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Message from Governor Bob Harper Hey Everyone! Our Tidewater Chapter is doing well and off to a great start in 2016. Our recent meetings have been interesting and well attended! Thanks to all for making this happen. Several new members have joined our ranks—Chris Marczak, Casey Scalf, Jim Arend, Anita Pearson, and Harry Gerwien. Our organization always needs new members, so whenever we see another photographer at work, we should consider asking that person to join us for our next meeting. For our April meeting, Tracy McGee is planning a very interesting and informative program on print competition. We have several members who do exceptionally well at print competition—Anne Companion, Joan Walker, Becky Clark, and Bill Grace, to name just a few— and Tracy always distinguishes herself every time she enters. Please join us to learn some of her secrets in how she approaches this all important subject each year. Our May meeting will feature Michael Patch with a program on Architecture Photography. Michael is a member of the Northern District and he is known for his excellent architectural photography. This program will be great! In June, we will have Lezandra Persinger, a boudoir photographer from Virginia Beach. And, we will look forward to our Summer Social in July. Our VPPA Summer Seminar will be in Fredericksburg, August 20-22, with a Ben Shirk Workshop from August 23-25. Ben Shirk is one of our most renowned photographers and recently won third place in the World Cup. He is a master of the composite image, so his workshop promises to be a game changer. Again, I encourage all to help our organization grow. Invite prospective new members to attend our meetings and let me know if you have ideas for programs you would like to have presented. Bob,

March Meeting We had a great turnout at the March meeting. Our new member Casey Scalf hosted the meeting at her studio (Storybook Studios) located at 1320 Kempsville Rd in Chesapeake. Joan Walker presented a program on stock photography. Many thanks.

April 25, 2016, Meeting NOTE DATE CHANGE to Monday, April 25. April meeting will be hosted by Kaiser Custom Images, 401 Waters Rd, Chesapeake, VA 23322 Social hour begins at 6:30. Meeting begins at 7:30. See information below to learn more about Tracy McGee and Jeff Kaiser and their presentation. Attend day or evening session or both.


PLANNING AHEAD Next year’s VPPA convention with a Rock Star theme will be held in Roanoke, VA.

Chapter Officers GOVERNOR Bob Harper, CPP, AFP bob@bobharperphotography.com (757) 325-8300 LT. GOVERNOR Anne Companion, CPP info@annecompanionphotography.com (757) 630-5860 TREASURER Steven Radcliffe slrimagery@gmail.com SECRETARY Joan Grippo joan11488@aol.com 757-721-6132

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