Woensdag, 1 Julie 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za
Couple shares blessing RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj
young couple from Parow who has experienced some hardships as a result of the national lockdown has not allowed their circumstances to prevent them from helping others. Karien Marais and her husband, Asher, who both experienced some financial setbacks since the start of the lockdown period, has managed to harvest enough support from family, friends and private businesses to help them establish their initiative, the Daily Bread Project. The project feeds more than 50 people daily. “Both my husband and I had to stop working due to the lockdown, and because we live day-to-day, our food supply was cut off. “We prayed and asked God for a miracle. I then got a message on Facebook from an unknown person asking me about our circumstances. At that time I had not posted anywhere that we are in need. We told the person though, as we had nothing to lose,” Karien explains. The two parties exchanged contact details and a short while later the couple was surprised with a R1 000 shopping voucher. “I went very quiet and started crying. I was overwhelmed by
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God’s goodness. I showed it to my husband and we just started to praise God.” The couple felt they needed to share their blessing. Karien did this by asking people via social media who else is in need of a warm cooked meal. A number of families contacted the couple, she says. “One became four, and four become eight, and currently we are on 15 families which is about 45 people, and that is besides the street walkers that we feed.” Karien says they have received significant support from their friends and family. At the moment they rely on a vegetable supplier who supplies fresh organic vegetables. “Then there is also an uncle in Brackenfell who brings us a pocket of potatoes each week.” The friends and family also help them with food for the soup kitchen. “I also have three special friends who help us pick up the bread donations and then deliver it. These friends also help to deliver the soup to the respective families,” she says. Blue Ribbon and Wholesome Breads, two private companies, also deliver bread to the couple intended for the soup kitchen. The couple is also currently making brownies to help raise funds in order to fix their car which will be used to deliver the food, Karien says.
Teken in by www.netwerk24.com.