Woensdag, 1 April 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za
Pastors, gangsters join hands to hand out soap
Truck repairs, Covid-19 to blame for waste collection delays
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YouTube helps karateka to stay in shape
Lockdown in full swing
Durbanviller sterf aan koronavirus ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme
Day one of the nation’s first lockdown saw motorists being pulled off to explain why they’re on the road. President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a national lockdown to be enforced for 21 days, starting Friday 27 March, to combat the spread of Covid-19. Residents are urged to abide by the regulations put in place for the lockdown to ensure their own safety and to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. Those not abiding by the rules could face arrest or a hefty fine. This photo was taken in Lavis Drive, Bishop Lavis on Friday 27 March. PHOTO: TARRYN-LEIGH SOLOMONS
Shelter not ready DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke Hundreds of homeless people flocked to the MES Safe Space in Bellville with the hope to receive emergency shelter for the duration of the national lockdown. By Friday afternoon about 689 homeless people reported there, where volunteers from MES and other organisations, along with the Voortrekker Road Corridor Improvement District (VRCID) handed out meals and fresh water. But most of them had to return to the streets, as an emergency shelter had not yet been readied in Bellville by the City of Cape Town. Faizah Paulman said she is scared of what the coronavirus might bring to them on the streets but does not know where to go or what to do. “We are all very scared and we
On Friday, hundreds of homeless people showed up at the MES Safe Space in Bellville where their names were taken, they were fed and given fresh water. PHOTO: DESIRÉE RORKE
have no answers. Nobody has spoken to us. Who will worry about us when we fall sick and where will we go? Ambulances never come out for us. The only food or fresh water we can get now, is here at MES,” she told the TygerBurger. By Monday morning MES had registered 719 homeless people. MES manager, Ilse Maartens said they took down the names of all the homeless who reported there, to keep record of them. “We also distributed booklets to the homeless about what the coronavirus is, its symptoms, how it spreads and how to keep social distance.” According to Maartens, no officials from the City of Cape Town formally contacted MES in recent weeks to discuss the fate of the homeless during the pandemic or lockdown. “The first time we heard that the City
would put up emergency shelters, was on a social media post last week. We have had absolutely no formal communication from the City whatsoever, the only information we do receive is from our police cluster commander,” Maartens said on Friday. She adds the Western Cape Street People’s Forum (WCSPF) approached local authorities a month ago when concerns about Covid-19 started mounting. “Last Thursday we finally secured a meeting where MES asked the City whether they have started any scenario planning in the event of a possible lockdown and when they would engage with us as first responders. We were told that the City cannot engage with us in such planning as it was a provincial and national function. To this day we have had no formal communication or instruction from authorities”. On Friday evening the City stated it would start moving street people to temporary shelters over the weekend. According to Zahid Badroohien, the City’s Mayco member for community services and health, several temporary shelter sites had been identified in accordance with the national lockdown that came into effect at midnight on Thursday. “The parking lot adjacent to the City’s Culemborg Safe Space (in the city CBD) will be the first site to be utilised. Tents will be erected, along with sanitation facilities, as well as the implementation of appropriate social distancing measures. The City’s law enforcement department will escort persons to the site. City health officials will also be on site to screen individuals and ensure that they are not presenting symptoms of Covid-19,” he said. V To page 2.
Die eerste koronavirus-sterfte in SuidAfrika, ’n vrou (48) van Durbanville, was moontlik by ’n troue waar oorsese gaste was. Madeleine van Wyk, ’n senior werknemer by Sanlam, is verlede Vrydagoggend (27 Maart) – op die eerste dag van nasionale inperking – omstreeks 02:00 in die hoësorgeenheid van die Mediclinic Durbanville oorlede. Van Wyk, ontwikkelingsbestuurder vir die mark vir professionele mense en gegradueerdes by Sanlam Persoonlike Finansies, is verlede Maandag (23 Maart) opgeneem met simptome van onder meer kortasemheid en pulmonêre embolisme – ’n bloedklont in die hoofbloedvat na die longe. Volgens Netwerk24 het haar man gesê sy het ’n week gelede siek begin voel en is voorverlede Donderdag (19 Maart) dokter toe vir medikasie. Die medikasie het nie gehelp nie en hy het haar verlede Maandag weer dokter toe geneem, waarna sy by die hospitaal opgeneem en positief vir Madeleine van Wyk Covid-19 getoets het. Volgens Netwerk24 het haar man gesê hulle weet nie waar sy die virus opgedoen het nie. TygerBurger kon nie gerugte op Whatsapp dat sy onlangs ’n troue op ’n wynplaas bygewoon het waar oorsese gaste was, bevestig nie. Sy laat haar man en ’n seun agter. Sanlam het nie reageer op navrae deur Nielen de Klerk van TygerBurger oor of Van Wyk nog moes ingaan kantoor toe nie. Sanlam het wel op sy amptelike Twitter-rekening die volgende gesê: “Die veiligheid van ons werknemers is en was nog altyd ons hoogste prioriteit en ons doen alles moontlik om hul veilig te hou. Versekering word as ’n noodsaaklike diens geklassifiseer en as sulks moet werknemers ingaan kantoor toe.” Dit is onduidelik of hierdie maatreël aangepas sal word aan die lig van Van Wyk se dood. Sanlam se woordvoerder, Allim Milazi, het aan De Klerk gesê hulle kan nie kommentaar lewer nie omdat alle navrae deur die nasionale department van gesondheid hanteer word. Popo Maja, woordvoerder by die department van gesondheid, wou nie oor Van Wyk se werksomstandighede kommentaar lewer nie. Milazi het gesê hulle oorskry die nodige standaard gesondheidsmaatreëls om hul werknemers te beskerm, soos uiteengesit deur die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie en die Nasionale Instituut vir Oordraagbare Siektes.