Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2021 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos:
Brackies Brackies verwelkom 204 204 Graad 1’s Graadhoof Suzelle van Zijl het seker gemaak dat al die beginners sommer met die intrapslag aan die werk kon spring. Bo staan sy in haar klas tussen Milan Marcus (links agter), Lienke du Plessis, Anray Liebenberg en Jacolize Hawkes (regs agter).Sien bladsy 4 vir nog foto’s.
Fraudulant e-toll account DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke
magine the shock of opening an official invoice from Gauteng e-tolls, with your name, ID number and car registration for a vehicle that has never been driven in Johannesburg. This is exactly what happened to Heidi Fisher from Brackenfell last week. “It was literally the shock of my life! I once drove past Johannesburg a long time ago, but not even in this vehicle,” she says. The official invoice from Sanral’s violation processing centre, complete with registered account number, reflects outstanding
tariffs for using the e-toll gate on the N3 outside Johannesburg for entry on 1 October 2020. The amount, although a small amount under R100, was payable by 26 December 2020. A photograph on the back of the invoice is of a truck bearing a number plate with Fisher’s vehicle registration number on it. “This is obviously fraudulent and blatant corruption. “How is it possible? Where did they get my ID number, address and vehicle registration? I don’t even live in that province,” says a very perturbed Fischer. “And what happens if I don’t pay it; will I be summoned? And how can I be certain
that my registration number will not be used again? I wonder how many other people have been caught this way.” In response to a media inquiry from TygerBurger Vusi Mona, Sanral general manager of communications, thanked Fisher for bringing this matter to their attention. Mona would not provide TygerBurger with information about the account saying, “Legislation prohibits the disclosure of account information to a third party.” The only solace he could provide Fisher with was, “Any road user who receives an account or transaction that they would like to dispute may contact the e-toll customer services via the call centre on 0800 726 725 or
e-mail” In his response he made no mention of the authenticity of the invoice, which was sent to Sanral for perusal. He did however confirm that Sanral’s e-toll customer services team will be in contact with the road user to assist her with her inquiry. Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (Outa) in Johannesburg says they are aware of a scam whereby fraudulent invoices are being sent to vehicle owners outside of Gauteng and that they have received numerous complaints in this regard. TygerBurger was referred to the Outa project manager, and is currently awaiting feedback.