VPPA Tidewater District February Newsletter

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2015 Convention! The convention is almost here! Tracy McGee has

been hard at work putting

together what is sure to be a fantastic five days but we

need many sets of hands to make sure everything goes smoothly, so be sure to let

Tracy know if you can help! If you are entering the print competition don't forget to register at

www.printcompetition.com and upload your entries

there. This year you can

enter digital images only if you choose, or you also

still enter prints; the print case must be turned in by 4pm Friday.

We have a great line-up of speakers for the convention; Friday we will hear from Anthony Marill, Bob Coates and Lisa Dillon; Saturday along with the print

judging David Fitzsimmons and Brad Barton will be speaking, Sunday we will

have the trade show and hear from Scott Strimple and Clay Blackmore, Monday we have MaryAnn Talamo and Keith and Holly Howe, and finally Tuesday Lindsay

Adler will be speaking. Looking forward to see everyone there!

Past and future local meetings Our meeting for January was held at Bob Harper’s studio in downtown Hampton, VA. We had a good turnout and, following the social hour, were privileged to hear from Bill Kemp, Kemp Productions, Inc., from Virginia Beach, whom many of us know well. Bill’s presentation, “Realizing our Vision on Paper,” covered fine art printing considerations and was invaluable to many of us. Bill covered color spaces, printing software such as RIPs, a suggested workflow, as well as many other facets designed to deliver the very best print quality to clients. Very informative and forthcoming, Bill answered all our questions and remained afterwards to field additional ones. He also discussed printing for competition and made himself available to us for consultation and assistance where needed.

He may be reached

at wjkemp@mac.om or 757-306-1802. A couple of Bill's presentation is posted at https://www.facebook.com/groups/twdistrictvppa/ The March meeting will be held on SUNDAY, March 22nd, beginning with a shoot out with VPPA's own Barbi Barnum at Fort Monroe from 4-6pm, followed by a meeting, location TBA.

Local members in the news Imaging USA was held in Nashville February 1-4 and several Tidewater members were honored for their achievements! At the Grand Imaging Awards February 2nd Anne Companion and Tracy McGee were among the Gold medalists recognized from the 2014 IPC and at the Degree ceremony February 3rd Tracy, Erin Clark and Richie Gregory all received their Master of Photography degree. Congratulations!

Chapter Officers GOVERNOR Erin L. Clark, CPP images@enephoto.com (757) 472-2955 LT. GOVERNOR Bob Harper, CPP bob@bobharperphotography.com (757) 325-8300 TREASURER Steven Radcliffe


SECRETARY Anne Companion, CPP info@annecompanionphotography.com (757) 630-5860

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