LEN WEIN, DAVE COCKRUM, and ROY THOMAS dusted off the B-list X-Men in 1975 and elevated it to A-list status, and BACK ISSUE #29 (100 pages, $6.95) follows its 1970s/1980s success and spin-offs in our “Mutants” issue! We look at the X-Men work of CHRIS CLAREMONT, JOHN BYRNE, PAUL SMITH, and JOHN ROMITA, JR.; ANN NOCENTI and ARTHUR ADAMS’ Longshot; BOB McLEOD’s and BILL SIENKIEWICZ’s New Mutants; the UK’s Captain Britain series; the Beast as the first breakout mutant; the lost Angel stories; the return of the original X-Men in X-Factor … and a “Greatest Stories Never Told” revelation of Nightcrawler’s “original” father. Plus: A history of DC’s mutant Captain Comet, and a new chapter in BOB ROZAKIS’ fantasy history of AA Comics! With a rarely seen X-Men cover by DAVE COCKRUM! Edited by MICHAEL EURY.