TygerBurger De Grendel - 15 July 2020

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CRAZY PLASTICS BELLVILLE 170 Durban Road, Bellville, Cape Town 021 949 8900

Woensdag, 15 Julie 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za







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Home’s 1st death from virus TARRYN-LEIGH SOLOMONS @tarryns07


rotea Home For The Aged in Goodwood has reported its first confirmed Covid-19 death. The home contacted TygerBurger last week and shared that an 88year-old man who tested positive passed away on Wednesday 1 July. The home recently came under fire for their handling of positive Covid-19 cases (“Fifty-seven infected”, 07/2020) as 57 of its staff and residents tested positive for the global pandemic. Relatives of elderly residents contacted the newspaper raising their concerns and claimed that staff never took safety measures to curb the spread of the virus. To the allegations, the home’s managing director, André Verster, said all safety protocols were followed and “the allegations that suggest that staff members never wore masks when on duty is simply not true”. Covid-19 testing of residents and staff was conducted on 18, 19 and 22 June. He confirmed that 35 of 84 residents, 17 of 43 nursing, and five of 20 catering and housekeeping staff, tested positive. Verster claims that because only seven of the very frail residents in

the sick bay tested negative, means that 21 of the very frail and vulnerable residents out of 35 who tested positive recovered completely to obtain a 96% recovery figure. “If we bear in mind that the national recovery rate is 47.7% (of total active cases), we truly experienced a miracle taking place. We are profoundly grateful to our heavenly father for the recovery of all our residents and staff who tested positive on 19 June and who completed their isolation period. They are all generally in good health,” said Verster. He added that there have been no more positive cases reported. As of last week Monday (Monday 6 July) families of residents at the home are allowed to visit. “Because of the possible extended Covid-19 threat as well as the huge effect on the state of mind of our residents and families and also because of the positive outcome of the isolation period, we deem it essential to allow families to be allowed to deliver parcels again. Families are requested to please sanitize every item. “We deem it also essential to allow distance visits from outside palisade fencing. Families must strictly adhere to the social distancing of 1.5m and everyone must wear their mask at all times,” explained Verster.

“Families are requested to please sanitise every item.”


TRADING HOURS Mon-Fri: 09h00-18h00 | Sat: 09h00-15h00 Sun: 09h00 - 13h00

Amper daar Roan Kitshoff (29) van Bellville is onlangs as een van 60 semi-finaliste in die Mnr. SA-kompetisie aangewys. Hy praat oor sy jare lange droom om aan dié kompetisie deel te neem. Lees berig op bladsy 2. FOTO: DIONNE JORDAAN PHOTOGRAPHY

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