THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PERMIAN BASIN ODESSA MASTER PLAN Ten Eyck Landscape Architects PLANNING & ANALYSIS Hired to create a new vision and landscape master plan for the 600-acre UT Permian Basin campus in Odessa, our team focused on the enhancement of the campus’s native ecological story prior to it becoming a West Texas ranch dotted with oil wells. We established new entries and signage to campus, redesigned the existing four-acre quad, developed the Bright Stars Memorial, and created a trail system that follows ephemeral water through the site, connecting students and community residents to the native ecosystems. Floodwaters from adjacent lowlying streets are slowed and captured on campus to create ephemeral playa lakes and arroyos, which in turn help establish a shortgrass prairie ecosystem, the habitat of native wildlife like the Northern Harrier and Burrowing Owls.