TygerBurger Goodwood - 25 March 2020

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Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za




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Lindiwe Nijili leads a crowd in song at the basic skills graduation ceremony held at the Protea Valley Church last Saturday. Scores of people graduated from six-week courses which were hosted by volunteers in topics ranging from cooking to computer skills. Nijili graduated from an intermediate sewing class. Read the full story on page 7. PHOTO: NIELEN DE KLERK


Sad end for principal TARRYN-LEIGH SOLOMONS @tarryns07


hile schools celebrated the end of the first term on Wednesday 18 March, the staff and learners of JG Meiring High School in Goodwood mourned the loss of principal Theo Linderts. It’s believed he died of a heart attack.

Sean Carolissen, the principal of Nooitgedacht Primary School in Bishop Lavis, says he worked closely with Linderts for about eight years. “I met him a few years ago as we both served under the Metro North Education District. He was a man with a very big heart. He always looked out for the less fortunate and had a soft spot for the children of Elsies

River. Mr Linderts was a very jovial person. “The last time I saw him was at the beginning of March when we attended a training workshop. “He still looked fine, but mentioned that he felt tired,” says Carolissen. According to Carolissen, Linderts was able to steer JG Meiring High School in the right direction.

“The school was doing quite well under his leadership. “He always put the children first, but was very strict – a no-nonsense kind of man,” says Carolissen. “We are especially saddened that we won’t be able to attend his funeral as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.” V To page 2

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