WMethods Cover Final.qxp:Layout 1
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c omic c r eator s deta il their storytelling a nd a rtistic pr oc esses
Rarely is the process, unique to each artist, examined and documented. Working Methods puts the minds of comic artists under the microscope, highlighting the intricacies of the creative process, step-by-step. Three short scripts are each in-
terpreted in different ways by professional comic artists to illustrate the varied ways in which they “see” and “solve” the prob-
lem of successfully interpreting and transferring a script into visual comic form. The creative and technical choices of artists mark schultz, tim levins, jim mahfood, scott hampton, kelsey shannon, chris brunner, sean murphy, and pat quinn are documented as they work, allowing comic fans, artists, instructors, and students to enter a world rarely explored. Illustrated examples document the artists’ processes, and interviews clarify their individual approaches to storytelling and layout choices. In Working Methods, the exercise may be simple, but the results are profoundly complex.
rofessional comic artists interpret scripts every day as they successfully transform the written word into the visual form.
j ohn low e
TwoMorrows Publishing, Raleigh, NC $21.95 in the US ISBN 978-1-893905-73-3
WORKING METHODS Comic Creators Detail Their Storytelling and Artistic Processes
b y j ohn low e