Message from Governor Bob Harper Summer Seminar held August 20-25 was well attended and offered instruction on Lightroom workflow by Anthony Rumley and Creative B&W character portraits of children by Pete Rezac. The last two days was devoted to the Ben Shirk Workshop. We have a good line up of speakers to complete the year. Check the schedule of events included in this newsletter. Bob,
September Meeting – September 19 at Bob Harper’s studio: Bob Harper Photography 120 West Queens Way Suite 101 Hampton, VA 23669 Speaker is Tom Carmine. Tom is a CPA who will discuss the steps to take to become (and operate as) a legal photography business in Virginia. He will provide his PDF slides from his presentation prior to the meeting so we will be prepared with questions that may of concern.
October Meeting –
Two items of interest:
1. We will ask for Nominations for Tidewater Officers in general and in particular the Office of Secretary. 2. Don Aittama will present a class on Lightroom.
November Meeting – Two items of interest: 1. We will hold our annual Election of Officers. 2. VPPA Print Competition Chair Jamie Hayes will offer Print Critiques for those interested in submitting images at the VPPA convention in February.
December Meeting – Holiday Social
PLANNING AHEAD Next year’s VPPA convention with a Rock Star theme will be held in Roanoke, VA. Chapter Officers GOVERNOR Bob Harper, CPP, AFP (757) 325-8300 LT. GOVERNOR Anne Companion, CPP (757) 630-5860 TREASURER Steven Radcliffe SECRETARY Joan Grippo 757-721-6132