Free Supplement
[A message from Charles Hatfield, curator of the CSU Northridge exhibition Comic Book Apocalypse: The Graphic World of Jack Kirby and moderator of the CSUN panel discussion that appeared in The Jack Kirby Collector #67:] Due to editorial mistakes on my part, the version of the panel transcript that ran in the print edition of TJKC #67 was not approved by the other panelists, Scott Bukatman, Doug Harvey, Adam McGovern, Andrei Molotiu, Steve Roden, and Ben Saunders. Further, it contained a number of mistaken names, misattributed statements, and mis-heard lines. The responsibility for these errors is mine, and I apologize to my fellow panelists for rushing into print an unapproved and faulty transcript that did not reflect their input. Fortunately, John Morrow has graciously made it possible for us to include this revised, corrected transcript in the digital edition, and as this free downloadable supplement to the issue. My thanks to my copanelists for their patience, understanding, and revisions. I am proud to have been part of this stellar conversation!
Jack poses with the Yellow Kid award he received during his 1976 trip to Lucca, Italy. Photo by Shel Dorf. The following originally appeared in unedited form in The Jack Kirby Collector, Vol. 23, No. 67, Spring 2016. Published as often as possible by and © TwoMorrows Publishing, 10407 Bedfordtown Drive, Raleigh, NC 27614, USA. 919-449-0344. John Morrow, Editor/Publisher. Single issues: $14 postpaid US ($18 elsewhere). Four-issue subscriptions: $45 US, $61 Canada, $66 elsewhere. Editorial package © TwoMorrows Publishing, a division of TwoMorrows Inc. All characters are trademarks of their respective companies. All artwork is © Jack Kirby Estate unless otherwise noted. All editorial matter is © the respective authors.
COPYRIGHTS: Beast Rider, Captain Victory, Deep Space Disco, Deities characters, Dream Machine, Evil Gene Machine, Galactic Head, Lisa Kirby drawings, Rootz, Soul Love, Superworld of Everything, The Gods, Tribes Trilogy, True Divorce Cases TM & © Jack Kirby Estate • Mary Poppins TM & ©Walt Disney Productions • Bewitched TM & ©Columbia Pictures • The Prisoner TM & ©ITV • 2001: A Space Odyssey TM & ©Warner Bros. • Bruce Lee TM & ©Bruce Lee Enterprises, LLC • Johnny Reb and Billy Yank TM & ©the respective owner • All photos © the respective photographers • Double-Header, Fighting American, Ginza Goniff, Madame Butterscotch, Rhode Island Red, Round Robin, Sawdoff, Speedboy, Stuntman, Uncle Samurai, Yuscha Liffso TM & © Joe Simon & Jack Kirby Estates • Ariel, Gemini, Mindok, Ookla, Thundarr TM & ©Ruby-Spears Productions • Angry Charlie, Batman, Ben Boxer, Big Barda, Captain Marvel/Shazam, Darkseid, Demon, Dingbats of Danger Street, Dr. Canus, Flippa Dippa, Forager, Forever People, Guardian, Jimmy Olsen, Justice Society, Kamandi, Kliklak, Lightray, Lois Lane, Mister Miracle, New Gods, Newsboy Legion, OMAC, Orion, Sandman, Superman, The Losers, Vykin, Wonder Woman TM & ©DC Comics • Agatha Harkness, Ardina, Beast, Black Panther, Bucky, Captain America, Civil War, Don Blake, Dr. Doom, Eternals, Fantastic Four, Galactus, General Argyle Fist, Hatch-22, Hercules, Hulk, Human Torch, Ikaris, Iron Man, Karnilla, Loki, Magneto, Medusa, Mr. Fantastic, Odin, Red Skull, Silver Surfer, Spider-Man, Strange Tales, Sub-Mariner, Thing, Thor, Warriors Three, X-Men TM & ©Marvel Characters, Inc.