TygerBurger Eerste River - 25 March 2020

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Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za




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Pasiënte wag beurt af

Pasiënte sit Vrydag en wag buite ’n dokter se spreekkamer by die Shoprite-winkelsentrum in Blue Downs. In ’n kennisgewing op die deur word mense gewaarsku dat as hulle onlangs oorsee gereis het of vermoed hulle is met die koronavirus besmet, moet hulle eers bel voor hulle die spreekkamer besoek. Net tien pasiënte word op ’n slag toegelaat. FOTO: BRENDEN RUITER


Bank transfers delayed BRENDEN RUITER


esidents living in a housing scheme in Malibu Village feel they are being taken for a ride by the department of human settlements because they have been paying occupational rent for almost a year. The list of complaints the residents have include that they are paying occupational rent of up to 65% of their salary, being threatened by a sales agent and that they don’t know what happens to the money they are paying. “Apparently the occupational rent is being paid to human settlements, but human settlements told us they don’t have the money. We are beginning to think that we

are paying back the subsidy,” says one of the residents who wishes to stay anonymous. According to the woman they were sent from pillar to post and they were eventually told that plans and certificates were stolen. “We just want to know what is going on.”

Human settlements responds Marcellino Martin, the spokesperson for the Tertius Simmers, provincial minister for human settlements, responded to questions by TygerBurger: “The construction lead time to an occupation certificate being issued by the City of Cape Town to allow a client to occupy a unit and transfer to occur is of concern to the department but mostly to

clients who are waiting patiently for their homes. Then once the client takes occupation and awaits transfer, the payment of occupational rental is required and is generally accepted, when the expectation is maybe for a month, maybe two months. However, due to several typical delays, occupational rentals are sometimes collected for many months, until the transfer can occur. There are many reasons for the delays both before and after occupation. Some are construction delays, amongst others and delayed issues of various certifications from the contractor relating to plumbing, electrical, glazing and roofing, water meter installation delays, delays from community protests and intimida-

tion of contractors leading to work stoppages, vandalism of completed units as they are scattered over vast distances in an existing neighbourhood and delayed approval of building plans by the City,” says Martin.

Only 55 Flisp units registered According to Martin, 55 units of the Finance Linked Individual Subsidy Programme (Flisp) units have been registered. “But 85 of the 140 units handed over to date cannot register as a result of various outstanding matters. As a result occupation certificates are delayed, preventing registration. V To page 2

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