VPPA Tidewater October 2016 newsletter

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Message from Governor Bob Harper Summer Seminar, held August 20-25 was well attended and offered instruction on Lightroom workflow by Anthony Rumley and Creative B&W character portraits of children by Pete Rezac. The last two days was devoted to the Ben Shirk Workshop. We have a good line up of speakers to complete the year; check the schedule of events included in this newsletter. At the September meeting CPA Tom Carmine spoke about the steps to becoming and operating a legal photography business in Virginia. A copy of his slideshow has been uploaded to the VPPA Tidewater page for those who were unable to attend. Bob,

October Meeting This month’s meeting will be held October 17th (social hour starts at 6:30pm, meeting starts at 7:30pm) at Erin Clark’s studio, 1777 London Bridge Rd, Virginia Beach and our speaker will be Don Aittama, M.Photog., CPP, FP Don’s program will cover the basics of setting up and using the Library Module in Photoshop Lightroom CC and conclude with a comprehensive survey of all of the adjustments and tools in the Develop Module. Also included will be instruction on how to automate any adjustments you want applied to all images. During this program Don will show how to take dull, flat looking images and make them look stunning! Many of you probably already know Don from the VPPA, but here’s a little more about him that you might not know! Don’s first camera in 1966 was a $20 35mm

Sears rangefinder camera that had no light meter and was completely manual. All settings for aperture and shutter speed had to be manually set. Don learned photography with this camera and quickly learned how to get good exposures without using a light meter. Don took a lot of pictures with this camera during his junior high school and high school years. After starting a career as an accountant in 1983, Don set aside his camera and with the exception of occasional family pictures, rarely took it out. In 2001 Don received a digital camera for Christmas and became interested in photography again. This led to a strong interest in pursuing professional photography as a second career and he started photographing weddings in 2004. Don joined the PPA in 2005 and the VPPA in 2008. Don’s accomplishments so far include completing the CPP Exam in 2010, PPA Silver Level Photographer of the Year awards in 2011 and 2015, PPA Gold Level Photographer of the Year in 2016 and the PPA Master of Photography degree in 2016. Don also has six PPA loan collection images. Don retired from accounting in 2015 and looks forward to working with fine art photography as well as being a mentor for other photographers. Don also serves as the Executive Treasurer for the VPPA. Don is married and his wife Julie occasionally works with him in his photography assignments. They have two daughters and a new grandson.

******We will ask for Nominations for Tidewater Officers in general and in particular the Office of Secretary at this month’s meeting.*****

November Meeting – Two items of interest: 1. We will hold our annual Election of Officers. 2. VPPA Print Competition Chair Jamie Hayes will offer Print Critiques for those interested in submitting images at the VPPA convention in February. If you would like to have your image(s) critiqued upload them in a Dropbox folder and share it with Jamie@hayesandfisk.com

December Meeting – Holiday Social—Time and place TBA!

PLANNING AHEAD Next year’s VPPA convention with a Rock Star theme will be held in Roanoke, VA.

Chapter Officers GOVERNOR Bob Harper, CPP, AFP bob@bobharperphotography.com (757) 325­8300 LT. GOVERNOR Anne Companion, CPP info@annecompanionphotography.com (757) 630­5860 TREASURER Steven Radcliffe slrimagery@gmail.com SECRETARY Joan Grippo joan11488@aol.com 757­721­6132

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