Woensdag, 8 Julie 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za
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Marvellous moon The full moon lunar eclipse was captured by conservationist and nature photogragpher Lauren van Breda in Stellenberg over the weekend. This year the full moon lunar eclipse falls within the zodiac, Capricorn, the sign Van Breda is born under. The cycle has been in Cancer-Capricorn for the past two years and this is the last major eclipse to finish this cycle. PHOTO: LAURENDA VAN BREDA
‘Close our schools’ TARRYN-LEIGH SOLOMONS @tarryns07
s the number of Covid-19 cases continue to increase across schools, more and more learners and teachers have been protesting against the return to the classroom. Grades R, 6 and 11 returned to school on Monday 6 July.
In recent weeks schools including Bishop Lavis High School, Elsies River High School, John Ramsay High School, to name a few, have taken to the streets demanding the closure of schools. Some have shared that in certain cases, teachers who have tested positive fail to inform the staff or school principal immediately. Up until 26 June there have been seven deaths of school staff members reported to
the provincial education department by schools as allegedly being due to Covid-19. Teachers who have spoken to TygerBurger requested anonymity as they fear victimisation. A teacher from a Bishop Lavis school said she and her colleagues feel as though they’re being used as “guinea pigs to see if this new system can work”. “Department officials are all in safe offices and we’re the ones getting exposed to chil-
dren coming from different backgrounds. Our lives are being tested. We see how our colleagues are falling ill and some dying. This is rubbish. “At some schools I’ve heard that staff members who test positive are scared to tell their colleagues. The response time by the WCED to have schools cleaned after a positive case is also extremely slow.” V To page 2