TygerBurger - 8 April 2020

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Woensdag, 8 April 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za

Refugees moved in at Paint City, facility not ready



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Council tables 4% rates increase DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke


apetonians have until 2 May to have their voices heard on the City of Cape Town’s R52.7 billion draft budget for 2020/21. The draft budget was approved by City council on the eve of the national lockdown. The council sitting was held on 27 March under strict Covid-9 hygiene and social distancing measures and in accordance with the national declarations on essential meetings, according to a statement by the City. Of much concern currently is the City’s objective to maintain stability amid the Covid-19 disaster. This year, the draft will undergo a public participation process, but no face to face meetings will be held. The public will be able to submit their comments via email to Budget.Comments@capetown.gov.za. In accordance with national legislation, the process must be finalised by June, and will come into effect on 1 July. Mayco member for finance Ian Neilson says the City does not plan to make a surplus on the sale of services or on the income from rates. He adds that income would be used for service provision. The draft budget comprises a R44 billion operating allocation and an R8.7 billion capital budget. This year R4.5 billion was proposed in total for safety and security. For transport, R5.6 billion has been proposed while for housing R2.2 billion has been proposed. Other major components for 2020/21, according to the draft document include employee-related costs at a total R15.5 million, which equates to 35.2% of the total budget; and contracted services of R7 billion, which includes repairs and maintenance provisions. Staff increases, according to the draft document, are mainly due to implementation of the inflationlinked increase of 6.25%, as per wage agreements.

Proposed increases . Property rates: 4% . Electricity: 4,8 % . Water and sanitation: 4,5% . Refuse collection: 3,5% No changes have been made to the tariff structure and the tariff increases are applied across the board. . No rates payable for residential properties on the first R300 000. . A 3,96% increase are proposed in the residential property rate from R0,00555 c/R to R0,00577 c/R. . New property rates categories with lower or no rates have been created for not-for-profit organisations that own their properties and undertake various public benefit activities. In addition a social assistance package for rates and services of more than R3 billion was proposed. “Despite keeping the (tariff) increases within that of inflation, the City has nevertheless been able to provide for some new initiatives, such as the Law Enforcement Advancement Programme (Leap) that adds a further 1 000 law enforcement officers to the city, increased spending of the Mayoral Urban Regeneration Programme (Murp) and advancement of the new water plan,” says Neilson. Importantly, one of the key messages during this year’s public participation process is the absolute necessity for residents and businesses to continue to pay rates and services. “Payments are crucial to enable the City to remain financially healthy and to continue providing services, while we all fight the Covid-19 pandemic together. Prior to the disaster declaration, in the months and weeks leading up to the tabling of the draft budget, much work was done on affordability aspects of rates and services given the already existing economic pressure on customers. Therefore, the draft budget proposes smaller increases of between 3,5% and 4,8%, in line with or below the inflation rate.” V To page 2


Stephan Mulder en Bianca Viljoen van Brackenfell het vir die grap ’n kammatroue op Stephan se grootworddorp, Prince Albert, gehou op Saterdag 28 Maart, dieselfde dag en tyd wat hulle sou trou – kompleet met Corona-bier en toiletpapier! Hulle moes hul troue afstel weens die landwye inperking. Sien berig op bladsy 2. FOTO: RIËTTE MULDER

Screening for Covid-19 underway The provincial department of Scottsdene in Kraaifontein. health commenced with communiToday and tomorrow screening ty screening and testing for Covid- and testing will take place in Elsie19 this week. sriver, Ruyterwacht and Bothasig, This is in line with president Cy- as well as in Klipheuwel, Fisantekril Ramaphosa and minister Zweli aal and Durbanville. Mkhize’s announcement that fieldNo screening and tests will take workers will commence with an ac- place over the long weekend. tive community screening and From Tuesday 14 April to Thurstesting programme. day 16 April the screening and test“With the number of positive ing will be done in Delft (SymphoCovid-19 cases spreading in com- ny Way), Bloekombos and Wallamunities, the cedene. On risk to vulneraThursday 16 ble communities April and Friday “Screening will be is increasing. 17 April it will be “Government in Belhar, conducted door-to-door done health services Goodwood and are actively try- by trained field workers Parow. ing to find people Screening will using simple verbal who might need be conducted questions to identify help through door-to-door by talking to people trained field people who may (screening) and workers using require testing” thus to detersimple verbal mine whether questions to identhey need to go tify people who for testing so we can refer them for may require testing. treatment,” says Dr Nomafrench Health workers will ask health Mbombo, minister of health in the questions aimed at screening for Western Cape. “We must ensure symptoms such as a sore throat, a that our vulnerable communities cough or fever. Screening will eiare screened and tested in greater ther be done via community health numbers to ensure our people are workers visiting your home or moprotected against the spread of the bile units in your area. The fielddisease,” she says. workers will have identification Community screening and test- tags and identifiable clothing. ing started on Monday and Tues“We ask the public to please alday in the northern suburbs in low our workers to screen them. Bishop Lavis, Netreg, Valhallah Testing will be done if the quesPark and Matroosfontein, and in tions indicate that you require a

further test. The health worker will refer you to the closest testing centre. The test will be done by taking a swab from your nose and throat. This will either be done in a clinic, or in a mobile parked in your area,” she says. Test results will not be immediately available, but patients will be advised of their status. Speaking during a digital press conference held on Thursday 3 April, the head of the national department of health, Dr Keith Cloete, said the department is aware of scams that have been doing the rounds, of criminals pretending to be assisting with door-to-door screenings. To reassure communities, Cloete says they will announce in which areas the screenings will be taking place before sending in screening and testing teams, and they will ensure all field workers are clearly identifiable. Alan Winde, Western Cape premier, added that people should feel safe enough should they not want to invite someone into their homes. “You can tell them to keep their distance and do it over the fence,” Winde said. People can get help from their local non-governmental organisation (NGO) or health worker, their closest clinic, or by calling the national hotline on 0800 029 999 or the provincial hotline on 021 928 4102 or by sending a WhatsApp to 0600 123 456. All lines are operational all hours on all days.

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