a race, there is no time limit, it is a challenge against yourself, it’s a way to know the Marche region by bike. Once the GPS track has been loaded, the entire track without shortcuts must be covered with your own MTB/gravel, each one at their own travel pace, choosing where and when to eat and sleep. Single route, 400 km to discover the only region with a plural name. You will cross 4 provinces, 26 municipalities, ancient villages of Marche and castles, woods and enchanted valleys, a nature reserve, a regional park, the Conero, and the National Park of Monti Sibillini. Marche Trail can be traveled almost all year round! By validating with a stamp the passage in each “Bike station”, located along the entire route, you will have the certificate of finisher of the Marche Trail. Find out more on the website!

NIBALI WITH MARCHE Vincenzo Nibali is the new testimonial of the Marche region for Marche Outdoor. The Champion who has won two Giro d’Italia, a Tour de France, the Vuelta of Spain, the Milan-San Remo and two Italian Championships discovers the Marche Region and you can do it with him. In addition to the quality of the services and the guarantee of a territory to be discovered by bike, Nibali will be the protagonist of new videos, images, commercials and national and international reference events. Stay tuned on the portal to find out all the news.

TIRRENO ADRIATICO The Marche is the star in one of the most important cycling competitions in Italy. Tyrrhenian-Adriatic is one of the most renowned road races in Italy. It takes place in March and it reached its 54th edition. Many are the internationally renowned riders who flock to this competition along with the thousands of cycling enthusiasts.

9 FOSSI MOUNTAINBIKERACE The 9 FOSSI will begin is one of the main MTB events in the Central South Italy, famous for its excellent organization and for its beautiful route in the woods of Tassinete and Monte Nero, with beautiful panoramic views. The event makes you discover the local area and products.

MARCHE MARATHON 2019 8 Gran Fondo from north to south Marche to discover the most beautiful places through cycling in the Marche. In all dates you will be able to participate in two or more routes to be done at competitive level or at your own pace. Website - The proposed events.

GRAN FONDO CITTÀ DI PORTO SANT’ELPIDIO The Porto Sant’Elpidio Gran Fondo, takes place every Easter Monday drawing numerous enthusiasts. The route goes from the sea to the Sibillini crossing 20 municipalities of Fermo province.

Follow the constant evolution of the site WWW.MARCHEOUTDOOR.IT For the bike system today have developed and traced more than 1600km of routes on secondary roads with low traffic. Always evolving, the website will be integrated by trails dedicated to Gravel and Mountain biking, highlighting also areas dedicated to Enduro and Down Hill.

BIKE NETWORK In the whole region the reception of cyclists is one of the salient aspects. Each route has a garage and bike rental. Some services guaranteed by the accommodations: - Safe storage of bicycles - Bike rental in case of need - Tour Guides - Bike and luggage transport service - Mini garage - Information material and data on services for cyclists - Information on available routes and activities in the territory - Specialized guides - Specific and flexible refreshments - Laundry service

Consorzio Regionale Bike Marche for hotel reception, has the task of creating network between operators, guaranteeing to the cyclist high quality standards of the services offered, making them homogeneous throughout the territory, selecting the best facilities to live and enjoy a holiday in the name of culture and enogastronomy.



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