If you have seen THE engraved Brick Badges at BrickworldTM and other LEGOŽ conventions, you have seen the work of Tommy Armstrong, the Brick Engraver. He can engrave names and line art directly to a brick, making it a unique item for things like keychains, badges, awards, and models. If you’re interested in seeing the wide assortment that Tommy offers, you can go to www.brickengraver. com and browse through his catalog. You can see his work at events worldwide.
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Not Your Typical Bricks
The Magazine for LEGOÂŽ Enthusiasts of All Ages! )SSUE s -ARCH !PRIL
in the US
Going Undersea to Atlantis!
You’ll see that his work is not typical. And neither are his bricks.
Instructions: Mermaid LEGO Puzzles Deep Sea Diorama Features Reviews AND MORE!
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