PUBLISHER’S NOTE Collaborate to Innovate in Your Business! Women love to collaborate. We do everything together, from shopping to starting businesses. When we gather together with like-minded, like-hearted women, we are energized and inspired. Sometimes these connections make us feel invincible. Other times, we come up with brilliant ideas or solutions that allow us to create something new and wonderful. I am so excited about our issue this month because our cover feature highlights the three founders of Threads Worldwide. Kara, Angela and Lindsay have built a socially responsible company that uses a direct sales business model to sell fair trade, artisan’s goods produced by women on four continents: Africa, Asia, and North and South America. This is a collaboration worth learning more about. Collaboration can support you in finding new ways of doing things that you have been doing for a long time. It can invigorate a place in your business where you are struggling and provide simple solutions you just could not see for yourself. The story of these three women, who became best friends after a road trip across the country, may have you looking differently at your business and at those around you. Collaboration could be the key to your business thriving in a whole new way. As you read this issue, think about your business with an eye for collaboration. Think about where in your business you can use some support or innovation. Think about someone or a group of people who might be able to help or simply bounce some ideas off of. A little collaboration could make a huge difference. In your pursuit of collaboration, be sure to take a look at the events listed on our site. We also have more great articles and podcasts to support you at You will get great ideas and be uplifted from hearing about how others run their businesses.
To Your Thriving Success! Caterina Rando 2
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Collaborate and Change the World
by Caterina Rando Threads Worldwide is a direct sales company that sells fair trade jewelry and accessories. Its three founders, Kara Wiegand, Angela Melfi (Yost), and Lindsay Murphy (Herron), came up with the idea during their travels to developing countries where they saw the limitations women face to earn an income and contribute to their families. They realized they could help these women have a huge impact on their families and in their communities if they had access to sell their goods in a thriving market like the United States. When these three friends started the company, they had never worked together before so it was new territory to navigate. They had intense conversations in the beginning about who would do what. Eventually they sorted out the roles by who had the most experience or the most interest in a particular project. Over time, they learned how to leverage their unique talents, skill sets and passions to propel Threads forward. The core values that lead this company are fair trade, integrity, partnership and collaboration. When they come to a tough decision, they ask themselves, “What is the right thing to do for the business and for everyone we collaborate with?” They usually see a clear choice. Collaboration permeates every aspect of this business. These innovative entrepreneurs have created a collaborative partnership between the artisan partners who create the gorgeous products and those who represent and sell them. Additionally, they focus on collaborating with complementary organizations who share their vision to create a happier, healthier and more inspired world. The three founders advise women in business to take the first step or the next step. They tell them not to spend time wondering if something is right or thinking about what might happen. They say, “Nothing gets done between our ears.” It is only in action that we get to fail and correct course or succeed. This company is in major expansion. They are looking for women who want to make a difference with a full-time or part-time business. They would love to hear from you. Visit, or send an email to Find Threads on Facebook at www.facebook. com/threadsworldwide on Pinterest: ThreadsWW, or on Instagram at threadsworldwide. 4
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8) Similar Brand Attributes Can Lead to Win-Win Collaborations! By Tammy Tribble 10) Boost Your Marketing with Collaboration By Linda Basso 12) Collaboration: A Deep Personal Connection By Linda Lenore 14) Technology Makes it so Easy to Collaborate with Your Bookkeeper! By Candy Messer 16) Collaboration is Fun and Rewarding By Lee Richter 18) Leadership Qualities that Increase Productivity By Bibi Goldstein 20) Cultivate Collaboration and Catapult Your Business By Caterina Rando 6
22) You Need Help. Weenie or Winner? By Debbie Mrazek
34) The Support You Need: A Personal Board of Directors By Susan Tolles
24) Collaborate with a Professional to Do a Job that’s Impossible to Do by Yourself By Marion Gellatly
36) Three Powerful Ways to Use Social Media to Collaborate By Diana Morgan
26) Critical Elements for Creating a Successful Best-Seller Book Launch By Robbin Simons 28) A Lesson from a Comedian and a Singer By Jenenne Macklin 30) Commercial Leasing 101 By Nancy Lewellen, Esq. 32) How Do You Handle Acknowledgment? By Andrea Woolf
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38) Is Your Team All Pulling in the Same Direction? By Laurie Zerga 40) Are You Making a Profit in Your Business? By Minette Riordan 42) Planning for Social Security By Lu Casillas
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44) Three Ways to Unleash Your Creative Mojo By Tobey Allen 46) How Do You Know When to Leap? By Laura Gisborne Visit for expert interviews
More than referrals: You can collaborate with information products sold on each other’s sites, share site links and feature each other in your email newsletter.
By Tammy Tribble
Attract quality collaborations: Have a strong brand that communicates clearly and concisely what you do, who you do it for, and the benefits. It should look professional, with quality design that attracts both your ideal clients and ideal collaborations! I am always happy to help. 510-881-8446,
Brand attributes, or core values, represent the essence of your brand and help distinguish you from your competition. They include character, beliefs, values and personality traits. They not only attract your ideal peeps, but also amazing collaborations. Identify your brand attributes: List six to eight words that represent you. A few of mine are: Positive, Energetic, Creative, Integrity, Team Player, and Problem Solver. Remember, this is organic and your attributes change and develop in conjunction with your business.
Tammy Tribble is the founder of Mimetic Design Systems, Inc., where she works with entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and business owners who are ready to stand out from the crowd and make a difference within their target markets. She is a branding specialist, providing businesses with communication and marketing materials designed to tell everyone about their amazing business. She helps her clients fulfill their dreams and make their vision a reality! Contact Tammy at 510-881-8446, or
Find peeps to collaborate with: Look for people and businesses that are in alignment with your brand attributes. I like to use the phone test: If you think "Ugh" when you see someone’s name on the caller ID, they’re probably not a good match. If you smile and look forward to the conversation, that is a great sign! The power of collaboration: You cannot be all things to all people, and collaborations can be value-added for your clients. For example, Caterina Rando serves entrepreneurs in having a thriving business. She does not provide graphic design; she collaborates with designers like me to provide her clients with a referral that is in alignment with her brand. Think about whom you serve. What are your community’s needs and who do you feel good about referring your clients to. List the collaborative relationships you’re using now and the ones you want to add.
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COLLABORATION ISSUE BOOST YOUR MARKETING with Collaboration By Linda Basso Marketing is enhanced with collaboration. There are simply too many parts and functions to do them all well while running a great business. You’ll be well-served if you focus on creating successful collaborations with vendors to do your marketing as well as partners that you can comarket with. It can enhance your wellbeing to be part of a supported team rather than an isolated solopreneur. It also allows you to make a deeper difference in the world as you free up time and energy to grow your business or to work in your highest state.
them are what makes them blossom. Expect to pay well for talent and contribution, just as you expect to earn that for your own work. • Know that it’s a process. Start small and be willing to build on that. It takes patience and repeated input to craft a successful, long-term relationship. Don’t look for quick wins, look for incremental forward movement. Linda Basso is a marketing coach with a spiritual attitude that supports entrepreneurs in growing their businesses, their impact and their revenue. Her four pillars of spiritual marketing can help you get the results you want, be real and have fun while you do it. For 22 years, she has created brands and campaigns for Kimpton® Hotels & Restaurants, Jamba Juice®, Disney®, and many small businesses. She has helped her clients win many awards, along with placements in publications such as The Wall Street Journal®, TIME® Magazine, and the front cover of WIRED® magazine. Reach her at 510-381-3094 or
Collaborations are successful when you: • Believe that other people can support you. Get assistance in clearing out earlier experiences of betrayal, hurt or loss. Own your background and behave accordingly. Even if you’ve done lots, not having successful collaborations means there’s more to clear. • Clearly share your expectations, desires and outcomes. Indirect or unspoken ideas can squelch a potentially successful collaboration. Don’t worry about being abrupt or too direct. Others generally appreciate the clear boundaries. • Expect the best. When you assume there are amazing, talented people who are a perfect fit for you in the world, there are. When you worry that there is no one who can do it as well as you, there they are. • Plan to spend money and time. Collaborative efforts generally pay off over time. Like all relationships, the time and resources you invest in
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This “partnership” corner is tucked in backaway from the front of the buildingto protect and nurture qualities needed for the most powerful collaborations. These qualities are connections to: 1) your inner child, 2) nurturing mother and 3) Higher Power.
By Linda Lenore
Honor this area and its qualities by cleaning, organizing and beautifying to achieve the main Feng Shui collaboration principle: “Let your Light shine, work together and focus on the highest good for Mother Earth and humankind.”
Within schools of Feng Shui, some highlight and blend the qualities of collaboration very nicely. (Feng Shui is The Ancient Asian Art of Placement. There are about a dozen different main schools with adaptations within them around the world.) Some Feng Shui schools are more linear or left-brain focused. Others bring into play right-brain qualities of intuition, creativity, emotions and spirituality. This article focuses on right-brain focused schools with their deep, powerful Higher Power connection.
Linda Lenore is a Feng Shui Master, Certified Green Building Professional and vital office/home consultant whose clients include Adobe®, Bank of the West®, Ritz-Carlton® and international personalities. Quoted as an “expert” in the Wall Street Journal®, Christian Science Monitor®, San Jose Mercury News® (front page), Better Homes & Gardens® publications, and European documentaries, she’s known for creating corporate and home environments that stimulate success and soothe the soul. A bestselling and award-winning author, international columnist and former University of California faculty member, her amazing Hallmark® Channel segment, Lifetime Media appearances, and presentations have inspired audiences through design, ancient wisdoms and stories. Linda is known as “The Healing Designer.” Linda can be reached at
Relationships and Partnerships Look up “collaboration” in a thesaurus and you’ll find the synonyms: teamwork, partnership, alliance, relationship and cooperation. The dictionary says: “a working together.” Feng Shui schools using the Ba-Gua Map actually have an area known as the “Relationship or Partnership” corner. It is located in the back right corner of a home, office or business when you divide the space into thirds both directions. Hence, the space is segmented into a three by three form, be it a square or rectangle. This results in nine smaller, yet equal, squares or rectangular shapes or areas. An Alliance with Source or Higher Power Whether you use the word relationship, partnership, alliance or collaboration, each refers to the connection between people working together toward a common goal. Couples work together in marriages. Realtors collaborate with buyers, sellers, lenders and title companies to transfer a building’s ownership. 12
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One misconception is that your bookkeeper must be local to you. With technology, you can collaborate with someone anywhere in the world. If you are ready to offload this task, contact us to see if we are a good fit for you!
By Candy Messer Are you a small business owner trying to do it all including handling your own bookkeeping? Are you afraid it would take too much effort to get information to someone in order for them to help you? Technology makes it so easy to collaborate, allowing you to offload this task!
Candy Messer is President of Affordable Bookkeeping and Payroll Services and energizes business owners by removing the burden of the bookkeeping and payroll processing from their shoulders. With 15 years of experience, Candy understands the stresses business owners face and offers customized services to meet their varying needs, including bookkeeping, payroll, Quickbooks consulting, and bill pay services. Candy works with service-based business owners who are overwhelmed with the paperwork required to stay in compliance for filings and frees them to focus on what they love to grow their businesses. Visit her website at for more information.
There are numerous ways your bookkeeper can help. If you need access to your QuickBooks速 file, remote access into your computer is one option if you are currently using the desktop version. QuickBooks online is another way owner and bookkeeper can collaborate. Hosting the data file in a shared folder in the cloud is another. We use all of these options with our clients depending on their specific needs. As a client, you may not even have to send much, if any, documentation. Readonly access allows bookkeepers the ability to log in to your bank account, view checks cashed, and download statements to reconcile. Third-party software often can sync with QuickBooks posting transactions (although I don't recommend using every sync that is offered. Sometimes it's too much data, so talk to your bookkeeper to determine which are right for you). I have a few favorites I recommend to clients when I hear their needs and determine which method of working together is best. And technology is ever changing, so there may be a better solution to your situation in the very near future. Having a bookkeeper familiar with better solutions is important as well.
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When I go to work, I am excited to see what my amazing team and I will create together. We love to bring value to our customers, our community and the world. We brainstorm with our customers and ask them what would improve their experience. Through collaboration, we make a plan and a timeline of what we want to accomplish, and then the magic happens. We organize our resources and time to accomplish our dreams.
Because of our client’s needs and their feedback, we collaborated with experts to develop a creative and loving way to change the ending to their story. We replaced grief and sorrow with a joyful memory. Working alongside like-minded, positive and creative people fulfills my dreams of making a BIG difference in the world! Lee Richter is an innovator and for more than 30 years, she has built successful and dynamic community-driven businesses. Her unique vision and system generate massive results, proven by her highly successful companies, which produce millions of dollars, hundreds of jobs, support communities and educate thousands of people all over the world. Lee has been working with happiness experts for many years and is her passion project she shares with the world.
• We focus on WHAT we are doing and WHO is on the development team. • We plan HOW and WHEN we are going to do it. • We determine WHY we want to do it. When we are clear on WHY, everything falls into place with ease. For example, at, we help people take the best care of their pets. We noticed that people who have to say goodbye to their beloved pet often need more support and understanding. In an effort to make a positive impact we developed a program to help clients through this challenging time. When we asked ourselves WHY we wanted to do this, we realized that we could make a BIG difference in the lives of others and help them through the loss of a loved one. Helping others is very rewarding. Through collaboration with vendors, community experts, authors, and our team, we now have a Biodegradable Urn that clients can use to plant the ashes of their beloved pet and to grow a tree. 16
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LEADERSHIP QUALITIES that Increase Productivity By Bibi Goldstein As individuals, we all have those skills or tools that we use to be productive, whether it’s a work ethic that some believe could be genetic or a project management system that keeps us focused on deadlines and deliverables. I’ve been curious lately about how productivity comes from motivation and motivation directly relates to environmental variables, specifically in the area of leadership. Whether you work with a traditional boss or have many bosses in clients, the truth is when you are inspired and motivated by them it’s easier to be productive. This is also true working with a team; those surrounding us as peers can inspire and motivate us to get things done. They have qualities of a leader without having the title. What are those qualities? Here’s my short list I believe are directly related to affecting productivity: Kind but direct, respectful, collaborative, empathetic, sets clear and obtainable goals or deadlines, motivating, problem-solving, inspiring, appreciative, energetic, enthusiastic, encouraging and empowering. In doing some of this research on the topic, I looked at my own leadership qualities. I discovered there were several areas in which I was hurting our team’s productivity and quickly began addressing those. Then I took a good look at my clients and realized that those who embodied these qualities were the people with whom I truly enjoyed working. As I begin my 10th year of Buying Time, I realize one quality that has helped to build my business to what it is today, and that I believe directly relates to our day-to-day productivity, is change. We grow through learning and evolving from each other, from our clients, from our mistakes, from our victories and from great leaders in all industries. Change gives us the opportunity to do it better the next time. Bibi Goldstein is the founder and CEO of Buying Time LLC, a virtual assistant service, serving small businesses and entrepreneurs around the globe. Bibi is a speaker, author and time management guru. Connect with Bibi on her website
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and Catapult Your Business By Caterina Rando When you shine the spotlight on collaboration, you will generate more ideas, have more people to bring forth their talents, and might even amaze yourself with what happens. To get started: Get clear on what you are good at and what you are not so good at. Put people on your team who are masterful at the skills you lack. Find people you think are amazing and ask them what they think about your business challenges. They will have a different perspective that could fill a gap in your business. Create your criteria for collaboration. Just because someone is smart or a company is successful does not mean they are a match for you. Be sure that those you partner with have the same values and professional standards as you. Respect and trust for individuals are as important as their impressive skills or expertise.
COLLABORATION ISSUE collaborate with someone new, start slow or work on a small project. This can be your trial run before you move forward with future bigger and better projects. Embrace these proven ideas to cultivate collaboration throughout your business to ensure more innovation, ease and maybe even something new and exciting. Caterina Rando is a master business coach for women, a sought-after speaker and the publisher of this magazine. See all that Caterina has to offer women entrepreneurs at
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Notice who energizes you when they are around. Pay attention to your colleagues, friends or other businesses that you spend time with. If the conversation flows easily and the time passes quickly, you could have high collaboration compatibility with these people. Think about how they can support you in your business or how you could partner on a project. Get outside of your specialty. Sometimes, business owners focus so much on what is happening in their industry that they never look up to see what is going on elsewhere. Go to a workshop, meeting or conference that is in an area that you know little about. Go where you do not think a lot will be over your head. What you will find are new ideas. You will see new ways of doing things and you will also meet some people who may be great to collaborate with. Start small and slow. When we are looking forward to a collaboration or the potential results of a collaboration, we could jump right in. Instead, when you 20
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COLLABORATION ISSUE YOU NEED HELP. Weenie or Winner? By Debbie Mrazek Why is it that as women, we think we have to do everything by ourselves? Why can’t we ask for help? Yet what happens anywhere, anytime, every day that is truly done by only one person? Nothing! In sales, people often think that if they ask for help, they will lose their competitive advantage or appear weak. Seriously? The reality is that could not be further from the truth. Do you really believe you know everything about everything? I know you don’t, but you are trying to act as if you do. Let’s stop that today. People have been collaborating to help one another since the beginning of timebillions of people. So why reinvent the wheel? Why not figure out who is in your world who would love to collaborate with you?
Here are some people who love to collaborate to make your sales great:
• • • • • • •
Marketing professionals Customers Competitors Trusted advisors Vendors Banks Your team
Each of them want to help you create new opportunities, work with you on an ongoing basis, develop win-win opportunities, see you succeedyes, your 22
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good competitors do! Like you, they want the bad competitors to go away. These people want to help make it easier not harder to do what you do best! Why not give yourself a goal? Make a plan to reach out to others for just one month, and share what you want to try, want to do better, want to stop doing. Trust me, all those brains will work together to help you do more than you could have imagined possible. Many brains are really better than one!
You are only a weenie if you don’t try! Be a winner this month. Collaborate! Debbie Mrazek is president of The Sales Company, a Texasbased firm that is helping hundreds of entrepreneurs, individuals and corporations better assess, understand and engage in practical, purposeful selling. With “Mrazek Energy”believed to be from another world, since it is a constant flow of happiness and enthusiasmDebbie teaches the tools and techniques and how to transform them into S-A-L-E-S for YOU.
The Sales Company puts a little caffeine in your sales. T H E
Be the competition. Contact Debbie Mrazek
972 618 1880
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All About Business
COLLABORATE WITH A PROFESSIONAL to Do a Job that’s Impossible to Do by Yourself By Marion Gellatly, AICI CIM Do you have a wardrobe headache? You see four outfit ideas out of a closet stuffed with clothes. You feel bored by everything you own. You feel despair. You wonder why this continues to be a problem. You’re sure it’s a hopeless cause. If this is the year you want to make sense of your wardrobe, consider collaborating with a certified image master. Your first step is to call and interview her to ensure she has the experience and knowledge to guide you. If she’s the right match, make an appointment and let the collaboration begin. She will learn about your lifestyle, preferences, body shape, coloring, goals, and budget, and work with you to deliver the results you’ve been wanting.
COLLABORATION ISSUE I am that experienced and certified image and wardrobe master, and I’d love to collaborate with you to make working together easyeither in person or virtually. This is a smart investment in You and your business! Marion Gellatly has made it her job to help women gain confidence in dressing to support their professional goals and personal brand. She is passionate about educating women so they can confidently master the nuances of their visual communication, a big part of which is professional appearance. Marion is an engaging speaker, author, and recognized leader in the field of image management and has been supporting women for over 20 years. Marion can be reached at
She sees your frustration and hopelessness as perfectly normal responses to a situation she’s seen countless times in her career. But instead of feeling hopeless too, she’s filled with excitement and anticipation over all the possibilities. She can create outfits that will thrill you. If you’re missing key ingredients, she’ll take you shopping in person or online. You will say over and over again, “Wow, I never would have thought of that!” She sees the potential in garments that work for you, and will explain why they work. Your wardrobe will suddenly look inviting! The results of this collaboration will pay dividends in ways you can’t even imagine. Problems will vanish and you’ll feel lighter and happier! Once you realize there are professionals who handle this part your life, you won’t return to the bad old days when you tried doing it yourself.
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out every action you need to take and the timing sequence. This keeps you organized so you can relax and truly enjoy the magical feeling of finally becoming the published author you’ve wanted to be for so longwhich is my wish for you.
By Robbin Simons To be honest, I’m not crazy about coaches and consultants who promise they can make you a best-seller in a couple of weeks or even in a weekend. I don’t believe anyone can authentically make that claim, because there are a lot of elements that go into creating a best-seller. And truthfully, it’s very difficult to manipulate Amazon® to do this. It seems that every time we figure out some kind of process, strategy or system for creating best-sellers, Amazon changes its ranking algorithms or the rules for qualifying.
Robbin Simons, founder and CEO of Crescendo Publishing, is the leading expert on lead-generation book publishing and platform growth. Through her exclusive publishing programs, she takes aspiring author-preneurs from idea to published author in 90 days and to-date, has a 100 percent success rate in creating Amazon® best-sellers. In addition to being the best-selling author of multiple books herself, Robbin’s work has been featured in many online and offline media outlets, and her authors have been featured in major television and print media outlets including Forbes®, NBC’s Today Show, Huffington Post, The Dr. Oz Show, USA Network and many more. Connect with Robbin at or at
What I can tell you is that for many of the authors I’ve worked with, I have discovered that there are some key elements necessary for each best-seller I’ve launched. Here are three of them: 1. Category selection. With Amazon, you get to choose two categories. Check out other books in the categories you prefer first, then investigate and consider alternative categories if the competition is too steep in your first choices. 2. Community. Your tribe and the tribes of any other experts you can partner with can create killer momentum for creating a best-seller. Leverage your community and the communities of others. 3. A step-by-step marketing plan. You would be surprised at the number of entrepreneur authors who publish a book, fail to do any sort of marketing around it, and still expect it to sell like hot cakes! There are so many moving parts involved in creating a best-seller marketing campaign, so it’s helpful to have a proven, step-by-step project plan that lays 26
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COLLABORATION ISSUE A LESSON FROM a Comedian and a Singer By Jenenne Macklin One of the biggest elements and opportunities to cultivate on the entrepreneurial journey is the power of collaboration. Hellen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get stuck in doing everything alone and on your own. It’s also lonely and hard. You spend a great deal of time working “in” your business rather than “on” your business. One of the solutions is to develop relationships in which collaborations are an easy yes.
3. Achieving something greater, bigger and larger than one's self far outweigh what you can achieve alone. Think impact. I have to say that you cannot do it alone no matter what you think. Your vision is bigger than you, and will require more than you to fulfill it for greater impact and influence. Jenenne Macklin is passionate about partnering with successful, heart-centered women in business to know their value, create wealth and leverage their feminine power to create fulfillment, a sustainable business and luxurious lifestyle. She has a gift for intuitively guiding women to uncover their purpose, passion and power. As a transformational speaker, coach and author, Jenenne is a powerhouse of empowerment, inspiration and a catalyst for women to have clarity, confidence and courage to live their dreams. Jenenne would love to hear from you at: 310-978-7133 or
Collaboration in my business means working with other entrepreneurs to create my telesummits and speak to their audiences. At a different level, it means seizing an opportunity to achieve my next-level success by working with other business owners at a higher level, such as Caterina Rando or Lisa Nichols. In the end, it has been a win-win for all of us involved. In recent years, we have seen collaboration on all levels in business. Cold Play, Beyoncé and Bruno Mars for the Super Bowl halftime and Kevin Hart’s comedy show became assets to the movie studios. I have found these benefits from my collaborations: 1. Ideas expand, support is built-in, responsibility is shared, and goals can be attained faster. It’s true: two heads are better than one. 2. Gain greater visibility, more exposure, and a wider reach. 28
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COLLABORATION ISSUE COMMERCIAL LEASING 101 By Nancy Lewellen, Esq. Commercial leases are complex. Having an attorney review and negotiate the lease with the Landlord can save you thousands of dollars over the life of the lease. Here are six money saving tips: 1. Negotiate everything. You and your attorney should take the lease presented as a draft, not as final. If you’re in a renter’s market, or the property has been on the market for a while, ask for (and often get) a lot of concessions. 2. Rent start versus move-in date. Often you can get one to three months’ free rent to move in and get settled before the first rent payment is due, saving lots of money. 3. Look for buildings with a small load factor. All tenants’ rent includes a portion of the common area (elevators, hallways, restrooms, etc.). Modern buildings generally have less common area, and are a better value. Measure your space to be sure the landlord’s rent calculation is accurate. 4. Document the move-in condition of the premises. Do a walkthrough with the landlord and list any visible damages before moving in. Have the landlord sign the list of damages and attach it to the lease. Consult this list when moving out so you don’t pay for someone else’s damages. 5. Additional charges. Know what is included in the rent and what is not (for example, utilities, property and local taxes, janitorial and insurance). Is there a rent increase every year?
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6. Term of the lease and options to extend. If you are growing, a short lease may be best for you, as you may outgrow your space soon. If not, negotiate options to renew the lease for like terms if certain conditions are met. Knowing what to look for can save you money! Hire an expert. Nancy Lewellen, MBA/JD is a real estate, business, and international law attorney, a California licensed real estate and mortgage broker, and managing partner of the Palladian Law Group. She practices arbitration, mediation and transactional work, has International Law and Public Interest Law Certificates from Santa Clara University School Of Law, and interned with the UN in Geneva, Switzerland. Nancy previously held lending and credit policy positions with three major banks for nineteen years, and had her own commercial mortgage and residential mortgage brokerage firms for ten years prior to law school. You may contact Nancy at 415-399-0993 or at
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smiling, and ready to receive. By graciously letting it in, when you acknowledge others, they in turn will receive yours. You are honoring the Law of Reciprocity, and completing the flow by being willing to receive.
By Andrea Woolf
Imagine whose life you can brighten simply by acknowledging them. Now go do it!
Have you noticed how complicated people get when it comes to both giving and receiving acknowledgment? It is more common to notice the negative and comment on that, rather than what is good and great about each other. And when acknowledgement is given, it is rarely openly received, especially by us women. How often have you thought of acknowledging someone who stepped up, or went the extra mile, or who was there for you in some special way – and then you could not quite find the words, or the moment passed? How many times have people in your life attempted to acknowledge you for being the amazing woman you are, and for the difference you make – and you deflected, saying, “Oh, it was nothing” or “Don’t be silly, that’s what friends are for.” Giving acknowledgment is amazingly easy and it is free. All it takes is to think about what is great about the other person, how they have contributed to your life or your business, and then express it out loud to them as follows: “I want to acknowledge you for ___________________.”
Andrea Woolf is the founder and coach extraordinaire for Women of Impact, a vibrant community of women coming together to change their business and life, and transform the world. She is the author of Ignite Your Life – How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be, and helps women achieve amazing results and truly connect to the difference they make. Find out more about Andrea and all her exciting upcoming programs and events at Andrea would love to hear from you at 949-713-7734 or via email at
Release Your Inner Champion What Is Holding You Back? • Do you know you could be, do and have more, and you’re getting in your own way? • Are you your biggest critic? • Are you being called to play a bigger game in business and in life?
Acknowledgment transforms lives. It is that powerful.
If you answered yes to any of the above, come to to find out how to Release Your Inner Champion!
Receiving acknowledgment is one of the most meaningful gifts you can give yourself, just by letting it in. See yourself with your arms outstretched, • (949) 713-7734
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Andrea Woolf Founder of Women of Impact
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COLLABORATION ISSUE THE SUPPORT YOU NEED: A Personal Board of Directors By Susan Tolles Being an entrepreneur can be rewarding-and also exhausting. We think we should do it all, juggling a myriad of responsibilities. But doing it all with no support can lead to frustration and burnout. Our creativity sparks great ideas, but chasing them all at once fragments our days. Our shelves are filled with half-completed how-to programs. What would it be like to have a board of directors for your business, acting as your support team? You could brainstorm new ideas, receive fresh perspectives, creative problem-solving, and the wisdom gained from their experiences.
• A support team comprised of friends and colleagues who will be honest with you and hold you accountable for making progress. These board members do not have to have experience or training, but must have a genuine interest in helping you succeed through ongoing support, referrals, constructive feedback, and will celebrate with you when you achieve your goals. Who will be on your personal board of directors? If you need a coach to ensure your success, let’s talk! Contact me at Susan Tolles is The Reinvention Strategist for Professional Christian Women, whose clients surround the globe. As a Certified Life Purpose Coach, she inspires and equips women to successfully integrate faith, family, relationships and career to honor God in everything they do. Susan’s expert guidance leads them to embrace their unique value, follow their divinely designed purpose and lead with influence and authenticity, creating a strategic plan for success on their terms, not the world’s.
Consider building your personal board with these members. • A coach who will be your strategist, accountability partner and cheerleader. Coaching is a partnership between you and a trained professional who helps you gain a deeper understanding of who you are, where you want to be, and how best to get you there. Coaching empowers you to reach your highest potential professionally, while maintaining a healthy balance with your personal life. • Mentors who share their wealth of knowledge and experience. A mentor gives you direct advice based on her own experience, and can be your role model, sounding board and motivator. She can also be a great connector who refers you to just the right people. Generally, a mentoring relationship is more targeted and has a shorter duration than coaching. 34
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COLLABORATION ISSUE THREE POWERFUL WAYS to Use Social Media to Collaborate By Diana Morgan Social media was never intended to replace person-to-person interaction. It is a powerful way to collaborate with strategic partners to grow relationships that turn into clients. Here are three ways to do this. Find Strategic Partners and Share Each Other’s Content Strategic partners are people who have the same target market as you but sell something different. An example would be a chiropractor and a dentist, or a business coach and a bookkeeper. Here’s an example of how this would work:
Promote Events for your Strategic Partners Promoting events for your strategic partners is another very powerful way to collaborate using social media. Again, finding strategic partners, you can share and invite to each other’s events and programs. Social media is a powerful way to take relationships to the next level. It was never intended to replace human contact, it was meant to deepen the relationships. Diana Morgan, business and marketing coach, author and speaker, is passionate about teaching, inspiring and empowering entrepreneurs to grow their businesses. She specializes in online and offline strategies; showing you how to apply them to your business to get results. Diana has over 20 years of successful business and marketing experience, building 2 of her own businesses using the strategies she offers her clients. She understands the struggles and challenges of building an effective, authentic online presence and has the patience and know-how to help you. She offers live and virtual trainings, and "done for you" internet marketing services.
Let’s say a business coach is working with entrepreneurs, helping them grow their businesses and she knows her clients generally need a bookkeeper. The business coach would find a bookkeeper who is active on social media. They would meet, share ideas, get to know each other and make an agreement to share one another’s posts. This is a very powerful collaboration and for both people. Testimonials and Recommendations I attend a monthly networking event where we take time during the meeting to acknowledge other people in the group whose services we have used. We thank them for the service they provided us or someone we know. You can post acknowledgements on your social media. Then you can even ask others to share it. You can also give recommendations on LinkedIn and then share your own and each other’s LinkedIn recommendations. 36
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COLLABORATION ISSUE IS YOUR TEAM All Pulling in the Same Direction? By Laurie Zerga One of my clients recently told me her manager accused her of collaboration with a co-worker. She was reprimanded for inviting another employee to tea on a break. Her manager felt communicating with other staff would distract her. As a leader, I’m thrilled when co-workers get to know each other. After all, every person working for an organization should be pulling in the same direction, right?
part of your team. When you bring in support, make sure they collaborate with you. Sometimes business owners are intimidated by experts they hire. Be the CEO. If anyone is aloof or makes you feel they are not on your team, find someone else right away! Your virtual team is part of your organization. Collaborate to produce and create your business. Find more ideas at my expert page. Laurie Zerga, founder of Feminine Power Flow, combines passion for relationships, community and business to support women entrepreneurs. She successfully navigates many roles society mandates of women. While raising two daughters, she climbed to an officer position at a Fortune 500 company. Since 911, she transitioned from consultant to entrepreneur, launching Chef-KÂŽ nationally. Now she helps women reclaim their true self and feminine power to lead their dream business life through coaching programs, speaking and workshops.
Some business owners forget to step into leadership as chief executive officer (CEO). Small business owners wear many hats and feel scattered as they switch from bookkeeper, to marketer, to salesperson, to janitor, and forget the CEO hat. This is the most important hat. The CEO is responsible for many aspects of the business. Building and leading the team is a key to success for any CEO and business. Jim Collins explained this in his book, Good to Great, published in 2001 by HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., New York. He said that data showed that who is on the bus (referring to the business team) is more important than where the bus is going (the strategy). What does this mean to a small business owner? Consider who is on your team. Maybe you are a solo business and think it is just you. Think again. You have a virtual team, perhaps accountants, a marketer or graphics designer, a banker, an attorney. All of these people are 38
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COLLABORATION ISSUE ARE YOU MAKING a Profit in Your Business? By Minette Riordan When I started my first business in 2002, I hired an accountant to set up QuickBooks® and a bookkeeper to run the day-to-day financial operations. At the time, I didn’t know how to read any of the reports and wasn’t sure what the information meant. I was making money, but I did not understand how to make a profit. I wasn’t thinking about making a profit. I was thinking about paying my bills and having fun doing what I loved. This thinking got me into trouble during the decade I ran my publishing company. I often felt overwhelmed and maxed out, financially and emotionally. I learned the hard way to ask for help and support.
If you are not making a profit, now is the time to review the pricing of all the products and services you offer. Ask yourself, Can I make a profit selling these products and services at this price point? Knowing your numbers is the key to building a profitable business. If you don’t know how to figure this out, ask for help from a coach or trusted advisor. Do you struggle with bright shiny idea syndrome and can’t seem to focus in on one idea long enough to make consistent income? Learn more at Dr. Minette Riordan started her entrepreneurial career in high school. Her moneymaking enterprises ranged from babysitting jobs to creating a stained-glass window for a local restaurant. She is an award-winning entrepreneur and business coach with 15 years of experience in the fields of marketing and sales. She is the best-selling author of The Artful Marketer: The Fundamental Business Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs. Her next book on time management for creative entrepreneurs is coming soon. She lives in sunny Santa Barbara, California with her husband of 19 years and two teens. Learn more about her at
If you are feeling isolated and overwhelmed, I encourage you to create a small group mastermind of other women in similar places in their business, or to invest in coaching. We all need a safe place to brainstorm, ask questions and get help. This was a secret to my personal success and how I have been able to build two six-figure businesses. I got good at asking for help. Entrepreneurs often think, If I just work harder, if I just sell more, my problems will be solved. Nothing could be further from the truth. You have to build your business to make a profit from day one.
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COLLABORATION ISSUE PLANNING for Social Security By Lu Casillas How do you feel about Social Security? Is it going to be there when you’re ready to retire or will it be gone? The reality is yes, it will be there. The next question is when should you take your Social Security? You can begin at age 62. This is the option many people take. Every year you wait after age 62 will increase your Social Security payment. Of course there are many factors to consider when making your decision, such as health, wealth and family situations.
If you’re able to utilize other sources of income that you set up, like 401K, IRAs or annuities, then you could consider postponing taking Social Security so your money can continue growing. Check in with the Social Security website at periodically to stay updated on the most current information. Maximizing your money is ultimately up to you! Stay informed.
Lu Casillas, is the educator and creator of Blend2Day, supporting women to find Balance in Life, Educating one another through Networking, and making their Dreams become reality. As a specialist at FCA, it is her goal to help women create a wealth preservation strategy that allows access to funds while also building a lifetime income stream.
The joy of Social Securityand the most exciting partis that it's guaranteed money in your bank every single month! Who doesn't love a guarantee? It is guaranteed lifetime income because Social Security is an annuity. It’s also a comfort to have extra monthly income. Times have evolved. We live longer and work longer so the ultimate goal with Social Security is secondary income; not primary. Understandably, it can be difficult for some, but it is achievable for many. Deciding when to take Social Security is an extremely personal decision. It's difficult for advisors to predict and it really needs to be your decision. Take into consideration whether you still plan to work part-time, your health, and if will you have other money coming in. Also, if you are younger than your spouse, it may be best for your spouse to take Social Security and let yours maximize. 42
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COLLABORATION ISSUE THREE WAYS TO UNLEASH Your Creative Mojo By Tobey Allen 1. Create a scribble drawing. On a piece of 8 ½ by 11 paper, take three minutes to draw a series of random scribbles on a page using a black marker. Next, go back and find images within them. For example, you might find a scribble that looks like a fish. Highlight the scribble and create a fish image out of it. To make it more interesting, color in the images with pens and embellish it with details. By changing what appears to be a random scribble, you are training your brain to think creatively. 2. Think in circles. Take a large sheet of paper and draw thirty circles, the size of a quarter, with five on top and rows of five to follow below. Time yourself for three minutes to turn as many of these circles into recognizable objects. For example, a circle may become a basketball, a target or a clock. Then, look for common images. Were these images similar or distinct? This is a quick exercise about developing the speed of generating ideas and the flexibility to stretch your imagination. 3. Spark your creativity. Express yourself through art media. Paint or sculpt your problem. Grab some paints or clay. Don’t worry about the product of the art, but rather the process. Express and immerse yourself when you cannot find the words. Let the images speak to you. Ask yourself what the images are trying to say that is being held back. Write 44
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down the answers. Over the next few days, come back to your answers and see if anything has changed. When you unleash your creativity, you unlock the right brain, gaining a new perspective! May you transform your vision into seeds of possibilities!
Tobey Allen, co-author of Catch Your Star, is an art therapist and seeds of possibilities coach™. She specializes in connecting people with their creative gifts and life purpose. She has incredible insight in coming up with ideas and finding creative solutions for businesses. For further details, please visit
Learn how to think creatively and infuse into profitability I help you brainstorm and find innovative solutions and go from possibility to profitability!
Create your seeds of possibilities now!
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COLLABORATION ISSUE HOW DO YOU KNOW When to Leap? By Laura Gisborne You may be on a slow and steady path of growth, but I have found that the greatest experiences and opportunities often present themselves as “leaps of faith.” Embrace these opportunities even if they seem risky at first. Try following this system to help you decide if you should make the leap.
4. Is this opportunity in alignment with my commitment to service? My life flows so much easier when I remember to stay in service. When looking at your leaps, make sure they align with your goals and core values. 5. What is the worst thing that can happen? This question is especially helpful when I am looking at an opportunity that is going to stretch me financially. If I lose money, but gain insight and growth, I am in. If your ready, take the leap! Laura Gisborne is a highly successful business expert. She has owned nine companies, ranging from small boutique businesses to a multi-million dollar wine and real estate empire. The innovative business model of her current company, Legacy Leaders Global, exemplifies that businesses can be both profitable and purposeful. Through her initiatives, thousands of people are receiving regular contributions in multiple countries across five continents. Receive a free copy of her book, Stop the Spinning at
Ask yourself these five questions: 1. Do I trust the source? Is the opportunity being presented by someone I know, like and trust? What is my intuition telling me? Do I feel excited about this new venture, or am I putting it off because I just can’t get my head around it? 2. How will the change affect my loved ones? Change is constant. Fortunately my family is not frightened by change, but I have built my businesses around my core belief that there is nothing more important for me than being a mother. Even now that my children are young adults, I still ask myself this question as it pertains to them and to my husband. 3. If I take this on, will I still maintain balance and self-care? I tend to easily fall in love with a project and get myself out of balance. Before taking on a new adventure, I ask myself if I will be able to play full out and still take care of my health. 46
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