Turner Industries Company Magazine Spring 17

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t’s fitting that this issue’s editors’ letter is being drafted while working

from our Pasadena, Texas office. SENIOR EDITOR Tobie Craig EDITORS Jason Broha, Marie Crespo WRITERS Tobie Craig, Jason Broha, Marie Crespo CONTRIBUTORS Gary Blacketter, Michael Boutin, Tami Burtram, Chad Bradley, Russell Carter, Charles Courtney, Dawn Csazars, Brian Daigle, Ricky Diggs, Catherine Glueck, David Guitreau, Lori Garza, Bryan Gerace, Candace Griffin, Michelle Hardy, Casey

The property sits about 20 miles southeast of the United States’ energy capital, Houston, Texas. It’s here in Pasadena and the surrounding area that 2,700+ employees work 24/7, building and maintaining an everexpanding industrial corridor.

Hebert, Lillian Helms, Sandra Hilbun, Ike James, Alan King, Eric Hyde, Chris Loosemore, Mindy Mahoney, Raymond Neck, Connie Paxton, David Shepard, Eric Stampley, Carla Thompson, Wayne Tyson, Mike Welborn, Daniel White


Pasadena isn’t the only Texas spot that Turner services. From Corpus Christi to Paris and everywhere in between, our employees have been answering the state’s toughest industrial challenges for over 40 years. Over the years, we’ve had the privilege to visit and work together with our Texas coworkers. We hope that our cover story and the employee profile on Lori Gorza provides a snapshot of what makes


our Lone Star State operations a success. A common thread that runs through our company, no



matter where we are, is safety. In 2016 Turner Industries employees worked 42,526,862 hours at a .30 Total Recordable Incident Rate. Our Safety First section highlights the past year’s “best of the best” worksites and supporting management. Enjoy -

Jason Broha & Marie Crespo





The Latest and Greatest Safety Updates from Around the Company

“At Turner Industries, we will spare no effort or necessary resource in our mission to achieve “Goal ZERO.” While all Turner management is responsible for and involved in safety, the fact is that most accidents occur at the front line. It is those employees we most need to influence, and that is what our field leaders must do. Leadership is essential to our success and there is no substitute for it. We must believe “Goal ZERO” is an achievable goal. Some say they have to see it to believe it. We say you have to believe it to see it.” –B ILLY GUITREAU, Chief Operating Officer Turner Industries


You may not think of Turner Industries as being in the people business, but people are the very essence of our existence. The core of our success relies on our ability to supply quality people to our clients and to keep them safe. In 2016, thousands of dedicated Turner employees worked 42,526,862 hours in hazardous environments, the vast majority of which were completed incident or injury free. 03



Turner Industries’ Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) for 2016 landed at 0.30, well below the 2.5 TRIR national average for our industry*. However, as a company, our goal is, has always been, and always will be 0.00 (Goal ZERO). We strive daily to ensure the health and safety of our employees. Last year, 93% of our worksites were recordable-free, and 77% were injury-free. We know that Goal ZERO is not only obtainable but sustainable. *BLS.gov


Keeping one worksite injury-free is a challenge. In 2016, Turner Industries worked at 582 sites. The pressure was on and the challenge was real. Having well-established safety practices along with ‘tried and true’ proven processes is imperative to our success. Constant communication with all sites, gathering and sharing important information, is a must. In 2016, Turner’s safety department upgraded its MedGate® software. This allows us to manage compliance and regulatory requirements, track incident trends and produce reports from the data so we can make informed decisions about how to improve employee health, safety and productivity. The upgrade includes a new user interface, enhanced reporting features, advanced dashboards and the ability to perform mobile audits and inspections.


There were a number of safety focus areas in 2016. Two of the most visible were enhanced employee on-boarding processes, centered on greater employee understanding and engagement, and the implementation of a more interactive and dynamic training and employee interaction focus. Turner Industries’ safety department released four safety instruction videos focusing on hand safety, line of fire (field version), line of fire (shop version) and hazard recognition. All four videos were released in both English and Spanish. Having a three-prong approach to communicating safety—orally, visually and in writing—has always been part of our philosophy. These new videos enhance our ability to communicate with worksites and with our Spanish-speaking employees. These initiatives yielded measurable results across the entire organization and are part of the reason safety metrics continued to improve as the year progressed. 04


2016 SAFETY EXCELLENCE AWARDS Each year, Turner Industries holds its own Corporate Safety Awards events to recognize our "Best of the Best" management and their work sites. Below are the 2016 safety excellence award recipients.




Texas City, TX / Marathon GBR

Lake Charles, LA

Gary Truxillo, Doug Taylor, Victor Jimenez

Joel Rushing, Tommy Richard, Scott Murray, Derryl Gaspard, Roy Taylor


HOUSTON TEXAS PIPE FABRICATION Brian Daigle, Apolo Fonseca, Tim Johnson

Dale Lee, Lee Guillory, Trevor Johnson



Convent, LA

Tuscaloosa, AL

Rodney Landry, Melvin Rabalais, Trey Daigle

Mike Boudreaux, Joe Davis, Robert Rey



Geismar, LA

Heidelberg, MS

Sherman Brown, Stacie Howard, David Cross

Mike Boudreaux, Joe Davis, Robert Rey



Longview, TX

Decatur, AL

Tony Granata, James Gossett, Daryl Gurunian

Frank Sivley, Randy Alexander, Jimmy Harris



Baton Rouge, LA

Deer Park, TX

Barry Woods, Clint Pitre

Mike Stirrat, Mark Child, Charles Hornsby, Gustavo Castillo

ARKEMA, INC. Beaumont, TX


Cliff Brittain, James Langston

Lake Charles, LA

Tony Granata, Craig Louviere




Hopewell, Va. – In May of 2016, Honeywell International announced their

a barbeque lunch, thanking them for safe work and

intention to spin-off their resins and chemicals business into AdvanSix,

a seamless transition.

Inc.—a standalone, publicly-traded company. In October of 2016, Ad-

AdvanSix transitioned all current TSS employees

vanSix officially broke away from Honeywell at the Hopewell, Virginia

on site to the new contract during a smooth transi-

facility, where Turner Specialty Services (TSS) currently performs work.

tion, and Turner is looking forward to a successful

Shortly after the transition, AdvanSix Maintenance Manager, James

partnership with AdvanSix.

Terry and AdvanSix Maintenance Lead, Fred Efird, treated employees to

Patrick Jeansonne Awarded Shell Quality Coin Geismar, La. – The Shell Quality Coin is a token of recognition for great work in the quality area. In order to receive a Quality Coin, the individual(s) must be nominated to be considered and finally approved by the Shell Regional General Manager of Quality. Patrick Jeansonne, lead inspector for Turner at the Tiger AO4 project, was recently awarded a coin for taking the lead on organizing the Tiger AO4 November Quality Day and setting up and facilitating reviews to make sure everything was in place for a successful compressor foundation mass concrete pour. “The Shell Tiger AO4 Team nominated Patrick Jeansonne for his sustained positive attitudes, behaviors, professionalism and impact he is having on construction quality,” said Bruce Keckley, Shell construction quality lead.

Pictured left to right are: Brett Templet, Turner project manager; Patrick Jeansonne, Turner lead inspector and Bruce Keckley, Shell construction quality lead.

“The Shell Tiger AO4 Team nominated Patrick Jeansonne for his sustained positive attitude, behavior, professionalism and impact he is having on construction quality.” – BRUCE KECKLEY Shell construction quality lead



Turner Industries Emplo Larry Taylor, safety; Mike Alexander helper; Mary Phillip hole, bottle and fire watch and Jeremy Sampsill.

Pasadena, Texas – Turner employees at BASF in Pasadena were also recognized for hazard intervention. Larry Taylor, Turner safety, recognized Mike Alexander, helper. Mike was observed distributing water Pictured are Jesus Dias and Jose Chapman (center) with representatives from Turner and BASF.

throughout his unit while performing all his safety

Freeport, Texas – During a safety meeting in February 2017, Turner safety

duties. “Mike has a positive attitude towards safety

managers along with safety managers from BASF, took the opportunity

and always goes above and beyond,” said Larry.

to recognize Turner employees for identifying and intervening potential worksite hazards. BASF Safety Managers C.J. Albair, Richard Rush and Josh McCormick

nized Richard

recognized Marvin Holmes, pipefitter and helper, and Joseph Taylor,

Herring, boil-

pipefitter, for identifying damaged grating at their worksite. The grating

ermaker. Rich-

was discovered during an initial site inspection, reported immediately

ard stopped

and repaired before the start of the job.

an employee Larry Taylor, safety; Kenneth Rajewich, superintendent; Richard Herring, Boilermaker and Kaleb Kyzer foreman.

Deltrick Thomas, Turner safety, recognized Jesus Diaz, scaffold builder,

who was pre-

for his work ethic and concern for fellow employees, leading his group

paring to use a

in well written and detailed Job Safety Analyses (JSAs). Jesus makes sure

damaged step ladder. He then went to the tool room

everyone in his crew reads and completely understands the JSAs before

and tagged the ladder out of service.

signing off on it.

“Ashley always takes time to go over everything on the JSA with everyone in her crew. She gives it her all making sure everyone is in compliance and working safely. She truly believes in being your brother and sister’s keeper.” –MITCHELL JOSEPH Turner Safety

Jeremy Sampsill, Turner safety, recognized Mary Mitchell Joseph, Turner safety,

Phillip, hole, bottle and fire watch. Mary has been

recognized Ashley LaFleur. “Ashley

observed multiple times going above and beyond

always takes time to go over every-

her assigned tasks, maintaining constant communi-

thing on the JSAs with everyone in

cation with other crews in the area while hot work

her crew. She gives it her all making

is being performed. She identifies unnoted hazards

sure everyone is in compliance and

on JSAs, ensures that spark containments are com-

working safely. She truly believes

pletely enclosed and keeps her work area spotless.

in being your brother’s and sister’s keeper,” said Mitchell. Ruben Tibbs, Turner safety, rec-

Jerry also recognized Juan Gonza-

ognized Jose Chapa, pipefitter. When


going over the JSAs, he makes sure

builder. Juan


everyone is engaged, and he always

noticed that

makes sure he and his co-workers have the right tools and personal


protective equipment (PPE) for the job.

his co-worker

Scott Heintschel, Turner safety, recognized Anna Gutierrez. Driving


Larry Taylor also recog-


put on to enter

Jeremy Sampsill, safety; Juan Gonzales, scaffold builder; Kenneth Rajewich, superintendent and Artemio Gonzales Jr., foreman.

in her forklift, she approached a congested intersection due to an over-

a pipe rack, was damaged and coming unstitched. He

sized load. Anna safely parked her forklift and took the initiative to help

stopped the co-worker and the harness was taken to

the flagger positioned at the intersection until the congestion cleared.

the tool room and destroyed.


oyee Safety Recognition Third row from left to right: Joseph Bocanegra, material handling technician; Lawrence Erskim, shift supervisor. Second row left to right: Altan White, relief supervisor; Samuel Brechtel relief supervisor; John Griffin, production execution manager; Jalisa King, production technician; Brad Hardy, safety manager; Shawn Bird, material handling technician. First row left to right: Josh Fontenot, senior production technician; Emily Mineres, Turner fire watch and Michelle Ray, Turner fire watch.

Pasadena, Texas – At the BASF facility, safety chips are given to employees who are observed, by a BASF representative, performing safe acts and intervening to keep others safe. Emily Mineres and Michelle Ray have both been observed several times, doing this. They are the first two employees on site to receive four safety chips and were presented a plaque to mark the occasion.

Turner Industries’ Crew of the Month at Alliance Refinery

Turner Industries Recognized with Diamond Step Award

Belle Chasse, La. – At


the beginning of the

Texas – Turn-

year, a “crew of the

er Industries

month” challenge was

was recently

put forth by Site Man-

re c o g n i z e d

ager, Charles Courtney; Superintendent, Glen Otero and Safety Manager, Tony Ditta, to

with a 2016 Pictured left to right is January’s crew: Glen Otero, Tony Ditta, Wayne Hicks, Pernell Leblanc Jr, Charles Erickson, Dylan Ancar, Floyd St. Germain, Francisco Botello, Wilberth Sanchez, Randy Engel and Charles Courtney.

Diamond Safety Training & Evalua-

Picture left to right: Michelle Grissett, Formosa safety tech; Scott Walker, Turner south Texas operations manager; Nicky Green, Turner QC and Kristi Stevenson, ABC Texas Mid Coast Chapter.

all Turner foremen at the Alliance Refining site—to set the bar when it

tion Program

comes to safety and quality. A crew will be chosen each month among

(STEP) Award

the 24 Turner crews currently on site.

from the ABC Texas Mid Coast Chapter.

Criteria are based on expectations including safety, quality, punctuality, attitude, participation and audits, among others.

STEP is a proven and valuable resource designed specifically to support ABC members in the devel-

“We must always remember that pulling together as a team leading

opment and continued improvement of safety and

the way for others to follow is the key to success. I would like to thank

training efforts, with a collective goal of ensuring

Brent Ledet for his leadership and his team for their performance. You

continued worker well-being and health.

have certainly set the bar for everyone else,” said Charles Courtney.


Pasadena, Texas – Turner

Turner Employees at Baker

employees at Shell Lubri-

Hughes have completed 1

cants have completed 1

year recordable free with

year recordable free with

172,783.50 workhours.

137,174.75 workhours. First and second shift at Shell Lubricants.

Third shift at Shell Lubricants.




What it Takes to Get the Job Done Right.

Delivering a Project’s ‘Heart’

Turner Industries completes critical hauls for Shell Chemical’s Tiger AO4 Project

Geismar, La. – The Shell Chemical facility is currently undergoing a major plant ex-

roadway. Due to the extreme weight of

pansion project—Tiger AO4—adding a fourth Alpha Olefins unit, making the plant

the reactors (over 200 Tons each), super

the largest producer of the product in the world. As the construction manager, Turner

specialized heavy hauling permits were

Industries manages all work areas of the ongoing project.

obtained, requiring soil analysis, paving

Over 600 pieces of equipment are being shipped in from all over the world. In

and bridge analysis and involved thirteen

June, 2016, three reactor high pressure vessels—the heart of the unit— arrived in

agencies, from power companies to state

New Orleans, La. from Italy. From New Orleans, the reactors along with a separator

and local sheriff’s departments. Tree limbs

vessel were shipped on a barge to Geismar, La., where Turner Industries’ specialized

were trimmed, power lines were raised

transportation group received the items alongside the Mississippi River Levee, a few

and outages were scheduled as required.

miles from Shell Chemical’s new construction site.

Since the transport involved crossing rail-

The three reactor vessels were offloaded from the barge, after being loaded on

road tracks, Canadian National Railway

with two hydraulic Goldhofer PST/SL E-10 Transporters, with a 450 metric ton hauling

Company (CN) permits were obtained and

capacity each and delivered to the site. The separator vessel was transported on a

a CN coordinator was present for all rail-

single 10 line Goldhofer Transporter.

road crossings.

The offloading and transporta-

The second major barge / heavy haul

tion of Tiger AO4 equipment was

project of 2016 involved the delivery of

preceded by over a thousand en-gi-

two high purity distillation columns and

neering hours and months of plan-

a scrubber to the Tiger AO4 facility in

ning. Coordinating with the US Army

mid-December. The tallest column, the

Corps of Engineers, Atchafalaya Le-

C-4 Column, was over 250’ and over 250

vee Commission and the Coastal

Tons. The C-6 Column was 230’ in length

Erosion Committee, the river landing

and 200 Tons. The scrubber vessel weighed

was prepped for barge arrival. Ap-

in at 165 Tons. Both projects were com-

proximately 300 crane mats (8’x16’)

pleted ahead of the proposed schedule

were required to cross the batture


property from the barge ramps to the Mississippi River Levee crossing


Photographs: Tim Muller Photography


Roland Toups Speaks at Tiger AO4 Gold Medal Workshop Geismar, La. – On Thursday, January 26, 2017, leadership from Shell, Jacobs Engineering and Turner Industries met to discuss the opportunities and successes of Shell’s Tiger AO4 Project. During the meeting, Turner Industries’ Chairman and CEO Roland Toups brought an inspirational message to the group as they collectively renewed their

Turner Industries Chairman and CEO, Roland Toups and Shell Tiger AO4 Project Director, Tjalling Terpstra.

commitment to their Gold Medal Target—completing the project under budget by $100M, while maintaining quality and safety standards and hoping to be in full production by the latter part of 2018. Speaking with great optimism about Louisiana industry as well

“AO4 can’t miss. Why? Because it’s people-centric. The team is organized, you communicate across lines and transparency is the name of the game. My hat’s off to you guys. We are so grateful and so privileged to be a part of the team.” – ROLAND TOUPS Chairman & CEO

as the current economic climate, Toups anticipates the appreciation for the energy industry to

projects fail, the definition

grow. He reminded the group that

of fail being 25% over budget

the chemical industry is the larg-

and a missed schedule. This

est exporter in the U.S., and there

is where Shell has it right.

are opportunities on the horizon.

In my mind, AO4 can’t miss.

“2017 project growth will be quite

Why? Because it’s people-

significant in this industry. We

centric. The team is orga-

are very hopeful about what we

nized, you communicate

see,” he said.

across lines, and transpar-

While speaking about the Tiger AO4 project, Toups com-

Gold Medal Workshop participants.

ency is the name of the game. My hat’s off to you guys. We are so grateful and so privileged to be a part of the team.”

plimented the leadership; “I’ve

In closing, Toups left the group with advice for working in heavy industry. “There are two

never seen a project like this in

things we tell our guys,” he said. “ROI, return on integrity. Without that we have nothing,

my life. Three out of four mega-

we have zero. This is a part of Turner’s culture, our DNA. We have got to live it, believe it, communicate it,” he stressed. 10


Westlake, Louisiana Bound! Port Allen, La. – Turner Industries’ modular fabrication yard is currently in the middle of their largest job to date—building seventy-five interconnecting pipe rack modules for a client in Westlake, Louisiana. To date, forty of the seventy-five modules have been completed, and our specialized transportation group has already loaded eighteen of them onto barges and shipped them off for delivery. As finished modules are being sent out, the remaining thirty-five modules are in various stages of construction. Ranging in size up to 30’ wide, 50’ tall and 200’ long, the last of the modules are scheduled for shipment by the end of June, 2017.


Interconnecting Pipe Rack Modules

7,074 tons of steel

72,730 feet of cable tray

267,460 feet of piping


Now Bringing the Latest Technology to the Inspections and NDE Field Check out the latest addition to Turner Specialty Services’ UAV fleet: the ELIOS by Flyability. This UAV, or drone, is specially designed for confined spaces with all of the same benefits as our other drones. Drones are safer, faster and more cost effective than traditional inspections in a confined area or inside piping.

For more info or to request a demo, contact Eric Hyde.

(225) 214-2067


Texas Pride G

reen, rolling hills, endless stretches of flat desert, a sandy shoreline stretching hundreds of miles – Texas’ landscape

is as vast and changing as its economy, led by the energy and petrochemical sector. For the past 40 years Turner Industries has been here, answering the state’s toughest industrial challenges. Below is a snapshot tour of our Texas operations today. You’ll see what makes each one unique to the area it calls home and to the company as a whole.

Houston, Texas

20 miles southeast of downtown Houston, Turner’s Pasadena facilities sit in the middle of America’s energy capital’s engine. Our full-service operations work 24/7 to meet the area’s ever-expanding industry. Employees: 2,700+ Current Project Highlights: • Construction of a major domestic crude expansion at a refinery in south Texas. • Maintenance successfully transitioned 180 employees at four Kuraray sites in the Houston area. • Pipe Fabrication recently completed 6,200 spools for a refinery expansion in Long Beach, California and just started 8,800 spools for two separate fractionator projects in the Mont Belvieu, Texas area. Community investment: East Harris County Manufacturers’ Association (EHCMA) Workforce Steering Team—a newly formed collaboration between Owners and Contractors that involves Turner playing an active leadership role.

Beaumont, Texas

Together with Port Arthur and Orange, Beaumont completes the area’s “Golden Triangle” a vital industrial Gulf Coast corridor. This is where Turner’s Texas footprint first landed and where we still play a leading role. Employees: 400 Current Project Highlights: • At Dow Beaumont, a small crew working capital projects has led to a long term maintenance contract as well as an expansion of services including NDE and Inspection. • A planned outage at International Paper is underway. It involves replacing 1,590 linear feet of piping, at depths of 30ft, and concludes with tying in the new system, while adhering to a narrow schedule window. 13

DID YOU KNOW? Houston is one of the fastest growing cities in America. With a population of 6.6 million and growing, it’s expected to double in size by 2040.


Since ’75 DID YOU KNOW?

Paris’ main fabrication bay is large enough to fit 13 Boeing 737-200s from nose to tail.


Paris, Texas

Our Paris operation is the mothership for pipe fabrication, in terms of size and output. With a combined work space of 420,000 sq. ft. the facility works around the clock doing pipe fabrication, pipe bending (heat and induction), coating and painting. Employees: 560+ Current Project Highlights: • 4,500 spools for expansion of ultra-low sulfur product project • 4,400 spools for a storage and marine terminal facility • 2,700 spools for a chemical plant • 2,600 spools for an offshore platform Community investment: American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life local sponsor. Each year, local businesses set up at an area high school athletic field and walk laps all night in honor of or in remembrance of someone fighting the battle against cancer. In 2016 Turner was the top fundraiser for this event.

Freeport, Texas



Located near the mouth of the Brazos River, a gateway to the Gulf of Mexico, Freeport is home to a bustling seaport. Turner’s expanded presence here serves the area’s established BEAUMONT industrial sector. Employees: 200 Current Project Highlights: • The Maintenance Division is in the process of transitioning approximately 400 employees under a new site contract with a global chemical company. • Turnaround group and Crane and Rigging group are working together FREEPORT to complete a turnaround at ExxonMobil. Community investment: Last fall employees working in the Freeport area pledged over $15,300 to the United Way of Brazoria County.

Corpus Christi, Texas

Turner’s southernmost U.S. operations, our growing Corpus Christi team serves the area’s oil and petrochemical industry. Employees: 1,100 Current Project Highlights: • Working with Houston operations on the construction of a major domestic crude expansion at a refinery. • Turnaround planners are already on the ground at CITGO preparing for a major planned turnaround taking place this fall. • The Pipe Fabrication Division is completing spools for a new fractionation unit Community investment: As part of a United Way of Coastal Bend program, Turner employees volunteer in local schools. 14


Employee Profile



ori Garza has been with Turner Industries’ Pipe Fabrication Division for four years. Before that, she worked in the field as a timekeeper on a local jobsite for the Construction Division. The timekeeping job in the field turned into a timekeeping job at the fabrication shop. From there, Lori was promoted to office manager, which eventually led to her earning the additional responsibility of purchasing manager. Lori is also the board president of the Corpus Christi chapter of TEAM Turner™, our employee directed volunteer program.



In addition to her work-related responsibilities, Lori is actively involved in her community of Robstown and has been a Robstown School Board Trustee since 2014. She is also a committee member of the Robstown Innovation Foundation. It was her professional and volunteer activities that led to her being one of the honorees of the 2017 Corpus Christi Under 40 award. This award is presented by the Young Business professionals of the Coastal Bend (YBP), honoring the accomplishments of men and women under 40 years of age who have made significant contributions in their professional field, and through services in the community. YBP is a local organization committed to improving Corpus Christi and its workforce by promoting educational and professional advancement among emerging business leaders.


– LORI GARZA Pipe Fabrication

Pictured are Lori and her husband Eugene Garza Sr. with their four children: Lauren Rose Garza, 21; Larissa Rose Garza, 15; Eugene Garza Jr., 18 and Erasmo Garza, 9.

Q What makes Turner different from other places you’ve worked? A Turner is a large company with small company values; teamwork, commitment, togetherness. Companies with these values along with competitive benefits are hard to come by. QW hat would you like your fellow employees to know about you?

Lori receiving her award at the CCU40 celebration.

AT he day I graduated from high school, my first-born was six days old. I have worked hard not to become a statistic, and it has paid off. Only you can write your future. QW hat would be the name of your autobiography? AH ow I learned to dance in the rain while making memories.

Lori and her father at the CCU40 celebration.



United Way Update


urner Industries’ 2016-17 campaign has wrapped up, and we are proud to announce that Turner and its employees pledged over $1.8 million to over 200 United Way agencies nationwide. United Way improves lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good. The issues United Way offices focus on are determined locally because communities differ. Our sincere thank you to all employees—together we can make a difference. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed as we received numerous awards for our most recent campaign: Top 5 Contributor - United Way of Acadiana Top 100 Contributor - United Way of Greater Houston Golden Eagle Award - Lamar County United Way Largest Increase of Employee Participation - United Way of Morgan County Top Ten Workforce Campaign - Capital Area United Way (Turner is #2) Employee Campaign Coordinator Award - Capital Area Way (Michelle Hardy) Excellence Award - Capital Area United Way

As a token of appreciation to those who participate in Turner’s campaign, a small gift is given to those who contribute on a “fair share,” “super share,” and “leadership” level. Also, Turner held a cash prize drawing among all those who participated. Below are this year’s winners: Super Share and Leadership Givers and Winners of a $1,000 Cash Prize: James Smith – Maintenance Operations Manager – Lake Charles, Louisiana Truc Thai Le – Engineering Checker – Pipe Fabrication Facility – Pasadena, Texas

“I know I speak for many when I say I could not be more proud to be a part of the Turner Industries family. Here, we not only support each other but also our neighbors and our communities.” – MICHELLE HARDY Campaign Coordinator, Turner Industries

James Gossett – Site Manager – Westlake Chemical – Longview, Texas Jose Guajardo Cantu – Pipefitter Helper – BASF – Pasadena, Texas Fair Share Givers and Winners of a $500 Cash Prize: Christopher Hardin – Superintendent – Shell – Geismar, Louisiana Bryan Meche – Maintenance Superintendent – Axiall – Lake Charles, Louisiana Clyde Diaville – NDT Supervisor/Asst. Radiation Safety Officer – Baton Rouge, Louisiana Cordale Williams – Scaffolding Foreman – Sasol – Lake Charles, Louisiana Keith Brewer – Boilermaker – Indorama Ventures Xylenes – Decatur, Alabama Gary Lebouf – Pipefitter – Axiall – Lake Charles, Louisiana Recurring Contributors and Winners of a $250 Cash Prize: David Halvorson – Rigging Foreman – Sasol – Lake Charles Mickey Fontenot – Boilermaker – Entergy Services – Lake Charles, Louisiana James Edwards II – Helper – Enterprise Products – Baytown, Texas Tyson Roberson – Pipefitter – Honeywell – Metropolis, Illinios


Dave Ellerbe, senior vice president and Bradley Evans, United Way board member and Turner superintendent with the Award from United Way of Morgan County.


Blast from the Past

Fuller’s Futuristic Dream Dome: One of the highest profile jobs Nichols Construction did while Bert Turner was working there, before he bought the company, was the construction of a 120 ft. tall, 384 ft. wide geodesic dome. The dome, designed by inventor and futurist R. Buckminster Fuller, housed Union Tank Car Co.’s comprehensive tank car service station. When it was completed in 1958, the dome was the largest clear-span structure in the United States.



Workforce Development

Recruiting, Training and Retaining our Most Important Asset – People.

Turner Industries Attends Career Forum Beaumont, Texas – Since 2011, the

nies answer questions about the career field

construction management pro-

and opportunities that make it one of the top

gram at Lamar University has

10 highest paying majors, where the median

hosted a career forum where stu-

annual wage was $85,630 in 2014. The Lamar

dents interested in construction

University program has a 100% placement rate

management careers learn about

of graduates into jobs with more than $50,000

different construction industries,

average starting salary.

Pictured are Lamar University Construction Management alumni Jarrod Sonnier ’13 and Colby Plaia ’12.

companies and career paths di-

Turner employees and Lamar University construction management alumni Jarrod Sonnier

rectly from people who work in

and Colby Plaia, represented Turner Industries at the event. Jarrod and Colby were both in-

the industry. Representatives from

strumental in getting the career forum started in 2011, during their studies at the university.

a variety of industries and compa-

Find your Future

Goose Creek ISD Tours Turner Industries’ Pipe Fabrication Facility Pasadena, Texas – Turner Industries supports Construction Maintenance Education Foundation's (CMEF) Construction Careers Youth Committee (CCYC) by sponsoring local high schools in the Houston region.

Goose Creek ISD's Stuart Career Cen-

ter is one of the schools sponsored by Turner Industries. Gregory Seals, Pictured left to right are Turner employees Wayne Tyson, workforce development manager; Bryan Gerace, workforce development coordinator; Brooke Roussel, NCCER coordinator and Raymond Neck, training manager.

pipefitting instructor at the Stuart Career Center in Baytown, Texas, brought thirty students to Turner's Pasadena fabrication facility for an overview of the fabrication industry. Apol Fonseca, Pasadena fabrication shop foreman and Jill Hill, fab-

Clinton, La. – Turner Industries participated in Lou-

rication HR manager, hosted a facility tour. The students attending the

isiana Research Center for Educator’s (LRCE) “Find

session have all completed the NCCER core curriculum and are currently

Your Future” expo—a career day for eight Louisi-

enrolled in the NCCER Pipefitting Level One class. Turner has hired stu-

ana high schools. Over nine hundred students from

dents right out of Goose Creek ISD's school programs in the past with

Baker, Zachary, Central, Port Allen, Point Coupee,

great success. On completion of the facility tour, the students spent

East Feliciana, West Feliciana and St. Helena parish

time with Carla Thompson, workforce development manager and Jill

attended the event.

Hill, for a presentation that included career pathways and soft skills needed for employment.

WELDING COMPETITION Bunkie, La. – Louisiana School for Agricultural Sciences (LaSas) is one of many Turner Industries’ Partner High Schools. Chad Gunnells, combo welder for Turner at ExxonMobil, volunteers during the evening welding classes on campus. Recently, the school held their district welding competition at the Bunkie campus. Barry LeBlanc and Shane Ledet, both from Turner’s QA/QC department, judged the competition.


Pictured with the winning students are Robin Moreau, welding instructor at LaSas High School and Chad Gunnel, combo welder, Turner.




Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

Baton Rouge, La. – Since 2009,

– Representatives

Turner Industries has adminis-

from Turner In-

tered NCCER crew leader classes.

dustries recent-

In January, the training depart-

ly attended the

ment reached a companywide



milestone, having 2000 employ-


ees complete the NCCER crew

during the 2017 ABC


Week. The event

Turner Reaches 2000 Mark

Turner workforce development coordinator Bryan Gerace, far right, with competing students sponsored by Turner.

leader class. The class teaches items essential to a new crew leader including (but not limited to) cultural issues, communication, orga-

was filled with dynamic guest speakers, educational

nizational structures, leadership, motivation, safety and project controls.

sessions and craft competitions. Contestants com-

For information on crew leader classes, please contact a Turner workforce

peted in the areas of welding and millwright, taking

development professional at your nearest personnel office.

both written and hands-on exams.


Student Recruitment Event Destrehan, La. – Turner representatives recently attended a student recruitment event for instrumentation at Destrehan High School. Students from Hahnville and Destrehan attended the all-day event. The purpose of the event was to get students interested in Instrumentation and encourage the students to enroll in the high school Instrumentation courses supported by the school. Turner representative, Kenneth Williams, demonstrated to the students the different tools an Instru-

Kenneth Williams, Turner field supervisor, talking to students.

ment Technician might use on a daily basis as well as discussing the different responsibilities of the job. About 100 students attended the event. Representation for Turner included Kenneth Williams, Tommy Priest, Catherine Glueck, and Bryan Gerace.

Turner Industries Donates Welding Supplies Mobile, Ala. – Wayne Tyson, Turner workforce development manager, dropped off 100 pounds of welding rods for the welding program at Bryant High School while visiting the south Alabama region. The rods will be used in welding classes at Bryant High School in Irvington, Alabama. Instructor, Ken Crenshaw, has developed a successful welding program at Bryant using his 25 plus years as a fabricator at Mitternight, Inc. Crenshaw teaches the technical and soft skills his students need for success. “Our program could not be successful without donations of materials from partners like Turner Industries,” said Crenshaw.

Bryant High School Instructor, Ken Crenshaw, receiving donated welding supplies with students.




How We Use Technology to Drive Client Success


An Update from Mission Control


uring any large software transition, training is a vital component to set the foundation for success. In the case of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (E1) Mission to Transition, the training and business systems staff have been diligently working to plan multiple approaches to aid in a smooth transition to E1. The key tool that we will use to deliver training is

E1 "Power Users" training.

an Oracle product called User Productivity Kit (UPK).

ILearnERP is a Denver, Colorado based consulting services company

UPK is a program that uses screen capture technolo-

specializing in the planning and creation of UPK training for Oracle Prod-

gy to develop interactive tutorials. The tutorials will

ucts such as EnterpriseOne. The iLearnERP consultants, led by company

provide the user with the opportunity to learn each

president Elizabeth Schriefer and Master Trainer/Developer Scott Arnold,

task by seeing and trying the process exactly as it

have been in Baton Rouge several times to help develop a strategic plan

looks and works inside of E1. These tutorials also have

for UPK training development and will be working closely with us as

the ability to integrate with the Help area inside of

we create and refine our training materials. They have and will be an

E1 for users to access relevant help at the moment

excellent resource as they have worked with many companies to create

they need it. In the months to come, these tutorials

UPK content to aid in transitions nationwide.

will also be used to make courses in Turner eLearning

The first stages of the training process have begun with the creation

that each department can use to train employees at

of an EnterpriseOne Common Foundations course which is currently in

any level on specific roles and tasks. The days of out-

the final review stages. We have also begun meeting and working with

dated paper manuals and departmental procedures

the Power Users to plan and develop UPK training for individual areas.

are finally over.

We are aiming to complete UPK development for online resources by

To customize training specifically to Turner In-

the end of May. At that time, instructor-led and online implementation

dustries, we have chosen to create our own content

of the training will begin and last through the EnterpriseOne “go live�

in collaboration with iLearnERP.

date which is mid-July, 2017.

021 21


TEAM Turner™ Night to Shine Baton Rouge, La. – TEAM Turner™ members volunteered at the 2017 “Night to Shine” event. A Night to Shine is a prom for people with special needs ages 14 and up, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation®, hosted by local churches. TEAM Turner members provided boutonnieres and corsages and decorated the Istrouma Baptist Church, where the event was held and volunteered during the event. On the night it was held, February 10, 2017, 375 churches from around the world hosted Night to Shine for 75,000 honored guests through the support of 150,000 volunteers. Night to Shine prom attendees.

Turner Industries Participated in Block-Kids Event Baton Rouge, La. – Jana Browning, account manager and local NAWIC chapter member, recently judged this year’s local Block-Kids event, held at Westdale elementary school. The Block-Kids Building Program is a national building program competition sponsored on the local level by NAWIC chapters and other organizations. The award-winning program introduces children to the construction industry in an effort to create an awareness of and to promote an interest in future careers in one of the many facets of the industry. The program is open to all elementary school children in grades K-6. The competition involves the construction of various structures with interlocking blocks and three of the following additional items: A small rock, string, foil

Pictured is Lilian, daughter of Elizabeth Beckham, Turner learning and development manager, who participated in this year’s event.

and poster board. Local winners advance to Regional Competition, and one semi-finalist

a project that is in some way related to the construction industry. Once com-

from each region is entered in the National

pleted, judges asked participants about their project. Some of the questions

Program competitions. National prizes are

they ask are “Why did they choose to build this project?”, “What do you like

awarded to the top three projects.

about it?”, and “How will it be used?”. Projects were based on oral presentation,

Kids were given a maximum of one hour to use their blocks and selected items to build

enthusiasm, creativity, use of materials, attention to detail and their reason for participation.



TEAM Turner™


Turner Industries Received Sustainer Spirit Award

Turner Industries Participates in “Fiesta de los Ninos”

Baton Rouge, La. –

Corpus Christ,

Turner recently re-

Texas – Turner

ceived a “Sustainer

Industries was

Spirit Award” from

a proud partici-

the Cystic Fibrosis

pant in the most

Foundation for our

recent “Fiesta



de los Ninos,”

of the organization.

a fundraising

TEAM Turner™ board

event benefit-

member, Kaci Forman,


accepted the award on


Children’s HosKaci Foreman

behalf of Turner at an

Pictured left to right are: Ruben Resendez, Flint Hill Resources; David Arreola, Turner and Lillian Helms, Turner.

pital held February 3rd. The goal for this year was to raise one million

appreciation dinner held at Sullivan’s Steakhouse

dollars for a new outpatient surgery center. This marked the 25th anni-

January 11th.

versary of the annual event and was held at the American Bank Center.

TEAM Turner™ Volunteers at Braille Challenge

Turner Industries Sponsored CASA Mardi Gras Party

Baton Rouge, La. - Each year, the Baton Rouge School for the Visually Impaired



Braille Challenge for its students, part of a national contest. The two-stage challenge is

Decatur, Ala. – The Carnegie Car-

designed to motivate

nival Mardi Gras Children’s Pa-

blind students in their

rade has become a yearly event.

study of braille, while

This year, the Court Appointed

rewarding their success

Special Advocates for Children






At the event, Turner volunteers were presented with a gift of appreciation.

Turner, held a pre-parade party

Any visually impaired student

to students of all skills levels with the top-scoring 50

for children in their program,

who reads braille is eligible to

contestants nationally being invited to Los Angeles

which included food games and

participate in the preliminary

for the Final Round. Braille Challenge contest cate-

craft activities. The parade fes-

Challenge contest.

gories include reading comprehension, braille speed

tivities also raised $4,000 to help

and accuracy, proofreading, spelling and reading tac-

in their efforts to advocate for

tile charts and graphs.

abused and neglected children

The Braille Challenge is held at 46 different sites throughout the United States and Canada. The preliminary round is open


(CASA) of Decatur, together with

After the challenge, Turner volunteers cooked and served lunch to the contestants and their families.

in their community.


News&Notes Thomas “Trey” Glascock

New President of United Way, Lamar County Texas Paris, Texas – United Way of Lamar County formally concluded the 2017 fundraising season at a luncheon held on February 15, 2017. Local businesses, organizations and leaders were invited to celebrate exceeding their goal and raising a total of $677,000.00 for the community. Speakers shared their stories of how United Way support improves the lives of people across the community. Turner employees from the Paris pipe fabrication division raised a total of $134,843.07 in donations for Lamar County. Thank you so much for your generosity, it is very much appreciated. During the luncheon, Thomas “Trey” Glascock, III, plant engineer at the Paris facility was introduced as the 2017 President of the United Way of Lamar County Board of Directors. Trey has served on the United Way Board of Directors for two years, most recently as the Vice President and Campaign Chair. Congratulations Trey and thank you for your continued service to the community.


Raymond (Ray) Reamey Master of Piping San Diego, Ca. – On January 25, 2017, at the ASME B31.1 code committee meeting, Ray Reamey, Turner director of quali-

League City, Texas – The Community College Petrochemical

ty was presented

Initiative (CCPI) sponsored the second annual "Women in

with the “Master

Industry" conference at the South Shore Harbor Resort on

of Power Piping”

Friday, February 17, 2017. Five hundred attendees heard


women speakers and panelists from the petrochemical

ASME B31.1 - Power

industry in the Houston region. Carla Thompson, workforce

Piping Committee.

development manager for Turner Industries presented a

Ray received the

session at the conference on soft skills necessary for em-

award for 27 years

ployment in our industry. Kristy Yantz, workforce devel-

of dedicated service

opment assistant, also attended the event.

as a member of the

The conference was geared towards all women; unemployed, underemployed, high school or college students and


the Pictured left to right are: Sam Sinha, chairman B31.1 Honors Subcommittee, Ray Reamey, Turner director of quality and chairman of the B31.1 Fabrication and Examination Subcommittee, Bill Mauro, chairman of the B31.1 Committee and Kristi Vilminot, vice-chairperson of the B31.1 Committee.

B31.1 Fabrication and Examination Subcommittee, the B31.1 Main Committee and the B31.1 Standards Committee.

veterans, who are looking for well-paying careers. Indus-

The award is given to committee members who have made

tries along the Texas Gulf Coast, due to plant expansions

significant contributions to the development, improvement and

and an aging workforce, wants to educate women on the

safety in the power piping industry over the years.

career opportunities in the region.





TURNER TIME Pasadena, Texas – Turner Industries had the privilege of participating in the Houston Business Roundtable’s and the Houston Area Safety Council’s (HASC) 30th Annual Safety Excellence Awards tailgate party on Friday, February 3, 2017, at the Pasadena Fairgrounds. The event, with booths themed around iconic TV shows, was attended by several thousand representatives of industrial sector owners and contractors

Turner employees Kathy Griffin, Scott Tanley and Russell Carter as the cast of "Turner Time."

throughout the Houston region. Turner business de-

Business development team members Scott Tanley, Kathy Griffin and

velopment and operations teams from the Houston area

Russell Carter played the cast of the TV show as Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor,

themed the Turner booth around the hit 90’s TV show,

helper Heidi Keppert and co-host Al Borland at Turner’s booth, while other

“Home Improvement,” and its show within the show,

business development members, maintenance, procurement, Turner Spe-

“Tool Time,” using the titles “Safety Improvement” and

cialty Services, crane and rigging and turnarounds supported our presence

“Turner Time.”

at the event.

Turner Industries Supports Texas Coastal Conservation Association

Turner Industries Hosts High School Job Shadowing

Corpus Christi, Texas – Lillian Helms, Tommy Tingle and Joe Zeppuhar, Turner Industries, attended the 39th Texas Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) – Corpus Christi Chapter annual


Pictured are Tommy Tingle, Turner; Lillian Helms, Turner and their guest at the event, Ruben Resendez, Flint Hills.


Senior Vice President David Guitreau and St. Joseph's Academy student Patricia Hodges.

Baton Rouge, La. – Each year, seniors at St. Joseph’s Academy High

quet fundraiser. Started by fishermen in 1977 to protect

School get the opportunity to do a day of job shadowing. It is

the well-being of marine life in coastal waters, the CCA

the student’s responsibility to contact any business she wishes

has 228 chapters in 19 states with over 120,000 members.

to visit and make arrangements. In March 2017, Turner had the

Locally, the “Habitat Today for Fish Tomorrow” program

pleasure of hosting Patricia Hodges. Patricia has been accepted

protects and supports projects of coastal fisheries and

to the University of Alabama in Birmingham and is planning to

essential fish habitat. Funds from this program support

study computer and electrical engineering. She spent the day

recreational fishermen through the development of game

with Senior Vice President David Guitreau and Project Controls

fish stocks at the CCA Marine Development Center, support

Manager Andy McCracken learning about our industry and what

habitat restoration projects and help local game wardens.

skill sets a graduate needs to start a career with Turner.


About Us T

urner Industries provides a single solution in heavy industrial construction, maintenance, turnaround, pipe and module fabrication, equipment, rigging and specialized transportation, and associated specialty services. With $2.6B in 2016 revenue, Engineering News-Record Sourcebook ranks Turner the number one industrial maintenance contractor in the United States, and the number one contractor in Texas and Louisiana. The company, headquartered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, employs 18,000+ and works across the United States. SERVICE OFFERINGS


REGIONAL OFFICES TEXAS Houston Point Comfort Beaumont

Corpus Christi Paris Freeport

LOUISIANA Baton Rouge Lake Charles Monroe Port Allen Corporate Office


Division/Regional Office


New Orleans Hodge LaPlace


FLORIDA Pensacola





Chairman & CEO

Vice Chairman & President

Chief Operating Officer



(800) 288-6503 026

P.O. Box 2750 Baton Rouge, LA  70821




©Turner Industries Group, LLC, 2017. All Rights Reserved. Except for any owned by others, all trademarks, trade names and other intellectual property rights referenced herein are exclusively the property of or licensed by Turner Industries Group, LLC.

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