A lway s E m b r a c e d
are extolled throughout the Vedic scriptures. In the Skanda Puräëa, which is the largest Puräëa containing 81,100 verses, there is one section dedicated to Lord Jagannätha and Orissa titled Utkala-khaëòa. Also, in the Çré Caitanya-bhägavata of Çréla Våndävana däsa Öhäkura the glories of Orissa are explained and in his commentary on this very wonderful book Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura Prabhupäda writes between twelve to fourteen pages just on the glories of Bhubaneswar.*
* For more information on this topic please see the book: The Glories of Çré Bhuvaneçvara and Bindu-sarovara, by Tattva Vicära Publications.